Peculiar Origin or a familiar Phrase. The phrase "That beats Bob-t»il" is not uncommon even now in many parts of the country, especially in the South. Its origin is traceable to a race which occurred about 1840, or shortly before that year, on the famous Fairfield track on the Mechanicsville turnpike near Richmond, Va. In those days Bob Poindexter lived in Richmond. He was a sporting man, wore fine clothes and owned a number of horses. Among the animals was one he named Pizarro, a plain bay gelding, with black mane and tail, the latter bobbed short. There was nothing extraordinary •bout the horse, and nobody looked upon him as a laccr. But Poindexter took a notion that he could run. He used to drive Pizarro about Richmond hitched to a buggy. On the day that he was advertised to appear on the track a great crowd was present and excite ment ran high, for a gieatdealof money had been put up on other horses. To the astonishment of everybody Pizarro beat every boise on the track, and tbe people went fairly wild. Bob-tailed Pizarro never made much of a record. He won two or three races and then went to pieces. For years afterward when anything extraordinary happened in that section it was said of it, "That beats Bob-tail."—Baltimore American. Cooking by Electricity. An electrical cooker is one of the novelties. If the claims for the inven tion can be substantiated, the woes of the long-suffering housekeeper are about to vanish forever. The comforts of home will be secured without any of its worries. Smutty, smoky, disagreeable coal and frisky, treacherous gas is to give place to electricity. Beefsteaks will be cooked by lightning. The drowsy housewife can push an electric button before she arises in the morning and the tea-kettle will be humming a merry wel come when she gets down to the kitchen. The daj of tbe pine board and the butcher's knife is doomed. The public is destined to be treated to no more har rowing tales of kerosene oil explosions. And all this, the enthusiastic inventor claims, is at a marvelously low cost.— Chicago Neivs Recoid. Mr. Jo&eph Hemmerich An old soldier, came out of the War greatly enfeebled by Typhoid Hcver, and after being In various hospitals the doctors discharged him as incurable with Consumption. He lias been in poor health since, until he began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Immediately his congh grew looser, night ! sweats ceased, and he regained good general i health. He cordially recommends Hood's Sar. saparilla, especially to comrade! in theG.A.K. Ilood'n I*ll In cure Constipation by re storing peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. "German Syrup" JUDGK J. B. HILL, of the Superior Court, Walker county, Georgia, thinks enough of German Syrup to send us voluntarily a strong letter endorsing it. When men of rank and education thus use and recom mend an article, what they say is worth the attention of the public, i It is above suspicion. " I have used your German Syrup," he says,"for ' my Coughs and Colds 011 the Throat and Luugs. I can recommend it for them as a first-class medicine."— Take no substitute. ® KILMER'S QWAtyP m Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Rheumatism, Lunaba aro. pain in joints or back, brick dust in urine, frequent calls, irritation, inhumation, gravel, ulceration or caturrh of bladder. Disordered Liver, Impaired digestion, gout, blllious-hcnosche. (W4nP-lI4OT cures luclney aper and send address. "That unrivalled c implexlon," sai 1 a promi nent New Yorker, alluding to a lady acquaint ance, "waa the result ot using Warrteld Tea.' Send for free sample to 319 Wu.-t 45th Street, New York City. BKECHAM'S PILLS cure bilious and nervous Illness. BeeChatu'a Pi is sell well because they enre. lib cents a box. fill ONE enjoys Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. l>o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAA FRANCiSCO, CAL. lOUISVILLB, Kt. f.f ,v YORK. H.I. Cores Consumption, Coughs, Cronp, Sore Throat* So'd hv »H on a Guarantee. PXEXUS.E: The Future (ireat, the peerless jewel of the Upper Missouri Vulloy, is already THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Iler location, natural resources and advantages are actually perfect tor making a very large city. Small investments made in Pierre to-day, at the present tow prices, wilt (/row into a fortune t'n the near future. Choice lots can be ha ion tue installment plan, or with a discount for cash. 1 reler to the many goo I Eistern people who have invested through mo in Pierre, an t I will be glad to correspond with you. For special quotations and further information write to me, CUAS. L. lIYDK. Pierre, S. Dak. "Don't Put Off Till To-morrow the Du ties of To-day." Buy a Cake of SAPOLIO SAPOLIO EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR By J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M„ M. Dl This Is a most Yalua t»le Book for the House- hold, teaching as It does Che easiljr-distinjjulshed Symptoms of different I Diseases, the Causes and ff Jj&l'U'ijp/ W ■leans of Preventing such Diseases,and the Simplest *-% Kemedles which willalle- Vlate or cure. 598 Pages, Profusely Illustrated. The Book is written in plain every-day English, and is free from the technical terms which render most Doctor Hooks so valueless to the generality of readers. This Book is Intended to b« Of Service in the and is so worded as to be readily understood by all. ONL.Y 60 CENTS POST-PAID. (The low price only being made possible by the immense edition printed.) Not only does this Book contain »o much Information Relative to Disease, but very properly gives a Complete Analysis of everything Brtaining to Courtship, Marriage and the produc on and Rearing ot Healthy Families) TOGETHER WITH Valuable Recipes and Prescriptions, Explanation of Botanical Practice, Correct use ot Ordinary Herbs. Hew Edition, Revised k Enlarged with Complete Index. With this Book In the house there is no escuse for not knowing what to do in >a MMrgency. Don't wait until you have illness in your family before you order, brt Mad at one* tor this valuable volume. ONXjY go ohnts post-paid. Hm4 postal antes or postage stamp* at a«y denomination not larger than 5 cento, BOOK PUB. HOUSE, LEO..AHD STREET, X*. Y. Cfl» RfimT READY RELIEF. CUBES AND FB*V»NTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Frostbite*, Chilblains, Headache, Toothache. Asthma, DIFFICULT BREATHING. CURES THE WORST »« from one 10 twenty minute*. NOT ONE HOUlt Mi"* rcwiluK this adver tiKcmeut need any one BUFFE? V* Himlwii) '* Keitdy Relief in i£ l*«re C«FO wr Etefy I'nin. Sprain*, limine.** P«l«« In the llnck. Client or Limb*. It First And l« Hie Only PA IN REMEDY That Instantly stops the most excruelatlng pains, al lay* inflammation, and cures Contentions, whether of the LungH, Stomach, bowels or other glands or or gans, by one application. A half to a teanpootrful in half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes enre Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessnes*, Sick Headache, Diarrhtea, PyncnVery, Colic, Flatu lency ami all Internal pains. There 1* not a remedial agent In the world thai will cure Fever and Ague and all other Malarious bilious and other fevers, aided by KADWAY'H HI 1.1.*. W) quick a* KAItWAY'H HEADY ItKMKF. Fifty rents pof hoi lie. Hold b; Draniala. HE SI IRE TO \rj pure and soluble. flfl j ). 7 Jj It has more than three times KTI I FI the strength of Cocoa mixed ' i gl ™ tf>l Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, aud is far more eco nomical, cost In j leas than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and EASILY DIGESTED. Sold bjrGrorer* everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Maafc Main OfiW: Dr. I» W. F. S>YDK!t, SlnVlrker'- Thrnlrr, fhUafO. Kiuirm t Dr. I. » . 1100 I 11. 4 1 W. 24 th St., K«w \ork Office* ) llr. 11. I'l.vnrrox. 201 ll«l»*r *»., Rrooklya y A DDICHM C cnCAM I.ES never fall to nAnnIOUII O cure Headache, Dizziness, 81l lousncHH, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc. Price 25c. KNOX C IIE>II< VI. (miI'ANV, Toledo, 0. F[EfiSIONAV"hKm"S.r: "Successfully Prosecutes Clalois. I*ate Principal Examiner U S.'Pension Bureau. 3yrslulast war, K> abjudicating claims, atty since. fltfllllU Morphlno Habit Cured in 10 PATENTS SSS Of t'oD«iim|)llvr« *nd poopie ■ vho have weak nine? or Anth- Mj utt. shoniri use Pico's Cure tor Consumption. It has eured KB thoniitmda. ft nas not ininr- H ■■ ed one it is not oad to take. Kit is the best cough syrup. Ejl Sold evervwbero 2ftc. H| rrTTTTM" hill I !«■