THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY. - - - - Editor. KM DAY, Al'Ul'.HT 24, IW»4. KKIM I Ml \\ .NOHIMIIONH STATE. For Governor. GEN. D. II HASTINGS, CentrcCo. For Lieutenant Governor. WALTER LYON Alleghany County. For Autlilor Genera'. AMOS 11. MYLIN. Lancaster County. For Secretary of Internal Affairs. GEN. JAMES W. I. V I TA, lhiladelphia For Congressmen- at-La' ge. GALUSHA A. GROW. Susipiehmna Co. GEORGE F Ilt'FF, Westuiorclaud Co. Ki:i'l »Mrt\
    ]i lv Violet. Mrs. Esther A. Piolet died at her home in Wysox at four o'clock Sun day morning Aug. 12, of stomach troubles, aged seventy years. She was the wife of the bite Jos. E. Pic let the extensive and widly known farmer, who died on the 19ih of last month. The Contract l.ct. The contract for the construction of what is known as the Binghamton and State Line railroad has been let, and the work is to begin at once. This is practically the Binglmnton end of tl'.e much talked of Bingham ton and Williamsport road. Another company has the balance of the route under consideration, and the Binuhamton Herald is of the opinion that the road will at once be carried through from Silver Lake, the terminus of the Binghamton road, to Williamsport. CoLUMHtrs. Ohio., Aug 10—John Vcrdon, a penitentiary convict from Cincinnati, w lio dropped dead from lieart disease, yesterday, predicted the da}' and hour of his death. When he was received at the prison he wrote tliis prediction on a slip of paper, which was given to another convict to keep. The paper was ex amined and found to be exactly true. When prosperity is brought about by the policy of the political party in power—such as was the case under the recent Harrison admiuiss tration—four years is entirely too short a presidential term ; but when it brings such disaster as we are ex periencing to-day, then four years is exactly three years, eleven months and twenty-nine days too long. Twenty-four hours of it would be plenty. Miss Emma Bates, candidate for state superintendent of pub lie schools in Minnesota, has set the politicians to talking over the deal which she made with her most formidable op ponet, by which he is to withdraw, stump the state in her favor and in the event of her election is to become her deputy and husband. If the women are to adopt such tactics in politics when they finally secure their political "rights," married can didates for ollice will have very little show. Daniel Reed, an employe on the Lyon's saw mill, near Tivoli, met with a sad accident on Tuesday evening, which terminated in lii's death on Wednesday morning, He wag repairing the gearing over the edger saw while it was m motion, when his foot slipped and lie fell on the deadly instrument and was cut up and mangled frightfully. He was taken to the \\ iiliamsport hos pital immediately, where his left leg was amputated above the knee. The injuries were too great, however, and he succumbed to death on Wednesday morning. ItcMiliition on ISie Uf the Camp minute book be used for Unit purpose. Ih *<I.M«M ItA fU ( OWIATIOK Pursuant to rail the Democratic 1 convent ion convened in l'\>i ksville j on Tuesday :it 1 p, in. It. I>. Lan caster, «>f Foik-tvi lie, was elected < h.iiiman, Morgan Guvitt, of Lapoito Frank l.useh ami Jno. McHenrv, of Dusliore, secretaries, With the or ganization effected, credentials of tin 1 several delegates were called for and presented. The chairman then announced that all was ready for business and that nominations were in order. Congressman came tir&t 011 tic list. Hon. C. 11. Buckalew, of Col umbia county, was the only candi date placed before the convention tor this office, and he WHS unani mously nominated. The congres sional conferees are : J. W. Flynn, of Laporte, and A. L. Smith, of Forksville. Senator came next. J. Ilenry Cochran, of Lycoming county, was unanimously nominated for this of lice, and his conferees are: Thomas Fell, of Beruice, and P. M. Crossley, of Lnportc. Hon J. A. Sittser, of Tunkliau noek, was nominated for President ljudje. His conferees are: L. 15 Speaker, ot Hills Grove, and Geo. Yonkin, of CLerry. The nomination of Representative was nest on the list. George Strcby, ofDushore, and Ambrose Farrell, ot Lopez, were nominated and a bal lot taken, resulting as follows: Stre j by had !7 votes and Farrell 18. Far- ! rell receiving one majority was made j the choice of the convention. For District Attorney, K. .1. Mul- : lew, of Onshore, was nominaVcd for | this office, and having uo oppo-ition was nominated by acclamation. J. I>. Magar-le, of Soncstown, was nominated for County Auditor in place of Mongan G ivitt, resi; n V Mr. Magargle's name will nit appeal ! od the ballot, as the court appoints vacancies of this kind. It is, l.o\ve\cr, a good endorsement of Jacob, and the court will have 110 hesitency in giving him the appointment. The boys say the fun came last. It was in making the selection for Jury I Commissioner. E. G. Rogers, 01 ; 101 klaud, llenry|S .vank ot Davidson, j and Chas. Hugo, of Elkland, were placed in nomination. The first ballot resulted as follows: Swank had 14 votes. Rogers 11, and Hugo lU. Mr. Hugo then withdrew his nami and left the room. While he was going out Mr. Caseman. who serv ed as organist, struck up a dirge and the convention was in an nproai of laughter in three seconds, and it j was several minutes before quiet was restored. They then continued theii balloting on Jury Commissioner. The second ballot completed tin J work of the convention and was as j follows: Swank PJ, Rogers It; | Swank was made the nominee and the convention adjourned. NOTES. It was the first Democratic con j vention ever held in Forksville. | County Treasurer, A. L. Smith, is I responsible for it. Gus, is a good i wire puller. Our Democrats complain and say the chairman of their standing com J inittee had the conferees slated, and that he will be responsible for the outcome. Judging from the speech of Demo crat-. present, it wasu't a harmonious convention by aov means. '1 he usual resolutions were read and adopted. Judge Siltscr and Mr. James Pi att, of Tunkhannock, and Hon. C'has. It. Buckalew, of Bioomsburg, were present. Editor Streby is proud of his vote in the convention, and ho has a right to be. The woikers in his party were all against him. Some sny there is a ring in the Democratic party. If so, it should be busted. Mr. l'atsy Connor, Sullivan coun ty's candidate for congressman, did not attend the convention, lie ap prehended that his would-l>e<>f''iends \ had whipped him and did not go. The manner in which Patsy has been treated in this campaign, is shame ful. QOPBT PKOCLAMAIioX. Wukkkas, Hon. J A. SiTTsni. Prcsi d< in .Indue I lor.orali'e- John Yonkin and M.). Phillips, Associate Judges of tin- j i ourts ot Dyer and T< nniiit rand Generii) Jul Deliverer, ({'tiricr St.sinus of the j Pene. Orphans Court and Common Plea* for the County of Su'llhave is. U ei! their prei pt, I«; rDg d te I lie JJd day of June I Hi# 4. to nic diectcd for hold | ii>K the several court* in i|i,- I, irottj(h of L i{Mil te, on Monday, the lTtii dav of Sent I MM. ut io i locU p. in 1 I therefore, uotlic i< hereby given to the ' Corn!,. r. .bi-tic •> of th, I'eae" and < * .» s . •I.ilm ■ within the county . 11l it lliey ti • theu and I liei c in lln it pro • r im-isoii at tto'ct ,ck ii in of»n,| div with tiiiir roll*, rn .rd< biq'ii-llloii* i xmidiialioin,and other rciie hi | I '' ' 1 1 • Ifco* 'till H • tow lilt Ii 11 ~1 ottli i • a,>|H*it.aa to !»• done Ami to Iho. h Iki ar> !«iund l.y t lieu recogui/'itMin to I prow cute »traui -i pt»«.ii ~ v, ho are or shull Ii- in I tie lull of lbe nil county o| Mtillivan an- lierelty not lied tu I, then and th«te to liiinecutis li'ion-i litem m, t || | M . I I llo.V|M 411 AH KV Hi,„ia »h«iirive Ul'w*. Aug. it, IV; I, JERE. KELLY'S GOLUiN. COFFEE MILL is 0110 of the new inventions of great merit to the Housekeeper. Hold 1 pouud of coffee and keeps it l v om loosing its strength, or wasting by spilling, mill warranted Good grinder, only 75 c. )' 0: ( WEATHER , is likely to be very hot this summer. Save your strength and save fuel by getting a good Coal Oil Stove. Tubular Oil Stoves the best: Prices !)oc, §1.25, §2.75, $0.50. , 2 Holer Griddle Pans. Ovens and j all necessary attach in e tits to cook for large family. )•••->:( I ] r ~ B ''" ' ; j .112, T i-i JL K-- -» 's n mi w MACHHSIE. No work is so much to be dreaded as the wash tub. Tliii machine will do the washing in half an hour and so easily that a child lOyearsold ol'i.endoes it in our house as an amusement. Only $3.00 former price S'J.(I(L ):o:( PHARAOH King ol Egypt, in the time of .Moses was jjreatly alllictecl with Hies. His allliction would have been much less it be had Hy Netting to shield his j person from this pest. This is Headquarters for bcreen Poors, Window Screens. Doors all complete Si.oo. "Wiudow Screens, 25c,t0 •Jsct. Screen Wire from 12 to j 20c, per yard. Easily put up. ):o:( 1 jE 31 •If this' hot weather makes you , sweat and your clothca get wet, wring them out with this wringer and you will be as cool as a cucuin bei in August. Clothes wringer 551.00 to 5.'.00. I I'm it will be plenty this year so will fruit jars, and fruit cans. Good glass Tiiuiblars, 35 cents. •Lily Titrnblars, :{"» cents. White Glass Mason Fruit Jars, <;oc to 90 cents pc r dozen, ):o:( Jere. Kelly, HUGHESVILLE, PA Noticjo, A two Vttir old heifer riime to my fnrm about July 11. |sitThe owner is re quested to oil anil pay charges iii.d take, -i ear HA HA 11 S. (iOWER. Davids >n I wp., Aug. 8, lMtl. ASK your Merchant for ffanningkiurts Celebrated >ioii -rust l inware, Family Solder, Farmers Friend, au.l Outtit and Steam less and Odorless Kettle. ALL FIRST CLASS WOiJKM/EN. NO APriIKNTIC'E WOKK. Job and Custom worJ- done. JAMKSV VNy IN Gil AM, JJushore, l'a. Jobbers SL Kauufucturoi's of Tinware, The Pcpnlarity of Our Goods Is Pf AS , E jj W|| Weep and you weep a'one. Dress well and hundreds greet you, Look shabby aud your credits gone. There are Suit Sails and Suit Sales, but we propose to give a sale constantly at our s;ore that will eclipse anything ever at tempted iu this direction. A Sale of Suits IF* All woo) suits that are made right, cut right and tailored right & that at lie other stoics are sold for at twice the in HI.Y wea U. NIOOO Stiiiv for t«i7 I'J.OO Suit* lor !»sy. IB 00 Msiln lor 13.00 Vad tii iuy other induccni' nts which •pace wi 1 not permit us to enumerate. Our propensity for giving the very best Values lor the least ino.iey was never so Strongly emphasized as m this sale. Wt nsjiecllully a U your iuves'u'atiou at a.l turns. Don't lurgct the place, it. S. MARKS The One Price Clo'tiiiug House, Du t-hote, l'a. FALL Ap WINTER 1034. goods. We make suits ranging in price£ irom sl3 upwards. Pantaloons from $ i.r,u and up, made to order. We keep tlic largest line of Gents Furnishing goods in the Valley. Shirts and Neck were a specially. Letest Siyles & Fits Guaranteed W. 11. RIDDEI.L. Pictuie Hocks, Pa. P. S.—Notify us by postal card when in desire of a suit or a pair of pantaloons. LAPORTE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies, J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHIKR TRAINER & PURViS, mrnrn mm, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. Xo. 2'.) W. Uli St., Williaiusport, I'a. kinds of intrcbaudise bought or sold ou commission. Chas. N, Purvis, GCLLECTIO i OFFICE?, j 2'J \\ . -It'i St.—an I —4o Packer St WILI.IAM3POUT, PA. ! Collections made in all parts of the world. LAW OFFICES OF G. B. M. Metzger, , ",'ii \V 4tli St.—Telephone, No. 12!>3. J. W. Ballard, j -W.VXUFACrUHEK AND DEALER .is? t ii mm, —ALSO— Faun aid Heavy ninber Wagons. KACVOHY WEST MAIN STREET, LAPOKTE, PA. V. S. All Jiimls <>f ro|mitlngr promptly a.> i neatly do 'ie at ivnaonalrle prices. Vicious Hor»ii> Slimf in "iJariin* llor»«' (Shoeing Hack. ' J. W_ BALLARD May 1», 93 1894! 112 SPRING 1894! >«.( w E ARE now p:epnred to show 1 you the handsomest and most complete assortment of Dry Goods and Notions in the county. Our stick of piece goods is complete, with thr latest pat terns —comprising b >th Domestic and Foreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to Price & Material. A FEW PIECES of the well known Llama Cloth, for 10 cents per yard. WE HAVE added to our stock a com plete lino of Roots and Shots, ineiudingthe latest and nobbiest styles. Also a l'uil due of Children's Misses a:;d La lies Fine Shoes. Having bought them for cash, we are en abled to soli them for the usual prices asked for old style and shelf worn goods. Our Stock of Window Shades Is complete Elegant patterns, patent spring roller—fine, 35 cents up. We have a full assortment of Floor and Table and Stair Oil CI >th. We have just received an addition to our Wall paper stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents per roll, both uray white and hick. We are receiving daily, new goods in our grocery department, consequently are of fering you fresh goods at the lowest prices. Our standard for quality is of the highest. Flour--:;:/' r 81-25 |M>r HtM'li. IF YOU want ''hop, Corn, Oats, Screenings, Bran or Rye. We can save you money. Seed Oais a specially. Call and sue us. Cash paid for Farm Produce. WALTER SPtNCER & SON. I.apoi'K', I'M. J. V. fiETTENBURY, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, —«»-DUSH0RE, PA m Established April Ist, 1879. 3\s§fj\aip\W MAIN St. LAPORTE, Pa. Oysters in every stylo and frame in season. Choice wines, and cigars always in stock. Bock-becr in season. No pains will be spared in waiting on Customers. F. W. Gallngber, Proprietor. Mar.!«'»:(. TRY ÜBACH fIT'OR R URNITURE. Dushore, Pa. I FRANK H. MOODY, DUSHOKE, PA. Plain and Ornamental Painter, Over Fftecn Years Experience in Ctiy and Country. House and Sign fainting, I'aper Hanging, Graining, llanlwood finishing, Ktc. Charge* Reasonable. May 23rd, 1894. K j. m;Ai»i.i:v, ATTORWV-iT-UV, LAPOIH E. - - PA < >l)i< • with linn, E. M. I>iinitiim. Y/ M. DUNHAM, ATTOUXEV AT-I AW ■« •vtr Bture, Lai'orte, Pa. KOI ST KUS N OTIt'K. Nolle. If! licn hy pir.'ii that ih<- following nmtoiint.'i n|' Ailini li-lrit i n F ln., have b.»n du y lil d in tlie nffioj ol tlie It gin er of W ill in itn I fur • In- county ol Sulllnui, to wit: F a. Kinsl y. di-ceuKil iii'C'innt ni T. .1. Kiel© . mini inimr.-.tor «>f llio entiile of Williiim Ki el. i. deee.iH d. Finnl i .count of Tli.n. North, ndinininlr it-.r of the ft.ilo of John N. M-l> n ill dcceiiaid Th« following wij,w a > H|i|iiai»ineiits huvo been li led . In the I'M ute if J hn C.inn ir, d* 'aaiod . in llie i-stulii if I*redt-rii-k Kuuppor, dec.isea- Aid llio mitno will lie [resented to the Orplia i s C>'Urt oi i.iid cou-ity, un Wodneslay. IS), 1891 at 3 ..Ylock, pin., lor eo-.Urination iin I iiII i*a.ies. AI.I'HONSI s WALSH, Rp^iiifr. IH-o Lnl'ortc. Ajg, is. IS'JI Fresh Stock AT THE Tannery Store. Having just returned from tin City, where we purchased tlit usual supply of Dry Goods, Groceries &c., suitable for tin season, we are prepared to sel the same at as reasonable prices as can be had in the county Our stock of GROCERIES Are ol the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of these goods are pur chased at a less price thar formerly, w« are disposed u give our customers the benefit OUR BOOT AND SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and tlie prices are less that ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods o the different varieties, at prices to suit the tunes. James MeFarlane. LAPORTE, PA. U< ILLIAMSPORT AN D NORTH UHANCI KAI I.KOA U TIMETABLE. Itn cff.a May 21. 1591.] KOttTH. TRAINS. 5. 25. 2.1. P. . A. M. A. M Willinmsport 430 10 lit 6lt Halls j 605 10 30 6in ville 5 -0 10 43| 0 51 Piotnn ltoeka. I 6 281 I# AO 6j\ Glen Muwr j 542 11 03 7Oi Muni-y Valley jSS 11 is 72t Soni'stuwi) ] 605 11 21 7 I"£ N'oidniunt 021 11 3S 74 I I.aporte J 638 11 54 801 Bingdkl. I ti 55 12 10 811 Satrerfteld 7 10 12 25 821 fowanda ; si# 327 9|| SOUTH. TRAJ \s, 12. | 8- | 26. ! 24. A M. A. M. M. P. M >rfc >rfc ft 56 10 18 5 25 9 1: Halls ft 37 042 440 8 1( 11 uaht s\ilta ft 00 y2d 423 821 P otare Rocks 9 I•» 414 s l \ Glen Mawr. 900 4 02 BOt Money Valley s 41 343 7 .1 Senestowo 8 35; 3 37 7 H Nordmont S li# 2o 7 35 La porta 800 3 V'J 7 I: Hingdalo 7 I > 24: 65: Saturtield 7 3>: 2 3' i ft 'M lowunda 6 30 II 2M 4 5$ H. 0. McCOKMICK, President. 12tir«J. (i. (ientral Manager. It. K. EAVBNfiON, Asst. Ocru Manager CROWN ACME The Best Bumins: Oil That Can Be Made iram Petroleum. it gives a brilliant liglit. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high lire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as u perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finest crude 111 the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS TIIE BEST. Ask your denier for CKOWN ACME. Trade orders filled by THK ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Williamsport Station, \Villiamsport l'a. Sgg cram iEiro TOWANDA, PA. Less than two hour's ride from Lapnrte, i»y Railroad. Forty-first year commence* Aug. 27, "!»4. t>u|»2iior instruction in English and Normal branches, in commercial branches in type writing ami sho 1 1 hand. Four advanced courses leading to gradua tion, with tine' instruction in modern and ancient languages, science, mathematics, history and literature. Excellent facilities in music, drawing and painting. Ex penses low. Fine apparatus. Wiiteto Principal for catalogue and information JOHN S. STEWART, D. 1»., EL)WIN E. IjIiM.AN, A. M. t Prist, 'trustees. Priucipal. STEW TORE WEEKLY TRIBUNE -AND SULLIVAN HEPULLICAN ONE YEAR, One Dollar and twenty-five els Aihlicbs rll ('tint 1© t t'I.LIVAN lihJ L'IiLICA N I I.APOKTE. PA. Push Will Tell! Low prices VV>/ Will Win.) VA\ This week we call your attention to our Domestic Department. So, Lancaster Uingliam, sc. 12'. Kreniih percales, )oc. Fiench Salines, 13c. 10c, muslin, 7c. ress Goods Dept. 2;>c. new spring dress goods 15c. 1 ilaclc luncy dress goods, 25c. lllaek sill wool Merge, 46in. 75c. black and colored moire silks 50. Notion Department. Summer corsets COc, worth $1 00. 1\ k 11. H. Corsets 75c. 15c, children hose, 6 pair for 25c. Clothing department. $15.00 .Men's - suits *12.00. 10.00 " " 8.00 800 « « 6 .00 6.00 " » 400 Complete line of youth's and hoy's suits, from *1 25* to *B.OO a suit. T. J. KEELER, Center Main St, Laparte, Pa. WFUT Mill®! Samuel Cole, Of Dusliore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paiuis, oils, und varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. Manukacthks of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Roof ing. spouting iiincu OIL |uisTiw.Bete,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, I'a. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST Til ATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STORE is right "in it'' for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh and of the best quality. Flour and feed the best the market affords. 31 US. M. C. LA UER. May 13. 'a? Sawed Shinales The best, in the market and at low bottom prices Three grades constantly on hand Will deliver if desired. Write— S. Mead, May23'9o. La Porte, Pa. WENIiY T. DOWNS, A TTO UK EY—AT—LAW Ex-Protb'y. Register k Recorder of Sullivan Co Office with Sheriff Mahaffey, LaPorto Pa. P. INGHAM A 11. K. NEWITT 1 » A'l TOltN'K YS-AT-I.AW. 505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. fp J. &F. 11. INGIIAM, ATTOKNKYS-AT I.AW, LA PORT E, - - PA. Legal fhiMness nttnuled to in this and tdjoiuing Counties. V? J. MULLEN, JiSa ATTOHNfi.Y-AT-I.AW, DUSHORE, - - pa. Ollicc with 11. S. Collins,