Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, May 04, 1894, Image 2

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W. M. CHE WE Y. - - - - Editor.!
Fltl DAY, M V V 4, 1801.
Entered at the I'ost Office Lal'ortc, Fa.
as second class mail mailer.
Jlrrtlnt; ol K«>iiul>li«*Hii Slandiiig
Committee ol Kullitaii Co.
On motion it was resolved tlmt we
hold tbe County Convention lci
nomination of a delegate to the State
Convention, at Laporte, on Tuesday,
May Btli, at one o'clock, p. in,, and
that the delegate election in the
several election districts be hold at
places of holding election on Satur
day, May sth, between the hours ol
5 and 7, p. m.
Dernice—K II Guy, A Wilmont, D
(. berry—W D Bjlir, Guy Baker, Joe
Colley—Wm Allen.
Davidson—T 8 Simmons, D II Lirah.
L M King.
l>ushore —C W Holla, Saml Cole, E G
Elkland—Seth P Shoemaker. Ulysses
Bird, II W Osier.
Forks—Wm Bird, J K Bird M V, Ferrel
Fox—A B Kilmer, A E Campbell, R
Forksville—John W Rogers, Frank
Hannon, E J Sturdevant.
Ilills Grove—Homer Peck, E S Little,
Judson Biddle.
Jamison City—J W Harvey.
laporte B— A J Bradley, FII Ingham.
Geo Lanrenson.
Laporte Twp—W E King, W J Low,
Geo Fiester.
Lopez—B W Jennings, 51 W Recser,
Henry Turrell.
Shrewsbury—C F Cheney,E V Ingham,
H W Bennett.
On motion adjourned.
Chairman Pro, Tern.
Who ever our delegate to the
state convention sball be, ho should
use all efforts to placo in nomina
tion the strongest ticket possible.
Friendly feelings for either of tin.
candidates mentioned, should have
no weight in selecting our ticket.
Lets have no reason in this cam
paign to recall the election of four
years ago.
Itf Olteu (lie l itse
The Hornellsville I'ress says the
funniest part of the newspaper busi
ness is that almost any kind of an
article may be written without tin
mention of eyen a name, and sonn
person is going to bob up who is
perfectly willing to put on the coa
and wear it. It is queer how some
people borrow trouble, and then tn
to vindicate themselves when the.\
find that they are "dead in it."
The Coxey army marched into
W ashington Tuesday and were met
by officers who arrested Browne ol
the Coxeyites and Captain Jones ol
the Philadelphia delegation. Aftei
the arrests the army was quietly
moved to the out skirts of the city.
The army numbers about six hun
dred. It is pretty evident that tin
officials of Washington will not per
rnit Coxey to carry out his progiam
As was predicted, the city is very
much excited over the advent of tin
tramps and the streets are packed
■with people.
Chauncey Black's York Gazett>
proposes a Democratic State ticket
all the candidates on which an
from interior counties. It declare.-
that if Philadelphia wants a place
on tbe ticket she must settle her di
visions and give some assurance
that a decent proportion of the
Democratic vote will be polled.
This is pretty severe. It could
never have been contemplated In
the quarreling Democrats of thai
city that they would have to suffei
such a terrible penalty as not to be
permitted to name a candidate to be
buried under a quarter of a million
majority. There is hope for them,
however, as Boss Uarrity, and not
the great Jeflersonian, will name
the ticket.
Auol Iter %'tetiin of I lie llorrllile
I'eiiiisilMie \\ reeli
Mr. Lewis I'. McClenatheii, tin
Huohesville young man who was si.
seriously injured in the wreck on
the Williamwport and North Branch
K-iilroad at l'ennsdale ti n days ago,
died Tuesday morning at about 'J
o'clock from the etTect of the injum i.
be received on that occasion. The
change for the worse caiue Moiclav
nud he gu ik rapidly, stillering uiii.-b
pain until the i nd came. Mr. Mc
CUnathen was a brti>ht young man
S8 years of age. His Itome was in
Michigan but lie came to llujln s
▼llle about four years and HIHUI
became a general favorite. At first
•>e »as bookkeeper for J K. Iti-ln l,
but on ttie tlrst of the pri unt year
be beeama a tneinla r of the coal llrin
of Koi it t'o. He was «i cretar v uf
the Building and Loan Assoeiation
and manager of the Waier and
Klet trie Light 4'ouipany. Ills
motlirr and sister liom Michigan
were with 111111 at the tin hi*
11 on Hi the Itiimrttl «sil| mcur li
day. Her*ues will !«• held in tb«
Met lio.list uliurcti and tttleiiuei t will
b« made in the Kugbesult cm. •
ter j tieside tbe body ut his tin It
tha wii !•» •**, Mi»« Wild, sin
KM butie.l last
1. 11. Mauser of Williamsport, has
published a history of the grading
and building of the \V. & N. 15. 11.
R., and of the towns along the line
of railroad. Mr. Mauser has taken
much pains in preparing the book
and our people will lind it very in
teresting reading.
This is what he savs of our beauti
ful Lake Mokoma:
''There in one particular point of
1 interest at Laporte, and that is its
| beautiful Lake Mokoma. This lake
lis alonj; the railway ami is one of
the largest in tho stale. It contains
pure spring water and is stocked
with the finest trout to l>e found in
the mountains. Trout fishing here
is a pleasure that is seldom enjoyed
elsewhere. Tho lake was stocked
some years ago and the fish have
been allowed to develop until they
have reached a good size ; a fifteen
inch trout being nothing unusual.
The Lake Mokoma Land Company
owns the lake and the surrounding
land. The purpose is to develop it
into a summer resort. T*vo head
lands jutting into the lake would
make elegant hotel sites. For boat
ing no prettier sheet of water could
be found. By a recent decision of
the board of directors of the Lake
Mokoma Land Company, a steam
boat will be placed on the lake
■ luring the coming season. Beauti
ful groves around it make it an ad
inirab'e place for pic nics and ex
cursions, which with a ride on the
lake by steamer will complete oppor
tunities for ail agreeable days out
ing. Time will certainly develop
this delightful section. Laporte
has already acquired some reputa
tion as a summer resort and with all
its conveniences of rail, telegraphic,
and hotel service, it should rapidly
become one of the leading summer
ing places. There are in the town
three churches, four stores and three
hotels, besides several boarding
houses. The hotels and boarding
houses are well patronized and are
supplied with all necessary conven
iences for comfort. There are aliunde
ant mountain drives and walks and
a summer residence here offers all
the pleasure and comfort that any
place can supply.''
Some of our people are making
aarden this fine weather.
Some of our solid Republicans
•vent to Laporte Tuesday.
A. W. Sones has sawed his stock
of logs and is row farming.
The health of our people is now
fair; same have the measles yet.
Some of our people are repairing
ences and otherwise improving their
Leroy Stembaek expects to move
this week to where he expects to
pee! bark this summer.
F. I*. Soling has finished sawing
his stock of and now talks of
moving his mill on the mountain.
The E. M. It. 11. train is now run
ting and hauling some freight to
ISaglesMere and some lumber down.
We had our first festival the
■leason on last Saturday evening.
Parties attending report a good
ti me.
Some of our fishermen report
10 »d success. We do not know
•vlio is ahead with the largest number
of fish.
Bolinc & Warn are now going
to do a ready-pay business and we
suppose tho people can look for
better bargains.
The orgnni/.atious in town are be
ginning to make preparations for
the proper observance on Memorial
1 'ay, and we wish them to make as
successful and fitting demonstration
in that day and we have no doubt
but that tliev will do so. S.
Council I'rot ceilings
Council met at Ingham's office in special
-Cssiou, April oO'li, l-Slf. Present, Messrs.
Kcelcr, McFarl.ine, Cross ley, lngliuni
Lsucr slid Spencer.
.Minutes of la-1 meeting ruul, and on
motion of J. II Spencer to reconsider and
iceepi boro. auditor'- r -port a- presented
it former met tin.', li tug carried.
Minute* were approved n« read.
On in >tion of James MeFurlatie it wa«
resolved that the commissioner be
I govern, d tiy council, tie following out
i list met ions ofouucil in the performance
lof his work and evpendilii'fM, and that
i the -aid coinmis-ioner report id the regular
j -tate.l uicetilli: ot e ;ch mo th, prrsditiug
in it ini/e.l bi I of cxjieuditurus for the
i preeeedinjr month. Inglnm. the street
I couiinis i «ni r w a-i inpowi rtd to purchase'
j four long handle round pointed shovels,
| three six pound -tone hummers twopleks,
two ciowffcir* and on- side hill plow.
I'nder Act of' ,\.m-hiMv • Ma> Htli
|H:ii| th • 112 illowing pcr-on- were appoint
-1 I'd by the president to act a-, a kmaru of
, health for Hie term of year* opposite
their names. \\ It. 11 ■:I > yea'*, (list.
Wrede, 4 years; K It Ingham, 8 years; J.
i \V. Flynn -J >i .n- |{ A i imk in, I year
•»n in .lion of T !l 1 null on upp tutuiciil*
wee approved
I>n motion of F M. Cro*sley there
turns ami ex ration-. »112 T. J. Heeler.
j collector ol rates f>r the year IbttS, were
jac ejited ufter tli n lie -i 112 sevi lal pan lis
noli re-ileli - of h .rough were
• -trickcii from list.
Oil in .tinli ciiiitici: adj Ilirucd to meet
■n ntii'.n , inn mi Mondai May 7th. at
I null.,in < ofttce nt Ip m
J. IttKin \i m, Hir'y.
V/)i:ui>t i l; > M»l H I).
N 'IW i« li«i Li |, tli •• lh* full .Sing
» .mil .1 Alwl.t.ira. i , In,, |,. #M
In y#l4 oi ili« S • ~i 1i,,. H |l> . r I M ill,
IM •»*'! f'T '°MI»IV •! Mtillivan, i-» «,i
A IHI I J J 11., I„<
M J... , ..!
ill.l «i>.| PlMl • ~» »r WuiaSy,
, <'lK.ti.i-4f iinr i iU. . im ui Aitiw \| .
I'm ml It. it* »•*•!
Uk k4 II I' I'. Im, ••ImlHU.r jl I
111.. ..... J ||l||'.lU,M<'.. I
Is Ik. Mtato W M.. Wni., 1" in t
Is ll'K " & ,1. n| It It »l | M m, 4* a» 4.
Ik id** I* . I tiN . Ml IH
IK is. ••<»!«' hi fc. 4 e«#i.. 4* . 4
Ami 0..i iim im, * i , ~,,,.1,1.1 , a )k#
■s. k l.» 112 tli l»*t HI, V
m, tU lit 1. «IK •
*1 I-M.NBI , M 11.-II Mi«n>i.f
1 • . f* , M.; |., It»i.
said "If you wish to know
the value of a dollar, try to borrow
one." If you wish to know how
much a dollar will buy now, try out
bargains for one month. Until the
Ist of March
We will sell the following goods
to reduce our Stock for less than
ever before.
Wash Machine for $4 00 has
sold for $9.00. This is the best
washer made. Good String Sleigh
bells for §I.OO was $2.00. A good
Tea Scale for 85c was $1.25. Forty
five cent Pocket Knife for 25c. Iron
Glue, the best sticking glue ever
made; a 10c bottle for sc. Fifty
cent Box Paper and Envelopes for
25c. Solid steel Spiders No. 8 for
Is interested in the Weather,
buy a Hick's Almanac the best au
thority on weather reports, we have
theni on our News Counter. Also
daily papers; the lieeard, J'reus.
Inquirer, Times, and Sun at Pub
lishers prices. Will continue our
Wall Paper sales, also 5c paper fol
ic, 8c paper for Gc, 10c paper for Bc.
12c paper for 10c.
Shades are still sold, 20r on
Spring Rollers. Best Manilla Hope.
12c per pound, all sizes. Steel Game
Traps with chains 12 and 15 cents.
Long Handle Steel Shovels @ 45c
was 60c. Forty-six-piece White
Granite Tea Set $2.75. was ♦:! 75.
One hundred Dinner Plates 45 sc,
was Bc. Knives and Forks all steel
for 60c, worth 75c. Nickle Plate
j Table Spoons as nice as silver (rv 4,»c
■ per set. Tea Spoous to match «s2.">c
per set. One hundred Wood Butter
Bowls 5 to 30c about one half the
usual price. One thousand square
feet of building [taper, only SI.OO
was $1.25.
New stock
Will begin to arrive February
Ist. Lamps of all kinds :
Hanging lamps, $2 50 to 1 50.
Stand lamps, s:{ 50 to 2 50.
Hall lamps, s:{ 50 to 2 50.
Cold Band Dinner sets :
I 89 pieces, "j
'IOO pieces, j „„ .
101 pieces, ' *' J 50 to 13 W*
105 pieces, j
New lot came in this week.
Lounges and chairs will be sold
at a large reduction until March Ist
i to make room for new stock.
Hardware departuieut has many
seasonable bargains
Buck saws 50c,
Steel spideis ut 250,
Blue enamel ware at half price,
I'oeket knives yt So, 10c, 25,50 c
and #1 00.
Electric door bells,
Ice saws,
Ice toil};*,
Sleigh hells,
Team bell*,
Boy*' sleds and skates
Cross cut saws, the kinds.
New blank books, writing pu|»«r
and envelopes ate needed as iuuc h ;t»
weekly and monthly time books.
Listen This is a good tune to
market old iron, litiutier, l>ut
; ter, potatoes, straw, hay,
: I'hii'keiis, turkeys, *te. \V J |xty
market price for (to iu
Jere. Kelly,
w E ARK now prepared to show
you the handsomest and most
complete assortment of Dry Goods und
Notions in the couuty. Our stock of
piece goods Is complete, with the latest pat
terns— comprising b >tli Domestic and
Fort-igh Fabrics. We are satisfied we can
satisfy the most critical buyer, both as to
A FEW PIECES of the well known
Llama Cloth,
for 10 cents per yard.
WE HAVE added to our stock a com
plete line of Boots and Shots, including the
latest and nobbiest styles- Also a full line
of Children's Misses and Ladies Fine Shoes.
Having bought them for cash, we are en
abled to sell them for the usual prices
asked for o'd style aud shelf worn goods
Our Stock of
Window Shades
Is complete. Elegant patterns, patent
spring roller—tine, 25 cents up. We have
a full assortment of Floor aud Table and
fHair Oil Cloth. We have just received
an addition to our
Wall Paper
stock, ranging in price from 4 to 12 cents
per roll, bolh gray white anil back. We
nre receiving daily, new goods in our
grocery department, consequently are of
fering you fresh goods at the lowest pricts.
Ourstaudard for quality is of the highest.
Tfl HllT* #o«*- si.oo miiu
"" 8123 per iwck.
IF YOU want Chop, Corn, Oats,
Screenings, Bran or liye. We can save
you money. Seed Oais a specialty. Call
and see us.
Cash Paid for Farm
l.nitiirlr, I'u.
Trial l.itil lor JlujTerm ISJII.
Return Day May 2S, 1534.
1 (leo. V»'. Weaver vs 11. W. Fron'z, No. G2
leb. term 1891. Frame I issue.
2 Anderson v* H. W. Front*. Xo. 63
Feb. tenu 1891. Framed issue.
3 W- W. Jackson [use] vi The heirs of Wm.
Lambert deceased. No 32 Sept. lerui ISSI.
4 Joshiali Ilembury vs L. S. Bureb A Co.
No. 7t May term 1592. Trespass.
• r > Jolin Ut« ?h rifl" vs John \V. Carroll; Xo
3 Sept. term 1892, Defendant's appeal.
B E. A. Sie» vs (Jeo. W Klpp A Co. No.
•20 Sept. term 1892. Tr -spaas.
7 Joseph C Rohhin* vs James
I ine A t/0., No, IS, Itcc tt qi 1592- assumpsit.
8 David Brown ' s Trexle', Terrill A Co
So. sl> Feby. term 1593. Assumpsit.
9 A Jam Kneller vs Colley twp. No. 103
May term 1893. 'J re-pass.
10 Dr. S. S. Koser r< Al *an!er Ife.-s, Xo.
110 Sept terui 1893, Kjectiuent.
11 Rnssel KarnsvsE. J Oarnor Son A Co.,
No. 1 Doe. terra 1593. Defendant's npj.eal.
12 M. Petermnn Ifr s vs K.J. linynor. Son
A Co., Xo. 2 l)ee. term Is«i3. Defendant's an
; peal.
l.'l T. J. Kee'e- *-s E. J. tl.irnor. Son A Co .
No. 3 Dev. term lt>93. Defe idant's appeal.
11 J. W. Ballard vs K. J, fi»vnor, Son <f Co..
Xo. 4 Die. term 1893. Defendant's appeal.
15 M M . lto sford vs E. J. tlaynor. Son A
Co., Xo. 5 DvO term 1891. Delendaol'a ap
16 J. 11. Campbell A Son »'S Alfred F. I.etti,
No. 12 Dec. tern 1>93. Defendant's appeal.
17. Ap illis K. Senretuan vs Du-hore Boro.
No. 78 Hie. te.iu 189.!. Trespass.
IS Ambrose Farr II \ a William MeM .hon,
Xo. 90 Dec. term |N93. Trespass.
Ai.i'Hoxsrs w alsii. Pioth'y.
Proihy's. offi «, |.i|,orte. Pa., April It, 1881
\V iikhi:as, Hon. J A. SirrsKK. Presi
dent Juduc lloiiorah rs John Youkin and
-M J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the
Court* «.f Oyer and Terminer and General
Ju l Deliverer, planer Session, of the
Peace, Orphan* Court and Common Plea*
lor the County of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, Iwarins: d ite the ','Sth ,|av
of Kebiu.try 1*1)1 lo Ule dl'tvleil. for hoiil 1
ing the aeverai courts in the liuough ot
Lapoite, on Monday the -Jeth duv ot Mav
IWII. at "J o'clock p. m
therefore, liotiie la hereby given to Ihe
Coroner. Justice* of th.' pence and Cou
•table* within the county. Hi it they t> • then
aud thee in I heir proper |«r»oii al J o'clock
I' m »112 aaiil day. Willi tlteir roll*, ret- irda.
iittplUilloiia i lamination* and other Miieui
berailcea lo thovv thing* lo which ili.-ir 1
ollice* appertalu Ii r done Aud lo Iho*
who are bound by I heir recoguiialloti lo I
pnMa cule again.! pri*oiM m who are of »hall
In iii Ibe Jail of I lie Mill county of SulliVttU !
are hereby untitled lo IK- then ami I her* to
piiueeutt again*! lllelil a* U ill la' til l
I tin lit* MtIII » ► \ > *,tJ, {
alioiitl ■ .111 », uc I •, M If IS, ISjl,
Oyster* In every at tie ami game iu a> aon
I hoice »ittea, ami liij iia at vt at * iu alia k
Hot I. |m'i r in M'ttaoM
N>> palu* Will In v|wiei| iu Mailing oi<
t iivtoiim r«
W. a«hae, Praspvta'u*.
Sawed Stimulus
The Iwsl iu lit* Utai kit a lot
at low I tiii. iw pritea
Tkfte gia.l.* ciitaat tuli v uu hauvl
\\ ill ilvlltv 11l .italletl
H nit- X Htm.
* ! *» l al'Ml t* I'a.
Fresh Stock j
Tannery Store.
Having just returned from the ]
City, where '.vo purchased the
usual supply of Dry Goods, 1
Groceries &c., suitable for the
season, we are prepared to sell s
the same at as reasonable prices \
as can be had in the county. |
Are of the usual standard here
tofore sold in our store, and, as j
much of these goods are pur
chased at a less price than
torraerl3\ wo :ne disposed to
givo our customers the benefit
Department eannot be surpassed
in cither quality or variety—
and the prices are less than
ever offered before in this
market. Spring Dress goods of
the different varieties, at prices
to suit the times.
James McFarlane.
Tiiis space is reserved
j|forT. J. KIKI.HR, who \
§ has gone to the city to
i buy tjoods. Will tell
& you all about the prices &
x next week.
your Merchant for
(Junniny hams
.Non-rust linware.
Family Snider,
Farmers Friend,
and Outfit and
Steamkss and
Oderless Kettle.
Job and Custom wort done.
J A MES c r\\y HA M.
Duahore, J'u.
| Jokleri & Manufacturers of Tinware.
| e Li)
Rigs kept in first class order
Charges reasonable. Stables at the
St., Lal'orte, Pa.
May 13, '92.
Dushore, Pa.
Samuel Cole,
Of IhuhuM t» ii '.4.|i|imnrr»
•"« ill ft)
I'lMila, it Hi I
K<mx|» tMtllila uU. alt.l '
V*IUI«ll4 > »|H I I*4 llliiMl •
Mteut* lu l<UlM> l».
M»*i *ti tuna >•( i UK
«ui| >b. >l lion ma Hhul
>ug »|>»UIIUtf Ulllt M Ull
MMUUtb 4 *i« > i«lt> tiur
l'l Ut » itlt In tuMtl ill .
(MiuM. ««m! •* (t»*U« )nm
fcl. ( HI K,
r*. 1
Stop and ri'.ul liie FALL am'
YINTKU annoimei aunt of the old
le'.iablo Watch-maker and Jcwelt-i
»112 Dusliore, I'ii.
J uiii constantly replenishing m\
itock with the roost desirable goods
,o be found in the inn-kef, suitaUU
or my trade and within reach o
(■our pocketbook, I shall b<
(leased to show you whenever yoi
;an favor me with a call.
I snail make spi-chl prices fron
now until the (ir-t day of January
IS!);") for the Holiday trade.
With many thank for your kind
ness in the past 11 years, I hop*
by fair and square dealing to ineri
;t long continuance of the same.
Respectfully Yours,
J. V. Rkttexmtby,
Oct. 1, ISO 2. Dushore, P
J. W. Ballard
1 Si 15 J
Farm aid Heavy lurnler Wapas
P. S.
All kinds of repairing prompt!'
a id neatly done at reasonable pi ices
Videos Horses Bhod in Martin's ITorsi
Shoeing Rick.
May 13. '92.
CAUTION.— If a deal.T offer* W. t,.
>ho«> at a re<lnc«*<l price, or tmyi
he hat them without name stamped on
bottoiu, put aiiu down a.e u fraud.
s )Sj£
iVS"® -vsa.
%> t 175
l?? (\ ■■ fCQYS
ft, ,_N
V/. DOUGLAS Shoes are stvli,li, ny ft
ting, aad *iv« beUer aalislaction at tl j 1
vertised than any other «n .!»c. Try one p::ir and
be convinced. The atJimpinij of W. 1.,
' n unc and price on th.- in, u!-.. U jruarantcc#
! their value, saves thousands of dolhi ■ annual!/
to th«» »e who \vc »r 1>« ..iera \\ 1.0 pus h the
s ;!e of W. I„ I>oijnl;:s Sh < s p.iin cu «toirc:
[ which helps t» increa cti e .les on their fullli. j
of goodi* They i »a tflbnl to sell ;st a less proAL
an.l v.•• l>eli>?ve > icm save money t>v btivin£oii f.HtLwear ot't ho dealer advertised he I. -\v.
4 it !>»•'•: * free u* on application. .Addr*-.*,
iV. L. bOl UL.Ui| AjfuvkluUi bolu by
M. W. l>i t isioui), Nordmont.M'a.
May I I. 1)3.
You don't feed your horse
with sawdust because it's cheap—of course not; but some
people think they save money by using cheap "manures"
on their farms.
There is a manure that's all manure— that's Baugh't.
Write lis a postal card. Till i;s the kind of c rops \ou're raising. We'll
•end you a sample and tell yon all about it flee of charge. Address :
Manufacturers of Raw Hone Manures,
uzvr 7CF.: r .
Out Hollar ami hwnly-fiw f/#
A I. , .11 u..Um lu AM ItKl'l ULII'AN,
t..U'oUTfe, f4,
Do a poni ral Hiinkinir and Collecting
business. Any business intrusted
to us will be carefully
attended to.
Ajants for
Steamship Tickets to
ami from all parts of Kurope.
ind fur I'ire Insurance Companies.
J. ALh lIED JORDAN, Casiiikb.
»V Railroad. In elle.t Monday, I)cc. 4, *93
1 ! 4 i 22
P.M. A. M. AW. M.
■> 111 (i7 A..WiH'uispor»..l. V35 425
5 !'• 95s ...Montouisville....' U 4:i 434
503 U45 L Hulls A 951 446
1 s - ' S. I N. ! N.
■» l'. !l 35 A Tlall » I- »55 5#5
437 932 L....PeniisJale 10 00 508
4 3ii 925 ..op|)'s Croming. 10 05 5 15
•I 2 J « 2;l l llusliesvillc.... 1 10 10 520
4 It' 911 ...Pictureßockn... 10 li 529
4 12 9 07 ....Lyon'g Mill 10 19 5 33
4 'o. 9 o.'. I'bnmouni 10 2V, 535
4 0.1 868 —Glen Mawr ... 10 32 542
.1 jo 8 51 Etlkius j iO 39j 549
353 848 ....Strawbridge ... 10 38 552
350 84V ...lieeeh <lieti.... 10 45 555
347 8 42j...,Mui cj Valley... 50 45 568
340 S3} Soncstown 10 s'l- SOS
325 825 ....Lone 8r0nk.... 11 10 6 15
'•> 20 8 201 Norcllnont ; 11 03 820
?65 7 55| Laporte....L. 11 24 645
233 730 Kiii£<!ale II 39i J 10
210 7 101 Satterfield 111 55 730
At I!usliesiille, stages connect to and
from Lairdsville.
At Cbatcouni, stages connect to and from
HiglrLind Lake during tlio summer season.
At Soncatonru, conrnct wi'li EuglesMero R.
Business Cards.
Office with Hon. E. M. Dunham.
ey* J. &F. 11. INGHAM, -
as a
Legal Buiness attended to in this and
adjoining Counties.
°\2> J. MULLEN,
Ollice with B. S. Collins,
o» r ICejlor's St<>re, LaPorto, Pa.
Ex Pr. th'y. l»egi>tcr A Rccoider of Sullivan Co
Office with Sheriff Mahaffey, LaPorto Pa.
"p* V. IXGII AM & 11. K. NEVVITT
503 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, P».
OM.Y tl.oo a VI Alt in ADVAHC'B
Everything First Class.
Charges Iteasonable.
Mar 7-90
TllA'i S KV [■'.!{ V BODY'S MOTTO
and the people appreciate tho fact that—
is ri 'lit "in it - ' for cheap goods.
My groceries are always fresh and of
the best quality. Flour and feud
the bc:-t the market affords.
MRS. M. c. L A UER.
May 13. '9:'