Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, June 08, 1894, Image 3

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FKIDAY, JUNE 8. 1884
4c * ♦ * # * *— * * *
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune I
*| and |
# Sullivan Republican *
| for I
*j $1.25 One Year $1.25. j
♦ —* * » * • • • • *
Sunday was breezy.
Land sales June 11th.
Head our business locals.
Court adjourned Saturday morn
A tin plate in ill will be construct
ed in Harrisbnrg.
The State treasurer is paying out
the school warrants.
Carpenters began work on the
court House, Wednesday.
Our people predicted an early
spring, but they were wrong.
Francis McDonald of Cherry, was
doing business in town Saturday.
Time flies fast. Fourth of July
only three weeks from uext Wednes
The Democratic county conven
tion will convene iu Forksville, in
Sheriff Mahaffey advertises two
sheriff sales in this issue of the ItE
A shower passed over this vicinity
Sunday night and the air was full
of electricity.
Judge Phillips of Muncy Valley,
was doing business at the county
seat, Monday.
The lirst ward people are giving
Mr, McFailane lots of orders for
lumber, these days.
The Democratic State Convention
will convene in Harrisburg on
Wednesday, June 27th.
Frank Magarglc of Soneslown,
was transacting business at the
county seat, Wednesday.
The Republican convention will
be held in Laporte oil the 2tith ol
June. See call elsewhere.
The through express was short
life, but she was a high header and
a good looker while she existed.
A large number of subscribers lo
the Republican, called last week
•and settlod with the printer. Thanks.
The Senate investigating com
mittee, Carlisle aud the Sugar
Trust, arc making a sweet mess of
The people of Westeru Sullivan
are anxious for a mail service be
tween Foot of Plain and Eldred—
There were three divorce cases in
court last week. The women were
the dissatisfied ones and did the ap
Mother earth is soaked with water
and a good part of the seeds
recently putin the ground, are de
Those of our readers who desire
to attend the Treasurers' land sales,
must putin an appearance on Mon
day June lltli.
A large number of suckers taken
from the tributaries of Lake Moko
iua, were carried home by court
guests last week.
Frank Gallagher says the people 1
of Laporte are more united tod ty,
than for the past uiue yearn. The i
cause is apparent.
Jack Itobinsuu says he is a sial
wart republican aud proposes to
taks 0.l his coat and work for the
ticket (iocxl boj •) M k
Hon. M S. Quay is uot in favor!
uf increasing the present rales ot
domestic postage on newspapers ,
Quay is a friend of tin* poor.
JoUu Uui.t, the Fi< ludiiuan 01,
Oeletlia, who stolu I', H. Ingham'*
ball, last winle'', Mtpofe* in lull. lln
emu MMteuued him to 'to days.
Thrill tmw o.isus ** I .itmllp'iv wen
n puiti'd t'i board ol health oi
Lewmlowu, l«st wit k limn an
lliuu i it'Os Ulidi r l|u*l UlaUl lluW
VVUoM I'li.'ti Uu>j VUMMM In illitH
hi* »»uiy fur \l*>, will lliu |»»jf
m*»Ur 4«lucl #1 tlu lui ihc Uu
«!»>• Uti W+* >lw»tnt Ml|«t •UxuUug
W J UN mini; ul Uuilimi M4«
4lgi'Hg lU« ImaitM •* liti (I 4l ilia cmili
4) U. ||WU4M>> ll* »•» > IMHUUM I
JHMiU"! b | t>. • llUit *u«, IVwiul
iUt iltitlj tlHillt llllli ul IM> Vl'llg
ul lllti I'lldlH) Ittfi.i* I .. I.K«
I(WM Vllt if <4 Ml
|kl»«|i« i'« J<*l M, »;l.
«w4 <M4ii l«» 4
Jw lg'* Bill** i Ml I
• fail* l>Ml> t..#4 »♦*•» «M*4 I'M (#*» Wt
|*«f *4 Wn »<•• »«*••! 111 «l» H»U l»i
. U|t (*l« 4 IrM lit 112 I' l»U I i •*
fttuHutt, W»*« '•»*
Now that we lmvu a new moon it
is predicted tbat we will have les*
rnin. _______
The new school board organized
on Monday. J. A. Jordan was elect
ed president of the hoard.
Mr. Higley, was the delegate from
Laporte, to the Prohibition State
Convention held in U illianisport on
A 11 tun iter of our people will at
tend the commencement exercises ol
the Collegiate Institute, ofTowanda,
next Wednesday.
If the Senate would only try to
do something and stop trying the
newspaper correspondents it might
grow more popular.
County Commissioner, J. J. Web
ster and Commissioners' clerk, J.
E. Gallagher, were doing business in
Williamsport, Tuesday.
The M. E. parsonage at La porte,
was raised on Tuesday. The large,
able and willing force of men pres
ent made quick work of it.
M. C. Mercur Esq., of Eld red
ville, was transacting business at
the county seat, Tuesday. Mr.
Mercur made the Repuulicax o(liee
a call while here.
Landlord Seeley of the Forksville
Hotel, is erecting a new barn. Mr.
Seeley proposes to be in readiness
to look after the horses left in his
cue, during the progress of the
Forksville fair.
Williamsport welcomed the Pro
hibitionists on Wednesday. It is
fair, to presume that the Lumber
City people did not use any display
of prejudice because their guests
favored water.
Everybody is making prepara
tions to come to Laporte on th'j 15th
of August. Well, they will never
regret the trip. We are going to
have a gala day over here on that
There was'nt a single civil case
heard last week. The little petty
Commonwealth suits took the time
of the court. The same old trial
list will appear for September term
with a few new cases added to it.
The annual encampment of the
Department of Pennsylvania, Grand
Army of the Republic, will be held
at Gettysburg, June 30 to July 0,
inclusive. A sufficient number of
tents will be pitched on Cemeteiy
Hill for the use of Posts,
A bicycle to be run by hot air
and that will carry two persons is
soon to be placed on the market by
Hiram W. Kistler, says the Strouds
burg JcJfcrHonian, It will cost
£SOO. The price places it beyond
the reach of printers.
Wo turned out nine jobs last week
and have as many more on our job
hook. We did one or two for
parties in the vicinity of Dushore.
When the people over there are de
sirous of a good job, they address
it to the Rki-i m.icAN office.
Stewart Chase while looking after
the furnace in the basement of the
school building last week, stepped
on a wire uall, which penetrated his
foot a half inch or more. The pain
of the wound was so sevyro that Stew
was confined to his room for several
days after the mishap.
A general rehearsal of polities was
talked over at the county seat last
week. There seems to bo a general
dissatisfaction in the Democrat ic
ranks regarding their candidates
and there is a move on foot to brirg
out a"duk horse" for one or two
ol the offices,
Olllcitilu >'f tli»' he hi git Valley nnil
Monlroiit! roii'U «unu to this plu v
Tue»il:iy, ftutl were taken to Mont
toott by MpfiMtil train. Tin* object ol
llio trip i» unknown, luit U
In U.ivt b 'i'ii in connection »i(U tbe
inuoli tulk'il of Jtiiigli.iialon mnl
\Villmn»*jMitl root. Tuuklmiinook
\\ 111 I'UI Hit- I lull! UH %4MIW-
A prominent mili'ul linn inform*
ti* iUii it it only u >| u«*ml mn of u
»uiy »li.ul liiiii wluu tliu >uilciili l>l
llyvl »V lli I III! tiifOU)|it to I o
of ttie
•ttrviuu mu im* |i«>ii>liit|( I ofcuml.t
Will |>ti»»a«» it* »oul Willi (mlicliil
| OM»I»>|.I H> ■ *> m
Min Met i bin it lunuiim In tlo
i W|tlM) ol J imm Mi I llUllM ol |.4
(milm. ilitltilgu I lit "t»4 *)i on
M'lloit) kH'l illlil' l lill i I|i|'l>>)ti|4
•iwii 4ii>| iuuk mi t itk* * w«M m>u
t|i Mfcfr 4|l.>l|t t;i»lj|»i m> I" *ll 4lt I
Ikl I . I. I-i ,
*iiu inii H I M •!»««
<(|ill 'lw*M Mi 4*l li *tn>l MM« II ll'i(
4t*>i i'le i*l hum ll| |||« t ui
Ml- It.l Uu M 'bU)
ill# •4M 144 ll> 4> 'l l*lwfv
li y b4 1t 'l it# / -41 | I lit ip •vi I V
«M. t>i 'HI n«»» «!• I I Mt tit'i
oiii ii| 'i 'Wi 4« * « ">• I Ha*
' I»i Jifc 4 \u i »li
When hailstones us large as
oranges cover the ground to the
depth of six inches in Texas, people
residing north of Mason & Dixon's
line have little cause to complain.
Jack Robinson, at the Republi
can convention, recently held in
llariisburg captured high, low and
the game. If the cards had not been
manipulated he would have get
'•Jack" also.
Every consumer of sugar after
the pending tariff bill becomes a law
with the sugar schedule retained as
it now is, will contribute to enrich
ing the sugar trust by paying the
advanced price of sugar.
Among the number of Laporte
people who attended the Prohibi
tion Convention iu Williamsport on
Wednesday, were: Mr. and Mrs.
K. A. Couklin, Mrs. Tinklepaugh,
Mr. Hi;;ley and J. W. Ballard aud
daughter, Miss Irine.
Trains Nos. 23 and 24, known as
the morning and evening express,
are not subject to tlaging at the Lie*
porte Tannery and Holmes' Mid.
Laporte people desirous of taking
these trains must get aboard at the
Laporte depot.
U (' T. 112. toilveutiou.
The Third Quarterly Convention
of the Sullivan county W. C. T. U.
will be held at Laporte, on Wednes
day, June 20. Mrs. Anna V. Ham
mer, State President, will be pres
ent during the entire session. The
program will be published nexl
Miss 11. M. Litti.k, Sec'y.
Farmers who have planted their
corn in consequence of the continued
wet weather talk disconragingly of
the prospect of a good crop should
they be able to plant within a week.
Crop records will show that good
crops of corn have resulted
from planting as late as the 12th of
At the annual meeting of the
IlillsGrove township school board
on Monday it was decider! to length
en the school term to eight months
and to raise the salaries ot the teach
ers ten per cent. This indicates a
progressive spirit on the part of the
school boaid of IlillsGrove, and
should be an example to the boards
in other districts in our county.
The wood work of the Lake Mo
koma steam boat, arrived last week
and is being put together on the
beach of the lake. The machinery
will be whipped in a few days. The
men engaged on the work say it
will take them until the last of June
to coinple the sti ucf.ure. The boat
will he fifty feet ill length and will
carry from fifty to seventy live
If the pending tariff bill is passed
it will always be blackened with the
sugar trust scandal, and every per
son who pays two cents more a
pound thereafter for su»ar, will be
reminded of the corrupt bargain
made by the Democrats in the presi
dential campaign of 1892 with the
trust in consideration of a $.">00,000
contribution to the campaign fund.
I'roliiliiliuu n I'uiliire.
PORTLAND, Me., May 28.—1n an
interview General Neal Dow ac
knowledged that, for the first time
in his life, bis prohibition liquor
law was '"not enforced at till in
Portland." lie said: "The sheritl
and city authorities are commanded
by the statutes to enforce the Maine
law, and their ulliclal oath binds
them to be faithful to thai duty.
The liquor law is not enforced in
Portland because the leaders wish to
obtain the vole and iulluuiicc of the
rum sellers."
The proper ofli -laUof Lycoming
county not satisfied with the I
result of the inquest held on there i
main- of 1-aeh' i llou-i kneeht, dU
inleied the liody on Wednesday of'
hut week and with m* vera I phvsi- i
ciun» luade a second examination. I
with a view of obtaining, if |>o»sible,
the cause of hi* death, but not even
a tooth bud In Hii knocked cut and
positive!) no vvideuut! found l<<
show thai the mil irtnuate nan had
Ikm'U Murdered. T'li< will put a
• lop to jjo*Mp and w ill be belter in
the cud.
lb tdf iii count.) hn two pliOts
toi hul l.iu iotiil it I uwuiitlu and
I'll') the q •lion 111 the con
•Ululloli iIU v uf 14u emits for Ottc
countv is Im HIJ agitated up tltuie, the TUIKIIHIU !{>FIUHLNAII am*
lln»l "in uidn to li tvw litis qui »|iuu
li itl• •V> 'I. I lllnk < III' 111 ||:»» (s ill
*l4llvl !•) 1 ik ui'la ilf i* n» to 1(4 11
llm tiiw t >keii b< lult the iluiili tin
t'ouit, S'"l 4 tilt dt'isloll Ik'lldeitd
Willi 111. i lilt IU H||4 »t|bati| i| tloli
|M|>H» lulu bnii ouiii 4, tb l it ||
w>pti.U'l I >>ilii< lent fnud* Will Im.'
imivul to i4< 14-*} ttm vq*t'tiin m| vul*
i)itijjilnp I hi* !• *u iiup"i
tl !• v i| iv#t|tti| in "ti.iiii
tin )«• iii | the w I*Mli.
tl| 111 « Itfbl u- i t>J till* kMMIt «|«
IblMitWd »* till in wuitieis l
<4 a II it*i« WJMU !• uMvMtstim
Hul. .i 44 *'tM> itMlIU)* UiUtV* 14
•WwM U* kn-i**, IM tt»#4 ||u
| » Mites Mr l»|
•» U» » M
County Superintendent, F. W
Meylert, of Laporte, lias been
selected us one of tlie examiners of
the graduating class of the Alans
field Normal School arid will leave
for that place on Saturday. The
examining exercises will take
place on Tuesday, June 12th-
Mr. Mevlcrt will b-.i accompanied by
his wife as far as Waverly, where she
will goto Middletown, N. Y., on a
visit tf> friends, Frank, after filling
his appointment at Mansfield, will
join the Mrs. at Middletown, They
will be absent from home for several
Mllilwry Enrollment for I lie I'oiiu
-1} ol Sullivan
Below will be found a list of citi
zens in the different precincts of
Sullivan county, who are able to
bear arms in defense of their coun
try, if called upon to do so.
The assessors who performed (his
work received three cents per name:
Cherry, 406
Colliy HOO
I'll v ids<.n, 211
Du-hor.', las
Klkliinil iil
h'orkavilla 3;t
l'»* Sts
Porks I o«
Mill-drove, 109
Lii|>orto li ~...„ 06
Laporte T 72
Shrowstury, yfi
Total 1777.
On Tuesday, the 26th of June the
delegates of the various precincts
in Sullivan county will meet iu Con
vention at Laporte for the purpose
of nominating men to fill the places
on the Republican ticket. It should
be remembered by these delegates
that to their good judgment, iu a
great measure, depends the success
of the ticket next fall and they
should use lots of carc that their
selections be wisely made. Let
their work be we'll done in harmony
and the party will march forward to
victory in tlie coining campaign.
We should till bo true to our prin
ciples and help and advise to nomin
ate the strongest ticket possible.
The IiKPUBUCAN will ever favor
this end.
The receipts at the Laporte Rail
Road station for the month of May,
was as followsi
Tiekcta gol l t?00.0(i.
Freight rcccivnl 755.00.
I'rci :ht fo: wirilcd, 631,11.1
Hx|>ro-s roc ivoil 4ft 75.
KX|>ro<g furivacded C.50.
Telephoning 5.50,
Total $1,646.45.
It will bo noticed that our ship- ,
inents arc nearly as largo as those
received, which is a very good show
ing for our town. Mr. Rittcr, the '
station agent, informs us that the
receipts of April ran over two thou
sand dollars. This makes Laporte
one of the best paying stations along
Iho line of the Williamsport and
North Branch Rail Road.
! "There will be a picnic at Cumiskey
j in Norc ink's grove for the benefit of St.
Francis Catholic church at that place,
j dancing and other amusements will be
the order of the day. Refreshments will
be s rveti ou (lie grounds. Good music
will be furnished. A cordial iuviiation
is extended to all."
\\ e clip the above from the
"Grandmother" the Dttshore (Jtizittc.
Now just when this picnic is to
take place the readers of the
••(Jraiiilmother," don't know. Such
information is frequent In "Grand
mother." iSlie means well, lint is
childish atid forgetful. "Grandma"
is not ollluial l»y nny means.
A Scr&nton paper gives pidilicitv
to the following, but takes no stock
in the piedictiou that the unall
stock holders will be swindled out of
Iheir stock in the matter indicated:
" I'he results id oil operations at '
UrociLlyn, Su->i|iiehaiiiia county, are |
awaited with iuteivst 11 v the rcsU
ileiits of the supposed oil belt. The 1
boring i* now in charjju of New,
Vti|K parties, who have eulisted the
interest off tuners in that vicinity, I
who in let 11111 for (tie) autl otlun
supplies lako stuck in the prospective 1
;• nailers (ileal aecrucy la ohaerwil
111 the work, uiul tin diiller* will
,'iv« no information aa to the depth
112 the bulc h lies. it la ealiuiatetl
111 it lite wi 11-, ate now ttbttul I,'Jt" 1
li't t 111 tli pth. In e1 ie oil It loitiitl
111.ui) tiitiin ile lh it the wulia will bt
' until thu am ill attiekbolil
tu at an bo induced to pall wilh
th*M' I'laiitis."
Hllli'S hh me Sli|(u list' A
\ 111 11 b) l m «•'ma of tliit it • \
nl iiit .ii ant billed uit (be Mate I inn
V Mailn.ui i.oiital btlattu Sea
VIII4III and'Uiiuig. (it about
11 > 1 11* mI Filial uisbl lit
11l U.* II tu > li. 111 aa 111 S a 41
a "bi»»t ' 1 ii|t liiiloiti. •utM > a bill
iiidi i ibu HiHnt I, m u| Iktwol, abd
•Itilwl up Ota iaiii"al llttk to
a ti>l« lilt it ">iie \li.iit Iha In
«ta!• 'I t «ii . ftMti ii 011 ttodb
'•HtalM. ttw. •iuitg, atid *ii mb bit#,
tlti it**) Ual'i p«»t> i i|Vt| blitt
1 ' M# it wftii I bt iH/jit't j. Ha im
I | . i Übmg .. 1 ,
K»a a i» i alls ai' i 11 t
ib" |ita a#!!i||i km
A lot of $3.00 ladle* shoes will lie sold
for $2.00 uutil the stock is exhuusted at
We have on band the largest assort
ment of ladies' gents' ami chililrent' shoes
at the lowest prices ever offered in La
porte. Come and see them.— T. J.KKELBR.
Oet your milk pans and pails at COI.e'S
Hardware. Made of tlie best material
and workmanship.
Men's women's and children's rubbers of
all sizes at John Finkle's, Uie Laporte boot
and shoe man John offers them reason
able. If in need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
Just received at T. J. Heeler's store, a
new lot of Morie silk, worth 75 cents per
yard—Our price 50 cents.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEH'S.
LfME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John li. Fox ifc Co . ilughesville, Pa.
Tin roofing. Spouting, Guttering, any
kind of tin work you wiint, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COI.K, Dushore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, l'a.
For the latest stylos in men's and wo
men's shoes, call on John V. Finkle the
boot, and shoe man South Muncy St, La
porte, Pa.
Notions and Drygoods just received at
T. J. KISELER'S, at bottom prices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COLE'S Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains. Can be
used on any width window. Easy to put
up at, KEEI.KII'S.
Ladies shirt waists of all sizes at
Execntor'w Notice.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned upon the estate of
Anna Christiana Ring lute of Laporte
township, notice is hereby given that all
persons indebted to said estate must make
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against the same must present them
duly authenticated to the undersigned for
HERMAN KING, Executor.
Laporte twp., May 28, 1801.
vHERIFP'B BALE —By virtueot WUN-
I'HY Witrrs issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Sullivan county, and to
me directed and delivered, there will be
exposed to public sale at the Laporte Hotel,
Laporte, Pa., »n
SATURDAY, JUNE 30™, 1891,
at 10 o'clock a. in.the following described
property, viz:
All ilie following Lots, pieces or parcels
of land lying anil being in tho Township
of Laporte, County of Sullivan, and Stale
of Pennsylvania, and being Lots Nos. 4
and sof Section No. -1 and Lot No. 7, of
Section No. 8, of the allotments of the
Lake Mokoma Land Company; said Lots
Nos 4 and 5 of Section No. 4, each front
iug west 100 fe ton Fountain avenue, and
each being 800 feet in depth; and Lot No.
7of Section No. 8, fronting east 85 feet
on Fountain avenue, and being 273 feet iu
depth. Lot No. 4. seized and taken in
execution as the property of E. J. Gaynor.
Lot No. 5, as "lie property of E. K. Guv
nor; and Lot No, 7as the property of F.
E. Gleim. Together with all the lights to
the Lake, and subject to all the restrictions
of the Lake Mokoma Land Company,
The l.o's are all unimproved.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
- >1(1 as the property of E. J. Gaynor, Son
& Co, and E. J. Gaynor, at the suit of
Samuel Cole (use) <-"t. al.
INOIUMS Attorneys.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, Pa., June 4, 'O4.
OIIEKIKF'S SALB.—By virtue of « writ
»-1 of VEND. EX. KKAI„ issued out of the
Court of Common Picas of Sullivan coun
ty. and to iin- directed and delivered, there
will be exposed to public sale at the Hotel
Carroll, in Difhore, Sullivan Co., Pa on
SAT I' PDA Y. JINK HO, 1594,
at one o'clock p. in., the following de
scribed property, situated partly in Sulli
van iiiid partly in Bradford counties, viz:
All that certain two lots pieces or parrels
of land lying and being partly In the Town
ships of''herry and Forks, Sullivan coun
ty. and partly in Overton township, Brad
ford county.Stale of Pennsylvania, one
of said lots bounded as follows to wit:
No. 1 Beginning at a stake and stones
at the north west comer of the large tract
hereinafter mentioned, thence south
degrees, ea't 213 perches, more or less,
along the line of a tract Caleb ('annult
wariautcc, to a cotner, thence south 3o l g
degrees, west ISO perches more or less to
a corner, thenoe north 59 degrees, west
•JlB perches tu a corner on the west line of
the said tract, thence north HOdegrees
east 190 perches more or less to the place
of beginning; Containing 150 acres nioreoi
less, ami allow ante of ti percent, for roads,
ttc. Being part of a larger tract of land
called "CorniieM," ami in the warrant
inline of Juiia) bun Cariuull.
The other of said lots bounded as fol
lows, to wit:
No 'J. —Beginning at a corner in the
line of Imds of Christian lleverly and
lauds of Henry lleverly, theuce north
d* Krci», east 45 perches to a corner, thence
by lands of Jacob lleverly south 1 > ile
grees east 14U pen In * to a corner, thence
south HO dugie ■*, w< -t 5 perched to a turn
er. I lie n< e n->i i h titl tlcgiaes wetl to the
place of bt; inning: Continuing 20 acres
and 14 pt reins more or Its*.
Km i I'liNu ai.d rtarvlug however, from
"ill ol (lie latnl bt'l' in described, !iU aerea
IIIOI e or lens, tummled its follows liegiu
uing at a »t:il»t anti »iouc* at the north
wv t comer of 4 l-irg'i traet of land lutein
tut nti uttl, limine MIUIII Ml degrees, cit»l
M pen In »al iug line of % tract in the
w.tiiiiiiti uutiieof t tleh Carin.tnll, tu u
turner, tkeiiti' aniiltl 4si ( drains west
l.'il p< ibeato a i unit r tie m.m rib tMI
deipitt ' wt»l HI |ierchik to an ash llience
Hot til KM dt Liw • t .t-l t'.'O , t lilu-» to tin
olat ii u| U utii i.t u-u »||i,Mie partly in
r'oiks t iwimiii Hulllv.iu itiunis Pinna.,
and t iitlv IN ll' ITIIORTLT IUNIY I'tuna
Vl.sii fun tu I «.• »t I'lliitj and it»iiviuy
(row out of the land lifltlll Irtt iilml 1111,
nlt » limit or b a llh lb> usual allow
Mil', » ttttlw ill I lull) luaU' li p attttl
Hubi* ,A t irimtf, b itiud'd I« fnliuwt, ii>
WLL lit 41 A PTTTI T< IITT'I N( lanu J
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I .'a pt it bt *to » |m*l b> iLi ptildb load,
iInMI >■ bt wid Mat <M i» 11 bt * l*« a |wa in
•lit line!, tl»tut* m> fit Ml| itai t* taal
n bit W< a I*' ilt tin. aouiit 44 ti
*1.1« »t .l ll*it li • 111 « ptttl IUVAT" bu|lb
.11 4 al"'» I**l 4 tsei • tti lit* I tat« UI
u. lull 1.4 lb* mli» ifcttsna v«si>4 m .bt
ftttian 1»! ''•( st it . ( < u i hi |tta bt«
tta'.ii ut it 1 a.ib 'itt u»tt*l tv
ita *b bll lull, tbait a tin it.| a
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t.. idi.. # « a ij-1«t "t bail tla* <- at a*» 4
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a ltd >*b<a 'nix * t-< -ii.t*a aw 4 tub*
*• 14 a* 'l< t t!"'U I 4 I Pti'tb al
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|i|nit U llirili Hb*iii|
a •( ib» a't imj
•b-<i4t Aat< 1 -lt» iaM t| #4
i Manufactuter and dealer in
. Boots aintf Slioes.
We keep at :ill times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable.Make and Latest Styles.
; I secure all discounts a], p flflVflM And can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to Villlfl fiUltliU P,ices, with satisfaction.
CUSTOM {} 15 W'ahtmbnt
is rushed tj keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar
gain, A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
•/. S* Harrington,
I am prepared IJ meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ot
Til UNA'S, HA GS A NJ) UM li li EE LA S.
I also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Est*b»
liehments, for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get priew.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
$1.50 Per* Dozen.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
Citizens ot Shunk j Vicinity,
ARK STRICTLY IN IT ? (And don't you think they ore not).
With the largest lino of (Jeneral Merchandise ever kept in a first Class Sonera] Store.
nnd Winter goods of cvory description, and a full lino of everything, and no trouble to haw
goods and we will fur t'ASII sell you cheaper than you can buy elseivliero eithor in Sulllv n or
Bradford. Call and look them over, before buying elsewhere, in we can tavo you neeey.
Thanking you for your patron igo iu t'uu p i.-t, by 11 and Fair dealiugj wo hope to merit
ymr patronage in tlio future. Yours very respectfully,
J. H. Campbell & Son.
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dushore, Penn.
We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishim;- (roods of all kinds, includ
ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, t'nderware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber uood»,
und etc., at prices that defy competition.
Custom Wobk
Phomptlt Airm
Correctly done at our head iiunriers in MOTEL C.\ RKOI I. BLOCK at I>u»hore,
We respectfully invite \OU tocall and sec us anil examine good* und prictt
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J. W. Carroll & Co.
-BBWOM - li,
Mr Wo are headquarters I'm Sl> nrietta-, Mlaek Prt'uch gootli
Xfoire'Sllktt Moiru'CoUmi tiocds. .1 ij>■ > n> 11• s, l-'iue French (ihighea*
Satliues, Dulled .Swiss effect* ifl,
Everybody will want-
SLaces This Year?
For liiiuuiiug, We h»\« the lat >-i ut thitu ever »hown
in the I'onnly.
Having import. I > vu. >1 ci u-» of Crock, i,v Jireci—■»
iFrom Eng land.c
wvwi*i ttw
We »ic pupiitd Uj n>t >'"» | ■ • Ibul v» II ictonieh you.
A tit * til l.i ■(.. • M > it .Ut >». \\ IliduW
1..m. cult tin* ,Vit. \ in w itiH h wl I iveit tirotterive
#: IV. .M'M'.JJf.J.
Nutft t'"«' h " *• In. w| •«u |.t«f 4 ambit*
t m «
tin Litti i H«, >ii§|| ti | t | y uti-Mli I \