Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 05, 1890, Image 2

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W.M. CHE WE? - - - Editor
of Crawford."
of Luekuwanun,
of Philadelphia.
Headqunrters bf the 1
Republiciin Standing Committee >
of Sullivaß County. J
Pursuant to an bi'der of the Re
publican Standing Com. of Sullivan
county, a convention of the Repub
lican party will be held in the Court
House at LaPorte borough, on Tues
day September 9th 1890 at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The said convention is called to
nominate candidates to be voted for
at the next general election to be
held on Tuesday* th£ 4th day of
November next viz: Member,
Treasurer, one or two County Com
missioners and one or two county
Auditors, and to transact sufcli
Other business as may properly
come before it.
The Yigilance Committee of the
Several election districts will hold
primary elections in the usual place
Of holding delegate elections, for
their respective districts, on Satur
day the fith day of September 1890,!
to elect by ballot the following dele- j
gates viz : Bernice, Cherry, Colley,
Dushore, Davidson, Elkland, Forks,
Fox, Forksville borotigh, Hills-J
Grove, Lopez, LaPofte borough,
LaPorte township, and Shrewsbury. J
The polls of each erection district
to be kept open from 5 until 7 p.
Jiernice: —Sam Northrup, Wis
Steward, Win. Rolie.
Cherry: —Wm. Cox, Levi Yonkin,
Jos. Hunsinger.
Colley: —Chns. Scbock, John
Housewert, M. W. lieeser.
JJushore: —Geo. H. Honnetter,
Samuel Cole, A. H. Zaner.
Davidson: —Wm. Sherwood, D.
H. Lorah, Daniel Darling.
Elkland: —Ulysses Bird, Seth
Shoemaker, Geo. Glidewell.
Forksville: —J ohn Fleming, W.
F. Randall, M. A. Rogers.
Forks: —Wm. Bird, Murray Wai'-
burton, J. K. Bird.
Fox: —Sant Fanning, J. H.
Campbell, H. B. Westcott.
Hills Grove: —Weldy Sadler, A.
A. Ludy, Homer Peck.
LaPorte boro. —A. J. Haykley, F.
H. Ingham, W. T. Watrous.
JjaPorte twp. —A. A. Baker 1 , J.
J. Low, Z. E. Botsford.
Lojtez: —Will Phillips, C. H. Jen
nings, Henry Ballard.
Shrewsbury: —C. Peale, John
Aumiller, W. M. Edkin.
VV. M. CHENEY, Chairman.
Rallyln# Around Delamater
'I he political situation in Pennsyl
vania is settling itself rapidly. The
great stampede to Pattison, pre
dicted by his friends, has not come.
Very few of the Independents who
elected him in 'B2 are with him now.
They have nothing against the ex-
Governor as a mau, although criticis
ing some of his official acts, but
things have changed, and there is
no reason for supporting him this
year. Nearly all of the Independ
ents are back in the Republican
party to remain there, and the scat
tering ones who are not are more
than balanced by Democratic deser
From all over the State come re
ports of a most satisfactory condi
tion. The bttßiness men are for
Delamater. They recognize in him
a candidate who fairly won the
nomination and who is fully capable
of filling the high office of Governor
of a great Commonwealth. They are
for him, too, because he represents
the one great issue before the peo
ple—protection to home industries'
as opposed to the free trade theories
upon which the Democrats have
placed their candidates.
The farmers are for him because
he not only represents protection,
but is pledged with the Republican
candidates for the Legislature to an
economical administration and to re
lief from taxation. The voting Re
publicans arc for him because ho is
himself a youn2 Repblican. What
can the Democrats ex pec* from such
;ioe tabulation as thy*?
An Interesting arid d Hotlly Contested
Convention. The Ticket—Jlembtf,
Ruitel Karntf.Treasurer, Wrin. Mur
ray, County Commissioners, S. K.
Mcßride, Daniel Scnnlin, Auditors, J.
H. Spencer,Geo. C. Wright. I
At 2:30 p. in., Tuesday a large (
body of Democracy sprinkled with
Republicans of Sullivan county, as
sembled iu the Court House to hear
tfie result of the contest for nomina
tions by detnocracy to the various
offices. Tho interest was mostly
centered upon the Tieasurer contest
and many were the predictions there
on. Murray and Smith the candi
dates each hod their friends and all
that was possible, was done to save
their man. It was leariied on Mon
day that each of these contestants
(Murray and Smith) had received
17 delegates making a tie, as it re
quired 18 to nominate. This raised
much enthusiasm atict politicians
were seen entering our town by the
break of day with hopes that they
could persuade some uninterested
delegate to climb over in his bout
and thus save the country frotn dis
ttUfction. All argument that would
have any effect on the case was
brought before the delegates and
talked thread bear. When both
candidates arrived in town however,
tile lfeaders of th£ party got them
together and a compromise sug
gested and judging from the turn in
the convention, was quite effective.
llussel Karns, chairman of the
Standing Committee called the con
vention to order, after which Hon.
B. S. Collins of Dushore was made
chairman and upon taking his seat
addressed the convention thus:
"Gentlemen of the convention
and Democrats, I thank you for the
honor conferred upon me and I as
sure you that in the discharge of my j
duty as such, fair plav shall be my
guide. We hate met to nominate,
candidates for the different state and
county offices. When they are
nominated it is to be expected that
all will 'tumble' in and give them
their hearty support." However,
this was not all taken in by the
delegates, as dissenting voices were
heard when the nominations of cer
tain candidates were voted upon
After tho applause which followed
Bryan's short speech had gone out
through the roof of the Court l
House or some other place business
was proceeded with by the election
of John Mullen and F. Cfchflee as
Vice Presidents, David Osier and
Mathias Gilbert as Secretaries, then
followed the calling of credentials.
Each township was represented by,
its quota of delegates.
A committe on resolutions vtos
then appointed by the chair. They
were as follows: David Osier, A.
Farrell and Fred Rehrle. For Con
gressional conferees, David Osier
and W. B. Hill wei"e elected and
were instructed for Ex-Senator S. P.
Wolverton of Strtibury, for congress.
It was further agreed that M. J.
Lull be the choice of tho convention
for Senator and that he be allowed
to choose his own conferees.
The next in order was the noniiria
tion of Member. Russel Karns and
L. B. Speaker were both naeaed.
The latter withdrew however, ba
fore a ballot was taken and the nom
ination of Karns was made unani
mous. Following this nomination
was the anticipated great excitement
of the day—the naming of their can
didate for County Treasurer. The
first man nominated was Wm. Mur
ray, this was seconed by several and
then followed the nomination of A.
L. Smith and was also seconed ly
several delegates but before a ballot
tfas taken Mr. Smith withdrew his
name as a candidate in order to
make harmony in the party. This
left a clean sweep for Murray and
he was nominated.
The nomination of County Com
missioners was next on the pro
grame. They were nominated as
follows: C. Caseman, of Fox; D.
Scaulin; of Cherry ; S. K. Mcßride,
of IlillsGrove ; John Kietnan, of La-
Porte twp.; G. Litzleinan, of Cherry.
The first ballot taken was not
counted, as the secretaries could not
make connections ou a count.
Case man, 18
Scaulin, 12
Mcßride, ; 17
Kiernan 13
Litztemau, 10
Neither receiving a majority of
the delegates, no nomination was
made on this ballot.
Csiejian, V. 10
Soanlin 12
Mcßride, 17
Kiernan, 18
Litilemau ID
This ballot resulting the same as
the second, hence no nomination
made as yet. Resolved that the can
didate receiving the lowest number
on the fourth ballot be dropped
from the list.
Cateman 15
Scaulin 11
Me Bride 21
Kiornan, 13
LiUleman, • 7
1 This ballot nominated Mcßride
and dropped from it* list the nntbe
of Litzlemau.
CuemH, ...ii. V... .15
Scanlin, .'....J 14
niernan 5
The sedond candidate yet to be
chosen and Kiernan dropped from
the list.
Casemsn, 13
Scanlin ' 21
This ended the battle and >lc-
Bride and Scanlin were made the
choice of the convention.
County Auditor were then nom
inated and balloted upon as follows:
Ed Fraricko '. 14
J. U. Speneor,..: 32
Geo. C. Wright,.. 22
Spencer and Wright were hom
This ended the nominations and
was followed by selecting a standing
JJernice: —George Hoffn.
Colley: —II. D. Mbsier.
Cherry: —M. P. Gallagher.
Dushore: —John Finan.
Davidson: —M. J. Phillips.
jmkland: —James P. Brenchley.
Eox: —Austin Brown.
Forks: —Henry Ricliley.
Eorksville boro. —F. Chaffee.
IlillsGrove: —S. A. Williams.
LaPorte boro. —Walter Spencer.
LaPorte twjt. —B. Sheehan.
Lopez: —G. VV. Kipp.
Shrewsbury: —G. W. Ciaft.
Robert M. Stormont of LaPorte
was made chairman of the Standing
The resolutions prepared by the
committee was then read and adop
ted, and thus ended the business of
the day.
B. R. Jackson nas in town Mon
day evening.
The editor of the REPUBLICAN
was in town Friday.
Will Waaner of Williamsjiort
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Teddie Young, of Hing
hamton, is visiting friends in town.
Democratic delegate election
Saturday madt> it quite lively in Du-
Democratic politicians were num
erous in Dushore on Wednesday of
last week,
Quite a number of the Duehore
( Democrats attended the county con
vention at Lal'orte Tuesday.
lhe brick work on Scouten's new
addition is being done. P, Kline
; will more in the block in about four
D. A. Wagner, John McHenry
and several others from this place
J attended camp meeting at Lopez on
' Sunday.
llou. T. J. Ingham, H. T. Downs,
K. M. Dunham mid A. Walsh, of
LaPorte. have transacted business
in town during the past week.
Senator Wolvertott, of Montour
county, waa in town one day last
> week. He is a Democratic candi
; date for Congressman in this dis
; trict.
Julius Bahl and Geo Farrell of
I this place have bought the barber
shop of Deegan & Kennedy at Lopez
I and expect to takd possession in a
i few days.
The streets of Dusliore was the
■ scene of much fighting again on
| Saturday night. It is a disgrace
i that the authorities do not see to it
that better order is kept.
The Teachers' Normal Institute
in sassioa for the second week in
! Garey's Iwill is the largest ever held
;in the county. There are now about
I 75 names 011 the roll and the number
is increasing daily. The term will
end on Sept. 2(>.
Dushore is to have a bank. It
will be oj)ened for business in the
room occupied by the dry goods de
partment of Welles & Co's. store as
soon as the necessary arr&Dgements
can be made which will not' be long.
The capital stock will be $50,000
and Geo. H. Welles will be a heavy
stock-holder. This is something
which has long been needed in Du
ehore and will be greatly appreciated
by all. It will, no doubt, be a pay
ing institution. The large vault in
the rear of the building will be used.
Mrs. Allice Elmendorf, wife of E.
M. Elmendorf, who was for some
time in charge of the Corner drug
store, has created some sensatoin in
this place this summer. After her
husband was discharged from his
position last spring she remained in
town while he went in search of
another position. After a short
time her husband wrote for her to
join him at Elmira, but she refused
togo aud to anßwer his letter. He
wrote several times and finally came
to Dushore but all in vain. She re
mained at this place until about two
weeks ago when she went to
Elmira, called on a lady of her ac
quaintance and asked to leave her
two-year-old son while she went out
shopping, since which time nothing
is known of her whereabouts. A
note was lound on the clothing of
the child that he should be taken to
his father. Many here suspicion
where she has gone, but it Will prob
: ably be best not to say _ more at!
present. ' 1
it jtf'isrroßTK.
O. D, Barton is finishing J. 6-
Osiers house.
. S. S. Rogtrs is attending the
Canton fair this week.
Geo. C. Bird and lady visited at
Hills Grove last week.
Mrs. Sarah Wilkerson of Dushore
is visiting friends here.
A Sunday School picnic will take
place bote on Saturday September
6lh, to which all are invited.
L. S. Bedford has purchased ii
new thrasher since the fire which
destroyed his old one and is busy
thrashing again.
The funeral of Mrs. Chambers
aged almost seventy-nine years took
place at the Elkland church on Fri
day last. Services conducted by
Rev. H. Lounsbury. X.
The Shunk Sunday School will
picnic on September 10th.
William Bird of Foiks township
is building a large residence.
Depositions were taken at Forks
ville before Esquire Huckell in re
gards to the proposed new road
from Fofksville to LaPorte, up the
Sock, on Wednesday last. X.
Jewelry Store
Still leaves all competitors
in the Dark.
Established April 1, lß7b.
And is the only one that has
oyer remained here more than
two years at a titre, or long
enough to make its promises
good. Don't be deceived b3 -
Auctioneers or Peddlers or an}'
body else, but come and see the
Largest and
6f goods every shown in Sulli
van county, or that is usually
tfound in jewelry Stores. Ex>
pensive goods for those that
want them. Cheap goods for
those that think they can buy
no other. It is 110 trouble to
show goods, and you will not be
urged to buy unless you want to.
In society goods
T carry a good assortment in both
high and low prices. 1 am not goii.'g
to tell you that I will give you goods,
nor am I goiDg to tell you that i
will sell at <iost. That is not business
atid is not the way to continue busi
ness in one place and keep out of
the Sheriffs hands. But I do say
that I will sell you goods and work
for you as low as any other First
Class Jeweler, or as low as is con
sistent with sound business princi
ples. Thanking
for the patronage that has sustained
me for the last seven years. I
shall try to merit a .continu
ance of the same. You will
please remember that my
uiptto is "Live and Let
Live, and Fair PlaT
to All.
Yery Respectfully Yours,
/*C828,00 DUSHORE, PA.
Pianos Organs.
Tb« improved method of fartenine strings of
Pianos, invented by us, is one of the modt inj- 1
portiint improvements ever made, making the 1
instrument more richly musical in tone, more :
durable, and lei? liable to get out of tot,e.
Both the Mason A Hamlin Organs nnd
Pianos excel chiefly in that which is the chief
excellence in any musical instrument, quality .
of tone. Other things, though important, are
much less so than this. An instrument with
unmusical tones cannot be good. Illustrated
c&taloguos of new styles, introduced this season
sent freo.
Ohoan add Piano Co.,
F. M. ROSSLEV, Proprietor
Leave Laporte at 6:15 a. m.for Nurdmont
Arnre at Nordmont 7:34 ». m.
l.wive Nordmont at 11:15 a. m.for Laporte
Arrive at Laporte 1:00 p. in.
Leave Laporte at 5:00 p. m.for Nordmont
Arrireat Nordmont R:3tf p. m.
Leave Nordmont at 7:00 p. m. f<- - Laporte
ArrHe at Laporte 8:30 p. •-
leave Laporte at " <n for Dushore
Leave Du«b<" p. m.for LaPorte
Sawed Shingles
The best'in the market and
at low bottom prices'"
Three grades constantly on harid
W ill deliver ifdesired
Write—S. JVIEAD,
Ma'y23'9o' LaPorte 1 , Pa
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of
Fi. Fa. issued out of the court of Common
Pleat of Sullivan court;, to me directed and
.delivered, there will be exuowd to public sule
it the Cou t House in LuPi rie borough PH.,
on Saturday,,sei 20, IH9O. at lOo'eiook
p. DI., the following described property I
All that certain lot. pieae or parcel of land
situate in thet. wnsliip of ColUy. county of
Sullivan and state of Penni,, bound'd and ns
ns follows.- Beginning a t the west
oomer of the Colley Giange lot; thenee along
said Grunge lot and across pnblic road along
lands of Daniel ilunsinger, south 88 degrees
east, about 68 and five-tenths perches to a
stone corner; thence south 2 degrees west
along lands Into of Joel Pottfcr and W. W.
Po'ter, about 192 perches lynn comer; thincc
north 8S degrees west, along londs of . Villi.,a.
Keoser, about 811 perches to a stone cornor;
thonoe north 2 degrees east along lands of
Benjamin Smith warrant, of which this is a
part, about 192 pcreh«;s to the place of begin
nirg; containing 9tl acres and 144 perches of
land, more or less. Reserving therefrom a lot
sold Ltieffenbachs, and the one aero now oc
cupied by C Olyphant. Being same land deed
ed to An'os Hnnsinger by tho executo-s of J.
Jackson d< c"d., by deed recorded , in tho Re
corder's ( fii -e at UForte in deej book No 13,
page 440 &e„ nnd having thcreen erected one
fi anted dwelling, house one fiamtd barn nnd
other outbuildings; n good orelf.ird gr wing theio
on well watered, and neiirly all improved land
Seised and taken in Execution ns the property
of Auios Ilunsinger at the suit of John L.
JOHN UTZ, High Sheriff.
Rheriff's Office, L.i Porte, A'Jg. 2.V 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the following
account? of Adm'r?. etc., have been filed in
the Remitter's office of Sullivan county viz:
j Second and finiil account of Jaincs Thomson
Executor of laet Will and Testament of lir.
J. J. Jackson dee'd.
First and final account <>f Jiiroes McMahon
Adm'ix.oi theertate of Math ew (]uriay dei'd.
First and final account of Afary Burns
Admr'x. ol estate of Mathew Burtis, dee'd.
First and final account of N. K. Woodward
Admr'x. ot the estate of Hufus Hopkins, dee'd.
First and final nocount of Jaue McMahon
Ex'tx. of the last Will and Testament of
Michael McMahon, dee'd.
The following widow's appraisements have
been filed :
In the e.-tate of J. V. M e . Rundell, dcC'd.
In the estate of Geo. A jftcllw.ain dee'd.
Ir the estate of W IU. Oolds dee'd.
In the estate of Joseph Battin dee'd.
And tniat the sume will bo presented to the
Orphan's Court of Sullivan 'county en Wed
nesday Sept. 17. 1890, at 3 o'clock p. m. fcr
confirmation and allowance.
, A. WALSH, Fegis-er
Register's Office LaPorte Pa., AuS. jf>, 1890.
J. H. Campbell & Son.
SHUNK, - Pa.
We wish to announce to our many
patrons of Western Sullivan,, that
iwe have a ftrlj Stock of General
I Merchandise that we will sell at a
very low price for the nest CO days
to make room for our immense stock
of Fall and Winter Goods that we
are about to receive. Consisting of
j Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps,
j Boots, .Shoes, Straw Goods, Ladies
| and Gents Furnishing gpods, Dress
j Goods, Men's Hoys and Ch'ldrens,
'Clothing.' Lamps, Queens ware, i
Crockery and Glanswai'c and always j
on hand a fresh stock of Groceries, ,
Provisions, Tobacco . and Cigars.
You tire all cordially invited to call
and examine our poods. No trouble
to show them, and we will give you
as you can get elsewhere fur the
Bum? quality "112 Goods. Give us a
call 'ml l»e convinced. Our stock
of r'jnlware and Haying Tools are
1 complete, we sell the "Steel King"
; Spring tooth Harrow and Ajax
i Cultivator. Farmers are invited to
i call and examine. We are also
agents for Bowken and Williams
and Clark Fertilizers for all crops.
Aug. 7, ? 90.
Call and be convinced of good
qualities and low piices. lam ad
; ding weekly to my already large and
[well assortment of general merchan
dice, consisting of dry goods, hats,
caps, boots and shoes, ready made
clothing, notions, hardware, flour,
feed, and a general and at all times
a fresh supply of groceries.
I guarantee satisfaction. Give us
a call. T. J. KEELER.
LaPorte, Pa., Aug. 8. 'B9.
S.W.LEWIS, - pnor
On Railroad street, recently kept
by J. Chesley. The interrior of the
same has recently been re-modeledand
now presents and is the finest room
for the purpose used in the county.
Pictures valued at hundreds of dol
lars adorn the beautifully engraved
wait. Everything kept inn first
class restaurant can be obtained at
LEWIS'. Jan. 3, '9O.
An attractive, home-like hotel.
Every etTort to entertain satis
factorily. MRS. M. C. LAUER,
SHERIFF 112? 8A .E: —By virtue of* wit of
Ft. Fa.< issued out of the Court of Common
Pleaiffef Sullivan Okinly. and to me directed
and Mivered. there wifl be exposed to public
iale at lhe4Co>irt House in LaPorte Boro.
Pnllivan cdimty Pa.. on Monday the 15th day
of ScptenHier 1890 at .2 o'clock p. in the
folic ving property vir.:
ATI that lot piece or parcel of lard situated
in the borough of Dnahoie. County of Sullivan
State of Penna., describ< d an follows: Begin
ning at the eorncr of German Julia Street*,
thence bv North fidr- of Julia Street, North .->0
degrees We«t 12SI feet to centre ot Little L.yal
Sock Creek, thence up said creek C?} degrees
West 162 feet to line of lot of.Francis Dipling,
Ihence by sain" So'utb lift decrees East 46 teet
to side of German Street, thence by B»me
S.'U'h 31 degre s West. ISO feet to tin p ace of
hovinninc. continuing 11310 square feet of land.
There being thereon erected, one two storied
franie dwelling house; one two storied building
used as a grocery and dwelling, one small
Boot and Shoe shop, one tiaine barn and olher
outbuildings, some fruit trees growing thereon
and all improved.
One other lot in satd borough described as
fullrwi: Rounded on Northeast by lot k'lown
ns Welles Wilcox laf, # on Northwest by old
tract line running along German Street, on
S'.uthjrest by lot of Kltza . Ellis now G. H.
M containing about-.two acres, all im
proved with old shop thereon orected.
All defendants interest in a certain lot piece op
parcel of land situated at Lopez in Colley town*
ship. Sullivan county Pem>a. des ribedos foK
lows: beginning at the Northeast corner of
lot No. ],, and running South along said line
50 feet, thence West 25 feet, thence North 60
feet to the Lee Settlement road, therce East
along suid road 25 feet to the place of begin
ning. Being a portion ot lot No. 2, of Lopei
as laid out by P. E. Alden. of the lands,, of
James McFarlane. Having thereon erot'd
one Irame dwelling bouse i
Seized, taken in execution as the property
of.Michael Burke at the suit ot Edward Siea
father (use),
\ < ••fOHN UTZ, High Shiriff,
Sheriff's Office, LaPorte, Pa., Aug. sth 1890
SHERIFF'S SALE—Ify virtieofa writ of
H. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common
I Pleas of Sullivan county, and to me directed
| and delivered, there will %e expose I to publio
| sale at the Court House in LaPorte Boro.
Sullivan county, Pa., *n Monday, the 15th day.
of September 1890 at 1:30 p. m.the following
pronerty via: . . ; . i
All that piece parcel or fot of, land situated
in the township of Davidson County of Sulli
van and State of Pennsylvania bounded and
described na follows viz Beginning at a post
I by the East and West road which makes the
Northwest corner, and the Northeast corner
i of lands of E. J. Stephens, thence EaStwardly
69 porches along said roHd to h. m eck knot
o-moi;, thence Southwardly along lands of W„
. M. Stsphens, 294 perqhes more or less to stones
I thence We twardly along lands of E. I. Brun-
I dage 69 perches to stones, thenos Northwardly
] along lands formerly of Atnos Little tow E. J.
. Stephens 294 perches to the place of hevinning.
! containing one hundred and twenty fire acres
|I e the same mote, or less. About 50 acres
I improved and under good cultivation with
go<)d orchard, weTI -.vatered and having there
ion erected a good two story frame dwelling
| house, large barn and other outbuildings.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
thj. property of John W. Kiett and Charles H.
1 in tie at suit of Ida A. Horn and others.
, JOHN UTZ, High Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, LaPorte, Pa., Aug. 4th, 1890.
Trial l/l»' lor Term, IS#B.
(RETURN DAY SEPT. 15th, 1890.)
No. 1 Henry Swanii vs Jonathan Phillips
end Alfrce Pbl|lipi. No. 19 Sept. Term 1881.
; Ejectment, Dunlium for Plff. lugbr.m A Oiim
; (or lift.
I No. 2W. C, ijorey vs, N_ K. Woodward No.
jl2 I>e«. Term 1883 Trespass vi. at. armls
; Inghams for PIIT. and Thomson for Dft.'
\ No. 3. B. W.Jackson et. al. Ex'urs. of'
(Geo. D. Jarkson vs William Lambert. No 32.
Sept term 1884. Ejectment. Thomson. Ing
-1 hum and Dunham for piff. Collins lor dft.
No. 4, Jiimea Dunn v» William Dunn. No 49
Dec. Tcrtii IBSI. Eject. Thomson and Dunham
for l'.fl. Cri-rtin, Collins md Inghams for
Deft. j
No. The Susquehanna Mutual Tire.
Instiranco Company of llarri»burg Pa. vr
Thomas J. Keeler No. 117 Sept. Term 1887..
plff's appeal T. J. Ingham for plff,
il Same vs F. M. Crossley. 68 Sept. term
1887, pltl's. itppeal. Same Atty's.
No. 7 Geo Dusenbury A Son vs Nellie M
Oilman and Milton Gi man, No- f|4 Feb'y.
Term 1889, Sci. Fa. Sur. Mort'gago, Codding
for Plff. and lughntns for Dft. \
No, 8 Wella A Co. vs John Hileman No.
82MavTerm 1889, Assumpsit, Inghams and
Msrcur for Plff, Scouten for Dft.
No. 9 Jaccb L. Snyder vs Benjamin Lewis,
No. 84 May term 1889, Trespass. Dunham for
plff. Ingham's for doft.
No. 10. W. S. Beiber vs Bejijumin Meek
No. 131 May term 1889 Repleviu,. Dunham
for plff. Crawford and E. P.,11 gh ii m for dft.
No. 11 A. It. Mclotire vs Fred Rosbaok and
F. C. Schanabacher, No, 158 May term 1889.
Defendants Appeal. Soouten for plff. Collins
and Grim for deft',B. , .
No- 12 Ulysse3 Bird and Joseph Woodhead
Ex'ors of W. J. Eldrso vr John G. Scouten.
No. 2 Sept. term 1889, dft's 1 . appeal, Inghams
for plff. Scouten for dft.
No. 13 G. Shores vs C. W. Wilheltn. No, 4
®ept. term 1889, dft's appeal, Scoutea for plff.
Thomson for dtt. t ,
No, 14 F, C. W.elliver vs 0. W.. Wilhelm,
No s s Sept, term 1899, Dft's. appeal same
No. 15 Kellpgg A Jayne vs C. W. Wilhelm,,
No. 5 Sept. term 1889, dft's. appeal, same
Atty's. ,
No. lfi Eugene Fleshut rs Joseph R. Pen-,,
nington No. 338 Sept term. 'B9 Trespass, Colhoc
for rilff. Scouten for deft. .
no, 17. 11. M. Chilson vs Benjamin
Lewis, No. 1 Dec. term, J 889. Defendants ap
peal. Soouten for plff. Inghams for dft.
No. 18. Daniel Gilbert vs Calvin Jenningr
No. 3 D«o. term 1889- 112 defrndauts appeal.
Scouten for plff. Collins for dft
19 William H Converse vs Frank P Bchug 112
No. 98 Dec. term 1889, Trespass. Soouten for
plff. Inghams for dft.
20 Joseph Shaffer vg D T Stevens A Son,
No. 113 Dec. term 1889. Defendant appeal,
Inghams for plff. Dnaham for dft's.
No. 21. Harry L. Chilson and Jesse,
Chilson vs Arthur McArthur No. $5 Feb. 1890;''
tiespass, Dunham for plff Ingb sals for dft.
N0.22 Harry L.Chilspn and Jesse Chilson vs
Rob't. McEwen, No. 56 Feb. term 1890, Tres
pass, Dunham fer plff. and.lnghaus for dft, .
No. 23. Henry Williams vs Henry Thomas
No. 126 Feb. term, 1890, dfts. appeal, Dunham
for plff. Soouten for deft. >
No. 24. William T. Moore, (uae) v»,
Ulysses Bird and Joseph Woodhead executors
of W. J. Eldred, dee'd. No. 61 May Una, 1890,
Assumpsit, SoouUn for jtMf. Ing bams for dft.
A.,WALSH, Proth'y.
Prothy's- Offioe, LaPorte, P» August 2d 'lo.
MTItE 3ARMODY Proprietor,
Everything First Cl&ss.
Charges Reasonable. Jan. 31, '9O.
DARBY KENNEDY. Proprietor.
Everything" First Clas».
Charges Reasonable,' March 7,