*/. W - - -' Editor >' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 18th 1891. BSTBRKD AT POST-OFFICE, LAPOKTB. PA.. ASSBCOVD-CLASS MATTEH. J. V. RETTENBTJRY, WATCHMAKER AND'JEWELER, DUSHORE, PA. SULLIVASI - COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. HON. JOHN A: SITTBKR, President Judge P. 0. address, Tnnkhannoek, Pa. * HON. KOBT TAYLOH. ji.. E A. STRONG, 1 Associate Judires. p . 0. address TAYLOR. Muncv VaIIey— STRONG -Onshore, Pa. R. J. THOMSON. District Attorney, P. 0. ad dres —llushore. Pa. A WALSH. Prothonotary, Renter & Recor der. P. o address -LaPorte, Pa. JOHN 17TZ Sheriff, P. 0. address—Dushdre. Hon. RPSSEL KARNS, Representative, P. 0. address—LaPort#, Pa. M. R. Bi.AOK. Onnnty Superintendent, P.O. a'ldress—Vork-iville, Pa. WILLIAM MURRAY, Coanty Treasurer. P. O. address-Laf-nrte, Pa R. M. STORMONT. .Clerk, P. 0. address—LaPorte, Pa. W. B HILL. Coroner, P. 0. adi-ees—'.aPorte. CHAS. HAAS. THOS FA«» ,LL. Jarv fnm missiertera. P 0 address. HAAS—HiliiOrove, FARR LL—Dnshort. Pa. G. r. WRIGST, U. BIRj, J. H. SPENCER Auditor". NATHAN PERSI'N, Ooanty Surveyor, P 0 addrest—D«?hore. Pa. The Preiiieit'i 91ea*ace. The Message of President Har- 1 risou presented to Congress on ! Wednesday of last week is that of a; statesman. It is clear, business like, patriotic and strong. It-"presents the condition of the nation in a matter of fact way and without any of the subterfuges of the demagogue. The great topics that are brought to the attention of Congress are handled with intelligence and with ma'ked ability. The message from first to last is one of the ablest documents that lave emanated from the Execu tive Mansion, and stamps the Presi dent as a leader of men, with a full understanding of every detail of diplomacy and statecraft. The Message is read with interest. The important points are our I foreign relations, the lnter-Contm- , ental Railroad and Nicaragua Canal, the finances, the silver question, the pensions and the manner of choosing Presidential electors com- | bined with the subject of gerry. j mandcrs. Our foreigo relations have beeome of inipo-tance. The President finds cau-e for congratu lations that the Bering Sea dispute will be settled by arbitration. The New Orleans incident leids to the ( tnggestion that the Federal coin's should have authority over offenses against the treaty rights of foreign ers domiciled in the Uni'ed States. The Chile matter is hatuHed with a degree of firmness that will leave little doubt about the ability of the administration to foroe a pr >mpt •ettlement. Chile has been given time to apologize, but if expecta tions are disappointed a special message will be sent to Congress for action. Those who have been following the Intercontinental railroad pro ject will be gl»d to read that en gineers are in the field, aud that so far the surveying parties have found no obstacles that cannot be readily overcome. The Nicaragua Cauat becomes of importance, not only because work is steadily going forward on it. but. because our ex perience with Chile has taught us that a short route to the Pacific is necessary. The President indorses the plan for a guaranty of thd bonds by the United States, and if the present Congress were not so heavi ly Democratic the suggestion would doubtless have a deciding influence, as it should have. But little, it is to be feared, is to be expected from this Congiess. The tariff bill has had a gratify ing result upon the country. The reciprocity feature has been adopted by Brazil, C'utia and San Domingo, and negotiations are in progress for a broader development. New iti industries h«ve been established under the McKinley bill, and the President takes occasion in a quiet way to point out the advantages of protection over free trade. Coupled with latift is the silver question. Th" President is very much oppos ed to free coinage. He believes in a double standard of gold and silver, and of course desires a silver dollar that sh ill equal a gold dollar. But he rcalilts that until there shall be an international agreement and an international ratio the silver dollar have a fixed intrinsic value, lie has not found the -tentiineut in Europe *tJ U> such m to warraui bun in pro posing an international convention. His position on the silver question is sound. The bullion certificate is protected by a dollar's worth of bullion and he believes that the present law, together with the Mc- Kirlcy bill, should have an impartial and ample trial before further legis lation is attempted. It is gratifying to learn that the prophecies in some quarters that the pensions would bankrupt the nation have not been fulfilled. The ex penditures are still within the ap propriations by over 19,000,000, and nothing like a deficit is in sight. The President takes strong ground against 'the the gei rymeiidering of Congress districts to suit the whims of party management. There is danger, he finds, in the Michigan policy of overthrowing the method of choosing Presidential electors, which has had the prestige ot many years of custom. There should, he thinks, be a uniform law con cerning the choice of electors, and a Consiitutional amendment is sug gested. The President holds that j the manner of choosing electors on a general ticket in each State, the. custom for sixty years, is the wisest j and does not understand why tl ere I should be any objection to making \ the plan uniform by amendment, ! He might have gone a step further on this point and suggested a popu lar vote for President and Vice President and a wiping out of the | whole electoral system. That is a reform which must come some day, and the Piesident might have made a point bv becoming its champion. The critics of the administration will be hard pushed to find grounds for a critici«m of the document as a whole. It is singularly free from objection, its tone is high and broad, and the general verdict roust be that it is able in a markeif degree. B8 TELLJTITEMS. Roland Ksye was at court on Monday and took out naturalization pa|>ei's. tie ciime from England some six years ago. Jesse Vargason aged seventy-six years walked to La Porte on busi ness, last Friday. Though past the altoteit time for the life of man, he is still very active and can out walk or wrastle half the boys in town. | The Wesleyan Methodist quarter ly meeting was held here on Satur day and Sunday last, it was largely attended. Rev. Q. W. Newman of llerrick, delivered an excelle'nt ser mon. Extra meetings are being held dining this week. William Molyneuxppst master at Millview, whose sickness was noted last week, died on Saturday last, llis funeral took place on Tuesday the 15th inst, the services were held at the M. E. church at Forksville. ' Rev. I*. R. Pittman officiated. In terment at the Warren cemetery by the side of his wife, who died six years ago. Mr. Molyneux has been loVig and honorable known in our county, having spent all of his life lithe. He was a good busiuess man and owned one of the best farms in Sullivan county. He held many offices of trust in his township and at one time was the Republican candidate for County Treasurer. He had no children to mourn his loss, but he will not soon be forgotten by his mfeny friends. SO NESTO WN ITEMS. 1 Our stoics are yetting in holiday goods. Several of onr town folks are in attendance a f . court this week as jurors, witnesses etc. Since our last communication there has n('/thing very extraordinary imp pened hi our town. Jacob Lorah is the laSft person receiving a pension in this vicinity, lie received his la9t week. Our tax collects, Win: Rohbins is around looking after Ihw taxes pretty sharply. He makes thinjs hustle and makes a good co'lector. David Tunple and Addie Sher wood were married a day or Iwo airo. We wish them i-uecess. Who ate the next candidates for mar riage in tin* place ? This has been a very poor yeat for hurting deer, and we hear ol «ome disappointment among our hunters Somu of our younger hunters hunt dear quite often we under stand. S. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. A. C. Jenkins of LaPorte twp , is ' assisting at the LaPorte Hotel this | week. Mr. Jenkins is a competent chieftain of a hotel having had much experience in this capacity at the 'Mere. I. O. Blight Esq., general supenri- < tend en tof the Bernice mir.es, has had a line added to his card in the ' REPUBLICAN announcing cral at $3.00 per ton by the car at Thome dale. Shot at the Pri'oat. IIOLLIDAYSBUQ, Dec. 13.—A bold I attempt to burglarize the parsonage! of St. Michael's Roman Catholic i church and murder the priest, i Father John Heine, was made early this morning. Two robbers pried ; open the kitchen window and cnter jed the house. They went direct, to Father Heine's room, and he, hear i iug the noise, opened the door. The robbers were witlriu a few feet of him, and immediately opened fire upon him, and then fled. Their aim was bad, aqd Father Heine was not injured. There is no clue to the "would-be-assassins. The Montgomery Mystery. The mystery connected with the blood stained garments found 'near Montgomery a few weeks ago, and which gave rise to the suspicion that a fearful crime had been committed, has been unraveled. The man Sltauer who was suspected of having committed the crime and who was placed under arrest, it seems had been looking upon wine when it was red and his head became giddy and his legs unsteady, tfi attertipting to to his hoarding house he stumbled into a Imrlw-d Wire fence and cut himself quite Seriously iu several places. He bled freely and stole the «kirts ott the clothes line to mop the crimson fluid "fh>m his ■ lacerated limbs. These facts were HBceitained by a few well known Montgomery parties l»efore they be came generally k»t>«n and they de termined to make the most out of the ugly rumor. They proposed to sein the canal knowing if they didn't find the corpse of a murdered woman , they s ood a mighty good show of . getting some fine fish. The canal was seined and a nice haul was 1 socimxl, and the faro« was ended. Our ambitious young men and lady readers should address the Lowell Business College, of Btng hamton. and learn how good posi tions may lie secured. MARRlED:—Temule—Serwood, at the M. E parsonage Muncy Valley, Pa., Dec. 13th, 1891, by the Rev. J. F. Glass. David Temple Muncy Valley to Miss Addie M. Shei wood of Soncstown Pa. There is a special law providing punishment of not more than SIOO fine or imprisonment, or both, for .persons convicted of marking with chalk, or lead pencil, or otherwise defacing buildings or other property. dins. L. Wing, formerly of La- Porte, and who recently took a trip over the ocean, returned to New York city, last week, where he has accepted a position as agent for J. J. Clement, jobber in National Blank Books. The friends of Secretary Blaine arc awaiting with much interest the speech which he has promised to< make in Boston on January 7. It; is bel'eved that he will then have ! something to say on the subject of the Presidential nomination. The theatrical stage, which was erected in the Institute room cf the new school limine last week, under the supervision of T. J. Keder, is a credit t<» lite town. It is of good size and substantially built, and no doubt will be in great demand by home and visiting entertainments. Ex-Lieut. Gov \V. '!'. Davis and Atty. Harry Streeter, both of To wauda, are in attendance at court in the interest of the L. V. R. 11., in the case of Mrs. Hartzogg vs. said railroad. Mrs. Hartzogg is the lady ! who unfortunately had her arm broken about the cars near Lopez, some lime ajjo and is now seeking damages. The Coal Gazette, of ?laucb Chunk, Carbon county, gays that, the R'-publican State Convention will make no mistake in nominating Gen. William Lilly of Maucli Chunk for the office of Congresiinauat- L'irge The Gazette is very anxious f<>r this nomination to come about j .niid speaks in the highest terms of the » th«' best pi ssl>lenr } anlsation to sei-me in ws 112 "m tlie un st important co'irces, end with ncur'y 400 cm respondents ic Pinnatl- Yania New Jenny, and lieliiwarc. the and iicar-a<-hiniie i ew. if cn»-er. il with a routine carefulness and attention to nntuil not i v>u at-, teiiiptid by nnv other paper. THE PKH."R has »l»o ibe bent of correspond-j tlie paper' more hau abreast with ey cniitrlbittons from those whose names im* « r tten hiuh in our lisi* of i reat au thura, noyeli-ts. e»«ayists. Dispell «s li»n> men of high mi.kin putilic lite. The bei-t authors know that ttaeii be-l audiences nr.- ihe render-[ of the DAILY, SUNDAY, »ml H'I«KI.Y PRBS«. | In poliia 'J HK PHKSH kn"wa no oihir maater j ihar the peeple and the paft yenr hus aeen, aa has been seen bulore, tlie marked fact that it is . fuliserritnt to no political bun. It has no political amhiti ns tn 1< flier. bi> I. King the f.u-ts ipeali lor i themselves aod evading no is U* s bi.t mealing I them nil on ibeb sis o lair play in all UMI at j >.ll limes. Its pages know no distinctions und 1 t' e rijihts of on* i Inns over anoiher aie neither reC'jgmxi 4 nor sup,orieii. Aitveriis mints of Hep Wanted, Biifinefs Opimr unities, heat Krtatt ec*. may le in setted in IHK PHSHS FOR OMK CKNT A H'OHD Teims of The Pi ess. By mail, free in he United L aUs and Canada. Dni'y (ixci pt Sunday), one year, - - tfi.OO '• " " one ii onth, • - .5" " (Including Sunday), one y -ar, - 7.5 - " " one mouth, - - .B5 Pu-idar, one yrar, 2.00 WfctiKLY PRESS one year, - - - P0 Drafts. Checks and other Romittances should be made payable to the order of Tie Press Compy, Limited. PIIIL.ADELHIIIA, PA. T. J. KEELERS STORE. CENTLLE MAIN STREET, I APCRTE, PA TO YOUR AI;VANT AGE. Cull and be convinced of good qua'ilies and low piices. lam ad ding weeklv to my already Iftrflfi and well assortment, of gent ral merclmn dise, consisting id' dry goods, hats, caps, hoots and shoes, ready made clothing, notions. Lardware, floui. j feed, ai.d a general and at all times a fresh supply of groceries. I L'tianintee saiisfaction. (live us acnll. T J.KBILER. | LaPorte, Pa., Autj. 8, '^9. jDnoley laSciii Ce. DONLEY BROTHERS L'KOPRIETORS. STEAM MARBLE & GISAMTE WORKS. t., 1 MANUFACTCITERS OF MOJFL'MKJFTAL AKI CEMETERY WORK, IN ALL KINDS OF MAHBLE AND URANITE. .In biying direct of G. E. DONAHOE General Agt. you will save the mid dlemen's profit, as we manufacture all our work from the rough stone and give our customers the benetit which the middlemen receive. WORKS AT NEWARK VALLEY, N. Y., AUBURN, N. Y-, VND DUSHORE, PA. G. E. DONAHOE Geueral Agt. DUSHOKE, .... HENNA. Wl ILLIAMSPORT AND NORTH b AN us is one <1 ih • mo.-t irn por ant improveun n»i< ei ei mad -, inokinjf fh<- •i stnnnear in« re richly musical in t"tie, mor< durable, and li. ble t» get nut of 4«»i,e. Both tht A Hamlin Ordain ami on . xcel cbi fly in that which. Is the c' e xcellenee in any inunic.il. in ir'.im< ut, quality •»t ton*. Other things, though imp' r»a itc« a nlo. ue- of new «t> es, introduced thin Heasot ■•ei.t free. MASON & HAMLIN ONTTAIF AND PIANO Co., JbOSION.' KfcW,CHICAGO OUR MOTTO!' S S What does it mean? Square Dealing. W' ith less it Svoulil be folly to be content, f.'f more than that it is unreasonable for you to ask. Look out for the man that says he will give yum metlvng for Di'thinir. he will do uottucb tiling. 1 Weilou'i do anything of the kind, we don't even pre'end to, we will give you as good as you can get elsewhere for your money and bi-tUr than you can get in most place** We h >ve no use for silly, meaningless aiguments. It is as much t» your interest to deal with us as it is to rurs- New goods are constantly ar riving and you will be pleased with ihc style and finish of the goods as well as the price we have , put on tbem. Come in and see them. Respectfully yours, J. V. RETTLNBURY. DUSHORE, PA La Porte Bank. ~LAPORTE, Pi" Do a general Bunking & Collecting business. Any luisiue.-s intrusted to us will be eaie'ully attended to. Agents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts «>f Europe, and for Fire Insurance Companies. J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASHJTR RUSH J MCHENRY M DDD S MEDICAL DOCTOR PHYSICIAN, AND I SI'KG EON AND DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. ' Dentistry a Specialty. Virilized air for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. OEPICK IK OARKI*S BLOCK, Mil* ST. Dl'SBl) I.» PA EstaVVisVet-X^y^- BIN GH A MTO N, N. T. ' Fur ihirt}-ibne jt ars ose <>t the leading Lun i neps Collegci of Auieiija. ' BUSINESS. SUORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY i PENMANSUIP i Cour* 9. and equipments ur> o>dmont 7:30 p. m. , leave Noidtnoni at 11:15 a. m. fur Lapoito Arrive at Lnp rie 1:I'0 p. in. leave Lupoite at 5:00 p. m.for Nordmont Ariive at Nordmont ft:3o p. n». , Leave Nordmoi.t n' 7:00 p. m.for Laporte 'j Arrive at Laporte 8:30 p. m. ' , Leave Laporte a' Ba. m.for Dnahore »' Leave Du*hore at p. m.for LaPorte L Sawed Shinales The best in the market and at low bottom prices > '1 bree grades constantly on hand Will deliver if desired. Write—S. MEAD, • '-fl/ay23'9o. LaPorte, Pa. l|— 1 j T. J. & F. H. INGHAM Attorneys at Law, I.aPortc, Penna. i ! Legal Business attended to in this J and adjoining Counties Telephone communication direct , January, 1 888- i j WENRI 1. DOWNS, i «W3J ATTORN EY-AT-L AW ! Ex-Proibonotary, Remitter & K< cmOti o! Full.v. , . „ ! J&~Office in Court House, LaPcrtc Pa. !!A LOOAN GRIM, j ATTORIiEY AM SOLICITOR, L i.parte, Perm 'a,. 1 Land Titles and Equity practice a specialty. Office . Suit Pheiim, Fe*. Telt'-r, 1 app d II nv d», * hitblaint Ci rrs. and oil ' kin • i p'i'-nK, and iniitively . ores Plli * or no ; * equire-i. It is guerat ti«d hati-fnc i" , 01 nion< y refuojid Priw 46, fler'M 'I * ni sale Vij l umeroj, Ducliore, and A E. BcUiord, KtHawt.