SULLIVAN JLUK - W. M, CHENEY. Publisher. VOL. XTI. The two-minuto bicycle promises to iirrive far alioad of the two-minute trotter, observes the New York Re corder. ■ Some one linH figured that there are so many railway lilies, steam, elevated, cable and horse cars in New York City {hat a person may ride for six hours at a total cost of fifty cents. According to an election return just made to the British Parliament, there are 6,229,120 voters in the United Kingdom. There were 4,592,482 in England, 270,27fi in Wales, 747,271 in Ireland and 619,091 in Scotland. F. P. Jjoomis, formerly United States Consul at St. Etienne, France, says that from an investigation ho made he finds about 95,000 Americans visit Europe every year, and that they spend about $100,000,000 minually abroad. Cardinal Gibbons has rechristened Chicago with the classic title of "Thaumatopolis,'' the wonder city. The appcllatiou is deserved, but the New York World thinks it will hardly displace that of"the windy city" in popular parlance. The name of Gay Head, applied to a famous promontory of the Massachu setts coast, means exactly what it seems to mean, and is peculiarly ap propriate. The headland, as seen from the sea, is gay with many colors run ning in strata, the result of chemical qualities in the earth of the cliff. A like variety of color is presented by many rocky islets and headlands ill the Sound opposite Fellinm Bay Park. The Woman's Library at Chicago contains 7000 volumes in sixteen lan guages and represents twenty-three countries. It is to Vie placed in the permanent Woman's Memorial Build ing, which is to be erected in Chicago, and will form a nucleus for the collec tion of the literary work of women in the future, as well as, through its catalogue soon to be issued, a complete bibliography of women's writings up to the present time. There are 22,0(W,000 - soldiers in arms in Europe. If all Long Island were a drill-ground, calculates the ' New York Recorder, it wouldn't be big enough for their field manoeuvres. If they were to march in a street pa rade, files of ten abreast, it would take the line of 2000 miles 100 days to pass a given point at fair marching speed. In Indian file they would reach around the world. In a year they would drink the Hudson dry for over a mile <>f its length. There has been a remarkable revival of interest in the "abandoned farms" of New England since so niuiiy mills closed their doors. A largo number of applications have been made to the Massachusetts State Board of Agri culture for its descriptive catalogue of the abandoned farms of that State. Ii is believed that some of the men who are out of work think of taking up farming as a means of livelihood. "But will a mechanic be a successful farmer?'' queries the Now York Tri aune. N iw eoiuus the suggestion that the log power of the United States shsll ne utilized for draught purposes, as it sin Belgium. A writer estimates list there arc 7,000,01(0 dogs in this Country, thon figured out their pulling capacity. The idea may be new a' to log*, but the New Vork News recalls that humorist John I'hoetiiv .-nggested the utilization of cat power utore than forty years ago. Ills plan Wi. to run sewing machines by cat power. The cat was to be placed iu harU(>** connected with luotive works. A mou-i was to be i-UHpemted just beyond tint it's reach. Tbe cut's jumping lor litt mouse wuuld propel the IuHA It 1 lie Hay> | IK Boston ( ultivutor: There Is a deficiency uf U.iHMi mm bushels in the German i t rop tin., jciu. and till* coll. - with a deficiency of |H,. mm,ism I'Urliels of w beat ityc bread h tin"l ti It- final of a lure* putt of th Oermau | • <| le. Tltny ti'efer it t> aln «1 i. Sif >id hen tin v IMI'I fit but h. Ua.n - • • li I t, rill' u I with RIIKXM '• ' ll'i lull iu' tlirt lis* • IllM < i fifi'tii ft ' Iti-ft- 111 Mif* tfe* wtuuu# i < i.i 11. It II M | »i* t I t+l 'UI - 'TIS USELESS TO REGRET. We've done tho best wo could, my dear, There's nothing to regret ; We've taught the children many tr"' '■« On which our hearts were set ; And If against our old-time ways They foolishly protest, We need never regret, my dear, That we have done our best. There's many a plan that's come to naught ; There's many a light gone out; Anil disappointments, griefs and cares Have hedged us round about; And many a sad mistake we've made Throughout our lives, and yet We've done the very best we could ; 'Tls useless to regret. For out of evil good has come, And out of darkness light; And all wrong doing in this world Home day will bo set right; And though we have not reached tho height Attained by others, yet We've done the best we could, my dear; 'Tls useless to regret. We've tried to livo like honest folks, To do our duty well, Gainst evil things to take our stnnd, In goodness to excel; So judge yourself not harshly, dear, Nor at misfortunes fret; We've done tho best we could, and so "J'is useless to regret. THE EDITOR'S VISIT. BY FRANCIS O. WIL.MAMB. HE noon hour had | I J come, and the city I I editor of theChron '£! II icle was very busy, making out nu as signment list, when a queer old-fashion e pen from ui» erain|» -d lingers and lei her ki from las eyes the mist which would I gather there, wllell lie Kept IllH lllllld I Itiiif Hied mi the pa-ps before him. •I h I Harm .v* :....rh . Igfcty, "a br >U. N IFITT ii 11, A -pajx-r man |,< WAS culli li, an ..I writing an I* lilth. uraitddatiidi I i at oat' mot IK r und falki i had iln d 111 ' !*'* t'f t | #|' 11 *|| |<* || 112 • tl VUfN llcillft'. I In* «il I i.jhii (lire* ihti i Itm #!<.'« IttilkK i*« tii fo| t|luw|f fil l-' I U j till I nil til* <* ♦•*! LAPORTE, PA.., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1893. more likely, keener hunger than ever. When the child was left to herself she sat down and fell to looking over soino illustrated papers which wore her invariable source of amusement. By and by, becoming tired, she wandered over to the table. The rejected manu script on the chair caught her eye. Gran'pop's papers were forbidden arti cles to her, but when shrt saw this package and slowly spelled out the writing on its cover, "the Chronicle," there came to her mind that Gran'pop had told her when he was writing this address tho night before and was too busy to play with her, that the manu script had to be sent iu to-morrow. This was to-morrow, she reasoned, and the manuscript had not gone. Gran'- pop must have forgotten it! He would be sorry, she knew. Presently there came to her a bright idea and she stood very still for a moment, thinking hard. Why could not she take the manuscript to the Chronicle? She knew where the office was ; she had been there with Gran'pop. It would bo such a surprise to him to find it already gone when he came home. She decided to do it. She took the bundle from the chair and pulled on her jacket and tied her hood fast. She was used to dressing herself and soon was on the steps, tho manu script clutched firmly in her hitnd. Then she started off for the Chronicle office, proud of her self-appointed mission. The elevator boy was much sur prised and not a little amused when she asked for tho editor. Ho tried to chaff her oil the way up, but sho re fused to take any notice of liis re marks, if sho understood them. All her thoughts were on the top story and the editor. Despite his fun making the elevator boy was a trifle impressed, aud, thinking she might be one of the "old man's" relations, when they arrived at the upper floor he showed her to tho door of the sanctum and told her to knock. Thon ho left her and went back to his post. The editor was greatly surprised when a timid knock sounded on his door, nnd in answer to his "come in" he saw over his gold-bowed spectacles tho diminutive maiden who entered. He looked at h«r hard, but sho did not appear discomfited. She came toward him without hesitation and stood with one little hand resting ou the edge of the desk, the other extending tho folded manuscript. "Gran'pop forgot to bring it down, so I fetched it!" she explained, her blue eyes looking up into his puzzled gray ones. Now, the editor was not a man easily confused, but this WHS a novel experi ence even for him. In all his life ho nevert rememiiered having received in liis office so small and at the same time so confident a visitor as this. Ho looked at her sharply, almost sternly, suspecting ho was the victim of some joke Ixit her gaze never flinched, and the baby eyes were not frightened. He took the manuscript from her grasp and on aeil it. There was no solution of •> .ie mystery to be obtained here, however. The story was local history of early days. There was no name, no mark of any kind to tell who wrote it or where it came from. Non-plussed, ho turned his eyes upon the little figure beside him. Somehow, in spite of tho old-fashioned and much-worn clothes, it suggested to him that of a little one who had oiiuo called him father, and a kiudly smile lit his face. "1 don't know anytliiug about this paper," ho said. "Who did it come from?" "Front Gran'pop," she answered, as if that conveyed full information. "Yes, but who's Gran'pop? 1 don't remember him." "Why don't you know him? He's been here often, and I came with him once or twice, that's how I knew where it was." The editor racked hia brain in vuiu t< > think who Gran'pop eon Id he. "Well." lie Raid at hint, "yon Hit down in that big ehair there and I'll look over this paper and tell you what to nay to him." Then he wheeled his chair about and liogan reading. It did not take long, however, for him to decide what to do. Hi- atruok a hand bell on the dusk and a boy caiue into the room. "Send Mr. Campbell to me!" the editor aitid. A moment and the city editor of the Chronicle entered. "Campbell, 1 unid tin' editor, "do ymt know whose writing that i»V and lie handed him the muumuript. "Yen," answered the other "it'n old Johu Harmon'*. He brought it in In re thin morning and I told him »i couldn't ttae it. It'* till aucieiit his i torv." "Well," Mftid the editor a bit ahortly, "it'a the kind of ancient hintory tin i Chruuiole wulitii. Can't .you nee that that local matt' r that a goml man* noithl father read than Hewn"' (tire it a goo i jihic.' .in the fourth page of tu laumu'N hami I'll try to »■ . that we huvi a column i>f ju-l Mlieh -tit) twice i: week That mill; ' I'll'- city ■ litor did Hot ace tin I ill l< dilute Hi tie big chair, alid it bit din coiieci ted at being turned biWll an • Itirph, he ' ink up the luaiiHaoripl i.'.iiii i.i | left Hi ||n i tiiwiril lilW, hiiiilliiii al ih 'lltth Hrfur. 11l the eliali, h« Mild "I ttill write a tetter tol >Oll In Uk, iwtli i..11 bii i ||l.- I|o tllnli p .p. Mi II Id. dli t If I wui Iv, an I Ik I auldt V ur1 The customary morning salutation at all seasons in old Marblcln ad, Mass , in, "How is tin- Hull?" Iu the post rapiy *llllllll. r the answer, aft. r a look ; «l«.tt II the street, has generally been, "Oil, hit tail is goitiK round aii< round.' Tins is the towns wt>y •> .peaking of tie weather vane ou tin < '■ >ll K r• gatioual < hurcli, tln< iufallihh oracle which .lelelliillieh wilt ther bimli hall put out t>> M mid leluiirely laud* melt u«a 11 11 ii,, ktwi'bf*ti r I'uioii au< \dv. rt I»I r KIHUI HI ( apthit). It Would be itllHl'tllt to find ft IUO(* lit lltl lit t' ■ I I 11. itll, 111 . I', •lotted ou tlit I'lutea k#pt at tht dog point I than tlial paid bt s ilotf ills autfcoflti** t« »'»w notll 1.11 the ollit 1 1...1 ill ritt-r He .low had n. | la i u aaay limit |ti< pound utoi. thai! log 1) 11||hi lo.ui t . f.-r to brukU • *!< '<•< U I*UMMM»»it t.Mtit "*l»l, SCIENTIFIC AX I) INMJSTIUAL. Edison, the electrician, makes rubies that excel the genuine. The surface of a man's lungs is esti mated at 150 square feet, ten times tho surface of the external body. In Great Britain the aunual sick rate for each inhabitant is ten days to tho year ; iu the United States eight days. Nests of the termite ants of South Africa are,often twelve feet high and grouped together in clusters, the tallest iu the center. Ant 6 are provided with a poison bag, which discharges a fluid having a strong sulphurous smell, sufficient to drive away most insect enemies. The smallest holes pierced by modern machinery are 1-1000 th of an inch in diameter. They are bored through sapphires, rubies and diamonds by a machine which makes 22,000 revolu tions a minute. Sir .lames Crichton Browne, the Eng lish specialist, is a believer in tho theory that the coming man will bo toothless. Ho declares that over 10,- 000,000 false teeth are annually fitted into tho mouths of Britishers. Many larvse of beetles nnd other in sects are used for food ; the bee gives honey and wax, the coccus manna and cochineal, the Spanish fly a blistering drug, tho gall insects au astringent and tho silk worm an article of dress. Uranus has four little moons—Ariel, Umbriel, Titauia and Oberon—which, funnily enough, rise in the north and set in the south. A single diminutive one, belonging to Neptune, traverses the sky from southwest to southeast. Neither Mercury nor Venus has any satellites. Doctor Noisser,of the Hygienic. Insti tute at Berlin, has discovered in the city a new cholera bacillus which he calls vibrio berolensis. The inoccula tion of dogs, cats and rabbits with this bacillus has proved that the vibrio is fully as potent as the Asiatic bacillus. The Berliners manifest no alarm over the discovery. The difference between the atmos phere of the best ventilated houses and the outer air is illustrated by tho con duct of cut flowers. Blossoms that re tain their freshness but a day or two when standing in water within doors will sometimes live twice as long when dropped iu a shady placo out of doors, even without the aid of other moisture than they obtained from the eur|h and air. Experiments made by the scientists appointed for that purpose by the French Government show that the re sistance of the atmosphere to the motion of a higL speed tram often i smi/umts to ILOU tlif> resistance which the locomotive must overcome. Two engines, of which the resistance was measured repeatedly and found to bo nineteen pounds per ton at thirty seven miles per hour, were coupled together and again tried. In tho second trial the resistance fell to four teen pouuds per ton, the second engine being shielded from atmospheric re sistance by the first. Great attention is now being paid by the German military authorities to the question of facilitating and expediting intrenching methods. Among other implements which they are testing is au intrenching spade, invented by M. de Layeli. When ill use it is fitted to the stock of the rifle, but it is sug gested that its proposed place, when not in use, on the breast of the soldier, is likelv to cause oppression and to give little or no protection. Tljo whole tarrangoment adds rather liiore {hah three pounds to his impediments. A Chinese Proverb's Origin. " 'He'll steal your shoes' is rtii ex pression which in China is used to de scribe an arrant knave and pilferer." says ex-Consul Edward Bedloe, re cently returned from Amoy. "The expression is hundreds of years old and is based on au adventure perpetu ated through the medium of decornted crockery ware. A wealthy Chinaman, whose gorgeously embroidered shoes were the envy of the community, win-, according t>> the legend, despoiled of his pride iu the following manner ; A : rascal one day rushed up, gave the | rich man a hearty blow on the back and seizing the astonished gentleman's : hat pitched it upon a high wall. The next moment tho fellow seamed to , limviver that il was uot an old friend lie w as greeting *.» enthusiastically mi I apologized profusely. " "How shall I get my hat?" in-J quired the man Mith tin beautiful I diors. " '.lump on my back and you can reach it.' replied the schemer. "I'hi augge«tiou was carried out, I but while the liatless man wa« reach | ing for his hea l covering the raseal slipped oil the lutudkoittn »hooa and | luade H»HV, lenvim the simple miudud uitlliomtitc clutching the w«li," M'xlerate i lliuate (attdMclvclu tge, I'u li iibtediy the climate most on I dlleive to longer If V I - ft ntoler»t< ..111, altl .ugh a cold dim ite, other thuitf 1 belli < e.pial. has a deeidt I adv..nU. •• I ever l hot one. For lustauc*, th. rate oi ii.- tality in o ithwru clime* u> much I gr a*< r thai in that ot Mich region* as < Seautlinavla ai I Huwia.ahlU I irnlloii t hf.- m h. .gcr Mi Noiaav Hon u air {. • nitrv HI, I ~112 . oi.u Sol .tat is , t ld. ll> cold I hit ctc.-wue 0(4*1 prejudicial to |o*y !if« w i>|uv«d by j Uu low iua«imu ii aa* ahteii i« reaele t i by I lie inhabitant* of »ioll ph lei laud and Hill, I.T 11, \tn HI tu Hi H. lie* dI i \'i l. ia. • - t t*i It net d • ill liteloiiM Trail.plant. Jt • *«. < Terms--- 81.00 in Advance; 81.25 after Three IContfis. WHAT THERE IS IN DUST. IT CONTAINS STARCH GRAINS AND OTHER SUBSTANCES. Difference llet ween the Oust of Cities nii though ordinarily invisible to the t-yu, • Doctor I'm.l. 11, who has made a J of tln» subject, s,n„ thai tin- particles 1 ill questlou consist l!iostl\ of Irugmellta I ot vegetable aud animal fiber-, such I as cotton and wool, and of an euor uioii* variety of mien organisms, sinvflv or in masses, such as bacteria and tin spores ..f mold plants Such are the "moten in tie *tllibt UUI, rt spectiug which so many poetic idea* list. In.-It t \pr< -sed Not a few of I thciu art Melius capable of producing tllseaneit of V artolt* sorts 11 th. I llapp. u I I.t tllld hxlgni. lit ill th. 1111 114.411 ,1 111 Witshnmi til Mai V Hlutfulai I*l.l bit 1 til ll,mail. Hue of lie 1»i mi *lll 11Im products ..I lUwait i» a v lata *• "Cuh ■ leto ii.l -ok. MMM ut ou* *i|b*lauee, otlvu aie«l> ot t vllo * t*h 1 brown in color, soft to Ihv It 1 itch, hut *lll MM h '■ I* pro Iu j- d l.i the *iud I up Iroiti the ■l. ii c«att-i It 1 lam t -a Inch I lltl llauaiiau. lon, sine, pi 1 Iln leal gmiti. ol Ihe Uv.i fc-i .uu„ into •llfll aoft t lis I, 1* belli t.d |.| Is 111 U*a Volt .til o| th ..tll\c hlitta ol 11, -t til 1 11 » a n> it hnilti ' tUti lualwfisl V * it|l, in I'* i^mo In l*u »tf, an | .til at i.t p.*.. ti>, ah • til. 1 #l, 1:. • • .. NO. 4. WEAVING. I placed my loom the slender threads along— I laughed to see them glisten ; Then—ldle weaver! sat with carele«» hand.' And dreamful eyes to listen. The whirring song crooned vibrantly, tbo warp Was wondrous fair that day; At eve I rose - I had forgot the weft! The threads were all one way. A useless faliric, with unwoven shreds Acros« _ n o binding ties ; 'flic warp of aims may glint, but Idly runs, In which no purpose lies. O careless heart! I said, and aro you thus An instrument unstrung? A strain of harmony but half complete, For words you left unsung? O listless dreamer! weaving shadows there, To echoes half contest, Across the loom, If you will only look, Lore, smiling, holds the weft. —Louise Warson. HUMOR OF THE DAY. Ruled off —Ledgers. A tweed garment —A sac coat. "Get off the earth," the cyclone said to the barn. A nervous affection—A man on tho eve of proposal. The crawfish is not very good to eat, but it will do at a pinch.—Truth. One characteristic of good old Elijah was his raven-ousappetite.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. London's constant fog may be caused by the continuous reign.— I >ll llus News. The tine wheat will insure the farmer and the English sparrow full crops.-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. People who are always scheming generally pay about double for what they get.—Milwaukee Journal. When a man is dressed in a little brief authority, he makes it more con spicuous than a red neck-tie. —Puck. So far no one has ever made the blunder of painting a Cupid to look as if he had any sense.—Atchison Globe. "Why does Snagsby keep his bail cut so short?" "Because he's getting bald, and he won't have it long."— Philadelphia Record. "He says he owes you a licking doos he? Well, you'll never get it." "How do you know?" "I'm his tailor." —Chicago Tribune. "He's a very modest young man, isn't lie?" "Modest as a burglar; he doesn't even want the credit of his own work."—Philadelphia Record. An enterprising hosier has an nounced h new button, which he colls The Old Maid's Wedding. Why? Be cause it never comes oft".—Tit-Bits. The coalman's season may be th* winter, the summer the iecmay's harv est, so that it's possible the inilkmai' finds his greatest protit in the ? spring. Shall I from her swoet spall depart, Or tiikf her for better or wor-W The choice is - will she break tnr henrt, Or -shall she break my purse? it -Puck. Demonstrator in Natural Science "Gentlemen, I hold in my hand three shells." Voice (from amphitheatre) '•lt isn't under tiny of tlieui.-Detroit Free Press - . Watts—"l wonder how lifts work 1 will get along when you nivd. I have left it?" Potts — "You'd letter 1>« wondering how we'll get along?' --In dianapolis Journal. Pipkin- - "Does your know anything about cooking?" -.Potts guess she does; you can't fset Ju l' iutc any of your cheap lvate Field' < Washington. "Hello, Bingley. how did tl*4911 fever?' "Oil, easy enough; he prjistUited his bill, and 1 had a chill i:i fifteen rain ntes." —Chicago I uter : )ceAA'.' "Can I get this note 'sWiU'eil?" h» timidly asked the m»Aoj»leuder "«iracious ! ' ejaculated the broker, ai lie glanced :it the date, "it'M fdd enougl' to need it! ' Atlauts <\-utt|tf|tioii. I'nU'ss old words can lu- - for tin new oues that are I'.eiliij ruiiidlj coined. Kuglish dictionaries v'ili soon have t.» be taken t>> i cottnit' t'l>inpri st to lie rendered portable. • tUuU* v -v>» Applicant for W.irk iT'lbiti tli«- ■ c cupatioii --em. to In- a dtiiijji ryy« oUe.' Maiitis,'er "Ye. : but the!' in -iim- m>ii nr.« killed th* company S#W(ilil i-» ud tloweri to yuiir fuu-ial." Pot-tol- Transcript. t Ki.-har.l Wli'-n my « i,!V tyiried to -leiri lo r I>t with int I tnltt t know tin re was a mortgage ,'ii it'"' Hurrj "A mortgage? ' liic4iaii-ripi , \ fellow ii, Hielllivtkjc win! ciMildn t J| V«'Hf ftir I li. I "t lit illt) lit *1*111}"* 1 iNIM \ iii»k» *' il' k ti• >% K«»h t • Ik it*, lit • t ii. mi»«« r, * t+ki i,t th* 4Dim mi i iniil f»»r »*'l tt». | 1 Iti* •. 1 , |( 112 U ' 111 ;n|.i in IttllUti Hi I" |S *H h«* t * i||-1 l*|« M-"i«>u- r .tiiu-i u*., | i i i.I , it* ilit *ii is *•- " Mi. 1., If.r| • ..m M| tk ' «.»», >!IUi4 I I" l|tU ,;.i»l, %» I w« .if. it. u.M »• IM.4* - ' ■ • tn ** Vi-«.i,rini in iiim,. Vi n! limit t -ti )'*j B-«|oh 1 ~1 . tlt.l U.I. . '»(!». (j W. II I' , II i.i t In ii, lc .1 |'ia I lee tut inn* if t ikitu ?«■ ' «irrt»* •>( iln: I i,i I.t ii ill* ,ii|i Jl' It tit , -•MM <» tl 11, I til I it I ilt lit t'i •*♦!' I«>.|. Ill* ' i«4« 4 j yUttt a» a <«t i uul Hi n | *•«!, > i , • ■ »«I. l> t •»* M' «I 1 N« ii| h «t»i <, J | I tj^ 1 •. • "** •»II <1 tl»» 4 .it» yi-| .i Um t>< o,(l»«#, ~ j M'• •» I