Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, June 28, 1895, Image 3
THlfi *i3t»a3UOAN. r~ —.-* - • • P.tIUAY. .IU 'H. sti . I The N. Y. Weekly Trihunt i # *• and j * Sullivan Republican * | for I *j $1.25 One Year 112 .'ib j *— * —* —* —* • » » ♦ Fourth of July next Thursday. We shall not issue u paper next •week. , Fourth of July will be a ver\ large day in Laporte. Trade at the Hotels in Eagles Merc, is on the increase. The grading ol the court housi yard, is progress,. l • right along. The Lycoming * ; t• » centennial will comrn nc' o-, I n<- July 2d. The job department • 112 - he .it&i'Uß Lie AN is enjoying a good trade these days. Dist. Atty. E. J. Mullen of (In shore, was doing legal business in town, Monday. Hon. Ru«sel Kirus ami wife of Laporte, are v • s.i in_' with Iriends iu Columbia couniv. B. F. Cross ley MI.I VIC or Hugo, both ol Diisiio- a. Sunday <nl with friends in Lap it. Samuel !Siuith >1 itmiison twt ~ was Iran-.- Lt. i • .« "t f'v county beat. ,d>». ! Our Su •■ i y •• • >: 'i*s mc anxiously »wai tug the dates on which pi< • ' c-. v ■ ' : ''. Owing -o »■ • suo.Ai. i i . '.v, have been obliged to add another quire to our bundle of paper. Every prep r;« r>u i-i in.el for the tleott:.!!.(> 'oi th< ' thoiu church i" place, o ■ Jul) 4tn X lnrgc fitrto afc the T.aporu tannery, '• E. Tii'ip i ture. It wa* e<l t'li ■ U I in .t .here w > four hii'oied WUUHS-I*- I. lo»v:i Tuesday t' t'-tifv ki I■*« contest case. For rth-rciice as to train service observe our new time table, else where. It is correct »n.i very nicely gotten up. The-peopte 1.1 En*l >u-l t> p, • * | enjoy a fourth <d" July celobraiion at Estelhi. Age era! i.ivda! i j extended The editor enjoyed a mess ol peas grown iu his own garden, on Friday ol last week. Who can beat it, in th.s section ? Nest week is holiday week for the printers, hence we shall iiov go to press. Our next issue wdl appear on July 12tli Geo. Menlz, John llauiui, and C.I. Fleming, are creeling lancing pavilion at Eagles Mere; the size of which is 30x80 feet. Bernice will celebrate the 4th of July. A picnic and dance will be the chief amusements of the day. All are cordially invited. Nearly all of I-iopez was in town Tuesday, to testify in the contest court and in consequence the Jen nings mill was shut down. R. A. Conklin of Laporte, caught 12 fine large trout in Lake Mokoma on Friday morning hist. He cap tured litem hi alioid 00 minutes. Stenographer !iv»d •>: Fovanda is doing tlie shorthand iu the contest court this week. Mr. Coston's father is ill, hence he could not be with us. The Town Council should order West Meylert street opened. At present it is being farmed. We would respectively request the coun cil to make nn investigation. George W. Fox of Hughesville, has moved his family to Sonestown for the summer, so that he may give closer attention to his duties as Superintendent of the Eagles Mere Railroad. Wc would caution our bicycle riders not to attempt to make the distance between Ln porteand Kagles Mere. The road on the Siirew-burv side has recently been made new which has rendered it almost impass able, so far as a "bike" is concerned. The county well has been empty of water for the past two weeks and in consequence the drainage from the county buildings lias Iwen ou a standstill A long continuation of this will produce sicklies* in our midst. The only remedy is—more water. Colonel Edward Overton of To wanda, would not hesitate in accept ing the appointment of one of the Su|>erior Court Judges at the hands ot Governor Hastings. There are a whole lot of people in this world looking for soft snaps and Bradford county is never found on tbe retired list, \ ii j' nmn'ier of iwojilc were In lnwii, ■ • t.4" tifi in tin? co »M"-t case, Tuesday nod Wednesday. .; ~ ... 1(1: i, sister of Mr*, -ii'.ni i.ioilffv. oi Widiainsport, is v it in Mr. aid Mr*. Si.Bi'iH Ma* h iffey aii<i family, oi Laporte. Ulaeb Bear ou Ike Track. As a Lehigh Valley train was run ning near Lake Ganoga Monday morning of last week, a large black lajar was seen on the track and came near bemg run down. The engineer blew the whistle and the animal es caped into the wooJs. T J. Heeler can fit y«u out with Buys, Youths anil Mens ready made clothing at bottom prices. Children's Day was appropriately oi>Sf rved at the M. E. church, Sun • iay evening. The church was very nicely decorated. The Golden iiate was very pretty, indeed, and (lit program was nicely rendered. The children did their part well. Supt. lligley of the Sunday school assisted by Miss Flattie. Grim is de serving of much credit lor pains be stowed upon the little ones. There is a large force of men en gaged iit work iu and about I'uorne dale The George Sanders and the David Bro« n saw mills give employ ment to thirty or lort.v men and in add tiou to tbU several bark jobs are on iu i»«at vicinity giving ■••mpl.'n'ment to perhaps as many moid. " •;> for ycnv |i >t l'v> - oil:,. ,c '.Vir ■> . ; i>a<-stO'"il I i-» j» it. i'l!'.* ivoi 'i of exaiuiuing witiio>-e:- ,i (lie indicia! cofite.-t c.tae opened HP. Monday, and is still progress ing. ■he contestant's side closed Wedue.-day, and the respondent's side was opened Wednesday alter tot.ii •:■»' tr as tve cat lorn there itas uot b- en n'thing gained ou the [>. mociiitic-ide tiius far The work ■j j. : ,'mp'y t-tki-ig test:-noi y, and . |, jliii rS Oi tllO e.Oliiv'it ■ .i- i.v. lir v only listen, and no v. : . . ie n tli:s W ut< - i tint ; 1.1 iurt i- n regular ses i'.i.i • ■ Sullivan comity There is no ipi.stion abut the expense pint of i-he ..r.).;»!im—tne court will not . obliged t,<i meet iu Sullivan coun tv to settle that pa it of the proceed ings. A host of witnesses were call ed lierc .vh 'se oily evidence in the eiine Wa.- h-t they iia-1 paid taxes . veiy <«-su. and as m>-t of tnern were rt'iil i-stiite holders Uiey could . Vfir well It VI- shrinked tax pay 11, » V?rt■ *»i? ilinl i-»iO buiiiiic*. of lliisi week will Iks oiiciupit'd iii tak iim testimony hi-re.—Tunkhannock Rep For groceries and dry goods be sure to o -o to lJodiue & Warns, Smestown Pa Olileal Press In America. There will be exhibited at the Williamsport Centennial a hand press which is 153 years old, being one of the first presses built in this country and the oldest one now in existence, which was secured by Grit Publishing Company, for the antiquarian display. The press was built bv Thomas Draper in Boston in 1742 and was used for many years by the early printers in the eastern and middle states. It was exhibited at the Centen nial in 1876, and was also one of the greatest attractions in Machinery hall at the World's Fair. A curious feature of the old press is the two cabbage like pads accompanying it, which once served to ink the type in place of rollers used for that purpose. The machine was barrowed by Grit trora the (,'ampbell Printing Press aud Manufacturing Company, of New York, who arc its present own ers. Ladies, hive you seen the new dress goods at T. J. Keeler's. He can astonish vou, both in quality and price. Garrett Cochran Arrives Home. Garrett Cochran, son of Hon. J. Henry Cochran, and one of the victims of the murderous shooting affair at Princeton recently, was brought home on Saturday. He eame in a private car attached to Niagara express, and was attended by l)r. Jean Say lor Brown, the family physician. His brother Joseph also accompanied him. Young Cochran stood the journey well aud last night lie was reported in good condition. Tin* bullet which entered his mouth, passing through the tongue, is still deeply imbedded in the muscles of the neck back of the head.— Gazette atul bulletin. The appointment of J. llay Brown of Lancaster, who is ex-Attorney General II disci's law partner, to lie a judge of the Hu|>erior Court, has Biirpriscd the whole stale. Mr. Brown's name hail not lieen mention ed, and the fact of bis appointment goes to show that Governor Hast ings is acting independent in his selections. It is reported that ex it overnor Beaver has also been offer ed a place on the bench and that there ia a prospect of his acceptance of the honor. The ex- Governor would surely make * brilliant judge. CONTEST COURT. The contest court convened in Laporte on Tuesday a. m., where the SUtser sid« of the case continued their evidence Following in the testimony given: FOR i 'ONTESTANT: —M. H. Sayman Forks twp.. sworn; Did von receive any money'( No. For the day ? No. Was money paid you? Money was left in my hands by Dr. Randall not forjudge. What did you do with it? Kept most of it; gave John Ep l«?r and 8. Kplej" 81 00 each, for their time, election morning, Think I paid Tildon Ilincbold sl. John Jaeoby. Lopez, sworn; Was there auy money placed in your hands ? No. S. Bahm —Did you receive any pav tor your time ? No; would uot sell inv vote. John Kahili, Lopez; Was there any money placed in your hands? No; work for Jennings Bros., allowed my day, <sl.Bo. Ellis Emmanuel, Lopez; Did you have any money placed in your hands ? No. W. H. Gould. Lopez; Did you re~ ceive any money for any purpose ou election day ? No; worked all day. L. iittnainger, Lopez; Did team work, hauled voters to the poll; re ceived $1.40. Did you receive any money other than this ? .Only ex penses. Thomas Kellaher, Bernice; Was there any money placed in your hands? No; lam not that kind of a man. W E. Plowman, Lopez; Was you paid for the day? No. \ny money placed in your hands? No; work for Jennings Bros. Frank Riant, Lopez; Was paid ;>r half-day; no money placed in iiV liau l-> for election purposes. Michael McDonald, (-'berry; Did von receive my money ? No; was not C'lT 1' 1 ■V- Li. 15 rin i«i.ier. Had mo money i"i tlfutiou purport*. Alber Dyer, Lopez; Was there any money placed in your hands for election purposes ? Probably spent $lO, sometime before election. Where did you get the money? B. W. Jennings, to pay expenses; month or six weeks before election. Th-s. l>f a hoc, Cherry; Did y ii t-c. ■. m .iiiv uj ney: No ; o,• i .,!• i ivaswd my vote. Noted the irii.lit llepuhiican ticket Thos. L.ivy, Cherry; Was there •iny money paid you? Was laired to bring voters out, providing there were any to be taken. Are you a Democrat 1 lam a liberal voter. H. J. lluHinaster, Cherry; There was no money placed iu my hands for election purposes. Peter McDonald, Cherry; Did you receive any money ? Was furnish ed my dinner; Gabriel Litzclman bought it for me; also Thos. Lavey ,J. O. Ballard, Lopez; Did uot re ceive any money. Michael Burk jr., Lopez: Did you receive am money for election pur poses? Only a drink or t>vo ol whiskey. A. B Me-sersmith gave it to me. It was good. John Place Lopez; Did not re ceive any money. B. W. Jennings Lopez; did you pny any money tor election purposes? Snout several hundred dollars, can't tell how much, perhaps 6 or 8 hun dred dollars. To several newspapers RKP $75; Review $100; Gazette s.">o; S4O or SSO to Inquirer ; Albert liyer $5 for expenses; Auios Meckes $25, for expenses, to talk dutch to the voters; E. Edgar, expenses; Thos. Lavy §5 to haul people to the polls, gave $5 to an unknown person on Irish liidge; (J. (jarringer $lO for ex penses; U. E. Jackson S2O for ex penses; F. Mosier S2O lor expenses and team hire; Geo. Lanback $lO to provide teams to get the voters to the polls; Dr. Osier S2O for expenses; F. P. Vincent SIOO, legitimate cam paign expenses; Hon. W. C. Rogers, $l6O, was coinmitteman; A. A. Ludy, $5 for expenses. Cross Ex.—You were the Republican candidate for Representative, were you not ? Yes sir. You were providing ways to get the vote to the polls; you gave no money for votes ? Mo sir; I would not give any thing for a man's vote. John Cogsdell, Lopez; Did not! receive any money for election pur poses, W. A. Camp, Lopez; Did you re ceive any money for election purpos es ? Got pay for half-day; received no pay for my vote. Frank Burke, Lopez; Did not re ceive any pay. Got a drink or two of whiskey. Thos. Simmons, Davidson; Did you receive any money? Ye 9, $5 of F. P. Vincent, chairman of the Republican party, to pay taxes; paid the Aliens, they got away before election. Paid Ed Bears' don't re member any more. Marked a couple of tickets. Was a member of the Standing Committee. Michael Call ill, Lopez; Did not receive any money. Ilerbet Kellog, Lopez; Did not receive any money. (l. M. Kchler, Lopez; Did not re ceive any money. John Burke, Lopez; Did not ve ceive any money; did work for Am brose Parrell, yave a few treats to the boys. Cross: Was inspector. Judson Cooper, Lopez; Did not have any money. Lira Esenbacli, Lopez; Did not have any money. Charles Everetts, Lopez; The Jennings Bros, allowed me my day, only worked a half-day. J. VV. Buck. Davidson; Did not receive any money. D. House, Lopez; Did not receive any money. John lteimanider, Davidson; Did not receive any money. Cross : Have you paid any taxes for tlie past two yeara? Witness produces receipt. Henry Ileaverly, Cherry; Did not receive pay for election day; Tbo». Gahan got me a pair of boots. Not for my vote. Thou. Gahan mnrked my ticket. Cuoss: Wasn't it un derstood that ho was to mark your ticket ? No. Have you paid for hoots ? No; expect to. Have you paid tax ? Yea. Did Miles Hums say to you, that if you would vote for A. Farrell that Jerry Dccgan would help you gut a pension ? Yes. Witness produoe lax receipt lor 'J)3. Adjourned to 2. p. m. James Miller, Davidson; Did not receive nny money. Samuel Bird. Forks; Have you paid a tax? Yes. Witness produce tax receipt. Geo. W. Simmons, Davidson; Did not receive any money f<>r eb-ct-i >n purposes. Win. Sherwood, D .vi'- BOU; Did you receive ANY money ? No. Goo Brjrnns, Lopez; DM you receive any money? No. Clins. Arey, Lopez; Did not ruccivo a y money lor election pir poses. Win Carrington, Lopez; Received no money for election purposes. N. A. ltinebold, Lopez; Received no money for election purposes. EJ Y r onkin, Cherry; No money paid to me for election purposes. O. C Cranmer, Lopez; No money given me for election purposes. \Va->h Barth, Cherry; No money paid me. Henry A. Fullmer* Cherry; Did IS. VV. Hulfinastcr give you a dollar ? No; his mother gave me a dollar, the next day. Said she gave it to me as a present. Chas. Bahr Cherry; No money was paid me. George Hazelton, Lopez- Received no money for election purposes. John N. Hazzen, Davidson; Received 110 money lor election purposes. C. W. Bird, Forks; Paid tax, receipt pro-, duced. G. W. Bigger, Davidson; Received no money for election purposes. T. S. Laird, Davidson; Received no money in connection with election. \V. H. Lawrenson, David on; Received no money. Daniel Shirrs, Davidson; deceived no in m«y. Win I Messi-rsmith, Dividsoii; 11' ceived no uionev Uoltt'id Barton, Elkland; Did you get a sack of flour given by F. Sclian bacher to attend the election of 'O4? No sir. John Yonkin 2d, Cherry; Did you have any money for elec tion purposes? No sir. James Hunsinger. Cherry; Did you pay a tax previous to this election ' Yes; in June ' 94. .lames Phillips, D vid h tteoeiwi no 111 11 i.utile; ; Welles, Dushore; Received no I money. Did you pay any money' out of your own pocket? No sir. j John Glidewell, Davidson, Asked i the number of miles. Cuo 8: How old are you? 97 years. The Judge asked what he was called for. Sootiten said perhaps a mistake. John Seller,jr., Dushore; Receiv ed no money for election purposes.' E P Kester, Lopez; Received no money for election purposes. F T Mynard, Dushore; No money paid me pertaining to election. Hour, j Ballard, Lopez; Received no mone\ j for election purposes. Thos Bioc-| ham, Lopez; No money p-iid ins. CROSS; «av»> y m p:»i■ • a tnx ;» \< ;u previous t>i im- ;i 1 Y ;! tax receipt produce! G P Uncle. Dushore; Received no money. Har vey Buck, Davidson; No money I'm election purposes I) B Snidie uiire, Lopez; Received no mono. TI10& Kelley. Lopez; No money giv- en me for election purposes. Fore - man in the woods told the men lo come in, in time to vote. Left a uau in my place 011 Unit day. Dan Delles, Lopez: .No money paid me : D W Darling, Davidson; received on election money. H Westi>rook Lope/, i deceived 110 money relative to eleC- i tion. Percy Armstrong, Davidson;! No money was paid me. Frank; Buck, Dushore; Received no money I for election purposes. Harris Barn-1 hart, Lopez; llave paid a tax; in Aiay or June '94. Received 110 money for election purposes E W Huffmaster, Cherry; No money received. Did you pay Fullmer sl. No sir. By the Court:—Did your mother give Fullmer SL. Not that I know of. Jeremiah Hunsinger, Lo pez; Did you mark your ticket? les. Were you offered any money to come to election? No sir. S. Steafather, Lopez; Received uo money in connection with election. CROSS: Have paid 110 tax since '9l. S Kifer, Lopez; No money was placed in my hands to spend with the boys, Geo Yonkin, Cherry; I received no money for election pur poses. Robt MoMabon, Dushore; I received no money relative to elec tion. Clint McCarroll, Lopez; Was there any whisky furnished you on election day ? Yes; at the Jackscn Hotel. By the court:—Did you know that you were going to get this whisky before you voted T No sir. Chas Croll, Dushore; I receiv ed no money for election purposes. Geo Rea, Davidson; I received no election money; $5 was handed me by a stranger. Don't know what his name was; it was after dark. Money was given me to take the voters to the polls. John A Phillips Davidson; flave paid a tax, receiv ed no election money. L R Oarring ton, Lopez; I received 110 money. John Schaffer, Forks; Shaffer tell us about that sheep you got of Say man. The hoy (Ira) got it; I do not know anvtliing about the bargain CROSS: Di«l II Ricblin offer you fcl.-j 50'( Yes, I took it. Frank give me the money after 1 had voted. 1 voted the straight Democratic ticket I Shaffer, Forks; I paid for the sheep. CROSS: H Ricblin offorcd me#l 50; was given me after elec tion. E W Buitler, Lopez; I re ceived no money for election pur poses. M F Shaw, Davidson ; Have paid a tr.x. I received no money for election purposes. By the court: Do you allege t fiat all of the voters in Davidson twp. received money for their vote ? Mr Scouten—No sir; By the Court—The bill of par ticulars and the mode of exami nation indicates it. J B Simmons, { Davidson; Have paid a tax; receiv -1 WNTIH I'EDTOTAGE"J. "Tho sincere temperat'ice volers who lvvc stood by the Prohibition party in Ohio for years will have their loyalty severely tested this F '!l wiian tliev nro siskod to vote for ! the candidates nominated on the ' platform adopted at the Slate Cons rention last Wednesday. The third plank of tho platform demands that, the Govern meat establish national brinks, as it. does postoilices and ' !asne money directly to the people, and until this scheme is carried out Vie free nnd unlimited coitinge of silver at the ratio o> 10 to 1 is de mantlcd, ns 'a temporary relief." There was a lima when the Prohi bition party was a factor in the politics of o'ii >. I : . held tho balance of power b two en tho Republican and Democratic parties, and at one time it seemed as if it would place tho former party in the minority, jits followers were looked upon as | mistaken but sincere, but by trying 1 'to bolster up the prohibition cause by indorsing dishonest money they show how easy is the step between fanaticism and crankisui." Notice Ice Cream will be served every Friday evening at the Mountain House. All arc invited. MRS. M. C. LAUER. The Turia Reform. Wages, in some instances, are higher than they were in 1894. But they are far below the wages of 1891 and 1892. All over the country there have been strikes for the pur pose of securing even the wanes of 1893. The voluin° of business has increased over that of 1894, l>ut it is only 80 per cent, of that of three years ago. Business failures in the last few weeks have been over COO, against less than 500 in the corres ponding period of 1897, add this, too, in spite of the fact that the weaker firms went under long ago Export-- h ,vc d, creased, although ihe matkets of t!ie world are open to us. We have been selling bonds in stead of redeeming them, as we did under a Protective Tariff. So much for tho business boom which has come through Tariff Re form—the boom which has come through Tariff Reform, but which, strange to say, did not reach us 1111s »il the party of protection had again been swept into power and had been placed in control of (he legi-lati>e branch of the government, For FT)I I' .1 Mc .t; i.l Bodiue it V.'nrn Son • .-> vn IV.- All 0 N i Th'i un :• d Auditor appointed by Comiao iP " Court of Su! iv.-vu e only, !'i .:i'!l(j !'i "r. ; ; fro 1 • •.u-,: . ..." I*. I.i ; , \.i | • I " . i I'i ■ in .id ia :. a- the of 11. T. I> ■ i 1 Lnporie, O , I . hy, .7->l "'.I, ai 9 u'e.ock a 111.,i A .-'on .-• I may p e:, •••! : a ir 1 aims, or be barred l'roia partielpat- 1 ia j in . ,ti 1 i"ii 11. JOHN* 11. CRONIN, Auditor. 1 Dn 'iore Pa., .luuo ■ h I^os. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of ■> writ of Fi. Fa. issued oat off- Court ol Common P is of Sullivan. <: >ua;y, and t > a, ■ tli ectod a-id delivered, there \v:il l».* »x""ved t > i.nb'ic sale at the Court. lUnibe ia L 1 porte, Pa., oa MONDAY, JOI.Y 15th. 1895, At one o'c'ock p. m., the following de scribed properly, viz: LOT NO. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situated In the village of Sonestown, Dav idson towuship, Sullivan county Pa., de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone. S. W. corner of lot No. 1, thence N. 25 degreesE. 3&5-10 perches to a stoneadjoin ing lands of C. B. Miller; thence by lands of Ira Stelnbach, S. 64 degrees E. 11 per ches to centre of Main street ; thence along said street S. 31 degrees VV. 5&8-10 perches to a stone; thence N. 59 degrees W. by lands of David Lorab, TL perches to the place of beginning: Containing 43&7-10 perches of land, and having thereon erect ed a large and commodious two storied framed hotel building, a framed barn with shed attached, iee house, and other out buildings; two welis of water and some fruit trees thereon. LOT No. 3. Also another lot or piece of ground in same village, county and state, described as follows: Beginning at a stone in centre of street, thence 8. 59 degrees E. 8 perches to a buttonwood ou the bank of the Mill Pond; thence along the Mill Pond. 8 perches to a post; thence N. 65 degrees W. 8 perches to a stone in tho centre of the street; thence S. 31 de grees W. 8 perches to the place of begin ning. Containing 68 perches of land, more or less; all cleared and cultivated as a garden- Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of D. 11. Lorah at the suit of Roseutleld Bros. & Co. (use). TIIOS. MAUAFFEY, Sheriff. MCCOKMICKS Attorneys. Sheriff's office, Laporte Pa., June 17, '95. Sheriff's Sal*. By virtue of a writ of Lev: Fa: Sur Moiig. issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Sullivan county, and to me directed ami delivered, there will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House in L iporte, Pa.-,-ou Saturday, July 6,1895, iAt one o'clock p. NI., the following de scribed properiiy, vi/.: All that piecu paro l or tract of land situai" 1 in LA' or!e tsvp.. Sullivan county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner of land of Win E King, thence along his lino N. 60 degrees Went 75 perches to a corner; theuce S. ;I0 degrees West ATMUT 180 perches to a cor ner; thence S. 60 degrees Ea*t, 00 perches to the wearrant line;lhence along said line N. 3D dgrees East 175 perches to the place of beginning. Containing U2 acres and 57 perches strict measure, in«rc or less. Hav ing I hereon erected one framed dwelling house, framed barn, one small shup aud other out buildings; a good orchard there on and well watered; about 55 acres under ' cultivation, balauce M slashed tiinl»r. Seized, taken into execution and to be Mold as tho property of Charles W, Little at the suit of Robert Stormont. TIIOS. MAUAFFE7, Sheriff. DOWNS. Attorney. Sheriff* office, Luportc, It., Juue 10, '93. !IBQS Spring 1895, Z. Artificial 4 j Ye* it is ii fiict; our new stock represents a sur- -Bait ™ prising line of I>««renins. And now we arc niter Got UD buyers. Our l>nit is bargains, genuine bargains; jllSt to ; remeinher, real bargains. We have seemed as good a ihat n u line oi goods as was ever offered in this vicinity. J jt is this fact and our extra Low Prices that makes CUStOBD. 1 0 ur present bargain offer the event of the season. Call and be Convinced of the Above facts. MOSI3 'QLMAWB SONS, ' * THE ON T E PRICE CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. , Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSPORT, PA Capital sso 000. Nll Surplus and Undivided Profits $14,000 The First National Bank, OF HUGHESVILLE, PA. President, DEWITT BoorNE; A , offers all the usual facilities for * the transaction of a Vice President, ] C. W. WADDROP; ® GENERAL "PTTOTWIIOO J BANKING .BUSINESS. W. C PRONTZ. Account* Respectfully Solicited. We have planted our T~* "T 7"T7 TD "\7" Prices so low that HJ V HJXV JL T3 ~XT Is Astonished, We have J J- opened up a fine line of gSSSSS2S2S2SSSJ2S2S?S£SS3BSO» SDress GoodsJ SS SS??S£SS£ SS?2S»SSS«« Consistin • of Ducks, Royal Piques, Jacouette Plis»e, Henriettas, Serges, Broadcloths, and a hundred other different kinds, styles and verities of goods suitable for this season's trade. . . . . CROCKERY ft GLASSWARE. We make a specialty of the Grocery Trade and at all times have the choicest and best goods the market afford. CASH PAID For Bunm, & wool. Thank in.' the public for their very 'ihsral patronage, we invite a continuance of the same. E. G. SYLVARJE. Dushore Pa. J S. HARRINGTON. llanufactuter and dealer in uD . C'll-S J§»llO©IS« I Dsfy Competition. ALL HIY i-—Norxuous Spring Stock I Of ITino Shoes marked down 25 PER CENT. The most complete stock ol reliable Footwear in the county. Everything Stylish and fresh from the Manufacturers. ./. S. Harrington*, MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA The largest and most complete Line of —CLOTHING Ever shown in Dushore. Call and see my line of jflU '^ liree button Sack and Children's Reefer, Sailor, Junior, Jersey, Middy, and Kilt Suits; SI.OO to $7.00. My line of laundred White and Percale Shirts is the largest ever shown in this part of the country, price 20c to *1.20. I have all the new styles in stiff HATS FOR SPRING TRADE. J, W Carroll Co. Dushore Pa. TO THE FUBMdP o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 _ I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first elass H! well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTU'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, LAPS, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, HAGS AND UMBRELLAS, 1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab* lishmcnts.for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get pricM« Yours Respectfully etc.", F, P. VINCENT. CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK. LOYAL SOCK COAL I Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State> & BolliffUl Railroad Co. at Bernice S3.OOTP. The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. 1 O. £u«», f«f%j