THE REPUBLICAN^ \V. M. CHEltKir, - - - E tiler. FUII >.VY. APRIL 12. I*s fl A. It. I' No 177. At the regular meeting of the S S. Simmons I'ost it was resolved that there be a committee appointed on speakers and music for Decoration Day. The following committees were appointed, viz: 1). W. Darling, and (ico. W. Simmons on speakers for Soncstown nnd ISussel KM his and J. C. Pennington for Laportc. On mtisic, T. S. Simmons and I. T. Low. All members of our post are re quested to be present at the next meeting which will tike pluce on April 27th, as important business will tako place niul arrangements made for Memorial Day. I. T. Low, Com. John Powers aned about 23 years, of Forks twp., was drowned in Little Loyal Sock creek near Jordan's mill dam, while engaged in floating logs, Monday. 81000 bricks, finest quality, for f-sb:. In quireof Kelly's Hardware, Hughesviile l'a. Owing to tlio absence of the pas tor, Rev. .1. \V. Crawford, who is attending Moodv'b Special Training School for Ministers in Chicago, there will be no preaching services at the Inmiannel Baptist Chapel during April, A prayer service will be held at 7 p. m., each Sunday evening during the month.—Dan ville American. Dr. A. 11. Harriinan, of Hughes ville, who was convicted at the March sessions of abortion on Alma Trninor, of Morcland township, was on Friday sentenced to pay a lino o! SIOO, costs of prosecution, and un dergo an imprisonment at separate and solitary confinement in the Eastern penitentiary for a period of fittcen months, the court refusing to grant a new trial.—Muncv Luminary The leading styles of hits can always be found at Jacob l'er's, Ilughesville, I'a. I.isl ol (•ruiul Jurors llrunn lor )luy Icriu IS!)5. 1 Reuben Battin, 13 Peter Albert, 2 11. B. Westcott. It John Harvey, 3 11. C. Pardoe, lo Jan. 15. rainier, 4 Ardel Day, 11> F. A. Boyle, 5 J. K. Bird, 17 Ira Colt. (i L. J, Mcllenry, 18 Corieli Duclap, 7 Clias. Hopkins, 19 Alfred Taylor, 8 James Haiding, 20 Asa lvihner, 9 Conrad Kraus, 21 Jos. Sick, 10 It. G. Huffmaster22 Hansom Thrasher 11 Fred lluffmaster,23 Asa Spenry. li Aug. Busciihausut>24 John Darby, TUVER-E JUItORSDRAWN FOB MAYTEIIM '95 1 Satnu'-'l H'gbtiuier 19 Win. liyanSr. 2 Clias Middle, 20 Michael Follcy, 3 Juo. .Miner, 21 Aaron Lewis, 4 M. I). Horn, 22 Fred McCarty, 5 Edw'd Franke, 23 J?. W. Bennett, 0 C. F. Hunsiuger 24 George Webb' 7 Pat Murphy, 25 VVm. Kilmer, BW. M. Edkin, 26 Cliailes Haas, 9 Jno. E, Finan, 27 J. W. Carroll. 10 W. E Porier, 28 Owen Sweeney, 11 Geo. Laudbaeh, 29 Wil lam Allen, 12 James Bergan, 30 David Gleckncr, 13 Miles O. liarns, 31 Philip Gleekner, 14 4Vm Hasen, 32 Win. Murphy, 15 Jao. Seller, jr, 33 Joseph Gensel 10 Peter Brown, 31 T.J. liunsiuger, 17 T. S, Simmons. 35 C. Mornin^siar, 18 M. A. Phillips. 3! Harvey Phillips, TKAVEKBE JUIIOHS DRAWN FOK SPECIAL TEUM IN JUNK 1895. 1 Samuel Kestcr, 1!) G. W. Bigger, 2 O. O. Barns, 20 Win field IVtter, 3 Sylvester Morgan,2l Charles Foster, 4 Geo, W. Crait, 22 li. 1). Laneas er, 5 David Molyneux,23 Mike Galh-gher, (J Wm. Stiff, 24 J'ib. McCarty, 7 J. A. Jordan, 25 Geo. 11. Honniter BJ. W. lingers, 20 Frank Harrison, 9 Phillip Sccules, 27 Henry Billings. 10 11. H. King, 23 James Peterman, It John Breslin, 29 M. 11. I ayman, 12 John Corcoron, 30 Henry Holtzliour, 13 Peter Dunn, 31 lfinton Grange, 14 E. I{. Warburton33 Geo. Shaffer, 15 11. C. Hai'ey, 33 AJ. (lackley 16 A. T. Mi.lyneux,34 G. E Darby, 17 A. T. Wilcox, 35 Judson Am hereon 18 Patrick Walsh, 30 Thomas Beacher. We the undersigned Sheriff and Jury Commissioners of Sullivan county Penr.a. do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of jurors drawn for My teini 1895, and for June special term 1895. THUS MAMAFFEY, Sheriff. Z.T.KILMER. ) T „ IIENItY SWANK. ) Jury Coms - COLLCCTOK. ~ At a recent meeting of the trus tees of the M. E. church of Laportc, Mr. John V. Finkle was unanimous ]y elected to collect the subscriptions on the M. E. parsonage and to re ceipt for same. It is hoped that all v/ho subscribed will kindly pay their second instalment soon. On April 23 the half of all subscriptions is due and an obligation must be met Many thanks for past favcrs. Yours truly, E S. LATSIIAW, Pastor. EAGLES ME HE ITEMS. Mr. S. E. Worthington's new house on Laportc ave. will soon be completed. A. C. Little moved to his moun tain home in Eagles More, last week. There is a large force of men at work on the Brown cottage. Mrs. Winegardner of Williamsport has rented the store formerly occu pied by Jeremiah Kelly and will turn it into a boarding house. Mr. John Kirk of the Lakeside hotel is very sick at bis home near Muncv. Ifis many friends nt this place wish him a speedy recovery. David Taylor of Muncv Valley, was at Eugles Mere one day last week. Mr. Chase met with an accident on Saturday night. lie was coining down Laporte ave. when his bicycle tire came off and sent hi n head first over the board walk. lie landed on H pile of stone. LEWIS. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pierce of Brad ford county, are visiting friend* in town. Hon. Kussel Karns and wife of La porte, who liavo Leon visiting friends in Philadelphia for tlio past month, returned home last evening. Station agent Hitter lias built a rustic chair of maple branches and the like. It is a Jim slicker and at~ tracts the attention of even the little Pug dogs that visit the depot. 11 ELLA STL VA ITEMS. News is scarce. Samuel K taper wears a smile—it's a girl. A little child of F. W. Finckes is on the sick list. Rumor siys—a wedding soon. How is it Charley 1 Helena Bebr is visiting her sister in Philadelphia. Adolpli Otten spends a day or two occasionally at Shady Nook attend ing to his interest there. Lawson Hunsiuger and children were visitors at J. Hunsinger'a on Sunday, March 21st. A. It. SONES TO WN ITEMS. On April IstS. L. lJooue moved to Willi*.import Wm. Sherwood moved to Muucy Valley,...Chas. Stair moved into the house vacated by S. L. 800ne....J. Clinton Starr ind wife commenced house-keeping in the house vacated by Clias. Starr. Win. Boatman moved into the house he lias recently purchased of Win. Cv.-eibury 11. 0. Boatman mov ed into the hou.-e vacated by Wm. Moat man....On April Bth John Converge moved into his house which he Ims now about completed... Mrs. C. B. Miller moved into her house on Second street.... P. 11. Deilil moved into Dr. Rotlirock's farm house Geo. Rea is fanning Dr. Rothrock's farm this season ...So who says Soncstown is not on the move. The Lyons Lumber Company have their loy drive now near Soncs town, and no doubt the logs will be past this place before night. The water is good for driving. The passenger train on the W. & N. B. railroad, yesterday had to back out of the mud above town and stay at this place until 3:07 when it made its regular run south. COLLEY ITEMS. We are having fine weather. Some of our roads arc almost im passable, others arc very good for this season of the year, Mrs. Isaac Mace, died on April 3, 'OS; aged, 70 years, 0 months, and 24 days. Messrs. This. Couns and Bert Taylor <>f Bellasylva, were transact ing business in this place on Friday and Saturday. Mr. Elmer Erie occupies the Pot ter house in this place. Mr. Joseph Dibble recently pur chase! tlio Ileuning farm in this place where be will buy veal calves and lambs and conduct a meat mar ket tli : s summer. Lewis Ilunsinger spent Sunday with his family at this place. Miss Sarah Shoemaker of Forks ton, is visiting her sister and friends in Colley, this week. The fanners are making nisnts to brace up their fences. Clias. Morningstar recently pur chased a new spring tooth harrow. It is a good one. Bicycles arc on the go. 11. W. Messcrsmith has moved iu tb« tenant house on Geo Messer smith's farm and will look after the farm this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sharrow of Hughcsville attended the funeral of the ladie's mother, in this place last week. Don't forget the masquerade ball to be given in the new Grange hall at this place, on the evening of April 15th, 1895. M UXCY VALLE Y ITEMS. Mr. Rimsnyder has broken ground for a new house. Mrs. C. M. ('roll of Dushore, was a visitor in town, Wednesday. P. J. Miller visited friends in Will iamsport, Monday. G. W. Bigger proprietor of the Agricultural Works i9 preparing for the spring and summer demand for farming iinpliincnts. The roads are drying off and will soon be passable. Mr. Tlieo. Mencer is very proud of a bouncing big boy. Mr. Jefferson Secules is a happy man over an 18 pound baby girl. Moving time made a few changes iu this community. P. M. Taylor visited friends in Wilkes Barre, Monday. M. A. Philips visited friends in Benton, Saturday. Wm. Moran visited friends in Eagles Merc, Saturday. It. M. Strong who has boen con fined to the house for the past two months, is able to be about with the aid of crutches. 9. M. M. Tlio showers of Tucadny raised Little Loyal Sock creek nt Dushore, and in consequence the lower part of the metro|>oli(i was covered with water. The high water disturbed several of the bridges along the creek, but no serious damage was done. Fell Down! VATE have just received a new stock of Spring styles of All kinds on hand from a boy's shoe to a driving shoe, all of which we offer at bottom prices. Also a fine display of latest styles of W,all Paper, If in need of paper please call and sec, and be convinced. We receive dry poods, notions and groceries daily. T. J. KEELER, Center Main SI, Laparte,Fa. C. P. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR. WILLI AM S PORT, PA. OEFTCF, NO. 40, WKST FOURTH STREET Mr. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the cit v.and his prices arc reasonable. 4-i2:"95. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Sulli van county lo distribute the funds in the hands of Irvin I). liberty assignee of B \V. Hottenstine, as appears by li a accouiti filed, to and among the parties entitled ther. to. will attend t> the duties of his appointment at llie law office of lion Bryan 6. Collins, in tlio Horn, cf Dushon on "FRIDAY, the 20 h day of April. 1885 at 1 o'clock p. in., when and where nl! parties interested a-e requested to present tlieir claims before the undersigned, or be forever afier debarred from coming in up on said fund. FRANK 11. INGHAM. Auditor. Chesler & Maitz. Grand Opening, March 30 th '95. An entirely new stock consisting of all gra.les of China, Glassware, Crockery, Fancy Toilet Sets, Chamber Sets, Dinner Sets, imported direct from Englaful,at prices extreme ly low. An elegant Assort ment Of Ladies Furnishing goods of every description. Linen goods in endless variety. Napkins, stamped goods etc. Onr 5 Ceat aii 10 Cent Coita Arc fully stocked with tinware, household utensels, toys and every thing belonging to this line of mer chandise. Come everybody, whether dispos ed to buy or not. Our beautiful stock and niarvelously low price* will astonish and delight one and all CIIESLEK & MALTZ, Dushore. Pa. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TOP h mIMS, —ALSO— Fan and HeayyLnmlierWcps. FACTORY WEST MAIN T KELT LAPORTE, PA P. S. All kinds cf repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod in Martin's Florae Shoeing Rack. ,T. W. BALLARD. May 18, '8?. i/* co Dushore, Pa. Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber- This Firm has one of the larg e-it Grist Mills In the county and they muke aspeciltv of mamilacturing eood flour and Give tlieni your order. Prices way; d >wn to suit the times. 0ct1,94 Chas. N. Purvis: COLLECTION OFFICES, 29 W' 4th St.—and—s4o Packer St WJLLIAM3PORT PA. Collections made in all partoof the world. LAW OFFICES OF G. B. M. Metzger, 29 W. 4tU St. —Telephone, Mo. 1293 fIB9BJ Winter ! 1895! )*>:( 12 ARE now prepared to show you the handsomest and most complete assortment of lJry Goods and Notions in the county. Our stock of piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat terns—comprising b >th Domestic and Poreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to Price & Material A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cents per yard. WE HAVE added to our stock a com plete line of Hoot-sand Shoes, inctudingthc latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line of Children's Misscsand Ladies Fine Shoes. Having bought them for cash, we aic en abled 10 sell them for the usual prices asked for old style aud shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete. Elegant pattern 1 ;, patent spring roller—fine, 25 cents up. We have a full assortment of Floor and Table and Stair Oil Cloth. We have just received an addition to our Wall paper stock, ranging in price from 4 to 13 conls per roll, both uroy white and hack. We are receiving daily, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering you fresh goods at the low. st prices. Our standard for quality is of the highest J Flrmr— 00c * lo ° " uU Jm *1 25 per Hack. IF YOU want Chop, Corn. Oats, Screenings, Bran or Itye. We save you money. Seed Outs a specially. (Jail and see us. Cash paid for Farm produce WALTER SPiNCER & SON. Lupttrte. i'u. SPECIAL ItilM! Samuel Cole, OF Onshore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranefs, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANrFAfTHKR of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Hoof ing, spouting IhitCH OIL Disrii.i.sete,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, Pa. Tgg ACH ! J. V. Bettenbusy WOR Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, K URNITURE. DUS hork,PA.^_ I Dushore, Pa Established April I st, 1879. FALL Ap WINTER 1895. Just received a fine display of wiuter goods. We make suits ranging in price from $ 18. upwards. Pantaloons from ♦ :, .50 and up, made to order. We keep the largest line of Gents Furnishing goods in the Valley Shirts and Neckwero a specialty. Letest Styles & Fits Guaranteed w.. RID Picture Hocks. Pa. P. B.—Notify us by postal card when in desire of a suit ora pair of pantaloons, < ketl\s coLrvxyr.nF, KErrvs ror.r.v x.i Heels OYEiI lle,m\ ' /7 'M- \ Wj Not %<\ |j 'o o :'r:.;^:,:: r Crazy. , Wll jnj \ 1 \ r^^ie season ere » 1 The rush is on. J Going at 2 cts. a roll. Our window shade st ° cl ; can not 1,0 " celled in variety oT plain all.ides and for prices. When you select your e o ® Q W ® ftXi r p ®£ £ o o © o You will see the display. AKE this bargain as long as it lasts. 30 inch, go.d, strong I willow clothes baskets, 50 cents. We buy tlicsej baskets direct I from tliu maker. The prolonged, severe winter forces many kinds ft of goods 011 the market less tuan cost. TIM Hi SAVED. Q .. * LSO slot( ;y:.the only sewing machine you need buy for a life time is m the Jh i iiorest li is the sironge-t, most complete, lightest ruuniug machine n\ n V! C ', gL ' l rc l ,i,lrs . fu "y warranted an.! made at home. Only $lB-50. Good as thestlO.GO ones. J A time saver and labor easy machine is Millford carpet sweeper ™ or a Grand Rapids E:EPEl^ft $-.25 to s'>.99. A-tar i WashersS !:r $3.50 each $3.50 caeb. ® F you want to surprise yourself get one of our easy rockers for your sitting room. In bedroooi furniture we are showing hand* B some styles in Oak and Maple. We have something very cheap Q in nice parlor furniture. Tnink of a suit of Plush, 6 pieces foi 1 \ belter one for $3,").00. Kitchen chairs £3.00 sot. " Fine Oak Extension Tables, oacli, 84 50. Couches and Lounges. A Giie'llrussels Carpet for Toe; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove ? No better stove macie w A\ than the • • • • For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW. We will send to any r.ddress The New York W'My Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of ever}' American family-, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25. Address all orders to tbe SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Pcnd your name and address to Now York Weekly Press, 33 Park Row, New Ycrk City, and a sample copy will be mailed to you. Hoyal Bargains For the Spring of roa N d ° y w f °? e t n ho nd 1895, Lucky purchaser. Headquarters for mens, boys and childrcns clothing. Hats and caps, gents furnishings, trunks, satchels and umbrellas. A grantl com-, liination of circumstances to save you money. A FARE EXAMINATION j° Turns the tide of trade to our [| Counters and the savings i 0 Into your purse, SELECTIONS FROM OUR SPRING Styles makes your appearance faultless, Pricos this season on every garment in our store lower by 25 per cent, than ever before. Oar enormous stock has been selected with the greatest care. Bought And will be strictly sold at BOCK BOTTOM PBICISI Our suore is packed form floor to ceiling with the most desirable Goods. Everybody invited to call and look us over Whether disposed to purchase or not. K*mf HL/F A. t'■'Tr'tNi The One Price Clothing House. Du • JU» shore, Pa Fresh Stock AT THE —'' Tannery Store llnving jitnt returned from tbe City, «here we purchased the UMial supply of Dry Good*, Groceries &e., suitable for tbe Benson, we (ire prepared to Bell the name at us reasonable price* ns can be had in the country Cur stock of GROCER® Aie of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, M much of tilese yoods are pur chased at a less price than formerly, wo nre disposed to give our customers the benefit. OUR BOOT Af-D SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in cither quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods or tbo different varieties, at prices to suit the tunes. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. LAPQBIE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHIKH 11/ ILLIAMSPORT AND NORTH bIIANCH VV RAILROAD TIME TABLE. SOUTH, October, 1, 1831. NORTJI. AT~AT P. M. |A. M- P, Jr. 10 US 525 A..Will'msport».l, 10 10 4 8« 3 02; l.ii]>orie 1 11 54 638 H45 12 42 Kingdalo 112 10 (I hi 7 «>5 23p L#v.>atterfieid..Ar 12 251 7lt A. M.i M. It'. M.jP. M 11. C. McCOHMICK, President. R. I'., EAVENBOX, Gen. Manager. cy» J. &F. 11. INGHAM, do a ATTO RN EYS-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Bufiness attended to in this and adjoining Counties. R J. MULLEN, ATTOR.VEY-AT-LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Office with B. S. Collins, JTBKADLEY, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, > LAPORTE, - PA Office in County Huilding near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, ~ EDIBI BROKERS, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, P*. CSF°AU kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. P. INGHAM & 11. K. NEWITT ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW. ' 505 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa* HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTO I; V KY—A T-LATV Ex-Proiby. KegUtir A Keeoider of Sullivm C# Offlco with Sheriff MabafTey, La Porto P». HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST THATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO i and the people appieciate the fact that— MRS. LAUER'S STORE is right "in it"for eli«ap goods. My groceries are always fresh and of the best quality. Flour and feed the best the'market affords. MES. M. C. LA TIER, M.iy 13. *9?. CROWN ACME Tie Best Bmim Oil TM Can Be Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char tbe wick. It, has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison «■ a perfection Family Safety Oil. It. is manufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, Williamsport P*.