07. IST C TTCME ? - - - Editor FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12ti> 1802. tC fTEKBI) A T POST-OKFIOE, LAPOKTE PS... AS BROOND-OLA.SB MATTKH. J. V. REFTENBURY, WATCIIMAKER ANJ) JKWEI.EBI DUSHORE, FA. nil ! IX. OF THE KEPIiBLI CAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. II EATIQUAUTERS OF TIIE | REVUBUCAN STANDING COMMITTEE £- FOB THE COUNTY OF SULLIVAN. } Dushore, Pa., Eeb. 8, 1892. The members of the Standing Com. will meet in the Court House at La- Porte, on Thursday Feb. 25, at 1 o'clock p. M. The purpose of this meeting is to fix the time of holding a convention to nominate one person as delegate to the State Convention and to transact other important business. A full attendance is desired. Following is a list of the Stand ing Committee. Rernice: —A. Wilmott. Cherry : —Lincoln Cox. Colley :—M. W. Reeser. Davidson :—D. W. Darling. Dushore :—F. P.Vincent. Elkland :—M. O'Rarnes. Forks :—\V. M. Rird. Fox :—A. B. Kilmer. Forksvillo boro.—M. R. Black. Hills Grove :—J. Christian. LaPorte twp :—John J. Low. LaPorte boro.— F. H. Inghan. Lopez :—Frank Rice. Shrewsbury :—John W. Aumiller. F. P. Vincent, Chairman. Hit. BLAISE WILL NOT UK A CAN I>lo ATE. lie Announces tin- Fuel iuaLclter to NuUnnul (liitii'uiiiu ( lurksou. WASHINGTOR, Feb. 7. —Secretary Blaine has written the following letter to Na lioual Republican Chairman John S. Clarkson, who made it public to-night:— WASHINGTON, Fob. 0, 1892. Honorable J. S. Clarkson, Chair man of the Republican National Committee. MY DEAR SIR : I am not a candidate for tho Presi dency, and my name will not go be fore the Republican National Con vention for the nomination. I make this announcement indue season. To those who have tendered mo their support I owe sincer thanks, and am most grateful for their con fidence. They will, lam sure, make earnest eflort in the approaching con test, which is rendered specially im portant by reason of the industrial and financial policies of the Govern ment being at stake. The popular decision on these issues is of great moment, and will be of farreaching consequences. Very Sincerely Yours, (Signed.) JAMES G. BLAINE. —« . - Local Institute. The Local Institute for the dis trict including Davidson, Shrews bury and LaPorte townships and LaPorte borough, was held atSones town on Friday evening and Satur day, Feb. 5 and 6. The following teachers were present and took part in the exercises: Miss Annie Karge, Miss Anastasia Lusch, Miss Laura Lawrence, Miss Buck, Miss Mame Fuller, Miss Maggie Moyer, Miss Hazzen, Miss.Roach, Miss Annie It. Ettinger, Mr. Morgan Gavitt, Mr. M. D. Sweeney, Mr. Phillip Biddle, Mr. M. F. Albert and Co. Supt., M. It. Black. On Friday evening Emerson Col lins Esq., of Willianisport, delivered his celebrated lecture "Navae Heroes of 1812," to a moderate sized audience in the New Evangelical church. All that heard it were well pleased. The Saturday sessions were held in the school house. The following subjects were discussed in order named : ''Fractions" M. P. Gavitt; "Advanced Spelling" Anna Karge ; "■How to Secure aud Hold Atten tion" Annie R. Ettinger; "How to keep Primary Pupils Busy" An astasia Lusch ; How to cultivate a taste for Good Reading" M. F. Al bert ; "Class Drill—Percentage" M. D. Sweeney : "Grammar" Philip Biddle ; "Object of Local Insti tutes" Supt. M. R. Black. Every teacher took part in the general dis cussion of each topic and all wore highly complimented by Supt. Black for the broad and practical views taken by them on all the questions discussed. Monotony in tho discussion* was avoided by an | appropriate dt-clanmiion by Miss j Mame Fullmer, by an excellent J essay on "Hope" by Miss Maggie Moyer, and singing by the com mittee. The question box was an important feature of the Institute. SUGAR RIDGE ITEMS. Mrs. Win. King is on Mie sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John Low are or. the sick list. Frank SbatTer intends moving to LaPorte, in the near future. Mrs. Peter Gavitt has been quite ill with the grip, but at this writing is improving. Rev. Mintker will hold services at the Low school house, on Sunday Feb. 14, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. George Avery has resigned house keeping, and is living with her father, M. M. Hester. A number of people around here attended the funeral of Mrs. Rea and Mr. George Crowly, at Sones town, on Sunday. Miss Lizzie and Phoebe Harvey who have been at Towanda, for sotbe time, returned home on Satur day to visit their parents. DAISY. The religion that is only won at church is like the political honesty worn just before elections. The W. C. T. U., will meet at the home of Miss Ada Meylert Fri day Feb. 12, at 3 p. in. LEGAL ADVERTISING. Register's notice. Notice is hereby given that the following account? of Adm'rs. etc.. have been duly filed in the office ot the Register of Wills etc., in and for tho County of Sullivan, to v it: First arid final account of lleuben Battiu adm'r. of th*? estate of Miry Foster dee'J. Final account of Smuuol Ratlin adm'r. of the estate of D. U. Foster dee d. Final account of Geo. Rinebold adm'r. of the est ite of Addison Rinebold dee'd. Final account of Henry Rroshart adm'r. of the estate of Valentino Smith dee'd. Final account of John J. Webster and John R. Maguire adm'rs. of the estate of John Maguiro deo'd. And that the samo will bo presented to the j Orphan*' Court of said county on Wednesday Feb. 24.1892. at 3 o'clock p. in.for oonfirma- ' tion and allowance. ALP II ON? US WALSIf, Register. Register's office LaPorte, Pa., Jan. 23, 1892. QOUIIT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, Hon. J. A. Sittser, President Judge, llonorables Robert Taylor Jr. and E. A Strong Associate Judges of the Courts of. Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliverer Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Orphans Court and Common Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued their precept to me di rected, bearing date Deo. 19, A. I)., 1891, for holding the several courts in the Borough of Laporte, on MIUMY, the 22d, day ofFeb. A. D. 1892, at 2 o'clock P. M. Therefore, notice is hereby given to tho Cor* oner. Justices of the Peaco and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper person at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, with thoir rolls, records, inquisi tions, examinations anu other remembrances to those things which to their offices appertain to be doue. And to those who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute against prison ers who are or shall be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to be then and there to prosecute against them us will be just. JOHN UTZ, Sheriff, Sheriff's office, Laporto Pa., Jan. 11, 1592. Trial For Feb. Tumi 1809. (return tav Feb. 22, 1892). 1 Jaoob L. Snyder vs Benjamin Lewis, No. 84 May term 1889, Trespass. 2 Mary J. Pain ton vs the Lyon Lumber Co., 145 Sept. term 1890; trespass. 3 Sevilla llartzig vs tho i,ehieh Valley R. R. Co. No. 95 Feb. term 1891; trespass. 4 L S Burch & Co. vs Mrs B Billian, No. 1 May term 1891; defendant's appeal 5 Weiss Heins vs John Campbell. No. 40 May term 1891; assumpsit. 6 C E Lawrence vs Julia Gordon, No. 56 May term 1891; assumpsit. 7 Josiah Uembury vs Jos. McFarlane & Co., No. SI May term 1891; assumpsit. 8 Davis Brothers vs David Brown No. 86 May term 189!; assumpsit. 9 H K Williams v* Horace Dumond ard James Flanigan, No. 156 May term 1891; de fendant's appeal. 10 Frank Dipling vs Owen Dovannoy, No. 169 May term 1891, defendant's appeal. 11 Harry MoCarroll vs Sherwood B Davage and E M Dunham, No. 55 Sept. term 3891; ejectment. 12 Thomas Ilanley vs M E Herrman No. 85 Sept. term 1891; trespass. A. WALSH. Proth'v. ProthVs offico, LaPorte. Pa., Jan. 9, 1892. LXCENSE NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given that the following petitions for Licenses have been duly tiled in my Office, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Quarter Ses sions of Sullivan County, on Monday, Feb. 22, A. D. 1891. viz; HOTELS. Deegan & Parrel), Colley Township. 0. F. Hunsinger, * Colley Township. Jackson & Meckes CollcyTowns'iip. Frank L. Riekets,.. Colley Township Ernstine Seeman Cherry Township. John C. Schoad Cnerry Township. James Connor Cherry Township. James H. Keefe Cherry Township. John P. McGeo, ..Cherry Township. John W. Carroll Dushore Borougt). Joseph Middendorf, Dushore Borough. Dennis Keefe Dushore Borough- R. H. Brewer Dushore Borough. M. J. Garmody Dushore Borough. S. Steafa'hcr* Dushore Borough. D. H Lornh, Davidson Township. Mrs. P. E. Magarglc Davidson Township Lloyd Kelehner Davidson Township. Joseph Carpenter Davidson Township. Ilonry Tripp Fox Township. Russel Karns LaPorte Borough* Darby Kennedy, Laporte Borough. Cbas. F, Cheney Shrewsbury Township. EATING HOUSES. John Daley Cherry Township. Robert McGee, Dushore Borough S. W Lewis, Dushore Borough. John Connor Dushore Borough. MERCHANT DEALERS. F. B. Pomeroy, Dushore Borough. John Miner, Dushore Borough. DISTILLERY. , John Seha.nl Cherry Township AL I'HON SITS WALSH, Clerk Q- S. 1 Clerks Qflico Lal'otU, Pa., Jau. i>o, 1892* ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTSSEXPENSES, DF*TpE*CDUpY*DF*SULL.IVAN*FDR 1891. ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Expenditures of Sullivan County for Ihe year IC9I. Jury Commissioners $ -» 7S Amount brought lorwnrd srtl2l M C.iiirt Reporter 382 (lit Traverse Jurors 1707 06 County Auditors 87 72 Grand Jurors 603 €0 Fuel and Lights 132 25 County Bridges 628 43 Insurance 45 00 Penitentiary Bill 198 08 Prothonotary and Clerk of Court 192 15 Asylum Bill 91 25 Elections 831 40 Burial of Indgont Soldiers 70 GU Assesing and lteg'st 733 39 Jail Physician 11 00 Commonwealth Costs 400 69) Hood Damages 47 00 Constables 143 04 Auditing Prothonotary Accounts 15 00 Stationary 203 05'"flice and Vault Euruiiure 291 2t> Sheritl's Costs 120 56jCorn's. State Convention.: 125 00 Commissioners Clerk 500 OH! Printing and Advertising 398 00 Refunding Account 3 75lExpress and Freight 10 72 Commissioners Counsel 15 00 1 ourt ilouse Repairs 88 57 Postage : 24 82 Jamison City Voting District 40 35 Sundries 150 15 Interest 553 95 $H»,467 07 ") S. K. Mo Bride, 385 70 Co. Commissioners, y 1). W. Soanlin, 213 25 JW. M. Cheney, 262 50 Court Crier 69 00 Janitor 11l 00 Boarding Prisoners 155 55 County Institute 133 66 Bounty 166 00 Amount Carried up $6126 36 i Financial Condition ol the County of Sulllivan for the year ending Deo. 31, IS9I. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. Philip Karge Co. Order at Inst 265 49; Amount in Co. Treasurer's bunds... 783 19 Henry Karge 115 00 Amount due from Collectors 1891 3153 29 Mrs. Sarah Speaker 486 00 d" for previous years 1002 25 Mrs. Amanda Keil lleirs 2000 001 do Emma Ziigler 150 00 W. C. Mason 500 00) do Henry VanKtton 247 38 Etlilin Mason 500 00; do James Thorp 37 26 N. N. Bctts 800 00, do Mason Brown 108 52 R. M. Stormont 1191 25j do Win. Lament 10 00 C- W. Engleman 2500 OOj do J. L. Orossley 7:1 81 John Paufhamus (2 judg's. #358,16 I do John Murphey 57 92 $142,60) 500 76' do Henry Bernett 129 38 Russel Earns Co. order at interest 2000 00; do J WalliJdrper !•' F Druke 43 45 First Nat. Bank of Dushore do 500 00| do John llopwood 47 71 Co. orders outstanding, not at interest 297 *l7; do Lincoln Ldkin 87 77 Amounts due twp's. from rep >rt for 112 uo Daniel Pierce 70 00 1890, viz: Road Funds $3176 71 do E- l£. Webb 604 49 School Funds 3613 86 ! d> Klfie T Brown 84 73 Poor Funds 71.1 till 7501 17 da Tripp Juiy :c« 24 00 Amt. of redemption inonry in bands j tlo Sheriff Utz 1890X1891 12 00 of Ex-County Treasurer J. Lorah, Total am >nnt of monies duj from due owners 033 55! Kjt-Tieasurer Jacb Lorah as Amt. of License money in same hands 1 shown by Auditor's Report lor due townships. 178 12 year 1890. £ 13062 32 Li SS the amount ho h.ta paid to pres ent Co. Treasurer, during 1891 SIBSO 84 11211 48 Liabilities in excess of Kosourcos 1942 88 $19971 81 $19371 81 COUNTY ORDER ACCOUNT. Amount of County Orders Oustand- Amount of County Orders ll«- ini! Dee. 31,1890 10667 36 deemed in 1891 Sl3lllOO Amount of County Otders Issued Amount of County Orders Outsiand durmg 1891 13957 07i ing Deo. 31, 1891 11513 37 24624 tX 24624 43 ~ REDEMPTION FUND ACCOUNT. Amount of redeinptio i money rooeiv- Amount of re leruptiOTi money with e l durinj; IS9I <2IS 99 drawn f'Otn Co. Treasury by I owners, during 1891 slOl 65 Balance in hand of Co. Treasurer 114 34 218 99j -18 •• WILLIAM MIJBUAY COUNTY Tit KASUREK. In Account with the Collectors of State Tax for the year 1891. BuKoTuTHS AND' COLLECTORS, j Auit. I Amt. | Col'g. i Rebate i Amt. i Bal- TOWNSHIPS. j Charged j Paid in COLD, (allowed. I>jo. . unco. Cherry 'F.J. McDonald.. $93 70 s4l #4 sl3;,' $2 36 sls 05 $93 70 Colley iThos. Cangley... 55 S7| 51 21 158 2 78; [ 5.) 57 Pnshore Borough.. J Nathan Person...! 178 jai 161 54 I 09; 8 92! I Davidson 'W. M. Bobbins...; S'O 02 73 12 2 38! 3 38. 114 80 0J Elkland IH. W. Osier j 38 Forksville Hiiro 11. W. Gilbert 61 29 41 48. 13 t 234 13 14 til ...» Forks IjohnPaain | OS 21, 2 60j | 15 71; 68 21 Fox H. B. Wostoott...| 1« 23j 941 28 50j 604 16 23 UillsGreve Jam.-s I'utter | 65 95) 60 77| 1 88| 3 30| | 65 95 LaPorto Boro N. C. Maben j 60 40 56 20, 2 02! 21* 60 40 LaPorte l'billip Karge 17 74 16 23 52: 9y | 17 74 Shrewsoury .(Richard Lissoa...j 14 90j 14 15| , j 14 90 Totals j 751 0l! 621 58! 21 6o| 26 75 81 08; 751 01 — w —= WILLIAM MURRAY COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Collcctorsof County Tax, for tbo year 1891. BOROUGH | COLLECTORS. I Amt. Amt. I Taxes Rebate i Exon | Col. i Due \;xD j j charged, paid in.j Rel'd. allowed. I era- i Com. from TWP. I I i tions. j Col. Cherry...'. P. J. McDonald...j«l724 29! $585 32; S3O 80 sll 7l|slo9C 46 Colley Thos. Cangloy 583 35; 215 t)U! 7 34 8 15| 353 06 Dushore B.IN. Pergun 752 62 500 26! 27 14 15 47, 209 75 Davidson W. M. Bobbins...l 1142 40 ,911 29 26 26 35 59 169 26 Elkland H. W. Osier 962 26 621 46 26 58 20 94 293 28 Forksville B. 11. W. Gilbert 232 72 124 52, 5 03l 431 98 86 Forks iJ. Saarn I 7351 80 372 06 I8 60 10 90 338 24 ].' ox 111. B. Westcott...' 415 50 145 56j 766 4 28: 258 00 Hills Grove.... James Duter i 617 84 500 00! 23 68 16 00 78 16 LaP rte H. N. C. Maben 35158 266 31| 11 39 899 64 89 LaPorte 1. Phillip Karge , 424 39 320 36 12 421 11 31] 80 30 Shrewsbury. Richard Lisson...: 779 43 600 00j 10 Totals i 8726 3k)55162 14| 207 30! | 173 651 3183 29 Amount of State and County Taxes Duo from Collectors for the year 1891, and previous years. BOROUGHS AND! s t ftt e Tax. . Coumy Tax. TO UNSHIPS - Collectors. ' Years- Amount Duo., Amount Duo. Cherry Township Miehaol Gallagher 1 1888. 27 20 181 75 Dushote Borough James H. Eeofe 1889. 166 93 636 66 LaPorto Township I Michael Jordan I 1889. 674 48 88 LaPorto Borough [Frank Gallagher j 1889. 861 Fox Township ...iH. B. Westcott j 1890. 86 96 Hills Grove TownshiplJames Dutter j 1890. 49 LaPorte Borough I Robert Stormont ' 1890. 38 90 Cherry Township Francis J. McDonald..! 1891. 45 05 1096 46 Colley Township 'Thomas Cangley .... I do 353 06 Dushoro Borough iHathan I'ersuc j do 209 75 Davidson Township...'Wm Bobbins .....i do 114 Elkland Township !H. W. Osier... ) do 293 28 Fox H. B. Wcstoott j do 6 04 258 CO Forks Township JobnSaam 1 do 15 71 338 24 Forksville Borough...!H, W. Gilbert j do 13 14 Hills Grove Township. I James Dutter i do 78 16 LaPorte Borough |N. C. Maben | do 64 89 LaPorto Township Philip Karge do 80 30 Shrewsbury Township! Richard Lisson j do 143 03 $2Bl 95 1 $4185 54 WILLIAM MURRAY COUNTY TREASURER, in account with the several Townships, for Road Funds, for Taxes reooued from Unseated Lands, for the year 1890. I Amt. | Amt. I Treaß. ! Duo ■ Duo Treasurer. TOWNSHIPS. | ree'd. Paid out,; Com. j Township. | Cherry ' $l9B 60 SIBB 38 $9 931 $ 19 $ Colley 774 97 775 00, 38 75j 38 78 Davidson | 1108 0»! 1089 58 55 40, 36 90 Elkland ... . 83 78 79 59 4 19 Forks 301 3hj 286 29| 15 07' Fox 745 68! 708 40' 37 28j Hills Grove 343 35 325 991 17 17 19 LaPorte 240 19 212 90. 1 , 12 Oil 15 28 Shrewsbury 403 74; 337 60j 20 Is] <*s 96 |4199 65 SIOO3 73 $209 98 s6l 62! $75 68 1 I WILLIAM MURRAY COUNTY TREASURER. Iu account wi;h the several Townships for School and Building Funds, for Taxes' reoeived on Unseated Lands for the year 1890. 1 Amt. j Amt. Treas. Due Dae TOWNSHIPS. reo'd. Paid out. Com. Township. Treasurer. Cherry i $172 89 $166 53 $8 64 $ $2 28 Collev 667 91! 656 83 33 40 22 32 Davidson 504 54 478 58 25 23 73 Finland 48 00 39 28 2 40 6 32 Forks 170 33 161 39 8 52 42 LaPorte 238 07 227 74 II 93 1 00 Shrewsbury 295 99 270 17 14 80 11 02 $2772 46 $2638 82 $l3B 63 S2O 61 $25 60 WILLIAM MURRAY COUNTY TREASURER In account with tho several Tbwnships for Poor Funds for Taxes received from Utiteated Lands for the year 1891. i Amt. Amt. Treas. Due Due TOWNSHIPS. j reo'd. Paid out. Com. Cown'Llp. Treasurer, Cherry | $"9 98 $66 48 $3 50 $ Colley 129 18 120 90 646 182 Davidson 251 00 235 00 12 55 3 45 Elkland i 4 40 4 18 22 Fox 149 14 138 00 T 46 3 68 HillsGrovo 161 43 159 97 8 07 $6 61 Totals .... I $765 13 $724 53 S3B 26 $8 95 $6 61 WILLI \M MURRAY COUNTYiTREASUKER. In account with tho County of Sullivan, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1896, To amount received from Collectors By amount of oounty orders reeem of County tax for years 1888, ISB9 ed during the year 1891 13111 06 and 1890 sl6Ol *6 By Treas, 00m. on same : 655 55 To amount received from Collectors By Treas. com. on $750.17 the amt. of -ounty tax for tho year 1891 5162 14 paid in full to c im'th ; 37 51 To amount of county tax received By Treas. com. on $104.65 the amt. from Unseated Lands during 1891 2213 35 o!'redemption money paid out in '9( 523 To amount of county's proportion of lial. in hunds of Co. Treas ..... 783 10 License money... 463 12 To amount received rent and fuel from E. M. Dunham 50 00 To JUry fee in Schaah vs Messer smith paid by Utz..... 4 00 To amount from County Commis sioners borrowed money 3000 00 To amount received l'tom Jacob Lorah Ex-Treasurer 1850 84 To amount of StuU Tax tefunded to oounty 247 63 $14592 54 $14592 54 WILLIAM MURttAY COUNTX TKEASUP.ER. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tor tho year 1891. RETAILER'S LICENSE. To utnount of Ratai urs Lioansj S4SS 50 By State Treasurer's Receipts $419 57 Due County Treasurer 59 751 Amount pail for advertising../;.. 101 40 | Treasurer's commission 24 23 $515 25| $545 25 RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE. To amt 01 livtad Lnjuoi- Ltoe.is.- S>ia7 50 tly Staie Treasurer's Keceipts $ 463 12 ; Treasurer's commission 24 38 $487 50> $487 60< WIMLKSALE LIQUOR LICKNSE. To amount of Wholesale Liquor |By State Treasurer's Receipts 380 00 License £4OO 00 Treasurer's commissions 20 00 S4OO 00; S4OO 00 B I LI [A I! lis I,ml POOL and BOWLING ALLEY LltfUMl To amount ot Milliards and Pool I By, State Treasurer's Receipts *2lO 70 and Bowling All y Lioensj «rlyo 00) Treasurer's commission 9 60 Amt. due Treasurer 30 20; $220 20 «>2O 00 PEDDLER'S LICENSE. None i* HuM 1 None Issuod ISOI. STATU PERSONAL TAX. Amount oertified to Conntv Treasurer i Old account. Murray *>> th« county eftniHiMsiun- Oounty Treasurer Murmy product*# 0 -rf, as duo the co.umonwe;ilth tor I St:it« Treasurer's r»6cipta for the the ye.ir ls'JO, and previoua to j amount iu lull viz: help iu T-avin? whithe comiuifl- Aug. 4, '9l, $534.37 sioners b«ur w-«l uti 750 17j Sept. 11, '9l, 215.80 750 17 The ah« vp umi>unt s7i»o 17 paid by county treasurer tn tl e commonwealth » » jiboVe i iunde up is t'oiloWa: Mm riy borrowed county eomuiisdiofteis and 1 passed ♦o iMiuuty treasurer $500.1>0 JUc cived f:om OOI'IP. «*1 JSiatc Tax 112« r year IS9 i and previous years 219.05 And I'ui from oounty uiou«y ®I.IS $750 17 S t ITK PERSONAL TAX ACCOUNT POKTHB YIOAH 1891. To am »unt received (rom collectorc f-r [Kv State Treas'rs. reo't. Oct, 14. 1891 256 62 the year 1891 621 5b By " '* •* Dec 28, l«91 247 48 •By Trea^u-erJ l eommiifson • * 31 08 j ,n couaty treasurers hands 86 40 $621 58 WILLIAM MURRAY COUNTY TREASTRER. In account with the several Townships and Boroughs for the proportion of money duo them from LicCn3 'S, under the Act of 18S7, for the year 1891. I 'Tot il ' Propor-jproporiPropor'oropnt 'Tresis.! paid paid i paid I paid balance, 'twp's. amt. tion to lion to to ! tion to coin. | to j to , to j to and License j State, joountvj twp's jboro's jcounty' twps. jboroy.; State. Boroughs.l money | ree'd. ! I I ! . Cherry ' 225 00 55 251 5B 25 112 50| ill 251 53 44.106 S7! 53 44 326 00 Collev ! 300 00' 75 00 75 001100 00! | 15 00| 71 25; 142 50j 71 25 300 00 Davidson .. 225 00! 50 25 56 25 112 50) | 11 25 : 53 44|106 87. 53 44 225 00 Dushore B. 1200 00 240 00 240 00 !720 00| 60 00 228 00 654 00 228 00 12C0 00 LaPorle B. 300 00! 60 001 60 00 .180 00' 15 00' 57 00, 171 00' 57 00 300 00 12250 on; 487 stl'IH7 50(375 00 900 Township and Boroughs'paid in full. We the nndjrsigncdr Auditors of the Countv of Sullivin, in tha Commonwealth oj Pennsylvania, do hereby certify, that in pnrsu ince ol the duties imposed upon us by the several Acts of Assembly, and the Supplements thereto, wo did meet at tbo County Commissioner's office, in the Borough of LaPorto. »n Monday, the 4th day of January A. D. 1592. (it being the first Slonda? in January,) and did audit and adjust and settled the several accounts re quirud of us by law, and tiut we do find the said acoounts correct and true to tha best of our knowledge, information and belief, as set forth fully and seperately in the foregoing Report. In Testimony whereof, we have horeuuto set our bauds and seals, at the office aforesaid this 12tli day of January A. D. 1892. J. H ARRY SPENCER, [skal ] V GEO. C. WRIGHT, [seal.l V County Auditors. ULYSSES BIRD. [seal.] J Attest: 11. T. DOWNS, Clerk. Ml Kit I IT'S HALE» By virtue of a writ of/'t. f'n. iscoed out of tho Court of Common Picas of Sullivan oountv, and to me directed and delivered there will be exposed to publio sile at the Court Ilouse in LaPorte, Pa., on Friday, February 26, 1892.' at 1 O'clock p. rn. tho following de-oribed run: estate, to wit: All of tho following messuage, lot piece or 1 parcel of land situate iu thn Township of La Porte, Sullivan County. Peuna., bounded and; described as follows: On tho North by lands of W. H. D. Or en: o i the East by lands of M. S. Mange; on tho South j by lands of Col. Warner: and on the West by lands ol Enoch Howell's heirs; containing 140[ acres of land more or less; having thereon! erected a large framed tW i storied dwelling! house, ft log barn, and other outbuildings;! about 10 acres cleared, bnlanco wood land:) with a young orchard of fruit trees thereon. j Soiled, takon in execution and to be sold as the property of Emma E. Gansel and James! 11. Oanael at the suit of Shaylor and Clark JOHN UTZ; Sheriff Sheriff's Office, LaPorto, Pa., Fob. 1, 1892 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tho undersigned has been appointed Ad minislrator of the goods, chattel*, rights and t credits wlrcb were of William Keelor. late of, Nebraska deo'd. All persons indebted to Slid estate ar<> rt quested to make payment of the: panic, and persons having claims against said decadent will please present them duly au-i thenticated fjr settlement. Jan, 29, '92. I. J- KEELER, Adtu'r. j EXECITOK'S NOTICE. I Notice is hereby given that letters Testa- I men'ary have been issuod by tbo undersigned rby the Register of Sullivan county, upon the {last will and testament of John Roach late of Shrew-bjry township, dee'd All persous claims against sail csfato will present them'duly authenticated for settle ment and persous knewning themselves in rlelited to said estato will pleaso make paymeot without delay. JOHN 11. WILSON, Executor. ! Jan. 30, 181)2. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts.Bruises, 'Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,' jciiappml Hands, h ilblains o rns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay !require). It is guaranteed satisfaction, or inuney refunded. Price 25 oents per box. For svle l.y Pomeroy, Dushore, and A. E Botaford, Nordjiont. r. J. & F. K. INGHA# Attorneys at Law, il.nPorte, Pennn. Legal Business attended to in this and adjoining Counties Telephone communication direct January, 1888-