Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, February 07, 1890, Image 3

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What about that "Yow t"
Soft hats nre style for men.
It is now about time to talk cau
Always stick for the town you
live in.
The cokl wave has made a lull in
the grippe. •
We wouM suggest that Judge
Mason be re-elected Mayor of the
city. Who seconds the motion ?
Republican Convention will be
held at La Porte, on March 4, 1890.
A good representation is requested.
Election only a little over a week
off. Let the best men in all cases
be selected to fill the various ollices.
Our reporter says the sun was not
visible for one second on Sunday,
Felt., 2d. Warm weather may be
Atty. 11. T. Downs of LaForte,
tfas confined to his home several
days this week by a severe attack of
la grippe.
The annual report of the receipts
and expenditures of Sullivan county
for the year 1889 will be found in]
this issile. j
We are engaged this week in
printing a book "Sitting in Equity" I
in the case of Virginia Brewster vs
W. 11. D. Green.
Reading matter on editorial page
will not be very lengthy during the
month of February, owing to space
occupied by county statement.
We were in error last weak when '
we stated that court would convene |
four weeks from last Monday. It
should have been three weeks.
But few people outside of the
legal .r iternity know that the boi.d
of a Sheriff in this state holds good
for twenty years after his term ex
According to the best tveent'
estimates there are nearly 1,450,000.-j
000 people in the world, about C5,~
000,00(1 of whom live in the United
We would be extremely obliged
to ail those who are indebted to us
either for job work or subscription,
if they would call and liquidate their
The entire list of applicants for
license, of (Montour county, were !
successful in securing the same at !
license court held in said county on
Friday Jan 24.
The Republicans of 1C Ik land twp.,
are receiving many compliments for
putting In the field a straight Re
publican ticket, to be voted for at
the coming election.
John Tinkle of LaPorte, who is
engaged in hauling bark from near
Millview to the Foot of Plain, in
Bradford county, was home on a
visit, on Sunday and Monday last.
Darby Kennedy of LaPorte will
gi\e a grand ball on Wednesday
evening Feb. 12th. Bill SI.SO. The
many friends of Mr. Kennedy
of LaPorte and vicinity Bernice,
Lopez and Dushore are invited to
Judge Mason chief engineer of the
W. <fc If. B. railroad, who is engaged
in the business office of said comp
any at Williarnsport. spent Sunday
Wi'„h his family at this place. The
Judge is a favorite among the of
ficials of the compaii}'.
The Y. \V. C. T. U., will hold a
Mite Social at the home of Harriet
E. Grimm Friday, Feb. 7th, at half
past seven o'clock. Come and bring
your friends. The members of the
society will spare no effort to make
the occasion enjoyable.
Captain P. D. Uricker, of Jersey
Shore, has been appointed census
supervisor of the fith census district
iu which Sullivan county is figured.
Applicants for the appointment of
district enumerators will forward
their petition to the captains office.
We learned last week of good
authority that M. J. Lull 01 Bernice,
will remove from said place to Min
eapolis Minn., within a very short
period. It is asserted that Mr.
Lull as been offered a much better
position in the far west than he is
now filling. The many friends of
Mr. L. will regret to see him de
| Everybody who keeps posted up
on the local events happening here
abouts, reads the REPUBLICAN.
The question which is being dis
cussed by the Western and
Eastern people of the county is
—what will be the Republican ma
jority at the coming election in
Elklaud township ? The Republi
cans of said precinct have nominated
a full ticket and propose to carry the
day by a rousing majority. We
trust that they will not be disap
Why is a newspaper like a pretty
girl ? To be perfect it must be the
embodiment of many type; its forms
are made up; it is chased though
inclined to Ijp giddy; it enjoys a good j
press, the more rapid the better; has j
a weekness for gossip; talks a great j
deal; it can stand some praise and is
awfully proud of a new dress. It
cannot be kept in good humor with
out cash. Please pay up !
The following persons have beo%.
I appointed Deputy Sheriff's of Sulli
[ van county by Sheriff Uta, viz : If".
T. Downs R. M. Stormont both of
LaPortc, Thos. Mahaffey ofDushore
and E. S. Chase of Eagles Mere.
Our county is represented by a 1
goodly number of officials in this i
capacity and order throughout our 1
little county is assured, owing to '
the muscularity possessed by the ]
above mentioned body. t
I Why would'nt it be in order for
; the (1. A. R. Post of LaPorte to
give u ball in tlie LaPorte Hall oa
i the eve of Washington's birthday?
We know nothing about the financial
i standing of this organization but we
imagine—a little more would do
them no harm, and as they have
i never asked lor public aid we prc
! ilict that they would have a full
■ house.
It ia estimated that there are
ninety-thousand Catholics in the
! Scranton diocese, which comprise
: the counties of Luzerne, Lacawanna,
Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne,
'Jioga, hulliran, Wyoming, Pike and
Monroe. Jhe diocese was establised i
on March 3, 1807, and the present
Bishcp, Kt. Bev. Win. O Tiara, took
charge on July 12, of the same year.
The number of priests in the dio
cese are 102.
| i
It is not generally known that at'
the lai-1 session of the Legislature of
Pennsylvania, an act was passed to
levy and collect a tax of fifty oftiits
and one dollar upon all does, :«•_
cording to sex, in every township
and borough of this commonwealth. '
Those interested who do not wish
to pay si tax on a lot of worthless
curs had better decapitate tliein be- i
fore the assessor makes his annual |
visit the coming Spring.
Atty. E. M. Dunham of LaPorte
was called to Philadelphia on
'egal business on Saturday last,
lie was accompanied to the city by-
Mrs. Ann F. Mcylert of this place
where she will remain with her
nephew, S. F. Colt jr., for several
months. Mrs. Meylert has antici
pated the trip for some time passed
but owing to advanced years hesitat
ed to make the excursion alone.
Her many friends of LaPorte wish
her a pleasant visit and a safe re
turn home.
When the driving park on Mokoma
Heights, which is now in progress
and the public road down Loyal
Sock have been completed, the
people in this vicinity will urge that
the county Fair be held at the coun
ty seat. At present we have no in
ducements to oiler, hence we have
made no assertion that we are en
titled to the honor. In the event of
the completion of the driving park
however, will be an inducement that
our neighboring tows can not olfer
and will receive the approval, as the
place for holding the Fair, by a
large number interested.
The Republicans of Williarnsport
have nominated Frederick 11. Keller
of the sth ward for Mayor. Success
to Keller—and iu the event of lead
iug Republicans, who wish to be
known as such, of Williarnsport,
stand by their nominee, there is no
question but that victory will be
their reward. A split by the lead
ing men of the party is dangerous
and the example and result will be
disastrous to the principles of Re
publicanism of the Lumber City.
I We publish elsewhere in this Issue
I applicants who are applying for
license. There are twenty-six in
SAD AFFAIR. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Croft of Lopez formerly ofDushore,
were about two weeks ago taken ill
with la grippe, which terminated in
:to pneumonia. Mr. Croft died 011
Thurday of last week and the Mrs.
succumed to the dreadful disease 011
Saturday night, when she to was
I called to her eternal' resting place.
Interment took place in Bahr's
Icemetery, Dushore. The former
on Saturday and the Mrs. 011 Tues
day. The dee'd. couple leave a
bright little boy at the age of 8 years
to mourn the sad affair. It was the
request of the mother that her dear
child be properly cared for.
( By glancing over the county state
ment you will perceive that several
districts throughout the county have
not settled one dollar of county tax
with treasurer Lorah. This is not
as it should be and our county com
missioners should take the matter in
hand and request the payment of the
same. If this way 01 doing busi
ness is allowed to exist by the prop
er oflicial, in the event of a few years,
all collectors will avail themselves
of the opportunity and the result j
will be Jurors &c., will have to be
paid by county orders. A true!
adagc-"a stitch in time will save
j The road machine which was re
j cently purchased by the tax-payers
iof LaPorte twp., and which by—the-
I way is quite an expensive piece of
[lurniture, remains along the road
I between this place and Nordinont,
roofed by branches of a dead hera
| lock tree. The machine is very
I conspicuous owing to its immense
! size and fast colors and attracts at
tention and conversation of by-j
passers which by-the-way is not very
complimentary to the proper olHcials
in whose care the township has
given charge. If the machine is too
large to be caged in a common shed
we would suggest that the super
visors efect a shed at the expense of|
the twp., in which to store it away j
during the winter months.
Speaker Heed is ruling the Hou6e
I with a strong and steady hand, and
j now that the Republicans have
| pulled themselves together and are
I acting in concert the Democrats find
:it utterly impossible to succeed In
any dilatory tactics. As .soon asj
, one ol* them attempts to do any
thing irregular Mr. lleed decides
I promptly against him and the House
stands by the Speaker's decision, or
at least the Republican majority
'does, which amounts to the same
| thing. Ox' course the Democrats
[who expected to keep the Mouse iu
[a tangl6 by fiilibustering are kicking
[hard and yelling "usurpation," but
Mr. Reed ouly smiles at them and
goes ahead in ins own way. The Re
publicans are congratulating them
selves that no mistake was made in
electing Mr. Reed to be Speaker.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. —Mrs. Cop
pinger Secretary Blaine's eldest
daughter, died at her father's resi
dence here at four o'clock this morn
ing. Mrs. Coppinger was unconsc
ious for hours before her death.
This is the fourth bereavement in
the family of Secretary Blaine with
in the past thirty-five days, and is
the second one of his children to'
die within that time from illness
brought on by attacks of the grip.
The funeral will probably take place
on Tuesday, from St. Matthews
Roman Catholic church, and the
interment will be made in Oak
llill cemetery. Father Tom Sher
man, son of General Sherman, is ex
pected to conduct the services.
Work of Sopoundels.
One night last week some con
temptible scoundrel removed the
I corner stone of the M. E. Church
now in course of erection about
three miles from Benton, Pa., on the
road leading to Fairmount Springs,
and stole all the coin deposited in it
on the day of the corner-stone lay
ing. This double discounts the lei.
low who was said to have stolen tin
coppers from the eyes of a corpse.
It is to be hoped the person who
desecrated the corner-stone may be
ferreted out and thoroughly pun
ished for his dirty deed.— Milton
lie cord.
The robbery at the store of Jen- 1
nings Bros, located at Shaily Nopk'
about two miles from Lopez on
Tuesday ot last week was as we
liave it from a business man of Lo
pez, as follows: While Henry
Castle the clerk was alone in the
store a stranger entered and pro
ceed to the counter directly oppo
site of Castle and drew from bis
pocket a revolver and aimed it at
him, demanding all the money be
l had in his possession. Castle drop
ped behind the counter and ran 011
his hands and feet to the front part
of the stoic while the thief- suppos
ing he was going in the other direc
tion ran along tho counter 011 the
outside tot lie other end. Castle
ran out the front door and down to
the shop where he secured help.
When he and his assistants returned
to the store the thief had gone and
had taken with him the money draw
er and all it coi *d, about $55.
The drawer wat jerwards found
011 Bahr's liiil a 11V lor two from the
store. Prom the o ascription given
by Castle the robber is believed to
be a man b3 r the name of Sharpc of
Owego. Jennings Bros, offer a re
ward of SIOO. for his capture.
ED.—Chief of Police Lantz of Mon
rocton and Tiios. Kangley, con
stable ot Lopez, Captured the out
law at Stillwater Columbia county
on Saturday night la*t. Sharpe
was in a building at the time of the
arrest and made no resistance. lie
was t.tken by vehicle to Plooms
burg whore he remained in the Col
umbia county jail until Monday
morning when he was brought to
Lopez and given a hearing beiore
magistrate \V. I>. Jennings, lie
pled guilty and was brought by
Constable Kangley to La Porte 011
Monday nigiit and lodged in tlio
j county jail about midnight. He
was traced to Stillwater by a letter
| written to a 112 riend requesting that
! his clothes be sent to said place.
After Sharpe had committeed the
deed iic went 011 foot by the way of
Long Pond to Jamison City where
i he took the train for Stillwater reach-
I ing there 011 Wednesday forenoon,
j Sharpe is not sorry that he has been
I captured owing to his conscientious
| scruples interfering with his
nights rest, lie can Hot say what
prompt him to do the act any more
than h« was hard up lor cash. lie
[;ays lie did not premeditate the
robber.y long before committing the
act. His age is 20 and a pretty
good looking young man to. lie
converses readily and realizes that
his future looks very dark.
The Wife and Ha lighter of Sec. of
Navy Tracy. Burnecl 10 Death. |
The residence of Secretary of the
Navy lion. I>. F. Tracy, burned at
6:45 on Monday morning. Mr.
Tracy's wife and daughter were
burned to death also granddaughter
and female servant. Secretary Tracy
was carried from his prostrated
position by firemen to the residence
of lion. J. C. Bancroft Davis, lie
is recovering slowly and hopes are
entertained that he will survive the
awful calamity. When he awoke
from his unconscious condition
caused by 9ulloeating, the first
words he uttered was in regards to
the safety of his wife and family.
Their deaths were kept 112" him
until late in the day and „n re
vealed by President 1 <bn was
a terrible blow to the U ibrtunate
Local Institute.
The Locul Institute f or LaPorto,
Davidson, and .Shrewsbury, will
convene at Sonestown, Friday • i
Saturday, February, 7 and Bth.
The following program has been ar
Class Drill—M. M. Sweeney.
Essay—Aliie Pennit-gton.
Class Drill ju Primary History—
lihetta Harvey.
llecitation—Harry Fague.
Question Box—Linda Lawrence.
Music by Sonestowu choir.
Prof. Black will be with us and
an interesting session is promised.
Emerson Collins Esq., will address
the lustitue on Friday evening at
7:30. Mr. Collins is too well known
to Sullivan couuty teachers' to need
any encomium. Encourage ua with
your presence.
Hakuiet E. Gkimm. Sec'y.
Subscribe lor the Kwuducan.
EiAWEiNfcl BEOffllBS
FURNITURE STORE, Jackson's Block Main & Centre st.
DUBKORE, ----- PA.
The most magnificant display of fancy furniture ever shown in Pushorc,.
fancy chairs in endless variety, chairs that are ancient and antique look
ing, odd chairs of odd shape. Hundreds of them of every>le
kind are spread out for your inspect ion. Fancy cabnets, music cabncts,
fancy mirrors, foot rests, blacking cases, curd tables &c.
Do not miss the display, conic it you can possibly get here, come
whether you want to buy or not, everybody is welcome.
Very Respectively, LA "WHMNCJS Jill OS.
We also " ish to call j our attention to our new line of stoi c cut let a
they are light, beautiful in design anil constitute within thuiiselvcs mini
ature vaults, they are finished in broadcloth, plush and t-nteins ai d mo
furnished at a pricethat brings tlura within reach of all classes, l'liate
call and examine our model as we are*the only dealers that handle stci.c
caskets in Sullivan county. We also have a lull line of wood easkcta r
robes, trimmings &c.
: : : COLE.
a line of
KttDiaS <3OOD&
Such as "Rochester" stand and hanging lamps; an elegant line of hancE
sltds, agate fancy tea and collee pots, carvers &c. A line lino of
\\ hich are being sold cheap. Call cariy and examine uiid get a»
bargan on stoves &u.
z'QSOKHS i'jt BY X M&JXjz
WILL receive our prompt attention. Wc carry a full line of
Tiware and M anuftlctuiers of Tinware Job Work &c.
Cunningham & Cole.
tttt t t t t
Th e best and cheapest coal in the market. To*
customers from—
T he price is^ leUut:fc Li at the breaker to
The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co j_|l. O. Bligbb, bupt
• .F- BOM
J. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor.
Dushore, - - Pa
-'TT-Tr;-: i I"i—: \ \
It will pay you boioie purchasing to cuil and examine my large stock
>f new and weli selected goods. l.iuge sales enables me to sell for small
>rolits. Cash customers can s&vea good percentage by buying goods of
ue. Everything new neat and lirst cla»s. Aly stock of French Eid
land turned goods aie very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
u price and 111 quality to be the best that any market can afford.
_ I I I ~| ;17|~
BOOTS & SBIQ33S made to o^dsa?
If you wantatine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. liepairin
ioue on short notice.
J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUiSiiOliE, PA. june^4,67
ar p YmcjsiTr
Mens' Youth Boy's and Ghii
drens Clohing
. Cronin'B New Block, Diulioe, Pa.
Tnis is a large and commodious
bouse, with largo airy rooms, furn
shed in first class style. A denia
ble place for those who desire toes
cape the heated term, lluutiug ant
fishing in thoir season. The bar it
supplied with choice liquors & cigai s.
.Nov. 13 'S3.
.1. r. G A.r»S KA£D F8 IS
jCorner of 'lhiril ami J'ive iSU.\
j For iho iuicfct fcij lu :iud a good
lit we would i tier our Sullivan< oun
jiy friends to -Mr. Cttrvkadcleu who is
jnuntl.t'iod ainoi'g iLie bust lailors in.
ibc Lumber city. St.i>t. 1 JitL, 'b'J.