Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, March 30, 1894, Image 3

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FKIDAY. MAHCII 80. 1804.
Mails leave Laporte Post Office
for W. k N. B. B. 8., and arives as
fTgo a. in. | Ive. Laporte ive. | 11 a. m.
11-55 •' | arv! " arv. | 3p. m
2-30 p.m. | Ive. * I
7- " j arv. " | 8.10 am
E. M. MASON, P. M.
* * * * * * * * —*—*— *
I The N. Y. Weekly Tribune I,
*i and
* Sullivan Republican *
| for I*
*51.25 One Year $1.25. |
* —* —* * * * • • • *' — *
Next Sunday is April fool.
The trout season commences April
15th. ,
As usual, it snowed on Easter
The land sales will appear in the
REPUBLICAN next week.
Miss Carrie Colt, of Wysox, is vis
iting friends in Laporte.
Easter Sunday having passed,
dancing will now be in order.
Are you going over to the opening
of the Cliff Hotel, this Friday even
ing ?
April 13th and April 27th are des
ignated by Governor Pattison as
Arbor Days.
J. C. Botsford, of Laporte town
ship,was doing business at the coun
ty seat Monday.
The seventy-fifth anniversary of
Odd Fellowship in this country oc
curs on the 2Gth of April.
Good music will be on hand at
the opening of the Cliff Hotel at the
'Mere, this Friday evening.
Miss Clara Ballard, who is attend
ing school in Towanda, spent Easter
Sunday with her parents in Laporte.
The miners in the Beech Creek
region of Pennsylvania have been
notified of a reduction in wages of 5
cents per ton.
No matter what Madeline Pollard s
character is or even has been, Con
gressman Breckinridge's has been
ruined forever.
B. H. Welch, (J. W. Woddrop and
G. W. Fox, all of Ilughesville, were
among the business callers at tlie
county seat Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Messenger, of
Laporte township, spent Easter
Sunday with Mrs. Messenger's peo
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gavitt, of
near Soneetown.
Jury commissioners George W.
Simmons and C. Caseman assisted
by Sheriff Mahaffey, dravred the
Jury for May Term of Court on
Monday. We give the list elsewhere.
We errored last week in stating
the time of the opening of the Cliff
Hotel at the 'Mere, John Aumiller,
proprietor. We said April 30th
which should have read March the
Hon. Russell Karns and wife are
spending the week with friends in
Benton, Columbia county. On their
return they expect to occupy the
Lamoreaux house, on Centre Main
R. A. Conklin, of Laporte, is
building a couple of pedestals for
the I. O. 0. F lodge room of this
place. He is erecting them of cherry
and when completed will be a hand
some and a well made job.
There will be 2G4 delegates in the
Republican State Convention, which
will convene in Harrisburg on
Wednesday, May 23d. Of this num
ber over one-half of them are pledged
to General Hastings for Governor.
Hughesville is to hare a new
paper. It will be called the"Muncy
Valley News,"and will be Republi
can in politics. It will he edited by
Messrs. Williams & Kitchen, aud
will make its first appearance this
J. H. King, of Luporte township,
contemplates moving on a farm near
Lairdsville, Lycoming county, next
week. We understand that the farm
Mr. King is about to locate on is
owned by his brother, Dr. Ward
King, of Lairdsville.
Pendergiist, of Chicago, and mur
derer of Mayor Harrison, will be
hanged on Friday, April 6th, pro
viding he is not found insane by a
committee of physician* appointed
by the court to examine him in this
W U. Hitter, station agent at La
porte, is assisting in the office work
at Ilughesville, headquarters along
the Hue of the W. k N. H., and Mr.
Fullmer is looking after the interest
of th« railroad at tliia place. Mr.
Hitter is a handy uiau to have on
The Union Tanning Company re
cently purchased of Davidge A
Crarey several thousand acres of
land, situate in Colley township.
The deed was a long one—24 pages
of fools-cap. Notwithstanding the
length, however, Prothonotary Walsh
recorded it in one day.
Six bodies hare so far been re
covered from the Gaylord mine, in
which 13 men were entombed about
the middle of February, All of the
bodies so far recovered have been
crushed so badly that the persons
could only be recognized by their
A lot of enterprising Omaha couu
terfeiters are turning out silver dol
lars that are equal to the genuine in
every respect. They use the same
proportions of silver and alloy that
the government does, the seignorage
giving them sufficient profit. They
clear about fifty-one cents on every
dollar turned out.
E. S. Chase, of Eagles Mere, was
doing business in Wilkes-Barre on
Friday and Saturday of last week.
Embly was formerly of Wilkes-Barre
and notes many changes made at his
old home since his absence. He is
of the opinion that Wilkes-liarre
ranks among the prettiest cities in
the state.
In learning to swim, if you have
confidence in yourself and your
powers, and strike out strongly, you
will succeed. If, on the other hand,
you make a few wild movements and
then stop, you will sink. So it is in
advertising. It's the man who knows
what he is going to do and does it
that gets on in the advertising world.
Coxey's army of tramps left Can
ton, 0., enroute for Washington, D.
C. on March 25th. Their mission
is to ask Congress to give work to the
unemployed and advocate the free
coinage of silver. The army is two
or three hundred strong and Coxey
hopes to increase the number to
several thousand before reaching
his destination.
Chet. Spenrj', of near Nordmont,
has purchased the farm known as
the Thomas B' 1 farm in Benton
township, Co' -«oia county, and will
move on the same the first week in
April, diet, is a good neighbor and
a hard working young man and will
o doubt make a success of his ad
venture. He is a good Republican
and will help swell the vote in Co
lumbia county for Hastings next fall.
M. W. Botsford, of Nordmont,
and James Deininger, formerly
baggage-master on the Williamsport
and North Branch Rail Road, con
template establishing a cigar factory
at Nordmont in the very near future.
The}' will use the first floor of the
hall building at said place and will
employ six experienced cigar makers.
We wish the young men lots of suc
The hard times are driving many
people from the cities who are llock
ing to the country to become farm
ers. In some sections in Berks
county every farm could be rented
ten times over. Consequently the
price of farm laud has taken a jump
upward and the rentalu haye increas
ed. Many of those who are returns
ing to the farms formerly went to
the city from the country.
The Philadelphia Record never
uttered a more patent truth than
when it declares that "the Augean
stables at their filthiest never needed
a Herculean cleaning out worse than
does the United States Senate. It
is full of schemers, incapables and
political upeculators who know
nothing of patriotism except as a
convenient cloak with which to cover
sinster designs that will not bear the
PHILADELPHIA, March 24.—Orga
nized labor in soon to engage in a
battle that will airect international
interests and may ultimately lead to
international complications. War to
the knife is to be declared by the
Knights of Labor against the twen
ty or more breweries in St. Louis
which are controlled by the English
syndicate, and it is given out by
those who know whereof they speak
that before many months the plant
of every brewery concern will be ab
solutely idle and that millions of
dollars of English capital will be
come unproductive.
Atty. H T. Downs and John E.
Gallagher Laporte Boro. auditors,
completed their work of auditing
the boro. account, on Tuesday. The
result of their work will be very
gratifying to the tax payers of our
tuwu. They have gone over the
aocounta thoroughly and with ex
actness and find the liabilitiea in ex
cess of our resources just
This is an excellent allowing. The
statement will not b« published until
the school audit is made. This
Ukws pl»c« in Juno.
D. M. Speary, of near Nordmor.t,
made the BBPUBLIOAN ofllce a very
pleasant call one day last week. Mr.
Speary was an old soldier and like
the majority of his comrades, don't
like the proceedings of Hoke Smith.
The old soldier, deserving of a pen
sion, has a right to condemn the
ways of this administration and
especialty in the Pension department.
Charley Sadler of New Albany and
formerly of ilills Grove, has com
posed a piece of music for three
horns and piano, lie has addressed
it to Washington to be copyrighted.
The title of the waltz is : "Sundown
at New Albany." Charley is a good
musician and we bespeak that the
piece he has written will take equally
as well as "After the Ball."
A move has been made in the di
rection of organizing a building as
sociation in Laporte. The associ
ation will be made up of home peo
ple and with the plans completed
will commence the erection of
four dwellings this spring. We un
derstand that the sites selected for
the buildings are; two on East and
two on West Main street. Our
townspeople should interest them
selves and take a hand in the project.
The Carbondale school board has
adopted the following very sensible
rule : That any pupil using tobacco
in any form or smolving cigarettes of
any kind on the school premises
shall suffer expulsion from the
schools. The catching of a twelve
year old boy smoking in the school
house corridor and his declaration
that he smoked ten cigarettes a day
is what led to the adoption of the
The "Pomeroy Family Quartet"'
will visit Laporte on this Friday
evening and will give an entertain
ment in the M. E. church. Follow
ing is what the Rev. G. V. Savage,
pastor of the M. E. church of Eyers
Grove, Pa.,savs of the entertainment:
"Everybody was well pleased. It
was the best we overheard, consider
ing their ages."
The following is clipped from the
Mountain Echo , published at Shick
shinny, Pa : "The Pomeroy family
made such a favorable impression
upon our people that an encore con
cert has been requested."
It seems as it there would never
be an end to the schemes to defraud
farmers. The latest one is this :
Agents go around under the pretense
of getting data for a county map. If
a man does not subscribe for the
map they ask him to sign a certifi
cate which innocently purports to
show that those who are mapping
out the country have been on his
farm and have the dimensions, etc ,
of it. This certificate turns out to
be an order for the map at about ten
times its worth. Trouble ensues if
the map is not taken and the price
paid, in which the "subscriber" gets
the worst of it.
The license asked for the Glen
Mawr Hotel, G. W.Knox, proprietor,
was refused in the Lycoming county
courts on Saturday last. After re
jecting the license Judge Mezger
made the following statement, viz :
"That he is becoming tired of
heavy complaints about this house,
and he would settle it for one year,
at least, and see how that would go.
"The law must be obeyed," ho con
tinued. "I have had enough trouble
with this house. Some people are
always kicking about granting new
licenses, but I think it would prob
abl}' be better to grant a few new
ones and cut off some old ones."
The directors of the Lake Mokoma
Laud Company held a meeting in
Williamsport 011 Thursday last, and
if all rumors are correct, it was a
lively meeting, too. The fact of the
matter is, our people have been put
aside by those Williamsporters con
nected in the Mokoma Land Co.,
just about as long as they intend to
be, and have resolved that they know
what investments will pay about the
property equally as well as our city
guests. Accordingly, Judge Ing
ham maile a motion in the meeting
that the Lake Mokoma Land Co.
place a steamboat on the lake this
summer to cost not less than twelve
hundred dollars. As a matter of
course our Williamsport friends ob
jected and said it would not pay.
Hon. Russell Karns was a silent
listener for some little time, but as
the debate waxed warm he could not
stand it longer and sprang from Ills
seat and with an emphatic expres
sion, fcaid it would pay and that lie
would pay ten per cent, on the
money invested. This ended the
controversy and a vote was taken
and carried, hence, we can announce
to our readers that a steamboat will
without fail, be placed on Lake Mo
koma this summer.
A let <>f s;s 00 l»<tirii kliixm will be Mild
I fur |*J.OO nuiii ili« nUM-'k U eibauntud at
More Mturtllg Houneknerht MJ-N
--lerjr Itinior* to-day.
It transpire that there was more
in the rumor oncerning the llou9e
knecht myster, published exclusive
ly iu the Republican last Saturday,
than was tboijht to be at the time,
but whether here is anything of
truth in the rport remains to be
Nobody in Xuncy seems to know
anything abott the matter, but
from HnghcsWle comes an addis
tional report, rhich strengthens the
rumor published Saturday. In
stead of it berg a brakeman who
made the conession, it is stated
that one Jacol Kooker, of Muncy,
reported to bea dissolute character,
one day last wick jumped a freight
train and wentto llarrisburg, where
he was arrestC'. for illegal car-riding
and locked up.
While an innate of the Dauphin
county jail, looker attempted to
commit suieici, by cutting his
throat. The atempt, however, was
unsuccessful. The sheriff of Dauph
in county tookßooker to task for
attempting sef destruction and
asked him wliyte did it. Rooker
was said to hive replied that he
was implicatediu the Houseknecht
affair at Murgy, and the sheriff
questioning liin closely, got a con
fession out of hm.
Rooker, it it alleged, told the
sheriff that he was with House
knecht and two other men behind
the barn in the illoy which has be
come famous in connection with the
mysterious affaii that the men at
tempted to t:ke Houseknecht's
money away froti him; that House
knecht rebelled, md one of the men
shot and killed him. Then the
body of HoudeknicUt was putin a
u £S.y> hauled to the Muncy
river bridge aic carried out upon
the bridge aid dropped into the:
water, with tlwfrog of a switch tied
to it, presumably among the wreck
age of some freight cars that went I
down to the boitoui of the river]
from the old river bridge the time
of the big flood Rooker is said to
have explained tkat he was in the
game, but had nithing to do with
the shooting.
Rooker was b'ought Lome from
llarrisburg fc'attrday and is now
under the care o.' a physician. It is
said that he has denied the story in
every particular. People in Muncy
generally discredit the story, and
place 110 credence in what Rooker
District Attorney Gilmore was
seen by a reporer this afternoon
about the latest louseknecht rumor
and when asked if he had anything
new on the subject he replied that
lie had just heard of the report, and
knew nothing ab»ut it.
lie had heaid nothing from
Muncy lately, he said, and the re-«
port of an allege! confession was
news to him. Ife said, however,
that he would go down to Muncy
this afternoon, and investigate the
whatever the s'.ories may be here,
the people of don't seem to
know anj'thing alout it. The Re
publican has telephoned to a num
ber of parties the e to-day, but has
been unable to vtrify the rumored
confession, or in fact any rumor for
that matter. One party said in re
ply to the question put by the Re
publican, that tiere was nothing
new at all, that it was talk, if
anything.—Willimisport Republican
March 26th.
Was all a Fake.
It turns out that the startling
fTonseknecht mystery story attribu
ted to Jacob Hooker, of Muncy,
which was published yesterday is
all a fake.
District Attorney Gilmore went
to Muncy yesterday afternoon to in
vestigate the matter, but as he left
for Philadelphia early this morning
the result of his investigations
couldn't be gotten from him.
The Republican received a tele
phone message from Muncy, how
ever, to the effect that the district
attorney had seen Rooker, and that
the latter had denied the whole busi
ness. The district, attorney there
fore paid no further attention to the
matter.—Williamsport Republican
March 2".
of an or dor issued out of the Orphans'
Court of Sullivan county, and to the un
dersigned directed, there will be exposed
to public side on the premises in the
township of Fox, Sullivan county, Fa., on
SATCUDAT, ATHII, 31st, 1894,
At one o'clock p. m , the following val
uable real estate situated in the Township
of Fox, Sullivan county, Pa.; (>ounded
and described as follows: Beginning at a
post and stones corner, on line of laud of
A. Haves, thence aloi.g said Eaves land,
south degrees, east 129 perches to a
post and stones corner; thence by lands of Tompkins
Tompkins and J. Eaton, south 2J>s
degrees west, 197 pcrchcrt to a cherry
birch; thence along land of A. Hoagland,
uorth 87V< degree* west, 131 perches to a
spot and stones corner; llieuce by land of
Wheeler, north 2W degrees east, 197
perches to the place of beginning; con
taining 150 acres and 110 perches and al
lowance, more or less, at duly recorded
in Heed Book No 18, at Page 524 etc.
Excepting and reserving from the
al>ove, 50 acres more or less, sold to
Justin B, Sacked, and described in Deed
duly recorded la Deed Book No 19, Page
I ALSO, excepting and reserving from
the above, 50 acres wore or lt»», told to
Martin Wilcox, and directed fa Deed duly
recorded In Deed Hook No. 20, l'age 894.
Lea vim? for sale by tbe above order,
about 50 acres and 110 perches, more less;
on which Is a small house, a large or
chard, a fine spring of water and being
nearly all cleared.
TERMS OF HALE —Ten per cent of
one-fourth of the purchase money to be
paid at the striking down of the property;
the balance of one-fourth at confirmation
absolute; and the remaining three-fourths
in one year thereafter, with Interest from
the date of confirmation Ni, 81. The pur
chaser will be required to enter security
for the faithful performance of the terms
of sale.
Administrator of
DOWNS, Attorney,
Men's women's and children's rubbers of
all sizes at John Finkle's, the Laporte boot
and shoe man John offers them reason
able. If In need of rubbers for yourself
or the little ones, go look them over.
To the tax payers of Laporte Borough—
All taxes not paid by April 2d, 5 per cent
will be added to the'same.
T. J, KEELER, Collector.
Valuable Town Property for Sale.
The property, fn Laporte Borough,
known as "Fairview Cottage," which has
been kept by the undersigned as a Summer
Boarding I louse for City guests, and for
Court and other boarders, will be sold very
cheap. For terms apply to owner—
Or to E. M. DUNHAM, Laporte, Pa.
Unsluess Locals.
A new lot of the latest styles of Dress
goods just arrived at T. J. HEELER'S.
Notions and Drygoods just received at
T. J. KEELER'S, at bottom prices, also
Mens Furnishing goods.
Do you make maple shugar ? Sap-pails
sap pans and sap-spiles. A large stock
always on hand and at prices reasonable
to be found at COLE'S Hardware Dushore.
LIME for fertilizing and building, ad
dress John B. Fox & Co.. Uughesville, Pa.
Tin rooting. Spouting, Guttering, any
kind of tin work you want, done on short
notice at the Leading Hardware Store.
SAM'L COI.E, Dushore, Pa.
Heating Stoves and Ranges the cheapest
and best at the old reliable store, Coles
Hardware, Dushore, Pa.
We always keep a good supply of paints
oils and glass and all kinds of building
supplies. Coles Hardware, Dushore, Pa"
FOR RENT.—The store of Win. Mey
lert on Centre Main Street. For particu
lars, address Win. Meylert, Laporte,
For the latest styles in men's and wo
men's shoes, call on John V- Finkle the
boot and shoe man South Muncy St, La
porte, Pa.
You can net more than $3.00 a day
making birch oil, and I can put you up a
Still for about one-half the cost of only a
few months ago. I have made over forty
Stills and I know how they should be made.
W rite or call for prices.
Dealer, Jackson's block, Dushore, Pa.
$50.00 PER WEEK, Easily earned.
We want a good man with reference to
represent us and manage our business in
Sullivan county. Apply at once for terms.
Liberal inducement*. Best company.
Lowest rates. Prompt payment.
Aetna Live Stock Insurance Co.
100 South 10th street, Phila. Pa.
The vendurers of domestic and foreign
Merchandise etc., in Sullivan county, Pa.,
will take notice that they arc appraised
and classed by the undersigned appraiser
of Mereantile'aud other license tax for the
year 1894 as follows, to wit:
Class. | Retailers' Lioome. I Amount
10 Blight W. H. 20 75
14 jSick C. S. 7 75
14 Hunsiuger P. W. 775
14 Hope C. P. 775
14 jVogle Julius 7 75
14 Dieffenbach D. D. | 775
8 Jennings Bros. 30 75
14 : Johnson G. W. I 7 75
14 iKester E. P. 7 75
14 KippG. W &Co. 775
14 Musseliuan George 775
14 | Potter W infield 7 75
14 Armstrong A. T. 775
14 Armstrong A. T. J 775
14 i Boatman H. C. 775
18 ißodine& Warn 10 75
14 | Boone S. L. 7 75
14 |Magargle Bros. 7 75
13 Penlicost Lumber Co. i 10 75
11 Stevens H. E. | 15 75
14 | Webb E. C. 7 75
14 Burch L. S. & Co. | 775
14 Carroll D. E, i 775
14 Carroll J. W. & Co. 775
14 Carl E. A. 775
18 Cole Samuel 10 75
14 ! Cunningham James 7 75
14 Deegan George 775
14 iFinan J. E, j 7 75
14 Monnettor G. 11. | 775
14 Harrington J. S. j 775
14 Holla J, S. &Co j 775
14 Jackson George C. 775
14 ! Kline B 775
14 jMiugoes D. E. &Co 7 75
14 Pealer C. E. 7 7,5
14 ll'omeroy F. B. 7 75
12 Reeser John D 13 25
11 ISylvara EG 15 75
14 I Ritteubiiry J, V. 775
14 Tubach Ernil F. 775
14 Vincent F P 775
14 Yonkin J. 11. 775
14 flartuug August 775
14 Jennings, C B Agent 775
14 McCarty D F 77s
14 Molyneux VV M 775
11 Rogers MA & Sou 15 75
14 inyder GW& Co 775
13 Campbell JII & Son 10 75
14 Caseman, C J Agent 7 7«-,
13 i Hoffman W- L. 10 75
11 lllull Vernon 157 s
14 j Keeler TJ 775
12 McFarlane James Js Co. 18 25
11 Spencer Walter 775
12 Botsford W M 13 or
14 j Brill George 7 75
14 ! Kelly Jeremiah 775
14 j Kherer Daniel 7 7*
Billiard Lietau.
3 table Dyer, Albert Colley.
2 table McGec, Robert Dushore
9 table Vanbuskirk W II Hhr'a'by i?
Wholesale Liquor Lie. 40 75
Kwf, Dennis Dushore!
jLadden, James J "
Miner, Thomas "
Pomeroy, F B '•
1 Dtstiiler's Linai*.
'Sella ui. John Cherry
An appeal "ill be held at the CommiM
onen office. Laporte, on Monday April B.
1894, between the hours of 8 and' 5 o'clock
p. m , when and where you tnsy attend if
you tbluk proper.
L B. SPEAKER, Appraiser,
Manufactuter and dealer in
Boots and Shoes*
We keep at all times a Complete
Assortment of the most Reliable Make and Latest Styles.
I secure all discounts al- RIM WTOM And can sell at Low
lowed by wholesale dealers to ilflßfl flUififla Prices, with satisfaction.
is rushed to keep up with orders and we Defy"Competition
in quality and prices. Our French Kip Boots are an especial bar
gain. A pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not.
J. &
lam prepared IJ meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab
lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
$1.50 Per. Dozen.
For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery
Citizens oi Shunk» Vicinity,
ARE STRICTLY IN IT ? (And don't you think they are not).
With the largest line of General Merchandise ever kept in ■ first class General Store. F»1I
and Winter goods of every description, and a full line of everything, and no trouble to thow
goods and we will for CASH sell you_oheaper than you can buy elsewhere either in Sullivan *r
Bradford. Call and look them over, before buying elsewhere, as wo can eavo you money.
Thanking you for your patronage in the past, by Honest and Fair dealings we hope to merit
y ur patrouage In tho future. Yours very respectfully,
J. H. Campbell & Son.
A Big Bargain,
Come and see "as,
Dushore, Penn.
We have on liatid an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds,
ing suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Underware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber goodi, Felt*
and etc., at prices that defy competition.
Custom Work
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Dushore, Pa.
We respectfully invite YOU to call and see us and examine goods and prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
J, W. Carroll Co.
Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Crockery and Glass Ware.
The Produce Business,
Pay the largest prices in
Loyal Sock Coal, for dale at the llreaker of the State Lin« A Suliira*
Railroad Co. at Berniee
The State Line k Sullivan ft. It. C©, 1. Q. JJliubt,