flss RspasLic^i) LAPORTE, PA., APRIL 22nd, 1892. tOCAI DEPARTMEN T. It will be BLAINE. The roads are dusty. Easter flowers were scarce. Easter Sunday was a trifle chilly. The organ grinder is on the war path. Court will convene, on Monday May 23. It is to be hoped that spring has gained a foolhold. Mrs. Frank Gallagher of LaPorte, is reported quite ill. The land sales will appear in the REPUBLICAN, next week. Everybody should plant a tree on Arbor Day, Friday May 6th. The murder case, will make busi liess for the District Attorney. Judge Sittser is erecting a new addition to his residence in Tunkhan nock. Thos. Sheehan of Jamison City, was calling on friends at LaPorte, Sunday. Prothy. Walsh, spent Piaster Sun day, with his mother and sister, in Cherry. Spring is always coming but some times it gets sidetracked by a Winter cyclone. Atty. F. H. Ingham of LaPorte, was doing business in Williams port, on Monday. The buds will soon begin to start and the maple sugar weather will be to an end. Mrs. Eugene Tripp of Jamison City, spent last week, with friends Ht LaPorte. It is proper now to commence hoarding, for. expenses to the World's Fair. T. J. K eelev of 1 aPorte, lost a Valuable fresh milch cow, on Tliurs day night of lust week. The W. C. T. U., will meet at the home of Miss Ada Meylert Friday April 22, at 3 P. M. The Little Hotel pt Eagles Mere, was opened for the traveling public, the early part of this week. M. J. Lull of Bernice, was in at tendance at the Democratic State Convention, at Ilairisbmg, Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller and son, of Bernice, were visiting Mr. Keller's brother Will and family at LaPorte, Sunday. The count} 7 jail is empty of pris oners. This speaks a good word for the law abiding citizens of little Sullivan. Miss Alma Lauer of LaPorte, who has been visiting friends in Philadel phia, for three or four weeks, re turned home Saturday. Prof. M. F. Albert, left for a two months visit in the Western States, on Wednesday. His many friends Wish him a pleasant time. A new courthouse has been re commended for Luzerne county by the grand jury attending a recent tettn of court in that county. Mrs. M. C. Lauer of LaPorte, is visiting friends in Athens, Seranton and Rochester. She will be absent from home two or three weeks. The W. C. T. A., of LaPorte, will edit a half column of the REPUBLI CAN, after May Cth. Subscribe and hear what the women have to say. SherifT Utz was looking after of ficial business at the county seat, Tuesday. The Sheriff edits a half column of the REPUBLICAN, this week. Miss Hattie Grim of LaPorte. who taught the IlillsGrove school the past winter, finished her term last week, and returned home, on Monday. Ilarvey Dan ley, stage driver be tween this place and Forksville, saw a large black bear, on the side of the mountain near the Walizer place, Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. Cheney of LaPorte, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. H, E. Van- Fleet, of Binghamton, N. Y., re turned home, on Wednesday. . It surely has the appearance of a murder in Sullivan county, and a cowardly murder, too. i'he villain should be brought from his hole and with little ceremoney introduced to the gallows. R. A. Conklin of LaPorte, has erected a new side walk in front of his residence, on Cherry St., which adds very much to the appearance of his property. The personal property of the late K. K. Kceler of Davidson twp , will be exposed to public sale, this (Fri day), April 22. For further particu lars see hand bill. It is possible that Win. H. Paint on, the murderer of old .Mrs. Strom inaer, may be pardoned from the gallows and sentenced to the East ern Penitentiary for life. Tile w. C. T. U., of LaPorte, will give a dramatic entertainment at LaPorte, during the first week of May. The play will comprise 21 young ladies and 3 gentlemen. Several of our nimrods and stock owners of Lake Mokoma, enjoyed ft trout fish in the sacred waters Saturday. It was too cool, how ever, and the speckled beauties re fused to nibble. The LaPorte saw mill was putin operation, on Monday. Mr. E. I. Brundage is sawyer and Jerome Heed fireman. Mr. Spencer hopes to complete the sawing ofhisstockof logs, by the middle of May. The Odd Fellow's sermon which was to have been delivered at Eagles Mere, on Tuesday evening, April 2G, by the Rev. J. F. Glass, has been postponed until Tuesday evening, May 3d. All are invited. Fresh baker's bread constantly on liand at the store of Mrs. M. C. Lauer, prepared by C. W. Champion, the Dusliore baker. ~~ THE REP ULICA N WILL 15F. ENLAUUED ON Oil ABOUT MAY 6th, AND THE SUBSCRIPTION REDUCED TO SI.OO A YEAR, IF TAID IN ADVANCE. The county commissioners an ticipate renting an election booth for use at May term of court. It will be erected in the hall of the courthouse, thus affording our peo ple an opportunity of observing the workings of the new voting system. The Easter party in the Hall of the new school honsw, on Monday evening was a grand success, and the organ fund therebj' increased $19.00. Fifteen or twenty couple were present and all enjoyed a good time. Refreshments were served at all hours. The Eagles Mere Land Co., are about to have a very large bathing house built at the head of Lewis' Lake. A.J. Hackley and Art I) ur Avery have contracted to do the work. They will commence the foundation for the same, the latter part of this week. The Republican State Convention convened at Harrisburg, on Wednes day. We trust that Quay will not be hung in effigy as was Democratic Boss Harrity in Pittsburg, on Satur day. Harrity must have a weak spot in bis heart for that Pittsburg democratic club. We recently purchased a couple of lots on West Main St., and are engaged in putting them in first class shape. We anticipate a rite good crop of buckwheat, in which event we will be numbered the first editor of Sullivan county to sow and reap his own buckwheat "cakes." James McDonald of LaPorte, fell off the side walk on German street in the 2nd Ward, on Sunday evening, and sprained his ankie and cracked a bone in his wrist. Dr. Hill is in attendance and reports his patient in consider able pain, but doing as well as could be expected. The story is told of a man who used to say to his wife : "Mary, go to church and pray for both of us." But the man dreamed one night that when he and his wife got to the gate Of heaven, St. Peter said, "Mary, go in for both." He awoke and made up his mind that it was time to be come a Christian on his own ac count. The newly elected J. P's. of Sulli van county will receive brand new commissions, fresh from the mint, the latter part of this week. Pro thonotary Walsh received them on Friday and will forward the choice and expensive document, as soon ss recorded. The paper is of extra quality and the lettering is very neat, indeed. The seal though quite material, is considerable of an ornament. The Hughesville Mail, was an odd looking sheet last week. The local page of the paper was four inchea larger than the form while the editorial side was as much to small. Rutter must be an odd Josey, and notwithstanding his make up would like to represent the good and neat people of Lycoming at Harrisburg. What an idea. It can't be possible that democratic material down that way has grown so short. J. W. Carroll & Co., are disposing of their large stock of clothing at, and below cost, in order to make room for their new stock of. spring and summer goods. They have al so recently secured the services of skilled workmen to do all kinds of custom work. All those in need of clothing will do well to call and ex amine their large and elegant stock before purchasing elsewhere. It would appear that the Philadel phia Press is on the outs with all the leading Republicans of the State. The fact of the business is, the Press would like to run things about its own way and that particu lar way is not quite satisfactory to the people. Thus it is a positive fact that the Press has done more to keep a quarrel in the Republican ranks than any other half dozen papers in the state. The Press would do well to take another start. M. C. Miller of Dusliore> has an nounced himself a candidate for the office of County Superintendent. This increases the list of aspirants for this office to four. Thej r arc as fellows: F. W. Meylert, M. F. Al bert, M. R. Black and M. C. Miller. They are all competent and their many friends would like to see them all elected, but that you know can't be ; but one of the choice llock can be gathered in. The REPUBLICAN and Philadelphia Times , only §1.40 a year. The REPUBLICAN and Philadelphia Press, $1.50 a year. With the REPUBLICAN enlarged to a seven column paper, this is the cheapest combination of reading matter ever offered to the reading community of Sullivan coun ty. Since our announcement that the REPUBLICAN would grow to a seven column paper on the Gth of May, we have placed over forty new subscribers on our list* Give us your order. The REPUBLICAN alone only £I.OO. For six months 50c. Subscribe, and if at the end of the year 3-011 do not concede it the lead ing newspaper of Sullivan county, we will refund to you the amount of the subscription. It is rumored that the Lake IMO - Land Co., are about to pass an ordinance allowing people to fish in Mokoma for 25c per hour. The majority of stock holders of the lake property think this the best scheme possible of advertising the beauties that surround in that vicinity and w ill urge an ordinance to this effect. They say that people would come from a long distance to catch a mess of trout averaging from 12 to 18 inches in length and would intro duce the property to people who would not hear of the place were it not for fishing priviliges. Should the Land Co., make this a law the lone or (lot) fishermen, will have plenty of company. Memorial Day will soon be with us and the G. A. R. Posts all over the land are arranging programs for the occasion. The annual re-occur ence of this day in which fitting tribute are paid to the memories of the patriotic dead is an honor more than due the soldier boy—who faced the missiles of death that the Union committed to the Nation's care by our fore fathers might be preserved. Memorial Day is observed in every state in the Union. Old comrades will meet to-gether and with the much loved stars and stripes, float ing with the breeze, and brass bands and dram corp9, march shoulder to shoulder, as of yore, to the last resting place of their old comrades gone before—when eyes moist with tears of sorrow choicest emblems of nature will be strewed upon their graves. The S. S. Simmons Post No. 477, are making extensive ar rangements for the day and we would suggest that our people ex tend the occasion a trifle more en thusiasm than of yore and decorate their dwellings and business places 111 a becoming manner.- MURDER I SULLIVAN COUNTY Jacob Marks, a Jew Peddler of' Towuiulu, Found Dead Willi Two Bullet IloleH in Hi* Body in the Barn oi John JVleMullan, lu t'olley Twp. Tbe Body in a Fearful Stale oi Decomposition. The body of Jacob Marks a Jew piddler of Towanda aged about 21 years was found in au old trunk stored away in a horse manger in the barn on the John McMullen farm in Colley twp., on Monda} r last. Marks left home on the 16 th of March with a supply Of goods such as notions etc. He drove a sorrel horse and platform wagon and was last seen in Colley twp., accompanied by an unknown person. His people became alarmed owing to his absence from home on two Jewish holidays, one occuring ou Tuesday the 11th. On these oc casions, if possible, the families of Jewish decent partake of one spread, hence, his presence was looked for and not receiving any word or knowledge of his whereabouts his brother Lewis resolved to secure the services of detective Guy 11 ol lon of Towanda and make a search. They started out on their mission the latter part of last week and while passing the McMullan build, ings a house and barn (and a lone some place on Dutch Mountain) which has not been occupied for the past six or eight years, concluded to search them. Holland entered the house and Lewis the barn. The latter on entering the building de tected a strong stench aud was not long in detecting its whereabouts. From an old trunk with the bottom partly fallen out and that closited away in a manger came the offensive smell. He at once pro ceeded to investigate and much to his surprise found that the old wooden trunk contained the body of his brother. The remains were much decomposed. The murder having been committed some three weeks ago. There were no valu ables found on his person, even his over coat was among the missing. Suspicion dawns upon the unknown man who was last seen in his company at.d owing to the fact that the horse, wagon and goods, were gone points more conclusively that the man is guilty of the murder. Tiie In quest was conducted by M. W. Reeser, J. P., of Colley and the jury found 'that Deceased came to bis death by two gun shots fired byun— known person or persons.' The shots took effect—one in the head below the ear and the other near the should er blade the bullet lodging near the heart. It is a clear case of murder and the guilty person should be made to suffer the penalty. LATER :—Two Arabian peddlers ac companied Marks and drove their own rig instead of riding in his company. Owing to snow drifts they were compelled to take this baclt road. The murder took place on the 18th of March at dusk. Two pistol shots were heard by a boy in the neighborhood. One or two days after the murder one of the Arabian Jews returned with Marks' horse and wagon and collected a sms'll amount due Marks from a re' .ent of Colley. It is claimed tlr Marks had about $200.00 in cs on his person and that his horse, wagon and goods made a total of some thing in the neighborhood of $900.00 realized by the murderers. The re mains of the dead man were taken to Towanda, on Tuesday for burial. RUMOR :—Thursday morning 8 A. M. —That the Arabs disposed of their own horse at Bowman Creek very recently, and are driving the murdered man's horse in their bus iness. The Democratic latform adopted by the State Cor mention at Harris burg on Wednesday has the ring of the rite metal in it. It is "tariff re lorm" and consequently less tax ation, which the people spoke in "thunder tones" for in 1890, and will again when tiie opportunity is afforded.—Wyoming Democrat. Yes, Day get your life preserver in readiness for a trip up Salt River. It will be the 'BB campaign over again and up the creek the same old party will go. Nonthing like be coming well acquainted, is there, Hay? -*K. G. SYLYAftA.* DUSHORE, PA. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, AND SHOES, 1 CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. WE MAKEA SPECIALTY OF THE PRODUCE BUSINESS AND AT ALL TIMES PAY ;THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND EGGS E. G. S BOOTS AND SHOES. I have the largsst and best stock of hand -made Boots and Shoes for the' Fall, trade made from the best Hemlock, Oak and French Kip. I Guarantee Prices Lower and Goods Better than you can buy from anyone else in the trade. Ladies Fine Shoes. I have all styles and widths from? SI.OO to s4'oo. Lace, Button and Congress. You will always find the Best Goods for the least mdney at my store, J. S. HARRINGTON, SAXE'S BLOCK, MAINSTREET, DUSHORE, PA. LAWR EN C K BR O S,, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. We have just received a large new line of Fall Goods of the latest designs and styles. A great variety of Parlor Suits, Easy Chairs, Spring Rockers &c. A full line of Bed-room Suits, Spring Matresses, and Feathers. The finest assortment of Office Desks, Cabinets and Writing Desks, ever kept in Dushore. We also wish to call special attention to our fine assoitment of Couches, Lounges, Picture Mouldings, Office Chairs. Bar room Chairs, Dining-room Chairs, Kitchen Chairs &c. Everybody invited to CALL AND SEE OUR NEW GOODS UNDERTAKING In Undertaking we have a large assortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS. EMBALMING WHEN REQUIRED. An elegant hearse will attend all funerals. A portion of the public „patronage is espectfullv solicited. LAWRENCIJ BROS., Dushore Pa. ~ to'thipubmg " O- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class and well selected stock ot MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. IIA TS, CAPS, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS TR UNICS, BA GS AND UMBRELLAS, I also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab-" lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get prices. Yours Respectfully etc., F. P. VINCENT. CRONIN'S NEW BLOCK, la A MAXIM THAT AFPUKS WITH PORCK to schools, WILLIAMS & ROGERS' BUSINESS* UNIVERSITY. Stands at the head of the list of commercial schools in its character as a medium for supplying the business men of the country with trained anil capable assistants, as a means of placing ambitious young men and women on the high road to success, and in the extent elegance and cost of its equipment. THOROUGH COMMERCIAL,SIIOR ['HAND AND PRACTICAL ENGLISH COURSES. The Twenty-seventh Annual Catalogue will be mailed to any address. JLOrAL SOCK COAL. « The best and cheapest coal in the market. To customers from LAPORTE and VICINITY, THE PRICE IS REDUCED AT THE BREAKER TO AND AT THORNEDALE $3.00 PER TON BY THE CA'R;' The State Line & Sullivan 11. R. Co. 1.0. BLIGHT, Sup'K