Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, May 04, 1894, Image 3

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PHIDA.Y, MAY 4, 18U4-
Mails leave Laporte I'ost Office
for W. &N. li. U- It., and arives ns
7-30 a in. | Ive. Laporle ive. | lla.jn.
11 55 " | arv. 77 arv7 j 3p. m
2-30 | lve. " | <>:3o
7- | arv. "" ~ j 8.10 am
E. M. MASON, P. M.
*%**** * * * * *
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune l #
*i and |
* Sullivan Republican *
I for II
*51.25 One Year $1.25. |
* —* —* # * * * # * * *
Sunday was a perfect (lav.
Republican convention, next Tues
Straw hats are becoming, this
warm weather.
Laporte will soon be the metropo
lis of the county.
The steam boat for Lake Mokoma
has beeu ordered.
Tuesday, the first day of May,
was a beautiful day.
Ground has been broken for the
new M. E. parsonage.
Mrs. E. J. Flyun of Jamison City,
is visiting friends in Laporte.
The high grade of the Laporte
school, will close this Friday.
Arbor Day, Friday April 27th,
•was not observed at Laporte.
It will be twenty years in July
since Charlie lloss was abducted.
The Sattertield depot was com
pleted on Thursday of last week.
County Commissioner Gabriel
Litzeluian, was in town Tuesday.
Sherift MahatTey edits a half
column of the REPUBLICAN, this
D. C. Gritinan of Nordinont, was j
■doing business at the county seat,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Crossley of
jLaporte, were calliug ou friends in
Dushore, Sunday.
The season for a general house
cleaning is here, and tlie man ,
knowetli not his home.
James Walsh, road supervisor of
Laporte borough, commenced woik
on our streets, Monday.
Washington now has the Com
monweal as well as Congress 011 its
hands. A double affliction.
JRev. J. \V. Crawford of Danville,
was calling 011 old friends in La
porte, the early part of the week.
The appearance of Mountain Ash
cemetery at Laporte, will compare
favorably with cemeteries of larger
The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at j
the home of Miss Fannie Meylert j
May 4. All are cordially invited to
A. A. Baker of Laporte twp.J
caught 224 trout on Saturday. This
is the largest catch of the season in
this vicinity.
John P. Kennedy of Jamison City
is the proud father of a son. Tlie
Mrs. and baby are as well as could
be expected.
Geo. W. Simmons and D. W.
Darling, both of Sonestown, were
among the visitors at the county
seat, Tuesday'.
Mrs. William Lawrence of Canton
and grand-mother to Will and
Charley Lawrence, is visiting
friends in Laporte.
Rer. Father Enright of Dushore, |
will hold services in the school
house at Laporte, 011 this Sabbath,
May titli, at 10 a. in.
T. J. Keeler, general merchant of
Laporte, lefi for Philadelphia on
Tuesday where he will purchase a
new lot of goods.
The Laporte liuildiug Association
have staked out two dwellings ou
South Muncy street and work will
commence on the s.inie at once.
The Indbrd Star Usmd :it *fo
wanda, by C. F. Heverly, made its
tirst appearance last. week. It advo
cate* the passage of the Wilson bill.
Urick laying was commenced on
the Troy courthouse, Monday.
Mr La wrence iiifuim* us that Work
is progressing right along on this
Morgan Uavitt, Dept. Treasurer
of Sullivan oounty, who has junt le
cotered froiu an attack of the
lueasels, was taken ill with the
utuuips on Monday
The County Cowniustouers will
lusal at lite Whirl's Kud biidge on
this Thursday for the purpose ol
aeoeptiug or rejecting the
of tbu approaeb to said structure,
i'sluuk 4*»«uey couliaUyi
No Coxev army ever matched on
j Washington when the Republican
! party was in power. The only army
j that attempted it was driven back
faster than it c-une.
The dispensary liquor law, of
South Carolina, has been declared
unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court, two of the justices concurring
and one dissenting.
Two cars on the KaglesMere R.
R, loaded with lumber, were thrown
oil the track on Monday morning.
It is said, the track is not in proper
repair. No person was injured in
the mishap.
At Bethlehem, I'M., a man has
beeu arrested on the novel charge
of grave stealing. Too poor to pur
chase a cemetery lot he forced open
the gate, dug a grave and buried
his infant child.
When a man discovers an absolutely
good thing he works it alone says
the Susquehanna Journal ; when in
doubt about it he organizes a stocK
company and gets himself elected to
a salaried office.
Sain Allen, the veteian engineer
on the W. & N, 8., who was laid off.
owing to slackness of work for the
past few weeks, resumed work on
Mondaj\ lie is now looking after
freight engine No. 3.
John P. Kennedy of Jamison City,
accompanied by his sister-in-law,
Miss Jessie Craner of Syracuse, N.
Y., drove up from Jamison on Tues
day and attended the May Day
party at Hotel Kennedy.
A new iron roof will be placed on
the Laporte tannery leach house,
and the building otheiwise repaired
Work will commence on tho same at
once. After this work is completed.
Supt. Fly nil will have the dry house
James Connor of Nordrnont,
made the REPUBLICAN office a call,
on Monday and renewed his sulw
scription one year in advance.
Jim says wo are "dyed in the wool,"
but admires a man who is'nt ashamed
of his politics.
What has the Borough ever done
to that fellow who throwed that pile
of rubbish along and in South Muney
street? He surely is a revengeful
fellow. Our Town Council ought,
to look him up and present him
with a brass ladle.
The St. Charles hotel in New
Orleans, burned on Saturday night.
Five lives were lost in the lire, The
loss of property is estimated at
*500,000. This hotel was head
quarters for the rebel generals during
the recent war.
Who will receive the Sullivan 1
County Democratic Sentorial Con- ;
ferecs ? Three of our Democratic 11
friends are in hot pursuit Either,
we arc given to understand will
make an active fight in conference
for the nomination.
Summer resorts will soon open, i
The people of Eagles Mere hope to (
entertain a large gathering of city
guests this season. We have every |
reason to believe that Lake Mokoma ■
will soon be rated among the lead- I
ing resorts of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Randall accompanied by his '
nephew, W. E. Randall, of Forks
ville, were doing business at the I
county 6eat, Monday. The doctor 1
says there is considerable sickness I
iu the vicinity of Forksvilleand that
he is kept 011 the go a good part of 1
the time. Is
The city having the greatest death j
rate in the world is Rheiins, Germany, |
the proportion being 28 per thou-I
sand in each year. Dublin follows
»ith 27 and New York with 2(J. I
In Minneapolis, Minn., relatively (
the fewest deaths occur—only nine I
per thousand.
The 11-ig stone pavement recently
laid in front of Judge Ingham's j
residence, is a line piece of work
and speaks a good word for Mr.
Purcell who placed it. Those of .
our people who desire (lagging of,
this soil cut and placed will do well |
to give Mr. Purcell A call.
Our Forksville correspondent .
would confer a favor on our people
by writing u communication for the
IUPIIII.K is relatiug to the progress
of work on the Loyal Sock road.
We are anxijus about this thorough
fore and would like to hear from it
The niiiii-r* in the Item ice mines
went out 011 a strike Tuesday.!
During thu mouth of April then
wsgen weis reduced tell |»er cent.
They now ask a ten per vent in
ereaae making their wage* the »aiue
as they wsre ut the comuiuneeuunl
lof the new year, I. O, Itlight yen
< isl superintendent o( the mines,
' lUe mallei will b« sailed this week,'
World's Fair in the M. E. church
at Laporte next Wednesday even
ing. Lime light views 20 feet
square of the fair, will afford a pleas
ant evening. Admission 25c, chil
dren 15c. A part of the proceeds
will be given to the uhurcb.
The case of C. S. Shultz vs. the
I'endecost Lumber Company, for
damages. mention of which was
made in our columns some time ago,
was tried before arbitrators—Jos. C.
Pennington, Russel Karns and
Pur Tin Kile at Laporte, on Wednes
day of last week. The arbitrators
awarded their verdict in favor of
the defendant.
The W. & N. 15. U- It., has only
been with us about one year arid our
town is increasing in size very
materially. There will be more
buildings erected at the county seat
this summer than during any two
years previous. Those who say
that the railroad has not been a help
to Laporte, don't know what they
are talking about.
The May Day party at Hotel
Kennedy was a pleasant success.
John E. Gallagher manager, dis
posed of a large number of tickets
and all expressed a good time. The
repast consisted of a well spread
table of all the good things of the
season, in fact it was too expensive
for the price charged. The best of
! order prevailed and the music was
very good.
The committee on permanent
certificates will meet in Laporte
May 11 ami 12th, to examine teach
ers for permanent certificates. All
persons intending to take this ex
amination should have the proper
papers filled out before entering the |
Mow; V N" GAVITT, Pres.
We fail to see how any manu
factory can be situated to a better
advantage than right here in La
porte. We have railroad facilities, ;
lumber is close by and in fact we I
offer more inducements to inanu
facturing enterprises than any town
in this section of the state, If you
have an idea of erecting a furniture,
close-pin or toy factory - , call and in
vestigate the lay of the land at La
Ambrose Farrell of Lopez, was
consulting with a number of his
Democratic friends at tho county
seat on Thursday last. Ain by is
among the Democratic prospective
candidates for Member, this full and
we guess lie will make the nomina
tion without much trouble, but his j
election will be very uncertain !
There are more Republicans in !
Sullivan county than thty used to i
The Sullivan county fair will be
held at Forksville 011 October 3, 4, 5
and Oth. The last day will be de
voted to the celebration of the 100 th
anniversary of the settlement
of the county, under the
auspices of the Sullivan County
Centennial and Historical Society.
Mr. William Meylert of Laporte has
prepared a large amount of manu
script for this department and is
taking an active part in the move.
The editor of the REPUBLICAN
was complimented by parties of
llughesvilie and home people for
the correct diagram of tho recent
wreck on tho W. & X. B R. 11., pub
lished iu our last week's issue.
Atty. Crawford of llughesvilie and
I who was an eye witness of the crash
1 said the diagram and the account
| were correct in every instance,
j Kind words like these are appreciat-
J ed 113- the editor.
On the sixth of November next a
| popular vote will be taken by the
communities interested on the pro
posed consolidation of the cities of
! New York and Brooklyn and thirteen
towns and villages. The aggregate
population of the territory which it
is proposed to t:iko iu is 1,1(14,003,
which, added to that of New York,
would give that city a population ol
! 'J,960,792, and make it second only
'to London iu the number of its iu
habitants among the cities of Aiucri
!ca and Europe. Its area would be
lil7 square miles,
Kva Mann, otherwise known as
Kvangelitie I. Steele, whose suit for
a share of Itoliert Ray Hamilton'-*
j estate has twice been decided again*!
her, has brought another suit for
dower riulit against the executors of
1 tho estate, Gilbert M. Speir, |r., and
IMmuiul I. Hayliea, This time she
sue* ai li.Vili# K (laul, having made
one more matrimonial venture
Judge (I'Brien of ih<- Supreme C'otiri,
has grant> d the executor'• lei Veto
serve a nipple mental answer to the
complaint, setting forth as a de»
lense that Lydu K (iaul is uoue
other than I'vauiieliue Hamilton,
olheiwi*u Kva M 11111, otluuwise
KvsUgullue L Steele. .Mis. (i till
lives iu West Twenty-third street,
' N»w York,
We are told by good authority
that a Catholic church and parson
age to the same, will be erected at
Laporte at once and that the Law
rence Bros, are now engaged in
drawing the plans. The parish will
consist of the following towns, viz:
Eagles Me re, Soncstown, Muney Vall
ey, Lope/, and Beruice. Rev. Father
Enright will be the pastor and will
superintend the construction of the
buildings. Our people are all
pleased that Father Enright has
been appointed to servo the Parish.
He is a good, energetic and enter
prising man and will no doubt lend
a helping hand to the building up of
our town. He admires a church
member regardless of creed. We
all welcome Father Enright in our
The site for the church has not as
yet been decided upon, although
a move was made in this direction
by Father Enright and interested
parties of Laporte, on Thursday of
last week. Two locations were
favorably spoken of by the com
mittee. They were, the Dainy lots
on West Cherry street and Friendly
Hill, on Park street near A. J.
Hackley's. The buildings will cost
from six to eight thousand dollars.
We are pleased to be able to con
gratulate Mrs. Fries, of Laporte
borough, widow of Jacob Fries, who
died on Jan. 14 th last, and who was
an honorably discharged soldier
from the lato war, of the prompt j
acknowledgement of her claims for
a pension for herself, as a soldier's
widow, and for her five minor
children, by the authorities at Wash
ington. Attorney H. T. Downs, who
took up and prosecuted this claim,
only filed the final papers therein on !
the OiU of Feb. last, and ou the 2Gta j
iust, he was notified by the Pension
Bureau that the claim had been
favorably acted upon and a pension
granted thereon on the 14th inst.
This was a most deserving claim, j
and the benefit of the pension will j
be of great moment to the widow
and minor children. Mrs. Fries
will henceforth draw, from Feb. Oth,
1894, slß.Ou per month from Uncle j
Sam's beneficiary fund for his old;
soldiers; this being $8 00 per month
for herself as a soldier's widow, and
$2.00 per month each for her five
minor children.
A cow grazing along the railroad ,
track near Lake Mokoma, was slight
ly struck by the passenger engine
on Tuesday morning. Would'nt it
lie advisable for our people to hire t
the services of a boy to keep thw
cattle oil the track in tho vicinity
of Lake Mokoma? Surely if there
is'ut some provision made in this!
direction, we can expect a general j
slaughter of cattle along the railroad !
cuts in the vicinity of the lake, this ;
LATER.—A move ban been made
to putin foice the above sugges
tions. We, and others, think the
proper way of raising the amount of
cash necessary will ke to assess so
much per head on stock, hence the
more stock you have the more you
The directors of the Lake Moko
tna Land Company met in Williams
port on Saturday last for the pur
pose of planning improvements
at Lake Mokoma. The meeting
was all harmony. The Williams
port parties concerned, conceding
the fact that our people were in a
more favorable position to know
what improvements on the property
will pay best for the Company. It
was voted that a picnic ground on
the south cast borders of the lake
shall be cleared at once and that a
steam boat to cost twelve hundred
dollars be placed on the lake on the
opening of the season. Judge Ing
ham, Hon. E. M. Dunham and Hon.
KIISHCI Kanis the Laporte directors,
were given the authority of order
ing the boat, and in accord
ance made the order of a (Jeneva
party on Tuesday. The boat will !
be launched during the month of
June. It will be put together on
thu beach of Lake Mokoma,
lore Rail \i<ni.
It is now reported that two
through trains from Williiuuspoit to
Towatida and from Towauda to
Williamsport will run over the W.
A N. ii.daily, the same to take ef
feot on or about the RRIi of this
month. Conductor Knipe who i
now conductor on the regular pan
sender oter the \V. & H , went
to Sbamokiu on Tuesday for the
purpose of being examined under
the Philadelphia «V Reading Rail
Road ny»tein, and upeeta to take
uharue of one of the eonteinplated
Ertie*t lltigel «>f Laporte, baa
ptk'tllly had erected a beautiful
white marble Monument at the grave
of lii» dciiitatd wife in Mouiitaiii
A-li ceuiutei r. It wa» pun ha»ed of
a I'oMaiiJa lliut, C. \\ Champion,
It looks liko business about the
i new court liouse site now. The
foundation is nearly lialf completed
I and lumber is being hauled on the
ground in large quantities. Con
tractors, Johnson and Edwards who
i are laving the foundation arc doing
! a <<ood job. so we arc told by com
petent judges, :md all is harmony
now. and the goose hangs high.
It unities* 1/uralN.
Just received at T. J. Keeler's store, a
new lot of Morie silk, worth 75 cents per
yur«l—Our price 50 cents.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. KEELEB'S.
LKVIE for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John B. Fox & Co . Hughesville, Pa.
Tin roofing, Sp tuting. Guttering any
kind of tin work von want, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAU'L COI.E, Dushore, Pa.
Wc always keep a good supply of paints
oils and and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dusliore, Pa.
For the latest styles in men's and wo
men's shoes, call on John V. Finkle the
boot and shoe man South MuucySt, La
porte, Pa.
A lot of $3.00 ladies shoes will tie sold
for $2.00 until the stock is exhausted at
We have on hand the largest assort
ment of ladies' gents' and childrens' shoes
at the lowest prices ever offered in La
porte. Come and see them. —T. J. KKELEK.
Get your milk pans and pails at COLE'S
Hardware. Made of the best material
and workmanship.
Men's women's and children's rubbersof
all sizes at John Finkle's, theLaporte bool
and shoe man John offers them reason
able. If in need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
Columbia Blcves the best in the world;
also Binghamton Biccyles for sale at
COI.E'S Hardware, Diwhore, Pa.
You can net more than $2.00 a day
making birch oil, and 1 can put you up a
Still for about one-half the cost of only a
few months a 1 J. I hive made over forty
Sti)!.-aud 1 knotv how they should be made.
Write or call for prices.
JAMES PIT.NNIN<:H.AM, The Hardware
Dealer, Jackson's block, Dushore, Pa.
Notions and Ibygoods just received at
T J. KKKLKH'S. at bottom pi ices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
For barbed or plain fine wire, call at
COI.E'B Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
During these hard times everybody
wishes to be economical. Buy a Gueolene
Cooking Stove and save in" fuel, time,
trouble huilditw arco etc. Call and in
spect them at COLE'S Hardware, Dushore,
Three cans of corn 21 cents and three
caus of tomatoes 2 > cents at, KEEI.EK'S.
Window shades with spring rollers 24
cents at KKKI.EU'S.
A new extension window spring for
hanging spring window curtains. Can be
net on any width window. Easy to put
up at, KEELEII'S.
Ladies shirt '"waists of all sizes at
K EliLEß'e.
SHERIFFS SALE—By virtue of a
' writ of Fi. Fa issued of the Court of
Common Pleas of Sullivan County and to
ni • directed and delivered, there will be
exposed to public sale at the Laporte Hotel,
Laporte, Pa , on
At one o'clock p. m. , the following de
scribed property, viz:
All the right, title and interest of Wilson
Crawley, ir. all that certain lot piece or
parcel of land situate in Davidson town
ship, Sullivan County, Pa , described as
follows: Beginning at a soft rnaple coiner
(now stone heap) ids i a corner of James
Stroup's and Robert Taylor's land, tlience
south 5T30 degrees c ist.'llH and six tenths
perches; tlience south 50 degrees west, 8
perches; thence s-outh 52 degrees east, 22
perches to public road; thence along the
s .me north 2I> 1 ., degrees east, 10 perches;
thence south ■>'' A degrees east, -14 anil
ni'-e tenth perches to a post and stones
coiner; thence north 25 degrees east, 40
and eight tenth p rchos to C'ark Mostellar's
land; thence south 59 degrees east, 03 and
four-tenth perches to another corner of
Mostellar's land; thence south 25 degrees
west, 28 perches to another corner of said
Mostellar's laud; thence north 59 degrees
west, 104 and six-teuth perches to a stone
corner; and thence south degrees
west. 70 and six-tenth perches to the place
of beginning: Containing 58 acres and 10
percliea more or less; and being the same
land contracted to Wilson Crawley by
contract dated An,'. 13, IS!):!, and deeded
by Christian Swank and wife to Wilson
Crawley and Elmer E, Crawley on April
I, I*B7, by Dead tecorded Nov. 7, 1887, in
Deed Book No 17, Fage 59(5 etc. About
st) acres of above described land is cleared
and u'ider cultivat on; balance in timber;
and having erected thereon a framed
dwelling house, n large framed bank barn
and other outlaid lings. Well watered,
with a fine young orchard of fruit trees
growing thereon.
Seized, tal.en Into execution and to be
sold as the property of WiNon Crawley at
the suit of C. II Stroup (use).
Sbetid's office, f.aporte, Pa., April 24, '94
.Iir.IMFFS SALE By virtue of a
writ of ,\t.i4s Ft Fa. issued out of the
Court of Common Fleas of Sullivan Coun
ty, and to me diiceiedniul delivered, there
will be e\|>o-ed to public sale on the
premises heie'nafter described, oti
SATI'IIDAY, MAY 26m, 1594,
At 1 ■ 'o o eloi l» p. ni., the following de
scribed property, viz:
All that certain I of, piece or parcel of
l ind situated l:i the llorouuh of Laporte,
Sullivan Coutny, I'enna . bounded ami
described as follows:
Beginning on the north side of Main St.,
at tit ' line between 17 mid I* of the
allotments of I ;ii.«»il«» Borough, thence'
along Lit N" 17, I clongfng to Mrs M
C Lautr, north 200 feet to I'ark Street,
(formerly Sti«w lierry Alley;) thence along
I'ark S reel, cast 156 feci" tit Maple St..
then, e along Maple St , south villi feet to
Main Ht , and thenci- alonir Main , went
1 .VI feet to the place of bcvinnhig' Con
t lining 10.5H0 ire fed. and If iug Lot*
No- Iti, 19 and 20 of the allolu.eiits of
the Horoii'/h of I. ipor'e .is laid out upon
the pi in or map of SAID II iroiigh. IIIVIM
thereon 1 ect»»l "HI Itiue Itto -toiled
framed tni Mint.', known mid occupied »*
"llo'el k< uixdv one large framed bam
and oilier outlitiildiiiu». a well of water
and miiih tine fruit Itto-i Ihi reoii.
Si ued. tnki-ll into i t< utliill and to IM
•. ihl ni the propiit* of Darby kiuntdy at
the ,ult ot M C Will.,
Hit i iUN. Ally,
uht; fltoitue L<p >rte, I'a, April !W '9l
Manufactuter find denier in mml§lioes«
We keep at :i!l times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make ami Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts a!- Rim MTOM And ran sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to Vit'iiH P/ices, will, satisfaction.
Custom, {| Xlmpartikisnt
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar
gam. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
<?/. is. Miarrington,
I am prepared IJ meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ol
. 1 also havc full Wnoii of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab
lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
Tours Respectfully etc.,
$1.51) Stozcn.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
Citizens ot hunk Vicinity,
Do YOU K :>i O W TH \ T
J. H. C. „ & SON.
ARE STRICTLY IN II (And don t you think they are not).
WlAU.elwgwttta.of General Merehandl.e over k<p in , c 1,,5., r.enornl Store. Fatl
and Winter gcil <of every deuriptlon, i I f I line everything, and no tn.uble to »bow
good* and wo will for CASH fell yonobi ... , ~; . in Sullivan or
Bradford. CiUland look th.m over, b=fore ba uwe can lave yon MM
Thanking yon for your prt mig« in th pad b, Hi.noet and Fair dealing, we koae^wZ
■ur patronage in the future. Yours very iv.-ieotfullv
J. H. Campbell & Son.
1 tr
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
j. W'. C.ii—. w Co.
Bushore, Peim.
We liavc on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing coods of all kinds, includ
ing suits, Overcoats, Huts, Caps. Under ware. Boots ami Shoes, Rubber goods, Felt"
and etc., at prices that defy competition.
Custom Work
JP l ß T£,\r AN®
Correctly done at our head (purlers in HOTEL CA RROLL BLOCK at Dusliore, Pa.
We respi'Clfully invite \ OU tocall and see us and examine goods and price, be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W. Carrol! Co.
2V5H08.28 - ?jL,
S«y*\Ye arc headquarters for Henriettas, Caslnneres, Black French goocU#
Moire' Silks Moire' Cotton Goou . Japon tt< s. Fine French Ginghams.
Sattines. Dotted Swiss effects kc.
Everybody w ill want—
JLaces This Years
For trimming. We have the -loeKof -loeKof them ever shown
in the County.
Having imported et of Cnckcry direct—
sFrom England.^
w% %V V -J. v\■> ?% VV V
Wo are prepared t>> giv 'T PI it- HHI ; will astonish you.
A new stock of Ladies' M : i1 < "■:•!. ti's slio •«. W iinlow sfiades,
Lace curtains \e. Atu w ioi kof Fresit Groceries
Loyal Sock Co»l, for mile nt the Ureaker of ihs Stutc Lina A SulliVM
I tail road Co. at Beruioe~
1h» Slate Li ITO At Nullhaii It 11. to. I 0. III.IOIIT, Su|>\.