Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 10, 1894, Image 2

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W. M. CHENEY. - - - - Editor.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1834.
Entered at the Post (Mice Lal'orte, I'it
as second class mail mutter.
Ki:ri < i.n NMIVATItM.
For Governor.
GEN. D. 11. HASTINGS, Centre Co.
For Lieutenant Governor.
WALTER LYON, Alleghany County.
For Auditor General.
AMOS 11. MYLIN, Lancaster County.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs.
GEN. JAMES W. LATTA, Philadelphia
For Congressmen-at-Large.
GALUSIIA A. GROW. Susquehanna Co.
GEOUGE F. HUFF, Westmoreland Co.
For President Judge,
Laporte, Pa.
(Subject to decision of Conference).
For Member,
Lopez, Pa.
For Jury Commissioner,
Sliunk, Pa.
For State Senator.
A correspondent of the Gazette
and Bulletin, of Williamsport in a
recent issue brings out the name of
John Meginness as the Republican
candidate for State Senator iu this
district. The correspondet says:
"I believe all the counties com
prising this Senatorial district would
agree that Lycoming county ought
to name the nominee for State Sen
ate, because it is likely to be the
home of the Democratic nominee.
If I had the naming of the man it
would be the scholar, the broad
minded, the competent, the well
known John F. Meginness, of his
toric fame."
From a personal acquaintance
with Mr. Meginness, extending
through several years, we can cheer
fully and enthusiastically support
his candidacy, should he obtain the
James C. Brown for Congress.
Shickshimiy Echo.
James C. Brown, of Bloomsburg,
is a prominent, candidate for Con
gressional honors in the 17Lli dis
trict, comprising the counties ol
Sullivan, Columbia Montour and
Northumberland, lie was born ii
Mifflinville, Columbia county, ii
1848 of Scotch ancestors. He was
reared a farmer boy, attending tin
common schools and seminary o
his native place. At the age of If
he became a student in Dickinsoi
Seminary, Williamsport, fiom whicl
he graduated in the classical course
in 18G8 with the highest honors c
his class. The same year he wai
employed as a teacher in the lilooms
burg Literary Institute which sub
sequently merged into the Statt
Normal School and where he re
mained until 1872, serving the lasl
year as principal, lie theu engaget
in civil engineering, was on tht
original survey of the X. «fc W
Branch R. It., of which he was di
rector for eight years, is now cit>
engineer also engineer in charge o*l
the construction of the Bloomsbur;
river bridge, one of the finest am
most substantial structures on tht
Susquehanna river. In 187 a IK
purchased the Bloomsburg Republi
can and has successlully conducted
that paper. Has been school direct
or some fifteen 3*ears and is now, al«
ways leading in the educational in
teiest of the town of his choico
Is prominently identified with nearh
all the varied improvements and en
terprises of Bloomsburg. In 188-1
was a delegate to the National lJc
publican Convention at Chicago
llis paper voiec-s the true Amerieai
sentiment that the times demand
A special frieml of the laborer, tht
mechanic, the industries of oui
state and country and speaKa inn
uncertain voice or seiitiment con
cerning the boys in blue, always de
fending their rights. .Mr. Brown it
a thorough protecliouest. 110 i?
eminently qualified to represent tlu
17th district in the House. Ma„\
the couferees place him in tlu
field. A VorEB.
Fishingcreek, Aug. 1.
.%IIKU»t 15, ISHI.
The above is the date of the greal
pic-nic to bo held at our city lor lh<
benefit of the Catholic Church. Al
the arrangements fur that otrasioi
are now complete and we can safelv
say tliul a more elaborate a Hair ol
the kind has never been prepared
in this county. Fr. Fnright has at
truded to everything In detail, mil
the appearance of the ground*, build,
ings. etc., l*tar evidence of his tie
sire t<» give hi* friends an enjoyabli
time. Ho not mi«s this occasion t<
contribute to the great work in
which he is engaged. You wil
never regret your trip. The late
of fair, which we piiut sd*ewl»*ru art
very reasonable. Come one, come
I.awrenre Hroa , contracture. hsv«
theoeliar for the CatUolio church
alH>ut completed Tiny struck r<rk
pretty elu»e to the MUilsei* ami wot k
ol etcavnliug it, is requiring mure
uf their attention than the) had
liopea it w >ul.| N otw itlmi iinllnj
litis, however, the car|tt>nUf* will
iirive this Wf«k and tomuieiice tU.
laming of (he building
Wanted :—25 men, on thin Fri
day, to help clcai off llie Mokorna
pic-nic ground. All are cordially
A party of little folks of town en
joyed a pic-nic in t lie grove near
Fairview R >ek, Wodnes lay. Those
present were: Miss Kttie Chase,
\li-s May M iison and Miss Mertic,
Stewart and Messrs. Robert Mason,
Phil Stewart, Bovd Van Fleet and
Victor Smyth. They report a very
pleasant day.
The Consecration of the new P.
E. church of St. John'sic-the-
Wilderness, at Eagles Mere, will
take place next Sunday, Aug. 12,
1894, at 11 o'clock a. m. The cere
inony will ba conducted by the
Right liev'd. Nelson B. Uulison,
Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, as
sisted by several Clergymen.
Everyone are cordially invited to
be present.
Don't forget the date of the ex
cursion and pic-nic at Laporte—
August 15th. Everybody should
make arrangements to visit our town
on that date. It will be the largest
day of the season. The Qermania
band of Towandi, will be here. The
Beruice band will be with us and
possibly the Hills Grove band will
come. We can not announce the
latter positively, hut it is rumored
that they are coming. The orchestra
will be line. C >me.
Mr. P. M. May, one ot the pro
prietors of the Laporte Hotel, met
with a serious and painful accident
one day last wee':, lie was r pair
iug a barrel, l>y placing an iron
hoop on the surne. While thus en
gaged he broke a scale of iron off
the hoop which flew and struck him
on the eye ball very close to the
sight. Mr. May sought the services
of Dr. Ilill who advised him that lie
could do nothing to save the sight
of the eve and requested him togo
to the Williamspoft Hospital. This
Mr. May did and we learn that the
Drs. in said institution have but
little hopes of saving his eye.
A two year old heifer fame to my farm
ibout July 11. IMH. The owner is re
quested to call and pay clmrg sand take
ihe same away, otherwise it will dis
posed of according to law. The descrip
tion of the is as follows: lied and
white spotted with sculp on ear.
Davidson twp., Aug. 8, 1804.
Mr. Corbett aud Mr. Jackton.
The manner in which Mr. Corbett
tiiul Mr. Peter past musters
in tlic art of self defense, are trying
to break away from ther friends and
get at each otlier is most exciting.
So far they hare not boon able to
meet, and their struggles are pitable.
There are so many farriers between
them. Mr. Corbett- suggests Florida.
Since the dispute with Mr. Mitchell
there has been no reason why n
glove encounter could not be
brought off in Jacksonville. There
is a club there willing and anxious
to give a purse and treat the visit
ing pugilists with respect. Hut
Mr. Jackson won't go there. There
is ample opportunity in new Orleans.
But to New Orleans Mr. Jackson
objects. He is a colored man, and
he claims that there is a feeling
against colored men in the South
anyway. So lie is looking for a
Northern or Western State.
Both Mr. Corbett and Mr. Jack
son arc willing to light in Pcnusvl
vania or New York, for instance.
It is easy for thein to come to terms
upon such States, for there is not
the slightest chance that a fight
could be brought, off. Both con
testants would be lodged in jail
And bo it is with every other State
in the Union. There is a little law
that prevents, and when Mr. Jack
son and Mr. Corbett put on their
gloves, punch the bags, get into
training and talk loudly about theii
willingness to light in Colorado o.
Washington Suite or in Dakota
they are talking against the law
and what is more, they know it!
1 here is absolutely no opportunity
for them to fight in such States.
Mr. Jackson suggested that Eiil'
land would be a gocd place. Mr
Corbett, declared America was
good enough for him. Then Mr
Corbett came home from England
to announce that there wasn't any)
in >ncy iu England any way, and the
tight must come off In the Uuited
States, both Florida and Louisiana,
the only States where piize lighting'
is permitted, being barred. Mr.
Jackson promptly proclaimed upon
the landing of Mr. Corlx-it that !„•
w»s waiting m Chicago, ready t;»
sign the article* of agreement. Mr
Corbett declared that, being chum! 1
piou, it wan not his place to wait'
upon Mr. Jackson, but that it j
Mr. Jackson's place to w«it „,, 0 „ (
liiui, and that if there were to be
any articles of cement signet)
the process must l», gone through I
with in New York. Mr. Onrbeli
says Mr. Jackson is nlraid. Mr
J- >.soii»ay* Mr. Cor tut t is afraid I
audit is »UNp«uted that both of
Itiem are right.
ir these g-mleinen really wfoh to
get together they could do m,
They could get three milts out to
sea and HgbL They could g,.| U(l
on a chartered for the nor*«iou
and go out iut» the great lake .
I lley colli I tuke 1 heiost-l ves aa'riV to I
a hundred *«h Iu led 'I be* I
could meet in private anywhere and
«-ttle their different e* Hut U M X
dttn'l approach raeh other even
I iiey tight through the new spaper*
at ittng r utg. And when thi*
matter i* b>jilt*| ilown to ||n enaeuee
of strict truth the remit will I*
found to Imi that "one afraid and
the other lament."
is one of the new inventions of
great merit to the Housekeeper.
Hold 1 pound of coffee and
keeps it from loosing its
strength, or wasting by
spilling, mill warranted
Good grinder, only 7 sc.
is likely to be very hot this summer.
Save your strength and save
fuel by getting a good
Coal Oil Stove.
Tubular Oil Stoves
112 the best:
Prices 90c, §1.25, $2.75, $(3.50.
2 Holer Griddle Pans. Ovens and
all necessary attachments to
cook for large family.
No work is so ruuch to be dreaded
as the wash tub. T! is machine
will do the washing iu half an
hour and so easily' that a
child 10 years old of.,en does
it iu our house as au
amusement. Oaly
$3.00 former
price s!t.oo,
King of Egypt, in the time of Moses
was greatly afflicted with flies. His
afiliction would have been much less
if he had Fly Netting to fchield his
person from this ptst. This is
for i creen Doors, Window
Screens, Doors all complete
£l.oo. Window Screens, 25c. to
:isct, Screen Wire from 12 to
20e, per yard. Kasily put up.
It tliM hot weather make* you I
sweat mi l your clothe* get wet '
wring thrut out with tlii< wriiigei
and you will lie a* eool a* a cucum
ber in j\ugu»t. Clothe* *riugt ■
Fruit will Im* plenty thia year—-mo
will fruit j#r«, ami fruil run*. '
(hn.d gla*« Turn blur#. .'ls cent*,
•Lily Tumid**., S."» wins.
White tilii-. hi Fruit
J*r», tiia Iu c*.it«
|"cr iloxcti.
Jere. Kelly,
ftlrlaken Willi Parnl»nii«.
Towanda H<']iul>licnn.
Mrs. Weir of Minneapolis, Min
nesota, whose mother, the late Mrs.
Isaac Rogers, wag the eldest sister
of the late I>r. Mason anil Col. (J.
I l '. Mason, is lying seriously ill at
the residence of Mrs. Dr. Mason.
Mint. Weir left this county willi her
parents for the west in her girlhood,
thirty-nine years ago, and this is lier
first visit. She arrived in Towanda
several days since with the intention
of extending her visit to friends in
Sullivan county after calling on
friends here. While visiting Mrs.
Mason she was stricken with paraly
sis of one side, and is yet ill with but
sligt improvement.
Tcac-lierat Normal Institute.
The Teachers' Normal Institute
will be held at Dushore, commencing
Monday, August 13, at 1:30 p. in.,
and will continue in session one
The following books will be used:
Brook's Methods of Teaching;
Robinson's Complete Arithmetic;
Robinson's Intellectual Arithmetic;
TowDsend's Civil Government;
Barnes's History ; Kei l's and lleed
and Ivellogg's Grammar; Swintrn's
and Butler's Geography; Steele's
Physiology ; Sainton's Fifth Reader.
Siugiug book—''Wreath of Gems."
Teachers holding provisional cer
tificates and those who expect to
teach for the first time during the
c iming school term are expected to
a'tend. Please be present and
ready for work at the first session.
K. W. MEYI.EKT, Supt.
Laporte, Pa., July 23, 1894.
dent Judge. lionorab:es John Yonkin and
lAI. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Get tral
i Jad Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of the
Pe ice, Orphans court and Common Plea-*
lor the County of Bullivan, have issued
their precept, bearing date iht* 2d day
of June 1801, to nie di-ected. for hold
iug the"several courts in the borough of
Lap iite, on Monday the 17th day of Sep',
leal, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Therefore, notice is lure by given to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace atid Con
stables within the county, (hat they be then
and there iu their proper peison at 2 o'clock
p. in.of said day, with their rolls, records,
inquisi lions examinations and other rcmem
Iterances to those things to which their
offices appei tain to bj doue. And to thus
who are bound by their recognization to
prosecute against piisoners who are or shall
be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan
are hereby uotified to be then and there to
piosecute against them as will be ju>t
lIIOMAS MA HAH' KY Si.eiifl.
Sherifl's office, Lal'orte, Aug ti, 1894.
Trial Llwt lor Nop t. Term 1»»|.
Return Day Sept. 17, 1594.
1 Josiah Heinbury vs L. S. liurch A Co.
No. 74 May terra 1892. Trespass,
2 . Jut kson [use] vs I'be heirs of Wm .
l.iiralicrt decr&aed. No 32 Sept. term 1884.
.'I II K. Willi..OlK vs ll'iriteo t'umoi.d and
Jam-s Flanig m, No. Ijfi May term 1SU1; Jell's,
4 ('■ I>. Kldred vs. M. Oilman, No. 17, Sept
term 1892; r p'evin.
5 C. I). Kldicd vs. M. Oilman, No. 30, Sept
tonn 1592. replevin
6 J.-aepli C KoliMns vs James McFsr-
I in.' A Co.. No. Is l)ee le in 1892; assumpsit.
T The Pen >sy,\at.ia Company lor Inuiance
of lives mill Urauting Annuities, executors o;
the will of Thomas Craven deceael and
tiu-tecs ot h.s Dtvijus. vs. .Mil on Oilman, No,
82. Lee term, 1892; ijeotm lit.
s David liruwa s Trexer, Terrill A Co.
No. in Feliy. term IMl.'i, Assumpsit,
9 Adam Knellir vs Colley Iwp, No. lO.'i
May terra 1893. 'trespass.
1U Ku.-sel KuriuyjK.J Oavnor Son A Co.,
No i Dee. term I.V.J. i. Defendant's appeal.
11 M. l'eterraan I'rx. vs K.J. Oayuor, Son
A Co,, No. 2 Lice, terra 1893, De en lant's ap
12 T. J. Keeler v* K. J. O.ivnor. Son A Co .
No. 3 Dee. terra I sy;t. Delendanl's appeal.
l;t J. W. llallard vs K. J, (ley nor, Son .112 Co.,
No. I Die. tern 1893. Defendant's uppcul.
t I M. \\. 110 s' vs I - !. J. tlaynur. Son A
Co , No. 5 D.e term 1891. Itcleudant's ap
li J. Jl.Canip' ill A Son vs Alfred F. belts
No. 12 Dec. leim 1893. Defendant's appal.
IIS Amlr«« Karrill >• Wi li.iui .VcMahon. j
No. 90 Dt c. terra 1593, 1 recphis,
Do a general Ilankiiur ami Collect lup
business Any liuhiiiim intrusted
to us will be carefully
attended to,
Ajfelils for
Steamship Tickets to
und from all putts of Kuro|>a,
und for Fire insurance Coiniiutie*.
J. ALFItKD J< >lt I >.V N. CAMIIK'H.
J. W. Ballard,
TO? & OP2S
Farm and Heavy Liiuiber Wapns
l..ll'« »|;TE, PA
P. M.
All kiniU »»f retiring | roui|itly
»'»'l neatly ilium al r<tamialda |>ruva
Vu t -u. Ilufw* tu H MlIm • li («
»U-. tt.4 lu< fe
m•• ii. m
w E ARK now prepared to show |
you the handsomest and most
complete assortment of Dry Goods and
Notions in the couuty. Our stock of
piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat
terns—comprising b.jth Domestic and
Foreigh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can
satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to
Price & Material.
A FEW PIECES of the well known
Llama Cloth,
for 10 cents per yard.
WE HAVE added to our stock a com
plete line of Boots and Shoes, including the
latest and nobbiest styles. Also a full line
of Children's Misses a-d Ladies Fine Shoes.
Having bought them for cash, we are en
abled to sell them for the usual prices
asked for old style aud shelf worn goods.
Our Stock of
Window Shades
la complete Elegant patterns, patent
spring roller—fine, 2, r , cents tip. We have
a full assortment of Floor aud Table and
Stair Oil Cloth. We have just received
an addition to our
Wall paper
stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents
per roll, l>oth tray white and bsck. We
are receiving dailv, new goods in our
grocery department, consequently are of
fering you fresh goods at the lowest prices
Our standard for qu&litv is of the highest.
9#e 01 OO ami
01.53 per nark.
IF YOU want Chop, Com, Oats.
Screenings, Bran or Kye. We can save
you money. Seed Oais a specially. Call
ami see us.
Oish paid for Farm
latportr, I'M.
Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler,
Established April Ist, 1879.
Oysters in every style and game in season.
Choice wines, und cigars always in stock.
Rock-beer in season.
No paiiis will be spared in waiting on
F. W. Gallagher, Proprietor.
Mar. I it V I. r
Dushore, Pa.
I>UN!U>ItK- I'.S.
[Plain and Qmanmntat Painter.
OfW Kllw# VIHII Kl|*tt«lu« tu I'll)
•tttl I I'UIIII)
//.«««•«#m| «Vyj. i'tfttitHtf
IhmytHij, (ii'ul
/'< MiiAixjy, A,|.
lIM|M M.) t, t ».lft*«
M J ItMU'i.M,
it n«,
tuft, % »ufc II « k M lK.bii.iM
I Hum Oft I II it*
•*.. *««« *m*M • »♦«*#, t*. '
MuaßiU Itat* Normal School.
An effective training school for teachers.
Special attention given to Post Gradual"
work and preparing students for enterin {
college Expense*) very moderate
Graduates from higher courses enter ad- .
vanced classes in College. Graduates
from the Elementary course are c lipped
for the practical work of teaching all
branches in the common schools, includ
ing drawing and physicial culture. Pros
pective teachers receive material aid from ■
the State, reducirg expenses for board. •
tuition, light, steam heat, aud washing
(42 weeks) in the Junior year, to 112 lfa,
and in the Senior year to sllß.
Four large buildings, all heated by!
etcam; fine athletic grounds; healthful
location; ample accommodations; thorough
Fall term opens Aueust 29, 1891.
For catalogue anil information address
SAMUKL 11. AI.BHO, A. M., Ph. D.
Principal, Mansfield, Pa.!
Fresh Stock
Tannery Store.
Having just returned from tbe 1
City, where we purchased the
usual supply of Dry Goods,
Groceries &c., suitable for the'
season, we are prepared to sell l
the same at as reasonable prices!
as can be had in the county.
Our stock of
Are of the usual standard here
tofore sold in our store, and, as
much of these goods are pur
chased at a less price than
lormerly, we are disposed to
give our customers the benefit
Department cannot be surpassed
in either quality or variety—
and the prices are less than 1
ever offered before in this
market. Spring Dress goods of
the different varieties, at prices
to suit the times.
James McFarlane.
[ln effect >IIIY 21. LS'JT.]
»• ». ».
;p. .A. a. A. ».
Williaiusport 4 30 10 10 6 li;
Halls AOS JO 30 6 37! villc 520 10 43J 0 soi
Picture Rocks 628 1 0 50 IS 67|
(lien Mnwr 542 11 03 7 07?
Mumy Valley 6 58 11 l»j 7 2o|
Sonegiowi «05 11 24 7 Js|
Norduiunt 021 11 3S 7 41 1
J G3B 11 54 800
Kiugdule I ti 55 12 10 8 15
S.uu-rlklit 7 10 IJ 25 825
TuwanJa ...j 8 19 327 930
12. 8. 26. 21.
A 11. A. M. . MP, M
Williami*)) >rt FI 55 10 t'S 525 912
Hall* C 37 »42 440 8 40'
Hughco LLLE ANO 925 4 23 825
P cture Rocks 9 15 4 14 817
Ulen Mawr 900 4 02, 8 Oil
Mui ey Vail. J 841 3 4:tj 7al
■Senestown 535 337 7 -It.
iNordinont 819 A 2i> 732
Lnporte XOO 302 713
Satteiliehl 73, 2»■ 830 I 6 30 II 2>i 4 58
II c. Mri ORMICK, Presides'.
I!ENJ. ti. WEI. I'll, Ueacral Manager. '
R. E. EAVENJOX, AS*T. lien. Muuager
.Tie Rest Brail Cil That Can Be
Made Irani Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke the chiiuney
It will not char the wick.
It has a high tire test.
I It will not explode.
It is without comparison as a
perfection Family Safety Oil.
it is manufactured from the finest
crude 111 the most perfectly equipped
retiueries in the world.
Ask your dealer for
| Trade orders tilled by
Willianiaporl Station,
\Villianmport I'a.
sua- cm iron
l.ik* it to iw» liomi • rule fii'in Lnix>rt<«, by KnilnmJ. Forlv Hr»t y <•*/ ooiuiuiim**
Aug -47. 14 mu> ru»r tu»iiucii.ui iu fc'utfluli <w«l N..nuui bfitiivli**, m
'•mm lir». Ui !>»*• urilum «iul »U.> U luu.l Four tour*, killing Uj*r»ilu»
«iili iiuv iu«lr>it Hun iu luutlvut mill *iuu-ul * Uui'« umili. uiuiii •«
buhu) itliU III' i ilurt |C%i.i'll< ul fuiiJllu •iu;. <lr.i« »uV iu>miiii{
IHIIM. I,» Km i uiiimiiiiiu Will* in I'rlucliMtl fur r«uliiKin-uul i,, |l l>( l
Jolt* * HIHtfAUI", l» l». EDWIN K 141 INI. iW A V
Hrv.l llu.Uci I't iiui|ml,
waw TCM
- A M»—
Sullivan liepullican
On#' Hollar ami /#r#n/#/-/ir# vh
A 1 in** *JI wtikiit tw »I 1.1.1S iH UMIUI.M'O
i.4f«'Wifc **4
Push Will Tell!
Low prices) +
Will Wini VAV
This week we call
yourattention to our
Domestic Department.
Bc, Lancaster Gingham, sc.
121 French percales, 10c.
French Salines, 15c.
10c, muslin, 7c.
Dress Goods Dept.
1 25e, new spring dress goods 15c.
ISlack fancy dress goods, 25c.
Idack all wool serge, 4Gin. 75c.
IMack and colored moire silks 50.
Notion Department.
Summer corsets COc, worth $1 00.
D, & 11. H. Corsets 75c.
15c, children hose, 6 pair for 25c.
Clothing department.
$15.00 Alen'a - suits §l2 00.
j W-OO " « 8.00
800 " » fi.oo
6.00 " «< 4,00
I Complete line of youth's and
boy's suits, from $1 25 to §B.OO a
;Center Main St, Laporle, Pa.
Samue Coe,
OF Dushore is headquarters
1 for kinds of hardware—
.o, pumps, stoves and
112 ranges, house furnishing
i goods paints, oils, and
varnishes. Special induce
ments to builders.
MANUFACTHKS of copper, tin
and sheet-iron-ware, Roof
ing, spouting BIRCH on,
DiMit.i.setc,, a specialty. Our
prices are beyond all compe
tition, and we invite your
1 patronage.
Dushore, l J a.
> ~
and tbe people appreciate the fact that
is right "in it"for cheap goods.
My groceries are always fresh and ot
the best quality. Flour and feed
the best the market affords.
MRS. M. C. LA UEll.
r May 13, '9?
'Sawed Shinqles
The best in the market and
at low bottom prices
j Three glades constantly on hand
Will deliver it desired.
Write— S. MEAD,
May 23' DO. La Porte, Pa.
' Ex-Pruth'Y. Register I Recorder of Sullivan Co
Office with Sheriff Mahafl'ey, La Porte Pa.
JJ P. IMiIIAM ft H. K. mm
505 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
J. ft F. H. INtiII AM,
Legal Itu iueiui attended to in this and
adjoining Comities
J> J. Mi l I.KN,
i)L'SIIoHK, - _ p A .
Ortlce with U. S. Collins,