BBPQBLICJy) LAPOBTE, PA. DECEMBER. 13th, 18b9. LOCAL DEPARTMENT Goto church Sunday ; and sur prise the minister. The new officers elect will soon take their oath of otllce. John Whiteley of Elkland was a guest at court tliis week. Christmas goods are 'being re ceived by our merchants. Jefferson Davis died in NeVr Or leans, on Friday Dec. 6th. Frank Buck will drill a well for W. rr - Watrous, 011 Main St. President Harrison's message is praised by all in the extreme. Give your attention to thinking up good resolutions lor the newi year. Hog killing is in season, and sau sage and pudding grace the farmer s table. If you want the news before they | become stale, subscribe for the RE PUBLICAN. A. L. Armstrong of Glensharon, was doing business at the county seat, on Saturday. Newell of the Review, was looking 1 after his interests at the county 1 seat 011 Monday. Atfeim Zaner iind Wm. Bahr, both 01 Dushore, were callers at our sanctum, on Monday. Constable Shanbacher of !• orks ville, was among the many callers at our sanctum this week. There are a number of dilapidated piveriidf: ts n town that should be fepaired before snow falls. County Superintendent Black of Forksville, was registered at the LaPorte Hotel, on Monday. Monday the first day of court brought many people to LaPorte, and 'business was correspondingly lively. Mr. Merrit Mead ofClarks Green,: Lackawanna coanty, is visiting his brother Salathael Mead, of LaPorte t wp. It said that work on the \V. rt e as witnesses. The ease was continued. A sharper is mak'ngn good income by advertising :i sure method of Kil ling insects. When you s-nd him , fifty cents you receive a card with these words : "(let your insects to smoke cigaretts. It will kill tlicm.'' ! The wife of Frederick Fairfax who resides in Washington, I>. C., has decorated her parlor with a con federate ling, entwined with black, in memory of Jefferson Davis, it re mained up until after the funeral j Dec. 11th. The Newton Oil Company arc making preparations to begin dril ling for oil at Lovelton, having had j timbers sawed lor a derrick last week. It will also drill at New Era soon.—J fonroeton h'/itcrjirixe. The hunting season expires on Sunday next, consequently our sportsmen will be debarred from legally killing deer on I he last day lof the season 011 which date hereto fore they have made great calcula tions of' 'banging" at many o! the innocent creatures. Sunday was with but few excep tions the disagrees blest day of the year. 011 Monday morning, how lever, the sun shone bright and it proved a spring like day which was very encouraging to court guests who were compelled to visit the ; county seat. It is rumored that (ins Sones of Sonestown has purchased the Taylor hotel stand in Tivoli, Lycoming jcounty, and will take possession ol the same, on or : bout the first of 1 April 1890. Gus undoubtedly will make a first class landlord. We wish 'him success in his new under-1 taking. A change has been made in the advertisement of Cunningham ,V ; Cole's dealers in hardware, Dushore ; j which shou'd be read by all. The popularity of this enterprise is well known and it is stocked with a fine display of holiday goods such as are commonly kept in such deparments. Read their new ad in double column. Those New Yorkers talk about bringing the fair there. They can't j appreciate the far. They have Mrs. Cleveland there, and the other day j 1 she was permitted to stand up in a ; ' horse car while it traveled a mile. If this is a fair specimen of New York courtesy and discernment, it is hardly fair for them to make the pretensions they do. Wm. Ilazzen of near Sonestown lost a valuable horse last week, valu able for its many years ol'service to Mr. Ilazzen. The animal would have been years old on the loth I day of May and had been the prop erty of but two persons including ; Mr. H. who purchased it when a | colt. The horse was renowned for its extra speed, kind und gentle manners. An army of 42,000 census ques | tioners will shortly be turned loose upon the country. Those people will lav in a stock of ferocious dogs, and ignorance, who have net sense enough to understand the great im portance to the country, themselves included, of having the census ac curate and complete. Those who have sense will aid the census takers I to the best of their ability in collect-1 1 iiig the desired information. ' Oil prospectors will soon set the drill in motion fit Terry town Brad fbrd county. We trust it will not be in vain. District Attorney Thomson, ol'i Onshore, who lias been il! for some time, was unable to be in attendance at court this week. Mr. Thomson . lias pr»cticed law for many years at the Sullivan county bar and hut with this one exception has never failed to putin an appearance at the ouri of Quarter Sc.- -nous of our county. He entrusted his business in the hands of At.ty. E. .M. Dunham. A good selection. It is stated that a new railroad will be built from Wilkes-Barre to W T illjamsport. The W. it N. I>. ! Railroad tracks w ill be used from' Hughesville, and from the latter j place the proposed road will branch | oi! toward W'lliatnsport, following closely the fool of the hills.— Aliuwy lAovinary. Quite a complication of relation ship results from a recent wedding in Lehigh county. The stepmother of the bride is the sistoi of the | groom, so his sister has become his I mother-in-law, and his biother-in-law lis iiithcr-in-h w, and his wife his niece. The bride married her uncle, and her step-mother became her ; sister-in-law. The Prohibition vote in P nnsyl vania is growing very slowly. The following are oilicial figures: St. 1 ohn for President, ISB4 i 15,283. Irish for State Ticasurer, 1887— j 18,531. Fisk for President, 18S8—21, Johnston for State Treas., 1889— 401. Christmas one week from next Wednesday. Why do we always talk of putting on a coat and vest! Who puts on a ccat. before a vc-t ? We always say putting on shoes r nd stocking '! Why puts on the shoes before the stock ings? We also put up signs telling people to wipe their feet, when we mean their boots or shoes. And a father tells a boy he will warm his jacket when he means to warm his pantaloons. We are a little ecentric in our phrases, aren't we at times? Perry King Al. D., or La Porte twp., who has been confined to his room and recently to his bed for the past si\ months, by that fearful and most dreaded disease consumption, died on Friday morning last. In terment took place in the Davidson cemetery on Sunday Dec. Bth and notwithstanding the rain which fell m torrents was very largely attend ed by friends from all parts of the j county. Rev. 11. F. Cares of Mrtncy I Valley officiated. We shall give a sketch of deceased life in our next , issue. : MR. KIUTOR: —The article publish ed in the IlEi'i kucan at a recent date in reference to the necessity of ( erecting a church in the Bostiou school district Davidson twp., has met the approval of all our people with whom I have had the pleasure iof mentioning the subject. It is as ; you said wo have a large farming I district composed of good and j | liberal men and it is a mystery to ! me why something has n««t been j done in the interest of such n worthy i calling and especially when so much needed by our people, during the, | past years. The sight on the corner | near tin school house would be very i j appropriate for the edifice and j j would be a credit to our neighbor- : I hood. We have many good and i christian people in our midst who ' should and is looked upon as the ; proper persons to take the first step '• in this direction. Friends is it not your duty to make this advance ment ? Would it not be a credit to j us old settlers who have resided here j i' i a half century, to erect a mouu-1 inent in the shape of a church in j rememberance of our long career in I the wilds ot this portion of little | Sullivan. Neighbors give it your; thought for a moment, X KIGIIBOU. , [Owing to the fact that we are ! credited with the first step in this worthy cause we feel it our duty to i inscribe our name on the subscrip- ' tion paper (should there be one cir culated) and will do so to the j ' amount of $5,00. hn.] It is time that appli ants forcer.- 1 sus taking in each borough arid' township in the county, shall born up a,, d urge their right for the ap pointment. This is a Republican gift and of course we are all good Republicans. 'I lie person <>f l.aPortt*.\ho writes poetry and such trash fort in; Hughes- Mail and other worthies sheets ought to be in better busi ness. If the people of the county elevated his legal and learned quali ties half so great as the gentleman f it all picks a bare bone in the glare of bis neighbor's clustered I diamond a.— ZAncoln (Neb.) Call. HAPPY CHICAGO. Chicago gave I'resident Harrison an enthusiastic welcome M< " lav The President had the opportunity of being present at the opening of the Auditorium, the grand building in which his nomination for the Presidency was made. The build ing has since that memorable event been completed, and is now a very handsome structure. Chicago is ' quite proud of it, and she is also proud of having secured the pres ence cf President Harrison at its formal opening. Her delight will not reach full scope, however, until she captures the world's fair, and should she secure that, nothing will enable her to properly spread her self unless it should be the annexa tion of what little of the State ofj "Illenoy" still lies outside of the! city limits. Notwithstanding the j presentation of a bill in Congress.! yesterday to have the fair held in Washington, Chicago will -.till press , her claims, and not without hopes of success, either. The fact that of the Congressmen who have expressed a preference, the majority were for Chicngo, naturally gives her great encouragement. She is not, under any circumstances, a city that is j inclined to get discouraged easily j when she is making a push for any special point, and if energy, liberalij ty and perseverance will knock the | persimmons in the case, Chicago j may be said to have the pole. Jetferson Davis is dead. Let him rest in peace. His stormy creer is ended in the grave where all must; end. Future generations will give ' him his proper place in history, j We cannot. lie was mistaken,j but he was conscientious. nil J ! throw the mantle of charity over \ his memory, and trust that those ! who are now so loyal to him and : the "Dead Cause." have discarded all ! bitterness and with the dawning of 1 a new era accept as imperishable the truths of the Declaration of In dependence and the Constitution. ; Esto fierpctua, lot it bo in truth, as I well as in name. The death of Mr. I Davis removes the last link in the chain of disunion, and while extend ling to his family and lYu;iu .. the | full measure of our sympathy and condolence, let us not forget our I duty to ourselves and our Govern ment, and clasping hands with our ! Southern brothers endeavor to make, Jour entire country a Government i"of the people, for the people and jby the people." Thus will we fulfill | the destiny of the Nation as our : fore-father both Northern and South- Urn intended it to be.— Kx. ' G R A N I) CI I iUSTMAS O PENING AT LAWK EK €JS 8 J OTHERS FURNITURE STORE, Jackson Block Main & Centre St's OIJSHCSE, - PA. The most magnificant display of fancy furniture ever shown in Dushore, ' fancy chairs in endless variety, chairs that ore ancient and antique look ing, odd chairs of odd shape. Hundreds of them of every conceivenble kind are spread out for your inspection. Fancy eabiicts, music cabnets . fancy mirrors, foot rests, blacking cases, card tables »Vc. Do not miss the display, come it you can possibly get here, court, whether you want to buy or not, everybody is welcome, Very Respectively, IA 7\ r JRE\CJZ 1!ROS. We also wi'-li to call your attention to our new line of stone caskets j they are liel.t. beautiful in design and constitute within themselves mini j ature vaults, they are finished in broadcloth, plush and sateins and arc j furnished at a price that brings them witlmi reach of all classes. Please 'I call and examine our model as we are the only dealers that handle stone ,! caskets in Sullivan county. We also have a full line of wood caskete robes, trimmings Ac. SPEC IA Ii A H¥l 011 j AT __ . ... :.GUiiRiHOHAH =7-~ : COLE* F.Jlo a line of BOXtJMX (SOODjS. • ;?uch as "Rochester" stand and hanging Ir.frips; an elegant line of hand? sleds, agate fancy tei and coffee pots, carvers &c. A fine line of —PARLOR HEATING STOVES & RANGES— Which are being sold cheap. Call early and examine and get a gooc bargan on stoves &c. zJQROJSRS ST 0 2ttLX££ I W!U, receive our prompt attention. We carry a full line of Tinware and Manufacturers of Tinware Job Work Ac. I Cunningham & Cole,. 2hu *£}'J& LOYAL NOCK COALt tttt t t t t Tn E best and cheapest coal in the market- T* customers from— LA PORTE AND ViCIWY TII E price i • cciuced at the breaker to S2«SO?SS. The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co I. 0. Ei.icht, Supt. FROM THE RED ffROIST EODT Atfß 3KOESTORE j. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor; Dushore, - - Pa I I I~ I ' I | :—: | :—: | It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stocfc of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables" nie to sell for small profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed j in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford. i .-T--. I I =-= I ! 1— H BOOTS & SHOES made to orde* I If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing done on short notice. ASH PAID FOR HIDES PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW &c„ AT J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUSHORE, PA. june*4,B7 2? P raffCJSM'T a *3- 6eT B3P DEALER IN Mens' "Youth Boy's and Ghil drens Cloliing Cronin's New Block, Dushoe, Pa. L ORA.IPS —OTEL. T. p. CARSKADQFN ' v '