Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, December 14, 1894, Image 2

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W. St. CHEWET. - - - - Editor.
It is a disgrace to our town coun
cil, that the children are compelled
to walk through the slush and mud
to the school house building. A
side walk for theircon vlenenceshould
be erected. The idea—the father
walking on pavements to bis place
of business, while his child or chil
dren are irudging through the slop
py weather to their labors of the
day. Its a dishonor to our Board
of Councilmen, and especially those
who have children in the school. Is
the delay because some people ob
ject to build the walk along their
premises or negligence on the part
of the council ? It certainly is a
necessity. Will the secretary of the
board please answer this question in
the columns of the REPUBLICAN n xt
The Uw That Ought to Pass.
There should be enacted at the
next legislature a law prohibiting
the shipping of pheasants and quail
from the State of Pennsylvania, says
the Tunkhannock correspondent of
the Scranton Itepublican. There
nre seventeen killers and shippers of
these birds located in thin and Brad
ford count)', and so great has been
the di9truction of the pheasants that
where formerly forty or fifty bird 9
would be started in a day, it is a
good man and two good dogs who
can start a dozen. When it is rea
lized that there arc only five or six
States in the whole Union where
pheasants abound and that quail can
be found io almost every slate the
necessity of guarding the extermi
nation of pheasants is apparent.
Five thousand live quail for propa
gation can be secured in a week's
time by placing an order with a New
York houne and at a low price, while
that number of pheasants could not
be secured for love or money. The
extermination of pheasants is only a
question of time, unless penalties
are created for the lavish killing of
them and shipping to New York
Koad Rriiioo to Ship.
Lester A. Bassell, ticket agent and
telegraph operator of the Eric rail
way in Owego, who mysteriously
disappeared from East Windsor.
Broome county, where he was visit
ing in June last, has been heard from.
The Windsor Standard says that be
recently made his sudden and unex
pected appearance at his former home
in East Windsor.
Bassell, it will be remembered,
left Owego with his wife to spend a
week's vacation with his parents.
He went out on the river to gather
water lilliee, and his boat was after
wards found floating on the st ream
and he was missing. His "myster
ious disappearance" was afterws.rl
accounted lor when it was learned
that there was a deficiency of S3OO
in bis account with the railroad
company, which was Bubsoquently
made good by his father, who also
settled other obligations in Owego.
A Slick Catch ol the Bobbers.
On Sunday night the store of Mr.
Simon Vought at Elysburg Pa., was
robbed for the fifth time within three
years. The thieves took a large
quantity of coffee, shoes, ginghams,
etc., and carried them away in a
wagon. The ground was not frozen
hard and Mr. Vought with two
friends followed the tracks made by
the horse and wagon from the store
direct to Danville and up to the res
idence of William Flanagsn in the
Second Ward, where the evidence of
their unloading the wagon were still
fresh. Two men were stationed to
watch the house while Mr. Vought
went after a warrant for the arrest
of Flanagan and George Snyder his
When the necessary papers were
procured and a eearoh of Flan
agan's pkoe made the goods stolen
"•re n«arly fill fouud. Flanagan
and Snyder f*re both arrested and
confested the crimes and in default
of bail they were committed to the
Northumberland county jail at Sun
It is estimated that over one hun
dred yeopfo visited the new court
room, on Bunday.
The plastering of the Catholic
church WM completed on Friday
last. Chqp. Boyd of Dushore, who
w«s awarded the contract of this
wodr, h»s done an excellent job and
all who vfeit tbe handsome edifice
arc loud in their praise of tho same.
The moulding in the church is the
work of 1 jevi Whitman and J.W.Blint
both of Williamsport, and are the
gentlemen who did the moulding in
our new court room which line been
observed by all of our court guests,
and pronounced • right good job.
Another wedding is reported to
take place in towto, soon, and per
haps two. The brides are of
while the grooms will be imported.
Ureese Johnson and Win. French,
both of Moray Valley, killed two
bear in the vicinity of Hunter's Lake
on Saturday, December Bth.
The chairs in the court room were
placed on Saturday, Sunday and
Monday forenoon. There are four
teen screws in each chair, hence the
progress of the work, was slow.
The)- are substantial, pretty and an
easy chair to sit in, for which we
must all return thanks to Judge
Phillips, who, with the commission
ers consent, is responsible for their
The farmers in many parts of the
State are busily engaged in ploughing
for next spring's crops. The) 1 claim
three advantages iu this. First they
have plenty of time now, the ground
becomes very mellow by freezing
and thawing during the winter
months, and then it exposes the
worms and grubs to the severe
weather which destroys great quan
tities of them.
The first jury to be empanelled in
the new courthouse, on Monday last,
was that one called in the case of
Adam Kneller vs Colic)' township,
a suit for damages for injuries re
ceived through defect in public road.
The following were the jurors in the
case, and they will always be recol
lected us tbe first travers jurors em
panelled and sworn in the new court
room, viz: Charles Hugo, C. F,
Hess, Hugh lbislin, Guy Baker,
Washington Sheets, W. C. Saain,
Sylvester Kilmer, A. A. Ludy, E. 11.
Warburton, Nathaniel Tomnkins, A.
W. Sones and Stewart Brown.
Skating oil Lake Mokotna was
fine, last week, and our young people
enjoyed the recreation, and spent a
good part of their time gliding on
the slippery surface. On Thursday
evening all of our boys and girls
joined in the sport and it is said that
there were over one hundred in the
group. During the evening one of
our young men at the age of 21, sat
down along the shore and was pre
meditating over the late war, when
a young gent and lady came up to
where he was! tired and fatigued,
and resolved to take a rest. The
young lady mistook the quiet young
man for a stump and was about to
sit down upon him when lie took ex
ceptions. They oung man will have
a play card printed at this office,
•'no flies on me,"
G. 0. Bird, has returned home
from his hunting expedition, and re
ports a good time and six deer killed.
There was no school at Estella on
Monday, owing to the indisposition
of the teacher.
Mrs. George Hrown has been very
ill but at present is some better.
L)r Randall is in attendance.
There was a lecture Tuesday even
ing, at the church, l>y a Japane.
Nellie Brown of Emmons, is stay
ing at here grandparents, J. E. Brown
and attending the Estella school.
There was a wood bee on Thurs
day last, for the benefit of Mr. Thos.
King. We hear they got a fine lot
of wood cut. There would have
been v. larger turnout if it had been
generally announced, as they are
very deserving. Mr. King is oue of
the old pioneers of Elkland.
Report ot Otterville School.
The exercise for the second month of
school were well rendered on Friday, Nov,
The following wns the program : Sing
ing 'The Soldier's Poor Little Boy;' fol
lowed by recit tions, Nettie Tubbs. 'Lazy
Daisy;' Kaymon Croman, 'When First I
Cam'! Upon the Stage;' George Dugan,
The Little One;' Alia Croman, 'One Thing
at a Time;' Clias. Anders, 'What Can I
Give nim.' Odessa Avery, 'Two Little
Girls' Dogs;' Alvin Croman. "The Butter
flie's Grave;' Julia Dugan, 'Little Oscar's
Tomb;' Frank Avery 'The London Bridge'
Lydia Dugan 'Drive the Nail Aright;'
Willie Brass 'The Lazy Ciicket;' Fred
Avery 'I Remember I Kemember;' Select
reading 'A Thuukstriving Story.'
Wh'ile number in attendance, males 9,
females 9; total 18; visitors 11. Those
missing; no days are: Willie Brass, Ray
mond Croman, Nettie Tubbs, Lydia Dug
an and Odessa Averv.
W. A. McGuire, a well known citiien of Mo-
Kay, Ohio, is of tbj opinion thnt there ia moth
ing as Tood for children troubled with coMa or
croap as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He
has used it in kia family fur cr 11 years with
the b-ct resalts and always kept a b -ttle of itic
the house. Alter having La crippe ha waa
himso' 112 troubled with u sevei* cough. Ho used
other remedies v'ubout benefit an i then con
cluded to try tha children's medicine and to bis
delight it soon effected a permanent cure. 2a
and 60 cent bottles for aale by l>r, W. B. llill,
I.aport; Forkiville Phar. Ferksvillej and V.
Hull, Hillagrove.
Oysters In every style and game in season.
Choice wines, and cigars always in stock.
Bock-beer in season.
No pains will be spated in waiting on
F. W. Gallagher, Proprlootr
Mar.lO'M. *
Henry Wilson, the pO'inasier at Welehton,
Florida, sa>a he cured a ease of diarrhoea of
long standing in 6 h' ars, *i h one small bottle
of Ctnmbarl tin's Colic, Cholery and Diarrhoea
Remedy. What a pleasant surprise that must
k*va bean to the auiferer. Kueh cures are not
anuaual with this remedy. In many Inetanoea
only oae or two do» a are required to give per
manent relief. It caa always be depended up
on. When reduced with water it is pleaaing to
take. For aale by l»r. W. B. Hill, Laporle;
Forkiville Phar. Fotkavilla; V, Ilult Hilligruve.
Our stove department is now in
prime shape.
All new Heating Stoves of latest
designs and much cheaper. We
guarantee entire satisfaction.
Bargains Goods
50 nickel alarm clocks received
last week. The best make made,
selling rapidly at $1 each.
25 alarm, 30 hour and 8 day
mantel clocks, at prices $1.25 and
Our Queensware Department is
improving. Finely decorated dinner
sets with gold and blue are very at
tractive, $ll.OO.
10 piece Toilet Sets, new designs,
nothing can bo prettier, |4.75, worth
5, 10 and 25 cent Flower Pots just
Milk crocks, batter erodes apple
butter crocks.
Matches—The only match factory
running now under the Match Trust
is at Akron, Ohio, employing 800
hands. Matches contiolled by the
Trust are 40 per cent, higher than
those made by independent factories.
200s parlor matches, our prices lo
cents dozen boxes, trust price 150,
This 33d week of the year 1894
may not be recorded as a very note
ed one for tariff reform, or cyclones,
but it may be one long to be remem
bered for the low prices at which
goods can be bought now at our
store. Read them, remember them,
as we print them here, compare them
with 1864.
Nails If 1.25 per keg was SIO.OO,
Iron lfc lb. was 12c.
Glass 2.25 per box was 14.00.
Barbed wire 3c was 14c.
Double-bit axes 1.00 was 2.75.
Cross-cut saws 2 50 was 8.50.
12 mill files 30c was 1.50.
50c pocket knives 25c.
Hand saws 50c was 2.75.
Wood saws 50c was 1.50.
No 8 cook stove 20.00 was 45.00.
Tubs 75c was 1.50.
14 qt pail 25c was 1.25.
Set dishes 2.75 was 8.75.
Lamp 25c was 1.25.
Carpets 300 was 1.25.
Set knives and forks 50c was 1.75.
Brooms 15c.
Wire cloth lines 10c.
Western Washer 3.00.'
Tumblers, fine glass, 35c dozen.
Jelly tumblers 35c dozen.
100 pieces dinner set 11.50 was 25.00
Jere. Kelly,
Philadelphia, Dally, Sunday Weekly
FOR 1895.
Prnr,ijlra*ia'« Orrntmi Tamlly N»
tl Print* All the New*. Pro Kmimntly » fiiui
il.V p per, 'ippvnling iliriotl.v to the niloresu ot
eve-J m- inher of llin hnutiehi.lil. l>y the n'lfcnco
o! anything of an objection .li-hnrueter in either
it* news literary or adveitiinog columns.
A* an a:lv« liaing m.iiiuiu The Prcs* in
aiming tho l>e*t in ihe I'niteJ Stain. Press
Wain Arts. give th'> urenli it rurulia. The peo
pie believe in th-m and u*e them. The Preas
pHn'a na high na 4,f>50 want ailverlieuien'a in a
a'ngle isauo and hue received lo.Oti# nnrwera t"
Pre*!* Want Ada. in a single day. This shows
why Press Want Ads. give tho « results.
Rates for Clasalfled Advertisements
"Situations Wanted," half cent a w'd.
"Help Wanted," one cent a word.
"Boarding," two cents a word.
"Rooms," two cents a word.
"For Sale'' and "Business Oppor
tunities," Sundays, two cents a word;
Weeklys, one cent a word.
For small amounts one-cent or two-eent stamps
are acoopted sime as cash.
By mail, poMltigo free in Ihe United States.
Canada and Mexico,
Daily, (excipt Surd iy) one venr, - $6 00
" " " one month .50
" (including Sunday) one year, 7.50
" " " one monih, .C 5
Sunday, one year, . 2.00
Weekly Press, ono year, * * 1.00
Drafts. Cheeks and other Remittances should
he tnndo payable lo the order of
Just received a fine display of winter
gootis. We make suits ranging in price
from sl3. upwards. Pantaloons from
$:<.5G and up, made to order. We
keep the largest line of Gents
Furnishing goods in the Valley.
Shirts and Neck were a
Letest StylES & Fits Guaranteed
Picture liocks. Pa.
P. S.—Notify us by postal card when
in desire of a suit or a pair of par.taloons.
Sawed Shinqles
The best in the market and
at low bottom prices
Three grades constantly on hand
Will deliver if desired.
Write—S. MEAD,
May23'9o. LaPorte, Pa
Samuel Cole,
OF Dushore is headquarters
for all kinds of hardware—
Tools, pumps, stoves and
ranees, house furnishing
goods paints, oils, ;.nd
varnishes. Special induce
ments to builders.
MANPFACTRES of copper, tin
and sheet-iron-ware, Hoof
ing. spouting liiitcn otL
Dt STILLS etc,, a specialty. Our
prices are beyond all compe
tition, and we invite your
Dushore, Pa.
Is Coming,
And we are prepared•)(*
to accommodate all
that comes to look nficr pres
ents for Parents. Children or
Sweet-hearts, Handkerchiefs.
All kinds, silk, linen, embroider
ed etc. Silk riiuflois, different
colors and kinds.
Stand Covers
Chenille covers, tabic covers, lin
en napkins and towels. Plush
goods, celluloid goods, Dolls all
kinds, in fact every thing in the
line of Xmas goods. AH the
latest styles of hats and caps and
the latest styles of girls Tam-
O'Shaters, ladies aud childrens
tinder clothing, a full line of
dress goods from 10c a yard up
to SI.OO A complete line ot
Blankets and Free Wool , en
ables me to sell them front 80c
per pair up. Also a full line of
mens,' womens,' youths' and
childrens' rubber boots, shoes,
nrt'cs and sandals etc. Please
call in and esntnine quality and
prices before buying elsewhere,
Center Main St, Lajorte, Pa.
and the people appreciate the fact that—
is right "in it'* for cheap goods.
My groceries are always fresh and of
the best quality. Flour and feed
the best the market affords.
May 13, '9?
L. 80, & €0
Dushore, Pa.
Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and
Lumtier. This Firm has one of the larg
est Grist Mills in the county and they make
aspecilty of manufacturing good flour and
feed. (Jive tliem your order. Prices way
down tosuit the times. Octl,D4
Chamberlain'* E f » and Skim Ointment
la a certain car* for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Granulated Eye Lid*. Sore Nipple*. Piles,
Ecsema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head,
25 cents per box. For sale by druggists.
For putting a hone in a One healthy con
dition trp Dr. Cady'i Condition Fowdem.
They tone up the system, aid digestion, euro
loos of appetite, relieve constipation, correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving
aew life to an old orover worked horse, tt
cent* per package. For sale by druggist*
For sale by Dr. Hill, Laporte. Pa. Forks
vil e Phar. Fotksville and V. Hull, Ilills
HOLIDAY « Offerings I
HURRAH FOR . . . .
Note Carefully »•»
The following prices we have just added to our stock
W" 1 ; OUr w York a,ld Philadelphia house, and for
ti l)a\s. will sell Mens* Hoys' and Childrens' clothin"
and overcoats at astonishing prices.
SllitS and overcoats jGood working suits $4 00; regular
(price V5 50. Good, heavy, all wool
• {suits of dollies, a bargain at $6 57
{of any man's .raonry, go at 5.00:
OUItS and OVerCOatS'double or single breasted, sack or
(cutaway. Our all wool $8 suits go
—— |at6. 24. Our cashmere suits usually
D , ($9, at 7 38. Our fine all woolclievi
buits and overcoats ; »ts, never scld under 12 00, go at
(S.D'J. Heavy weight, indigo blue
jtknnel, usual price 11.50, go at 8.59.
m/ »ii i® ur a!l wot>1 ' black corkscrew, prices
Think well on theseji-anging f ro ta
jail go at 11.49, and hundreds of
TYrir»o« others which space will not permit
piXv/Cis. j llß iq mention.
Overcoats, Overcoats.
"• • • •"
Our heavy storm coats usual price
5.00, go at 3.44. Our heavy, all
wool, ulsters, usual price 10.00, go at
1.59. Our fine black , all wool, ul
sters, usual price 13.00, go at 10.50.
In our fine line of dress overcoats,
note the following prices.
Our fine black or blue beaver over
coat, usual price 17.00, go at 12.49.
Our nice kersey coals usually 11.50,
black, blue and all the different
shades 8.28.
• • d •
Think of it A good, all wool, overcoat, a bargain at 7.50,
go at 5.00. Also, special bargains in our great variety of
boys' and child reus* suits and overcoats. A big reduction,
also, in mens', boys' and childrens' pants. Our line of over
chirts and underwear of all grades is full and complete up to
date. A fine assortment or silk handkerchiefs and mufflers,
i ies of every description. 1 Hosiery, hats and caps, an end
less variety of gloves aud mitteus of all kinds and sizes.
Trunks, satchells and umbrellas. Come early and let us
convince you that we do just as we advertise.
W e appreciate j'our patronage most highly and <-' an
assure you that your dollar has a greater purchas i
than elsewhere. llespeetfully,
K, * "I*, _ IVT ATJ TiTfift Prh:( ' lAl - XOTICII:— From this time until
Xmas we will give u handsome Christmas
The One Price Clothing llous'j, Du- present to every boy purchasing a® suit or
shoic. I'a overcoat.
.1891 FALL .1895,
Yes it is a fuct; our new stock represents a surprising line of
gains. And now we are after buyers. Our bait is bargains, genuin
bargains; remember, real bargains. We dou't use artificial bait got p
just to catch custom. We have secured as good a line of goods as was
ever offered in this vicinity. It is this fact and our extra Low Prices
that makes our present bargain offer the event of the season.
Call and be Convinced of the Above facts.
Opposite the Court House, WILLIAMSPORT, P
112 18941
)M j
TTC7" E ARE now prepared to show
you the handsomest and mosi
complete assortment of Dry Goods und
Notions in the county. Our stock of
piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat
terns —comprising both Domestic and
Foreigh Fabrics. We are satisrted we can
satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to
Price & a terial
A FEW PIECES of the well known
Llama Cloth,
for 10 cents per yard.
WE HAVE added to our stock a com
plete line of Boots and Shoes, includingtlie
latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line
of Children's Misses and Ladies Fine Shoes.
Having bought them for cash, we are en
abled 10 sell them for the usual prices
asked for old style and shelf worn goods.
Our Stock of
Window Shades
Is complete Elegant patterns, patent
spring roller —fine, 25 cents up. e have
a full assortment of Floor and Table and
Stair Oil Cloth. We have just received
an addition to our
"Wall paper
stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents
per roll, both eray white and back. VVe
are receiving daily, new goods in our
grocery department, consequently are of
fering y«u fresh goods at the lowest prices.
Our standard for quality is of the highest..
TPlrmr-- *°" * lo ° * n<l
* 91 25 per sack
IF YOU want Chop, Corn, Oats,
Screenings, Bran or ltye. We can savt
you money. Seed Oats a specialty. Call
•nd see us.
Cash paid for Farm
Laporte, Fa.
Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, ViOR
pa. URN ITU E.
Established April Ist, 1879. Dushore, Pa.
Fresh Stock
Tannery Store
Having just returned from the
City, where we purchased the
usual supply of Dry Goods,
Groceries &c., suitable for the
season, we are prepared to Bell
the same at as reasonable prices
as can be had in the county.
Our stock of
Are of the usual standard here
tofore sold in our store, and, as
much of these goods are pur
chased at a less price than
formerly, we are disposed to
give our customers the benefit.
Department cannot be surpassed
in either quality or variety
and the prices are less than
ever offered before in this
market. Spring Dress goods ot
the different varieties, at prices
to suit the times.
James McFarlane.
Tie Best Bnrra! (ilThatCaa Be
Madß irom Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke the chimney
It will not char the wick.
Jt has a high fire test.
It will not explode.
It is without comparison as a
perfection Family Safety Oil.
It is manufactured from the finest
crude in the most perfectly equipped
rolineries in the world.
Ask your dealer for
Trade orders filled by
Williamsport Station,
Williamsport Pa.
fconn, 112 ft >oer, 1, 1894. nortß'.
A. M.IP. STi \. M If.
10 OS 525 A..WiU'mfport..L 10 10 430
9 511 i 510 ...MontoursTille.... 10 17 4
9 *l2l 4 40] llalla 10 30 505
IK 36 14 :55 Heniudile 1 33 f5 OS
f9 30 14 28|...Opp'e Croaiing. fi 14
9 25 423 ....llughucville 16 43 4 2tt
9 lj| 4 14; ...Pictureßooks... 10 s'. &2H
19 Ift; f4 10j....Lyon'g Mi 11.... fiO 63 f5 32
9 OS 14 OS Chawouui flO 55 f5 36
9 00; 4 02|....G1«n Miwr... 11 03 542
fS 53 13 51 Eilkins f5 48
|8 50 13 51 ....Strawbridge ... 11l li fi 51
f8 4.V f3 40 ....Beech Oiod f5 65
8 41, 3 4.l|...Murcv Valley... 11 18 5 56
8 35| 337 Soncstcwn 11 24 I* 05
fS 231 f3 21;....L0ng 8r00k.... I'll 34 l« 1#
8 19 320 Nordmoßt 11 38 621
8 00' 3 02 I.upurte 11 54 «J»
H 45 12 421 Ringriale 112 10 (65
7 35, 2 .I|)'..v..S»tterfield..Ar 13 25 Tl*
I 1-' 30 A r..S«tte: fild..Lv. 223
i 12 Oil New Albany... 553
A. M M. l>. MP. M.
11. C. McCORMIOK. President.
K. E. EVENSON. Geu. Manager.
Do a general Banking and Collecting
business. Any business intrusted
to us will be carefully
attended to.
Agents for
Steamship Tickets to
and from all parts of Europe,
and for Fire Insurance Companies
No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa,
C2T"AII kinds of merchandise bought or
sold on commission.
505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ex-Prulh'y. Regit tor & Recorder of Sullivan C»
Office nith Sheriff Jlaliafley, LaPort* Pa.
J- & F. 11. INGHAM,
Legal Business attended to in this and
adjoiuing Counties.
Office with B. S. Collins,
Office with 808. K. M. Dunham.
mt K«dir'f 8tor», LaPttU, Pa.