Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 18, 1890, Image 3

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    LAPOBTE, PA. JULY 18th, 1890. j
Longest days.
The picnic season is here. j
Hay making is now in order.
The hay crop will be immense. j
Big fish stories will now cease.
The summer visitor is On deck. j
Tuesday was a sultry warm da}'. |
The town council are Vury slow|
to act. 1
Naturo is now taking her yearly
We will soon learn the population
'of our city.
Member—W hats-the-matter-w ith
Dr. Herrmann ?
Miss Sarah Crossley of Bornicc,
is visitiug friends in town.
A party df LaPorters, visited
Jamison City, on Sunday last.
Prothy. Walsh of LaPorte, spent
Sunday with friends at Dushore.
We publish jury list drawn for
fcept., term elsewhere in this issue.
It is now illegal to catcli trout.
Tuesday July ioth, was the last day.
John H. Green of is on
the sick list. John is failing in
health very fast.
The bark peeling season has about
tended. The boys are now at work j
tutting roads.
Atty. J. G. Scoutcn of Dushore,
was doing business at the county
beat, on Tuesday.
Miss Maggie Kellcy of Philadel-j
phia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James
Walsh, of this place.
Station agent Newman, of Nord
inont; was calling on friends in town,
'on Saturday evening.
A headless child was born in In
diana recently. It will most likely
be called "Democracy."
Wm. 11. Vanßuskirk of Eagles-
Mere, was transacting business at
ike county seat, on Monday.
Please report to us when friends
are visiting you, or any items that
toay be of interest to the public.
The jurors for Sept. term were
•drawn on Monday by Sheriff Utz
and Thos. Farrell, jury commission
J. H. Spencer book keeper for
James McFarlane & Co., moved
from the Ist to the 2d Ward on Wed
The grass grown on the Court
House square has recently been cut.
The yard presents a very creditable
Miss Lizzie Hassen of Dushore,
formerly of LaPorte, is spending a
lew days with her aunt, Mrs. James
Walsh, of this place.
The Allegheny House, Eagles-
Mere, C. Peale, jr., proprietor, is
about 'filled with summer guests.
The Allegheny is one of the finest
Hotels at the 'Mere.
The Williamsport and Bingham
ton railroad company has again
"borne to the front. They are now
purchasing the right of way near
kittle Meadows, Pa.
DdHng the past week one hun
dred and fifty summer guest
have registered at Hotel Eagles-
Merei The total number now
registered at that popular Hotel, is
The young people of town gave a
party in the Hall, on Friday even
ing last, in honor of Maurice J.
Lauer Of Danville, and W. L. Stor
inont of New York, who were home
on a vacation.
J. H: Spencer of LaPorte sold his
span of gray ponies to Chas. Reeder
Of Nordmont, on Tuesday. Charley
ban congratulate himself upon hav
▼ a dandy and a splendid driving
W. C. Mason of LaPorte, has ac
cepted a position as Asst. Engineer
of a new railroad company, of Scran
ton. He left for Scranton on Mon
day where he will remain a good
part of the summer.
The '„;, reG teachers, Miss Davis,
Bishop and Grant, who were the
••uccessful contestants of the Phila
delphia Press , for a free excursion
to the old world, took the steamer
at Philad' "ji, for said voyage, on
Wedneif / The day was beauti
ful, wh inis nndoubtedly observed
by manj '
MARRIED —At LaPorte. July 7th,
'9O, Mr. M. F. Shaw to Miss Belle
Stackhouse, both of Muncy, Lycom
ing county, Robt. Stormont, J. P.,
MARRIED At LaPorte July 16,
1890, Mr. John Decker to Miss
Amilia Hotrer, both of Colley, Robt.
Stormont, J. P., officiating. The
ceremonies were witnessed by a
goodly number of our young peo
ple, principally ladies.
S. John Baptist's church, La-
Porte, Mr. James B. Werner, A. B.
LAy Reader. Divine services next
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
Even, song, with eermon, at 8 p. m.
All welcome.
The Sullivan County Fair which
promises to be the best display of
agricultural product ever held in
the county, will take place, on Oc
tober 1, 2 and 3. Everybody should
take an interest in the county Fair.
Prothy. Walsh of LaPorte dis
posed of his entire turn out to Thos.
E. Kennedy of LaPorte, on Tues
day. Thomas, iB now the owner of
one of the finest horses and the best
out-fit in town. He is happy and
will undoubtedly enjoy a good time.
The finest trout in the State can
be found in Lake Mokoma. Samples
of the same ban be seen in the trout
box near the border of the lake,
they were captured in the eel rack
at the mouth of Mokoma. Ask
Moyer to show them to 3 - ou 1
Democratic Slate chairman Mr.
Harrity, who was elected to serve in
said capacity at the recent Demo
cratic Convention held in Scranton,
has resigned. He evidently per
ceives the approaching danger of an
Overwhelming defeat of his partj' this
The P. 0. S. of A. Washingtons
[ Cauip which had been organized at
Nordmont, is progressing nicely.
They initiate from (i to 10 new mem
bers eacli meeting night. The boys
say, the organization is meeting with
much bettor success than they an
C. B. Jackson accompanied by D.
Reedv, I. Spouling and F. Frowler,
all of Berwick Pa., drove over from
Long Pond where they had been
spending a few days, on Saturday
and registered at the LaPorte Hotel
over Sunday. They spoke very
complimentary of Lake Mokoma
The Pennsylvania State Forestry
Association convened Monday at
Eagles Mere. The sessions which
arc held in the Hotel Eagles Mere,
will continue for several days. A
number ol prominent people are in
attendance, and Governor Beaver is
expected to be present before the
An inquest to ltlake partition was
held on lands near Jamison City of
the North Mountain Lumber Co.
and the Blanchard estate, on Tues
day. The viewers were : J. 11.
Farrell, Michael Finan, G. L.
Mcllenry, B. M. Sylvara, Wiil. A
Mason, and H. T. Downs. The
Sheriff accompanied the viewers to
the lands.
Atty. W. Farnsworth of Snnbury
who is census abstracter of Judg
ments and mortgages of this con
gressional district, was in town the
early part of this Week looking over
the Appearance docket. He finished
his labors in Sullivan which com
pletes his appointment, on Thurs
day. Mr. FarnsWorth during his
stay at LaPorte, made many friends.
Road commissioner J. H. King of
LaPorte twp., is of the opinion that
the road leading from this place to
| the 'Mere should be repaired, but
owing to the fact that this highway
is not in his immediate district he
reftises to act. Mr. K. informs us
that Road commissioner Ring is the
proper person to put this road in
repair. We understand that Mr.
Ring will be brought before a J. P.,'
if ho does not act soon.
Cadwalader Biddle Esq., of Phila
delphia a<id a member of the board
of Chairty of Pennsylvania, visited
the county seat of Sullivan, on Fri
day last in hh official capacity and
examined the county prison. He
said it was the worst ho had ever
examined and that it was merely
an apology of a jail. lie condemned
it with disgust and inquired the finan
cial standing of our county, when
told, he could perceive no reason
why we should not have a jail of
credit to our county. We are told
that ho wi!J. put it down as the
woist in the State in his report to
Harrisbnrg next winter. This is a
fine send off for our county oflicials.
He made many comments on the
riveted bars three in number which
guard against the prisoner jumping
through the window.
Mrs. Mary Maria Miller of Athens
formerly of LaPortOj died ofinflama
tory rheumatism, tin Wednosday
July 9, aged 59 years 4 months
and 19 days'.
Deceased was born in Ilessfe Cassel,
Germany, Feb. 20th 1831 and came
to this country about the year '49
or 'SO to visit her brother Peter
Stilsiiig who resided in Jersey City
and who came to this country sever
al years before. She became a
member of the South sixth St., M.
E. churteh, Jersey City, of which
her brother was one of the origina
tors, and of which she reuiairibd a
rtiember up to the time of her death.
Deceased was married January 6th
1856; to Wm. M. Miller (who died
20 yeat ago the 27th of last Maj")
and has resided in Sullivan county
the greater part of the lime since.
For the past 20 years deceased had
been severly aflicted with inflaraa :
tbry rheumatism and during the
past few years has been a great suf
ferer from a complication of diseases.
Deceased resided in LaPorte for
many years and was a resident of
our town at the time of her hus
band's death. She was known by
all as a kind wife, mother and a
good christian.
For the past few years her sick
ness had tendered her almost help
less when she was taken to her
daughter's residence Mrs. C. D.
Croll, Athens, where she was looked
after and bet wr.nts cared for. Two
children, Mrs. Mary Croll nee Mary
Miller and Peter D. Miller, survive
her who have the heart felt sym"
palhy of their mn'iy friends in their
sad bereavement. The funeral was
hold in the M. E. church at this
place, On Friday July 11th, and vras
in charge of undertaker Lawrence of
Dushol'e. Ilev. J. F. Glass of
Muncy Valley, delivered the funeral
sermon. Interment in Mountain
Ash cemetery.
Now that Mr. Wallace is known to
be out on the ocean the Democratic
organs are saying some queer things
of him. The most interesting of the
compliments paid him conies from
the Sun, of this cit}*, which, in' its
issue of yesterday, speaking of Pat
tison, said:
He is n Democrat, but not an of
fensive phrtisan. It cannot be said
of him as a Governor that he ever
shirked his duty to the people, nor
as a Democrat that he ever ran away
if he failed to carry a convention in
a fiilr and square fight such as that
in which he was nominated.
The Wallace men of this section'
and there are many of them, wil
doubtless die with joy over this
beautiful comparison between Bill
Scctt's man Pattison and ex-Senator
Wallace.— Williamsport liej).
Hon. Thos. V. Cooper Collector
of the Port of Philadelphia and for
a long time Chairman of the Republi
can State Committee, will, with Mrs.
Cooper, spend the latter part of
July and the firot week in August at
Hotel Eagles Mere. Alfred Gratz,
Register of Wills of the same city,
with his wife and family will also be
at the 3ame hotel daring the sum
Prof. M. F. Albert, formerly prin.
cipal of the Watsontowri graded
school, is an applicant for the La-
Porte graded school. Mr. Albert
is well known in this section having
taught one term at LaPorte, and is
complimented very highly as a
teacher by our people. It is the
wish of the people that he be suc
cessful! in receiving the appoint
Chas. B. Jaokson, Esq., of Ber
wick, and a world renown fisherman,
while in town, on Sunday visited
Lake Mokoma and took a look at
the trout in the fish box.
He said they were the finest he had
ever seen. There are forty in the
box and the average length of the
same is 15 inches. They were all
taken out of Lake MoKoma.
With the ha}' taken off, the Park
presents a very creditable appear
ance. Now if the town council
would vote new gates constructed,
so that people could have access
to the same, without 'straddling'the
fence, they wO\ild do a worth act.
Deputy Collector E. P. Ingham of
Philadelphia, is home on a vacation,
j and will remain on the Mountain
[ until Monday next.
James Gansel of LaPorte twp.,
claims he is the owner of a horse
that if properly hitched could move
the Court House to Dushore. The
animal weighs a ton or less. The
people of Dushore should club to
gether and purchase the beast, but
then, Stewart Chase is Warden and
should an attempt be made to re
move the building to the Metropolis
of the county some dark liight,
Stew would catch them in the act
and call them to a halt, There is
always something to interfere with
moving the county seat to Dushbre.
WASHINGTON, July 14. —The Presi
dent and Secretary Windom have
approved of the designs of the new
treasury notes provided for by the
new Silver bill, which Were recently
prepared at the Bureau of Engrav
ing and Printing in anticipation of
the passage of thfe bill These notes
will be of eight different denomina
tions, as follows : One dollar, two
dollars, five dollars, ten dollars,
twenty dollars, fifty dollars, one
hundied dollars and one thousand
Sealed proposals will be teceived
by the chairman, uutil July 18th
1890, for work to be done in Moun
tain Ash cemetery of LaPorte, as
follows: Fence straightened, and
new posts putin where needed;
briefs dug, or ploughed out; grass
cut and raked up ; trees trimmed ;
drive staked out and neglected
graves putin good shape.
MRS. E. M. DUNHAM, Chairman.
List of Grand Jurors Drawn for Sept.
Term 1890.
Robt. Kshinka, Clias. Schock,
Samuel M. Bryan, J. R. Fiester,
Frank Cox, David Phillips; E. I.
Brundage, Wm Meyers, J. F. Mull- ;
en, Jncl. P. Rogers, C. W. Jennings,
Theo. Hess, John Sclierr, Sr., Barney
Sheehan, L. B. Speaker, Jno. Pine,
Ezra Little, J. H. Little, Jno. Hile
nian, Stewart Chase, Jno. Fry, T. S.
Simmons, Jne. Mullen, Joseph Bed
Jno. Moyer, Geo. Sautebufy, Al
fred J. Phillips, Washington Bender,
A. W. Sones, Thos. Gainer, Edward
Whitebread, O. L. McHenry, Wm.
M. Harrison, JameS Peterman,
Elias Young, James Bagley, Clias.
Kester, Reuben Thrasher, Jno. far
doe, Esa G. Little, Samuel Christ,
Ralph Litzleman, E. Keller, Wm.
Lawrence, James Cunningham, Wm
Johnson, A. Brown, Martin Wright,
Godfrey Rosbach, Peter Brown,
Geo. Lambert, Henry Hugo, Hiram
Long, W. P. Fanuing, Jno. Mc-
Mahon, Phillip Karge, Isaac Low,
A. A. Baker, Jno. Mittendorf,
Joshua Battin.
The Boston Slugger Vehemently
Abuses Wrestler Muldoon,
BOSTON, July 12 —Champion John
li. Sullivan was yesterday afternoon
shown Muldoon's open letter re
flecting on his courage and character,
and there was a pretty how-de-do.
The big fellow flung down the paper,
his hand striking the table with
force enough to chip a large splinter
off the hard pine top. For a mom
ent he was silent, and then his mouth'
opened and a tbrrent of abuse poured
forth such as the reporter had nevef
"That snake in the grass," yelled
John, "has hounded me without
reason for weeks. He is a snivel
ing snipe, a frog, a vipfer and a
scoundrelly blackguard. He calls
me a liar. Why, his very letter
proves him a liar of the deepest dye.
When he sa\ T s he didn't write the
letter to the Southern authorities he
is a proven liar, as I satf the letter
with my own eyes.
"As to ray being a coward, a slur
on my bravery from such a sneaking,
cheap copper as he, cannot hurt me.
I hare proven my courage in many
a hard fought battle and the re
marks of Muldoon himself, publish
ed a year ago in your paper and in
others, Itvill take as my just measure
'As for his contemtible offer to
match Kilrain against me again. I
have already refused to meet that
little sneak, but if Muldoon can
show $2,500 in cash I might be
tempted to essay the task. That I
ever asked him to train me for Jack
son is only a plain simple lie, like
all of his Other statements."
We ate determined to sell out our Summer Stock to make rooin for
our Fall & Winter Stock, we rather sell them off' below cost than carry
them oyer till next Summer. Our Men's & Boy's clothing Hats, Caps;
Boots, Sfhpss & Gents furnishing goods, are niarked dbwn, CHEAPER
THAN EVER Straw goods, we give them almost away, COME AND
GET a good Straw Hat for one penny a good cap for 5c etc.* coffcfe
early to avoid the rush.
every time and prove ourselves to be the best in the field for business:
WE ARE STILL HERE waiting for the next man who thinks he cati
compete with us in goods, prices or any other way. CUSTOM
CROWDS US! attracted by the bargans we offer at these marvelousljr
low prices, * Yours Very Truely
M, M. MARKS C 6. Prop.
The First National Bank 0 i
Offers all the facilities for the transaction of a
Accounts respectfully solicited.
Ci Wm. WODDROP; Vice President,
W. C. FRONTZ, Cashier.
FURNITURE STORK, Jackson's Block Main & Centre sii
DUBHORE, ----- PA.
The nlost magnipcitnt displfty of falicy furniture ever showii in Dushore
fancy chairs in etidless varietj', chairs thfit are ancient and aritiqhe look
ing, odd chairs of odd shape. Hundreds of them of every conceive&ble
kind are spread out for your inspection. Fancy cabnets, music cabnets;
fancy mirrors, foot rests, blacking cases, card tables Ac.
Do not miss the display, come if you can possibly get hero, come
whether you want to buy or not, everybody is welcome,
Very Respectively, LA WHENCE JiilOS.
We also wish to call your attention to our new line of stone caskets
they are light, beautiful in design and constitute within themselves mini
ature vaults, they are finished in broadcloth, plush and Sateins and are
furnished at a price that brings them within reach of all classes. Please
call and examine our model as we are the only dealers that handle stone
caskets in Sullivan county. Wfe also have a full line of wood caskets/
robes, trimmings &e. . '
TH k best and cheapest coal in the marked To
customers from—
THE price is Sauced at the breaker to
$2,805!$ , . »
The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co I. 0. BLIGHT, Supt
F ROl =3
J. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor'
Dushore, - - Pa
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large
of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for smal!
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
| | | | | | | | I |
BOOTS (£1 SHOES made io ordej?
If you want a fine sowed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairin
done On short notice
Mens' Youth Boy's and Chil
drens Clohing
Cronin's New Block, Dushoe, Pa.
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