WB® SgPQBLICJ® LAPOBTE, PA., FEH. 12th, 1892. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. The railroad is a certaiuty. Spring election next Tuesday. Court one week from next Mon day, Feb. 22. The Com. appeal at LaPorte boro., was warm, on Monday. Choose good men to be voted for at next Tuesday's election. J. W. Ballard of LaPorte, is visit ing friends in Lackawanna county. Sauer kraut at the store of Mrs. M. C. Lauer, at six cents pei. quart. Our people are not loosing any sleep about the result of the coming election. E. S. Chase and wife of the 'Mere, were visiting friends at the county seat, Sunday. Prof. F. W. Meylert and wife of Forksville, were calling on friends at LaPorte. Sunday. Mr. Chas. Maben of Addison, N. Y., but formerly of LaPorte, is visiting his many friends in town. The Y. W. C. T. U., will meet at the home of Miss Clara Ballard, Feb. 12, 1892. All are cordially in vited. Dr. Waddell of Dushore, in an swer to a telephone, came over to look after some of our sick, Friday evening. Misses Mame and Annie Sheehan of LaPorte, who have been on the sick list for a week or two, are re ported improving. Dewitt Gritman of Davidson two., is reported dangerously ill with pneumonia. His recovery is con sidered doubtful. Mr. A. Walsh, Miss Agnes Wrede, Miss Annie Beahen, Mr. Oscar Suyder and Mr. James McDonald at tended the lecture at Souestown, Friday evening. Lawrence Bros., are. the owners of the only undertaking establish ment in the Boro of Dushore. They thoroughly understand the business and always give satisfaction. Chairman of the Republican Standing Committee, F. P. Vincent, has issued a call for a meeting of said Committee at LaPorte, on Feb. 25. See call elsewhere. We acknowledge an invitation to the first annual ball of Washington Camp No. 505, P. O. S. of A., of Dushore. to take place in Garey's Hall, on Monday evening Feb. 22. The Supreme Court recently de cided that it had no jurisdiction in the case of the petition of the Pro hibitionists attacking the constitu tionality of the new Baker ballot law. Bloomsbufg, now has a daily paper, with Hon. Wm. Krickbaum, editor. It is a neat six column folio and is a newsy and interesting sheet. May it live long and prosper is our wish. Mrs. Bruce Rea of near Sones town, died, on Friday last. Inter ment at Sonestown, on Sunday. Deceased leaves a husband,- who has the sympath}' of all in his sad be reavement. M. M. Marks & Co., the one price clothiers of Dushore, have resolved to close business in that quarter. This is the result of discontinuing their advertisement in the REPUBLI CAN. Take warning. Miss Grace Numer of Newport and formerly clerk in the Eagles- Mere post-ollice, has accepted a similar position under the post mastership of her brother-in-law M. F. Albert at this place. Geo. Crowly, who has been in the employ of Judge Taylor for some time, died of the grip, on Friday. Interment at Sonestown, on Sunday. The funeral was attended by a number of LaPorte citizens. On account of the several state ments consuming so much of our space we will be unable to give the usual amount of reading matter for a few issues. We hope our readers will bear with us in the matter. DIED. —At the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. A. Seitz in Para- Gould Arkansas, on Friday the sth inst. Mrs. Catherine Miller wife of David Miller dee'd. and mother of Mrs. A. Logan Grim, of LaPorte, Pa. A true christian gone to her Award. * * * The people of La Porte will hold n caucus in the Court House, on Saturday evening Feb. 13. The ob ject of the caucus is to place in nomi nation pood men to fill the varous Boro. ollicas. All are invited. Prof. M. F. Albert and our fore man Mr. John Boyd, are a trifle foot weary. They walked to Sones town, on Friday evening last to at tend the lecture and Local Institute. John has occupied the printer's high chair a good part of the time, since. C. A- Jenkins of La Porte twp.,can now supply you with a thrifty grow ing young orchard of the choicest kind of fruit, also flowers and shrub bery. He has taken the agencj T of the F. S. Taft & Co. Nursery House of Rochester, N. Y., and any order solicited by Mr. Jerilains, will be as represented. Erliardt Mueller of Honesdale aped 54 years, who it is said fired the first gun at the battle of Gettys burg and killed the first man in that memorable conflict, between the Union and Confederate armies, died on Saturday Jan. 30. lie was born in Germany and emigrated to this Country early in life. The people of Dushore are con templating enlarging their Borough limits. They propose taking in the several residences on the Lal'orte road including Wendall Sick, whose building was designated as the Cherry election house in 1887. This will necessitate the appointing of other quarters for the Cherry voters to cast their ballots. It is alleged that some party or parties took possession of the new school building, on Friday or Satur day night, last. A bunk and a lamp were found in the basement near the heater. The intruders are sup posed to have been tramps. Our school authorities should Investigate the matter and proceed to have the building made more secure. Atty. H. T. Downs, who was the auditor appointed by the Court, to audit the accounts of the Prothono tary &c., for the year 1801, com pleted his audit on February 3d, and forwarded his Report to the Auditor General at Harrisburg. Mr. Downs informs us that the amount of business done during 1891, in the various offices held by Mr. A. Walsh, has very materiallv decreased from that of the two pre ceeding years, at least 20 per cent. Mr. Downs reports that he found the Records in good condition, and the financial requirements of the of fice, by the Commonwealth, and the public, fully and satisfactorily com- i plied with. Kc-orgt»uiz»lioii of the ITlllimim. port (A- North liraiich K. K. On Wednesday Mr. Geo. L. Sanderson transferred to Mr. H. L. Taylor of Buffalo all his interest in the Williamsport & North Branch R. R., and their was an entire change in the general officers of the road. Hon. 11. C. McCormick becomes President, Mr. Satterfield of Buffalo, who is Mr. Taylor's partner, taken the Vice Presidency and Stth T. McCormick is Secretary. The Di rectors are Messrs Taylor, Satter field, H. C. McCormick, S. T. Mc- Cormick and Messrs. Cochran and Payne, of the banking firm of Coch ran, Paj'iie 775 8 Jennings Bros 30 75 14 Jennings Bros 775 14 Kester E 1' 775 14 Kipp (} WA Co 775 14 Messersmith Geo 775 11 Trexler Turret! 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