Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, June 29, 1894, Image 3

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"FKIDAY. JI'NE 99, 1804.
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune l #
*i ami |
* Sullivan Republican *
I for ♦
* 11.25 One Year $1.25. |
* —* —* —* * * • • • * *
Tnnkbannock is to have electric
We shall not issue a paper next
How would a *now storm do for a
City guests are on their way to
the country.
The next issue of the REPUBLICAN
will be dated July 13th.
The M. E. chinch was thorough
ly cleaned, on Tuesday.
Ilave you arranged to attend the
trot at Dushore on the 4th ?
The Lake Mokoma bathing ground
is the attraction now-a-daya.
Now is the tima to propose. Any
girl wilts this kind of weather.
Philip Karge is erecting a new
barn on his farm in Laporte twp.
It's refreshing to have your friends
treat you coolly this kind of weath
A number of our board crossings,
in the first ward, should be re
Several parties in town arc re
pairing their Lake Mokoma row
The Democratic State Conven
tion convened in Ilarrisburg, on
Several bands of music will ac*
company the excursion to Laporte
on July 4th.
At a recent wedding tlie rumor
spread somehow, that the biiile
wore pink hose.
J. T. Brady and Harry Miller of
Jamison City, were doing business
in Laporte, Saturday.
Mrs. Rose S. Ladd, mother of Dr.
Chas. K. Ladd of Towanda, died at
her son's house on 1 hursday of last
Alphonsus Walsh of Dushore,
Delegate to the Democratic State
Convention left for Ilarrisburg on
There is good piospects for a
large fruit crop this season, especially
apples and peaches, throughout this
The smaller the man the nearer
he parts his hair in the middle.
The more trilling the girl, the larger
she wears her hat.
Agrictural reports indicate an in
creased acerage of rye tbis year.
Our .Prohibition friends will stick
np their nose at this.
The Odd Fellows along the line
of the W. & N. 8., are coming to
town on July 4th. A large excur
sion is guaranteed.
Mr. John K. Stewart of Towanda
and Mr. Chas, Bender of Cherry
Mills, are visiting Messrs. Bert and
Harry Karns, of this place.
L. West of Muncy, has received
the contract of painting the M. E.
parsonage and the four dwellings
owned by the Laporte Building As
The next issue of the REPUBLICAN
will be July 13' T u the mean
time you will not lu _ the pic-nic
to be held at Laporte on the 15th
of August.
The brick work to the courthouse
ia springing up like a mushroom.
Mr. Rubright, the contractor, ex
pect* to have the first story laid by
the 7th of July.
Street Commissioner, James Walsh
has done lots of repairing to our
roads this season and in every in
atance the work appears well done.
Thia week he is doing the second
U. S. District Atty. E. P. Ing
ham of Philadelphia, Sundayed with
friends in Laporte. Ellery came
up to 000l off". He says it is warm
•r in the city low, than three in a
feather bed.
John V. Finkle the Laporte boot
and shoe man is offering ladies low
shoes for $1.15 a pair. They area
good looking shoe and have the ap
pearance of being well made. Go
and examine them.
The Democratic partj' is to blame
for tlie9e hard times and the people
know it and they will refuse to vole
the Democratic ticket this fall and
continue thorn at the helm. Give
'*ua Republican administration and
the good old times of only a year
ago will resume. After next fall
Democrats will be a3 scarce as
dllrer dollars are now.
There will he a plc-nic at Bernice
on July 4th. A game of ball be
tween the Towanda and Bernice
teams will also take place.
Do not fail to attend the lecture to
be given in tie M. F, church this
Thursday evening, by Mrs. Anna
XI. Hammer, State President ot the
W. C. T. U. Mi 1 ' \w Glee Club
will be present an. > give several
Messrs. M. C. Worthington of
Muncy, Geo. llalderman, Clias.
Wheelock and Geo. R. Boak, Jr.,
of Ilughesville, are camping at Lake
Mokoina. They have their lent
pitched near the station and evident
ly are enjoying a good time.
C. L. Silvara, traveling salesman
for Frank D. La Lanne& Co., cotton
and woolen mills of Philadelphia,
was doing business at the county
seat, Monday. Mr. Silvara plays
the violin in the New Albany choir
and handles the bow with ease. He
is a right good violinist.
Dist. Atty, A. L. Grim of La
porte and the foundation of the
Democratic party of Sullivan county,
is spoken of as a candidate for Mem
ber. Mr. Grim is an old time
Democrat and is authority on Demo
cracy and should receive the nomi
nation at the hands of his friends.
As announced in the REPUBLICAN
last week, the train service over the
W. & N. B. and L. Towanda,
was renewed on Monday. It will
be good news to the traveling pub
lic to know that every point on the
compass indicates that the train is
put back for keeps.
In our mention of the building
enterprise about Laporte, last week,
we unintentionally omitted to speak
of the building of the M. E. parson
age. This building is progressing
nicely. Those engaged on it arc.
T. J, Iveeler, John Andrews and
llcnrv Boatman, all experienced
The builders of the Lake Mokoma
steam boat, remarked 011 Tuesday
that they expected to launch the
boat on this Thursday afternoon,
possibly, however, the rain ofyester
day might have interfered with the
progress of the work and will detain
the launching until Friday. It will
be just a plain launch.
The past few days of sunshine
and showers ha*-; been very favor
able to thr> growth of crops and
vogotation generally. Rye promises
a good yield, corn has turned from a
yellow to a healthy green and is
making rapid advancement. Cut
worms, potato bugs and vine des
troying insects are quite numerous.
Harry Hill has been before the
New York Lexow committee. He
was a money maker and gave the
police liberal sums for protection
until they demanded til,ooo at a
haul. This he refused and then the
"cops"' ruined his business, simply
because he squealed against being
robbod of all he possessed.
As a result of the recent election,
iu Oregon the Legislature stands as
follows: Senate—Republican, 19;
Democrats, 8 ; Populists, 3.
House—Republican, 52; Demo
crat, 1; Populist, 7. Republican
majority on joint ballot 44.
That one Democrat will get awful
tired talking to himself.
B. W. Jennings and Frank Rice
of Lopez, who made Washington,
D. C., a visit on their wheels in early
June, returned home on Thursday
last. The boys were 12 days on the
road and made a circuit of some
thing over six hundred miles. They
returned by the way of La porte and
expressed an elegant time. During
their stay in Washington they listen
ed to Mr. Hill's speech on the tariff'.
We take the following from the
Benton Argus, (Dem). It explains
in a nut shell just what is causing
these hard times—the Wilson bill.
It goes onto say that even with
this bill Vfeated good times will be
restored, „ other words tho Mc-
Kinley bil st alone will bring
back the good times of only a little
over a year ago. Smith, of the
Argus, ought to have gone one step
farther and said that the Demo
cratic party has no head to it and
is utterly incomptent to run this
government. With this said, the
Argua would have sumed up this
Democratic situation very compli
mentari', indeed.
Here it is :
"By all means let the Senate
hurry the Wilson bill to its final
destination, whether it be defeat or
victory, and let the country get in
to a shape once more that will In
spire confidence and mutual good
faith among the people. Tliis con
dition will never be reached ao long
as the Wilson bill hangs fire in Con
gress, keeping manufacturers and
capitalists alike on the rack of un
certainty and blocking the wheels of
. the mills and factories all over the
1 land." 1
Mr. E. P. Cheney, of Orwell,
Bradford county, Is visiting friends
in Laporte.
Stewart & May, proprietors of the
Lfcporte Hotel, will give a grand
ball on Wednesday evening *nl3"
4lh. A good time is anticipated
and a geuoral invitation is «xt,ended.
It is predicted that Sullivan coun
ty will give a Republican majority
for Governor next fall. At last
spring e'*;ction Jackson, the Demo
cratic nominee for Congressman
only received 40 majority over Grow
the Republican nominee. This is a
tumble down of over 300. Un
prejudiced Democrats say that the
county will go Republican before
the Presidential election comes
They say that Hon. M. J. Lull
and Patsy Connor, Esq , both of
Bernice are aspirants to the office
of Congressman and will ask for the
congressional conferees of Sullivan
county. Our Democracy must put
their foot down somewhere and we
are told that it is just as likely to
strike Josh as Patsy. To settle all
difficulties we would suggest that
one of these gentlemen request the
nomination for Congress man-at-
Mrs. Lizzie Holliday of Monti
cello, N. Y. who was tried last week
for murder, was convicted and will
suffer the penalty during the week
commencing on the 6th of August.
Mrs. Holliday is of gypsy descendant
and is a bad woman. It was proven
in court that during her existence
she has killed at least four people.
The country will be better off with
out her.
Sugar will be 8 conts per pound
under the Wilson bill. Today
under the McKinley act, we are buy
ing it for 5 cents. Workingmen
here is a chance for a thought.
The Wilson bill is a Democratic
measure and the McKinley act a
Republican law. The people have
opened their eyes somewhat since
the last Presidential election. They
will appear like peeled ouions by
the time the '9f» campaign comes
In Trouble ut WilkfN-lturrc.
William Steele, father of Eva
Steele, who became Mrs. Robert
Ray Hamilton, is in trouble at
Wilkes-Bnrre. He will probably
be brought up on a charge of at
tempting to murder his son and his
housekeeper. During a drunken
quarrel he fired two shots at his son
and chased the housekeeper out of
the house with his gun. He then
disappeared, and it is supposed he
is keeping out of the way to avoid
If you ever have sick headache
and want it cured quickly and ef»
fectively, with none of the debilitat
ing effects of antipyrine or kindred
drugs, just take a tablespconful of
red pepper, mix it with vinegar to a
thick paste and spread it upon a
cloth, cotton or linen, and bind up
on the forehead with a handkerchief
from temple to temple; then take
about two grains of red pepper in a
teaspoonful of vinegar and swallow
it. The mixture on the forehead
will burn, but will not blister, and
in the course of ten minutes the
headache will disappear under the
stimulating effects of this remedy,
leaving the patient feeling as if such
distressing things as sick headaches
were unknown to the human family.
A prominent Democrat of La
porte said the other day that the
people throughout the county need
not be surprised to hear of a pitch
battle amo 1 g the Democratic oflioe
seekers of Bernice, Cherry, Du
shore and Lopez preoincts. There
are from one to two candidates from
these districts for each office to be
elected this fall, except jury com
missioner. They are as follows:
For Member. George Streby of Du
shore and Ambrose Parrel! of Lope*;
for Congress, M. J. Lull and Patsy
Conner, of Bernice; Senator, Al
phonsus Walsh, of Dushore ; for
District Attorney, E. J. Mullen,
Dushore. This is pileing it on
pretty thick when you stop to con
sider the number of offices now
being held by people of these pre
cincts. They are as follows:
Member, M. J. Lull, Bernice i As
sociate Judge, John Vonkin. JJdJ
Cherry | I'rothonotary, Alphonsus
Walsh, Dushore; County Commis
sioners, Gabrel Litaelmpn, Cherry
and John H- Parroll, Dushore. The
reader will observe that the office of
Jury Commissioner doos not appear
in either of these lists. The
Cherry twp. combine, compromise
with the other fellers on this office
and the other fellers are well pleased
with the compromise. The only
unhappy creatures of the Sullivan
county Democratic part}', are those
residing in the Cherry combine—
that there is'nt more offices to fill,
On the 28th of March 1808, by
Act of Asrtcmbly, an election district
was made of territory embracing
most, if not nil ol this county. The
place appointed for holding elec
tions tlio house of Win. Molyneux.
The day following March 2l)th, Ed
ward J. Eld red was appointed by
Governor McKcan, a Justice of the
Peace for the Third district of the
County of Lycoming. Said district
comprised not only the entire terri
tory within this county but in addi
tion five townships remaining in Ly-
These events ccnteralised the in
terests of the scattering settlements
in this county, all ot which were
comprised within the townships of
Shrewsbury and Elklaud.
The following list of taxable in
habitants is all that has so far been
found then residing within this
territory. If others are known, or
any information not heretofore given
relating to these settlers, the writer
would regard it as a favor if for
ELKLAND. iWm. Russell,
John Bull, ffm. Snell,
Francis Bull, K. Sample,
John Blngley, Webster Wymen,
Francis Boyles, Richard White.
John Brown,
Peter Dominick, Powell Bird,
Edward J. Eldred, Joel Bennett,
James EcroUi, Adam Derr,
Jos. Hoagland. Sr., John O. Holmes,
John lioagland, [Nathan Ilowell,
A. Hoagland. jTheaphales Little Sr.
Jos. lioagland, Jr., (John Little,
Jesse Hans, jDaniel Little,
Ezra llanos, 'Thomua Little,
Jonathan Ilartloy, jTheophales Little Jr.,
John Huckell, ITobias Little,
John Hill, Robert Lambert,
Edward J ones, > Wm Molyneux,
Win. King, Thomas Molyneux,
Joel McCarty, John Molyneux,
Charles Mullen, jSamuel Rogers, Sr.,
P. Mullen. Jr., jjohn Rogers,
Aaron Patterson, Richard Taylor,
Sylvenas Parker, iDavid Richart,
A. Parker, John Warren,
Joseph Reeves, iJanies Yowres.
WM. M.
'IVIIC NMtterfleld Flyer Through
Iroui 'l'owunUw to It illianiNport.
General manager Welch of the W.
tfc N. 8., Supt, Macfarlane of the
Barclay, and Supt. Esser, of the
Lehigh Valley, held a conference at
Satterfield Wednesday of last week,
which resulted in a mutual and
satisfactory understanding with
reference to the Satterfield flyer be
tween Towanda and Williauisport,
A supplement to the North Branch
division time table of the Lehigh
Valley, went into effect on Monday.
It establishes two new trains on the
S. L. & S. branch—numbers 154
and 161. These trains run between
Towanda and Satterliold, leaving
Towanda at 6:30 in the morning and
returning at 8:19 in the evening.
In a word, this is the Satterfield
flyer, a solid train to and from
Williawsport, and is manned and
run by aW. & N. B. engine and
Several of the old soldiers who
have been receiving pensions under
the Act of June 27th, 1890 have
been notified to furnish evidence to
show that thej r are disabled in
a pensionable degree, within thirty
clays from date of notice, or the}'
will be dropped from the rolls.
The Ladies Aid Society of La
portc, will meet at the residence of
Mrs. \V. M. Cheney, Wednesday
afternoon July 11, 1894.
The Ladies Aid Society of Las
porte, will hold their business meet
ing at the home of Mrs. T. J. Kecler
Saturday evening June 30th, 1894.
The Y. W. C. T. U. of Laporte,
will meet at the home of Fannie
Meylert, Friday evening June 29tb.
Each member is requested to bring
or send one or more postage stamps
to be sent to the"State Stamp
Fund." All are invited.
Sullivan County Bonds for Sale.
On .July 10th there will be placed upon
the market $83,000 of Sullivan county
Bonds, running from 20 yearo, at the
option of the county to redeem at any
interest paving period after 10 years.
These Bond* hoar Interest at the rate of
four per cent, per annum interest payable
si-mi-annually and are in denominations of
SSOO. Parties within the county desiring
any of these securities must apply at once,
as wo must sell them at the very earliest
opportunity. Call on. or address,
Laporte, Pa.
To Whom It May Concern.
Ws, the president and secretary, hereby
notify all parlies owning cows, or other
cattle, horses or sheep must Uoep them en
closed from 8 o'clock p, m- until 0 o'clock
a. m.after July Ist. 1894. We also notify
|he High Coustable to take charge of all
sqcli atocH found on tho streets and make
charge of SJB oenU per head.
J. HARRY SPENCER, Secretary.
Auditor's Notice,
The undersigned an auditor appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Sullivan county,
to audit and adjust the account of John
W. Lambert administrator of the estate of
William Latnbert, late of Forks township
Sullivan county, deceased, and to dis
tribute the monies so found in hU hands
for distribution. Will attend to the duties
of his appointment at theofUce of Hon. B.
S. Colljns, jn Uushore, Pa , cm Tuesday
July 10. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. tu. when
all parties having claims on Bald funds
must present them duly authenticated or
t>e forever debarred from coming in on
said fund.
A. J. BRADLEY, Auditor,
Laporte, Pa., June U, 1094.
The job of Mocking and putting afloat
two (8) million and one-half (W) feet of
Ilein'ock Umber situated near Forksville,
Sullivan Co. Pa. Other jobs to let.
For Information apply to the Emery
Lumber Co., Williamsport, Pa.
HnftlneftN liOral*.
WANTED.—2O tons of first class
timothy hay. delivered at Nordmont.
For further particulars write or cad on
the Lyon Lumber Co., Trust Building
Williamsport or Tlvoll, Pa. Parties will
please state price per ton.
BODINE&WARN, Sonestown, Pa., to
day have in canned goods stock peas, pine
apples, raspberries, tomatoes, pumpkin,
grapes, cherries, peaches and corn.
BODINE & WARN, Sonestown, Pa., are
selling flour from 70 to 80 cents per sack.
Take your choice of six brands.
Goto B. & W. SonestowD, Pa., for
bananas, oranges and lemons.
Goto B. & W. Sonestown, Pa., for
dress goods, ginghams and calico at bottom
Columbia Blcyes the best in the world;
also Binghamton Biccyles for sale at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
You can net more than $2.90 a day
makiHg birch oil, and I can put you up a
Still for about one-half the cost of only a
few months ago. 1 have made over forty
Stills and I know how they should be made.
Write or call for prices.
Dealer, Jackson's block, Dushore, Pa.
During these hard times everybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gasolene
Cooking Stove and save in fuel, time,
trouble building tires etc. Call and' in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore,
For a good hay rake goto CHAR. LAUER
Laporle, Pa.
Ice Cream will be served Friday after
noon and evening at the parlor of the
Mountain House. MRS. M. C. LAUEK.
For agricultural implements goto CHAI.
LAUER, Lapoi te, Pa.
Three cans of corn 21 cents and thrae
cans of tomatoes 25 cents at, KEELER'S.
Window shades with spring rollers 24
cents at KEELER'S.
WANTED.—A good blacksmith; for
further particulars write or inquire of—
Laporte, Pa.
A lot of SB.OO ladies shoes will be sold
for $2.00 until the stock is exhausted at
We have on hand the largest assort
ment of ladies' gents' and childrens' shoes
at the lowest prices ever offered in La
porte. Come aud see them.—T. J. KKELER.
Get your milk pans and pails at COLE'S
Hardware. Made of the best material
and workmanship.
Meu's women's and children's rubbers of
nil sizes at Johu Finkle's, the Laporte boot
and shoe man John offers them reason
able. I fin need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
Just received at T. J. Keeler's store, a
new lot of Morie silk, worth 75 cents per
yard—Our price 50 cents.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. IvEELER'S.
LIME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress Johu 11. Fox & Co.. liughesville, Fa.
Tin roofing Spouting, Guttering, any
kind of tiu work you want, done on short
uotice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COI.K, Dushore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa-
For the latest styles in men's and wo
men's shops, call on John V. Finkle the
boot and shoe man South Muucy St, La
porte, Fa.
Notions and Drygoods just received at
T. J. KEELER'S, at bottom prices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains. Can be
used on any width window. Easy to put
up at, KEELER'S-
Ladies shirt waists of all sizes at
W. C. MASON ") In the Court of
I Common Plessof
vs. V Sullivan County,
} No. 98, May
Sullivan County, SS:
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
the Sheriff of said County, Greeting:
Wo command you, as before command
ed. that you attach Susan W. Garrigues,
late of your county, by all and singular
her goods and chattels, lands and tene
ments, in whose hands or possession so
ever the same may be, so that they shall
appear be'ore our Court of Common Pleas
to be holdeu at Laporte In and for said
County, on the 17th day of September,
next, there to answer John L. Smyth and
Charles R. Lauer, assigned to W. C.
Mason and W, C. Mason, in a Plea of
Assumpsit. And that you attach a piece
or parcel of laud, in the Borough of La
porto, described as follows:
Beginning at a corner of Lot No. 4 of
William A. Mason's allotment, thence
cast along southerly line of said lot, and
extending along southerly line of 5 and 0,
along aforesaid allotment, 120 rods to a
corner of Lot No. 8, along aforesaid allot
ment. Thence along westerly line of last
named lot, 40 rods to corner of Lot
10, tlieuoe along westerly line of last
named lots 120 rods to easterly line of lot
12. Thence along easterly line of afore
said lot 40 rods to place of beginning.
Containing 30 acres to be tho same, more
or less- '1 he same being unimproved and
And, also, that you summon all persons
in whose hands or possession the said
goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
or any of them may be attached. So that
they, and eveiy of them, be and appear
beloie our said Court on the 17th day of
September, 1894, to answer what shall be
objected against them, and abide the
judgment of the said Court therein. And
have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable John A. Sittser,
President J u<lge of our said Court, at La
porte, this Ulst day of May, A. D„ 1894.
Published by order of the said Court
Sheriff's Office, Laporte, Pa., Juue IS, M,
First National Bank,
Capital $60,000. Surjplus and Undivided Profits 112 l£,<tod
This bank offers nil the usual facilities for the transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
DeWitt Bodine, President, W. C. Frontz, Cas bier
C. W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Munufactuter and dealer in
Boots and Shoes*
We keep at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts al- flffOTinfl And can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to UuUA fiUliiAtf Prices, with satisfaction.
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar~
gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
«/. S.
o- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
lam prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class as!
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines ol Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
liehments, for Custom Work. Perfectfits guaranteed. Call and get pricei.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
$1.50 Per.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
J. W. CARROLL & Co 7
Dushore, Penn.
"We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kind*, Includ
ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Undcrware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber good* F*hi
and etc., at prices that defy competition.
Fbqmptly anb
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dushore, P*.
We respectfully invite YOU to call and see us and examine goods and price* be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W. Carroll Co.
19* We are headquarters for Henriettas, Cashmeres, Black French goods'
Moire' Silks Moire' Cotleu Goods. Japonettes, Fine French Ginghams,
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects Ac.
Everybody will want—
iLaces This Years
For trimming. We have the largest stock of them ever shown
in the County.
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct—
iFrom England.!
We are prepared to give you prices that will astonish you.
A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window ahadM,
Lace curtains &c. A new stock of Fresh Groceries
Arriving Daily. Give us a call.
E. G. S
Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State Line k Sallivaa
Railroad Co. at Bernice
Tbe State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. 1. 0. Blight, Supt