FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. BEAN-SOUP. Soak a coffeecupful of white beans over night; in the morning boil "until tender—they should then be quite dry; pass through a sieve and add threo pints of water and one quart of rich milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, three large potatoes chopped fine; par sley, pepper and salt to taste; simmer bout half an hour and serve hot. ROLLED BEEFSTEAK. Mix a teacup of stale bread crumbs, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a teaspoon each of sweet marjoram, and thyme, finely powder with half a tea spooiiful of salt and a pinch of black pepper together; moisten with a table spoonful of melted butter; spread over a two-pound rouud steak, roll tightly, and tie with twine. Putin a baking pan with scraps of suet or fat from the steak, add a half cup of water and bako in a quick oven for half aa hour. Serve with brown sauce. BREAD PUDDING. There arc a number of ways to vary bread pudding, and this recipe makes the one best enjoyed. Take one quart of milk, one pint of bread crumbs, three eggs, one small cup sugar, a small piece of butter and one and one half teaspoon fuls vanilla extract. Boat the yolks of eggs and stir thera with tho rest of tho ingredients, reserving the whites for tho top. Bake the pud ding twenty-five minutes, then take it from tho oven, spread a layer of- cur rant-jolly over tho top; beat tho whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, with one tablespoonful of sugar, spread this on top of tho jelly, return to tho oven to brown on top.— Prairie Fanner. CHICKEN SALAD. One quart of chicken cut into dice, one pint of celery cut into dice. Mix well and sprinkle with salt. Marinate with a French dressing. When ready to serve add some of tho mayonnaise dressing. Cover with mayonnaise, garnish, and serve. Miss Maynard used three-fourths as much celery as chicken. The celery should bo scraped before cutting into dice. Season the celery with salt. If one has many people to servo, turkey can be used instead of chicken, and is very nice. After the | salad is thoroughly mixed, put it in a salad bowl, cover with mayonnaise, garnish with the white celery leaves, then take tho yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, rub through a sieve, sprinkling over the salad, aud add a few capers. Yankee Blade. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To remove l:mo from an iron pot ■ wash in strong vinegar. A little ammonia in tepid water will soften and cleanse the skin. Hot fat or cutting bread will soon dull the edge of the sharpest knife. Tissue or printing paper is the best thing for polishing glass or tinware. Tho best of tea makes but an indiffer ent decoction unless the water is fresh. Eggshells crushed and shaken in a glass bottle half filled with water will clean it quickly. A damp cloth dipped in salt will re move egg stains from silver, or tea stains from china dishes. A sink or other home drain should be thoroughly washed out with boiling suds at every weekly wash-day. Kerosene is unexcelled in starch to give polish; also to polish glass; it will make your windows shine liko silver. A tablespoonful of ammonia in a gal lon of warm water will often restore colors in carpets; it will also remove whitewash from thorn. Yellow stains,left by sewing-machine oil, on white, may bo removed by rub bing tho spot with a cloth wet with ammonia before washing with soap. If breakfast bacon or ham is to be served for breakfast tho fat that is drawn out in cooking should be used for frying its accompanying hominy or Indian mush A WAGON-WHEEL manufacturer makes » good spokesman. La Grippe has Left the System badly debilitated in millions of cases. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and restore Tone and Strength. It never fails. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass^ SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. The California agricultural station lias analyzed over ISJOO samples of soils from localitiei in a bisis for a classification of the land: of tlio State. I California farmers are beginning to use silos to preserve winter and spfing fodder fjr summer and fall u»e —a complete reversal of Eastern dairy , economy. | A Minneapolis inventor is about to I introduco to tlie public a slot machine | that for a nickel will present the player a photograph of himself in jutt three minutes from the time he drops in the five-cent piece. The hospital of St. Spirito, in Flor ence, Italy, is said to contain a table ; top of petrified human viscera, the I work of a Florentine anatomist, who i died without explaining the process so i ghoulishly applied. According to a recent paper read be j fore the French Academy of Sciences the temperature at the top of the Eiffel Tower is frequently much higher than at the ground, though tho contrary as a rule is to be expected. In the Cascade Mountains, Oregon, is to be found tho Great Sunken Lake, the deepest in the world. It is said to average SJOOO feet down to the water on all sides. The depth of tho water is unknown. It is fifteen miles long and four and one-half wide. Mr. Gntschett has just had published by the bureau of ethnology a grammar of tho Klamath language. It is intend ed to form not only a complete analysis and exposition of that language, but to bo a model of all subsequent grammars of the Indian languages. It is probable that the Engliih oak will bo tho hard wood of the future on the Pacific coast. This species is ap parently much better adapted to that region than are tho varieties of tho oak common to the Eastern states, which there make a slow and unsatisfactory growth. A soluble pigment has been found in the spines of tho South American treo porcupine. The quills are tinged with bright yellow and tipped with dark brown. The yellow will dissolve in ordinary water, but tho brown roiistj the solvent action of alcohol and chloro form, though it yields to ammonia and potash. It is not a fact that new- born babies always have blue eyes. But it is true that in the majority of cases the eyes j of the newly-born are blue in color, and as age increases, change. This is owing to the fact that at the time of birth the pigmental structure of the choroid coat of the eye is not complete, with tho re sult that the blue and violet rayi of light are more fully reflected by tho iris. But in very many cases the eye has its normal color from tho moment of the child's birth, and we find grey, brown, or hazel eye among newly-born infants. What Bacteria Arc. JO great majority of thoio micro scopic plants are what botanists call bactcfia, the smallest form of vegeta ble life. So small are they that it would take, in some cases, as many as fifteen thousand of them arranged in a row to extend an inch. They havo different forms, some being round, some oval, some rod-3haped, ami others much the shape of a corkscrew, or spiral. Iu all cases they are so small that ono needs a powerful microscope to study them, and in no case can we perceive them singly with the naked eye. When countless millions of them are grouped together in a mass, or colony, wo can sec them about as we are able to sco at a great distance an approaching army, of which wo aro totally unablo to dis tinguish a single soldier. Wo havo said that these bacteria move about; and this is true of most of them, although there aro some which do not appear to movo at all, but re main fixed whore they find a good feed ing-place. Those that havo motion be have in a very peculiar manner; some wobble about in one placo without moving forward in tho least; others dart hither and thither, back and forth, at an apparently furious rate, rocking and twirling about, and turning a hun dred somersaults as they movo along. Bacteria multiply very rapidly, and they do this in a strange way. A single one breaks itself in two; then each half grows to bo as largo as tho first. Then these, in turn, divide up again, and so on, until from a single one wo have many thousands in a short time. To give you tho figures, such as they are, a singlo ono can multiply at so enormous a rata that in forty-eight hours it can produce something liko 280,000,000,000 of bacteria. Great consequencos follow this enormous in crease of bacteria; for, while one which is so small in itself can do little, tho vast army resulting from the mul tiplication of one is ablo to accomplish much. Turned Into a I'iii Cushion. There is in Georgia a Conlederate General who was literally shot full of pins during the late war. He was an ex temporized pin cushion, but the pins saved his life. On one occasion the General was lying in his tent at niglit. The Federals were near enough to shoot into the camp. It is said he had just finished a letter home and had thrown himself down for n few hours' rest before the hot work that would begin in the early morning, when ping! a minie bullet from a sharpshoot er's rifle sped through the tent and struck the General in his left side. The blow stunned him, and lie lay as dead for a few moments. When he recovered consciousness he felt a stinging pain in his breast, and, tearing open his shirt, found that the ball had struck a package of pins his wife had given him, thinking they would be needful in those days when there was no one to sew and patch, and had driven every one of them into his flesh. They had saved his life, but he was a walking cushion, bristling with pin-heads.— Atlanta Journal. Electrical Phenomena. Remarkable electrical phenomena are witnessed at the new observutory on the steep and isolated Santis in northern Switzerland. Thunder storms are ex tremely frequent; thus in June and July last year only three days were without them. As a rule, thunder peals from midday till evening. The noise is short, partly owing to shortness of flashes and partly to the small amount of echo. The thunder storms come on quite suddenly, in a clear sky. One of the surest indica tions of their approach is the bristling of tire observer's hair. During hail, the iron rods of the house give a hissing sound, associated with luminous effects. The Force of Evaporation. An average of tive feet of water is estimated to fall annually over the whole euth, and, assuming that condensation takes place at an average height of 3000 feet, scientists conclude that the force of evaporation to supply rainfall must equal the lifting of 322,000,000 pounds of water 3000 feet in every minute, or about 300,000,000,000-horse power con stantly exerted. Of this prodigious amount of energy thus created a very small proportion is transferred to the waters that run back through rivers to the sea, and a still smaller fraction is utilized by man; the remainder is dissi pated in space. Fires and Their Causes. The following figures, given by an English periodical, show the tires in Lon don during the past three years caused by the various methods of illumination: 188". 1888. 1889. Total. Candles 142 Hit i:«> :il»l Has I*B 197 209 594 Lamps 245 205 257 707 Electric Liyht 1 2 3 Of course, electricity is used to a much less extent than the other illuniinants, but the above figures convey an idea of how much greater destruction is caused by lamps than is generally believed to be the case. From the year the Patent Office was established up to the present time, 3500 patents have been granted to females. The first woman patentee was Mary Kees, who invented a machine for weaving a mixture of silk and thread. That Tired Feeling Has never beeu more prevalent aud moro prostrat ing than now. The winter has been mild and un henlthful, influenza epidemic and fevers have visited nearly all our homes, leaving about everybody iu a weak, tired-out, languid condition. The usefulness of Hood's Sarsaparllla is thus made greater than ever, for It is absolutely unequalled as a building-up, strengthening medicine, if you have nevwr taken Hood's Sursaparllla try it and you will realize its re cuperative powers. That Tired Feeling "My health was very poor last spring and seeing an advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparllla I thought I would try it. It has worked wonders for mo as It has built my system up. I have taken four bottles and am on the fifth. I recommend It to my acquaint ances." JOHN MATTHEWS, Oswego, N. Y. "I was very much run down In health, had no •tiength and no inclination to do anything. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and that tired feel ing has left me, my appetite has returned, I am like a new man." CHACXCKT LATHAM, North Columbus, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only I by C. t HOOD A CO., Lowell, Mass. ■ 100 Doses One Dollar • M_Y -N U—ll Ir»« taritlyStop Pain <8 fy?r r 'C. NEU RAIGIC ' H Vt.-tS- A representation ol the engraving on out wrappers—RAD WAY * 00. DEW YORK* The development of Texas has but just begun, yet there are 210t> post offices in the State, the receipts arc more than $1,000,000 annually, and the length of mail routes is more than 22,000 miles. 8100 He ward. »1 00. The readers of this vapor will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease! hat science has been able to cure lu all Its stattesjiiml that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, actinK directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and Riving the patient strength by building up the constitution anrl assisting nature in doing its work. Tlio proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. A MICHIOAN mathematician calculates that 1T.300,(M) people in the United States have ha I the >: rip. Tlic lSniidsoniPNt I,ady in Town Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough .instantly when other congli reme dies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and eonvinco you of its merit any druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 30c. and sl. HORATIO ALOEK, who has spent his life in writing books for boys, has made a comfort able fortune in this line of literature. 8*i50l) Reward lor a Lost Cat. The equivalent in English money of $ 301 was once ottered by an old lady in London for the return of a favorite cat which had strayed or neon stolen. People called her a "crank," and perhaps she was It is uniortunate that one of the gentler fex should ever gain this ti tle, yet many do. It is, however, freqently not their fault. Often functional derangements will apparently chanie a woman's entire na ture. Don't blame such sufferers if they are "cranky,' 1 but tell them to use Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, which is an infallible rem edy for "female weaknesses." It will soon re store them to their normal condition, it is warranted to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be re urned. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, the original and onlv genuine Little Liver Pills; 23 cents a vial; ono a dose. FAYETTE COUNTY, Virginia, contains 900J dogs, one town alone having 1000 of them. I'roirrrftft. It is very important in this atre of vast mate rial progress that a remedy be pleasing to tha taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing these qualities, Syrup of Kigs Is the one perfect laxative and most gen tle diuretic known. Ti'E Russian army manoeuvres for nex summer will be on the most colossal scale. From flie l.m el'oloiirl I). >lc Dan iel I, Owner of some of tho fastest running horses in the world; JEROME I'AIIK, JuneSl, 18S4. This is to certify that I have used Dr. TO BIAS' HORSE VENETIAN LINIMENT und DERBY CONDITION POWDERS on my race horses and found them to give perfect satisfac tion. lu fact they have newr failed to cure any ailment for which they were used. Tho liniment, when rubbed in by the hand, never blisters or takes the hair off. It has more penetrative qualities than any other I have tried, which I suppose Is the great secret of lis wonderful success In curing sprains. The in gredients from the Derby powers are made have been made known to me by Dr. Tobias. They are perfectly harmless. Sold by tho druggists and saddlers. JAY GOCI.D has purchased nearly all the coal fields in the Southwest. No soap in the world has reer been imitated ns much as Dobbins's Electric Soap. The mar ket is Ml of imitations. Be careful that you are not deceived. "J. H. Dobbins, Philadelphia and New York." is stamped on every bar. THE Czar of Russia, as a private individual, is the largest landowner in the world. We recommend "TansiU's Punch" Cigar. The marked benefit which people In run down or j weakened state of health derive from Hood's Sar«a --| purllla conclusively proves the claim that this medl i cine "make* the weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant, imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but possessing Just those elements which the system needs and readily seizes. Hood's Sarsaparllla builds up In a perfectly natural way, all the weakeued parts, acta upon the Thai . Tired Feeling blood as a purifier and vltiliaer, and assists to healthy action those important organs, the kidneys and liver. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has renewed my grip. I am 63 years of ago and was all run down and dis couraged. I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla and on looking myself over find that 1 am much better. In fact quite a chap. Of course the medi cine will not discount my years, but it comes nearer to It than auythlng else." Cuas. B. LONG, Shrewsbury, Mass. N. B. Be sure to get only Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A Cottage, Store, Chapel, School House, Stable, Barn, a building of any kind at Low Cost ? If *o we will send you gratis our public ation •• HOW TO SAVE MOSEY IS BUILDING t " contain lug val uable information. Write for It. Address A. It. 1)111 VEE A* CO*. Architect*. Main Office, Mills Building, Sew York City. NORTHERN PACIFIC. LOW PRICE RAILROAD LARDS & EE Government LANDS. .>ll fIONS OF AC'UKS In Minnesota, NorCa Dakota, Montana. Idaho, Washington and Oregou. Criin CAD publications with maps describing tuj OLIIU run bent Agricultural, Grazing aud Tim ber Lands now open to Settlers. Sent Iree. Addr*** CHAS. B. liIIBOBN, ERAZER 6 ffM BEST IN THE WORLD ONTMOR tar* Qet the Oenulno. Sold Everywhere. CTAMI EY'C CTADV Complete, Authentic. OIANLCV 9 OlUVlli Adventure* til tk« Dark Continent. 40 Colored Plates, ftOEngiav* lngs. TOU massivo Quarto Pages. Elegant Outfit FREE for 50 cents to prepay express. N, . lIAZEN CO.. 64 «fc «6 W. St., New York. ITAIIIIIA PYljES—ltch of every deserlpt «>n poit- II VnllVII tlvely cured with J applications. Sent by moil for sl. GEO. H. CAUL, Fall* Village, Cone. f| ENS I jn la lMt war, U adjudicating claim*, attj uuoot A BAD SPELL. A merchant's clerk wrote a check for forty dollars, and spelled the numerical adjective '• l'-o-u-r-t-y." His employer directed his attention to the error with the remark. " You seem to have had a bad spell this morning." To which the' clerk replied, "Sure enough ; I've left out the "g-h." Let us hope the elerk will still further amend his orthography, meanwhile, if anybody is suffering from a " bad spell "of headache, superinduced by constipation, over-eating or other indiscre tion, let that person ask his druggist for Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are entirely vegetable in composition, and are prompt an?l effective in action. They are specific in all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They are strongly cathartic or mildly laxative according to size of dose. Un equaled as a Liver Pill. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One tiny, Sugar coated Pellet a dose. WHAT AILS YOU? Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited, lifeless, and indescribably miserable, both physically and mentally; exjierience a sense of fullness or bloating after eating, or of " goneness," or emptiness of stomach in the morning, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, fre quent headaches, blurred eyejight, " floating sjiecks " before the eyes, nervous prostration or exhaustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting, transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakeful ness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impending calamity ? If you have all, or any considerable num • l»K. KOKHI.KK'S FAVORITE COLIC >ll XTIIt K for all domestic aulmuls will cure Wout of every I Minnu:«ANs FKoriTs. Write for catalogue and Not C«h Price,. WILBER H. MURRAY MFG.COCINCINNATI.O. tier of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American mala dies—Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated witli Dyspejsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has In come, the greater the numl>er and diversity of symptoms. No matter what stage it has reached, I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery will subdue it, if taken according to directions for a reasonable length of time. One or two of Dr. Pierce's Pellets taken daily with the " Discovery" will add to its efficacy in case the liver is very torpid and the bowels constipated. u Golden Medical Discovery" is the only medicine of it** cla«s guarxinieed to do all it is represented to accomplish, or money paid for it will be refund**!. WORLD'S DISPEN SARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Proprietors. 663 Main Street. BufTalo. N. V. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. I "Oy a thorough knowledge of th.i natural laws which governthc oparailom of digestion and nutri tion, and by a careful application of th ß Hue proper ties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr, Epps has provided i our breakfast tables wit!) a delicately flavoured bev j erage which may Have us many heavy doctors' lulls. | It Is by the Judicium me of such articles of diet I that acoiwltutlon may be uradually built up until strong enough lo resist every tendency to Hundreds of subtle maladies art* floating atonnd us read} to attack wherever there is a weak i>oint. i We may escape man} a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortllied with pure blood and a properly I nourished fraiue, — "Civil Service Gazette Made simply with boiling water or milk, rtoia I i lns hy Groc, '«. labelled thus: JAiuhn fc.i l l > vV' CO.. llomueopathlQ t'hcnilsts. London, g~T| Coughs 0 Colds jg There id no Medicine like I DR. SCHENCK S § PULMONIC |r SYRUP. does not oonlaln a {article of jS opium ortnything Injurious. It i* the Best Cough Medicine in the World. For Sale hy all i Price, #I.OO per bottle. Dr. Srhenek's Ucw>k on 1 Consumption and its Cure, mailed free. Address Dr. J. H. Sohonck & Son. Philadelphia* E THE WONDERFUL |£• " V .ÜBURG\CH[M COMBINES r ) «. wi tho I >,rrs{ An *cmaue r^%k« uhclejuile/artory ® B a)1 Z" Qf" P" and sb 4 p fooda to Do /M l(mPy§ ( fH 11 paid for on delivery. IU-7J w ttß*l. fH a IKS Sand stamp for C&ta- XALI\ /1 V&*T? ri H * R £;,_ logue. Name goods desired. x'-tg- "'nviif*!? LUIIUKG MFg. CO., iCsSt - AFTER ALLOTHBRS FAIL CONSULT l>H,l.Olill, 329 North Fiflro»nt h pfcilttdelphift, Twenty years' experience 1»< »poclal diseases; cures the worst co&pa ot Xorvou* (. oniplaints. Blood Poisoning, iilutohwi, riles, Catarrh, Ulcers, Sort«- Impaired Memory. Despondency, Dimness <>X \ Isiou, Luug, Livoo stomach. Kidney Disease); omtUlentiui, >yr(to for question list and book. m » jo»» ana tuliy «n --d< >rw Big (} as the only Carta specific for the certain curt, TO k of this disease. ao» »W q H. INORAHAM", 12. Dw jutiw saa—frtrjom*** Amsterdam >. Y? fe» lirdsalybyOM We hove *o\s utg G lor f>>lt, ITII flUalsjl fl», tnanv jrcwfe and It ha» uHaTHi wbwubm w. k1 vf best of satia- Factum. t>. h DYCTIE & COu Sold by Diruggisfct.