Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 24, 1894, Image 3

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FMDAY, AUGUST 24, 1804.
***** * * * —
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune
*i and |
* Sullivan. Republican *
*1 $1.25 One Year $1.?5. j
* * * ♦ * * *' * •
Court will convene on the 17th ol
The man—"l told you so," is on
the rounds again.
Buckwheat cakes and gea will
soon be the first and last course.
It was as the UepUhucaK predict
ed, close work between Amba and
George. _____ *
Whata the matter with Patsy Con
nor and why should he be treated
thus ?
Taey say the potato crop is a fail
ure and will be dear eating, this
See card of Ohas. N. Purvis, col
lection offices in this week's issue of
The Altooua bank cashier, who
skipped recrutly, was liberal. 11c
left $3,000 in the safe.
Everybody is trying to convince
everybody else, liow little ho knows
about the tariff question.
Subscribe for and advertise in the
REPUBLICAN, the only newspaper
published in the county.
Tuesday was a cold day for the
Democrats, but the oth ot Noveiu-*
ber will be a colder one.
It is reported that in some locali
ties grasshoppers are devouring
whole fields ot buckwheat.
The Delaware peach crop will be
up to the average, this year, notwitb
standing reports to the contrary.
Mis. AM. Co well and son Lewis,
of South Branch, spent Monday with
her son Burr Cowell, ot this place.
There was a show in town Tues
day. It wasn't any better than the
average show that conies this way.
The W. C. T. IT. will meet at the
home or Miss Harriet Grimm Friday
evening, Aug. 24. All are invited.
Miss Lulu Fulcrod of Monroeton,
who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Day, returned home Monday evening.
After every Japanese-Chinese bat
tle there seems always to be neces
sary auother battle to decide wLicli
crew or army won.
If some men who grow too fat for
their clothes would only worry a lit
tle about their unpaid printer's bill
they would fit them better.
Miss Annie Marsh of Greentown,
Pike county, who lias been spending :
some months with her sister, Mrs.
Distle, returned home on Monday.
DlED: —Tuesdaj*, Aug. 14, Bertha
May, infant daughter of A. L.and
Nora Hunter, of Nordinont, aged
four mouths and eighteen days. „
Mrs. L. Harris and .young son and
daughter, Mrs. Frank MoCullough,
of Towauds, are tlie guests of their
relatives, Mr. and Mis. E. Selirader,
of Laporte.
The famous Little Church Around
the corner,' the Church of the Train
figuration, in New York, recently
received a check for #60,000 on its
collection plate.
Gee Splits, if half ot our politicians
were as knowing before a conven
tion as they are, after the ball is over,
what an intelligent lot of people we
would have in our midst.
The man who savs farming dose'nt
pay always has time to prove it in a
loud tone of voice, while the man
who knows it does pay, is usually
too busy to say much about it.
We placed nineteen new subscrib
ers on our subscription book, Mon
day. They were addressed to us by
one of our agents residing in the
Northern section of the county.
American wool lias no friends in
the Democratic pary, but its former
champions will avenge it by getting
very stiongly and sharply int.) the
Democratic wool on elect i- n day.
N. C. Ma ben of I.n porte, made his
parents a visit at Kanoza Lake, N.Y.
last week. He rcj>orts the ohl peo
pie well and enjoying n gootl trade
in their new summer resort hotel.
The bricklayers engage on the
courthouse have returned from
Williaiusport and hope to complete
the work o! placing the brick on said
structure, by the . r »th of Septeuilicr.
The County Commissioners met
lit the new bridge site on Mtiuey
fleck and near Nordiuout, Monday,
for the purpose of receiving l.jils for
the construction of abutments for
the seme, (leorge Ilea of n<-nr Mnnrt
town was awarded the contract and
bis bid wait Mi?'.
A large number of people drove
to town Sunday to visit the colored
campineeting. We counted as many
as fourteen rigs in line going in the
direction of Mokoina, on this date.
A working man wa< Killed by a
Reading freight train at Hall's on
Friday. He attempted to get aboard
while it was moving, slipped and
fell under the wheels and was instant
ly killed.
Mr. W. H. Lyons of Sun bury re
ceived the contract for the building
of the protection wall along the river
front, in that town. The bid was 55
cents per yard and the total cost
will be 515,000
We noticed that several ol the old
time Democrats of Laporte twp.,
were not in attendance at their dele
gate election, on Saturday. Good.
This has the appearance ol a turn in
the right direction.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Mr. S. K. Worthiugton of
Eagles Mere and Miss Mame M. Ful
mer, to take place at the bride s
home near Muney Valley, on Wed
nesday, September sth, 1804.
That Monroe 11. Kulp is a sure
winner for congress there can be no
doubt. At the mention of his name
in the Northumberland county Uem
ocratie convention there was great
applause, and one of the delegates
declared he would get 3200 majority
in Northumberland county.
The Democratic ticket placed in
nomination Tuesday, is said to be
strong by some people and by others
it is said to bo the weakest ticket
possible to nominate. You can take
your choice of these predictions.
The true facts will not be known for
sometime to come. November '>ili
will reveal the secret.
We address several sample copies
of the REPUHLICAN to individuals
throughout the county, this week.
Our paper, though, does not contain
as much reading matter as usual,
owing to new advertisements. Not
withstanding this, you will find it
the newsiest paper published in the
county. Subscribe, only one dollar
a year.
Democrats and Republicans, if
you want the good times restored of
only a year ago, elect Republican
Congressmen. Hon. Monroe H
Knlp of Northumberland county is
our candidate ar.d every voter in the
district should give him their sup
port. He don't l'avor free wool by
any means.
A party of middle aged people of
Eagles Mere, wiiiia visiting Lake
Mokoma recently, was favorably im
pressed wth the Mokoma Pavilion
and contemplate leasing it for a grand
party of 'Meere people, some even
ing in the near future. They say a
building of this kind should be con
structed over there. A building like
ourii would be most too expensive
for the 'Mere.
There was considerable of a breeze
at the Democratic delegate election
in Laporte borough, Saturday. The
flight was over Congressman. P.
Connor's friends headed by Frank
Gallagher, did their best to carry
the delegates for Mr. Connor, but
Mr. Huckalew's friends were (five)
in the majority, and Patsy came out
second best. This surely must be
humiliating to Mr, Connor,
On the 12th of Aug. there 'was no
preaching in the M.E. church because
of"Camp Meeting," but on Sunday
Aug. 20, there will be Divine Servi
ces in the morning at 11a. m.and
8 p. m at Laporte. The Rev. O.
11. Albert son will preach. AH are
welcome. Let the house be filled.
On Sunday Sep. 2nd, preaching at
Nordinont, morning and evening.
By order of Pastor,
The Sullivan County Republican
Standing Committee met in Laporte
Saturday and endorsed Frank II
Ingham for Senator in this district.!
Mr. Ingham is a bright young law- ,
yer of Lnporte, having been admitted
to practice law at the l>ar of the sev
eral courts of Sullivan county for
the past seven or eight years. Frank
is a good Republican and is ooiupe-1
tent ill every respect to fill the otllce
to which he aspires mid should the
District Conference choose him for
our candidate, they will make no
Normal Institute is in progress at
IMediore with over ninety in atten
dance. Of this nuiulH'ruhoiit seven
ty-five are teacher*. The others are
advanced pupils from the schools of
Dustiorc and Cherry. The work of
the institute con«istaof a brief review
of the branches «»f *tud\ included in
the common school course. A* there
lire on 1.1 eighty-seven *ehoo|s in the
counts it Mill Is* in ait ej that marly
sll of our teacher* are in attend a nee.
,\f atteinlniicc at th|* mailt ||e i« en
tirelv optional with tlie tcaohers, it
■l»**k« well for their »trm stiles* au I
i il niv for iwproveweut.
13. Worth Jennings was born in
Pittston, Luzerne county May 4th,
18G2. lie is discended from a race
of men who have been engaged in
farming and lumbering in the North
ern part of Pennsylvania since the
year ISOO. In 1820 his grandfather
William Jennings was a workman in
the woods near llazelton, L'a., after
this he bought a farm and grist mill
at Mehoopany. Wyoming county
where lie resided until his death in
the year IS<> i». Jcnniugsvllle, Wyom
ing county, was named after him.
B. Worth Jennings came to Sulli
van county in 1881 when he was I'J
years of age. lie and his brother
C. 11. Jennings commenced the lum
bering business near the place now
known as Lopez. At that time no
industry had been started there and
the Jennings Bros, who had made
their venture in this new tield with
small capita!, were compelled to work
not only with their brains, but with
their hands. Worth, the subject of
this sketch, worked as a teamster
anil guided many loads of bark and
lumber over the rough roads of the
county of his adoption.
With the building of the Railroad
from Bernice to Lopez, the Jennings
boys erected a new ant. modern saw
mill there. They have built log Rail
roads connecting with the L. V. It. Ii
at Bernice and have now at Lopt>,
one of the best saw mills in the sta »•
which will not fear comparison with
the best at Williamsport or Dußois.
Jennings Bros, have made their
improvements of a permanent char
acter. In addition to building some
20 miles of Itail Road they have still
on hand over 20,000 acres of forest
not yet touched by the axe. All this
bark and lumber will come to Lopez
and be manufactured there.
The character of the Jennings boys
is shown by the nature of their im
provements. Everything is soli-.l
aiul lasting and not built for a day.
liotli, I>. \V, and C. 11. Jennings are
married and their wives and families
reside at Lopez.
Worth is well known to many ol
our readers. He is a frank, fearless
and outspoken man. No one doubts
his position on any subject. He has
been a School Director and Justice!
of the Peace for thn past six years
lu these positions he has shown bis
zeal for good school# und his fair-!
ness tvs an arbitrator. His schooling
was obtained in the Kingston and ;
Bloomsburg schools. Since lie was |
17 years oi' age Mr. Jennings lias I
been in business and with the excep-!
tion of twoyeais his entire business
life has been spent in Sullivan coun
ty. During that time no bark or
lumber jobber in his employ has ever i
complained that he was not fairly I
treated and fully paid. At the pres- !
ent time over 201) men are employed I
by the Jennings Bros, ai d their pay >
roll for the month of July was over
ten thousand dollars, They paid
nine hundred dollars county ta* for i
the year 161)3.
Those who know Mr. Jennings
know ho* well fitted he is for any j
public position requiring intelligence, i
honesty, energy and ability. Those
who do not know him personally can i
: rely on the record above set forth,
lie is one of the pioneers in exten
sive business operations in thl-
I county, one who has invested his
money, his brains and his muscles in
I the developeiucnls of this county,
one who has employed labor and paid
lor it. one who known Ibo want* of
tho people and has the intelligence
and tho ability to sucee-ufuly meet
their requirements. H elected to the
olliee of Representative he will be •»
faithful and honorable servant of the
people, lie l« K large employer of
workbigineir and has luteti a day la
borer himself, ami be fully nppre
uiiiti's what is due to the bone ami
sinew of the country,
Mr Jt linings has always taken an
aetlve Interest in all pint* lor the
tievelopemeltts of this eouiitv ami
Im* been a liberal contributor to
every new enterprise. I|< j« * dine
tor "112 the Du»ltore I'l iving I'nrk
aiitl lit* ls <it a director of the Du
' sliOlU N itlOlull lilSllk tiu«« It* lUtti
tutlon. Mr. Jeniiingß lias always
been a Republican believing in a
taril! for the protection of labor, anil
I hat wages in this country should
not be leveled to those paid in for
eign countries. On national ques
tions lie er.n bo relied upon to oppose
IVee wool and lumber. t)n loeal (pies
lions, 51 r. Jennings has always been
liberal, believing in the policy that
the best men should be selected for
loeal ollices and that in choosing an
official the question should not be—
is be a Democrat or a Republican,
but is he lit for the oilico he seeks.
Without further re taring to the
public leuord of Mr. Jennings, it is
<afe to 1 ave his private character to
tho testimony of the 200 men who
are in his employ and who daily
meet him and know how thoroughly,
honorably and square dealing is his
private life.
Slate Miiperiiileixleut Ncliuflcr to
.Mote in Ttmt l)irectiou.
Nathan C. Sclialler. State Superin
tendent of public instruction, said in
Pittsburg the other day : ''ln my
next report to the Legislature I will
ask for a school census, which will
be the first step for compulsory ed
ucation. I will ask that assessors be
instructed to inquire as to the num
ber of births in families and in this
way the county authorities will know
the age of children aud whether they
should be in school. I will recom
mend that all schools be closed in
districts where tho population has
so decreased that there are but a few
scholars in each school and that the
State provide transportation for the
pupils to tli.'nearest schools."
The County Commissioners, Far
re)], Litzelman and Webster, met in
their oliice at Laporte aud awarded
ILK contract for the heating appara
tus for iho new courthouse building
on Wednesday. The Commissioners
adopted the hot water system. There
were nine bidders. We give below
the names of a few of them and their
price :
W. J. Kennedy, representing ltus
sei, Wheeler & Co., of Utica, N. Y.,
bid #2,200; E. F. Colvin, of Milton,
l'a., local agent of 11.11. Smith <& Co.,
N. V., *l,'JjS; George C. J.itkson,
$1,900; Samuel Cole, Dusbore, local
agent, representing The American
Roller Co., $1,6U0; fj, R. Smith &
Co, N- V., represented by J. A.
Connolly, 82.000. Mr. Connolly was
awarded the contract.
Laporte is steadily improving in
! many ways. Our mechanics ami
laborers are all employed. Many
dwellings are being erected and more
are to follo.v. Our people arc en
joying remarkably good health.
Tlie death l ate for 18!U hap not been
iij the extreme, yet we can not say
it has been low. Our merchants arc
carrying a large stock of goods in
their various lines, and are doing a
good business. And fioiu a pleas
ure point ot view we do not remein
ber a year when -so many picnics and
excursions have visited us. Our peo
pie have every reason to believe that
the dark cloud has passed over La
porte and that it will boom yearly.
We received several letters the
early part of this week, of parties
residing in the Western part of the
county, desiring to know at what
time the excursion train would pass
Laporte OIJ route to .Niagara Falls,
on Saturday rext, and ra'ei. We
could not give the desired informa
tion as the Rail lload officials had
not given tliein to us, Wouldn't it
be advisable to publish time tables
of excursions of this kind in tbe news
papers and give the people an oppor
tunity to sue what ts going on!* A
few dollars paid tbe poor printer for
work in this direction would mater
ially fatten the pockets of ihe liail j
Woad officials.
William Tonstail of lierniee, has
got an idea in his bonnet that the
people wanthini for Member, and is
about to announce himself a candi
date on the l'opulist ticket. Now
just how William oan get on the
Populist. ticket, without a conven
tion of that party, we can uot per
jceive; but the movements of the
Populist is a trifle poeuliar and Mr.
Toustall ought to know his business,
lie says he don't mean to make it a
boodle campaign. This is good for
ulI Ooncerue I, and especially Will—
j lain,
('ertiticatcs of nomiuaiion and
nomination papers of legislative can
didates are being tiled in the office
of the aeoretury of tliu Commonwealth
at llari'lsburg for various district*of
the State. In nearly every eisc tlie-e
papers ate liable to be dictated iuval
il on account of a mistake in the
designationof olllee. It should In'
''representative in the general assem
bly," but Milh few exceptions the
itlb'H i» designate I "metulwr uf tliu
legislature of"for lh« assembly."
Our fitend Mr. Win tohitiill, will
please take nolle*.
T. J. Keelcr is having his resi
dence on Centre Main street, re
lliiNlueMN l.ocaN
(Jo to Hodinc it Warn, Sonestown, Pa.
for fruits and fruit jure.
Flout, feed and all goodschvflp for cash
at I!, ifc W s. Souestowu, Pa.
Call lit Bodiue A Warns, Sonestown,
Pa., and price their fisb.
A large and complete assortment of
grain cradles sickles, aud all kinds of
harvesting tools at Coles Hardware.
Bicycle, sundries and repairs at Coles
You can net more than $2.00 u day
making birch oil, and I can put you up a
Still for übout one-half the cost of only a
few months ago. I hive made over forty
Stillsand 1 know how they should be made.
Write or call for prices.
JAMES CUNNINUII wr, The Hardware
Dealer, Jackson's block, Dusliore, Pa.
During these hard times everybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gabolene
Cooking Stove and save in fuel, time,
trouble building tires etc. Call and in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Duskore,
Ice Cream will be served Friday after
noou and evening at the parlor of the
Mountain House. Mas. M. C. LAUER.
Three caus of corn 21 cents and three
cans of tomatoes 2.> cents at, KEELEU'S.
WANTED.—A good blacksmith; for
further particulars write or inquire of—
Laporte, Pa.
A lot of $3.00 ladies shoes will be sold
for $2.00 until ihe stock is exhausted at
We have on hand the largest assort-
I ment of ladies' gents' and childrens' shoes
at the lowest prices ever offered in La
porte. Come aud see them.—T. J. KKELEK.
Get your milk pans and pails at COLE'S
Hardware. Made of the best material
and workmanship.
Men's women's and children's rubbers of
all sizes at John Fmkle's, the Laporte boot
and suoe man John offers them reason
aide. If in need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
Just received at T. J. Keeler's store, a
new lot of Morie silk, worth 70 cents per
yard—Our price 50 cents.
A new lot of tke latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at i'. J. KEELEU'S.
LIME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress Johu B. Fox & Co . Hughesville, Pa.
Tin rooling Sp .uting. Guttering, any
kind of tin work you want, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COLE, DUshore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass aud all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Duskore, l'a.
For the latest styles in men's and wo
men's shot's, call on John V. Fiukle the
boot aud shoe wan South Muncy St, La
porte, Pa.
Notions and Drygoods just received at
T J. KbELEH'S, at bottom pi ices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
For barbed or plain line wire, call at
COLE'S Hardware Dusbore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains, tan be
used on any width window. En-y to put
up at, KEELEU'S.
Ladies shirt waists of all sizes at
Assignee's Notico.
Notice is hereby given that the account
ol Win. (' K,>gers, Assignee of John G.
and Geo. C. Wright for tke benefit of
creditors, his been tiled in the Court of
Common I'leas of Pu'livanCounty and will
be presented tu said Court for Confirma
tion on Sep. 19, Is9l a! 3 o'clock p. m.
unless exceptions be filed thereto.
Aug. 18, 18i)4. Prothonotary.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Cyrus li. Miller, luteof David
son township, Sullivan county, Pa., d'j
c ased. Letters of administration upon
the above named estate having been grunt
ed to the undersigned, all persons having
claim*asrainst the same wilt present them
for payment, duly authenticated; and
those indebted thereto, will please make
immediate payment to
A. .1. BRADLKY, Aduiinlstra'or,
Aug. 8, ItOL Lnpcrie, Pa.
Dr. V. L. Libernmu, me only regular
visiting Optician, of Penn Van, N. Y.,
will make his date in Sullivan county, as
follows : Dushore. at the Carroll Hotel
August '2O. 21 and 32. Forksville. at
the Seeley Hotel Aug. 24, only. Hills-
Grove, Aug. 25 to 27 inclusive at the
Walker Hotel. Sonestown, Aug. 28, 29 at
the Magargle llotel. Laporte, Aug. 30 at
Laporte Hotel.
O 111 .HI I'K S BALE —By virtue of a writ
0 of Fi. FA. issued out of the Court of
Comifion Pleas of Sullivan county, anil to
me directed and delivered, there will be
exposed to public sal.-at the Laporte Hotel.
Laporte, Pa.. SATURDAY Sept. 1. 18!)4,
at one o'clock p, ui.the following describ
ed properly.
All that certain piece, parcel or lot of
land situate in Hil sGrove, Sullivau couu
ty Venn a., bounded and described as fol
lows: Beetuning at a post corner on the
east side of the street or public highway,
near the north end of the county bridge
over the Loyal Soek Creek, from which
corner an oak bears south 14 degrees east,
lio links, them o along said street north 44
degrees east, live rods to a post; thence by
land of Ricluml Biddle, south 40 degrees
east five rods lo a tlieuec by the same
south 44 degrees west, four and eiglit
tentlvs rods to a pest, thence by the mine
north 41) degrees west, lire rods to the
place of beginning: Containing 24'£
perches of bind, and having thereon erect
ed one frame building used as a store and
one framed dwelling house, urn! a flamed
stable and oilier oiitbuildini<s: all cleared.
ALSO, another lot piece or parcel of
land situate and being in the Township of
Collcy, Sullivan county, Puma .mid being
a portion of the David Zeigler warrant,
and li>mnded as followsi
Heginuiiig at the uortli side of the Lee
| Settlement adjoining No. J)9
, and running north along the west Hide of
| wild Lot. t'Mt feet lo a branch of ihe Le
; high Valley K. 11. thence west along mod
railroad and Lot No M, 12.1 feel, thence
» .Hill 225 feel lo ihe I ee S. 11 lenient Hoad.
; I lie. e along said Mml 125 112,.. t t,» t| M . place
of biginuiiiK; In ing Lois No 111 and 41, on
a uiaii of lb.' ullage of Lop <, made by P.
Iv Allien, And having lliereon elet led
inn two slnrird framed nuilding uml as a
millinery sii re mid dwelling luui-e. a
trailed nl.ible auil other oulliuihlltigs, alt
1 leaie.l
Hel/ed taken inlo execution and l*i lie
»old.t« ih' ui<*|M'flv of Julia (lordoii al
lb. Mill .it I II llolWhoHer
HIOMA> M VIIAKPKY. rife-riff.
S« oi tkv Allotliey
' Sheriff's office, LapiHe, P» ( Aug. 4, 1001
First National Bank,
Capital *50.000 Surplus and Undivided Profits t :2,000.
This bank offers nil the usual facilities fur ilic transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
DeWitt Hodi 110, President. \V. 0. Frontz, C*«liier
C, W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Manufactuter and dealer in
and Shoes*
We keep at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts al- |UHJf fIfTOTIM And can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to UAwfl Pi ices, with satisfaction.
—OUR -
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial feat
gam. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
*/. S.
1 1 am prepared t J meet any prices or ([notations with a first class and
well selected stuck ot
1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab«
lishments, for C ustom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get pricet.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
8 MM) Per, Dozen.
For This Month Only at Siiglebreckt's Gallery
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dusliore, Penn.
We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds, Include
ing suits, Overcoats, H its, Caps, L nden\ are. lioots and Shoes, Rubber goods Ktlifc
and etc., at prices that defy competition. '
Correctly done at our liead quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dusliore, Pa.
We respectfully invite \ OU toeull and see us unci examine goods and prices bo~
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, VV.Carroll & Co.
*E. u. SYLYAtiAK
tS~\\e are headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French goods
Moire' t Silks Moire' Cotton Goods. Japonettes, Fine French Ginghams
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects kc.
Everybody will want—
fLaces This Years
For trimming. We have the largest stocu of them ever shown
iu the County.
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct—
sFrom England.!
We are prepared to give you prices that will astonish you.
A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window shades,
Lace curtains \o. A new stock of Fresh Groceries
Arriving Daily. Give us a call.
e. a. s l •/> rjißji.
Loyal Sock Coil, for sale at the Breaker of the State Lin* k Sullinta
I tail road Co. al Keruiue——
$3,0 or™.
Ttot Slate Line & Sullivan it. It. Co. 1.0. ilutiUT, Sup\