THE REPUBLICAN. FHIPAY, .M OI ST:11, lst»4. * * * * * * + * —*—*—* I Th>' X. Y. Wtrkhj Trihuue *1 H» publican I r " r * *| $1.25 <>/»»' Ymr | * —* —+ —* * + •" "• * »' '* Sunday was n smoky day. It will soon l'o I fir season. EaglesMcrc is still booming with summer guests. This is a good year to cleanse the Democratic polities. A good there are no kickers in our party, this year. The leaves are turning a crimson color—fall is approaching. It will soon tie time to lay in a supply of eo«l for winter u-e. Who is going to donate the bell for the new Catholic church? Hon. llussel liarns of Laporte, was quite sick last week. lie is better now. A number of people of Muncy \ al loy, attended Catholic services at Laporte, Sunday. The Normal Institute now in ses sion at Dushore, will close one week from to-day, Friday. An excursion ot several hundred people of Montgomery, visited Lake Mokoma, on Saturday. County Commissioners, Farrel and Litzelmnn. were in town the latter part ol last week. Harry Karns of Laporte, left for Towanda on Tuesday, where lie will continue his school days. The slaters arc busy roofing the courthouse. Tliey expect to have it completed in about ten days. Rev. Fr. Enright held divine ser vices on Sunday atEaglesMere at 7a. in. Late mass was celebrated at Laporte at 10:.'S0. Hon. liussel Kama ia having his Lake Mokoina cottage erected. Four carpenters of Columbia Co., are doing the work. The friends of the Democratic ticket propose making a still bunt. Our people will do their bidding in open daylight. Station agent Hitter is the busiest man in town. Attending to btisir ess and going without bis dinner, is a frequent occurrence with him. The several new buildings under construction in Laporte, shows oft at a good advantage on the 'Mere road about a half mile from town. Boyd 0. Van Fleet of Binghamton N. Y., who has been visiting friends j in Laporte for the past, few weeks left for his home on Saturday even ing. Those Democrats who said they were anxious to vote for Dunham for President Judge, will have a chance to gratify their wishes, this | fall. The friends of our tiekef, both Dem ocrats and Republicans must effect an organization :>nd get into working order. With this done, we are as sured of success. D. Kennedy proprietor of Hotel Kennedy, was taken dangerously ill with convulsions last week. At present he is on the improve and is able to be around. Work on the courthouse and Catholic church under the supervis ion of the Lawrence Bros., is pro gressing very satisfactory to those immediately concerned. The Lawrence Bros, have awarded the contract of plastering the new courthouse to James Gansel of La porte township. Jim will commence the work next week and will do a first clat 1 .aporte Miss Nun Welles of Meshoppen, Wyoming county, is visiting Judge Ingham and family of Laporte. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I'. Hill, or 11 ughesville and Mrs Eugene Gardner and daughter of New York city, are visiting Dr. Hill and lamily at Laporte. The Republican Judiciary Con ferees met in Dushore, on Thursday of last week, and placed in nomina tion lion. E. 11. Dunham of Laporte for President Judge of this district. The following people of Laporte left this, Thursday morning, on the Epworth League Excursion to Shawnese Lake: Mrs .1. 11. Spencer. Mrs Wm. Orupp, Miss Laura Grupp. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Murtie Steward, Mammie Ballanl, Ettie i Chase. Mabel add Walter Spencer, Jessie ami Agnes VYred, Howard Clias. and Irena Ballard. Willie Heim, Ilolka Kos bnaky, Clara Kerr, Go ). Chase, Hurbert Smith. Mrs. S. F. Colt of Clieektowaia. N. V., is spending a few weeks with friends in Laporte. Mrs. Colt comes for (he good of her health. She has been troubled with hay fever for some time past and has every reason to believe that a sojourn of a few weeks on the mountain will restore her former good health. A number of our citizens, are anx ious to see the school audit. One or two tax payers catne to our office recently thinking that it had been published with out their notice and asked to see the files with it in. On learning that it had not been pub lished they wer surprised and won dered the c iuist. Atty. A. L. Grim of Laporte, was not favorably impressed with the likeness we inserted in our col umns last week of Mr. Jennings. He said it made him look like a bruiser, We admit it, was'nt a clear picture of our candidate for Member but when yon have tried as often as we have to secure good photos for publication, you will be content with most anything. It seems to lie im possible to yet a lirst class cut made. The subject don't seem to have any thing to do with it. We have a strong notion that a cut of Logan would be no exception to the rule. M. W. Botsford, merchant of Nordmont, sold his store to M. W. Stephens Si Co. of Willi .msport, one dty last. week. The new firm will take possession of thesameth" Ist of September. Mr. Hot-lord contem plates uiving all of his time io bis ci ,r ar inaiiutaet nrin_r establishment- The excursion to Laporte on Sat urday August 25th, was (lie smallest of the season. A number of the party took .dinner at the Tjaporte Hotel. They were as follows: Wm. Main. Kd. Swan, Geo. Pebr, Isaac Decker, W. Human, L. ilarman. James Th -mas. .1, Felix. 11. Miller. K. Ilarman, Miss Stllit; Diell rick, SV. Campbell, Mis- G ace Smith nil of Areliie iinii Vv'illi.s Kelley of Mapel Hill. A very pretty little gathering of about 00 young people were enter tained at Mr. Geo. W. Smith's, Eagles Mere, on Saturday evening Aug. 18th. Miss Lizzie Smith our young hostess, did her part in the entertaining of her guests. Music and dancing until 11:30, when Ice Cream anil Cake were served, after which all went home. The house was prettily dressed with evergreens, and lanterns lighted the perch for out door dancing. Our New York friends, Miss Vanßoskerck and Lilian E. Wdson, who are summer ing at Mr. Smith's enjoyed the even ing. * Two gokl watches were stolen from workingmen engaged on the courthouse Saturday afternoon. The men when they goto work,hang their coats and vests in the old wood shed ja.hich they also use as a tool room, never thinking of removing their valuables therein. When they quit work for the day, Saturday, James Arey a carpenter, and Mr. E. Staseh a slater, discovered that their watches hid been stolen. Warrents were issued, but as yet no clue to the stolen property has been found. A reward of S2O. is offered for the return of the goods and conviction of the guilty party or parties. A horse owned by Clias. Lauer of Laporte broke loose from a hitching post in front of E S. Chase's resi dence at the 'Mere on Saturday afternoon and ran in the direction of Laporte at a breakneck speed. At Sljanersbnrg field llie buggy upset and threw the horse where it was caught by C. F. Cheney and others, who went in pursuit. The wagon was wrecked more or less and the horse received several gashes about the Ipgs, not seiiotis however. Mrs. Dr. Murreile and Mrs. J. L. Smyth and son Victor had driven the horse to the 'Mere and were calling on Mrs. Chase at the time of the accident. Mr. Lauer went over after Mrs, I Murreile, Mrs, Smyth and Victor and the wreck on Sundiv. We have been officially informed that the Picnic, held at Laporte on Aug. 15th for the benefit of the Catholic church, was a great finan cial success. The net proceeds are about $1,670; and this amount will be applied towards the erection of the churches at Laporte and Bel li ice. The contests for the cane and watch were closed on Thursday last and netted 5i,075.75. The cane was won by Mr. Frank Gallagher of our city; the watch was secured by Mi ss Nellie (ii'ligan of Lopez. It must, indeed, be gratifying to Father Knright to meet with such eloquent indorsement of his efforts, and we hope that he may long le spared amongst us to perform the great work that has been assigned him. The church, which is now under course of construction, is being pushed on rapidly by the Lawrence Bros, and will be ready for the cere mony of dedication by Nov. Ist. It is a handsome structure and is ad : inirqbly located. It will be an orna ment. to our city. On ilio occasion of the Sunday exour | simi to Li-ko Mokotna I noticed that the j saloons of Sullivan county's capital wire! open and doing ii ruddng hush ess, regard- j less of the law which forbids the sale of j liquor on Sunday. I have looked care fully through the Sullivan county paper* to sec if they h tve any fault to find with wich proceeding*, but all appear to be blind to the fact that the law has becu .h is transgressed. It is a dark blot on the fair name of Laporte.—Towauda Review. The above is written by a coiivs pondert of the Towanda Review, who styles himself, "Tljat Man About Totyn." Ho far as our knowl edge reaches, his remarks are un true in every particular. He speaks ! of saloons. Wo have but one. Out- Hotels, however, did a large trade on the Sunday mentioned. The J.a porte Hotel, we understand, enter- j tained four hundred people for j dinner, and the other Hotels did p, corresponding httslnet«. It Is our I opinion that this Towanda corres pondent witnessed these people enter the several hotels and imagined that they were drinking. Imaginary ' news is dangerous, and we feci oon -1 fident that the only "dark blot on j the fair name of Laporte," received by this excursion, was the pen ot the ' Towanda Iltriew correspondent. The Dushore Park & Fair associa tion hold their third annual races on September 0, 7 and 8. The W. and Y. W. U. T. Unions of Laporte will hold a Parlor Meet ing and Peanut Social at. the home of Mis. ('. K. Uriiiiin Friday evening August :31st. An oll'eriug for the benefit of the Societies will he grate fully received at this time. A cor dial invitation extended to all. It is rumored at .Laporte that work on the new road down Loyal sock has come to a halt- This is really to bad; Our people had every reason to expect that this thorough fare would be in readiuess for travel at the date fixed for the Forksville Fair. We are told that there is no certainty of its being completed this year. This being the case legal pro ceedings should again be revised against the officials to blame for the delay. The history of tie making of this road, in a nut shell, is like this. A year ago the court ordered lhe road made. Laporte Borough, Laporte Twp., Shrews bury Twp. and Forksville Borough went to work at once and completed their part at a cost of several thous and dollars. The officials of Forks Twp., have squirmed and grunted and did everything possible to delay the matter and to-day there is yet to build at least two miles in that Township, hence the officials in the districts above mentioned, who went on and did their work at the above" mentioned cost bave laid out of their money and the use of the road for nearly a year. This is unfair un just and there is'nt a particle of right in it, and the parties delaying the matter should be made to explain the cause. Another Mur:35 on Friday morning. Harford was ar rested and is confined in the Tunk hannock Jail, KILLED ItY T4IG I'UAIX. \1 11:>iii Karsliot ol Home Tin o. Ili'ss Meets it TrHu'ic Deulli. On Saturday evening Theodore Hess, who with his family, resides on a farm near Montgomery, met with an accident that resulted in his death. While returning in a wagon from Montgomery he sought to cross the Heading railroad tracks in front of an advancing locomotive. The engine which regularly runs on the Williamsport and North Branch railroad and which was running backward struck the wagon, smash iigit to bits, and Mr. Hess was hurled forty feet away, and was picked up unconscious and with his skull crushed. The horses escaped unhurt. The scene of the accident wus less than half a mile from lless' home and Mrs. Hess and her daugh ter, who wpt'Q awaiting his return heard tl(e crash. They hurried to wards the place and the injured niau was removed to H house close by, where he soon expired. Two Brakeinen with lighted lan • terns sat on the fipont part of the j engine when it struck the wagon. The engine was returning from : Montgomery after having hauled an • excursion to Lake Mokomi and ; back. No impicst was held. Mr. 1 Hess was 60 years of age and leaves a wife and three adult daughters, lie was one of the most prominent j Democrats in that section and as a I citizen was highly respected. At j one period in his life he was Justice |of the Peace of Clinton township ■ j for many years.— Ou.~> tic amt Hull- 11tin. UllMilM'nM I.OfMl*. The liest place, to buy fruit jars is at Itodiue A Warns, Hometown, Pa- Meal and (ish at 15. & W. Soncstown, Pa. Bodine & Warn, sell poods at bottom pric.'S— {jive tllt'lll It C'lll. Foi sweet potaloe; Hin I fiuils goto Bodiuu & Warns, bone town, l'a. A large and complete assortment of groin cradles sickles, and all kinds of harvesting tools at Cole 3 Hardware. Bicycle, sundries and repairs at Coles Hardware. You can net more than £2.00 a day making birch oil, and I ean put you up a Still for about one-half the cost of only a few months ago. I have made over forty Stills and 1 know how they should lie made. Write or call for prices. JAMBS CUKNIKOHAM, The Hardware Dealer, Jackson's block, Dushore, Pa. During these hard times everybody wishes to be economical. Buy a Gasolene Cook in;; Stove and save in fuel, time, trouble building tires etc. Call and in spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa. Ice Cream will be served Friday after noon and evening at the parlor of the Mountain House. MRS. M. C. LAUEU. Three cans of corn 21 cents and three cans of tomatoes 25 cents at, KEELER'S. WANTED.—A good blacksmith; for further particulars write or inquire of— J. W. BALLARD, Laporte, Pa. A lot of S:S.OO ladies shoes will be sold for |2.00 until the stock is exhausted at T. J. KEELER'S. We have on hand the largest assort ment of ladies' gents' and childrens' shoes at the lowest prices ever offered in La porte. Come and see them.—T.J HEELER. Get your milk pans and pails at COLE'S Hardware. Made of the best material and workmauship. Men's women's and children's rubbers of all sizes at John Fuikle's, the Laporte boot and shoe man John offers them reason able. If in need of rubbers for yourself or the little ones, go look them over. Just received at T. J. Keeler's store, a new lot of Morie silk, worth 75 cents per yard—Our price 50 cents. A new lot of the latest styles of Dress goods just arrived at T. J. KEELER'S. LIME for fertilizing and building, ad dress Johu B. Fox & Co.. llughesvillc, Pa. Tin roofing Spouting. Guttering, any kind of tin work you want, done on short notice at the Leading Hardware Store. SAM'L COLE, Dushore, Pa. We always keep a good supply of paints oils and glass and all kinds of building supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa. For the latest styles in men's and wo men's shoes, call ou John V- Finkle the boot and shoe man South Muncy St, La porte, Pa. Notions and Drygoods just received at T. J. KISELEH'S, at bottom prices, also Mens Furnishing goods. For barbed or plain fine wire, call at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa. A new extension window spring for hanging spring window cunaius. Can be used on any width window. Easy to put up at, KEELER'S- Ladies shirt waists of all sizes at Kkelku'S. Assiijiico's Notice. Notice is hereby "riven that the account of Win. C Rogers, Assignee of John (J. and Geo. C. VVright for the benefit of creditors, his been tiled in the* Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan County and will be presented to said Court for Confirma tion on Sep. l!i, 1891 at 3 o'clock p. m. uulest exceptions be tiled thereto. Ai.phonsus Walsh, Aug. 18, 18'J4. Protliouotary. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Cyrus I>. Miller, late of David sou township, Sullivan county, Pa., de ceased. Letters of administration upon the above named esta'e having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will present tliein for payment, duly authenticated: and those indebted thereto, will please make immediate payment to A. J. BRAbLEY, Administrator, Aug. 8, 1t94, Laporte, Pa. I)r. V. L. Liberumn. tlie oc;y regular visiting Optician, of Penu Van, N. Y., will make his date in Sullivan county* as follows: Dushore. at the Carroll ilotel \ugust 20. 21 and 22. Forksville. at the Seeley Hotel Aug. 24, only. Hills Grove, Aug. 25 to 21 inclusive at the Walker Hotel. Sonestown, Aug. 28, 29 at the Magt'rgle Ilotel. Laporte, Aug. 80 at Laporte Ilotel SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ 0 of FI. FA. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan county, and to me directed and delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Laporte Hotel. Laporte, Pa., SATURDAY Sept. 1. 1894, at oue o'clock p. m.the following describ ed property. All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate in HilisGrove, Sullivan coun ty Penna., bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a post corner on the east side of the street or public highway, near the north end of the county bridge over the Loyal Sock Creek, from which corner an oak hears south 14 degrees east, (50 links, thence along said street north 44 degrees east, five rods to a po-t; thence by land of Richard Biddlc, south 4(5 degrees east five rods to a po-t. thence by the same south 44 degrees west, four and eight tenths rods to u post, thence by the tame north 4!i degrees west, five rods to the place of begiuning: Containing perches of land, and having thereon erect ed one frame building used a> a store and I one framed dwelling house, and a framed stable and other outbuildings; all el a red > ALSO, another lot piece or parcel of land situate and being iu the Township of Colley, Sullivan e untv. Petina . and being a portion of the David Zeigler warrant, and bounded as follows: beginning at the north side of the Lee Settlement Road adjoining Lot No. and running north along the west side of saiil Lot. 10(5 feet to a branch of the Le high Valley R. H.. thence west along said railroad and Lot No 55, 125 feet, tlienee south 225 feet t > ihe l.e;- Settlement Road, thece along said road 125 feet to the place of beginning; lieing Lois No. 40and 41, on a map of the village of Lop' /, made by P. E. AMen, And having thereon creeled one two storied framed building used as a millinery store and dwelling house, a framed stable and other outbuildings; all cleared. Seized, taken into execution and to be 1 sold as the property of Julia Gordon at | the suit of.l. 11. ltolt/hower THOMAS MAHAFFEY, Sheriff. I Scoi TKN. Attorney. Sheriff's office, Laporte, Ta , Aug. 4, 1891. First National Bank, TT ,TTRNT, PO O A FFLM Capital £50,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits $12,000. This liank oiler. «!1 tlio usual facilities foi the transaction of n GENE UAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts Respectfully Solicited. DeWitt Bodinc, President. W. C. Frontz, Cashier C, \\. Waddrop, Vice President. J. S. HARRINGTON, Manufactuter and dealer iu ISoots and Shoes. We keep at all times a Complete Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles. I secure all discounts al- MtOTHM And can sell at Low lowed by wholesale dealers to yflafl DylkiU Prices, with satisfaction. t —OUR - Custom {} .Department is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition iu quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar-~ gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. «/ $. Harrington 9 MAIN STREET, - - DUSHORE, PA o-o-o—O-O-O—O-O-O-O-O-o-o-o I am prepared IJ meet any prices or quotations with a first class and well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTHS, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTIIINW HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOOD A TP UNA'S, J!A GS AND UMBRELLAS. I also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab lishments,forCustom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices. Yours Respectfully etc., r. r. VINCENT. CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK. _ _ _ DUSHORE, PA FINE CABINET PHOTOS. SI.OO Per. For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery DTTSHORS, . PA. FOR A Big Bargain, Come and see us, jTwToARROTjr&os: Dushore, Penn. We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds, includ ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Undei ware. Boots and"Shoes, Rubber goods Felts and etc., at prices that defy competition. Custom Wouk Pkomptlt and Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL HLOCK at Dushore Pa. We respectfully invite \OU to call and see us and examine goods and prices fore purchasing elsewhere. J, W .Carroll Co. -»