Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, March 15, 1895, Image 3
THE REPUBLICAN. FKIDAY, MARCH 15, 18t)i. i * * * * * * * *__* * I The A r . Y. Weekly Tribune l # *. and | * Sullivan Republican * I I * $1.25 One Year 51.25. | * —* —* —* * * —» * * * * The last day of school is close at hand. Wc are now in the middle of March. The first day of April comes on Monday. We placed five new subscribers on our list last week. Governor Hastings has vetoed the bird book bill. Ex-Governor Pattison will prac tice law in Philadelphia. A long freight train passed over the W. & N. 8., Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Thorp of laporte twp. is reported dangerously ill. Jliss Maggie Day of Laporte is visiting friends in Monroeton. Miss Bessie Wrede of Laporte, wa3 shopping in Dushore, Saturday. An election contest is on in the third ward of Athens borough over the office of councilman. The old residents say that the backbone of winter is broken. Well they ought to know. Couutv Auditors —Wilcox, Ma gargle and Heaverly, were doing business at the county scat, Friday. Owing to the drifted snow, several of our streets are impassable. Our Town Council should remove the obstacle. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sehrader of Laporte, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with friends in New Albany and vicinity. County Supt. F. W. Meylert is on •duty in the Western part of the county. He is accompanied by his wife who is visiting friends in Forks <ville. The citizens of Bristol, l'a., were BO overjoyed at the adjournment of Congress that they rang the firebells and blew all the factory whistles in that town. Nature is beginning to point her signs of Spring and the milliner is loosing sleep trying to devise some thing new in the shape of an Easter bonnet. We have several coal dealers in town. P. M. Crosslcy one of them, ■claims to have sold more coal the past winter than all of the others combined. The Ladies Aid Society Laporte ■will meet at the home of Airs. J- A. Jordan, Saturday afternoon, March lCth 1595. MRS. W. M. CHENEY, Sec. If the people from a distance ore to judge the Democratic office hold ers of Columbia county by the de scription given of them in the JMoomsburg Sentinel, the verdict is sealed. The four steel cells recently pur» chased by the County Commission ers, which were built on the dungeon order, have been overhauled and now light is let in from the top of the a par tm An t. The total valuation of the real es tate of Laporte boro., as given in the assessment book for 1895, is SGO,OOO. This of course does not include the courthouse, public lots and churches. The Laporto twp. auditors—S. Mead, T. F. Kiernan and 11. 11. King, assisted by their clerk, L. It. (Javitt, met at the courthouse in Laporte boro., Monday and attend ed to the duties of their oflice. Governor Hastings on Saturday signed the death warrants of Chas. Garrett, Lebanon county; John Eis iminger, Green county; and Daniel Welling, Allegheny county, all to be hanged on May 7th. Rev. K. S, Latahaw, minister of the Laporte M. K. church, gave his farewell sermon in Laporte on Sun day last, unless be is returned for this district by the M. E. conference now in •cssion iu Williamsport. Judge Livingston of Lfino>t«tcr, in making the aiiuuat of licenses informed tin) applicants that they must discontinue tin- free lunch bus iiu'ss. Those tailing to obey this Injunction would fad in having their liceuse* renewed in the future, A young printer in » country liewnpipcr oflice fell in love with a clergyman's daughter who did uot seriu to reciprocate liia atfeciioim. The licit tiuie he w«ut to church he was lather taken hook when the Ui'oialai Mliuollliced llit* lexl: "My daughter is greviously tormented It) a devil." The Supreme Court of the U. S., have said that the pateut on the Bell Telephone, has expired. You can manufacture them now and con struct rival lines although the Bell company will do their utmost to pre vent it. "This judicial contest will help to change the political complexion of Sullivan county." These were the words of an old time Democrat, said at the county seat, last week. We ■ believe there is more truth than poetry in the assertion. Guy H. Davies Esq.. son of the ex-lieutenant governor, Davies of Towauda, has been appointed execu tive clerk in the oxecutive depart ment at Harrisburg, to succeed Captain W. F. Rober. The change will take place on the first of April. There were 130 witnesses heard in the contest case last week. A large number arrived on Friday after noon and a few on Saturday—after court had adjourned. They were put on the list by the clerk of the court, Mr. Walsh, and will draw their pay. Hon. llussel Earns and wife of Laporte, left this Thursday morning for Philadelphia, where they will visit friends for several weeks. Their daughter, Mrs. Cora Stormont accompany them as far as Pottsville and will sojourn with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ward, of said place and formerly of Laporte, until the wi»ter blasts are over. The total eclipse of the moon oc u curred on Sunday night and a large number of our people gave it their attention. It was a beautiful sight. The total occurred at about 10 o'clock when the bright rim of the moon disappeared and the night grew dark. It was visible all over the United States and was eagerly awaited by astronomers. There was considerable fault find iug by witnesses brought to Laporte last week, to testify in the contest case, because the money due them was not forthcoming. A number of them were penniless and insisted upon the amount due them. They were really mad all over. "MiUe"' of Lopez, was anxious to settle with Scoutcn one way or another. It is believed by our people that after Judge Sittser has read the tes timony of the voters in the contest case, he will withdraw the case from a further hearing, regardless of tho doings of tho judicial apportionment committee. In doing this Judge Sittser would receive the congratu lations of his many old time friends. The little folks of town gathered at the home of Master Ilarry Lan don on Saturday evening last, in re sponce to invitations extended by Mrs. Landon, The occasion was the 11th birthday of Master Harry. Upwards of fifty of his little associ ates were present and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. He was the re cipient of many valuable and useful presents. A large number of old residents of the county were brought to Laporte last week to testify whether or not they had paid a county or state tax within two years proceeding the '94 election. Every one of them were in possession of tax receipts. These receipts showed that they paid a total tax of from sl2 to $27. They were old farmers and weie humiliat [ed that they should be thus classed. Want Another l*eu. A bill has been introduced into the St ito Legislature by Represen tative Page of Dauphin county, to create a middle penitentiary district. The proposed district is to include the counties of I'otter, Tioga, Brad ford, Sullivan, Lyooming, Northum berland, Columbia, Montour, Fulton, Bedford, Cumberland, Franklin, Adans, Somerset, Blair, Cambria, Huntingtou, Union, Lebanon, Perry, Juniata, Mifflin, Clearfield, Clinton and Centre. The penitentiary is to be located at or near Harrisonrg. A number of subscribers to the itEI'UBLIC YN called at our sanctum during the past week or two and re newed their subscription. Among the list are: Daniel Little, of tvigles Mere; Joseph Fiesier, Sonestown; .loliu l'ine, Dushore; Alfred Taylor, Muncy Valley; Otto Behr, LO(K Z, A. 11. deary, Dushore; Jonathan Rog ers, Lincoln Falls; Theo. Mencer, Muncy Valley, Geo. Sheets, Sones town; D. C. Gritiuan, Nordmouti W. \V. Birdsell, Hillsgrove; C. .1. Har ringtou, Dushore; U. S Fanning. Shunki George Fox, Hughesvillc; Harvey N. TiUtlsou, Michigan; Mrs. J. \V. fclekcrt, Little York, N. J.; A 1.1. Jordan. Lapoiie; Geo, l\ Bird, Miltview; Jos. Sick, Cherry Mills; A. T. Wilcox, J. K. Bird, Millview; and Jaiues Hones, Sonestown, Monty saved i* uunivy uis'le. Tire »« iluetiwu iu Juculi IVr'i prices is wiuru juu make it. Uutflrtsvihe, I'a, The W. C. T. A., will meet at the residence of Mrs. 1. J* Ingliam, Thursday March 2lßt. A. A. Overholtzer, proprietor of the Laporte Hotel, is transacting business in Bangor this week. Michael Flynn, outside foreman of the Laporte tannery, was doing bus iness in Jamison City, Saturday. The County Commissioners' appeal held on Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday at Laporte, was largely at tended. Master llerold Hitter of Laporte. was the recipient of two handsome rabbits Monday— presented by little friends of Montgomery. They arriv ed on the 11:54 train and hold forth in the waiting room of the depot, llerold is pleased with the present ment. Tlios. C. Metier, foreman of the Conton Sentinel, was transacting business in Sullivan county, last week. Puring his stay here, lie paid his respects to the county papers and visited each one of them. On his return from Dushore he remarked that the REPUBLICAN was the best equipped ollice in the county. Fire was discovered in the large tannerj', at Jamison City, this coun ty, on Sunday night, and before it could be controlled, had entirely de stroyed the bark mill and leach house and damaged the main building to some extent. As the town has no water supply the lire was fought by a bucket brigade who worked hard and saved the large building. The loss is estimated at 8*25.000. To Abolish Kgirint; KlM'llons. Mr. N ickell of Philadelphia, offer ed an amendment, in the House, to the Constitution abolishing spring elections. It provides that on the Tuesday following the first Monday of .Noyember iu even numbered years an election shall be hold for members of the Legislature, Representatives to Congress, Judges of Court of Record and nil otlicers to lie voted for by the qualified voters of the State at large. On the Tuesday following the first .Monday of Nov. in odd numbered years an election shall be hold for county, borough or Township officers. Chas. Bird, au old resident of Forks twp., while on his way to the county seat Friday, to testify in the contest case, saw a large doer iu the road between this place and King dale. The animal seemed very tame and turned out of the road while Mr. Bird drove by and immediately returned to tho public road and con tinued its journey in the direction of Ringdale and was seen by other par* tics on their way to the county seat. Mr. Bird was very close to the deer and observed that a piece of the right ear had been cut off either by dogs or bullets, and was healed over. Constable Middendorf of Dushore arrested Bert Jones for forgery in Towanda ou Monday of last week. Jones forged a note ngaiust Frank Amps of Dushore, the amount of which was sl7. He negotiated the paper with Meeker for a watch valu ed at sll and the balance SG ho re ceived in cash. Jones was given a hearing before John Lawrence, J. P. of Dushore, and was bound oyer in the sum of SI,OOO to await a hearing of the grand jury. He failed to furn ish the required bail and now res poses in the county jail. Jones is formerly of Deposit and is 2 2 jears of age and stands nearly <» feet tall. Normal NotcN, Is-oiu tli« MaiisMi'ld Ntnte Noriiinl School. Mr. Frank Bodlcr, formerly of this school, has been appointed "Monitor" for the Freshman class at Lafayette college. This means that he had the highest grade of scholarship. \Ve learn also %m trustworthy authority that all the Mansfield boys at that college, Sin number, have marks above the aver age. Mr. Bodler's closest competitor was another student irom this school. The five students that received the highest average grades for the tlrst half of tlio winter term are Elizabeth J. Davis, Arthur Mann, Eugenia Burritt, Mrs. Edith Shaw Jones and Julia Good speed. Tlie highest mark reached was !•!» per cent. The lowest of the five aboved named was U8 per cent, The Athenacans have a very neat piu; its design is a monogram of the initials A. <S. The new teacher of Gymnastics, Miss Ahliie Skeeley, is a graduate of the celebruttd i'osse U vninasiuni ot Boston. Miss Skeele's working theory is that gymnastic* are for health of bods and mii.d. Stiidenls are to be olassilletl according to their ability. The indications point to the Gymnasium as the center ol life and enthusiasm under Miss Skeele. The new elevator is in. Climbing stairs is no longer compulsory in the 1 ladles hall. | S. 11. ALUUO. A Ripple in the Contest t-'ase. A ripple was caused in the judicial contest case on Friday last. Atty. C. A. Little, of Tunkhannock rep resenting the contestants, entered the court room at about 3 p. m.on this date and requested the court to grant a recess of the case for a few minutes. His request wa3 complied with and Mr. Little 'beckoned' and called all of the attorneys for both the contestants and respondents into the Traverse jury room, where a con sultation was held. On returning to the court room Atty. DeWilt re quested the court to adjourn the proceedings until some time in the distant future, he thought about the 3rst of Juno would be a lirst rate date to convene to as at that time trout Ashing would be if. order and the country in this vicinity beauti ful. Mr, DcWitt also said that there might something take place between now aud the convening date that would rqnaovc the case from the cal endar. The audience which wns quite largo, was at a loss to know what had taken place to causo this turn of the tide and during Mr. De- Witt's remarks a pin could have been hear to drop on the floor. The court granted the motion and on Friday noon adjourned court until Tuesday May 21st, 1895. Tho causo assigned for this delay was that the judicial apportionment committee at Harriaburg proposed to attach Sullivan county to either Bradford, Columbia or Lycoming, and Wyoming county to Susquehan na; were this to take place, the 41th judicial district would be no more, aud Judge Searle would preside over t'.io Susquehanna and Wyoming dis trict, but Judge Dunham owing to the population of our district prised of either Sullivan and Brad ford or Sullivan and Lycoming or Sullivan and Columbia,' would seive as an additional law judge with salary the same—four thousand dol lars annually. J udgi'.ig from this, tho case is left entirely iu the hands of the judicial apportionment committee. Order o! the Court. STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA ) COUNTY OK SULLIVAN F Is 11K: Contested Election of E. M. Dunham; No, 83 Dec. term 1894. Now March 8, "95, it is ordered that the hills of costs of witnesses thus far called duly verified, bo filed and taxed as payment of the costs of the case, tho same to he paid to the witness named therein in the first instance by the County of Sullivan, with right of reimbursement for the same from tho party or parties or district finally adjudged to pay the costs. CHARLES E. BICE, ) B. W. A ncinsA LD, >• Judges. D. W. SEAKLE. ) Up to date the cosls mailo in the judicial contest case, have not been filed with the Prothonotary by the contestants,notwithstanding tlio fact that the court ordered Mr. Scouten to iiio tlie feamo on Thursday last, \V e are informed by good reliable authority, however, that the costs thus far made will foot up eight hun dred dollars. The cause of a raise of our taxes, is apparent. Sheriff's Salo. Ry virtue of writs of Alias Vend. Ex. Real. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan couuty and to me direct ed and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Hotel Lopez, Lopez Pa.,on Saturday April 6 1895. At one o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described property, viz: All interest of the defendants or either of them in the following lot. pieoe or par cel of land in the town of Lopez, township of Colley, County of Sullivan and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows: Reginning at a point in line of lands of F. C. Harrison's estate and the Loyal Sock Hail Road Company. said point being fifty four and 2-tenths feet on said line, and §0 feet at right angles from centre of track of said Loyal Sock K. 15. as built; tlieuce along the right of way of said railroad, and parallel therewith, south one drgree and four minutes west, live hundred and twenty live feet to a poiut 80 feet distant at right angles from centre of track of said railroad thence south thirty-four degrees forty minutes west, four hundred and seventy feet and 8-tenth to a point in centre of Lopez creek; thence north five degrees HI minutes east, five hundred and ninety-live and 8-tenths feet to a point, said point be ing a common corner of right of way of Haid Loyal Sock R, H. and Jona than Thome's estate, and on the east bank of said Lopez creek; thence along said right of way of Loyal Sock R R. and land of said P. C. Harrison's estate, north thirty four degrees 40 minutes " —" 885 aud 8- tenlhs feet, to the place of beginning. Containing two acres and 850-1000 acre*; gild lot being improved and the same on which the clothes pin factory formerly stood ALSO, All that certain town lots, piece or pare I of land lyli'g and beinu situated in said town of Lopez, as follows vV/: Beginning at the southwest comer of the lots herein described, at a point on the j north side of Fourth street, lift feet from j the centre thereof, thenee south Ml degrees j east, along the line of said street IHi feet to a point, to an alley 1.1 feet in width; thence along the west side of said alley, I north -I degrees east; 150 feet to a point; j thecc along the north line of lot Nil. ,1, I north 80 degrees west. 140 feet to a point on the cn»! side of Knilrosd street; thence along the east ►lde of said street, south 4 degrees west, 150 feel to the place of lie- Containing 41 000 st|ii in fret of land, and known as lots Nos. .1, tl, and 7 of section HO on the ma > of Harrison's ml dition t > Lopez Sulllv m county . Prima., and having thereon erected one fumed dwelling house, one frsiuuU barn aud oilier out buildings. I Sized taken Into execution and to be | sold as tkn property of Margaret McCart- I my. W .1. Mil'art ney sgcn\ and W .1 McCartney at the suit of Towanda Foiin | drv Co Ingliams, Thomson, Maxwell, Ciuild .Collins, Attorney* I IP is MAIIAFFKV . Sheriff ' »lierilt s (Mice, Laporte, Pa., March V, ¥•">. The leader in styles—Jacob Per, the clotliior anil gent's, furnisher, Ilughcsville. SheriU'M Kale. By virt'ie of a writ of Vend: Ex: Real, issued out of the Court of Common I'leus of Sullivan county, and to me directed and delivered, there •will be exposed to public sale at the Court House iu 1 aporte PH., on _ _ „ Saturday, March 30 '95 At one o'clock p. m., the following de scribed property, viz: Lot, No. 1. All that piece, parcel or lot of land situated in the Borough of Laporic County of Sullivan, State of Pennsylvania and bouuded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line' of Beech street with the South I'me of Cherry street, thence along Cherry street, west 132 feet to lot No. 138; thence south 200 feet to Oichard Alloy; thence along Orchard Alley, east 132 feet to Beech Bt. and thence along Beech street north 200 ft. to the place ofbeginning. Containing 12ti perches of laud, and being lots Nos. 1"(; and 137 of the allotments of Laporto boro. Having there on erected a large and com modious framed dwelling house, a framed barn aud other out buildings, with fruit trees and good garden. Lot No. 2. Another lot, piece or parcel of laud, situated iu the same borough, county and ijtate, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the N. W. corner of lot No. 44 of the allotments of said Borough cf Laporto on tho south side of Main street, theuce along south side of Main street, thence along south side of Main street, west 42 feet to the intersection of the eatt line of King street (formerly Blackberry Alley,) as extended at this point, (being 10 feet east of original line); thence along said eastern line as extended south 76 feet; thence east 42 feet to the west line of lot No, 44; thence along said west line of said lot, north 70 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about 11- 3-4 perches and being a .part of lot No. 45 of the allotments of said borough. Hav ing thereon erected a large two stored framed store building. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of William Meylert at the suit of ilulings Lippincott (use). TIIOS. MAIIAFFEY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Otlice, I.uporta Pa. March 4th 'DS. Inghams Atiys. We all have a right to prophesy about the weather, and the ground hog can keep shady if he wants to, but what agitates the minus of the coming man and youih of the period just now, is where to purchase a spring suit. .laeob Per of Hughesviile Pa., can tit you out in theheigthof fashion and at prices that will please you. Moroaiitilo Appraiser'* List. CHERRY. CLASS, TAX. Blight, W. 11. - - 10 AO 7* Sick, C. S. - 14 775 lluusiuger, P. W. - 14 775 Hope, C. p. - - I 14 775 Vogei, Julius - 14 775 COLLEY. Dieffenbach, D. D. - ! 14 775 Jennings Bros, - - j 8 30 75 Johnson, G. W. Kcster. E. P. - - 14 7 75 Kipp O. W. & Co. i 14 7 75 Musselman, George C. | 14 775 Potter, WinlloUl 'l4 7 75 Krasnicky, II »rry - - 14 775 DAVIDS JN, Armstrong, A. T. - i 13 10 75 Bodine & Warn - - j 14 i 775 Ma gargle Bros. - 14 | 7 75 Penticost Lumber Co. j 13 10 75 Webb, E. C. - I 14 775 Hoffman. W- L. - 1 11 15 75 DUSIIORE. Carroll,!). E. - 14 7 75 Carroll, J. W. & Co. - 14 7 75 Carl, K. A. r j 14 | 775 Cole, Simuel - - 13 jlO 75 Cunningham, James -I 14 I 775 Deegan, George - j 14 j 775 McDermott, 11. - - 14 j 775 flonnetter, G. 11. - 14 7 75 Harrington, J. S. 14 I 775 Hoffn, J. S. & Co. - 13 I 10 75 Connor, P. - - ; 14 775 Bnrth & Kcster, - 14 7 75 Wells <fc Co. - - | 14 775 Kline, B. _ _ s 14 | 775 Molyncux. C. E. - - j 14 775 Pealer, C. E. - - ! 14 j 775 Pomeroy. F. B. - - j 14 775 Recser, John 1). - | 13 13 25 Sylvara, F.. G. - - 12 jl3 25 IJettonbury, J. V. - | 14 7 7:, Tubach, Kmil F. - - j 14 i7 75 Vincent, F. P. - - ,14 775 Yonkin, J. 11. - - i 14 775 Marks, RL. - - I 14 775 ELKLAND. llartung, August 14 7 75 Jennings, C. IS., Agent, 14 7 75 HcCsriv. I) F. - 14 7 75 KORKSVILLE. Lancaster, B. S. - ' 14 7 75 Snyder. G. W. & Co. - I 13 10 75 Rogers, M. A. & Son, 11 15 75 FOX. Campbell, J. 11. & Company 13 10 75 Caseman, C. ,T. Agent 14 7 75 IIILLSGROYE. Hoffman, W. L. - i 13 10 75 Hull. Vernon - - I 13 10 75 LA PORTE BORO. ! ICeeler, T. J. - - ' 14 7 75 Spencer, Walter - - j 14 775 McFarlune. James - 18 10 75 LAI'ORTE TWP. j Stephens & Hldlstead ! 13 10 75 SHREWSBURY. Kheres, Daniel - - I 14 775 BILLIARD INCENSES* Dunham, J, N. Colley. 2 tables, S4O 75 McGee, Robert Du-hore, do 40.75 Cheney, C. P. Shrewsbury do 40-75 WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE. One d, Patrick & William Dusliorc. Fiuan & Carroll, do DILTILLF.RS' LICENSE. Schaad, John Cherry. Ami that an appeal will be lielil in the County Commissioners' office iu taiporte, on the 15th day of March, 1885, commenc ing at 1 o'clock p. ru . to continue until 12 in.the lflth of March. When and where you can attend if you see proper, I). L. MII.I.KH, Mercantile Appraiser. WASTKIK —Every smoker to send seven two-cent stamps to help p'iy postage, pack ing etc and we will mail, box of Non- Nicotine-Midget-Cigars only one box to ouc address. Address. l.nndis & Co , Shippenslmrg, Pa. SAI.RSMAN WANTKIC— To sell Non-Nic otine Midget Cigars S:ini|>!es free; salary or e mimis-don; good side line. Addri -s—l,audi- A' Co., Shlppcnshurg Pa. Big rudui tion on all winter coods left on hand at B * WV, Honcslown, l*a. II A W. are selling the tinest syrup and linking molasses. For all goods lie sure and get Bodine & Wain's price*. ' B A \V', Soucstown, Pa , take all kinds I of country produce, A new lot of the latest styles of Dress goods just arrived at T. J. KkKl.Klt'S. ' I.IMK for fertilising and building, ad iln« John B. Fox & Co . Hughcsville, I'u. ! 1 mllrs and in 1 tit* skates from 2.V up. II uid sled* at prices from up. a ureal variety at < ole» Hardware, l>u»hore Pa Will pay the blglit'it cash prka' for all kinds of raw fur-- ai Coles Hardware. A flue line of fancy mid plain btsUlu; itovf», t . k Hovs*. oil .Uive. etc. at Hardware, Dusbore. K«ilm>te* islven on 11.\lr Mearn ami Hot A a'.er lu«tini{, Cules Hardware l>u ■ shore la. J895 WINTER J895. Yes it is a fact; our now stock r epresc-nts a surprising H ne of gains. And now wo are aftor buy- er# . Our bait i s bargains, genuine bargains; remember, real bar 2 ain? .We don't use artificial bait got np just to catch custom. We have secured as good a line of goods as wa g ever offered in Ibis vicinity. It is this fact and our extra Low Prices that makes our present bargain offer iho event of the season. Call and be Convinced of the Above facts MOSIS WMEAM'B B&ME ' TIIE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS TAILORS AND HATTERS. Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSPORT, PA First National Bank, HTJGHESVILLF. PA. Capital $50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $14, 000 This bank oilers all the usual facilities for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts Respectfully Solicited. DeWitt Bodine, President, W. C. Frontz, Caahie* 0, W. Waddrop, Vice President. J g. HARRINGTON, Manufacluter and dealer in S&iml We kee at all times a Complete Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Stylos. I secure all discounts al- RAWR Atul can soll at IjOW lowed by wholesale dealers to yiseii SUlJiii Pi ices, with satisfa«tlon —OUß— CUSTOM {} Department is rushed tj keep up with orders and we Defy Competition in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an ospetial bap gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or no*. J. & Harrington, MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a firs* ehws mml well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTH'S, ROYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CATS, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Tli UNKS, r>-1 GS AND UMBRELLAS. 1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab«» lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices. Tours Respectfully etc., F, P. VINCENT. CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK. FOR A big Bargain, Come and see us, rwroAßitoijr&os: Dushore, Penn. We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds, Includ ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, L'nderware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber goods, Felts and etc., at prices that defy competition. Custom Work I *II OM L'TLYAND Correctly done nt our head quarters in HOTEL C'ARIIOLL BLOCK at Daekorc, 1%. We respectfully invite iOU to call and see us and examine goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. J, W. Carroll Co. E G. SYLVARA. DTXSSOKB - "SJL, fcayWo are headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French goods Moire' Silks Moire' Cotton Goods. .Taponettcs, Fine French Giughuw Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects «fcc. Everybody will want— iLaces This Year| For trimming. We have the largest stock of them eter shown in the County. Having imported several crates of Crockery direct— sFrom England.? Wc arc prepared to «iv»- you prices that will astonish you. A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window shades Lace curtains k o. A new stock of Fresh Groceries Arriving Daily. Give us a call. GASH FOR WOOL BUTTER * EfifiS. E. G. S1 'L fVARJL LOYAL SOCK COAL. Loyal Sock Co»il, fi.r sale at the Ilrtt ker of the State Lino k SollivM Railroad Co. at Be Inu e— — 13.00555: 1 The HUlu Line A Sullivan H. H l'o. 1 0. CutUT, E»p\