Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, February 22, 1895, Image 2

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W. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor.
A Visit Nonlh.
A. short time ago a Sullivan coun
ty man could be seen tramping down
the snow clad mountains which suis
rounded his home, on his way to the
eunny South, lie left behind him
Bomu two feet of snow on the ground,
two feet of ice on the water and a
recollection of zero weather and
chilling blasts which infused new
life into his foot steps as they crun
ched in the sparkling road bed.
The station reached in a few
hours the earth took on a different
appearance. At Harrisburg, sleigh
ing was difficult on account of seal--
city of snow in the roads. Before
York, Pa. was reached, tho south
side of the hills were bare of snow,
and long before Baltimore was reach
ed no trace of snow anywhere could
be Been. In southern Maryland,
destination, at this time, .'January
2-4 th, robins, red birds and the
belongings of gentle spiiug could be
seen on every hand. Filling in the
rivers was the order of the dav, and
making hot beds in the unfrozen
ground as well as ploughing for
spring ciops.
What an advantage these south
erners have over us in the mildness
of their climate and the great length
of time they have in which to "do
their farm work. In spite of the
low prices for many farm products,
these Maryland farmers are more
than holding their own. Close to
large city markets, with cheap labor,
a soil of unexcelled natural fertility
and a genial climate, the enterpris
ing and industrious farmer seldom
fails here. Iler encouraging sign
for the future of this old and historic
State is the growing disposition of
largo land owners "to cut up their
farms or plantations into smaller and
more workable proportions.
While sojourning here for a short
time I took a flying trip to Washing
ton. This is a popular market for
Maryland people, as well as a popu
lar place you know, Mr. Editor, for
northern people to market their ser
vices to the public in return for one
of the numerous oflicials centered
there. Business is not booming in
Washington. Trade is away off as
compared with a few years ago, and
our free trade tariff smashing Con
gressmen would not Lave far togo
if they really wanted to see some of
the fruits of their folly. Of course
your correspondent could not repress
the inclination to see Congress in
session. It was a melancholy spec- i
tncle to see the sad array of political'
corpses in the lower House. I
never saw so many dead men in one
bunch before. Let us consider Mr.
Editor, while we mourn their un
timely fate that it had to be done.
There was but one of two alterna
tives for the country last ia]] ; either
to kill the present Oougress or in
stead to be completely swamped bv
it. Let the good work goon. We
are on the right track. Let us fol
low it to the end. I did not see the
portly form of our present Repre
sentative, Mr. Wolverton. lie may
or ma}- not have been there It is a
consolation to know he will n«~.t be
there after the 4th of March and
that for the next two years jit least
this district will enjoy the unique
experiences of having a Ttepublican
Representative, who can be depend
ed upon to assist in bringing the
country out of the mess into which
incompetence has brought it. A
short stay in the gallery of the Sen
ate was full of interest. Debate
there was animated and I had the
privilege of hearing such men as
Gorman, Chandler, Piatt and Sher
man. All good, but Sherman as
usual the best. I never remember to
have heard or read anything by
Sherman which was not clear, con
cise anil sensible. What a relic of
the past Sherman is, and yet he is as
progressive as need be and far from
a fogy. He helped to make the
Republican party and the country
in a market place. His name is
associated with that of Lincoln and
the war. Hated by the silver men
we can all feel easier by having the
conservatism of John Sherman to
help hold in check the possibly ex
treme monatary measures of the "U.
S. Senate as it is now constituted.
Bidding good bye to the South in
advance to the blizzard, which I
learn left its marks where I bad vis
ited, this winter, finds me again on
the mountains waiting for Spring
and not entirely sick of this country
even if we do have to take the bitter
with tbe sweet. A. H, M.
The ladies of this place made Mrs.
Alviee Dunham a pleasant surprise
on Tuesday; this being her birthday
they presented her with a handsome
worsted quilt, embroidered with silk.
Mrs. Nelson Bennett is recovering
from an attact of pneumonia uuder
the treatment of Dr. Hill.
Miss Ettie Chase of Lnporte was
visiting Bessie Cheney, Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Danlev and daughter,
Magie, and Arthur Lisson were at
I'ensdale, Saturday, visiting friends.
Every one here is anxious to see
the REPUBLICAN makeils appearance
on Friday mornings, since it has a
correspondence from this place.
C. F. Cheney has received and
placed in market, a lot of fresh fish.
Air. and Mrs. E. S. Chase, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Cheney, Mr. E. V.
Ingham, and Mr. A. H. Marr attend
ed tbe funeral of Mrs. Judge Dun
ham, on Friday.
There was a large gathering of
young folks on Valentine's night to
celebrate the birthday of Clarence
Bennett, son of Mr. and Mis. B. W.
Bennett. All of the attendants i ex
port a good time,
OF mT ™ ' .
Expenditures of
FOR YEAR 18g4.
STATEMENT «112 the Expenditure* of SnlNvan County for the year 1894
Refunding Aeoouut ~ - - Q ; c ——
Juil Expense* •"! 7 ®L •«. „ . Brought forward
Prothonotarv and Clerk, ofCo'ur'tT" ?a ' Co ' lt • Bummon,n S Jurufß e, ° "
County Auditors .. Lourts - 2 »JO T-ptom 72 01
Auditing not. of Prott,. "? J® ®T- r uf 271 3(
Assessing and Regi.te ni' J? ?! U6l t a " d . L '« hU 202 6 <
Burrial of Soldiers! * inn imlM %"% *2 01
Countv Bridges ,?2 "" £^ t, l f aid "T;"" T ' 377 5(
Jury Commissioners 'i'oO 2* Office "« «!
New^ourt'House^' 1,1118 i"\ 35 22 Agricultural Society for Yeur 189S 10(101
Bountie* Pah' U " d Juil *'2* 88 « « 1894 100 01
Countv Ir •" 01 Kastern Penitentiary bill 79 4
Count* -dilute 148 66 Bal. of Salary due V.x-County Coins
? Co:unii.-sionors lalarii* and miMinner Soanlan for 1893 I 7,
Elections 1161 86 Insurance on New Court llouie 226 0
Janitor 68 75 Sheep Claims Paid 367 5
, Shoveling snow 5 00 Inquetts „ 72 2
Claims paid by oounly on aectof Ex. state Convention of County Com*." 100 0
Treiis. Lorah • 3,500 30 Witncjs Foes in Suits vs County 21 0
Grad Jurors 902 Court House Expenses 10 1
Traverse Jurors 1517 fid Cost of Wind Mill for Water Power
Constables Returns to Sourt 154 06 including excavations and all ex-
Freight and Express 61 08 pnnscs ]35 0
Commonwealth Costs 983 56 Reward Paid [Mark's Murder] 167 6
Interest on Ilorrowud M0n0y......... 591 98 Convoying insane to Asylums 91 8
Land Sales 126 75 Ntw Polling Pla<*e for Shrewsbury
Public Offices, Repairs Eto 29 43 t»p. at Mount Vernon 12 4'
Carried Forward $ ' Total $42,823 7
Financial Condition of Sullivan Counly for the Year Ending December 31, 1594.
Philip Karge Co. Order at Inierest 205 49 Amount due from collectors Tor 1894
Henry Karne " '• 115 00 and for previous yours 4477 7
Mrs. Sn'ab Speaker " " 456 00; Amomit due by ex Shi riff Tripp, tor
W. C. Macon •' " 500 01)! Jnry lor IBS 9 24 0'
Elhlin Mason " " 600 00 Arut. due by ex-Sh'ff Ui» Jury I'*' '92 12 0
R. M. Storuiont estate " " 2X60 50 Ami. of balance <lii j t.m county ou
Russei Karns " " 3500 00| j"Jgt. No. 62 Feb. 'J'. *9l against
Mrs. E Seaman " " 4000 On: ex«l're»s. Jacob Lornli 4826 4
James Qainn " " 500 OOlAmt. Une from C. E. Jackion J. P.
Co. Orders Outstanding, not at Inst. 247 12; forfeited recognisance in 1893 50 (1
Aint. still dae townships hy the Co. ,Amt. due from F.x township on act.
on aeet. of Ex-Trea*. Lorah 1083 45; of Harvey McKay, a hinitic 179 5
Amt. still duo various persons of Aint. of Cumth. costs sur charged... 21 8
Redemption Monoy on same aeet. 357 80 Amt. due from State Trias, the pro.
Bal. due Co. Com. Li'zelmau for' 94 930 portion of State tax due (he coun-
Bal. " Webster «• 375 '.V for 1804 64; 4
*lie«orce."'. in Excess ol Liabilities... 1945 71 jl ho County Couiinissioi-ers also hold
i the following notes given lor cots:
® 15,880 18 'Note of Ernaia Zioglcr 15'' 00
do J. 1,. Crossley 73 81
do Mason Bronn 10S 52
do Wm. Lamonr 10 Oil
do Daniel Pcnree 70 00
do Lincoln Edkin 87 77
do E. E. Webb ... 664 49
do E. T. Brown 81 73
do Thos. Anden-ou 6'.' 61
do Oirin Witmiller 24 SO
do Joseph Ma.-kaln 11l 2 4
do Albert A. I'liter 15! 49
do U bt. Me.Maho.i jr... Oil 78
do Michael Fender 7 45
1,67 j ou
Balunej in lanlof Co. Treasurer... 6.713 2i
15.880 11
•Which amount of notes the County Audi
*rhe honl'#d indebtedness is shown on a sep-ton da iiot include in Hie Kf«<iurcL* 01 tin
' arato stutewent U'ounry in this rep rt for the year 1894.
Amt. of Coui «y Orders outstanding Amt. of County Orders redeemed by
ou December il 189S 10,000 85 1 Co Treasurer during 1594 44 814 4i
Amt. of County Orders issued duf- j Amt. of County Orders outstanding
ing year 1894 47,323 741 on December 31 1894 12,480 1 >»7.324
>»7.324 591 $57 324 5!
."o Amt. of Redemption Money reel. By Amt. of Redemption M' ney paid
by Co. Treasurer during 1894... 191 06 out by O>. Troisurcr (luring 1894 111 0,
Balance in hands of Co. Treasurer 50 0
sl3l o fi ! sl9l Oi
In Aeeouut with the Colleetors of Stato Tax for the year 1894.
BORoUa IIS AND I Amt. 1 Amt. j Col's, j Rebnto Idue from I
TOWNSHIP. COLLECTORS, j Charged.. Paid In. | Cim. 'Allowed ; Coll. Balance
Cherry K. W. MittendorP 93 98 40 00. 1 20; 2ln 50 6>i 93 9:
Co I ley ' Gabriel Baumann 21 22 IS ooj 61 95 4 7;<[ 24 2:
Duskore Borough...!Willis P. Moticr 219 01 100 00; 5 0(1 114 (nj 219 0
Davtds(rti Jntnee Mcran ... ] 81 56 6'S 5". 1 70' 297 20 Bfi 81 51
Elkland Whoe'er Plott*... 43 61 30 Onj 9u| 158 11 Hi 4:1 (•„
Forksville Borough'Charles Nye ; 50 30 46 11 13S 242 3V 60 3l
Forks |F. P. Seanlan 6S 55 63 27! 1 00: 280 10 8S 68 5i
Fox . ...IA. Dickenson
Ililisgrove Charles Haas 45 59 41 27; 1 2xi 224 45 5]
L'iporte Borough... T. J. Heeler 63 19 50 53] 1 82 ! 195 |i
Laporte Phillip Karge 23 03 20 61 i 66| 98 23 0(
Shrewsbury | Mat hew Taylor... 211 76 17 ltl 52' 90 219 20 7i
I Totals .$ 783 86 $ 4T3 471 *l6 60! $lB 89 $ 214 40 $ 733 8<
NOTE: There wns no State. Tax assessed in, or charged to Fox Iwp. for the year 1894.
In nccount with the Collectors of County Tax for the year 1894.
MOKOU nils ATiU j Aint. I H re, Hebuto iColleo'rs' liuT^
AVI> COLLECTORS, charged Paid In. g1 > = Allowed Com. from Balanoi
! TOWN' IPS. j 11 o"• Coli'ts.'l
■Cherry F. Miltendorf ... 1712 84 1 500 00] if if g 26 321 10 00 1176 62 1712 F. 4
Coiley (ia'oriel Baumann; 683 70' 317 o"jßjP*c' 2il| II 41 .Jll7 q:j ! f;s3
Dufhore borojWillis P. Mosier 775 34; 710 00 3 1 £ 34 74 22 30 830 7ii 31
Davidson ....'James Mo ran ... 1118 19; 678 26?. 27 21 10 37 532 35 Ills H
Elkland Wheeler Ploits ... 916 81 726 23! 26 32j 26 31 137 95 ; 916 81
Forksville B.jChariee Nye 228 30; 119 22' 6 27| 357 99 24 228 3d
j Fork* ; V*. P. Scanlan ... 701 06 411 06; 21 6-i, 12 33 256 64 7111 00
Fox A. Dickenaon 387 93 166 >8 7 6(1 j 542 208 07 387
Ilillsgrove ... Charies Haas 617 S6 54(1 00 1 28 42; 16 20 33 21 617 SH
Laporte liorn'T. J. Kieler 406 22' 318 19; l 36 21; 12 0:; 39 70 406 22
liapjrto I'lnl ip Karge ... 415 21 843 0»j 12 68 231 47 1:1 415 24
Shrewsbury.. Mathtw Taylor... 947 67 712 33| !3i 521 23 27 178 65 917 6?
I Total sB9ll 76 $5412 26' i 279 17 $ 165 65 3054 78 8911 70
in account with the Collectors of Dog Tax, lor the year 1894.
BOROUGHS! Amt. I Amount 112; Rebate 'AoU'clr?' l Hue i " "
AND i COLLECTORS, charged. Paid In.: > g AlleWcd. I Comm. Iron liialanee
TWPS. i 1 == Coilee'ra j
Cherry IF. Mitlendorf 141 75: 40 00 < 5 210 120 98 45! 141 75
Colloy iti.ibriol liaum mn 75 50 22 00 a ? 1 00! 66 36 O.'ll 69 75
I>u.«hore boro'Willis P. Mosier 19 00 | 19 ooi 19 00
I>ll vi Iron .'sme< Morivn.... 103 25 15 00 Bt| 47 };« ;j,;i jjj 2•,
Elklani Wheeler Plotts ... 83 25; 40 Oil 2 10, 120 39 95! >3 2.1
Forksville 11. Charles Nyo 9 001 I 9 (m 9 ,"Ji)
Forks F. P. Scanlan 87 2il 41 59 215 135 42 16 87 25
Fox A. Diekerson 43 75 I 43 75 43 75
Ilillsgrove ... Chnrle* Ham 58 Slij 40 00 2 10; 1 2(1 15 50 6S So
Laporte boro X. J. Keeler.. ... 15 D 0: 12 0'! 225 19| 551 , 55 99
Laporte I'hillip Kurge 27 25j 15 4I ! 34 64' 10 86 27 25
Shrewsbury.. Mathcw Taylor... 52 75 15 43j 81 4'*>' 36 05! 62 75
i 7(10 80 S 242 01 2 25' 11 67 773 ? 437 11 $ 7110 80
Statcmeat showing amount* of State, County and Dog Taxi s due from the various Collec
tor* for the year 1894, and for previous years.
BOKOUIJHO AMD , Stato Tux 1 i nunty tux Log Tax - "
TOWNSHIPS. | COLLECTORS, Year. Amt. Dus. Au.t. Due,,'Aiut, Du.'. Toiuls.
Cherry Township ... Michael Gallagher 18SS 27 20> 133 95 16t 16
Laporte borough ;F. W. Gallagher... 1889 8 61' 861
Cherry Township ... F. J. McDonald 1891 20 65 108 45! 129 111
Forksville Borough:H. W. Gilbert 12 00 i 12 00
Laporto do N. C. Malien 3(1 |g, 19
Laporte Towmhip... Phillip Kara;e I 85' ' | 35
Davidson do W. M Robbins 1892 3d Oiij 30 0(1
Cherry do J. W. MoMahon... 1893 13 2l| 13 21
Davidson do Theodoro Mencer... 18 70; 18 70
Dashore Borough C. W. Champion... 19 42 172 96! 192 3s
Coiley Township P. A. Walsh 19 07 145 74j Igj j]
ilillsgrove do iCharles Haas 3 93' 393
Cherry do F. Mittendorf 1894 50 68 1 176 62' 98 45 1325 65
Coiley do Oabr'el Baumann 473 307 o.'l| 36 03 317 79
Davidson do lames Morsti 20 36. 562 35| 86 36 069 07
lioshore Borough ... >Villis P. Mosier ... 114 01 8 30, 19 00 141 31
Elkland Township ... Wheoler Plott*.... II 16 137 95j 39 95 189 06
Forks do P. P. Seanliu 10 88 256 64' 42 16 309 63
Fox do A. Diekerson 208 AT, 43 75 251 82
Forksvillo Boroueb Charley Nye 39 99 24 900 108 63
Ilillsgrove Township Charles llaas 33 24' 15 60 48 74
l.aforte do Phldip Karge 47 13 10 86 57 99
Laporte Borough T. J. Keeler 39 76! 39 76
Shrewsbury Twp Mathew Taylor 219 178 56j 36 05 216 79
Total* $ 312 Til $ 3727 87.$ 437 11 $4477 72
■II • mnt «th th* several tV*r,shi;.s. for 80-nl Funds, for Taxes rceotved on Unseutoi
Lands, forj the yesr 189-4
BOUuUOHS AND Amount tteod. froip Amount Treasrs', Due Due
TOWNSHIPS. Received, form'r Trea Paid Out Corn, Townships. Treaturer.
Cherry Township ?7l 30 735 54 36 78 1 98
Colloy da IfISS 71 1889 27 81 41! 4 98
Dushore Boroneh 3 13 3 13
Duvi'lson Township 1321 19 1258 37 62 92 1(
Klkland do 199 10 188 55 9 4ii 1 12
Korltsville Borough
Forks Township 963 83 875 46 43 77 44 60
Fox do 787 88 742 76 37 14 7 98
IlillegroTo Twp 353 67 335 80 16 79 1 08
Laporie Borough .... 22 6T 21 54 Ito 05
.. Laporte Township 1337 44 1298 6t- 64 08 26 0
Shrewsbury do 896 01 851 99 42 60 1 45
Totals $ 8647 96 $ 8197 93 $ 409 80 $ 66 37 $ 26 I
J In account wllh tho several Township* for School and Building Funds, for Taxos receive!
(1 from Unseated Lands, for tho your 1894
® BOROUGHS AND Amount Hecil. i'roui Amount Treasurers' Duo Due
® TOWNSHIPS. Received. former Paid Out Township. Treasurer.
0 Treasure.
0 Cherry Township 553 53 525 00 26 25 2 28
« Colley do 2117 27 2011 41 100 57 5 29
' Dusliore Borough 1 13 7 13
Davidson Township 680 54 651 97 32 60 4 0
5 Elkland do 84 12 82 35 4 12 2 3
'® Forksville Borough
1 Forks Township 396 19 356 87 17 84 21 48
0 Fox do 314 51 298 Oil 14 90 1 60
10 Hillsgrove do 218 04 19S 56 9 93 4
Laporte Borough 44 84 42 60. 2 13 11
; ® Laporie Township 450 8S 439 no l 21 50: 6
Shrewsbury do 391 09 350 onj 17 50| 24 49
7 Totals. i 5249 031 « 4946 $ 247 34| $0238 $ 7 4
5 In account with the several Townships for Poor Funds for Taxes received from Unseated Land
® for the years 1894
0 BOBOITOHS AND Amount |Heed. from Amount Treasurers' I)u3 I'u.;
TOWNSHIPS. Kecoived. : former Paid Out, comm. Township. Treasureri
4 Treasurer.
Cherry Township 200 56 187 82 9 K9 3 35
Colley do 124 88 118 17 5 90 81
Dushoro Borough
Davidson Township ! 762 32 714 33 35 72 12 27
Elkland j 22 04 20 Oil 1 CO 1 04
Forksville Borough
2 Forks Township 11 34 8 00j 40 291
K..JC do 125 10 41 78 2 24 7s 08
0 Hillsgroro do ! 179 43 170 00j 850 93'
0 Laporto ! ! or uh 248 . 2 481
l.nporto Township
Snerwsbury do 4 81 4 81'
Total $ 1432 90 $ 1263 lo! $ 63 li 1 $ 106 7:1
2 In neeount with the County of Sullivan, for the yoar ending Pe". 31, 1894
To-umotint received from Bonds ne- By amount of comity orders redeem
-2 pociitcd 33,000 00 cd during the y< ar 1891 44,54 1 4
To amount received from c'Hectors By sunt of treiis. com. on same 111
lor tho year 1893 and previous jrs 2,529 09 5 per cent 2,242 2
To amount received from collectors By unit paid statu treas. lor 1894 727 2
of 181)4: eouiitv tax $5412.26 illy treas com. on mine at 5 per cent
State tax 473.47 [The receipts of state trasurer pro-
Dop tax 242.1i4 i ducod and audited for $727 23... 36 3
6,127 77 : 8y amt. of redemption money paid
To amount of county tax received out during the year 1894 141 0
from unseated lands during 1894. 4,676 94 By Trees, com. on si mo at 5 per cf. 7 0
To amount from Co. Coin's, borrow- By balanoo in hinds of Co Treis. 5,713 2
cd money: Mrs. E. Seaman SIOOO.
James Quian... 500. 4,f00 (10.
To amount of county's proportion of
licorte money received "84 00,
To amount rec '1 on M'l-.nrixlo lirus
mortgage and interest in lull 1,011 91;
To amt. received Win. Murray ix-
1 Treas. from sale of old court h wso
- \ fixtures 26 62
* To amt. received from Wm, Muriay
Ex-Treasurer... ... 251 28j
j To nuit. received from Fox township
on account of 11. McKay 41 78,
To amt. received from Cherry twp. I
on account of Smith case 13 80
To nint. received from sale of tools,
Loj.el liridgo 2 00
* To amt. received from redemption of
laud sold to the county coins 11 57
t To unit, received from line and costs
-Stein case 60 00
1 To amt. received Irom redemption
money from various persons 191 06
To auit. received tiom state depart
ment on acct, of elect, bouths etc. 310 75
, $53,741 651 $63,711 6
In account with tho Commonwealth of Penn-ylvania, for the year 1894.
RETAILERS' luieioantilo tax] LICENSE.
To unit, of Retailer's Liecnsa 527 50 By amt. returned to state as uncol
{ lectable 21 0
ißy costs of advertising 58 0
j fly state treasurer's receipts 423 I
'■liy Treas. commission at 5 pur cent 25 3
527 soi 527 5
To aint. of Whokaaie Liquor Lie en 8 a S4OO 00 liy Sta.c iua.urtra i.eceipt4 V
By coin, at 5 per Cw'nt... 20 V
S4OO 00| 400 0
To amount of distiller's license 100 00 By Statu Treasurer's receipts 95 .
By treasurer's commission 5 .
100 ooi 100 0
To »mt. of Billiard Licenses 130 00 By State Treis. receipts 123 5
By Treas. commission at a percent 6 5
130 00 130 0
In account with the county and tha sevoral aud to .fnahips for their and each of
their proportion of lioei se money, und r the act of 1. c J\ r for the year 1891.
I- • I§ if ic.'i I:» J . «i |*s,
BOROUDHS AND 2 | = gj= z£ ► j Sv t ~
TOWNSHIPS. - 'j-;! i= s H a j S'a ~ " ~ §=" Ba ' an ««
I, s«j 5 S a
o "a.2 k 5 t§_ _
Cherry Township...! ISO ... 90... 360.. 22 50 85 60 342 ... " 450 ~
Colley .lo .. 375 ... 75 ... 300 ... 18 75 71 25 285 ... | 375 .
Dushore Bor<»ugh Idl'O ... 300 ... 120(1 ... 75 ... 285 ... 1140 ... 1500
I)avida«>n Township... 225 ... 45 ... 180 ... 11 26 42 75 171 .. 225 .
Ililfogiore d 150 ... 80 ... 120 ... 750 28 50 114 ... 160 .
PorU-ville Borou/h... 150 ... 80 ... 120 ... 750 28 50j 114 ... 150 ~
La port'} d> ... 450 ... 90 ... 300 ... 22 50 85 50 342 ... 4.'»0
r»l»« rte Township ... 75 ... 15 ... 60 ... 375 14 26| 57 ... 57
| Shetwsbuiy do 22b ... 45 ...j 180 ... II 25 42 75; 171 ... 225 .
Toiasl 3600 ... 720 ... 2880 ... 180 ...| 684 ...| 2736 ... 36U0 ..
t'lie c mnty coipmisjloners iu account with tho onintyof Suilivan for they« ar 1894.
JOHN 11, FARREL: By coui.ty orders drawn during 1894 520 9,
To 121 days official duties as per
itemized bill rendered anil au iitcd
at 50 per day. 423 50
To travelling expenses as per till
rendered and audited 103 45
526 U5 526 95
UABIWEL LITZELMAN; By ouunty orders drawn during 1893 471 9j
To 128 days official duties a? per ; Balance due for 1894 9 30
itemized bill rerdored and audited
at $3 50 per day 448 ...'
To traveling expenses as per iteiniz*
ed bill rendered and audited 33 28
481 28 4SI 2 S
•TOIIN J. WEB-iTER. Ifiy county orders drawn during 1894 435 75
To 101 days office duties ns per item- Balance doe for 1894 3 75
i< d bill rendered and audited «t
$3.50 pr diy 353 50
To traveling expenses us per itemn
bill rende.ed und uud.tod 86 ...
439 50! 439 5 n
Statement showing the bonded indebtedness of Sullivan county.
To 20 bonds. Nos. 1 to 20 st 1500, By proceeds of said bonds turned in
ench negotiated by Lawrence Brs. 10 000 ... to county treasury ior general
To 46 bonds, Nos. 21 to 66 [ineln- county purposes [see county treas.
sive] at SSOO. tegociated by W. account 33,000 ...
D. Thomas 23,000 ...
AM of the above bonds hear interest
at tho rate of 4 per cent per annum
fmin July 10th 1894 ar.d are redeem
aide in 10 or 20 years it the option
of the county commissioners.
9>,000 ... 53,000 ...
l.ftwrencc Bros, contractor* in account with Sullivan county.
To ami. paid iheni in 18US 1,000 .. IRy amount .Contract r tlie new
_ ,' J ° do I ' s ® l 21,500 ... courthouse uud jail 21400
To balanco due thorn oa contract 1,900 ...'
2< ' 4fto 21,100...
Itemization of Statouient of Expenditures.
0 N w courthouse a,. .1 j„il- Statement showing! > i.wunt brought, forward '
c, '' t mIRT ..1 "J4. UUllggrore tup, T & sped.l I, b 35.50
Amt paid Lawronce Bros. Ist tampon ef„ t . cnerft .' 32.30 67 8)
payment on contract shown ' y town A special Feb 14.".
In audit for 1893 1000 00 r . inftr ,. , n . General Nov 13 4o 32 4o
Amt.paid Wagner <fc Keituiey- ! ro town 4 special Feb 23,...
1 er architects, as shown in , t'onerai Nov 27.50 5o 5o
audit for 1893. [on act.] 732 00 1 P ,own Fel > 2 '" 2
1712 01) r . , 'General Nov ISBo 42 02
i Lnwrenoo Bros, payment on con- i ' l " Z unnand special I-ebry 27.18
tract vis , Uencral Nov, 3o 9o 58 08
Order No. 239 J 000 00 Shrewsbury twp T A special Fob 35.76
Order No. 288 1,600 00 General Nov 30.t>0 60 2o
d Order No. 297 1,0(10 00 .. , ~ . Z7TZ~
Order No. 308 11l (<OO 00 o-a • Total paid o.cotton $ 865 74
Order No. 322 2,00(100 Paid return judges, senatorial 17....
Order No. 501 3,00000 i> -i . ■ , Congressional 17 .... 43 ...
• Order No. C 57 3,000 00 assistants special elect 7.50
21 1(111 nn't. •, c General election 12.60 2o
Do bill for fewer pipe main sewer.. '45 73: 1 ' erU 8 costs special 59.22
11. B. Smith A company on account p ai( j p rot i, v , . 't" C f I ' S 2o '
of contract for beater 1(100 : I 1 rothy. ami clerk of courts
3 Mosler Safe company vault"(i'o'ors ' ° W " elotti "" j?®' 9s ~
» and jail doors .... 800...1 79 ... 118 65
Wagnt r iU'itm >ycr arct. on acofc. iiOO m» i *. r , A "T7! 1
Adv. for proposals for courthouse. | ° a 008 elections $ 1161 86
(iazctte tfe IJulie'.in, Lyc, Co b 50 """" ~ -
5 Democrat, Wyoming C 0.... 3.... Uxpcnses for printing, advertifing and sta
_ Sentinel, Columbia county.... 5 25 13 75; tionary for the year ISUi. Bills tendered
C I*. Huntingdon in lull for wini- ! and paid a* follows:
s main sewer, labor on drains foun- i do sundry matters 16 »'()
dation for heater ect 126 40 I'rinting special elect. ballots 60 ...
Sundry advertisements 6 ...
I B Total 25,652 Bts Co. stat. election ballots ect... 148 ... 266 50
I '■ . ~ . 7 ~ ~ : Fred Newell, Review.
Ashcsing and Registering -The amount paid Bill rendered lor publishing Co
by too county comtuiiMorers for liills pre- B , at . proclamation e'e
s sented to them during 1894 as lollows: from May term 1893 to and
Cherry twp.. assessor and asst. 179 61 including Feb, term 1891 93.25 93 25'
Coileytwp. " 126 9J W. M. Cheney Republican:
Davidson twp. " " 40 85 Co. stat. at d special elect, 89.25
Dushore borough, assessor 15 30 .-ui dry adccrls and p:ocl. mution 14 5o
Klklaud to vn.-hip " 22 (.5 ! do do y.75
Forksvillo b'>ro, " 15 26 i Envelop's ai d printing same 2
Folks t wnsliip " 1130 |i- all eb«t. pi.. . and other blanks'so
F' X t oivri -!ii p " 65 25 Other various ads notices and st'y 14 179 5o
Ilillsgrove township " 53 79 ' Ridgwvy Publishing Co.
l.nporto b rough » ::s 58 jliecction and other blanks Feb.* 16.24
I.aporte t wn.*h.p 11 ...... 45 93 | do do 44.08 69 32
Shrewsbury twp, " 47 68 Gazette and Bulletin:
£O3 12 tiloett m and < ther sat'y -uppl's 41.55
- The Sun—Dock'-ts for offices .fc
County Bridges, iteini/.ed as follows: assessment books and forms.... 83 75
j»i:w miinoßS. William Mann Co I'hTl'ln.
- 'Worlds End" Bridge (iron) Hill for stationary supplies 7 84
Paid Uorseheads Bridge t'o. Wyokolf ACo do ... 7] o
list paj merit on contract Ameriea.i Bank Koto Co. N, Y*.
(should havo been paid in i.I!ill for Liih i - g and printing bonds' 5o
A... 699 00 J. W. Reader, bill lor tax ledger
P.ii I I*. tw eiiey contiavt in and 1 due book °. 10 6°
8 full for excavating and grad- J. I!. Ileiubeck, pnds and stamps
n ing appro'chcs lis (HI for Treasurer's ofii re 415
- Paid tor plank for same 47 It persons for Liuall stationary
'' 564 14, supplies 8 07
"Lopez" Tron Bridge, ('aid '■
„ llorachead Bridgi L'o, contract Totals 818 31
" in lull 850 00 |
, Paid lor plank and magonary 44 71 | BOARDING PRISONERS.
Paid for painting bridge 5 U0
J. 71 Paid \ i'l to Lycoming Co 112 r board
<4il'gh Brid..e''(uver Muncy ing prisoncis in Willij.uidport jail
ci ctk): j.nid <l. K. Uca on act in 1.-H3
of contriiCt for ub itm *nts... 100 00 Paid .Sheriff Mahatley lorbjnrding
Paid lor plank for bridge 16 37 j-ri » en temporary jail at La
-116 37 porle during 18U4..... ( 18 7o
"Tar litldgo" at Lopes, repairs 171 So
in 1892 43 11 |
Hinsdale 13 rid o ivpaired. Uj la la jCummonwnilth costs paid to county in 1894,
ForkiVilie lin ige [2l renairod l, p ' ...
in , 893 • u69 jferm onear. Name of Def't. Amt.
Muncy \ .'icy* liHJgo rep'Te'l , ri ' V*- to , rm ] e " is 'tA 42 24
ii, lM):i 3 00 ! Join (I ert
Fox Iwp b.'i.lgo r p lin 1594 21 52 11. B. Konklc 21 13
Big Botio-.u bride rep'd i , '9l 3145 . . ll ° , <•, 1». Rocmer 22 08
Ilillsgrove brilges 14] repaired Feb. tern. 1593 P. S,v, „ y 39 21
in im 135 52 267 41 l '° l - w h'-ailey 00 Oa
i do (I. Siiuhz 17 o9
Tota|_ 2,147 60; I)e0, »S»» .las. Rorter 15 24
Buriiiof Soldiers, an ioiio.v-: .May trim 1. 9.1 J. A. m 13 85
Charles U iof, deed, bill reed, do K. O. Williams 21 o5
for burial 35 ( 0 Dec. term 1893 J' Shatter 21 82
Jacf.b Fries, dted. bill received iio P, .Sl>»flcr ° 21 82
for burial 35 00 l>oe term 1890 Th is, King 16 38
Tombstone...., 15 00— 50 00 |M»y tortn 1891 Harry Brown 36 81
7 Qeo. W. Potter, deed, bill roed. Issepi. titrn '* William Ueavher 9 15
J for burial 35 00 do John Iln-sen 2o 26
W. 11. lirailey deed, bill reed. , do Kd Molyn- ux CO 5o
for burial 35 00 j do Lewis iJeinlich 179 24
Benj. Uryan deed, bill receive I do Charles Fox 9 75
lor buiial 35 00 Feb. term •' Basil McMuhon 12 34
190 00 Deo, do Kate Kunneman 67 44
Feb. do llarvy McKay 61 68
Indebtedness of cunty on arcount of Ex-Treas. "
Jaeoo Lorah paid by county on j idgt. and j.33 §q
I atichts. duiing jeur l.)». o This am.Hint has been sur-charged to acct.
3 Colley twp. jud&;t. and int. on costs 1,126 84 for 1894 * This amount has been refunded
j Colley school dist. do do 1,395 3- by Cherry poor district, see sime audit in
_ Davidson do do do 877 78; Treasurer's account.
Kcdeuij tion money paid 3 '»9 31 Ciils paill St ,lB " us l ,l "' ls "> r during' 94
Bills rendered bv Hospital,
Totul 3500 :|0 lianville-for Zebrotki 91 25
1 Dills rendered by Sinto Hosj'ital
1 Election Expenses tor lown and cptcial [.l'eb.j Wirr.ii— for 11. McKay 65 5o
and general [Nov.) 1594. ]
' Bernice town and special Feb. 35.90 j Total 156 75
Gtn ral Nov 28 73 67 63 -'
("olley twp. town A spec Fob. 21.50 i R,nls paid by ihe county during 1594.
General Nov. 31.10 62 60| Rent , d Tb j j ham
• Cherry twp town teb. 34.50 Kberltr. residence and ttn.porary
n . . (lenn-al v - 2.1;.2- 57 7>] j a ji , Meylert House) 127 50
, Dushore boro. town A special Feb 36 60 :Hent paid l.apor'.c fdio. l b..«rl for
n , General 29.06 (.5 50 use of school houso for court io>m
. Davidson twp. town A spee. Feb 37.40 ...
General Nov. 28.90 66 36 * tCIUId Ut 25 ° -
Elkland twp. town & .'pocial Fe'» 33 40 o-- s
, (JenL i- INi v 31.50 64 90
, Forks ille boro T A .-pec al Feb 20.15 rv ,-, c , c
(icßcral Nov. 28.50 48 05
, Forks twp town A special Feb 29 7o Inquest on 1 ody of Patrick
L'ox twp. town and spceial !eb 34.22 account of Fox township 41 78
General Nov 29 23 G3 42 ——
A it. forwarded Total. 72 19
Sta.ment showing amount expended by the county for and < n at,ecu it of Fox Town
ship for Harvey McKay a lunitic ns per order find op a ion ol tie court.
To cost 0112
To co>t ot the lunitic to j townab'p by town order 41 7^
Danville and Warren 91 80 Balance due county 179 3 0
To amt. paid for new clothing tor
Luuitic 4 431
To amt. paid state at Warren 65 so|
To co>t )>aid for servic son over
seers of poor of Vox township 12 52
To board and expenses of iu.iitic
while in county jail 5 25!
224 28 224 28
Commonwealth o( 1 112 g We the" «, der.-ig:,ed Au !l:or- ol Sullivan cm^t*
County oi ». ullivan j in the t'oniinonwea th of Pennsylvania, ifqeaoq do
certify, that in pursuance of the dnti.-g imposed upon
us by Ibo several Acts of Assembly. a"d tlio sevt/al Supplement thereto, we did meet at the
office of the iounty (\.mini fior.ere" in th" lioiongh of LalVrte. .11 Monday, the 7th day of
January A. IJ. (it l ein the first Alonda.vol Januiiry,] and did then and there proceed to
audit, adjust and settled the sevtrnl accounts required so to be doni by us, by law, and that
we find too S lid soverul acooun's correct and t'uo to ih bes' of ..ur knowledge, information
and belief, as the sumo ure :ully ai.d pepurately it forth auU strai-htetu d as fhjwu iu this
foregoing report.
In Tesiituony wlie eof. we bavo hereunto set our h.iuds and sea's, at the offioe aforesaid
this 19th day of January A. I). 1594
FKAN'K MAOARGKL fsn.ii.] )
IRVING JIAVKKLY, [SKAL] > County auditors.
Allot : 11. T. DOWNS, Clerk
COURT PROCLAMATION. are hereby notified to be then and there to •
pinsccutu agtthut llietit as will lie just
dent Jndee. flonorub'cs John Yonkin aud Sheriff's office,'orte. Jan 14, I8it».
M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges <( f the ~T
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Qn YYIII 112 ■A! rt
JiiJ Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of the tJCIIIII UCI, Orphans Court and Common Plcii- - ...
for the County of SuUivan, have . . * Oufhore u headquarters
their precept, bearing date the 7th day ,' ,r all kinds of hardware—
of Jan. 1895, to me directed, for hold loo's, pumps, stove* and
ing the several courts in the borough of ranges, house furnishing
Laporte, on Monday tie 25th day of Feb. goods paints, oils, and
1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. varnishes. Special induce-
Therefore. notice is hereby given to the ments to builders.
Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Con- MANI'FACTBM of copper, tin
stables withiu the county, that they be then | ult ' B ''e»t iron-ware, ltoof
and there m their proper person at 2o'clock '"J?- Spouting Hilton OIL
p. m.of said day, with their rolls, records, UISTII.I.B «tc,, asp*cmlty Our
inquisitions examinations and other remem prices are beyond all compe
berance* to those things to which their tition, aud we iuvitc your
offices appertain tobe done. And to those patronage.
who are bound by their recognition toi SAMUEL COLE,
prosecute against prisoners who are or shall > t\ un
be ia the jail ot the said count/ of Sullivan J Uuahore, ira.