Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 14, 1891, Image 3

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LAPORTE, PA., AD OUST 14th, 1801.
This is a trifle warm.
Court convenes on Sept. 21st.
The summer days are about 'ore.
Election will occur on Tuesday
Nov. 3d.
The Wyoming county' Fair will be
held Sept. 16, 17 and 18.
You must be registered by Sept.
Ist., to secure a- vote in Nov.
The people of Williamsport are
rejoicing over electric street cars,
Atty. Downs' thei inonicter reg
istered 94 in the shade Monday.
Atty. W. M. Stevens of Williams
port, was calling on friends in tow n
J. W. and E. J. Flynn of Jamison
City, were calling on friends at La-
Porte, Sunday.
Fr. Enright of Dushore, held Mass
in the school house, in the 2d \\ ard,
on Sunday last.
We publish the trial list elsewhere
in this issue. There are 12 cases
put down for trial.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. J. L. Smyth Friday
Aug. 14, at 3 p. in.
The Democratic county conven
tion will be held at LaPorte, on
Tuesday August 25.
The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at
the home of Miss Lottie Miller, Fri
day evening Aug. 14.
The editor of tLe Gazette ought
to turn his fountain on the Jievitw
man, and let'er-flicker.
E. P. Ingham has served his va
cation and left for Philadelphia,
this, Thursday morning.
A very large number of our young
people were present at the ball game
at the 'Mere, ou Saturday.
The Eagles Mere base ball club
won't be "in it," when the Reserves
of Towauda, pays them a visit.
The Prohibition county conven
tion will convene in tho Court
House at LaPorte, on Friday, Aug.
Lightning struck the residence of
Jacob Yonkin in Dushore, on iMi-n
day. No serious damage was done.
The Italian organ grinder, was in
town, Monday. He was ac
companied by a little girl, who did
the begging.
The Republican convention, on
Tuesday, was not very liberal!}' at"
tended. Farmers a.'e busy, hence,
the small turn out.
Win. Pierce of Estella, formerly
of LaPorte, was calling ou friends s'.i
the county seat, Tuesday. Mr. P.
is farming for G. C. Bird.
It is rumored that a large number
of colored people of Williamsport
will hold a campineeting at Nord
mont, this Saturday and Sunday.
To the summer guests —the tem
>erature in Philadelphia registered
linety-seven, Monday. Better
engthen your stay on the mountain.
The county commissioners have
udered the dome and the roof of
he courthouse painted. John V.
'inkle aud E. T. Brown are doing
IC work.
iu selecting delegates to the prq
osed Constitutional Convention
ily the men best lilted should be
losen. Constitutional making is a
plicate business.
Hello there 1 The entertainment
take place in the LaPorte Hall
r the benefit of the Presbyterian
urch, has beeu postponed until 1
•iday evening, Aug. 21st.
The State moneys belonging to
) different school distiicts are
d up on account of the dispute
ir the appointment of a Superin.
dent of Public Instruction.
•(lest thunder shower of
in this vicinity, passed
,e, on Tuesday about 7
ir was full of electricity,
vas done, however.
•n editor of the Blooms
'ican, was chosen as
be Constitutional Con
e Columbia county Ile
lvention, on Monday,
Brown is a shrevved
iformed man and no
chosen at the district
will serve his constit
d satisfactory.
An attempt was made to rob the
grave of John B. Packer, intered in
in the Sunbury cemetery, Sunday.
Prof. W. M. Ehrhait and wife aud
son, Raymond of Shenandoah, are
visiting Prof. M. F. Albert and
family of LaPorte. Mr. Ehrhart is
principal of the Shenandoah high
Frank Barrager came up from
Jamison to look after the wants of
his wife, who is ill at Fairview Cot
tage, Saturday evening. We under
stand that Mrs. 15. is improving in
The county commissioners settled
with the Stt'.te officials Tuesday and
paid the same seven hundred and
thirty-four dollars. Of this amount
live hundred dollars should have i
been paid in 1890.
Mrs. George Utt nee Miss Verne
Crossley of Rohrsburg, died on Fri
day last. F. M. Urossley and wife
brother of the deceased of LaPorte,
attended the funeral services, which
were held in Benton, on Sunday.
John Lee aged 13 years, who was ,
bound over to court by J. W. Rog
ers, J. P. of Forksville, for larceny,
and is now confined in jail, or looked
after by Warden Chase, says he is
enjoying the best home he ever had.
Mrs. Dunham of LaPorte, who
fell and broke her arm sometime
since, is improving as fast as could
be expected. She sits up apart of
the day, but has'nt written any let
ters to her numerous friends, as yet.
The high constable of LaPoi'te
borough, has secured the services of
an active young kid, to impound
cattle running at large after 8 p. m.
This was suggested by the REPUBLI
CAN last week, and is as it should be.
MARRIED: —At LaPorte, Aug. Bth,
1891, Charles Steinback to Miss
Anna Wagner, both ot LaPorte, by
liobt. Stormont, J. P. Mr. and
Mrs. Steinback will goto house
keeping at LaPorte, m the very
near future.
Frank Gansel aged 4 year, and
son of James Uansel of LaPorte
twp., while running with an axe in
his hand feii and cut a fearful gash
on his lelt hand iYlonday. Dr. ii.>ll
was called and sewed up and band,
aged the wound.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Mead gave a
birthday party in honor of Mrs.
Roberts, sister of Mrs. Mead, at
their home in LaPorte twp., ou,
Saturday last. It was Mrs. R'e. j
50th birthday and a large number I
of friends were present.
We are a little fearful that ourj
summer guests will not be present |
to admire a fresh coat of paint on
the band stand. It looks now as if
the work would be done rather late
ill the Fall. Whats the dill'( cur j
home people will appreciate it.
The residents of Forksville
commenced grading that part of the
new road leading Irom LaPorte to
Forksville, in said borough, this
week. It is said that Forks twp.,
will light the road to the end, . The
people have every reason toe
that they will come dowi
spade ami shovel, when thi
over, however.
1 Following are the name
latest arrivals as summer g
the Mountain House : Mrs
Chill man, Miss Mary Marri
E. G. Seyfert, Miss A. B.
Mrs. W. 11. Marriott, Miss-
E. Ring, Miss Mary S. Dav
Bessie S. Davis, Miss Je
Cornell, Miss M. J. Cade
Philadelphia ; Mr. Walter ''
of Athens.
The P. 0. S. of A. of Lo il
give a picnic on Aug. 15 a j
lse it to be one of the best Id
in the county. The a >ts
will consist of dancing, w' » >w,
sack and foot racing Urj ug,
rowing and catching *scd
pig. Remember every" in
vited to witness the d. n » s -
A first class orchestra rnish
music for the occasion.
There are two deinocr: nigs in
Columbia county, one is headed by
lion. Win. Krickbaum and tho
other by Senator Grant Herring.
They have just ended a hard light
for the nomination of sherilt of that
county. Each clique had in man
i and the Krickbaum ringstcrs were
successful at their convention held
;on Tuesday. Mowrey was nomin
-1 ated.
Attorney General Hensel has
'brought suit for the recovery of the
state funds lost through the dis
honesty of liardsley. The result is
sure to be a big legal fight between
Philadelphia and the state, as over a
million dollars are at stake. The
people are mixed up in the compli
cation, and will be interested in tht
final outcome.
The farmers in the eastern part of
Lycoming county have been fighting
the Williamsport and North Branch
railway, owing to the claim that
telegraph poles along the right of
way were placed in the fields on
private property. Several of the
poles have been cut down lately,
and when put up a second time
were again cut down. General
Manager Welsh lias had constables
[guarding the telegraph lines, but in
spite of his vigilance a number of
poles fell before the axe.—Milton
This line extends from Hughes
ville to Millview. Columbia county.
There couldn't possibly be a more
dangerous individual than a doctor;
• !
under the influence of liquor. The
Georgia Legislature is evidently im
pressed with this fact, as it proposes
112 o cure the medical fraternity of that
State of drunkenness, and to this
end a bill has been prssed subject
ing any inebriated physician to a
heavy penalty. After having been
convicted of drunkenness the physi
cian is debarred from practicing.
Drunken doctors should be as scarce
as drunken preachers. Fortunately,
Sullivan county is free of this class
of doctors.
Atty. H. T. Downs of LaPorte,
showed us a few samples of potatoes
grown in bis garden, 011 Tuesday.
They were exceedingly large and
had the appearance of a good eating
potato. Mr. D. was presented the
seeds by James McFarlane Esq.,
and planted the same 011 the 14th
day of May, hence, they have grown
in about SO days—ten days earlier
than is allowed the early rose to
As unnoticed in the REPUBLICAN
last week, the Bernice ball club and
the 'Mere club crossed bats at the
latter place, 011 Saturday last. The
game was Interesting up to the oth
inning when the score stood, 'Mere
5 and Bernice 3. After this inning,
however, the 'M;re boys went clear
out of sight and at the close of the
ninth inning the score stood, 'Mere
18 Bernice 8. A game has been at - '
ranged between the 'Mere boys and
the Reserves of Towanda and will
take place at Eagles Mere soon.
Judging from the unearthly
screams ilia', came from the lungs of
the rusticatoi s at the 'Mere duiing
the game of ball at said place, on
Saturday last, we would imagine
them sound in every particular. It
1 those people were invalids when
they reached the mountain top they
certainly owe (judging from present
appearances) a long life to the
j mountain breezes or the healing
qualities of the pure lake water. At
| any event, they surely have the ap
pearance of a long life.
On Monday of this week Mr. C.
i. \ aughii of New York who is
.stopping at the Fair view Cottage
•eceived a telegram announcing the
death of his brother-in-law Dr. j
•Jhas. J. Stephens which occurred at
,he Ann Hospital in the city of
Uexieo. At the tiino of his deatli
>r. Stephens was engaged in col
ecting material for ail extensive and
.mportant illustrated work 011 Mexi
:co and Central America which he
had arranged to publish in connec
tion with the George Barrie Publish
ing Company of New York and
J. L. Smyth, Mrs. Ann F. Mey
lert and Dr. Hill have become quite
indignant about the large pile of
stones so prominent in front of their
residents 011 West Main street. The
rocks were ordered there by the
town council for the purpose of
erecting a sluiceway, but at this
writing have nt been utilized for
the purpose int tided, and it is re
marked that tht (town council have
since decided that the structure will
cost too much and that they have
given up the ideaofbuildiug the same.
We understand that unless the
stones are putin place as intended
or removed by the boro "dads," suit
will bo brought against the council
at September term. Of course the
council will be beaten and the peo
ple of our town will have the cost
to pay.
{ It ia pretty generally understood
' tha; Senator Quay will take the
charmanship of tlie Republican
Sta« Committee. Mr. Quay has
left it for his friends to decide and
so lar as heard from all are of the
opiiion that he is the man to con
duct, the campaign. Andrews will
resign at the next opportunity.
The executive committee of the
Sullivan County Agricultural Society
met .n Foiksville on Saturday last
and purchased of J. W. Rogers
eight acres of land in the borough of
Forkjville, which will be suitably
arranged and used for the Sullivan
Conn-,y Fair ground. Large and
permanent buildings will be erected
for the exhibition. The Society
also anticipate grading a trotting
park in the near future. The land
wasp u chased at a consideration of
SI,OOO and is situate along the
valley of the Loyal Sock through
which the new road leading from
Foi ksville to La Porte will pass.
It is to be hoped that the matter
between Sullivan county and ex-
County Treasurer, Jacob Lorah, may
be settled at this Sept. term of
court. The county officials have
been very lenient with Mr. Lorah
giving Uim eight months to fix up
the difficulty. The time has now
arrived when the people demand a
settlement and unless this is ao*
complied the commissioners will
neglect their duty. Only a few
days ago the county was called up
on by tje state to settle old accounts
that should have been paid some
time We mention this mat
ter with the best of good feelings
and that all concerned may
profit by knowing the others inten
Muslealan l Literary Enter ninment,
A Musical and Literary entertain,
mout, fcr the benefit of the Presby
terian c.uirch ot LaPorte, Pa., will
be given in the Odd Fellow's Hall
at LaPorte 011 Friday evening Aug.
21st, instead of the 18th as an
nounced in our last issue. The en
tertainment will consist of Alusic,
Recitations, Tableaux etc. After
which ice cream and cake will be
served to those desiring them. The
cake will be disposed of by a "Cake
Contest" instead of selling same at
auction. A "Guess Doll" will also
be 011 hand requiring attention,
especially of the children. Admis
sion 25c, children under 12 years
We visited Dushore 011 Friday
last lor the first time in about one
year, and was epiite surprised to
find the metropolis of the county so
uncommonly dull. The streets
were vacated of people and the stir
of business once so noticeable in the
'• Hollow,'"was all disappeared. We
should think that some of the
moneyed meh of the town would in
vest in a manufacturing enterprise
of souie kind that would give em
ployment to several hundred men,
but they say that timber is too far
from market to invest in the manu
facturing of furniture, which is most
apt to give the largest dividen of a
manufacturing enterprise in Sulli
van county. They say that Lopez
would be a much better location
than the metropolis, hence, it is the
opinion of many that Dushore has
seen the majority of its best days.
The residents in general seem to be
dissatisfied with the stir, alloat-now
The Democratic Standing Com
mittee, met iu the Court House
at LaPorte, Thursday Aug. 6, and
resolved to hold their convention 011
Tuesday Aug. 25. Alphonsus
Walsh was named as delegate to the
State Convention and A. L. Smith
of Forksville, delegate to the State
Central Convention.
There were seven candidates for
Associate Judge present and all ex
pressed a certainty of the nomina
tion. lion. B. S. Collius was the
only Democratic candidate absent
from the meeting. Editor Streby
arriving just in time to hear the
benediction pronounced. It is said
the candidates were very generous
to the committeemen—all bills were
looked after. We imagine that at
their next meeting, about five of the
candidates for Associate Judge will
not be overly anxious to pay the
freight. The boys are all generous,
however, and it was their desire to
I give the committeemen a good tiuie.
We do it every time in all our purchases—We give the dollars on every
turn. This is the time of year that we can offer our customers THf. BIGGEST
or SAVINGS Now is the time that we dispose of all our Light Weight
Clothing and all Summer Wear. The Mens Boys and Childrens Suits
arc reduced much, light, colored hats and straw Hats sold regardless of
value and cost—Light Summer shirts, silk shirts, jerseys and Light
Underwearwwary r down Light Boots and Plow Shoes sold at cost.
M. M. Marks & Co.
Scouten's Block - - Dushore, - - * etna.
FACTORY 18 N. 3rd Sts-
Philadelphia, Pa.
We are offering Furniture Cheaper than ever before, and are bound
to please in price and quality. Our large and elegant stcck of chairs,
Fancy, antique and ancient looking, are bound to catch the eye of every
purchaser. Cheap Bed steads, Bed room suits of all price and quality
from 5515 00 upwards. Fancy Cabinets, Fancy Mirrors, Foot Rests,
Blacking Oases, Card Tables &c.
Come everybody, Happy to show Goods, whether 3'ou buy or not.
We also have constantly on hand, a full and complete assortment of
Coffins, Robes, Trimmings, &c. Also a new line of STONE Caskets
which are beautiful in design covered with Black Broadcloth. Plush
and Satiens and constitue within themselves Miniature Vaults, and are
furnished at prices within reach of all. Please call and examine our
Model, as wo are the only dealers that handle Stone Caskets in Sullivan
county. ••!
Lawrence Brothers.
siXE's BLanm
J. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor
Dushore, - - Pa
i=r-z3=rT=t 1 X 1 1-^1
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stcck
I of new and well selected goods. Lnige sales enables me to sell for small
profits. Cash customers can save a gooo percentage by buyinggoods ot
me. Everything new neat and first class. ily stock of French Kid
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaiantecd
in price and 111 quality to be the best that any market "an :>fford.
— t— -t— —t— -t- —t- -1- —l -1-
BOOTSS SHOES made to order
If you wantafine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing
done on short notice
o—o—o-0-o—o-0-0-0—0-o—o-0-0 < j
I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class [and
well selected stock of
( also have full lines ot Sampler from two Merchant Tailoring Esab»
liehments,forCustom Work. Perfectfits guaranteed. Call and get prices.
'Yours Respectfully etc.,
Stands at the head of th" list of commercial schools in its character as
a medium for supplying the mer: of the country with trained
and capable assistants, as a means of placing ambitious young men and
women 011 the high road to success, and in the extent elegance and cost
PRACTICAL ENGLISH COURSES. The Twenty-seventh Annual
Catalogue will be mailed to any address.
ttttt t t t „
TN E best and cheapest coal in the market To
customers from—
LA PORT if AN 0 yiCllilTY
T 11 E price is reduced at the breaker to
c[J;usoU-i'V i i/'xOX. t
The Slate Line & Sullivan R. R Co y I. 0. BLICHT, S>Lp(,