A State Banquet Relic. Mrs. Harrison has made a number of most interesting discoveries within the past year in regard to pieces of furniture and articles used in the state dining room, the result of her researches hav ing from time to time been noted through these columns. The latest thing in this line, and de cidedly one of more than usual interest to the public, is in regard to the gold bordered mirror lake which has figured as the central ornament at countless numbers banquets. All that has heretofore been known in regard to it was that it had been in use for this pur pose far back iu the early days of the Government when state banquets were frequent occurrence, though none the less ceremonial affairs, than those of the present day. From papers containing undoubtedly reliable information it has now been as certained that the long mirror, with its beautiful gilt bronze openwork railing, embelislied with figures, was purchased in France by the United States Minister in accordance with an order to the effect from the first President of the Republic. Upon its arrival in this country the table ornamont was taken to Philadelphia and first used by General Washington on the occasion of a great state banquet at the Presidential mansicn in 1791.—Wash ington Post. Mrs. Amanda Paisley ALWAYS SAYS "THANK YOU" to Hood's Sarsaparilla What stronger proof Is needed of the efficacy 01 Hood's Sarsaparilla than this from Mrs. Amanda I'alsley, an estimable Christian lady, for many years ncominunlcaut of Trinity Episcopal Church, New burgh, N. Y.: "For several years 1 was badly nflllcted with ex terna and scrofula sores, covering almost the whole of one side of my face, nearly to the top of my head. Running sores discharged from both ears. M\ cy«-s were very bad, the Eyelids So Sore It was painful opening or closing them. For nearly n year I was so deaf* as to be unablo to hear any thing. 1 went to the hospital and had an operation performed for the removal of a cataract from one eye. One day my sister brought me two different medicines, oue of which was Hood's and offered me the choice. I too!c Hood's Sarsapa rilla and gradually began to feel better and stronger, and slowly the sores on my eyes and in my ears healed. 1 can now hear and see as well as ever. Then- art.* only blight traces of the eczema. When ever 1 see Hood's Sarsaparilla now I always feel like bowing and saying 'thank you.'" Mrs. Amanda Pajsi.ey, 170 Lander Street, Ncwburgh, N. Y. Hood's Pills •■m* Liver Ills Kennedy's Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidnevs, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it that ought to be out. You know whether you need it or not. Sold by every druggist, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, when applied into the nostrils will be ao- L^vATAR° nl sorbed, effectually Hb£PL.O IN 1 cleansing the head of - m Ski catarrhal virus, caus- jjyu pjryPß AT r. Tufct. That eminent chemist lias produced Tuffs lair Dye "which Imitates nature to perfection; W acts instantaneously ami is perfectly harmless." i'rice, gl. Offlco, &41 Parh Vj m:c, X. Y. O HATEFUL—COMFORTING, EPFSSCOCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawe which govern the operations of digestion and nutri tion, and by a careful application of the riue proper ties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Eppa hat provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured nev er age which may save us inauy heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Judicious use of such artlcvs of diet that a constitution may IKS gradually ouilt up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating aroun- 4 uc ready to attack wherever thtie AH a weak point. We may escape inauv a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. '— Civil Service Uazette. Made simply with bolllna water or milk. Sola only in half-pound tins l>y Grocers labelled thus: JAMES KPPH A; CO 4 Homeopathic Chemists, London. England. AAf" A .HOVril tor :»bright Young Men or Hirlrl Ladles In each county. AddreM I'. \V. V***# tfIBGLKK oHtiU- Designs 47 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. ft HI ||lf Morphine Habit Curod In lu The use of the bridal veil originated in the custom of performing the nuptial ceremony under a square piece of cloth held between the faces of the bride and to conceal the blushes of the former. The "Barley Syndicate," of Chicago, 111., has purchased 250,000 acres of land in North Dakota on which to settle Ger mans to grow barley for malt pur poses. at TATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNTY", S V Frank J. Cheney inake« oath thut he is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing: buslncßß in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of $1(J0 for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK j. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. I)., F - | A. WT ULEASUW. •J SEAL - ' ' Notary Public. HalPs Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Tlio Mont I'lennant Way Of preventing the grippe, colds, headaches, and fevers is to use the liquid laxative rem edy, Syrup of Figs, whenever the system needs a gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be benefited one must get the true remedy manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all druggists in 50c. and ?1 bottles. __ "1 have been occasionally troubled with Coughs, and in each « ase have used BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, which have never failed, and I must say they are seoond to none in the world.— FelLc A.. Mau% Cashier, St. Paul, Alinti. IF you are constipated, bilious or troubled with sick headuche, Beecham's Dills afford immediate relief. Of druggists. £*> cents. FITS stopped tree by Diu KLINE'S (TREAT NERVE KESTORER. No tits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and trial bottle free. Dr. Kline, Ml Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Jfafflicted with sore eyes use Dr.lsaac Thomo ►on'sEye-water.Druggists seLl at 25c. per bottle FOR THE UMIJLD KKN. My little girl suffered for three years from a large Abscess on her hip, the resuu of a fall and dislocation. The Abscess was large, with six openings, all of which discharged puss. I was induced by friends to give her S. 8. S., by the time the fifth bottle was finished the Abscess was entirely healed, and the child was well and happy. —Mrs. J. A. WIEGNER, Slatingtcn, Pa. I had three little girls v/ho were attacked with obstinate ECZEMA, or Blood Trouble, which at first resembled heat, but soon grew to yellow blisters, tome o! them quite l?rge. One of the children died from the effects of it, but we got Swift's Specific and gave to the other two, and they Soon got well. S. S. S. forced out the poison promptly. The cure was wonderful.—J. I). Rains, Marthaville, La. S. S. S. has no equal for Children. It relieves the system promptly, and assists nature in developing the child's health. Our Treatise mailed free. SWT FT SPFr-TFir COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA. OM I V Wi! have CALLKI. BQCT AND —OCR Leai>eu.— UKF.AT 11 LT ; ' ** l A splendid Farmer * an-1 aMFRTPAW s ' U/ ADM lirorHn / man'* lllltten fur AiuiJiJiXL/AiV PM n will BUpply our cue- WAnlfli fioc. pernalr. lift nahl GLOVE CO., hllP tomera and attoth- II" - - h„nu>U. l Pair khkk with 51 111 I . A d ordered through one person. Uioveravmr n,». VW U I im hereafter ai Uy fk W [f , 11|ljr wn nted semi «il- vr»l the number DDD nI T n NVHOI.ESALI; IKICHS, , i ver i>r ntam | If more than of Inches around th«» lull JrAill, [direct l»v mall, thus L|KE one |ialr send Postal Xote or hand, ovi-r tlu* 111 saving them all m id- u, „ _ ~ Monev Order and deduct knuckles, but under ! ! I Uleme>r* profit*. IR O N from ai - t>..- thiii.il. IDO NOT OE DECEIVED with s. Knamels, and Palnta which stain I the hands, l«|nretha Iron, and burn off. | The Rlslnß Bun Store Polish is l)rllll*nt,Ooor. i lev. Durable,and tho consumer ;iay« tor no tin or glass package with every purchase. I gmk A VVE WANT AN \lfin AGENT IJg B H H nJI ill *'V. TV ro Willy (.» .-ill thr V I.T 1 * JACK FROST Ss© FREEZER, that makes Ice Cream In HO sveonda. We will s*»ll vou for $5" the exclusive Agent's rights In your county to a liu.slnesM that will pay you hundreds of dollar*. For the llrst 2«>o counties Hold, and In order to make our business co-operative, we will Give Away $20,000, anent, with dividends guaranteed at three percent. You will never have another such opportunity. Write at once for particulars. AMER. AUTO. VEND. MCH. CO., 503 & 505 PEAKL STBEET, MEW YORE. | MUSHROOMS f t°H\ MILLION | There s money in growing Mushrooms, fe n Constant demand al good prices. Any one ui t M p S for $5.00* Special fe ( rates on larpe lots. JOHN GARDINER & Co.. j~ S)Seed Growers, Importers aucl Dealers, e ( Philadelphia. I'a. ) 91 Gardiner's Seeds :—New Catalogue fig; J for 1892 now ready. Free. Send for it. £ % WIS # 4b 'ft* Farm Land In S. T)uk.; fine, rich soil, and such land as will t»o worth an iu*re Inside of five years can now be bouKht for s}i to s. l.lvrr Pill.. H.V. Carmuondfncc frrciv Adtlrwt in contidtne* JiviUA t VI.VKUAiI MfcU CO , LYIrK, MAII,