A Remedy for Sprains. Dr. N. W. Cady regards the follow ing as an infallible remedy for sprains: A half hour's douching with water at a temperature of 120 degrees, and the fix ation of the joint by a splint on the flexor side of the joint, or upon the ex tensor side, if that be more convenient. —Medical Record. Fire Cherryfield, Maine, canning es tablishments have put up $75,000 worth of blue-berries this year. It has been proved that 'the recent epidemic of smallpox in British Columbia came from China. How'* This 112 We offer Oj)e Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh C'ura. !>'. J. CHKNEY & Co., Props., Toledo, Q. We, the underpinned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions, and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. WEST & THU.VJT, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. W AIDING, RINNAN & MAUVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. pen bottle. Sol.dJjy.all druggists. Have You Anthvnn ? T)r. R» SchifTmann, St. Paul, Minn., will mail atrial package of SchitTmanirs Asthma Cure free to any sufferer. Gives instant relief in worst cases, and cures where others fall. Name this paper and send address. BEECH AM'S PILLS cost only 25 cents a box. They are proverbially known throughout the world to be "worth a guinea a box." Mr. David M, Jordan of Edmeston, N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A Complete Cure b\i HOOD'S SAHSA- V All II.LA. This is from .Mr. I>. M. Jordan, a re tired farmer, and one of the most re spected citizens of Otse.ro Co., N. Y. "Fourteen years ago Iliad an attack of the gravel, and have since been troubled with my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago I got down so low that | could scarcely yvalK. I looked more like a corpse that a liv ing iteing. I had 110 appetite ami for 5 weeks 1 ate nothing but gruel, i was badly emaciated and had no more color than a marble Statue. Hood's Snr-aparilla was recommended and I thought 1 would try it. Before I had finished the first bottle I noticed that I felt better, suffered less, the inflafYT mation of the bladder had subsided, the color began to return to my lace, and 1 began to feel hungry. After I had taken d l>ottles 1 cold eat anything wlthOttt hurting me. 1 have now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla I feel well and am well. All who know me marvel to see me HQ Weil. D. .M. .TOHDAN. Hood's I'll It ar<- tlic liest nfier-dlnner Pills, as sint digestion, euro headache aud biliousness. DAD WAY'S n PILLS, Purelv vegetable, mild anil relluhte. Cause perfec Digestion absorption and healthful regu larity. For the cure of all disorders of the stomach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Disease. LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, DIZZY FEELINQS, BILIOUSNESS, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA. PERFECT DIOESTIOV will 1»' mpllsbMl by taking Radwnvs Pills. By tlu-fi AN'TI llll.liil'S |.rop «*rt|pß they Rtlnmlatp tin' liver In the scrri'tioti of the bile and Its diM'tiArK<> thrmK'i tin- biliary duets. Those pills In doses of from twn t.i f.mr will quickly regulate the action of the liver u.i.l fr the patient from these disorders. One or twit of l!adway's Hlllftj taken rtallv by those sulijeet t.. I.tllous pains and tor pidity of the ilver, will keep th. ,v,stem regular and Beoure healthy digestion. Price, a?x\ per bo*. Hold by nil druggists. RADWAY A CO., SEW YORK. - no KI LM CR'S SWf p &oo'f' THe aPf AT KIDNEY.LIVERS B ® CR o Pain in the Rack, Joint* or hips,sediment in nrin »likc brick-dust frequent cnlls or retention, rheumatism. Kidney Diabetes, dropsy, scanty or !•; !i colored urine. Urinary Troubles, Stinging sensations when voiding, dinterss pres sure in the parts, urethral irritation,stricture. Disordered Liver, Bloat or dark circles under the eyes, tonjpia coated, constipation, yellowish eyeballs. Qtaarantee Use contents of <>no lloltle, be» Druggist* w ill refund you the price paid. At Druargl"tw, 50c. size, *I.OO Sir*. Invalid*' Guide to Health"* free Consultation fre* DK. KIf.MKH- a- < p.. UlN«r I \ MTOV. N Y. CURES i^PSINQ BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" SEXTOS offered emld-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for many year.-, and in each case where "Mother's friend" bod been used it has accomplished wonders and iclieved much suffering. It is the i>est r< medy for rising of the breast known, and worth tl>e 112 rice for that aloaa. Mrs. 31. M. Bbcsteb, Montgomery, Ala. Sent, by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $ 1.50 per bo">. BRADFIELD RfcOULATOR CO., ■oUby .11 Upj( Remedy fortbePrbmpt BJjd PertnancntCulfe.flf P&ins &ijdT\cbes SYS 0—47 DC NOT Bk UtUfcIVEQ with Pastes Enamels, ana Faints which stain 5 the hands, injtire the Iron, and burn off. £ The Rising Sun Stove Polish *s iirilliant ; Odor-1 less Durable and the consumer pays Tor no tin I or glass package with avery purchase. i ARTIFICIAL W..HU. B BElt HANDS and FEET. LIMBS It is not unus ' v ■ 1 ' | ual to see a far natural mem bers and earning the same wages. Eminent surgeons and competent judges command the Rubber Foot ami Hand for their many advantages. At every ex hibition where exhibited they received the highest awards. They nre endorsed and purchased by the IT. S. and foreign Governments. A Treatise, contain ing 430 pages, with 260 illustrations, sent FKEF.; also a formula for taking measurements by which limbs ran IK* made and sent to all parts of the world with fit guaranteed. Address A. \. MARKS* »°t B roadway. New York City. Established Forty Years. Unlike the Dutch Process rj2> No Alkalies &S Other Chemicals aro nsed in the preparation of ifSK w. BAKER & CO.'S I Breakfast Cocoa |u I!'' i which Is absolutely H)I 1 I R \ pure and soluble. £ & f')('f jlt has more than three times fa J| , I j i the strength of Cocoa mixed H m 112 r ■ wttll Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more eco nomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and EASILY DIGESTED. Sold hjr (irorers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Ma«». 1 want to Buy a Mineral Spring Containing Lithia. Send an alysis. State price. Give naire and distance of near est railroad station. James Gaunt 365 Canal St N V Iggpj Cnres Consumption, Couphs, Cronp, Soro Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. F _ SNSTONW.f.K.°»?SS !aa?s^,Ws!sw!!S2W«a 3yraiu la«t war, 15 adjudicating claims, atty siuce. PAT FN TS w« I mm 8 Ivl w I w 4 o «p)t ge book tree. ■■EaEEoanißßEia** Sjl Conmnn|)ltve" tnd people ■ who have weak lungs or Astn* H am. should use Piao'sCure for ■ Consumption. It has cared |H thoadandi. It has not Injur ed one. It is not bad to take. H It is the best cough syrup. Wj Sold everywhere B.»c. ; wmm&mssiEZMMm