Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, June 15, 1894, Image 3

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KKIDAY, JUNE 15. 1804
I The N. Y. Wtckly Tribune l #
*i and |
# Sullivan Republican *
I fo '- I
*| #1.25 One Year $1.25. j
* —* —* * * ♦ • • • • «
Sunday was a perfect day.
It was 85 in the shade on Sunday.
The gall of souie people in notice
Coxey is billed to speak at Harris
Our vacation week will soon be
Special court adjourned on Tues
day noon.
Summer guests are arriving at
Eagles Mere.
The M. E. church at Laporte, was
re-shingled last week.
It is reported that strawberries
will be scarce this season.
The Penn. State Fair will be held
at Meadville, this year.
G. C. Jackson of Philadelphia,
made Laporte a visit on Saturday.
We publish Davidson aud Laporte
township statements, elsewhere in
this issue.
Mrs. John T. Brewster of Wash
ington, D. C., is visiting friends in
Hon. H. (J. MeCormick of
Williamsport, transacted legal busi
ness at Laporte, Tuesday.
The roads are drying off and are
in pretty good shape for fast driv
Mrs. F. M. Crossley, was visiting
friends in Dushore, the early part of
the week.
Dodging Slate nominations is the
■chief business of Pennsylvania
Democrats now.
Today, Thursday, June 14th, is
tthe anniversary of the birthday of
the American Hag.
The people of Tunkhannock are
advocating an electric light plant at
a cost of five hundred dollars.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher,
of Ringdale spent the early part of
the week with friends in Laporte.
A large number of people of La
porte, went down to the lake on
Sunday to take a look at the boat.
The officials of the Montrose Rail
Road, contemplate moving the depot
nearer the business centre of tbe
The employes of the W. & X. B
R. R., have received tlieir new uni
form suits and appear nobby in
Those of our near by farmers who
vxpect to have hay for sale this
season, should peruse our business
locals, this week.
Howard Lyon Esq., ol Williams
j>ort, made us a businees call on
Tuesday. Howard came up to at
tend the land tales.
The fvfth annual Chiistian En
Convention of Sullivan and
Bradford counties, will be held in
New Albany in June 1895.
The through tteadmg freight to
jßinghauiton and points north, will
j>ass over the W. it N. J}.. R. R.
Arrangements to this end ~i» being
Hon. (*aac Uruner and daughter,
Miss Edith, of Muncy, are visiting
friends in Laporte. Mr. Hruner
came up to attend the Treasurers
Land Sales.
Carpenters commenced work on
the Association buildings, Monday.
Messrs. Hitter A Tripp say they
propose pushing this work to an
early completion
A part of the bribe takers and
blaekuiailcra called the police force
of New York were on paiade last
Thursday, Their clothes presented
• Hue appearance.
The Towu Council ehould order
West Meylert street o|tencd. At
|>reeeut it is fenced ill with the Clark
properly. Will the couucil luveeti
gate aud aot at once?
A two year old steer owned by
Jawee li tn»el of Laporl* tap., aas
etru k aud killed by the freight
anglue of the W. A N It It. It, ou
Wednesday of la»t week
John K. Gallauhvr of |> ,
was appointed stenographer to t«ke
the teitimoiiy tu the I harry 'IV an
stiip fcleelton louteal eaee, which
was heard lelutii £ laminar, AI phot,
aus Walsh ••• Monday evening John
did the a oik very sallslactoiy tud
tieuatinbed the *au*e for the
Use of the Judge wu luveday iu»iu
lug Me sp«ut a good p*it of ihv
utght at the type anting uethiue.
Tbe Democratic State Contention
will convene in Ilarrisburg on
Wednesday the 27th day of June.
$5,500,000 will be the amount ap
propriate 1 among the schools of
Pennsylvania, from the State fund,
this year, of which Sullivan coun
ty will receive about $12,000.
The Lake Mokoma steam boat
which is being framed on the beach
of the lake, is spoken of by those
who pretend to know, as an elegant
shaped boat. The machinery for
the boat will arrive next week.
Our people who are lovers of ice
cream, will be pleased to know that
.Mrs. Lauer intends serving the same
in her parlors at the Mountain
House, each Friday afternoon and
Stewart & May, proprietors of
the Laporte Hotel,have compromised
regarding the business about the
stand. Stewart will run the bar and
May the dinning room. This change
took place Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cheney of
Eagles Mere, passed through town
en-route to Dushore on Tuesday.
The Mrs. who is subject to severe
headaches is seeking relief and went
to be examined by Dr. Waddell.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet
at the home of Mrs. Mahafley,
Wednesday afternoon June 20th,
The Montour Democrats had a
big time in their convention which
convened in Danville on Monday of
last week. The Senatorial nomfha
tion was laid on the table for a
The REPUBLICAN is well filled
with legal ads this weeje. Our busi
ness is increasing to such a propor
tion that we are forced to enlarge
our sheet. We hope to make the
REPUBLICAN an eight column paper
at the commencement of this fall's
Business men who come to the
county seat to attend the land sales
on Mondaj-, were disappointed to
learn that the sales had been post
poned until Wednesday on account
of court. They complained and
thought that court might have been
called one week earlier or later as
the case might suit.
A number of our people attended
the commencement exercises of the
Collegiate Institute of Towanda on
Wednesday evening. Among the
list were: Mrs. W. M. Cheney,
Mrs. It M. Stormont, Mr. T. J.
Keeler and daughter Miss Winnie
and the Hon. Ilussel Karns.
The brick layers who have the
contract of placing the brick for the
new courthouse, will arrive at La
p">rte on Saturday and will com
mence this work on Monday. Sever
al car loads of brick have arrived at
the depot and are now being hauled
to the site. The work on this
structure iu every department is
progressing nicely.
We direct the notice ocf our read
ers to the advertisement of the
First National Bank ol' Hughesville.
This bank is one of the best manag
ed financial institutions in the state.
It was organized Sept. Ist, 1888—
has paid a regular 3 per cent, semi
annual dividend since Nov. ISB9 and
has a surplus and net undivided pro
fit account of sl2o<l.
The Prohibition State Convention
conveued in Williamsport on June
tith and nominated the following
ticket: Governor, Charles L, Haw
ley, of Scranton; Lieutenant Gover
nor, Homer I<. Castle, of Pittsburg ;
Auditor General, Charles Palmer, of
Delaware county; Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs, L It. Gleasoii, of Brad
ford county ; Congressmen nt-I<arge,
K. K. Kane, of McKean, and Kev.
I. It. Joulou, ol Philadelphia.
The Senate oil Thursday last by a
vote of .15 to "21 voted t<> place lum
ber on the free list. Well this may
lie a good thing for it will give the
forests of the United States a chance j
to recuperate and the lumbermen
aud woikiucii a vacation. This
Cleveland administration ie rank.
We fail to eouipreheud how a labor
Ink man cju tote the Itoiuocrntic
ticket. The Trnat men and e*|»ecial
ly the Sugar Trust officials are iu it,
but the laboring people are not.
The I.and Halee w hioti were to
have taken place ou Monday, were
| postponed until Wednesday ou ae
count uf aptend court couteuiug un
*»id date, I Monday I and colitluuiiig
; until Tueeday noon. This change
i caused some fault liudiug, but it
• »as the only way out of Ihe con
fusiou, ae thu allot ulea who rvpie
•«ui the owucre uf a large Huuler
of the tieel* euulj not have Uweu eud would hate e«k>d for au
ad|ouineieut of lluw lands which
would U*te duuWsd the aoik for
' the ugicvie lit vitalge
A Lin* lo RUu Directly from Bin*,
baulon lo WyalmtJng
The Binglmmton, Pennsylvania A
Southwestern Kailroad company has
been incorporated at llarrisbtirg.
This bare announcement in the citj'
papers was of but little interest in
this section ; but when it is known
that the road is to be built into
Bradford county, then we want to
know more about it.
Scranton capitalists are largely
represented in the directory, and a
stock of SBOO,OOO is subscribed. The
new incorporation is an enterprise
free from connection with the anti
quated Williamsport and Birigham
ton project. It is proposed to run
the road direct south from Bing
hamton to the Monneghan farm in
Susquehanna county, on the state
line. From this point the most
direct line will be taken southwest
to Wyalusing, on the Lehigh Valley
railroad. The contemplated route
will be about thirty-two miles long
If the road is built this far, it will
be only a question of a very short
time when a connecting link from
Wyalusing to Satterfield is con
structed, and the new route from
Bingham ton lo W illiamsport will be
a reality.— Ex.
Laporte is a beautiful place in the
summer season and ranks with the
most healthiest towns in the state.
The pure spring water that we have
is an object worth considering by
city people who spend the heated
season in the country. It bubles
from mother earth like the city
home made fountain and is a
ful beverage in which there is no
typhoid germcs or any other uu
liealtliful properities. This of itself
is an important item to be taken in»
to consideration, when seeking a
cool and healthful locality in which
to spend the summer months.
With Lake Mokoma in sight we
have boating and fishing in easy
access. The brook trout taken from
our lake, are not of the ordinary
size. They range from] 3 to 18
inches in length. Our streams, too,
are well stocked with the speckled
beauties and afford our visiting nim
rods a pleasant outing. The facili
ties of reaching Laporte is unsur
passed by any small village in the
state. We have six passenger trains i
daily, hence you can reach us most
any hour of the day. Our hotel
accommodations have but few equals
at summer resorts. If you are de
sirous of improving your health and
having a good lime, come to La
porte for the summer season.
Hon. Thos. W. Davis made what
was termed the star speech in the
Prohibition Convention held in
Williamsport on June 6th. During
his remarks he is quoted as saying
that "ever Irishmen, German and
Frenchman should die when they
came into Castle Garden."
A prominent German Prohibition
ist ot Williamsport, took offence at
this remark and makes the following
A tierinan l»roliil»itl»iii*t Take*
(lie I'rize Winning Orator
to Tank.
From the Williwnsport Sun.
Thomas \V. Davis —ln regard to
your expression lust night in the
opera house, I cannot help but cor
rect you. namely: You said that
every Irishman, German anh French
[man should die when they conic in
to Castle Garden. M.v Christian
friend, if you are a Christian, God
only knows it; I do not believe it;
if so, it is your and mv duty togo
on in the name of God ami with the
help of God, with good examples, in
a polite way and manner and show
and explain to the world the harm
and the wiong that is in the liquor
irttlc. Only in that way will we
gain an increase in numbers of Pro
My friend you have no right to
condemn auy nation. God will
judge them indue time. I know
that the most harm is done bv the
foreigners in this line, but we must
gain them in a different way than
curse them. There are good one*
aud bail ones. I admit it, that there
more bad ones coming over than
good ones, but if you find nine lot
ten eggs out of a dozen, you need
not throw them all away. If Got!
hail found ten righteous people in
Sodom and Oomorroh hit would not
liate destroyed it, neither did Chii»t,
while on this earth, ti*e such lan ;
guuge to them tilul did not know !
anv bitter. Four tear* ago 1 did
not know it any lietter—did not *ce
lite barm iu the li«pior trattle—than
any uf them that couie over uo«r,|
but 1 was umued !u a different wuy
than you will gain theiu. If uoj
foreigner had come here you would 1
not l>e here youreclf. The foreign
er* established tine country,
I I hank you very much for your
kind t'hrutian compliment toward*
I your fellow iuau.
Youm (eapei tfullv,
I'tlKH Sill I U,
German I'rohibiUunist
City, June *i.'
It ie utoie tlmu likely that lliia
• l>et.eli oi Mr. Davis, »ill have a
Undine v to luiu a l»ig« number of
foreign fiulub i Uauk to theif old
pally pilucipive- It wae t isuk »a>
lug aud all gueJ people will i«»enl
('•art Prorfrdlni*.
The adjourned and argument term
of the several courts convened oil
Monday, June 11, 1894, at C p. m. estate of Edward Sharp
decVl., on petition, the court direct
a citation to issue to WEI. Sharp,
executor, to file his account.
Jn. re. estate of Henry Wnnck
dee'd.; the court confirms the audi
tors' report in this case absolutely,
so far its it effects the creditors
therein named. Report referred
hack to auditor as to other matters,
not confirmed.
The W. &N. B. R. 11. Co. vs.
j Pauline Jacoby, on motion of T. J.
& F. H. Ingham, the appointment
of viewers in this case is stricken off.
First National Bank of Dushore,
vs. A. 11. Zaner, capias quashed
and defendant discharged.
A. E. Tripp vs. G. S. Chancy,
Garnishee of Gaynor, judgment
against Garnishee for the amount
admitted to be in his hands.
Plotts vs. Nye, continued.
White vs. Mahaffey, argued and
C. A. V.
Biddlu and Darby, rule discharged.
lloffa vs. Persun, 3 cases, con
Campbell vs. Letts, argued and C.
A. V.
lien Gordon et. al. vs. W. k N.
B. 11. R. Co., 4 cases, argued and C.
A. V.
W. & N. B, R. R. Co., vs. C. E.
Jackson, J. P., argued and C. A. V.
Frost & Sons vs. Hugo and Steve
son, continued.
Com. vs. Leverton, argued and C.
A. V.
Bmtlnfm Locals.
WANTED. —20 tons of first class
timothy hay. delivered at Nordmont.
For further particulars write or cail on
the Lyon Lumber Co.. Trust Building
Williamsport or Tivoli, Pa. Parties will
please state price per ton.
BODINE & WARN, Sonestown, Pa., to
day have in canned goods stock peas, pine
apples, raspberries, tomatoes, pumpkin,
grapes, cherries, peaches and corn.
BODINE & WARN, Sonestown, Pa., are
selling flour from 70 to 80 cents per sack.
Take your choice of six brands.
Goto B. & W. Sonestown, Pa., for
bananas, oranges and lemons.
Goto B. & W. Sonestown, Pa., for
dress goods, ginghams aud calico at t>ottom
Columbia Blcyes the best in the world;
also Binghamton Biccyles for sale at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
You can net more than $2.00 a day
making birch oil, aud I ean put you up a
Stdl for about one-half the cost of only a
few months ago. 1 have made over forty
Stills and 1 know how they should be made.
Write or call for prices.
Dealer, Jackson's block, Dushore, Pa.
During the«e hard times everybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gasolene
Cooking Stove and save in fuel, t'me,
trouble building fires etc. Call and in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore,
Three c«ns of coxa 21 cents and three
cans of tomatoes 33 cents at, KFELER'S.
Window shades with spring rollers 24
cents at KEELEK'S.
WANTED.—A good blacksmith; for
further particulars write or inquire of—
Laporte, Pa.
Auditor'* Notice.
Tlic undersigned an auditor appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Sullivau county,
to audit and adjust the account of John
NV. Lambert administrator of the estate of
William Lambert, late of Forks township
Su livan county, deceased, and to dis
tribute the tnouies so found in his hands
for distribution. Will attend to the duties
of his appointment at the office of Hon. B.
8. Collins, in Duahore, Pa , on Tuesday
July 10. 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m. when
all parties having claims ou said funds
must present them ituly authenticated or
be forever debarred from coming in on
said fi)nd-
A. J BRADLEY, Auditor.
Laporte, I'a,, June 11, 1^94.
W. C. MASON ]ln the Court of
I Common Fleasof
vs. J- Sullivan County,
! No. 98, May
SI:BAN W. (Jahhioi'ES. J Term, 1891.
Sullivan County, S.S:
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
the Sheriff of said County, Greeting:
We command you. as before command
ed that you attach Susan W. Uarriirues,
late of your couuty. by all and siugular
her goods aud chattels, lands and tene
ments. in whose hands or possession so
ever the same may be, so that they shall
appear before our Court of Common Pleas
to tie holden at Laporte in and for said
County, ou the 17th day of September,
next, there to auswer John L. Smyth and
Chailes It Latter, assigned to W. C.
Mason and W, C. Masou, in a Plea of
As-uinpait. And that you attach a piece
! or parcel of land, in the Borough of La
porte, described as follows:
Beginning at a corner of Lot No. 4 of
Williaui A- Mason'* allotment, theuce
east along southerly line of said lot, aud j
| extending along southerly line of 5 aud 6 I
1 along aforesaid allotment, 130 rods to u j
, corner of Lot No. 8. along alorexaiJ allot i
incut Theuce along wcateily line of la*t j
naiued lot, 40 rods to corner of Lot
| 10, thcncii along westerly liuc of last
ualued lots 120 rods to easterly liue of lot
11. Thence along easterly hue of afore
said lot 40 rod* to place of liegluiiiug.
t 'ontaiuiiig 30 acre* to la- the same, more
l orli ss The saute bring urilmproved nu,| I
liuot'i upied
Aud, alwi, that you hi in hi >u all |ieisous
'iu sliuw hands or pist-rwiou the -aid
goods aud chattels, lands aud teuciueuU,
or auy of *lteiu may be attached. So that
■ they, aud every of Iheiu. Iw and appear
iwiurt' our vial Court ou the I'th dsv of
-*c t )lcuihi. l*Ut, to mutter what -hall be
üb)<ctcd ugalUst Ilu lu, aud abide Ike
ul of tho anid Court thereto Aud
li.iv« you iln u and tUeie tlil< writ.
U Itui'H th< Honorable Johu A. Willser,
t'reauUul Judge ul our »aid I 'our I, at La
poiUi, llili 41*1 da> ul May, A I*,. I*Ut
At fUoaai s WaI.sII,
i »in.on iu* I'iit'sr ii» I
I'MSIIUO I'lM.llt '•
| Itl l IVtH I'MUtt, I*4 I
I'ublUUi'l b) oltln of the M»td Court
IIMHO Mvinrrn lUttiM
'MioiliUi' i. L«|H>rie I'a , June 11, ti,
A lot of $8 00 ladles ahoea will I* sold
for $2.00 until the stock is exhausted at
T. J. Kr.Kl.nnV
We have on hand the largest assort
ment of ladies' gents' and childrens' shoes
at the lowest price* ever offered in La
l>orle. Come and see them. —T. J. KF.ELER
Get your milk pans and palls at COLE'S
Hardware. Made of the best material
and workmausldp.
Men's women's and children's rubbers of
all sizes at John Finkle's, the Laporte boot
and shoe man John offers them reason
able. If in need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
Just received at T. J. Keeler's store, a
new lot of Morie silk, worth 75 cents per
yard—Our price 50 cents.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEIt'S.
LJME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John B. Fox & Co.. Hughesville, Pa.
Tin roofing, Bp?>utiug, Guttering, any
kimi of tin work you wunt, done on short
uotice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COLE, Dushore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
For the latest styles in men's and wo
men's shoes, call on John V. Finkle the
boot and shoe man South Muncy St, La
porte, Pa.
Notions and Drygoods just received at
T. J. KEELER'S, at bottom prices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains. Can he
used on any width window. Easy to put
up at, KEELEK'S-
Ladies shirt waists of all sizes at
Executor'# Notice*
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned upon the estate of
Auna Christiana Ring late of Laporte
township, notice is hereby given that all
persons indebted to said estate must make
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against the same must present them
duly authenticated to the undersigned for
HERMAN RING, Executor.
Laporte twp., May 28, 1£94.
OiIERIFF'S SALE —By virtueot SUN-
O DRY WRITS issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Sullivan county, and to
me directed and delivered, there will he
ex|>osed to public sale at the Laporte Hotel,
Laporte, Pa., on
SATURDAY, JUNE 30rn, 1894,
at 10 o'clock a. m.the foliowing described
property, viz:
All the following Lots, pieces or parcels
of land lying and being in the Township
of Laporte, County of Sullivan, aud State
of Pennsylvania, aud being Lots Nos. 4
and sof Section No. 4 and Lot No. 7, of
Section No. 8, of the allotments of the
Lake Mokoma Land Company; said Lots
Nos 4 aud 5 of Section No. 4, each front
ing west 100 fe-ton Fountain avenue, aud
each being 300 feet in depth; and Lot No.
7of Section No. 8, fronting east 85 feet
on Fountain avenue, and being 272 feet in
depth. Lot No. 4, seized and taken in
execution as the properly of E. J. Gaynor.
Lot No. 5, as the properly of E. K. Gay
nor; and Lot No. 7 as the property of F.
E. Gleim. Together with all the rights to
the Lake, and subject to all I he restrictions
of the Lake Mokoma Land Company.
The Lois are all uuimproved.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
sold as the property of E, J. Gaynor, Son
& Co. and E. J. Gaynor, at the suit of
Samuel Cole (use) et. al.
INOHAMS Attorneys.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, Pa., June 4, '94.
OHEKIFF'S SALE.—By virtueof a writ
0 of VKND. EX. BKAI.. issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan coun
ty. and to me directed and delivered, there
will be exposed to public sale at the Hotel
Carroll, in Du«hore, Sullivau Co., Pa , on
SATURDAY. JUNE 30, 1894,
at one o'clock p. m., the following de
scribed properly, situated partly in "Sulli
van and partly in Bradford counties, viz :
All that certain two lots pieces or parcels
of land lying and being partly In the Town
ships of Cherry and Forks, Sullivan coun
ty. and partly in Overton township. Brad
ford county,State of Pennsylvania, one
of said lots liounded as follows to wit:
No. 1. —Beginning at a stake and stones
at the north wosi corner of the large tract
hereinafter mentioned, thence south
degrees, east 213 perches, more or less,
along the liue of a tract Caleb t'armalt
warrantee, to a corner, thence south 30%
degrees, west 120 perches more or less to
a corner, thence north 59 degrees, west
213 perches to a corner on the west line of
the said tract, thence north degrees
east 120 perches more or less to the place
of beginning: Containing 150 acres more or
less, and allowance of (I percent, for roads,
etc. Being part of a larger tract of land
called "Cornfield," aud in the warrant
name of Jonathan Carmalt.
The other of said lots bounded as fol
lows, to wit:
No. 2.—Beginning at a corner in the
line of lands of Christian Beverly and
lauds of Henry Beverly, theuce north
d grees, eust 45 perches to a corner, thence
by lands of Jacob Heverly south 45 de
grees east 140 perches to a corner, thence
south 30 degrees, west 5 perches to a corn
er, thence north tR) degrees west to the
place of lMgiuning: Containing 20 acres
aud 14 perches more or less.
licmtNii ar.d reserviug however, from
out of the laud herein descrlfied, afl acres
more or less, bounded as follows: Begin
ning at a stake and stones at the north
west corner of a large tract of laud herein
mentioned, theuce south «K> degrees, east
71 pervhea al >ng liue of a tract in the
warrantee uaiueof Cdeli Caruianlt, to a
WW ihence south 4H4 degrees went
126 |a-idie* to a corner theuce north 60
degrees, west 31 |ie relies to an ash. thence
north 30 degrees, east 120 la-rehes to the
place of beginning, being situate partly Iu
Forks township Sullivau couuty, I'euua.,
and parity iu Bradford couuty, Petiiia
ALSO further excepting aud reserving
from out of the laud herein described 50',
acres more or leas, with the usual allow
ance, situate iu flurry towuship said
1 Sullivau couuty, bouuded a* follows, to
wit Beginning at a |hi»i corner of land
in tile warrantee name of Jacob Parker,
iheiieu by same south .'J degrees, west 120
1 lurches to a |a»t, Ilieueu north 'it degrees
weal Hi perches to a post theuce by land
ul Henry Heverly, north 32 degrees. ea«t
136 (ien Ins hi a post by the public road,
theuce by said road 23 |M*iches to a post In
will road, theuce simlll 48!, degrees, east
53 perches to a |MISI, thence south 83 de
greea west 5 |n-ri lm to a |*»t them north
5U decrees. Mist 5 pen lies Iu the place of
lieaiuuiug i Thereby leaving vested in de
friidaiit aU'Ut M acrrs and Ul |i»r« lies
inure or less «wilka lite usual allow sine
tlu tsbuh pfo|*rty there is im tnl a
tlali.i' liollse, a (tank bits and oltwi out
building! a Urge ot> Uaid tlierivn, and
lulus ueat.y all clearest
■H-iaed. lake II llltti r4i 4 iiluili and lo Iw
mid as the proper u ul A U- Itavrrly at
the «nli of \\ J. lioiii nstein
llloMln M\H\mV. Mfcertt.
fcoltft*. Atiointy
Dtivlld i will'.'. l.apvlU, Pa Jun« 4, '4i
First National Bank,
*» *
Capital $60,000. Surplus and Undividod Profits $12, 000.
This bank oilers all the usual facilities for the transaction of a
Accounts Respectfully Solicited.
DeWitt Bodine, President. W. C. Front/, Cashier
C. W. Waddrop, Vice President.
Manufactuter and dealer in
Boots and Shoes.
We keep at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most and Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts al- fljiyTlfiß And can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to UtiUU ttUitfiU Prices, with satisfaction.
-OUR -
Custom {} Department
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Hoots are an especial bar-»
gain. A pleasure to show goods whether 3*oll buy or not.
#/. $. Harrington,
I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines ot Samples from two Merchant Tailoring EBtab*
lißhments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
$1.50 Per.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dushore, Penn.
We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds, includ
ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Underware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber goods, Felt*
and etc., at prices that defy competition.
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dushore, Pa.
We respectfully invite YOU tocall and see us and examine goods and prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W. Carroll Co.
WWe are headquarters for Henriettas, Casbineres, Black French goods*
Moire' Silks Moire' Gotten Goods. Japonettea, Fine French Ginghams,
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects Ac.
Everybody will want—
iLaces This Yeare
For trimming. We Lave the largest stock of them ctcr shown
in the County.
Having imported several crates of Crockery direct—■
sFrom England.?
We are prepared to gift 1 you pi ices that will astonish you.
A new stock of Ladies' Men's and Children's shoes. Window bhadet t
Lace curtains Ac. A new stock of Fresh Groceries
Arriving Daily. (ilve us a call.
£1 11.fix KAMI
I/iyal Hoel, Co*l, for sale al the breaker of tha State Lint A BullivM
i Ibulroad Co. at lie rut*:*—
, lb* MUle Liu* A KuilUan it l( Kv I- U UkiuMT,