THE REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY. - - - - Editor. FRIDAY, MKI'KMHKH 1. 181>a. Xutered at the Port Office La Porto, Ps. »■ secuuif clans mall matter. Tkr TwrtlT Deal ruction Hill. The bill pre pal red by tho Ways and Moans Committee ought lo bo satisfactory to the moat radical free trader. True, there is a semblance of protection loft in some of the (tchedulva, but Iho outs are heavy all nlong the line, and there must be a general uuseltlement of business in tervals uulil the mills and the manu facturing establishments can accom odate themselves to the changed condition of affairs —that is if the change shall come. The freo list is swelled enormously. Free lumber will not affect the Southern pine, but it will affect the lumber industries of the North and Northwest. Freo ore will not hamper Alabama to any great extent, but the Pennsylvania and lake deposits will suffer. Free coal will not iujure the far South, but Pennsylvania, the Virginias, Mary laud and other states will be soriottsly troubled. Some influential Democrats who desire to flood the luaiket with the soft coal of Nova Scotia, which can be mined with cheap labor and brought to New Eugland and oven to Pennsylvania and New York by water, arc going to make a good thing out of it, but • vast industry is menaced. It is useless to attempt to poiul out the defect of the bill iu minute details until tho manufacturers who are directly allccted can take their bearings and can make up their minds f\ist what they can do. Hut iu a general way tho bill has every promise of demoralization about it. The South has been taken care of fairly well and escapes with little injury. New England cutlery, build ing stone and tobacco will have a hard time of it with free competition. Pennsylvania is tho great field for the raid of the "relormers." Her great woolen and textile manufac tories and her innnenco steel mills have been made a target for the free trader*, and it becomes a serious matter to determine just what can be done should this bill get through without change. There is no longer protection for the makers of agricul tural implements, while the pottery iudustry of New Jersey receives a staggering blow. Iu fact, all through the list there is scarcely an iudustry that does not come under the ham mer of the tariff smashers. Tho bill uught not lo be labeled a bill for the collection of revenue, but a measure for the destruction of the tariff. It will lie uoliced that the feature which Mr. liluiuc insisted upon is kuockcd endwise. Under reciproc ity a great trade has been springing up. Uuder the Tariff Destruction bill commercial treaties must be made over again. No more recip rocity. No moro trading upon a basis which has proven of so much honefit to tho Uuitcd fetatea. These arc smashing times, sure enough. And to make up lor the loss in rev enue by the transfer of so many iu dutiable articles to the free list, what other legislation will be necessary ? There is to be no revenue of any account ftotu sugar. There has been a struggle over that sugar problem. The committee has not dared lo make sugar dear by attempting to laise revenue upon it, aud so it has gone to the exiieme of reducing the prescut small duty on the retiued article, while it assails tho sugar grower industry by knocking off the Kounty, not al ouo stroke, it is true, but iu a progressive reduction. This is the one great industry of the South which is seriously affected, and the sugar growers are given ample liiue. With little or no reveuuu iu this di rection, whtre is the reveuue coining from except from an iucoiue tux, to be discussed in a separate bill afler tho laritf is disposed off It will lake litue lo get down to nil the iuii(Ulties aud bluuders of this bill. The great manufacturing establishments will have to do all nutuence amount of close figuring. Some of tlieiu will olose; otheia will goon. Husiuess must alt uggtu along iu some way, and of couiae many factories wilt gel upon their feet alter a taahlou and will do the best they eau. Hut where does this bill leave the workman, the one above all olUers who was promucd large wages aud pl«uly ot work by ine tariff linkers iho workman is out at both euds. lie is giveu leas wotk in the bituminous coal unites, iu Hie forests, iu the ore beds, white the farmer who raises sUesp will hove to turn hisatluuliou iu oiuer diicclions •i struggle along against lieu »001, 'I hat IS one tint of the out. The other comes iu leas time in the mills sud less pat |t>r ino woik done Wbeiievci lime ia depression in Hie nulls the employee ale the litai to Isei It. D»*u go the wsgi s. Lr» invauabl) so Wsleai lUal Ulidei this Kill Utile will eoine a icdnclinti in many a branch t>( uiauulat luittig HeilUeed ptuUt Unit brings itducud einplo) mem ami redm ed icmnttera liuu, and 'his effect i* one of the «ISltuiug Itutuiesol Mie I.nit |K stluelion lull eouvtn ti I by lite Dem weiatiu Ws) • and Means I'oimitillce 11l (*el theie la but uuu pleating thing about the bill, ami ib-il is the Ist. I that It It UOt )el paaaed. Not Is It likely to be pa»«et| without lad teal amendment, Let it stand a* at pit ami aud many an indnsti j mutt decline, t'onseijueuliy the sftuggic that Is beloie t ongte«a Is one lot pissei »anon itui only on the pail of kits capitalist who employ labwt but on the pail of the iab'Uiis to smi ihtmseilea ftoin paupel Wagt 4. 4he vottuif! hu« sp 'sun in > I*!••>>» torn* oaths t®iHi IH tutuiiiuu iumjoii fciM d has Usvlstwd u v eui*l the iv j peal of the McKinlcy bill. Every Hepublican member of Congress will fight this onslaught upon American industry and he will fight to the bitter end. Mrs. llusscl Earns was quite sick on Tuesday night. At this writing she is somo better. Tho people of Hernice say, the sporting folks of Jamison City are not as chuck full of sand on a cur tussle as they pretend to bo. They say gas ia the chief production down there. "Now then, good people, step right up and take a good long look at tho Democratic Administration for it's on its farewell tour, and it is the last one you'll see for many a year to come. Step right up." A Democrat, who Is employed iu the Erie yards, was asked by a friend tho other day "what he thought of the election," to which he gave the reply, "that the Democratic party had gone iuto the hands of a receiv er, and he guessed they had received her in such u manner as to keep her from ever wandering back again." —A"x. One of the worst habits into which a man can fall is that of swearing at the slightest provocation, or when things don't goto suit him. Those addicted to the habit say that it is useful as an escape valve for angry feelings, but any other words would answer tho purpose as well or better. A newspaper man snys that "there is no occasion to swear outside of a printing office. The habit is useful in proofreading, indispcnsiblo iu getting forms to press, and has even been known to assist in looking over the paper when it is printed, but otherwise it is a disgusting habit." Urrat ltMilrowd Mclteine. CI.KVKI.AM>, (>., Nov. 22.—The long-talked-of electric elevated rail road between Chicago and New York will in all probability be built. The scheme has been in a state of iucu bation for the last two years. Dur ing the last 18 inonlhs there have been numerous secret meetings held in this city, and another is in pro gress at tho residence of Dr. J. G. Anderson. Capital from New York and St. Louis is interested in the affair, and a sufficiently large amount has been secured by tho projectors to Insure its success. A Hlg Mult lor llauißKru. Cynthia H. Decker, of Strouds burg, by her attorney, Paul J. Sher wood, of Wilkes liarre, entered suit yesterday in Wyoming county courts I against the Lehigh Valley Railroad j Company, for ,000 damages for ! the killing of her husband, Lewis W. Decker, in December, 1802. Decker was killed at the Water Street cross ing in Pittston. lie attempted to drive across the tracks, and when I directly upon them, the gate keeper it is alleged, very carelessly shut the 1 gates down, hemming him in. A ! fast train was bearing down upou j hi in mid before he could escape, it 1 struck and mangled horse, wagon and man into one confused heap. The prosecution claims gross negli gence upon the part of the gate keeper.— A T eu> Aye, The seoond week of the big strike l on the Lehigh \ alley ltailroad is | about gone and the chaucca of u ■ settlement either amicably or other wise are uncertain. If there is any ! decided change iu the aitualion it is in favor of the Lehigh officials, who have succeeded iu getting all the men necessary to conduct tralflc. The strikers, however, will not admit that there are signes of defeat. Reports of disordeily conduct came from several places along the line of the road Monday aud th* governor commissioned nearly fifty more special poliocmcn lo guard the company's properly and prevent | disturbance. mm »/1 AC J VA /. /. A; y t TJk'MS. J I®. Miller, Mupt, of the Muncy Valley tannerv has u good part of | their bark delivered si lite tannery, Met Icllan A Phillips ha* accepted the elei k k. % ItiiM appeal am* with new ie gab* O W liiggu hits Opened a MM! Hid at this place mi l |* doing a! bu««itv*S. Ulfcss, JERE. KELLY'S COLUMN. Hardware, Is NEEPED every day of the year. About the first thing which comes to the mind, in speaking of hardware is nails. What is the price? $1.35 per keg; wire nails $1.75 per keg; Ready mixed paint 11.25 per gallon; Double bit axe $ J .00; X cut saws $2 00 grind stones as low as 75 cents, each mounted on good frame >2.75; best railroad wheel barrows, garden wheel barrows, >2.00 and $2.75. Many items in a hardware store you seldom see unless called for. They are not suit able* for show windows—arc too largo for shelving. You may not know wc keep them. Wc have sold iron aud wood pumps for 20 Years, IltON PIPK for water and steam; iron pipe fittings for water or steam; bath room furniture and fillings; boat or crib spikes, sxß, ]oc, 12c, j) xlO, 12c and 14c; steel road scrapers; wagon swingle trees, 50 cents; wag on neck yokes, 75 cents; double ami swingle tree irons, 25 cenls per aet; wagon and buggy spokes; wagon and buggy bent rims; buggy bent shafts; building paper SI.OO per roll of 600 sq. ft.; galvanized cellar window screens; steel post hole dig gers; cast steel crow bars; steel harrow teeth; ready made aud paint ed valley tin; large iron kettles; barbed wire; ribbon wire; Plain Wire, PLAIN TWISTED wire, plain annulled wire. All above used for fence mak ing cheaper than wood. The very best cloth washing machine ever made, we sell you for $0.50. We do not ask you to buy them until vou hsve trieil them. No charge for using one for two weeks. Daisy cloth wringers; novelty cloth wring ers; novelty cloth horse; novelty ironing board. SUMMER GOODS are now going. The best screen door; window screen; hammocks; baby carriages; express wagons; croquet sets; refrigators; ice cream freezers; water coolers; ice tongs; ice picks. Furn itu r e DKJ'AIITMRNT IS NOT DKAD. Husk, cotton and fiber oratresses; bed springs; feather pillows child* cribs; lounges, couches, easy chairs —25 different styles; tables, stands. We will take orders for goods at onr Eagies||ere Munich Store which >S in direct eommuiiicuiioii by tele phone, with our maiu store at ilugbesville. N H —Tui fruit cans best char coal tin, $ i,tin per gross; hand made lussuu a giant jais J, I altd H ijts. Jere. Kelly, HUUUIiMViLLK, - I'A County Treasurer, Wm. Murray was transacting business at the county scat, Wednesday. The steel cells or cages for the county, arrived on Tuesday and are now being placed in the basement of Sheriff Mahaffey's residence. Dr. Ilill and family, of Lnporte, were taken sick on Wednesday of last week. The doctor thinks the cause of it, was eating of creamery butter. The entire family is very much better at this writing. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Nc.tico i« hereby given that tho following account* have lieen iluly filed in the office ot the of W ills in und for Sullivan county vi*. Final account of Anna 11. Saddler Adrn'x. of the estate of John J. Saddler, deceased. Final account of M. A. Rogers Executor of '.he last Will of James dee'd. Appraisement of widon's share in tho estate of Uideon Wilcox, dte'd And that the same nil) be presented to the Orphan's Court of Miitl county, on Weduosilay the illth d»y of Dec., A I> 1803, at 3 o'clock p. m , for confirmation and allowance AI.PIIOKSUS WAL.SII, Register. Registers'office LaPorte, Pa., Nov. 11, 1593. 'l'rlul List lor December Terra MM, (itETUiIN DAY NBC. 11, 1893.) 1 Bi-rnioo W. Jackson and Geo. C. Jackson execu.ors of the list will and testament of Qko. I). Jackson, deccas d and liernice W, Jackson vs. John W. Lambert and Deo. W. l.ambeit, heirs of Win. Lambert, deceased, No. 32, Sept. teirn 1884; ejectment. 2 11. K. Williams vs Horace Dumond and James Flanigan No. 156 May T, 1801 deft'l. appeal. 3 Thomas F Hansinger vs Oeorgo IIouse» wart. No. 46, Sept term 1891; trespass. 4 Josinh llem'mry vs L. S. Burch A Co., 71 May term 1592; trespass. 5 Marion K lt.nn\n vs T,e\ler Terrel A Co., No. 133 Miy tesui 1892; defendants ap peal. ft John U i she-iff, vs John W Carroll, No. 3, Sept. term 1892; defendants appeal, 7 Joseph C Robbins vs James McFar lanu A Co., No. 18, Dec. te in 1892' assumpsit. 8 Ira Sherman vs John Utx sheriff. No. 2, Feb. term 1893; defendants aj p^al. 9 Adam Kneller vs the Township ofColley, No. 103, May tetin 1893; tri spaas. Dr. S. S. Koser vs Alexander Hess. No. 110, Sept. term 1893: ejectment. ALI'HONSUS WALSH, Proth'y. Prothy's. offioo, Laporte, Pa., Oct. 28, 1883. Guns! Guns!! Guns!!! STONESIFER & BARRETT Of No. 244 Market Street, Williamsport, Has the cheapest and largest assort ment of GUNS in the City and in vites Sullivan County people to give them a call when desirous of Fire \rtns of any description. Our cat alogues arc free, send for one. We also pay highest price lor Furs of all kinds. STONESIFER & BARRETT, 244 Market St. Williumsport. ATTENTION EVERYBODY! Stop and read the FALL and WINTER announcement of the old Reliable Watch-maker and Jeweler of Duskore, Pa. I am constantly replenishing my stock with the most desirable goods to be found in the market, suitable for my trade and within reach of your pocketbook, that I shall be pleased to show you whenever you can favor me with a call. I shall make special prices from now until the first day of January, 1893 for the Holiday trade. With many thank for your kind ness in the past 14 years, I hope bv fair and square dealing to merit a long continuance of the same. Respectfully Yours, J. V. Rkitknuiky, Oct. 1, 1892. Ihishore, I'a ipsvityiilJW* MAIN St. LAPORTE. Pa. Oysters In every style und in season. Choice wines, und cigars al«ayt> in stock. Bock-beer in season. No pains will be spared in waiting on Customer*. r. W. Gal aihsr, Proprietor. Mar Itr9:l. Winter Opening —OF— Foreip & DmMic Dry Goods SPKCIAL imaCEMtXT TO CASH BI YBH* > A full Hut of Ureas Ootids, including all the fashionable similes to lie (mind iu tlit- KiStern Maikei, from Gingham* In tine Henriettas. Heat heavy Slii-ftiiijf. yard wide. h', 4 rents per y.ird, ttieaebed Muslin frotu 7 to lieeuuper yard Calicoes, from 4 lo U reals p. i yard, hluriiiig, a full line at bottom pikes. CLOTHING \\. in-,i iiin»' i-'othiaH al low figures i iinr ttoi It is rom|il< te ('ail and net our I pi iii » before tfoiiiK iU. »l« ri ta«l'» M i>» as ih'sp ai u»y s'ore as any | aa>i ruutw, a iarse slot kiln .tp fiti i a-li Mt-u'ssMaa Wais In mswu Our st«ak al |jiot Mitt siti t umpl. t# «n i pritta al (lie lumtl i.gais T, J, Kaeldr. 1. 11 Kit IK, I'.V. • OYES! OYES! Take notice, that Jons V. Finkle has Just received from the East, a lot of the finest and cheapest shoes ever brought to the "Mountain City." WOMENB, MISSES, MENS' and BOYS, at prices which will please all. even the most parsimonious. Among the brands are the Raber & Sebert, equal to the cele brated "Burt" and at half the cost. The Douglass. Lester & Co. Solid Bock, as solid as their name. The Lottie Slipper black tan and patent leather ; these are unique in style and finish ; Humphrey Bros. & Co'*, celebrated make, none bet ter. The "Boys in Blue" their wives and daughters, are especially invited to call. All will be politely received and honestly dealt with. Corner of Muncy and Cherry streets, Laportc, Pa. June 9, 18U3. CARMODY HOTEL, DUSHORE. MIKE CARMODY Proprietor, Even thing First Class. Charges Reasonable. Jan. 31, '9O. Sawed ShinqTes The best in the market and at low bottom prices Three grades constantly on hand Will deliver if desired. Write—S. -VEAD, May23'9o. LaPorte, Pa. SPECIAL Samuel Cole, Op Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware — Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MAtfrFACTRBs of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Roof ing, spouting Ilium oil distills etc,, Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAil/UEL COLE, Dushore, I'a. TRY ÜBCAH FURNITURE. Dushore, Pa. \1? ILLIAMSPORT AND NORTH hKANCII VV Ruilroad. In ellect Monday, Sept. 11,'92 1i5.1 4 | 22 N. N. STATIONS, i 8. | P. P. M. A. M. A M. M. •j 25 10 07 A..Will'miport».L 935 4 25 & 16! VSB ...MontournTille.... V43 434 603 945 U Halls A 954 446 S. ! S. I IN. N. 4 40 (I 35 A II«I1« I, V 55 5 P5 437 932 L....Peni.«dalc I 9 58; 508 4 30 9 25j..0pp'4 Crooing. 10 05 5 15 4 25 9 2o'...jiu(benvillr ... 10 10 5 20 4 Iff 9 II ...Pietareßockt... 10 19 5 29 4 12 9 07 :....Lyon's Mi 11... 10 23 5 33 4 10 9 Oil Clutniouni 10 25 &35 4 03 8 58 ....Glen Mawr... 10 32 & 42 3 56 851 Kilkim I 10 39j 5 49 353 84N ....Straw bridge... 10 42 552 3 50 845 .... Beech ti1e0.... 10 45 5 55 3 47 8 42j...Muccy Valley... iO 48 5 68 3 40 8 3V Sonestown 10 55 605 3 25 8 25....L00K 8r00k.... 11 10 6 15 3 20 8 20, Norduiont i 11 15! 620 J 55 7 55 Laporte....L. 11 40 645 7 30 Ringdale i T 10 7 10! Satturtield 1 730 At llughasrille, stages connect to sod from I.uirdsv ille. At Chamoum, ttagestoancct to and from Highland Lake during tba guuimer season. At Sonestown, ooomot «l'h KaglesMere R. R. CROWN ACME The Best Bmini Gil That Can fie Made Irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not ehar the wick It tins a high tire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as a perfection Family Safety Oil. it is mauufactuied front the finest crude in the most |«rf«ctly equipped raliueries in the world. IT IS THE HE ST. Ask your dealer for CHOWN AC Ml. Trade orders tilled by Til k Atla vn* IUIININU CO. Williaiuspoit Station, \Yilliaiu*|>ort I'a. LAPORTE BANK. LAruHTK. I'A IK> a genital Itaekiug au.l Collatllng bu»iu«aa \uv l>ueiu«»« lutrusUil lo us will Iw rartfully alt*utl»l to. A gcitU for Mt-auultip Tkkvia to •u4 hum sll I'Sila of au4 (»i Ki»«' tamtams t Hii'nuit/, J AlfUfcli Ji'ld'AN t asuik* J V SCrrurBDKT, WAKUHAMK* ASM JIM H.||, PlbUulUS, I'A. THE PRESS PHILADELPHIA Daily, Sunday, Weekly, FOR 1893 & 94 Still maintains its position as Phila delphia's Greatest Family Newspaper. It Prints All the News, And this news is carefully verified, fully classified, ably edited, legibly printed and made the more interest ing by being well illustrated. Editorially It Is Strong. Its editorial policy being at onct forceful, feat less, impartial, aggrcs sive, honest and always directed tu the public welfare. It Is Pre Eminently a Family Paper, Meeting all requirements as such bj appealing directly to the best inter ests of every member of the house hold and by the absence of every thing of an objectionable charactei in either its news, liteiary or adver Using columns. TERMS OF THE PRVSS. FINE CABINET PHOTOS. $1.50 B'er, For This Month Only at Englebreckt's Gallery DTTSHOHB. . PA. THE LAPORTE REPUBLICAN AND N. TRIBUNE, is a cheap combiuationof reading matter — Only 11.2:*) a year for the two papers. Give tliem a trial. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALEI TOP & 1i Buggies, —ALSO— Farm and Heavy Lrata laps FACTORY WEST MAIN STREET LA PORTE, PA. P. S. All kinds of repairing prompt!} and neatly done at reasonable prices Vicious Horses Shod in Martin's Horie Shoeing Rack. J. W. BALLARD. May 13, *92. CLIFF HOTEL, I Eagles Mere, Pa C. F. CHENEY. Proprietor. A large andcommodinus Jiousc, posses 1 sing all the at tributes of a tirst class hotel , The Bar is well supplied. —I(JO TO Walter Spencer —FOR— Valley Queen FLO If B, Best in Town. Our Notion Department is well stockei with goods and our prices are the lowest A FRESH supply of groceries constantly arriving and prices reasonable- We invite the public to cull and examine our goods l>efore going elscwhere. WALTER SPENCKK May 13, VJ LAPORTE. PA. HAIL TO THE CUE A "EST THAIS KVKHUIQUVS MUTTT. I and the people appreciate the faet that MRS. LAIIER'S STORE Is tight "in it'' for cheap good*. My rroceriee are always fresh and ol thu t»e>t quality Flour and feed the be»t the uiaiket ittfolds. M US. M. V. LA I'Kll. May 13, IMf ASK «——your Mi lt haul for— i'mi iti in//tain's Celebrated Nou-ruit linwan. Family Holder, FUIUM I • Fileml uud OutNl ami HWumltaa and tKiel h M Uvilli- AM. riKKI' 4'I.AHM Wtillk. I/K.s NO AITUKS I U K \\ «»l(l\ Job and futtow m ik doiu J I M A » V t A A / A I, // i U i'U Jabber* A M*a»ii»taiiii M llaatt*. | By mail, postage freo in the Uuited States, Canada and Mexico. Daily, except Sunday, one year 1.00 " " ono month, .50 | " inolnding Sunday, one y'r, 6.00 " " one month, .65 Sunduy, one year, : : : 200 WEEKLY PRESS, one year, 1.00 ! Drafts, Checks and other Remittances should be made payable to the order of The Press tapf, LiiM PHILADELPHIA. Afc nn Advertising Medium The Prcstt Is Autonjr ill*' llcht |ki tlie Initfd Mules. Press Warn "Ads" give tlio great est results. 'I he people believe in them and use them. TIIE PISESB prints as high as 4,044 want adver tisement* in a single issue and has received 10,007 answers to Press Want Aitdrai it)i r au I Vvruiiuai and liauaraljait (Ntlioiw, ||eartci i.» ut tho CMN, Oi|ikat>f Cuurt .i i i ...u. m t ii«« i. r tb* i''-aal| I aulLfau, !.«»» iaauaillbair i..a> uu data th« liij ta| ul »«Bt. IM t" la ir» <*4, I i h. Idti.| Ikti Mfafal (Miill hi It.* t i of I at", ria. .# M' i|»u lilh i»> at t><* t i|M, al ■J u atiM k p. m. Until Ir, itutiia ii b' >by giViu In tba Cur** uttir, JualliK ut iba l'i»o« ai d t' attabKt B'lUtt, iba i MIII » . that Hi. ) If thaa aad little tu I halt Mt-iet j ntwtt at * « «l"«b (• m »l aal4 la». at«a ib«i lull*, it.t'ij. tai|un|tli>M, •(« .uiiaaK a* *>> I ' ia. i ratutu>b.iai.a 4>u* *i 4to lbu*« aku m twaad 1) llitu ■ v nat .a t !«• 11 »• It *a» iai | iMiafft • b . •<* at tball ba lu |ta jail ' ' Iba ta d a. SB' if I aallo»a. ata b. tvL, an sS- I Ii ba thaa aid ibata la at ettl be llioM4a U til >ll kl ", •bent • » 1 #)'»»'« ON Id,