Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 21, 1893, Image 3

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* FKIDAY, JULY, 21. 1893.
Congress will meet on August 7th
Several wells in town have gone
Summer guests are coming this
way. __
Little Johnny's double—the green
A union church is to be built at
Jamison City.
Those time check cashiers are not
apt to abscond.
Camp meetings will soon be the
order of the day.
It is rumored that Ruth Cleveland
expects a brother.
The "Italaman" wonders about in
search of a paymaster.
An economic d way of patching the
shoe—blacken the foot.
The railroad bridge over Loyal
Sock is about completed.
Mrs. Darby Kennedy ot Laporte,
is visiting friends in Jamison City.
The apple crop will be a failure
in this immediate A - icinity, this year.
Our people have had the ex
perience und they have paid for it,
That thunder aud lightning shower
on Saturday evening, was a light
The Northern extension of the
R. R., will be here by the Ist of
The blow up on Fourth of July
was'nt half so large as the one last
Our people would like to harvest
their money, but Gaynor says it is'nt
ripe yet.
When you see a messenger boy on
the run, you may know he has lost
bis job.
The statement of Lapoitc boro.,
for the year 1892, appears in this
Chas. Kelley and wife of Shunk,
were calling on friends at Laporte,
This is beautiful weather for think
ing, and our people are doing a good
deal of it.
Politics is'nt "in it" at Laporte,
theso days. The railroad has the
Cbas. Lauer of Laporte, lost a
valuable horse oil Wednesday night
of last week.
The Democratic convention will
be held at Dushore on Tuesday
August Bth.
Every man in the community has
si private history that he woulel not
care to see in print.
Little pug dogs are now being
taught to wear the curl of their tail
down instead of up.
Mr. Jcfemiah Kelly of llughes
ville, was transacting business at
Laporte, on Friday.
Our moneyed men are "in it."
That's the advantage the printer
lias over that community.
It is'nt a certainty that the bluest
looking man lost the most money—
be worries about little things.
E. J. Flynu and Thos. E. Ken
aiedy of Jamison City, were callers
4it the county seat, on Sunday.
We were out of town the early
jxirt of this week, hence, our columns |
have bc'.'ii somewhat neglected.
There is a horse whipper, a mule i
whipper and a woman beater. Our J
to a u is Htuall but we have them all. ,
The list of the grand aud traverse I
jurors drawn for September tcrui.j
can Im: found elsewhere in this issue. |
It teems to be just as bard fori
((iris to get out of hummocks grace
fully this scasoti as it was a year i
Atty. J U. Seouten of Onshore, j
was transacting business at the
county seat, early ou Moudny morn-!
The several candidate* for C'oun- I
ty Treasurer, are doing work thu*«
• lays. All fal certain of the noun
Just at this season of the year,
the youiiK girls s|«nd a good purl
of tliclr tlino robbing the frcukle*
ulf ihell face.
Sheriff Malta If t>y says ruuiu iu Ihi
brick house is Ito object. lie sjteutb
two hours every moiuiug looking
fur hi* boo's
Iu Vkall slieet Nuw \ oik, ikt
are paiiieuisr about ibe kind
«>f money they recti* e Our people
bare no iboae.
Mi** Annie K*iiii><iy of l.apoi te, ;
who b** twin % tailing hit *i»l«i it.
I>i iiml Sj, |oi ||t«i |mii *evetttl
Wtfcbe, iblufttvd wit 1
Watch for Kelly's new ad. next
: week.
The proper officials have changed
the name of Ringville to Ringdole.
> B. G. Welch Esq.,general manager
of the Wiliiamsport & North Branch
Railroad, was in town on Weelncs
day. _
The railroad track is being laid
from Ringville to Laporte. The
company hope to have this work
■ completed by the Ist of August.
Our notice in last week's issue
that several side walks in town,
were out of repair, had the desired
etfect. They are being mended.
Mr. Cleveland and his fellow
democrats arc enthusiastic in tear
ing down; but when it comes to
buileting up they are entirely at
When men don't get up in the
cars cow it's said the girls try to
tread on their feet. This makes the
men's temper rise, if they don t them
When your dollars goes to the
dogs that's the time you have to
whistle for them. A large percent
age of our people have their mouth
' puckered."
Congress will meet in a little
more than two weeks and even the
majority leaders arc looking forward
in fear and trembling. The factions
arc in war paint.
A stomach full of whiskey is a
good conductor of sunstroke. If
the prescription don't call for good
spirits, a goodly number of our
people are safe.
It is said that Eagles Mere is dull
for this season of the year. They
hope fe>r a full—house in August,
however. Landlords who hold two
pair now, are in the swim.
Mr. Reuben W. Cheney of East
Smithfield, Bradford county, and
who will be 82 years of age on the
15ta of August, is reported quite
The democrats are realizing that
it is much easier to stand off and
pick flaws with the way the govern
ment is run than to take hold and
run it successfully themselves.
Mr. Leo Donatell of Raven Run,
was in town Monday. He was ac
companied home by fifty or more
Italians whom he has secured work
for. Tie men were thankful for
The non-payment of employes on
the railroad, has made it disagree
able for peoplo all along the line of
railroad, regardless of whethor they
had money due them from the con.
tractors or not.
Iu the hurly-burly over the silver
question the tariff seems to have
sunk out of sight. If tlio Demo
cratic party should split ou the finan
cial rock, the tariff as an issue may
disappear indefinitely.
The People's party in Ohio lias
broken out in violent spasms over
the administration at Washington.
Its platform declares that Cleveland
is a traitor to the country and
ought to be impeached.
Pennsylvania has more timber
than all the other North Atlantic
states put together, seven times as
much as New York, one-half more
than any of the western states short
of those on the Pacific coast.
The cheering news come from
Chicago that the hotel business has
been ovordone—that is, more accom
modations have been provided than
the attendance warrants. This will
keep prices withiu reasonable limits.
A. A. Baker of Jmporte twp., pur
chased a boiler aud engine of John
Walsh of Cherry, last week and ;
moved the same to Barrows' Camp
along Mill Creek, where he will |
manufacture shingles. The euglnc |
is thirty-Ave horse power and will doj
bis work with ease.
Mrs. John T. Brewster and
daughter Miss Mima of Washington,
and Miss Lizzie Hill of Williams
pint, are occupyiug the linen house
ou North Muuey street. Mr*, li.
F. Ilill aud daughter Miss Oiutu
ol Williamsport, are ci|>ecled to
join them in U week.
The county commissioner* in
spec ted the sile fur the county
bridge uver Loyal Sock at the
World'* Knil ami on lite reueolly
suiveyed road from l-aporte to
Fork** tile, uu Tuesday, Nature ,
ha* provided oue abutuuul, ahtch
may be a It lite high aud will have to
beaut down a luut or twu. The
•me to be built will be about twelve
lewt high, uwiug tu ike escevaliou
of tbe giuuud tu luliil ruck, 'l itis i
Murk a ill he iloite by tbe county L
sail under the super visioti of h k
Sit littdi eotmly uouiui'»»ioti*i, abo
will tuuiuteiiee Ibe eaute fit of about 1
|be flit of luju»l 'lbe budge alii 1
Ih built "I noil tod Wdl be about I
Ivil feet ib length.
Up to date the contractors of the
W. & N. B. R. R., have not settled
with their men. Mr. Gaynor is in
Williamsport where he has been
ever since the work stopped, en
deavoring, we are told, to effect a
settlement wilii Mr. Taylor, who
took the contract of the Railroad
Company of grading the road and
sub-contracted the same to Gaynor
& Co. Mr. Taylor claims that he
has over paid Gaynor & Co., some
thing like twenty-five thousand dol
lars while Gaynor & Company claim
that there is still a large sum due
them. llow the matter will be ad
justed no person can foretell. It is
to be hoped however, that all will
be made right and that the poor
laborers will get their money honest
ly and justly due them.
The Rail Road Company took
charge of the work on Tuesday and
have in the neighborhood of one
hundred and fifty men at work
grading at Nordmont. The build
ing of the several trestling is also in
A large majority of the Italians
and Huns out of employment have
left the town in search of work.
The personal property of the con
tractors at Laporte and along the
line of railroad is advertised for sale
on Monday. The Sheriff has levied
upon this property in favor of James
McFarlaue and others and the con
stable R. M. Stormont, baa also
levied upon the same property in
favor of several creditors. The con
stable sale is advertised to take place
at 8 a. m., on Monday and the sheriff
sale at 10 a. m., Monday. This
will make things interesting for the
m m m —f
The present reaper and binder,
which is now seen to be doing such
excellent work in every wheat field,
one would think, could hardly be
improved upon, and, as all
know, drops the sheaves the
moment it Ims bound them, leaving
the gathering of them afterwards to
human hands, but now many of them
have cunning attachments which
carry the bound sheavos along until
six of them—half the number of an
ordinary shock—are bound, when
they are all dumped on one spot,
thereby expediting the work of
gathering and shocking very ma
An act passed by the last Legisla
ture and signed by the Governor,
authorizing courts of common pleas
to appoiut a competent person to
inspect school houses on complaint
of taxable citizens of any school dis
trict in which boards of school di
rectors or controllers have failed to
provide aid to maintain proper and
adequate accommodations for the
children who are lawfully entitled
to school privileges in the district,
and prescribing a penalty by re
moval from office for neglect of duty
on the part of school directors, is a
good law and should be strictly en
There is no longer any doubt of
the popular success of the World's
Fair. All the accounts of it, even
those of visitors who went to Chica
go with prejudice against it and
ready to point out its defects, agree
in the conclusion that it is the great
est of these modern displays of in
dustry and art. There are very
few visitors who do not leave it without
enthusiastic admiration. The gen
eral verdict is that Chicago has fully
redeemed her promise to eclipse all
other undertakings of the kind and
that even the marvelous exposition
of Paris in 1*81) is distinctly second
to it in magnitude and in variety.
The auieuded game law reads as
follows: liook agents may be
killed from August Ist to October
Ist; spring poets from March Ist to
July Ist; scandal mongers, January
Ist to Dcocmber 31st, inclusive;
umbrella borroweis, February Ist
to May SSnd; Isdt-bot-enough-for
you cranks, June Ist to Sept. Ist;
organ grinders, October Ist to May
Atty. K. M. Ouuhaiu ami James
McFurlitne were transacting busi
ness in Williuiu»port on Monday
and Tuesday. It wits railroad busi.
itiss. Thai's about all our people '
are doing now-a day*—looking
alter tailroad affairs. A few tuoutha
ago our p«o|<le did'ui know what
railroading was, but they have got a
pretty good ii'«ight into the working*
oi a railroad during the pu»i two
I«|lr«l|rrr list Hrrit 4 kust-M.
'the l\*« t utive CoitiutiMcc of lb*
Wist ItraUeh Mttdicul A**oil*ltutt
bald tsio liteeitug* tu Willlauisport
ow Saturday for the puri*.#e of i
•vbcltug a pl»#e lor buttling lite mu
Intel mum llttg id til* *utaely »tilt h
UMiur* on tbu .'• •t li ii.aiaitt It m
iiialijr decided tti»| KgksWiit
•bouM be lbs )<Ub«.
VV HXIAMBPOBT, PA., July 15,1893.
To the editor of the SULLIVAN
PEAR SIR: —In your issue of the
14th inst, you published an article
relating to the firm of E. J. (iuyuor,
Son & Co., contractors for the
graduation and masonry of the ex
tension of the Williamsport & North
Branch Railroad —from Nordmont
to Dohm's Summit. In this article
you reflect, perhaps unintenionally,
upou the Railroad Company, and
amongst other things say that the
Railroad Company "Bhould make
the contractors good."
On behalf of the Williamsport &
North Branch Railroad Co. I de
sire to say, for the information of
all interested, that the Kailroad
Campany has not now and never
had a contract with Messrs. E. J.
Gaynor, Son & Co. The Railroad
Co. let the contract for the entire
work, including the graduation,
masonry, ties and rails, to Mr.
Edgar A. Taylor of the City of
Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Taylor sub-let
the graduation and masonary to
Gaynor Son & Co., by written con
tract, and it is within my knowledge
that Mr. Taylor has paid the con
tractors largely in advance of what
the contract called for. While I
greatly regret that any one should
suffer loss in his transactions with
the contractors, the public should
understand that the Williamsport <fc
North Branch Railroad Company
are in no wise to blame.
President of the W. & N. B. R. R.
It Has a Foe.
Farmers report the presence of an
insect in some localities that kills
potato bugs by the thusands. The
insects are longer than the potato
beetle, but narrower, and have red
wings. They pounced down on the
potato pest as far as lie could see.
One would seijte a potato bug, and
evidently sting or bite it in the
neck, when the potato bug would
drop instantly to the ground dead.
So fierce and untiring was the wing
ed Nemesis of the bug from Color
ado that not one wan left alive in its
path, the ground being covered with
the pests between the rows. The
destroyers followed systematically
the rows of the vines, some going in
one direction across the field and
some in another. There were thou
sands of the red winged insects, and
so rapidly did they work that they
cleared the field of potato bugs in a
few hours. Nature has been slow
to produce an enemy for the potato
bug, but she seems to have given us
a good one,
Gettysburg as a battlefield will go
down to honored history, but Gettys
burg as a town, receives a very bail
nauie from the actions of its un
fortunately large quota of mean men.
Thirty years ago when the union
army was defending it they charged
the soldiers a shilling a cup for
water to drink, and the other day
when the veterans went back to un
veil a monument to their dead com
rades they were robbed by such ex
tortionate prices as $25 a day for
carriages. The town has been made
famous by the soldiers and is get
ting rich out of people who visit
tho soeno of thuii' exploits. It
should therefore have the decency
to prevent its skins and blood
suckers from robbing tourists and
thus redeem and nave its reputation.
A llig Neure. Itut I'orluuulfl)
There -\<» l>uiu»go
The electric storm that swept over
this town Saturday evening was the
heaviest that has visited this soctiou
during the summer, but fortunately
was not damaging in its ctl'eete.
The threatening aspect of tho aj>-
proaching clouds created some
alarui among the people. The
olouda were of inky blackness, and
were almost constantly Illumined by
blindiug flashes of lightuiug, follow
ed by loud |>caU of thunder.
~ > - —•
MUs Crawford, State organizer
for the Young Women'* Christian
Temperance I'itiou, will give an ad
dress iu the M K. church Tuesday
evening July 125, beginning at 8
o'clock. A cordial invitation l» i»
teuded to all. A uolleutiou will be
taken. Ml ah Crawford will at
Soneatowu , Saturday evening July
. Muuey Valley, Sunday uv tailing
July | tag leu Merc, -Monday even
tug July <4.
—■ • •«- ——•
The Young IViplu's Snuivt) of
t hristian Kudeator of will
hold a t»awu Festival at Ihe hotue
of Mte. J. |». Smyth, F'iday tiiii
tug Jul> 'l*l Itki cream, eake aud
lemonade, wilt la »«i»c>l. 'l'ltc
amount nawil at thie Icitiul tu U
um'il lu* plating a la tup post ami
lamp, mmi the tuUwiiit ui iba '4
k eit til eh atttl 'or uilin cltuitlt
|,ui !■«*••• A |'lt>«»a>it timu )• an
|i« Iptttat). AU ayw in
Vil« I to alVaud.
Rev. L. O. Davis of Lewisburg,
will hold services at the M. E.
church, at Tjaporte, on Suuday next
at 11:15 a. m.
It is not surprising to learn that a
New Jersey sheep and wool company
has failed with liabilities of $5,000,-
000 ami that other similar failures
are expected. Tho avowed determ
ination of the Democratic party to
make wool free is enough to account
for any disaster which may overtake
the American wool grower. The
price of wool is now lower than it
has been lor many years.
The State of South Carolina is
to-daj- a great saloon, run by the
State authorities in the interests of
revenue only. It is the first time
such a thing has been seen in the
United States. In addition to the
question of revenue, it is incidentally
proposed to give the people pure
liquors. That will hardly be an in
ducement to the South Carolina
bourbous. It is not so much quanti
ty they want down there. The de
cision of one of the South Carolina
judges that the law is unconstitu
tional is received with great glee b}'
the saloon keepers.
List of Cirantf Juror* llrawu lor
Nrpt. Terra 1893.
M. M. Flester, B. P. Hunsinger,
Lewis Dickinson, C. R. Lauer,
Charles Hartzog, Chas. Kane,
Daniel Murphy, A. L. Cox,
A. Wilroot, Samuel Northrop,
T. 8. Simmons, Stephen Murphy,
11. S. Molyneux, Irwin Dewald,
Wm. Allen, Jerry Deegan,
Jasper Fawcett, | Elmor Mill r,
Wm, Campbell, j Pat Driscoll,
Ilarrv Phillips, Geo. Saulsbury,
W. 11. Biddlc, ' A. Cole.
J. W. Norton, j Hansom Thrasher,
Chas. Cox, i P. C. Schanabaeher,
Philip WorthingtoD, Dewitt Gritmau,
Reuben Hunsinger, W. C. Battin,
Wm. F. Taylor, James Murray.
W. 11. Fanning, Jno. W. Hartzog,
Wm. Fulmer, Isaac Williams,
Adam Higlitmire, Jno. llyde,
G. W. Brown, Stanton Hosier,
Wheeler Green, Harvey King,
James Develin, S A. Dieffenbaeh,
D. M. Sperry, Frank Hannon,
C. J. Harrington, A. L■ Plotts,
D. K. Epler, Hugh Brislin,
Otto Bahr, E. A. Fulmer,
G. W. Bigger, Amos Foust,
L- K. Gavift, Samuel Renter,
C. Q. Iliues, L. B. Speiker.
llustuess Locals.
Screen doors, at Colo's Hardware for
#1 00. Window screens iis cents and up
Hammocks 75 cents and upwards.
White Mountain ice cream freezers.
Second hand cook stoves cheap at Cole's
An elegant line of axes, handles etc., at
Cole's Hardware, Duaiiore, l'u.
T. J. Keeler has just received a new
stock of shoe wear. Call and take a look
at them. They are neat and durable and
cheap in price.
Foil SAI.E.— A lumber wagon, com
paratively new, medium weight and a
three seated covered platform wagon.
For further particulars inquire of. C. F.
CHENEY, Eagles Mere.
T. J. KEELER has just received a new
stock of ready made clothing latest styles
and patterns. Call and see them if in
need of a suit.
Insure your life in the Great Penn
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia,
F. 11. TOMLINSON, agent for Sullivan
The latest Spring styles of soft and stiff
hats at T. J. KEKLEK'S at bottom prices.
Buy your stock of
Sonestown, Pa.
All stock guaranteed as represented.
Auditor'* Notice.
IN. RE. LUNACY 1 In the Court of Com
inon Pleas of Sullfc
! van Co. No- 1,
JAMKS FI.AXIOAN. J Sept. term, 1890.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan
County, to hear the acceptions and audit,
I and adjust the account of Horace Du
i tnond. Committee of James Flunigan, a
lunatic, will meet the parties for the pur
pose of his appointment, at the office of T.
J. and F. 11. Ingham Esq., in the Borough
of Laporte, Sullivan County, Pa. on Friday
the 11th day of August, 1893, at 10 o'clock
a. n». at which time and place, all persons
interested in said account, are required to
present, their claims, and produce their
evidence, or be forever after debarred from
having the same allowed.
E- J. Ml LLKN. Auditor.
Dushore, Pa., July Uth, 1893.
Take notice, that JOHN V FINKI.K has
just received from the East, a lot of the
tinest anil cheapest shoes ever brought to
the "Mountain City."
at prices which will please all, even the
Moat patsinioliiou* Among the brands
are the ltaher & Seberl, equal to the cele
brated "Burt" and at half the coat. The
Dougla**. Lester A Co Solid Itock, u»
solid a> their name The Lottie Slipper
black tan aud patent Icuthur . these are
unique in »lyh* aud ttuUh ; Humphrey
Broa. ill Cos. celebrated make, uoue bet
ter. The "ttoya in Blue" their wives and
daughter*, are i»|wv*aily Invited to call
AM will t«> politely received ami honestly
dealt with Corner of Muucy aud Clicrr*
struct*, Laporle, Pa.
Juue «, IWM
Puiiiiual AasuiiNMaaiti.
The villein til Sttllivau county are here
h> uollhitl that I .tut a i aiidtdatu for the
ojtlc* o| t'ouut) t ulUUllMtiiiii r, tufijcct til)
the (Iccuion of lite lUpublaati County
k.»tella. Pa , May 9 INIM
The voter* of Mullltau Couut) «fr hefe
I.) untitled Iti4t I «IM 4 candidal" foi llt> I
rn. lu| onuiy I'oaiu,», »uhk-« t to
Ihe itM'lsiou of ihe lUpubiU au Count)
l.tucoiu Fail*, !*». Ma) I, I MM.
'I ha v.iii r* ul *uhu« u tonal) at* lu». ■
t.» u Hl.ed that I *ut a cvuiiklaU iuf lite
• fb«e oil »uul) ninTiii i|| r. »iil/V ■ I
the lu >h< Utiiit .•( lite Hipuliil.ftU Count)
li *. Itavwa. |
ohlcaOiui), IV, Waj (I IMM
Citizens ot Western Sullivan,
Respectfully ask yon to call and inspect the large stock of SPRING and SUVMKR \
goods, that have just arrived. Consisting of dry goods, notions.
Ladies : ad : Gents : Furnishiag : Bndi,
Groceries, hats, caps and STRAW GOODS. Botts, shoes. drugs and patent medicines aid
everything usually kept in a first clan GENERAL STORE. All goods marked ia
figures and as low as the lowest DON'T FORGET that for oash we (ire yea a
on these goods, sl. worth for 90c, $5. worth for $4.50. Give us a trial and wa will pre?#
to you that we can save you money. Remember that we are agents for the celebrated
LKHbKA MOWER'S the best on earth Thanking you for your patronage la
the past, we hope to merit it in the future.
A Big Bargain,
Come and see us,
Dushore, Penn.
We have on hand an excellent line of Gents furnishing goods of all kinds »nehid a
nig suits, Overcoats Ilats, Caps, Underware. Boots and Shoes, Rubber goods Kelt*
and etc., at prices that defy competition. '
Custom Work
Pbomptiy AND
Correctly done at our head quarters in HOTEL CARROLL BLOCK at Duahora Fa
We respectfully invite i'OU to call and see us and examine and p r ?c« b£
fore purchasing elsewhere. ° F
J, W. Carroll Co.
11. W. HARRISON, Manager.
Buyers Wake Up!—Tis The Spring 0! '93
The opening months of the season wc shall make you all remember ai
We are going to do business with jou because we have just exactly what yoo want, a»4 aar
prices ore simply irresistible.
buch quantities of new styles as we show in all departments leave nothing ta be asked 112»». fit
quality and varietv, oar fresh new line is irictly first class in every detail* Wa
have the disposition* the ability and tba elegant goods to please
every buyer who is seeking bargains in tha line of
Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Etc,
Oar complete assortment insures porfcet satisfaction in the selection of goods to satisfy indi
vidual lasttts. "ion ill find our ttoi k uiade up entirely of
goods that aro trustworthy, serviceable
and the best of their class,
Come in and see how * V AIR wo will treat you, how well wo will PLEASE you, and how much
we will SAVE for you.
I aui prepared Ij meet any juices or quotations with a first clans and
well selected stock ot
TJi I NA' .V, It A ii S AND I'M It H A LLA X
1 aUu hu>o full lines ol Humpies from two Merchant Tailoring Kiub.
li.iimiuta,(oi Custom Work. i'wiiVct tits guuiMtUetL tali ami fat prieM.
Yours H. spccU'ully etc ,
p. rwcEwi,
|»>.i .OL-k t'u.l, fur ,«l. «i u„ tl u -.k.r of iu. HUM Liu. A fr.llitta
IUlllu»4 t o. at Utibh.»>
Ill* »laU Libs 4 Nuilltau M It IV 1. 0. Hu»|t,