The Slioe Yiolln. A Paris newspaper recently announced the salo of one of the most curious vio lins in the world. It formerly belonged to Paganini, the great violinist, and at first sight merely presents the appear ance of a misshapen wooden shoe. Its history is curious, and not without in terest. During the winter of 1838 Paganini was living in Rue de la Victoria. One day a large box was brought there by the Normandy diligence, on opening which he found two inner boxes, and, wrapped carefully in the folds of tissue paper, a wooden shoe and a letter, stating that the writer, having heard much of the wonderful genius of the violinist, begged, as a proof of his de votion to music, that Paganini would play in public on the oddly constructed instrument inclosed. At first Paganini felt this to be an im pertinent satire,and mentioned the facts, with some show of temper, to his friend, the Chevalier de Baridc. The latter took the shoe to a violin maker, who converted it into a remarkably sweet toned instrument, and Paganini was pressed to try the shoe violin in pub lic. He not only did so, but performed upon it some of his most difficult fanta sias, which facts, in the handwriting of violinist, are now recorded on the violin itself.— New York Telegram. Washington was a cclonel in the army at twenty-two, commander of the forces at forty-two, President at fifty-seven. An infant at birth usually weighs one twentieth of the maximum weight it ought to attain in middle life. TheFailure Of the kidneys and liver to properly remove the lac. tic or uric acid from the system, results lu Rheumatism TUIr aeld accumulates Jn tlie fibrous tissue?, particu larly In the joints, and causes inflammation and the terrible pains and aches, which are more agonizing every time a movement is made. The Way to Cure Rheumatism la to purify the blood. And to do this take the best blood purifier. Brief, but Important In the following few lines, Mr. G. S. Freeman, pro prietor of the Ball House, Fremont, Ohio, says a great : deal. 41 1 took five and one-half bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it cured my rheumatism of 25 years' standing.'* O. S. Freeman, Fremont, Ohio. DONALD KENNEDY Of Roxbury, Mass., says Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep- Seated Ulcers of 40 years' i standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex cept Thunder Humor, and Cancer that has taken root, j Price, $1.50. Sold by every Druggist in tlie United States j and Canada. I ELY ' S Catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanups tlie AR^nJ I'amaiin. IN 1 Allnrn l'uin niul Inflammation. Ileal* the Soros. Restores the Qv /' r. v * Heuifi of Taste Huri uk £ vtO* nnd Smell. TRY THE CURE. HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is agree able. Price 50 cents at Druggists or by mall. KLY BROTHEKS, 56 Warren Street, New York. y Y X U—5Q "August Flower" " I inherit some tendency to Dys pepsia from my mother. I suffered two years in this way ; consulted a number of doctors. They did me no good. I then used Relieved in your August Flower and it was just two days when I felt great relief. I soon got so that I could sleep and eat, and I felt that I was well. That was three years ago, and I am still first class. I am never Two Days. without a bottle, and if I feel constipated the least particle a dose or two of August Flower does the work. The beauty of the medicine is, that you can stop the use of it without any bad effects on the system. Constipation While I was sick I felt everything it seemed to me a man could feel. I was of all men most miserable. I can say, in conclusion, that I believe August Flower will cure anyone of indigestion, if taken Life ofMisery with judgment. A. M. Weed, 229Belle fontaine St.. Indiananoli'v Tnd." 9 We make extraordinary offers of IWCYCLKS, CAMERAS, WATCHES, A BEAUTIFUL HEWINU MACHINE. ■nd various other articles, In return fur a little work In •ecurliw subscribers. D. LOTHROP CO., Publishers, - - BOSTON. SET WEII FRFF I If .11 I ***** 1 12«"" sample. l>r. 1 »lUL. i M AJUU i H. DYE, Editor. Buffalo, S.Y. PMrfwit ■>»•«• ail BOUMEMI A disabled. 12 fee for Increase. 31 years ex perience. Write for A.W. MC(:OBMIC'K • WASHINGTON, D. C. > 112 too Monthly Teachers and ladies find biff pay for spare hours. TRKAIIITRY Ptr»- CHASING AGENCY, 37 4th Ave., New York. An Example of Will-Power. John L. Wooders on, the clever actor who has been long associated with Stuart Itobson, and who was best man at the latter's wedding, afforded a peculiar illustration of will-power. Ho has a natural impediment in his speech, and in private conversation it 19 very marked. Hut when he steps before the foot-lights the excitement of the occasion, the force ful knowledge that it will not do to stammer, loosens the fetters from his tongue and he is as glib as Robson him self.—St. Louis Republic. Emperor Wilhelm's latest project is for a grand cathedral in Berlin to cost £2,500,000. It is to be for the State religion. He is also bent on establish ing an "imperial cooking school." Deafness Can't be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There in only one 1 way to euro deafness, and that is by const it u- j tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- j flamed condition of the mucous lining of the j Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in- : flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, i deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can bsj taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be dent roved forever; nine cases out of ten are rausea by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot euro by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENSY & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, Too. SAN FRANCISCO'S cable system is greater by fifty miles than that of any other city. The Mother's Delight. A remedy that will cure croup in a few mo cnents. prevents pneumonia and diphtheria like Dr. lloxsie's Certain Croup Cure. No 3iiium. Sold by druggists or mailed for ot cts. Address A. P. Hoxaie. Buffalo, >. \. FITS stopped tree by DR. KLINE'S ORKAT NERVE RESTORER. NO tits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and trial bottle tree. Dr. Kline, *>3l Arch St.. Phila., Pa. ]1 afflicted with sore eyes use Dr.lsaac Thomn ton's Eye-water. Druggists sell at & r >c.per bottle. IN A DAY. LAWRENCE, KANS., Aug. g, 18S8. /4r m. <*\ George Patterson fell from a second-story W fr- window, striking a fence. I found him using I ST - JACOBS OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw W/ him next morning at work. All the blue spots » rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D, Nothing on Earth MakeH^ Sheridan's Condition Powder I If ifou can't get it send to us, Tt is absolutely pure. Highly concentrated Tn quan tity it costs U-.hh than a tenth of n cent a day. Strictly a medicine, Prevents and cures all diseases. Good for young chicks. Worth more than gold when hens moult Sample fur iift cents in stamps, live j»uo YOU WANT SOME GOOD BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Send lor our fall catalogue ami illustrated holiday lUt Flt EE, on application to D. LOTHROP COMPANY. BOSTON. fpSfSMs ==o FULLY WARRANT ED°= STON SCALES $ 60 FREIGHT PAID A(,^3ONES o fBINEHAMTON,N.Y. kPIIOIAMJOHN W.JIUKKIS ICNaIUN Washington, p.r. 3vrslul»Bt wur, 15u4|udlcttti"Rc!altm, utly uluoo. OH CoDiumplUrt and people H H who have weak lungs or Asth- H mu, should use Piso's Cure for Consumption. It has cared flfl ■ thooaanda. ft has not injur- ■ ed one. It is not bad to take. it is t he best cough syrup. V H Sold erorrwhere. «r»c. H ■■■E3INNN33EI2*** Sometimes you may Lave to wait. The troubles that have been year* in gathering can't always be cleared away in a day. For all the diseases ! and disorders peculiar to wornan ! hood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- I Bcription is the surest and speediest ! remedy. You can depend upon that | —but if your case is obstinate, give jit reasonable time. It's an invigorating, restorative ! tonic, a soothing and strengthen ing nervine, and a positive specifio ! for female weaknesses and ailments. All functional disturbances, painful irregularities and derangements are j corrected and cured by it. All unnat j ural discharges, bearing-down sensa ! tions, weak back, accompanied with j faint spells and kindred symptoms, ' are corrected. In every case for !; which it's recommended, " Favorite ■ Prescription," is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the money is re funded. No other medicine for women is sold on such terms. That proves that nothing else offered by . | the dealer can bo "just as good.* I:VI:KVI{Y HIUIM MKA/.OFS WIDE AWAKE, $2.40 a Year. TANSY. SI.OO. oi l: 1.1 I I 1.1. Ml N A N'l» WHMI.S. SI.OO. BARYLANI), 50 ets. THK STOKY TELLE It, sLsfc*. BEST Till Nt»S, IK) its. Samples of nil six. only 2.'> cts.; of any one, 5 cts. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, - BOSTON. MentUm thixvaper. ______ ax .x u-30 _ r GRATEFUL— COM FORTI NO. EPFSSCOCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawa which govern the operations of digestion and nutri tion, and by a careful application of the flue proper ties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bev erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is l»y the judicious use of such articles of diet that aconstltut'on may bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever tlirro is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."— Civil s. rtrice Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. only In half-pound tins ny Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES KPPH CO., Honueopathie Chemists, LONDON. ENGLAND. it 1 lil FHIMD AFKMCTEI) with any DISK ASK OK THE 1.1 MJJ4. or A1 It l»\ SX \o«»k on Dermatology i fWv TC&Sand Beauty.llHas.], on Skin, Scalp, yyf fir?*. Nervous and Blood disease and their 17 T XB treatment. **nt Healed foi 11*.: also 1 1 L.£V fijif IUHFIGI REIKNTS like BIRTII SARIB, i LJifiJo C/ *|idt>«, WurU. India ink and I'owdee . Karkv Srnr*. I'l. Ilnw, Rrdnrm of Xo#c, bS* ! * v l>EBJI»TOI.Oliil'Al. • INSTITI'TS, 13h West 4in