Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, December 07, 1894, Image 3

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» * * * »—*—*— *
I 7'he N. Y. Weekly Tribune I,
*i and |
* Sullivan Republican *
1 f °V or ♦
* 11.25 One hear $1.25. |
* —* —* —* ♦ * • • • •* '*
Court next Monday.
A long winter is predicted.
ray the printer next week.
Join the crowd and pay the print
er next week.
The squeel of the porker is heard
in the land.
The public street is a bad school
ior children.
Applicants to lease the Ringdale
Hotel, are numerous.
The weather was between a rain
and a freeze, Sunday.
Sheriff Mahaffoy and A. A. Over
lioltzer, took a drive over to Dushore
Those 29 majority for Dunham, is
like the hump on a camel's back
hard to move.
With a confectionary attached our
barber, N. C. Maben is doing a
thriving business.
Howard Lyon Esq., ot William
sport, was transacting business in
Laporte, Tuesday.
Mr. F. M. Crossley and daughter.
Miss Bertha, of Laporte, Sundayed
with friends in Wilkes Bar re.
James Miller, general supt. of the
Muncy Valley tannery, was doing
business at the county seat, Tuesday.
Tiios. E. Kennedy, head book
keeper for the Union Tanning Co.,
at Jamison City, was calling on
friends in Laporte, Sunday.
The Dushore Gazette is still ex
plaining how it happened. George
savs the Ringsters did it. W T hat s
the matter with letting George and
the liingstes tight it ought ?
Court will convene on Monday,
December the 10th. Jurymen drawn
for this term will have the honor of
hearing and deciding the first case
tried in our new courthouse.
The Judge's desk has beeu placed
;in our new court room and its a
dandy. The Lawrence Bros, do
what they have to do, first class. No
cheap jobs put up by the L. Br s.
John English of Renzi, Bradford
and formerly of Laporte, was in
town Tuesday, calling on old friends.
During his stay here lie paid his re
spects to tliG REPUBLICAN office and
renewed his subscription.
Only a short time ago, within the
memory of the editor, there were no
■church buildings in our town, hence,
church and Sunday school were held
,in the old school Louse, on East
Main street. To-day, we arc a city
of churches
Since election our job work has
increased most satisfactorily. The
tone of the REPUBLICAN during the
campaign was pleasing to all and we
are now receiving our reward. The
REPUBLICAN has more friends to-day
than it ever had.
Storm doors have been attached
to the Commercial Hotel at this
place. Proprietor, McKibbins find
them the right thing in the right
place. Many noticeable changes
have taken place at this stand since
Mr. McKibbins took possession of it.
The next legal holiday on the caU
endar is Christmas—the brightest,
best and glarlsomest of all the year.
Jt is the day most anxioush- looked
forward to by all the little ones and
,we trust good cheer and happiuess
•may be enjoyed at every home, how
ever humble, in this broad land.
Mrs. M. J. Lull of Tunkhannock,
who recently went to a Philadelphia
hospital for treatment, returned
home last week. The doctors of the
hospital pronounced her case a hope
,less one. This will be sad r.ews to
the many friends of Mrs. Lull in
Sullivan county.
The County Commissioners have
sent a notice to each justice of the
peace in the county to the effect that
they will pay no more bounties for
the killing of minks, foxes or other
noxious animals. This action is taken
on the advice of their counsel, on the
ground that the law does not warrant
the payment of such bounty.—Tunic
bannock Hep.
As suggested by the REPUBLICAN
sometime ago, our depot will be en
larged. The appartment now being
used for freight purposes, will be
arranged into a waiting room and a
new freight depot erected on the
switch south of the depot. We have
this from good authority and we
guess it will be a go. The change
will take place in the spring, and
our station agent Ritter, hum*, tra
Will you call and pay the printer
' next week 112 It will be thankfully
When the Judicial contest is ovor,
i it will take much more cash to settle
the bill than is due the county from
Jacob Lornh.
The county otlicurs are all anxious
to locate in the new courthouse.
The buHding will bo completed
about the 15th ot January when they
can move therein.
A new counterfeit S"> note has just
been put into circulation, but there
is little danger that weekly news
paper otlices will have much trouble
with them.
Two courts will bo in session at
Laporte next week. This is a trillc
extravagant for Sullivan county.
Where will the contest court hold
fourth ?
Frank Cooley recently purchased
of Judge Ingham, tour lots on \Vest
Main street, and with the assistance
of his father, will erect a neat little
dwelling ou the same in the spiing.
The board of health reports eleven
cases of diphtheria at Milton, and to
prevent further epidemic requests
both Sunday and day schools to be
closed until further notice.
Ten Nights in a Bar Room, will be
presented by the Abbey Dramatic
Company, Saturday evening, at the
New School House Hall. Parents take
your children and let them learn a
usefull lesson.
C. E. Huntington of Elmira, N. Y.
to whom the County Commissioners
awarded the contract of furnishing
the wind-mill for the courthouse,
is placing tho same. G. P. Troub
and A. E. Hunt are doing the work.
J. 11. Spencer moved into one of
tho Association dwellings, on Main
street, last week, and James Walsh
who occupied a part ol the Busch
hausen dwelling, took possession ot
the Messenger dwelling on Park
street, vacated by Mr. Spencer.
Had editor Streby voted, some
people predict that Dunham s ma
jority would have been 28 and some
say 30. But notwithstanding tlii.-,
editor Streby was among the fust to
sign the contest papers. Wonder if
Judge Sittser will thank him for his
signature ?
Mr. Henry Kohensparger, proprie
tor of the tragic Hotel, about one
uiile from to>vn, on tlio Sonestown
road, will entertain court guest-',
nest week for tlie small sum ol oOc.
a day. Tlio table at tlio Eagle is
always spread with tlio best. 'I ho
deduction in price is given owing to
the distance from town.
The Laporte building Association
should consider the advisablity ol
erecting a manufacturing establish
ment of some kind, in the spiing. A
hub or close-pin factory at Laporte
would be a paying investment. Ten
thousand dollars vvill erect either
plant and with proper management,
pav day could be met satisfactorily
to all concerned and a liberal dividen
awarded the association at their
annual meetings.
It is the general opinion that
editor Streby acted very unwise in
placing his name on the contest pe
tition. George, through his paper
has preached county economy. This
move on his part will prove to the
people of Sullivan county that he is
a wolf wearing lamb's clothing.
Judges Rice of Luzerne, Searle of
Susquehanna and Archball of Lack
awanna counties, who have been des
ignated by the Governor to hear the
Sittser-Dunham contest case have
decided to meet at Laporte on Tues
day December 11th at 9 a. m., to
take up the matter.
These proceedings will necessiate
a large bill of cost to the taxpayers
of our county, for which those peo
ple who signed the petition request
ing a contest are held personally
responsible. It will be a discredit
to them for life and they will never
hear the last of it.
Thanksgiving passed off very
quiet at Laporte. In the evening a
large number of young people of
town and vicinity, were entertained
at Fairview Cottage. Those who
attended, were given a good time.
Dancing was the chief amusement.
The repast was above the average on
such occasions. Mrs. Chase, al
though new in the hotel business,
knows how to get up a first class
Chas, Sadler, leader of the New
Albany silver cornet band and who
recently composed a piece of music,
titled, "Sundown at New Albany
Waltz," was in town on Wedncsdaj',
offering the same for sale. Charley's
make-up took well at the county
seat. He disposed of a dozen or
more copies. Mr. Sadler is well
thought of by the people of New
Albany. The citizens there recently
presented him with a handsome
silver cornet.
Henry Bently of Towanda, bus
purchased tlx; ire on Lake Mokoma
mid will ship it abroad. Ho will cut
the ico l»y either steam or horce
power niul will erect tho necessary
equipments to loud the ice on en rant
a lively rate of speed. Mr. Bcntly
is going to make a business of it mid
will do the work in a business like
Rev. E. 8. Latshaw and family
desire to return thanks to tho kind
friends who HO generously respond
ed to the request of tho M. E. Fund
Comm. Cash, Hour, groceries, ap
ples, potatoes, cabbage, wood, chick
ens, and a fine turkey were among
the gifts. Words can not express
our gratitude. He who said, "The
pooryc have with you always and
whensoever ye will ye may do them
good," abundantly reward all who
participated in this act of charity
and benevolence. An estimate has
been made and placed to the credit of
the M. E. Fund.
A law should be enacted i'.i the
State of Pennsylvania making it a
penal offense to print, circulate, or
hang up in conspicuous places, im
modest lithographs or pictures. The
youth of the country are being sub
jected to temptations that under no
circumstances should be allowed.
In Ohio, laws exsist that make it
punishable both with fine and im
prisonment, not only the exhibitors,
but evevv person connected with
such pictures, from the designers to
the owners of tho properties on
which they are found. These pic
tures serve no other purpose than
catering to depraved tastes and
should be strictly prohibited.
The Hughesville Mail knows
more about the judicial contest
about to begin in this district than
the tax payers of the district do.
He has Sittser elected by 52 majority.
Nothing slow about Huttcr. lie
makes figures whether they count
for anything or not. flutter, Dun
ham was elected Judge of this dis
trict as fair as you were Member of
Lycoming county. The contest has
been concocted by a few friends of
Judge Sittser, who arc looking for
"something" out of tho ease. It is
reported that in the l.opez district
where the friends of Sittser cry fraud
—three votes for Sittser will be
thrown out to one for Dunham, t'he
election board of the Lopez district
was Democratic.
The officials of llie Williamsport
and North Branch Rail Road held n
meeting in Williamsport on Friday
liist, when 11. K. h ivenson Esq. was
elected general manager of said road
in place of 15. (». Welch, resigned.
.S. I>. Townsend Esq., was elected
general passenger and freight agent
in place of M. Newman, resigned,
lion. H. 0. MeCormick still retains
the presidency of the road. It was
thought that owing to his state ap
poinimen, he would resign said ofiee,
but this was not correct.
Mr. Eavenson in an old nilrosul
employe anil will no doubt make a
first class general manager, lie lias
served as Asst. general manager of
the VV. k N. 15. for a year or more.
Mr. Townsend lias been connected
with the road since its infancy and
will manage his part with neatness
and dispatch. All are pleased to know
that Mr. MeCormick will continue
as President of the road. With him
in this office the people of Laporte
and vicinity will be well looked after
in railroad matters.
In behalf of the County Commis
sioners, in their step towards effect
ing a more proper course in assess
ing and valuing property is one in
the right direction. The valuation
of our county, heretofore, has been
the laughing stock of the State.
When the Commissioners placed
their bonds 011 sale last summer, the
reply come back from Philadelphia
and New York—"The valuation of
your county is less than some build
ings in our city."
Again, people who contemplate
purchasing property in this conuty,
frequently inquire as to the rate of
mills levied, and are astonished when
they learn that ten mills is assessed
for county purposes. If the valua
tion is put up to actual value and
the number of mills lowered, it is
evident to everyone, that no increase
in taxes will follow. The County
Commissioners find it necessary to
increase the county tax ; how can it
otherwise be done ? We now have
ten mill on our present low valuation
which is the extent allowed by the
laws of the State. The only proper
way is to do as is done in all other
counties—raise the valuation to
bona fide value and reduce the mills
to the wants of each district. Farm
land has heretofor been assessed from
to five dollars throughout the
county, although assessors have
taken aa oath to value property to
full value. The assessors must not
loose sight of the fact that occupa
tions and personal property shall
also increase in the same proportion
as they increase real estate. This
will equalize taxation.
'l'll* Jiiilirtnl 4'wiltrrtt.
Following is a copy In part of the
papers filed nt Llarrisburg iu the
Sittser—Dunham coiitcst:
Tlio petition purports Hint the
following illegal ballots were cast
for Dunham in tin l several precincts
of Sullivan county, viz: In Hern ice,
1 vote; in Colley, 1 vote; in Cherry,
1 vote; in Davidson 25; in Dushore,
1 vote; in Hlkland, 5 votes; in Forks
ville, 1 vote; iu Forks, 1 vote; iu Fox,
20 voles; in Hillsgrove, 20 vote; in
Jamison City, 1 vote; in Laporte twp.
1 vote; iu Laporte boroimh, J vote;
iu Lopez, 100 votes; and iu Shrews
bury, 1 vote,
Wherefore your petitioners show
that at the election, and by the means
aforesaid, John A. Sittser hus been
duly elected President Judge of the
forty-fourth judicial district of Penn
sylvania, having received more votes
than were given for .Edward M. Dun
ham as elected.
Your petitioners therefore pray
that due process may issue iu accor
dance with the act of assembly iu
such cases made and provided, to the
end that the complaint as set forth
in this petition may be heard and de
termined and that it may be decided
which of the taid two candidates voted
for, as aforesaid, has received the
greatest number ot legal votes and is
entitled to the said ollice and they
will ever, etc.
Tlios. Canglcy, Benjamin Kister,
VVm Setzer, E. J. Bahl,
G. W. Kisner, ('litis. Kisner,
James .1. Wutsli, Thomas Barey,
11. Meeker, J. W. Obcrt.
John E. Fnian, Bartly Wbak'n,
11. Middcndorf, F. P. Donation,
George St re by, M. J, McDonald,
George W. Jackson, Johanes C. Fcrrell,
Pliilipp Tubach, Patrick Fitzegerald,
A. Douglass, Peter Whalen,
M. J. O'Brien, John M. New,
Solomon Bulir, Jacob Thrasher,
B. A. Erie, Anthony Hhey,
Geo. B. Mus£cluian, J.J. Lotur,
P. I. Str ' r, Patrick May,
Patrick P. Martin, S. I). Murphy,
Frank Dibling, John Miner,
David Utz, William O'Neil,
Frank Waplv, h. Steafather,
Raphael lat/clman, W. E. O'Brien,
Bernard Drugan, Thomas Miner,
Frank McMalion, Peter Armstrong,
George B. Moaier, Valentine Hobo,
William Header, Enul F. Tubach,
Gabriel Bowman. 1). W. Scanlin,
M J, Burns, Georee F Ivaier,
George Sehaffer, W. 11. Deegan,
i). W. Perrine, Joliu Gauglian,
Patrick O'Neil, J P. Bahl,
J. F. Dibble, John S. Mosier,
P. L Messei smith. Emanuel Slichen.
Hugh Brlsbin, Geo. Mes^ersmith,
I ihti Donahoa, Thomas Funnel),
Joseph Ilull. Anthony Dempsey,
Patrick Murphy, Daniel Murphy,
Willi mi W.ilsh. Miles 11. Burns,
Matthew W'a'd, J. E. Stelner,
Charles Seher, John W. Frey,
Jutacs Corcoran, Fred L. Batit.
State ot Pennsylvania ) a
County of Sullivan, 112 ' '
Itaphael Litzelman, A. Douglass,
George SI roby, Frank Dibliuar, Pat
rick Alartin, Philip Tubach, M..1. i
O'Biian. John E.Finatt, M.J. Burns,;
Julius J. Long, 1». Meeker, beius
duly sworn do say that they are elev
en of the petitioners named in the
foregoing petition, and they are
qualified electors of the said judicial
district, that the matters stated iu
the foregoing petition are true, that
the said election was undue and iU
legal and tho return thereof not cor
rect and that the petition to contest
the same is made in good faith ac
cording to the best of their know
ledge, information and belief.
Sworn and subscribed before me
this 20th day of November, 1894.
[Seal.] j'oiix It. CiiOMN, Notary
A large number of signers to the
petition have requested their names
taken off and have signed a paper to
that elTect, We will publish this
list next week.
The Judges appointed to hear the
contest, will meet at Laporte next
Tuesday December 11th at 9 a. m.
Let each and every one of these
people who have withdrawn their
names from the petition to contest,
be here in person and remonstrate
before tho Judges. It will have a
good effect and anyway you can
make known how yoti were mislead
etc, Come, especially farmers and
real estate owners.
Geo. \V. Laurenson of Laporte,
aliot a good sized deer, on Saturday.
I low it came about; George and J.
\V. Ballard, of Lnporte, took a
strolc over to the 'Hero during the
forenoon of said date, each carried a
gun, and on returning home they
agreed to take a short route through
the woods. They had only traveled
a short distance when ihey came
across fresh deer tracks and resolv
ed togo in pursuit. After following
the tracks of the deer some time and
passing through a swamp, George
spied one going up the mountain at
iv rule of speed that would do credit
to a, locomotive. Took aim and
banged away. The deer passed 011,
however, and George evidently sup
posed that he had missed his mark.
At this juncture Ballard came up and
said his knife was in good trim for
carving and asked for the game,
(leorge remarked, that the way the
thing jumped, t;uess they would have
no use for it, but would go up and
look, anyway. No blood was visable
at the seat of war, but on following
the track a few rods it was evident
that the deer had either ran in front
of the muzzle of the gun or else Geo.
had aimed it that way. At any rate
George was pleased all over. It was
his first deer.
A letter addressed by fitalo offi
cials to Pioth'y. Walsh nt a recent
date, Btatiug that the Judges ap
pointed to hear t lio contest case,
would meet at Laporte on tho 14th
of Dec., read, that said body would
meet ut, L'iporte on Tuesday, Pec.
14Mi. This was evidently wrong as
Tuesday comes mi the lltli A sec
ond letter to Mr. Walsh, corrects
the mistake and calls for the meet
ing ou next Tuesday Dec. 11th, at
9 a. in.
The fact that the Pennsylvania
steel works at Steel ton, paid out JBo,*
855 in semi-monthly wages to 3,557
employes on Saturday must indicate
that the fruits of the recent Repub
lican victory are being garnered by
the working men.
Every taxable in tho county ough
to receive a notice of the dato and
place of holding the triennial assess
ment in their respective districts)
this year. The County Commis
sioners gave us an order of four
thousand notices to print last week.
These will be distributed to the
several assessors of the county, and
if they do their part in distributing
them, there will be no reason for
complaint at the meetings of the
Commissioners. Each Assessor
should take pride in doing his work
lESS* Art vert iamcnta in this column (ire charyeii
Fire Cents a line/'or each insertion.
Sundown at Now Albany Waltz.
Is the bit nf the season. Five beautiful
strains. Followed by coda; corresponding
with title. The entire composition is orig
inal und is in use by the best players iu the
country. Scud ;!5e for copy. Piano or
Organ, To C. It. SADI.KR, Author. 2
Mew Albany, Pa.
FOR SAT.K : —A comparatively new Win
chester repeater, is 38 caliber and is of the
Whitney mf JT. IS in first class condition.
Cost S4O. For further particulars call on
the editor,
Something new in Xinas. Candies at
T. J. Keefer's,
For a complete lineof Cnrlstmas candies
goto T. J. Keeler's.
If yciu want to please the children, buy
your Xmas candies «t T.J. Keeler's.
Just think of it. a pair of Blankets at T,
J, Keeler's for 80c per pair,
1 bay mare, weighing 1100 pounds per
fectly sound. 1 young mare colt, t sliorp
sliireiam. AI! will Ixi sold very chead-
I also have a number of sheep that I would
like to let out on shares or to double on
very good terms.
Stale Aoi'iiiul ftcliooF.
An effective tiaining school for teachers
Very liberal provision mode for post grad
u it • work and for the preparation of stud
ents for college. Students admitted to the
1 c dleges on our certificates. Much
attention given to physical culture. Su
peri r advantages for special instruction
m music and art. Amply furnished read
ing room und cabinet. The l>est and most
modern physical apparatus. Five flourish
ing literary soeit ties. A strong athletic
association anil tine grounds for sport.
Four large buildings all heated by steam
New furniture in the dormitories of both
the I idios'and gentlemen's halls. An ele
vator in the ladies' building. Prospective
teachers receive material aid from the State.
Expenses tor the junior year (42 weeks)
$ 16M. Senior year * 118.
Winter I'l'rm IM-U'IIIS Dee. 3d.
For catalogues address,
S. 11. ALBItO, Pit, D., Principal.
Slaustield. Pa.
WmtnuAS, Ilo.v. J. A. SITT?,ER, Presi
dent Judge, llonorab'es John Tonkin and
M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of the
Poice. Orphans Court and Common Pleas
for the County of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, bearing date the 21st day
of Sept. 1801, to me directed, for hold
ing the several courts in the borough of
Laporte, on Monday the 10th day of Dec.
18114, at 2 o'clock p. in.
Therefore, notice is hereby given to the
Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Con
stables within the county, that they be then
and there in their proper person at 2 o'clock
p.m. of said day. with their rolls, records,
inquisitions examinations and other remem
beruuees to those things to which their
offices appertain to be done. And to thos
who are bound by their recognization to
prosecute against prisoners who are or shall
be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan
are hereby notified to be then and there to
prosecute against them as will be just.
Sheriff a office, Lal'orto, Oct. 29, 1894.
HIIsIJICSS l.oculs.
A largo antl complete assortment of
grain cradles sickles, and nil kinds of
harvesting tools at Coles Hardware.
Bicycle, sundries and repairs at Coles
During those hard times ovrrybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gasolene
Cooking Stove and save in fuel, time,
trouble building tires etc. Call and in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore,
Get your milk pans and pails at COI.E'S
Hardware. Made of the best material
and workmanship.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEIi'S.
LIME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John U. Pox & Co.. Hughesville, Pa.
Tin rooting Sp mting, Guttering, any
kind of tin work you w»ut, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COT.K, Dushore, l J a.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds ot building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COI.E'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains. Can he
used 011 any width window. Easy to put
up at, KBELEH'S.
Tor a pain in the tide or ehest there is noth
hif •o irood ft* a pioee of Annuel dampened with
rhnwhorlaitit Pain Balm tn4 bounded on over
the Mat of paift. It afbrdi prompt and per
manent relief and if aned in tiaie will often pre-
Pant a euli from roiulttng 111 pneumonia. This
Tnin«> tree'ment is a eure «ure for liioie buck,
Kor Bale by Dr. W. B. Hill, Lapirte; Forksvillo
bar. Forkarillc; and V, ball, DillsgroTe-
First National Bank,
Capital *60,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits #12, 000
This bank offer* nil tho nsiiul fAcilities fur the transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
DeWitt Bodine, President. W. C. Front?., Cashier
C. W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Manufactuter and dealer in
Boots and Shoes.
We keep at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.'
I secure all discounts al- Mfln fljjWinfl And can sell at Low
Wed by wholesale dealers to Uiilifl fiUIUUtf Prices, with satisfaction.
CUSTOM {} Dimetmint
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar—
gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
«Z S. Harrington,
o- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
I am prepared tj meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ot
I also have full linos of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
lishmentj,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
SI.OO Per* Dozen.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dushore, Penn.
We liave 011 hand an excellent line of Geats furnishing goods of all kinds, Includ
ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Underware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber goods, ieKs
and etc., at prices that t'efy competition.
Custom "WORE
PRO Ml'tjaanb
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dushore, P*.
We respectfully invite \ OU tocall and sec U6 and examine goods and prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W.Carroll Co.
->®. G SYIA'AM.K
We are headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French goods
Moire' Silks Moire' Cotton Goods. Japonettes, Fine French Ginghams
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects &c.
Everybody will want—
|Laces This Yearf
For trimming. We have the largest stocK of them erer shown
in the County.
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct—
iFrom England.!
1«355335S 3 ?SS.S»SS3SSSS3SS««S»S
Wc are prepared to give you prices that will astonish you.
A new stock of Ladies' Men sand Children's shoes. Window ahadat
Lacc curtains Ac. A new stock of Fresh Groceries
Arriving Daily. Give us a call.
E. 67. S
Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State Line & SnllivM
Railroad Co. at Bernice
J. he Slate Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. I 0. BLIGHT, 8cp1»