Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, November 16, 1894, Image 3

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m « • *—» » * * * *—*
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune l #
*i and |
* Sullivan Republican *
I for I
* $1.25 Qne Year $1.25. |
***♦** • • • * •
Singerly's majority—ss.
The solid South is broken.
The weather is becoming decidedly
like Wiuter.
With a Republican Congress, bus*
iness will boom.
The Republicans have a majority
of 145 in C ongress.
That fellow, "I told you so,'' has
made his appearance.
There are a good many rabbits
going in the soup, these days.
The windows are being placed in
the new courthouse building.
Editor Streby of the Pusliorc
Gazette, was in town, Sunday.
J. W. Ballard and Arthur Miner
both of Laporte, have recently invest
ed in bicycles.
The stone step 3 on the north and
south side of the courthouse build
ing, have been placed.
The Democrats areblameing Gra
yer Cleveland for destroying their
party. A just censure.
Observe the smoke in the air. The
factories have resumed work. The
Republicans have a majority in Con
The plastering of the courthouse
and church, was abandoned the latter
part of last week, owing to cold
The Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Karns of
Laporte, were visiting friends in
Benton, Columbia county, the early
part of this week.
The People's candidate for Govern
or had 26 votes in the county and
Mr Tunstall the People's candidate
for Member had 24 votes.
There were a large number of
wild ducks on Lake Mokoma, Fri
day. Nine of the flock were shot
and killed by our sportsmen.
Judge Dunham, will hold our Feb.
term ot court, lie Ims many friends
in the county who will be pleased to
see him in the sent of justice,
Hon. B. W. Jennings received a
majority of 358. Worth is proud of
his large number of friends in the
county, aud why shouldn't he be ?
Our prediction that the Demo
cratic party of the Nation, would be
buried, at the '94 ejection, was not
amiss. The RKPUBMOAS isofllcial.
We gave Mr. Singerly 51 majority
last week. This was an error. It
etiould have read 55. The mistake
was found in the Hillsgrove count.
Freight business on the W, & N.
B- is booming and we aie told that
ft will average favorably with the
large transportation of a year a«o.
Lawrence Bros, are grading ou
either side of tbe new courthouse
building. This work lifts improved
the appearance of the building very
The long winter evenings wilt soon
be here. Subscribe for the REPUB
LICAN and Tribune and have plenty
of reading. Only $1.25 for both one
R. L. Marks of tbe one price cloth
ing house, Dushore, has a new double
column ad. in this issue of the ltrc-
PUBMCAN. Our readers should give
it their attention.
A large number of business men
of the U- S., will ask Congress this
session to pass a law leducing the
ratea of first class mail matter from
two centa to one cent.
There were 2469 votes polled in
Sullivan county at tbe recent election.
Thia ia the largest number ever poll
ed in tbe county, hence neither party
can say, "the vote was not out,"
Mr. A. L. Grim received one
rote for District Atty. The vote
was cast in Laporte borough. It
was a Republican ticket from top to
bottom except the name of Mr. Grim.
Our genial station agent. W. B.
Bitter, now occupies tlie Karns cot-'
tage at ]<ake Alokoma and J. E. Gal
lagher occupies the Keeler dwelling
vacated by Mr Ritter ou West Main
There is a man down in Forks
ville by the name of Gus Smith, who
is awful sick. Drs. Randall and Gam
ble pronounce the disease, "Election
Combustion." His recovery, by his
many friends, is hoped tor.
The result of the recent election
in this borough shows that the Baker
ballot law comes very close to the
perfection of a secret ballot. The
mistaken estimates made by parties
during the day was proof of this.
The large saw mill and the several
dwellings and store building at Lo-
E:z, and owned by the Jennings
ros., are lighted with electricity.
The Jennings Bros, are progressive
young men and are always up with
the times.
Harry Gray Esq of Tunkhannock,
was appointed Judiciary return judge
of Wyoming county, by Judge Sitt
ser, and brought the return sheets
to Laporte, on Tuesday. Prothono
tory Walsh addressed them to head
quarters at Harrisburg the same day.
Since election, we have placed live
new subscribers ou our list. The
I people want the beat ard they want
Ihe news when fresh. The REPUBLI
CAN Ml* the bill. Can we address it
to you ?
The YV. C. T. A. will meet at the
residence of Mrs. Win. A. Mason,
Laporte, Thursday Nov. 15 at 3 p. m.
There will also be a social at Mrs.
T. J. Ingham's residence, Friday
evening Nov. 16. All are invited.
Associate Judges—Yonkin and
Phillips, on Monday appointed J.
Harry Spencer of Laporte, Congres
sional return judge and Morgan
Gavitt, Senatorial return judge of
this district. The Congressional
canvassers met in Sunbury ou Tues
day and the Senatorial in Danville
on the same date.
•We suggest that the Republicans
of Sullivan county make their light
next fall on S(..te issues. We can
make this a Republican county. The
working people and the farmers arc
evidently tired of Democratic ruling
in national matters. We elect a
Proihono'nry and a Sheriff next full
and if we all work hard the3 r will be
taken from the Republican ranks.
We went to press on Thursday
afternoon of last week. Usually we
issue on Thursday morning, hence,
our readers were not kept long in
suspense concerning the election
news. Our Western mail went at
the regular time and our Southern
mail was only delayed one tiain.
We carried the Northern mail to
Dushorc after 9 o'clock, at night.
We take pride in pleasing our many
reader 8.
Hon. M v.onJB. Wright of Susque
hanna and who was re-elected at the
recent election for the 4th time to
Congress, in the 15th district, died
in Trenton, Out., of typhoid pneu®
monia, on Tuesday.
This will result iu the holding of
a special election in the district in
which he was elected only a week
ago. The district is composed of
Bradford, Wyoming, Wayne and
Susquehanna counties. Mr. Wright
was a Republican.
The REPUBLICAN is the recipient
of many compliments for our pains
and correct and complete election
report in our last week's issue of the
Congressional. Senatorial and Judic
iary districts, :is well as the count}'.
I The REOLEMCAN is a newspaper and
gives the news regardless of cost and
hard work. Our Dtishore contem
poiavies wi'laive the table this week.
It will tie stale to our readers. You
should subsetibe for the paper that
gives the news when fresh. The
REPUBLICAN is only SI.OO a year in
Professor Win. L. Wilson of West
Virginia, Chairman of the House
Committee of Ways anil Means, (he
author of the Wilson tariff bill, who
visited England after the adjourn
ment of Congress, and was tendered
a banquet in London in honor of his
service in behalf off' ee trade ling
bud, can now return nnd receive the
condolence of his JJritisl) liiends.
Ho can explain to tbeni how it hap*
pened that he was turned down by
;ho people of his ovui dislrict, pod
Lis tariff doc I ins so overwhelmingly
repudiated by ihe American people.
C.i,t His 55 Vole bit 1,2**1 T<ie .tlHy
Ho.). Wm. I. Pujnler, notwith
standing his ill health aud helpless
condition was anxious lo deposit his
fifty—lil'th consecutive vote at the
laic election, he having cast his lir>t
in 18 : )0, and his triends willing that
lie c,hould be gratified, carried him
across ihe street io the polls where
he added one rao'e vole to the Re
publican ticket of J 894. MuooyXw
Of the fifteeii picciuols in the
county, seven of them gave Republi
can majorities and eight Democratic
majorities. The Republican districts
and their majorities are as follows :
Col ley, 8 majority ; Elkland, 94 ma
jority i Poiksvillo, J7 majority i Fox
63 majority ; Hillsgrovc, iST majority;
i opez, 65 majority; and Shrewsbury
5 majority. The Democratic list is
as follows: Bernice, 19 majority;
Cherry, lit majority; Davidson, 51
majority: Dushore, 24 majoriiy i
Forks, C 2 majority; Jamison. 15
majority ; Lipoite twp., 5 majority ;
and Laporte Boro., 11 majority.
Will |ii»|M'oyp fl»e Itoud.
Theie is some talk of laying a
third rail on the Montrose railroad.
The present road is of narrow gauge
and the thir d rail will be so con
structed that cars of the standard
gauge may be run on the branch.
This improvement will be, It is said,
principally for the shipment of coal.
It would seem that this would be
a wise plan, for should a branch be
built from Montrose to connect with
the Bingliamton & State Line railroad
it would give the Lehigh Vnlley a
direct and short cut onroute into
Binghamton and the regions north.
—Towanda Review.
Co>isi'csßional Tabic.
The 17th Congressional district is
composed of Sullivan, Columbia,
Montour and Northumberland co in
ties. We give below the majorities
of each coiinty for Kulp the Re
publican nominee and Buckalew the
Democratic nominee :
Northumberland, 1,774
Sullivan 20
Columbia 736
Montour 124
Tolkl. 1774 BSO
\ 880
Kulp's majority 894
"W. L. Hoffman of Hillsgrove, has
purchased the D. L. Stevens & Son
store at Muncy Valley.
Wyoming Coiiniy Vote.
Following is the Viffleial vote of
Wyoming county for Governor and
for President Judge. Our readers
will no doubt be interested in the
figures aud will give them a careful
Governor: I'ves.
■ | Judge.
ia"T«T lis - a
1 u § '• S
DISTRICTS. iS' !2 |'| 3
p M* : 3
* IP L P
Crainttim LISOI 70 134 80
Clinton 85i 83i 49 41
Eaton 125 68; 1115 74
Exeter 11' 14 14 19
FALLS 8;!,
Lemon 89 5? 79 7^
Mehoopanv 140 02 12.! til
Meshoppcn Borough 88, 81 73 96
Meshoppen Twp. 62 77 55 84
MOP roe 229 14:1 210 171
North Cra»>'li 24 58 25 57
North morel nd "24 1 87 80 lOi
Nicholson Borough ; 429; 92, 124 93
Nicholson Twp. i 99 97 81! 118
Overfield i 41! 06) 22] 85
Tunkhannock B, 1 W.i 80 81 59 100
Tuuklmunock 15. 3W. 85 60 56 97
Tupkhuunock Twp. 158 170 10:!' 236
Washington i 89 72 75 85
Windham j 99 83 95 84
Total 12099 1721i 1834 2078
"Farmer' Jvulp tbercceniiv olecl
od Republican Congressman from
Shr.mokin. is missing. Mr. Kulp and
Wellington Bertole'.te, superintend
ent for the P. & R. R. K-, with head
quarters at Reading, are warm old
time friends. Mr. Bertolette was so
well pleased over Kulp's election
that on Wednesday he hired the
Germania Band of Reading and took
them to ShamoLin by special car.
The "Farmer" was serenaded up
roariouslv all day and when the band
started for i lie (cm he accompanied
it. lie has not been seen since.
His Sliamokin friends are not wor
ried. They say lie is probably re
cuperating in Reading from the ex
h.iustion ntteuding (lie labors of the
campaign. M l '. Kulp will be the
youngest man in the next Congress.
—Shenandoah Herald.
Slensel S:ivs Us AH Kiilit.
PHIL v DELPHI A, NOV. I.—Despi.e
the clerical ervov in the marriage
license bill, by which it is made to
read n<? going info effect October 1,
]S9S, instead of October 1. 1893,
couples iut©n«lii»;iT to many will have
to procure a licetisie as heretofore.
The mistake does not lessen the force
of the original act of J SS."S, for the
amendment of 1803 did not annul
the net of 1885, it simply supple
mented it- Attorner General Heusel
when questioned lonually on ihe
sul>jpot last year, wrote to the clerk
of the license coin-; heie bidding him
to advise -'ll iuquirers that it was
still needfnl to procure a licence in
order to secure tjoleiiumal'on
of marringe.
Had Singerly and his spell-binders
made another tour of Pennsylvania
Hastings' majority would have been
three hundred thousand.
Joseph and Harry Heed and Levi
Whitman, who are doing the plaster
ing of the courthouse, gave a turkey
supper at Fairview cottage, Stewart
Chase proprietor, on Tuesday. A
large number of invited guests were
present and report a good time.
Lowis Be-in!icli of the Western
part of the county, who was tried at
September term of court for adultery
and couvi ped and sentenced by the
court to undergo an imprisonment
of one year in the county jail, escap
ed from the steel cage in which he
was confjned, on Monday night. He
defaced the heads and punched out
the ri\els which held the bolt fast to
the door, With this dono he slid
the bolt back with ease and made
good his escape. It is evident that
some person or persons assisted
him to the tools used to do the work.
The Sheriff has four or live deputies
on the lookout for the convict and
hopes to capture him indue time.
"True politeness is to say, the
kindest think in the kindest way."
"A ray of light in a rat hole spoils
the hole for rat purposes."
The follies of youth become the
vices of manhood and the disgrace of
old age, Every one should attend
church, especially his own.
The mouth of a wise man is in his
iutellect, but the intellect of a tool
is in his month. Minds of moderate
calibre ordinarily oondemn every*
thing whl';h Is beyond their range.
The man who never made a mis
take is the man who never aceom*
plished anything worth mentioning,
lie who seeks to obtain an official
position at the head of any benevo
lent or chnrob enterprise because of
his imaginary influence, but having
failed, be balk?, plays the part of a
A minister in this county says:
"I find it utterly impossible to preach
the ideas of every unconverted and
half-hearted pew-holdcr and the
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ at
the same time." A church member
who joined church because he was
afraid of hell, is no better than the
man who is a criminal at heart, but
who is afraid of getting into the peni
The man who is honest because ho
must be, or because it pays to be, is
twin brother to the man with striped
clothing on—the one had a trifle
more sense or caution than the other,
that is all. lie who serves God for the
amount of money he can get out of
it, has very little religion in hib heart
and no love at all.
'•'lie *'*«'«»• Kcsnlt.
A dispatch from Baltimore annntiii
cos that 400 employes of (lie Canton
Copper Woiks, presumably of that
city, were yesterday notified that
their wages would be increased 10
per cent. 011 their nest pay day.
This is, we believe, the tirst an
nouncement of an increase since the
general elections in 1802. Reduc
tion alone were the order under tho
conditions which prevailed after
it became known t hat the fiec traders
woro in control.
With the knowledge that a Re
publican Cougress is once more 111
control, oonlidcnce is re e-tablislicd
and what occurred in Baltimore
yesterday may indue time be exs
pected elsewhere in the industries
which this Congress did not wholly
ruin.— Ji'x.
This is proof that the Republican
party is the lriend of the working
people and with said party iivpower
or partly in power at Washington,
business booms. . The working peo
ple will learn who their friends are
after a while. They had their eves
pretty well opened ou Tuesday the
We were told bv Democrats before
election, that no increase of wages
would be granted the workingmen
even thoi-gh a Republican Congress
wn elected. The above proves the
piediction oT our Democratic friends
incorrect. The Republicans of the'
county, wilt, for the tirst timo in the
bUtorv of the county, make a hard
light for the Republican slate ticket
next fall and good Democrat? are of
the opinion that it will go that way.
The REL'UISUOAN will speak of this
and other increase of wages which
will no doubt follow, short'y, in the
1895 campaign. Hence, plca&e keep
in mind t he />>.- wane of wages.
7f:til Worl.n to irvMiaie.
MARTIN'S FKUHV, 0., Nov. 12.
The Laughlia nail works, which
closed over two months ago, was
placed in full operation to-day.
About 600 men and boys are employ,
ed. Lack of orders and hard times
were the cause assigned for the
shutting down.
A ro tiling Advance ;n Wajes.
PirrsßOßo, Nov. 12.—An o'Tieial
of the Browns Hons' company, own
ers of the Way lie Iron Works, is
authority for the statement that next
week the company will make good
its promise to their puddlers by
advancing wages 10 per cent. This
voluntary advance will make the
wages of puddlers at the Wayue Iron
Works $4.40 per ton.
To Oa»r Uemoci u|i( t iieiKis.
It.the Democrats of S.illivan oouri.
t.v who voted for Ktilp will join hand 1 }
with the Republicans, Sullivan coun
-1 v could be made Republican rt (lie
next election. Is it not worth while
for thinking, intelligent men who do
not approve of democratic tariff
110! ions to take an active stand with
the Republican p.M'ly in ''tis county ?
They would bo gladly welcomed,
yiven high seals in the synagogue
and fronted with Hie best fatted veal
in the maiket. Jt, would only bo a
-.hort Ume when I lie county would be
in the hands of the New Republican
n.U'l'.V- A gioat many Democrats
who voted Ibe ticket ate sit heart,
very tired of the present Democratic
management and in the accession of
the would-be-leaders, they see no
relief. Why not, then forsake ( lie
Milking ship and <sOlllO to ope where
there me no vings and no lond^i'shii).!
except as the hour demands. Where
all (lie townships have a fair chance
(o be heard and a man can get 011 'he
ticket, if suitable, without reference
lo the locality in which he resides ?
Who is a good time to come to the
Republican party The past Is dead
and all the old time issues are buried,
ihe great question of to-day and
next year, is how taxes on imports
shall be levied, to give protection or
merely to obtain revenue. The Re
publican party stands fair and square
for Protection. If you believe in
Protection for all and aro a Demo
crat, why do you not leave the parly
which openly savs it is for Flee
Trade? What other pills will you
have to swallow if you become a Re
publican J Well you ought to be
lieve in the support and maintain
ance of our Public School System as
a non-sectarian institute. Also you
ought to believe that the American
flag flies for a big nation arid shall be
honored abroad and at home. That
is about al|. Very likely manv Dem
ocrats will say I have believed in
these from mv youth up. If so, yon
will have Jess far to come and in
truth the tariff to-day is about the
only point of contention and if a
voter believes in a Protective tariff
he ought to be a Republican. If any of
our Democratic reader feels as if tliere
was truth in this article let him de
clare himself openly and frankly with
his Republican neighbors. If a
question of office getting stands in
your light, bo not afraid. We need
new recruits and some of you will
be captains and we shall soon lie
winners in snug and happy little
The oouiity commissioners were
in town on Monday.
Rodarmel—Kipe;-: By Robert
Stormont, J. P., of Laporte, on Tues
day Nov. 13, '94—Wesley Rodar
mel and Miss Mary Kiper. both of
Newell, Sullivan county. Pa.
We don't understand why there
was no meeting of the Ladies Aid
society of Laportc, on Wednesday
November 14, unless it was because
of the wedding; of course the meet
ing could have been held uptown
some where as there were many
members of the Ladies Aid, who did
not attend the wedding anyway.
Let us not forget the regular busi
ness meeting on the last Thursday
evening of the month, according lo
constitution. A MEMEEK.
iM vilßlunJohn I\ Messenger
of I/iporl.e iv\'|>. end Miss Bessie
J'luo of iloi i-ick Centre, Susquehanna
county, on October 20th 1894*, The
ceremony was performed in Ringhain
ton, N. y. The newly married couple
reside wiili Mr. E<l ward J. Messen
ger, father of'the groom, in Laporte
t,wj>. The JvKi'uiiiacAX extends con
nesday afternoon November It 'O4,
at (he home of the br'dc's father,
(.has. Tinklepaugh; Mr. Wilbur
Kopp of Wiliiatnsport, and Miss
Einnia Tinklepaugh, of this place,
were united in mairitige, the ceres
monv was poi formed by tho Rev.
William liicU. of Williamsport. A
large number of invited guests were
present and many valuable presents
were presented the happy couple.
They expect to make Williamsport
their home. The REPUBLICAN ex
tends congratulations.
7" r '*"" -'l '/"'</1' ""llf < ill th in rotlhrit Hi « citr.. 'Jrft
b'ite Ociil* (i hi if. jif <:r lii list t rioii.
l'lie Ragiilar Vikiliug Opticas, of
Pea Yan. N. Y.
Will be nt Hold ("stroll, Ousuore, on
November 14th to 17th inclusive. IliJls—
grove House. Ilillsv-'we, P t., on Nov, 2(1
n'.iti 21 sl. For die pji nci < ? of H'Stiug ajl
defective vision of younir and o'd, aid
fitting proper glasses. To all who may
have peculiar or d'ffkvl ces io fit wall
glasses, by giving meec;H e;a rercive (he
best S'ltislaciioc, w' '.ut en 7 cefsi for c.ll
The eye Is a v* Y d-'-caie'v COT**. reeled
org t >ii, and is 1 ;i-i'y l ni.ed hoyo.'d repair.
Thousands are iniming their eyes evey
year by theme of imoov/cctanJimp 'oper
ly titled spectacles, and I find bat very
few when using sp;a.salea who p-c 11 ! ntr
the proper coireei.'on for their cvn. Gms
ses that are not prof \-rly iitte l are npl to
do irreparable damage. Al' persons who
wear glasses sboeld have their cyese.v, al
ined at least once a y< I correct a'l er
rors of refraction, and fit glasses wheie
glasses will correct.
It will pay you to ded ••. i.-ini- r>« I rail
011 all patrons reg 'l. r'.,-, mid any glasses
bought of me in ay be changed at any time
free of charge, if in good < ondiiion. Re
member, your eyes me your I.est Mends.
J. b. biuKtiMAN. 11 i*j, V'.diing Op:ic'in,
dent Judge. llonorables Jo:,n Yonkin ami
M. J. Phil'ips, Associate Judges of IBE
Courts of Oyer and Terminer «"d Genera!
Jail Deliverer, Qisrier Sextons of the
Peace, Orphans Court and Common Plea*
for the County of Sullivan, have issued
(heir precept, bearing date the 21st day
of Sept. 1804, to me directed, for hold
ing the several courts in 11 1 " borough of
Laporte, on Monday the 10th day of De ;.
1894, at 2 o'clock p. in.
Therefore, notiie is hereby given 'o 'be
Coroner. Justices of liio Peace and Con
stables within the cou ity, tbi't they bethen
and 1 here in 1 heir p:-oper person at 2 o'clock
p.m. of said d:iy, wilh their rolls, records,
inquisitions examinations and other remera
berauces to those things ti which their
offices appertain to be cue. And to tlios
who are bound by their recognition to
prosecute against prin jers who are or phal'
be in the jail of the P.. id county of Sullivnu
are hereby notified to be then and thc:e to
prosecute against them as wilt tie just
i'IIU.VIAS MAHAi'i'KY iSlieiifl.
Sheriffs office. Lul'orio, O- t 2'J, 18K4.
Notice is hereby given that nn applica
tion will be made to the Governor of the
state of Pennsylvania o;i the third day of
December 1894. By 1,. H. Woddrop Cam
eion Boak, \V. 11 warn, C. W Woddrop
and H.Harvey Welch, under ibeAc.tof
Assembly of the Commi<--,» , ealtli of Penn
sylvania entitled "A Ac: to provide for
the Incorporation and regulation of <ert:,iu
corporations" approved April 20, h IbW
aiul the supplements thereto for the char
ter of an intended corporation to be r ailed
Sullivan Lumber Co. the character and
object n hereof is the acqu' ing by pur
eu se lease or exchange :'uub?r, timber
lands and logs for manvi ac.uri.ig !.>mber
doing mill work and making articles uian
uf cluved form wood ::•) i for the purpose
01 selling and disnoslng of siuii lands tim
ber and other ariic!* siu-ulc therefrom, and
for these purposes lo n.ive possess and en
joy all the rights benetiis aud privilege of
the said Act of Assembly and iis supple
WM. E. CKAWFOBD, Solicitor.
Cash paid for Ginseng at Dodino &
Warns, Sonestown, Pa.
Codin & Warns, buy j 1 all kinds of
country produce including heef hides etc.
For winter geods goto B & W.,
Sonestown, I'a.
The best place to buy fruit jars is at
Uodme & Warns, Sonestown, Pa.
Meat and flsh at I!. & W. Sonestown, I'a.
Bodlnc & Warn, have just received a
line lot of sweef potatoes, lemons Ac.
For tine Mackerel goto Bodiuc & Wai a,
Sonestown, Pa.
A large and complete assortment of
grain cradles sickles, and all kinds of
harvesting tools at Coles Hardware.
Bicycle, sundries and repairs at Coles
Fon SAT.E:—A model 1880 Winchester,
38-56 calibre, 10 shot, octagon bairel, set
trigger, case hardened, sporting sights—
(open). A fine leather-bound case with
long strap, a full set of re loading tools and
several hundred everlasting shells accom -
panying gun. Price. sl2; r S3O.
Dutlng these hard times everybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gasolene
Cooking Stove and save in fuel, time,
trouble building fires etc. Call and in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore,
Get your milk pans and palls at COLE'S
Haul ware. Made of the best material
and workmanship.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEIi'S.
LIME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John B. Fox & Co.. Hughesville, Pa.
Tin roofing Spouting, Guttering, any
kind of tin work you want, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COLE, Dushore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa-
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window cunalns. Can be
used on any width window. Easy to put
! up at, KEBLEII'B.
First National Bank,
PA ■-
Capital $60,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $22,000.
This bank offers nil tbo facilities for tho transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
DeWitt Bodine, President, TV. C. Frontz, Cashier
C, W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Manufactutcr and deal:;r !n
Hoofs and Shoes*
We keep at a'' times a Complete
-Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts al- Rlflß A „d can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to MM SUiillU Pi ices, with satisfaction.
—01; it—
CUSTOM {} Depirtment
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our Ftench Kip Boots are an especial tar-*
gain. A pleasure to show whether 3-011 buy or not.
«/. S. Harrington,
I am prepared lo meet any prices or quotations with a first class u|
well selected stock ot
1 also have Pull lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
lUhments.for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
LOO Per, Dozen.
For This IVTontii Ciiiy at iiiiglebreckt's Gallery
DITSHORS, . •£&.
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dushcre, Penn.
We have on hand an excellent lineof Gents furnishing goods of all kinds, tnchm
ing suits, Overcoats Ilatj, (.aps, t ndenvare. lioots and Shoes, Rubber iroods ieltS
and etc., at prices that defy competition. '
Custom WOKK
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dushore, Fa.
We respectfully invite \ OU toeall and see us and examine goods and prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere. ° r
J. W.Carroll & Co.
#@-We aro headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French (OOdi
Moire' Silks Moire' Cotton Goods. .Taponettes, Fine French Gtaghatts
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects Ac.
Everybody will want—
§Laces This Years
For trimming. We have the largest stoclc of them ever shows
in thu Countj r .
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct—
sFrom England.?
We are prepared to give you prices that will astonish you.
A new slock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window ahadft
Lace curtains &c. A new stock of Fresh Groceries
Arriving Daily. Give us a call.
E. G. S
Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of tho State Line k BalliTM
Railroad Co. at Bernice
The Sift te Line St Sullivan R. R. Co. i 0. B light, S«p%