Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1885.
* * * * * *—*—*— * —*— *
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune l #
*1 and |
*' Sullivan Republican *
I '*
*j $1.25 One Year $1.25. |
****** * * * * *
Sunday was a perfect day.
The average loss of life in coal
mi aes is one in 002 persons.
"The days are gliding swiftly by"
and spring will soon bo with us.
The newspaper war in Columbia
county still continues with unabated
St. Patrick's Day in the morning,
conies on Sunday this year Match
nth. _____
There is considerable sickness in
the vicinity of Dashore and Lopez.
Especially with children.
Miss Lottie Miller of Lnportc,
who is attending school in I owanda,
Sundayed with friends inLapoito.
The restaurant license of C. E.
Jackson of Bernice, was granted by
the court, 011 Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Keller and son,
Master Roy, of Bernice, were visit
ing with friends in Laporte, Sunday.
The contest court will adjourn on
Saturday. The Judges have fixed
upon March 18, for their next meet
C. M. Croll of DusLore, contain
•plates erecting a new brick building
on the site now occupied by liis
•barber shop, this spring.
The newly elected Town Council
wet on Monday and organized. W.
A, Kennedy was elected president
iind F. 11. Ingham secretary.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Miss Fannie Meylert, Fri
day evening March Bth. A cordial
invitation is extended .to all.
Atty. B. S. Collins of Dushore,
was not in attendance at .court last
"week. Bryan has been ill for sonic*
-time and would not venture out.
The Ladies Aid Society of Laporte
will meet at the residence o.f Mrs.
Chas. Landon, Saturday March, oth,
'95. Mrs. \V. M. CHENEY, Sec'y.
Don't be fooled into thiuking your
self better than everyone elsu, if per
chance, fortune has been a little
more lavished with you than your
There is rumor afloat that the
officials of the Bloomsburg and
Sullivan Rail Road will build said
road to connect with the L. V. at
Bernice, the coming summer.
Editor Krickbauiu of the Blooms
"burg Sentinel, has resigned the edi
torial chair of said paper to T. J. I
Yanderslice. Mr. Kiickbautn will
continue the management of the
Copies of the REPUBLIC vk were
■quite numerous in the court room
011 Thursday last. We noticed six
individuals reading it at tho same
4imc. Even Scouten relished it.
As a matter of fact our contempor
aries were not "in it."
James F. Ilaggerty and Max
Hirsch, who were sentenced to serve
a term in the Eastern Penitentiary
at last term of court, were conveyed
by Sheriff Muhaffey and his assistants
F. W. Gallagher and Harry Magar
gle to Philadelphia, this Thursday.
Court stenographer. 11. 11. Coslon
•of Scranton, who is doing the evi- (
deuce in the contest case, is accoin
panied by his brother, Mr. Win. Cos
tou. who i« copying the evidence oil
bis type writer. We extend thank*
•to Mr. Coston for the evidence iu tin
case, which we publish elsewhere.
Our townspeople uro inter- j
csted in the proceedings of the con-1
teat court, now in sessiou. Anion.: '
the every Jay attendance are: Hon.
Ilnssel Knrns, It. A. fonkliu, A. I.
Grim, J. W Flynn, W. V. Ma*oi. T.
J. Keeler, A. J. Jordan ami numer
ous others whom we can not recall.
It ha* cost the country n |,j|,. 0 f
money to enable this Administration
to make a financial record for |
but it may be worth the price a- u j
warning example. It is reotoimhlv 1
«aft< to say that nothing of the wort
will ever be permitted to happen
We beard nu old tun. |t«iuociat
nay In the Lnportc Hotel (be olhto
Jay that "be would ii. w i votu 110
lininocrttie ticket again a* long a»
he lived." lie »a'd, "the in ij oily ol
thaw wt*ru r»M*nU mi«| lm «|««| n«»|
|iro|»o»t« lo Hitmnilfl wiitt tin* u ll
The last a<M-riiuu of U»«« geutlfuisn
U not contact. Tha ilmmttillr
party as a party are Wuaarahlw wen
but Ilk* all utker urgaau there
»r« black sheep l tutu 'l*ti«>
platform, hotsever.of the Kiu.ciutic
party haa Im«N »Mw|'« l a suiupl«ts
It is rumored that the Y anduzen,«
King and Little cuts along the line
of the \V. & N. B. 11. R-» will be
filled the coming summer. This will
do away with tho high trestles along
said road and will make it much
pleasairter for the fainthearted trav
A citizen of Wyoming county
while in town the other day, remark
ed that the tone of the Wyoming
Democrat had helped to place Wyo
ming county in the Republican col*
urnu. The good Democrats down
there ought to insist that Mr. Da}
go out of the Democratic newspapei
The only State official to be elect
ed the coming fall is Stato treasurer.
This will be a big help to the nomi'-
nees 011 the Sullivan county Republi
can ticket, as discouraged Demo
crats will remain at home and take
110 interest in the campaign. AN c
will wager our last year s straw hat
that the entire Sullivan county Re
publican licket will be elected next
fall. Mark our prediction.
A dwelling owned by Powell and
John Norton in Campbellsville and
occupied by Stanley Mathew, was
destroyed by fire 011 Sunday morn
ing last. .Nearly all of the furniture
belonging to Mr. Mathew was also
destroyed. The loss 011 building is
estimated at SIOO, partly covered
with insurance. No insurance on
household goods.
A bill has been introduced in the
legislature at llarrisburg to lengthen
the term of a township road super
visor from one year to three years.
It is a good idea and the bill should
become a law. There is 110 subject
011 which people more widely differ
than that of making roads and it
often happens that one man will go
into office and undo the whole year s
work of his predecessor, which
might be all right if it were not done
at the expense of the taxpayers.
The editor of the Wyoming Don.
Mr. Alvin Day, it would appear, has
taken fright at the close quarters of
a number of his friends, who have
been called down for bribery in the
bi'l of particulars filed by the Dun
ham siile of the judicial contest.
The Sittser side of the contest evi
dently knew that some of their boys
were in close quarters and desired
the contest closed 011 a recount of
the ballots. That big campaign
fund placed in Sullivan county wasn't
entirely expended in horse hire and
the evidence 111 the contest will show
The sheriff sale of the J. P. Little
real estate at the courthouse 011
Saturday last, was largely attended.
The property was purchased as fol
lows: The farm, known as the Laird
Little homestead containing one
hundred acres, by \V. J. Lawronce,
consideration, $1,611,00. The dwel
ling of J. P. Little in Laporte boro.,
was purchased by A. Walsh, con
sideration, $502.00. The tract of
land containing 87 acres in Laporte
and Davidson twps., in tho vicinity
of the"V" along the W. 3c N. B,
was purchased by 1). T. Stevens <V
Son, consideration, S3OO. The three
lots along Mai 11 street in the boro.
of Lnportc, were also purchased by
D. T. Stevens iV Son, consideration,
S3OO. Making a total of $3,713.00.
Farmer* will noon readme their
complaint of the small prico pnitl
for wool. Sheeriug time will soon
be here ami the large heap of last
year will grow in size. The present
administration is responsible for J
thix. Kvery 112 irmer in Sullivan Co.,
IN imlchtcil to the Ueniocratic party
anil ought to pay the iuiichteilnis.-
hy voting them out of ofllee. The
h atli-rs of the Democratic party will
continue to a-k you to vote the
sti night ticket, ami why ? The
nation in apparent to any man who
will give it a thought. Show in a
leailer ol the Snl iv.m county I>em-
I ocrutlc party who linn not tlrawn a
-alarj liecauae of hi# leadership?'
I Who has voted hint into oiliee
j that he niiyht draw the t-alary ?
The farmer and the rank am!!
! lihj ol the I>c woe ratio paiA,
without you hi* cause would he
hopelca*. This i» the nolo rcaaon
' why you are after hy the
I leatleia Jlow arc you l»enettt#d hy
| v .ting the Democratic ticket '!
Wagea are lc*» than they w*re dura
| iiin IliirrUon'a term, wool ha a ilropp
'ed in |irie« from 'Js to Si cent* pci j
pound to I j ami 17 rente per potiml
tllil |j«iirr4ll.V »|><- lUing we ate liaV*
1114 piiipcr turn «, liidcr thc-e con
diliou of thing*, h l| the lank ami
Ith- of the I> 111 >i*iatie pait) of Sulli
1 an count) , (Wad. 1 »hip u«
pUitt ton» why they continue to vote
ithe |l> uiociatle lu ket * \\ « ahultld
eouaitier our own acllare ami v<>le
accordingly and m>| to »ml| the
kct»l««H'k of uiir leader*.
I We iu hitw iml Ih
ittaiuialu ik-.i (»>•• »»a. rt 1 t wii )<>u
iu »<>» TKI.J in IIM IIU« UT M»M WUL •
1 lull. in* I *l| «tt*l mm um *tuefc. 4
• |\i ||«||IMI«IIII fa,
A IMcasyuit Surprise Party.
A pretty surprise party was given
Miss Bernice Burkholder of Eagles
Mere in lionor of her twelfth birth
day on the evening of February 26.
Bernice liacl invited a fe w of lier
friends into tea. After tea was
served they proceeded in another
room tlity were enjoying
themselves when the door opened
and in came the rest of the pait}.
She was surely surprised, but after
the surprise was over, our little
friend did her share to make the
occasion a most enjoyable one. The
party amused themselves in playing
games until about half past ten when
the quests were invited iu another
room s'-here refreshments were solv
ed, after wl-ich tliey indulged in a
few more pleasant games. lhe
oueats then returned to their lespec
tive homes, each feeling they had
spent a very pleasant evening. J 'Cr
nice was the recipient of a num >er
of pretty and useful presents. She
is a nice little girl, and her many
friends wish her many more happy
returns of the day. -k-
The new metallic furniture pur
chased by our County Commission
ers, for use in the courthouse, 11 i \
cd on Monday and is being placed in
the vaults of the Prolkonolary's and
Commissioner's office.
Money snvbd is money made. The re
duction" ui Jacob Per's prices is where you
make it. llughesville, Pa.
You can't iro amiss by dropping in at
Jacob l'er's, lliighesville Pa. and take u
look over his stock of goods.
< ourt I'rocevaiugs.
Emma Tinklepaugh vs John Tinkle
niii' li, alias fuihpocna in divorce awarded.
Weaver vs Weaver; divorce decreed ou
payment of costs.
The court appoint .T. M. Ilarerly, ginir
denn of Edna A. llavcrly and approve
of Seoutan m the bond.
John R. Fleming appointed a member
of council for Forksvitle borough 10 till
The court permit the transfer of the
liquor license of James J. Cadden of Du
sliore to William O'Ni il.
Adam Kneller vs Colley twp.;rule grant
ed to show cause for a new trial; returna
ble. Feb. 38 1895. at 8 p. m,
On petition the court appoint Tlorar-e
Dumond an auditor of Fox township to
fi!! vacancy.
Comtli. vs Geo Ttinc; assault and battery
—case tried verdict guilty ot assault: sen
tenced !o pay a fine of SI.OO and cost of
Comtli. vs Cocoman and Comtli. vs Jas
Ilill, false pritense. The recognizance of
the defendant in each ease forltited, to tie
respited 011 their appearance at next term.
Comtli. vs \V. A Kennedy; aggreavatid
assault; jury find defendant guilty as in
dited. Kule granted to show cause for
a new trial.
Adam Kneller vs Colley twp.; rule grant
ed to show cause for a new trial, returna
ble Feb. 28.
Vatiderpool vs Vandcrpool; divorce dc-1
creed on payment of cost.
Oomtli v« Jas- F. Il.iggerty; seduction.!
Jury find defendant guilty as indited; ren
tenccd to pay a lino of $lO and eo«t of i
prosecution and one y> ar and throe mouths
in ilit- eastern penitentiary.
Tbo». MalmfiVy, Sliriili of Su'.livan Co.
acknowledges deed in open court to John
p. i; reeo.
Tlio following matters wore pvescntt d 11
co-ir' and w( re confirmed ni si viz: Acet.
of Win. Sharp Kxor. of Edward Sh irp
deed. Acct. of K, and J. W- Mc-1
Million EX'rs of James Fit/sdintnons deed
Appraisement of widow's share of (' U j
Miller deed. Appraisement of widow's
share estate of J .1. Ihuldow deed. Aud
itors report i:t i-stnte of I), L. Erie deed.
Hep irt of viewers over l.ick ('nek near
Ktirksvilie. Ihe icport of viewers on road
near Eag'es Mere was confirmed absolutely
In the matter of the division linelntv pen
Shrewsbury and Ililisgrove townships, on
petitiou th' 1 court appoint '.V. Mason,
Nathan Persuu and Edward EMred coins.
f(>r the j-.urpos of a-'cert liningand inarkiiir
the boundrv between said townships.
National I'asb Co. vs Jackson I
A- Mecke.; case called and Jury euipaneh-d ,
and sworn when case settled on following '
terms: Judgement to be entered in favor
( )f plaintiff ugiinst deft for slls 00 and
In re: Real esta'e of Her j. Urynn deed. I
on petition thee ,iir( direct th" linlnis'ra ;
tors to sell the real estate as prayed for;!
bond r> n'iired
W. (' Mason vs Su-an Oarrigu> s; the,
court direct ju Igeun nt to lie entered f>r
th - amount alaiiued i i the plaintiff's state- |
merit wit h interest and c -Is.
liuckliolder vs liuckholdcr: alias sub !
poem a warded.
J. I» Porter vs .l a- et E Porter; divorce I
eas,. Ca-e com lined anlil in kl terin, th 1
libillanl to pay the \ttv. for res|M>nduiit, I
*lO to enable hrr to eon In t her defence. !
All proceed in its to lie stayed until nich
payment Is made ami no depositioiiH to tie
t iU.m on his part until after said payin. i>' j
in made
Keys!our ('oufiction Co. vs t lei>. C Jack
son; rule granted on pi liutiffi to jfive ae
cuHty for coat.
11l AMunHinent of VV. It llothnsiine
F II Ingham \ttv. appointed auditor.
(' intli. vs Henry llruwn and Ornrge
drown. Thee .iirt direct that Judifi ;
11l -11l I n entered 111 this cuM agiillat (ieo |
J. (' K •libliu v-.lam, *Mi F.rluneiV Co
(,'i-e tried before Jinl.i- peek; verdict for |
p'uiiil lT tor
Jack* Ml vs I iint ert; continued
Kirns vs Kirk; Continued Eldr<-1 v* j
<)• 11 111 II CiM-i roiti Old. IVllim t'o j
(1 luiii.; ' *ll d Itroiv i vs Tr.*Ur
Tup ell A' i o ; eolith in.,|
Cntnpla-ll k V S.,u vs i.etu; verdict for plf
" coil tin ii nI ai
m t nf ih 112 ■ ii.l.mi
Pi .1 Nut. It ink hi-hoii vs Zuiirr; ii
mi • e tillliued M ill s, Truster v» W
AN. H It Ht 0~ , I I ||„y,, v, i
k!e mil Ho Mf V , in Hruee lb ai , I.i. n
I.uii»t, rl'.i. < irr. II <■ Miner and li. |
tOlll till 111l '• Wl lit. I lilt t'lllllUl .
k. if v* t'ouiior-, com
\»|t.| MK!>f udt
Pl,,|is \>i It i, V. viii. II IT
; v* IYhhin (8 Kiiglem.iit I oi ii
I',, iili-liaou n Hr) lii'lda ail eolit ili d
I'mlii y« Poller io it uu term*, t'oui
iv# Poller «i|tiuil mi,| (' A. V
|n re Moid <roui t li.-ny Mills lo Itig
11.,11im. e I fs.mlli >• Mu'pllV, tu nil I
li, <rol, ,| 111.,mi1,r I v*
vi'iiiw eon i i*itiltuti Imi ft Win
M,« ruli'l iMiilmn t*u v* M
I Hdllf rul i/r mil |
iMDKirtu tip Mill I i|it|rU i M •
W U lIU, «*pll-»l «|o ||'|u,|| , I vl.itila,
fill* «r Hl'. I ou ill 111l |,i emin- wit)
nil |if *«'i,|nu< »t|,.141.| u il lw ~ ii»li,,|
itsnulag* llro* m M,l ,|iu « i kiep
t tun* I• i ijmfl of 4i|,li 1< t i mmi I line* I
t'ollll »,ijnii i„,| Ijblli Pl.iUv M«l<b
Mill, IW), «t 1 |i m
lluoUjf Ikie Aulil it* i|i l||i» itftlll I*
«,ill| l»>il I » ,i» ~»vi Ibu
pfti K ul tluillilM, M H .Itlini* Hhi Iflistltl
|ik*mi U« t«k> i UH| Jm/vb fti *
pfit« U*t. iluglK** Ik fa,,
Sittser'tf Friends Have Accom
plished Nothing "!» to I»«»le,
AM the Evidence will Show.
Below wc give the testimony of
the Lopez voters who were challeng
ed :is illegal voters in th'c bill ol
particulars filed by the contestants.
Their evidence is very satisfaCuOi}
to the friends of Judge Dunham.
It was in this precinct thai. Mr.
.Scouten proposed to show over one
hundred illegal votes forjudge Dun
ham. He lias hopelessly failed as
the testimony will show. It is pret
ty generally coneceded that there is
no possibility of throwing out more
than one vote in this precinct as far
as the sworn evidence is concerned
and that is the vote of Miko Burk jr.
Read his evidence and judge for
IRE : Contested Election of E.
M. Dunham, No, 83 December term,
Now, March 4th, 1895, court, meets
pursuant to adjournment. Pretent,
Hon. Charles Ji. Rice, Hon. K. W.
Arcbbald, Hon. D. W. Searle, Pres
ident Judges.
Bv Mtt. PIATT, Counsel for Con'ts
The counsel for the contestants
move to strike from the bill of par
ticulars filed by the respondent so
much and such part thereof as chal
lenges upon the ground of bribery
for reasons following, viz:
First, that the allegations in rela
tion thereto if sustained would not
disqualify the person challenged or
rejected therefore in this contest.
Second, that the bill of particulars
so-called is not sufficiently specific
in that it does not charge the per
son in such manner as to furnish in
formal,ion to the contestants.
Third, that the bill of particulars
so-.called docs not stale the name c(
the person bribing or the person
bribed by and particular person.
Fourth, 11 it is intended to chal
lenge any vote because of any bri
bery, the bill of particulars should
state the name of person who used
money and (he name of person with
whom it was used and also for which
of the two candidates the person
bribed or hiibing voted.
Bv THE COURT:—Voti may (lie
your paper and have it upon the
record and we will take the matter
under consideration. It is not nec
essary to dispose of the motion at
this present moment.
BY MR. SCOUT KX: —TIIO counsel
for the contestants offer in evidence
certain allliluvits of voters for llie
election precinct, Lopez, Sullivan
county. We offer first affidavit of
Frank Cranmer; t!ic defect in that
aiiidavit is that the house in which
he resides in that precinct is not
named, nor is his place of residence
in the precinct named in any way.
A. WAI.RH, recalled for contest
ants; direct examination. tAliidnv
its of Olmrles Slicker, W*. W. Host
wick, 11. G. Strcevy, .John Mcsser*.
smith, James Illy, James Mooney,
Andrew Herubury, Garrison Mills,
Adam Sehoek, E. M. Casslebury,
Tltcmas Kuncs, J. 1,. Mcssersmitji, I
Clinton MeCnrroll, Robert Gourley, j
Frederick Kei;ley, 'l'. O. Ross, Pat. 1
Munstcr, 11. L George ('. j
Thra'dter, Thos. Franklin, Eugene I
Losit r, Charles Meyers, Frank Cran-I
imr, George Sheehan, E.liott Knmi- j
uel. and Aaron Reed shown witness.) j
(J. You have seen Michael Fin in
write? A. Y>s, sir. Q. You are j
acquainted with his signature? A :
Yes, sir. <{. Ihe several signatures
upon the affidavits which have been
pissed to you, have you examined :
them ? A. Yes. sir. (J. Whether
or not thoso are Michael Fimm'si
-i.' nature . ? A. They are not with i
Ihe exception ol the afl'dnvit of Jus. j
Kly. which is the handwriting of M
A. Fin..ii.
11 \1;11 v P.vv, sworn for contest
ant-; direct examination.
Q. Mr. Day, where do von live ?j
Newell, Sullivan county. (J. Where i
111 you retdde the lit It day of last!
November!' Neivell. Q What!
town-hi|» is it in ? Colley town-hip
Whose Ken are you* Claudius
!>i\V Did \mi vote last No-|
veuiber ? V> a d'', < t >. What plae •?
fjop.-x. Q W lial is your ngc 112 21
(j When WelO you 21 ? | was 'J|
the 9th of Outober, lUDi When
were you born? Horn the Olli of
October I s 7 !
liv Tut: Cm urs Did you attack j
him on Iho mound of not doing
age T I)v Mll. Si oi 11s: Ye», idr. >
JOHN 1 it 1:ITR, SWORN for coiiiest-I
aut; direct examination,
Mr. Kbcrt, where do you realde ?.
New 11. What ar»> von doing there '!
Working in the wtw mill. How long j
have you lived there? I worked
there, came there in lti',l,'l Are von I
married ? Yen, »lr. When 1 uoe»
yotiri liv« ? At Newell. Voir
inns there in IV-W,1 V -W, did you move i
your filially there then? I colli-;
Itielicetl to Work tilt ru the 2*l of Sup. |
l-.1.i, litii 1 didn't iu»t move there j
(lon, 1 e vine ti'iim U Into II av i 11, I }
111 >ved there ill November the follow '
year, tiit in Ullil, Yon
moved there «ith jour iaiuily i"
IH'.lfl. Ve*. air; J did. |>« 1 you
' ■ iiue tbe 1 o to k . did you taiiue
lliere to »la> ? 1 wOIL d tlore
Old \ oil llltelid lo t'o leo'lt tM \\ title
Haven 112 S , .iij I del nd. Whue
did \ oil (tili ltd lu jfO 112 | inieiidul
|lOgti)u«l » *«*» tl> a lu»; •• | i|i ik«». I
went iheiM lo woilt 111 H i>let«|her «nd
lu K * itdi. 1 I in.. | be. u What
Soveiulier * |si».| t { vuititiieiievd
morliioj lit lulu-r, autl I wovml
J lltw«e lite fnllxwlag \ n>itil er. \'uu
1'»IIM llit RE * 1 l lt 1 MIII FAMILY Jttai
j (Ilia l**i N•» 1'»!» 1. tlitlu'l »*"i ,•
H<t, air, 1 IMIMU IN wtu my (anjlv | M
The lender in styles—Jacob Per, the ]
cloihior and gent's. furnisher, llugUesvillc.
Niirrill'it Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Vend: Ex: Real,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Sullivan county, and to me directed
and delivered, there will be exposed to
public sale at the Court House in Laporte
Pa., on
Saturday, March 30 '95
At one o'clock pin., the following de
scribed property, viz:
Lot No. 1. All that piece, parcel or lot
of land situated in the Borough of Laporte
County of Sullivan, State of Pennsylvania
and bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the West
line of Beech street with the South line of
Cherry street, thenco along Cherry street,
west 133 feet to lot No. 138; thence south
200 feet to Orchard Alloy; thence along
Orchard Alley, east 138 feet to Beech St.
and thenco along street north SAO ft.
to the place of beginning. Containing 130
perches of land, and being lots Nos. lot!
and 137 of the allotments of Laporte boro.
Having there on erected a largo and com
inodious framed dwelling house, a framed
barn aud other out buildings, with fruit
trees and good garden.
Lot No. 2. Another lot, piece or parcel
of land, situated in the same borough,
county and state, hounded and described
as follows: Beginning at the N. W- corner
of lot No. -14 of the allotments of said
Borough of Laporte on the south side of
Main street, thonce along south side of
Main street, thence along south side of
Main street, west 42 feel to the intersection
of the ea; t line of King street (formerly
Blackberry Alley,) as extended at tills
point, (being 10 feet east of original line);
tlience along Said eastern line as extended
g )uth 70 feet; thenco east 42 feet to the
west lino ot lot No, 44; thence along said
west line, of said lot, north 70 feet to the
place of beginning. Containing about 11-
3-4 perches, and being a part of lot No. 43
of the allotments of said borough. Hav
ing thereon erected a large two stored
frau;ed store building.
Seized, taken into execution and to bo
sold as the propcily of William Meylert at
the suit of ilulings Lippincott (use).
Sheriff's Ollico, Laporte Pa. March'4th 'OS.
lugliams Attys.
Wc a'l have a right to prophesy about
the weather, and the ground hog can keep
shady if he wants to, but what agitates the
minds of the coining man and youth of
the period just now, is where to purchase
n spring suit, .lacob Per of Uughesville
Pa., can tit you out in theheigth of fashion
and at prices that will please you.
Moronntile Appraiser's List.
Blight. W. 11. - - 1U 2)"T*
biek. U. S. - u "i 75
Hunsingcr, P. W. - 14 7T5
Hope, (J. P- - I 14 775
Vouch Julius - - I 14 773
Dicffenbtteh, D. I). -J 14 775
Jennings Bros, - - | 8 80 75
Johnson, O. \V.
Kcater, K. P. - 14 7 75
Kipp G. W. & Co. l4 775
Mus't'inmii, George C. 14 7 75
Potior, Winflold -14 7 75
Krasuicky. Ilarry - - j 14 775
Armstrong, A. T. - 18 10 75
iiotitne & Warn - -114 7 75
Mnyargle Bros. - 14 | 7 75
I'enticUt i.umber Co. 13 j to 75
Webb. E. C. - - i 14 | 7 75
Hoffman. W- L. - 1 11 15 75
Carroll, D. E. - - 14 7 75
Carroll, J. W. & Co. - 14 | 775
Curl, K. A. - - 14 | 775
Colo, S muel - - 13 jlO 75
Cunningham, James - 1 14 775
l)et «un, Gcorse - 11 | 775
MeDermott. II - - 14 ; 7 75
Hounetter, O. 11. - j 14 775
Harrington, J. 8. - 14 I 775
UolT* J. 8. & Co. - : 13 jin 75
Connor. P. - - 14 7 75
Barth & K eater, - j 14 775
\V« iis A Co. - - ' 14 I 775
Kline, B. 14 I 7 75
Molyncux. C. K. - , ; 14 ! 775
Ptuuer. C. E. - - 14 ; 7 75
Pomeroy, F. B. - - 14 I 775
It os.-r, John I). - 13 13 25
Sylvir i, E. G. - „ 13 18 W5
Uettenlmry, J. V. - , B | 7 7,1
Tubach, Emil K. - - 14 775
Vincent, P. P. - _ 14 775
Yookiu, J. 11. - H | 75
Mark*, 11 L. - - 14 775
Hartunjr. August - 14 7 75
Jennings C I!., Agent, 14 i 7 75
McCarty. 1) P. 14 7 75
Lancaster. B. S. - 14 7 75
Snyder, O. \V. & Co. - 13 10 75
K >gcrs, M. A A- Sin, 11 i 15 75
Campbell. J. 11. A Company 13 10 75
Casenmn. C. J. Airent 14 7 75
HtLL^OUOVE., W. L. - 13 10 75
Hull. Vermin - 13 10 75
Keeior, T. J. - 14 7 75
•Sji, eeer. Walter - - 11 77",
MeFnilim .1:11110* . la 10 75
Stephen* A- II:ilN:o«d 13 10 75
!\!. rea, Daniel 14 ! 7 ~r,
Dunham, J. N Col ley, 2 tables, $lO 75
Moilee It iliert D i hore. do ' 40,75
Cb noy, C P. Shrewsbury do 40 75
Omul, Patrick iV William Duabore,
FIIIUII A Carroll, do
Schaad, John Cherry.
And thai an it|i|H"il will la- lietl in the
Cou'il v Ciimiiilwiiiiiera' olHee in
mi 111 - IVlt<ll\ of March, eiaiuiiont"
in.' at 1 o'citK i |>. 111 In continue until
I'J 111. Lite 16111 uf Mareti. When and
where you eau attend if you we pri>|ier,
11. L. Mer< untile A|i|irain<-r.
W vs tK.ii. -Every untuker to >eiul aeven
two eeltl »taui|>* In In l|i |ny putlage inek
iiit* eie ami we wll until, box if Nun
Nicotine VII Ijjet-t only out* INIX lo
one uddrc n. Atldreea.
Laiidi* X Co , Hhi|i[M'ii«tittr{, Pa.
■•in *l»n W»Mhu -To wll Noa Nlr
o'dne Ml IFCLOT IIKIIII S int|l!C* free , »ular>
or t iiittiil* ion. I;IHXI >ii|« line.
Atfeiri » LuiidU \Co , hlttpj on.hurt; I'a.
!' r in nu tmi all won. r gtanta l»fl
en litml at II a • . Hotmlown, I'a
I! A VI aro M-iiiitg the lineal »yrn|i ami
iluktUjf HU'li'l u.
Fm »d g'lod* bo »ute aatl got litidliie A
Wam > |.«k n
II A W tkmeotuwa, I'a , lake all ItlmU
ol juoJuw
A in « l*.i uf the I iir«t et It'i of Hrtu
if > «la i'*«t airivtxl al I J K kKI kit et.
I |M K for ftrrliluia : Hid l.lltldlllrf, ad
iltiu Jukli II Jt Co 11 ugUt* 11 llv, I'II.
I ».ii.» ami ii'iii* •kaitt from 9-V up
tUtel »ltil» u | in .» Vi üb, a „'■> n
v«ittty al i»t* ll o lvt ifv |in.ln.H lv
Will la) litt. Uliilit .t tsaab |>tttw lm all
kiini# il tea fur* at CUT«» ||,«ii***t.
\ 1 iw. IIIW ..I la».« t AUI |.UIU IH .IITIG
•»*>» • 1 i«a '¥ >« >iu » it «t t
il.i i-ait. I'ii Umu > <u.# 1 a 11..1 An "U«iu *i„i
ll*.t Aa-ti laaliii|. Cola* 11 a- aan Mi.
' ilk kft
.1805 WINTER .1895,
Yea it .s a 1 12 a ct ; our cew stock represents a surprising H ne of bar '
gains. And now wc are a'ter buyers. Our bait is bargains, genu J«
bargains; ro.neinber, real bargains. We don't use artificial bait got «p
just to catch custom. We have secured as good a line of goods as
ever offered in this vicinity. It is this fact and our extra Low Prices
tbnt makes urn- present bargain offer the event of the season.
Call and be Convinced of the Above facts.
Opposite the Court Ilouse, WILLIAMSFOET, PA
First National Bank,
" PA.
Capital $50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $14,000
This bank ofTers all the usual facilities for the transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited,
DeWitt Bodine, President. \y. C. Frontz, Caahto*
C, W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Manufactuter and dealer in
s a Bid Slioe§«
"We tee at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.'
I secure all discounts al- RASH An(l c* ll sell at
'owed by wholesale dealers to fiUI&U Pj ices, with satisfastloa
' ■ v -OUR
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
iu quality and prices. Our French Kip IJoots are an especial bar*
gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
J. & Harrington,
1 am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first slam swi
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines ol Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
liehmentsjfor Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prioes.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
A big Bargain,
Come and see us,
J. W. CARROLir&Co:
Dushcrc, Penn.
We liave on hand an excellent line of Gents fur&Miintr (roods of all kinds, inclnd
ini; suits. Overcoats, lints, Caps. I ndei ware. Hoots and Shoes, Rubber goods, FeltS
auj etc., at prices that defy competition.
Custom Work
Correctly done at our head quarters in IH>TEL CARUOI.I BLOCK at Dwfcort 1%.
We respectfully invite VOL Un-ail und >ec us aud examine good* and prices W»
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W. Carroll & Co.
rttSHOB.3 - FA,
are headquarters fur Henriettas, Cashmeres, lil.ick French good*
Moire' Silks Moire' Cotlen Good*. Japouettes, Fiue French Giughnu
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects Ac.
Everybody will want—
lLaces This Yearf
For triinuiiug. We have the largest sloe* of them e*er shows
in the County.
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct
****************** ***********
sFrom England.?
Wc are prepared to gi»e you pric. s that will a»toui<d> yott.
A new st«ek of l.adie*' M. n's «n<l i'lttldr* «'■» shoe*. WuidktW siwdsi
Laos curtain* ,Vt\ A |iew stock of Fresh liroserlss
Arriving Daily. Gtvs us a call.
ii a. mrjM
Uiyal Htn'k t'osl, fur sale si lbs Hunker ut tits HUU LlkS k fttllisM
Hallioad Cu. Si Ikiuies—
lb* 9i*U Liut. 4 iuiltfim it M tw. I 0 titHiM,