SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN SUPPLEMENT, NOVEMBER, 2, 1894. OUT FOR GEN. HASTINGS. TO THE BERNICE MINERS. & Democratic Ketrsipa|ter Conies Out, Favoring the Eleetlou ot Bastings lor Governor. The Bituminous Jlecord, of Phil— lipsburg, Pa., a Democratic paper, but the representative of the labor organizations of that section, is out for Hastings, and prints the follow ing as Hastings' record as a coal operator: First—ln the settlement of ad justment of any difference arising between his employees and himself over matters of wages General Hast ings always recognized the policy of arbitration and conciliation. To such an extent did he observe this policy that during his eleven year's career as an operator he never had a strike in any one of his mines, unless the strike was general throughout the district. Second—lie preferred to treat -with representatives of the miners' organization rather than treat with always recognized com mittees representing his employees the checkweighmen association or the national or district organization of the miners. Third—Without cost to his em ployees he collected the checkweigh. man money through the office as well as any other monies the men asked to have collected in that manner. Fourth—He always paid as high "wages as were paid in the district, (some times higher for deficiency works,) paid his men in accordance with the semi-monthly law, and al ways paid in cash. Fifth—He was always opposed to the pluck-me store system; never bad a store in connection with his mines and never dealt in store or ders, paying the men in accordance with the law. Sixth—He recognized no black list, gave employment to any appli cant no matter what the applicant's reputation was as an upholder of labor organizations, provided there was a vacant place in the miue. Seventh—Representatives of the ■district or national organizations among the miners never hesitated to call on General Hastings in any matter in dispute for the reason that they knew they would be received •oordialty and courteously. Eighth—He always advocated better prices for coal, never offered llis miners lower wages than other miners in the district were receiving, was not operating a mine at the time of the recent reduction, and in every respect, while an operator, treated the miners as men, and in case of accident to any of them was more liberal in his donations. Vote for C. E, Ge3'er for Senator. Vote for Hon. E. M. Dunham for President Judge. \ ote lor Z. T, Kilmer for Jury Commissioner, 1 ote for B. \V. Jennings for Assembly. Vote for Monroe H. Kulp for •Congress. Vote for Hon. E. M. Dunham for President Judge. Vote for B. VV. Jennings for Assembly. \ ote for Monroe H. Kulp for Congress. Buckalew'c* IMatlorm. The following is C. R. Buckalew's platform as announced in the Opera House meeting Saturday, February, 17,1894, and upon which he seeks your votes: "Free wool, free lumber, free iron ore, free coal, and TAXED sugar" —•Bloomsburg Republican. ELECTION * PROCLAMATION.—^ Wiiereas, I)}- the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: It shall be the duty of the Sheriff of every county, at lenst ten days before any election to be held therein (except for township and borough officers,) to give notice of the same by proclamations posted up in the moat public places in every election district and by advertisements in at least two newspapers, if there be so many published in the county, representing so far as practicable the political parties which at the preceding election cast the largest and next largest number of votes, and to enumerate the officers to be elected and give a list of all the nominations, except for election officers and assessors to be voted for in such county, as far as may be, in the form in whicl they shall appear upon the ballots and to designate the place at which the elei/ion is to be held. Therefore. I, Thomas Mahaffcy, High Sheriff of Sullivan county, do hereby make known and proclaim *o the qualified electors of Sullivan county that an election will be held in said county on . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1894. At the several election districts in the county to wit: Bernice Precinct—At the Knights of Labor Hall, in Bernice. Cherry Twp._At the new Township House, near Dushore. Colley Twp —At the house formerly occupied by Jonathan Colley. Davidson Twp.— At the public house of Mrs. T. S. Magargle, Dushore Boro.—At the Hotel Carroll, in said borough. Elkland Twp—At the new Election House, at Eldredsville. Forks Twp —At the Election House. Forksville Borough—At the Forksville House, in said borough. Fox Twp.—At the Township House, at Shunk. Hillsgrove Twp.—At the house formerly occupied by John J. Saddler. Jamison City—At Kyles Hotel Laporte borough—At the Laporte Hall. Laporte Twp At the house of Henry Kohensparger. Lopez Precinct—At the school house, in Lopez. Shrewsbury Twp—At the Eagles Merc Hotel. At which lime and place the qualified electors will elect by ballot the following State and County officers : One person for Governor. One person for Lieutenant Governor. Oue person for Auditor General. One person for Secretary of Internal Affairs. Two persons for Congress-at-Large. One person for Congress. One person for Senator. One person for President Judge. One person for Assembly. One person for District Attorney. One person for Jury Comm. One person for Co. Auditor. A cross EirX-® marked in the square at the right of the name of each candidate, inside the line enclosing the column indicates a vote for each candidate thus marked. _ _ _ . If a cross « be marked within the circle it will be equivalent to a mark Opposite every name in the column. Those who do" not desire to vote a straight ticket must not mark a cross within the circle at the head of the column. For a StraiuhtTickot for a Straight Ticket For a Straight Ticket For a Straight Tioget For a Straight Ticket For a Straight Ticket THE voter may insert, tho 0 0 name of any person whose name 112 A is Dot P rinteJ on 'ho ballot tor 11 II whom he desires to vote. Thi* column is for the use of vo- Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within tho Circle. Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the Circle. Mark Within the_Cirole. Mark Within the Circle, ers desiring '.o vote for e.indi - dates othe'. than those whose REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRATIC. PROHIBITION. PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST LABOR, IND'T. REPUBLICAN, names appear printed on this ballot. FOIt GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. [Mark Oue.] [Mark One.] Mark One [Mark One.] -Mark One.] Murk One. Insert One Gen. D. H. Hastings, I William M. Bingeriy, I Charles L. Hawley, I ... ...... . I of Centre county. | of Philadelphia. | of Lackawanna. I Jeromo T. Ailman, Thomaa H, Urunay Daniel 11. Hastings, LlEL "[ T Mark°Ouc.r Ol< ' "^MarkO^ 0 " JMVKBVO'IL GOVERNOR. LIEUTENANT q GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. Walter Lycn, I John S. Rilling I Homer L. Castie I ......... p.., rnnff of Alleghany county. I of Erie. | of Allegheny I Jerome B. Akin, ' Walter Lyon, I ""SMSr*. AUDII Z,k O o E .?. EEAL iI ' DI M O ."°o^ EBAL AUMJ.J.IU. Amos H. Myiin, I David F. Magee, I Charles Palmer, I " " 1 josenh B Allen ! . n.. .• of Lancaster county. | of Lancaster Co. | of Delaware I W. M. Deisher, ' I Amo« H. Mvlin, SECRETARY OF INTER-JSECRETARY OY INTER-SECRETARY OF INTER- SECRETARY OF INTERNAL sECRETARV OF INTERNAL SECRETARY OF INTERNAL NAL AFFAIRS. NAL AFFAIRS. NAL AFFAIRS. SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. AFFAIRS. sECRKTARY^OF^INTBRNAL [Mark One.] Mark One Mark One Mark One ' M,rll Mark One Insert One. Gen. James W. Latta, I Walter VV. Greenland j Leroy Glcason. . ---- H illiam B. King, Lames W Latta of Philadelphia. | of Clarion. | of Bradford | Abraham J. Louch. .................... ' ' CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. Mark Two. Mark Two. Mark Two CONGRESS-AT-LARGE. Mark Two Mark Two, Insert Two Mark Two. .................... ................ t ... . ................ ...„ Galuaha A. Grow, I Ilenery Meyer I Elisha Kent Kane, I _ „ of Susquehanna Co. | of Allegheny. | | of McKean > Victor A. Lotier. I Brnent e , Galushia A, Grow, i George F. HUFF, I Thomas Collins I L. G. Jordan, I Goitiried Metiler, George F. Iluff, j of Westmorland Co. | of Centre. | of Philadelphia. I U. F. ureenman, | j CONGRESS. CONGRESS. CONGRESS. CONGRESS C B N(^? SB ' CONGRESS. CONGRESS. Mark One. Mark One. Mark One Mark One Mark One Insert One Monroe 11. Kulp, j Charles R. Buckalew, | Thomas Curry | of Shamokin, Pa. | of Bloomsburg. | of Mansfield. I lacharj i. A , ................. ...... . ............. SENATOR. SENATOR. SENATOR. RFNATOR SENATOR. SENATOR. Mark One. Mark Oue Mark One MirkOne-' Mark One Insert One C- E. Geyer, i J. Henry Cochran, i J. C. U. Lynn. j L w of Columbia Co. | of Williamsport. I of Danville. I Jo»eph K. Murray, .......... PRESIDENT JUDGE. PRESIDENT JUDGE. PRESIDENT JUDGE. ASSEMBLY. ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY. Mark One. Mark One Murk One Mark One ""."."I". Mark One,' In.«rt One. Edward M. Dunham, j John A. Sittser, | | of Laporte. Pa. | of Tunkhannock. | I Wm. Tanitall, J ASSEMBLY. ASSEMBLY. ASSEMBLY. " VRKSIDENT JUDGE PRESIDENT JUDGE. PRESIDENT JUDGE PRESIDENT JUDGE. Mark Oue. Mark One Mark One Mark One Mark One. Mark One Iraert One B. W. Jennings, I Ambrose E. Farrell, | Christopher Snyder, | ------ .......j.. , of Lopez, Pa. | of Lopez. | of Elkland | DISTRICT ATTORNEY. DISTRICT ATTORNEY- DISTRIC ATORNEY. " n *,aT« T rT * ittornrv DISTRICT ATTORNEY. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Mark One Mark Oue Mark One ATTORNEY. Mark One Mark One Insert One 1 I Edward j. Mullen, | I I of Dushore, | I JURY COMMISSIONER. JURY COMMISSIONER. JURY COMMISSIONER. JURY COMMISSIONER. JURY COMMISSIONER. JURY COMMISSIONER Mark One. Mark One Murk One JURY COMMISSIONER. Mark One Maik One Insert One Mark One. ................ - - - - ................ .... ................ .... z!'t. Klinier! j Uciiry Swank, i Sumner Bedford I | of hhunk, Pa. | of Muncy Valley ] of Forks. I | ......... COUNTY AUDITOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. COUNTY AUDITOB. Mark One Mark One Mark One M.rk one Mark one Inßert one I j. B. M agar gel, I I I of Sonestown. I I It is further directed that the election polls of the several districts shall be opened at 7 o'clock in the forenoon and continue open without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when polls will be closed. Notice is herehv given that every person excepting Justice of the Peace who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States of this State or city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the Legislative Executive or Judiciary department of this State or of the United States or of any city, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district, is bv law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or the appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to be then voted for. The inspectors and judges of the elections shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong before seven o'clock in the morning and each inspector shall appoint one clerk who shall be a qualified voter of such district. THOMAS MAHAFFEY, High Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Laporte Pa., October 27th 1894.