A convention of colored religious as sociations, lately in session at Indianapo lis, Ind., demanded of the next Congress an appropriation of SIOO,OOO to promote i project for the permanent colonization of the colored people in the West. Professor Thompson, of the geological survey, who has been at work near Reno, Nev., making surveys and maps for the purpose of establishing reservoir sites for the purposes of irrigation, is very en thusiastic regarding the work, and says the result will exceed his most sanguine expectations. He is confident that through irrigation millions of acres of arid lands on the Pacific coast, can be re claimed and made productive. London is really going to imitate Paris and become an intrenched city. Military storehouses have already been built for the troops, whieli might be used on its southern line of defense; intrenched camps are to be created, and one of them is actually to bo near the town of Dork ing, the scene of the mythical battle. The volunteer artillery is to be equipped at. once with more suitable guns. It will, however, says the St. .hunt*'* Gazette, be some time before the me tropolis is impregnable. Three expeditions to the South Pole are under discussion, and have been more or less determined upon. England has one under consideration, the French sci entists are urging their Government to take up the matter, and the Germans of Hamburg, with Villard as their Ameri can agent, have been seriously contem plating sending down a body of explorers to the mysterious regions of the Antarc tic. A general revival of interest in this comparatively neglected portion of the globe seems to be promised, and the San Francisco Chronicle thinks the time is at hand when the existence of a great An tarctic continent, the magnetic conditions of the South, and the relative flatness of the earth at that point will be definitely settled. The carelessness of the Mexican Gov ernment in regard to money matters, the New York tin it declares to be most rep rehensible. "Our neighbor has permitted herself to be robbed of $1,200,000 in bonds. It appears that the robbery oc curred in the fifth section of the Treasury Department, at the head of which is Mr. Enrique Abogodo. The stolen bonds were in two books, and it is stated they were placed on the market in London, where 9>5)20,000 were realized by their sale. There is some question as to whether the bonds were signed, scaled, dated and marked with the private mark of the Treasury Department; but this matters little, inasmuch as the robbers are apparently capable of signing the name of Secretary Dublau." During the Russian Czar's recent visit to Germany, extraordinary measures foi his safety were taken. No precautions seemed to satisfy the Russian officials. Count Schouvaloff fortified the Russian Embassy at Berlin. Six Russian artizans. especially attached to the Czar's retinue, examined the walls, flooring and furniture of the embassy and inserted grating bar ring at the tops and bottoms of the chim neys. Sentries were also stationed upon the roof, apparently to prevent explosives being thrown down the flues. The Ber lin secret police assisted the Russian de tectives as far as the frontier. In ac cordance with the Czar's desire the rail way bridges at Neustadt, Dirschau and Marienburg and all the streets of Dantzic were guarded by troops. Until the mo ment the Czar left Dantzic even the of ficials were not allowed to know whethet he would board the imperial yacht Der java or make the journey by railroad. When the train started for the frontier, orders were telegraphed to put 50,00(1 Russian troops in motion to protect the line. A small herd of young buffaloes which reached the Smithsonian Institution at Washington recently is regarded by the Government naturalists as a most precious acquisition. The buffalo has had his day, and, unless a few specimens are hereaftei bred by persons interested in his preset vatiou as the noblest specimen of our na tive fauna, the race will soon become as extinct as the American mastodon. Not many years ago, however, the noble ani mal roamed the plains in countless num bers, and a frequent and picturesque sight in the far West was an euormous caval cade of buffaloes charging over the prairies at the heels.of their shaggy leader. Civilization is even more fatal to the buf falo than to the Indian. With the open ing of the West by the railroads their destruction began. Thousands of hunt ers for whom the buffalo country was now accessible began to kill them off by droves. So wanton was the carriage that the species has well-nigh disappeared, and a buffalo is now an unusual sia:ht on any of the Western plains. Even the specimens received at Washington were not captured in their wild state, bred at an army post from animals caught by Indians in 1883. CURIOUS FACTS. Postal cards are made:at the rate of 4000 per minute. There is a growing demand in England for human skin leather. A pall-bearer at a funeral in Dorset, Vt., dropped- dead while stand at the grave. A crazy man in the Milwaukee (Wis.) .Tail labors under the impression that he is a telephone. The art of making paper from cotton rags was not introduced' till about the close of the eleventh century. San Salvador is the first of the Central American republics to establish telephone service throughout its territory. At the rate of increase in the past few years the wool crop of Colorado will soon exceed in value the output of her silver mines. J. B. Green, of Mosherville, Mich., captured an eel in his mill flume which weighed six and one-half pounds and was forty inches long. The Government monopoly articles ol Honduras are gunpowder, tobacco, cigars and liquors. It retains complete and ab rolute control of the liquor traffic. The Dictionary of Fossils, issued by the State cf Pennsylvania,contains thirty four pages in small print correcting state ments found on the other 405 pages. Children as expert musicians are com ing to be the wonder of the profession. Alice Liebmann, aged nine, is astonishing London critics with her skill on the vio lin. A curious wedding ceremony recently took place in Dublin, Ireland, when the clergyman,the son of a well-known Dub lin artist, married his father to a second wife. At a California fair the other day a Plumas County man ate forty-three eggs for supper. The next morning for an appetizer he partook of nine boxes ol sardines. A single sheet of paper six feet wide and seven and three-quarter miles in length, has been made at the Watertown (N. Y.) Paper Works. It weighed 2207 pounds, and was made and rolled entire without a single break. Lieutenant Schwatka estimates the number of liviug cliff-dwellers he has dis covered in South Chihuaha at from 800(, to 12,000. They are wild and shy, and upon the approach of white people lief to their caves in alarm. Adepts at Stealing. Tlie native races along the southern coast of South America are described as professional wreckers and thieves. Tlieii practices arc told by the author of"The Cruise of the Falcon," not. for conimen dation, of course, but to warn sailors who may be cast away on those shores. One sailor is sitting half asleep on his sea chest. A gaucho conies up and taps him on his back. "Bueno, Johnny; buono, Johnny." "If you urc not oIT, I will send a bul letinto you," says Jack. "Bueno, Johnny: bueno; till to-mor row," and off skulks the g&ucho to his horse, which he mounts. With a sar donic smile he takes off his hat to Jack, bids him farewell, and digging his spurs into the flanks of his wiry little horse, leans over his neck and is off at full gal lop over the short grass of the sandy plains. At the first stride of the horse, to Jack's intense surprise, his box is wrenched violently from under him. lie jumps up, rubs his eyes, and before he can recover his senses he sees his prop erty rolling and bumping away over the sand liills at the heels of the gaucho's steed; for this clever gentleman had man aged to make one end of his lasso fast to the handle of Jack's box while engaged in conversation with hiiu. A Great IHlsfortnnr. Heavy rains of ten produce disease among farm animals. Almost every day eases of roup, swelled head and a distemper very dis astrous among poultry are reported. A part of this is also due to improper feeding. You cannot make a hen lay when everything you give her is being transformed into fat, and laying the foundat ion of disease, same as with an overfed child or person. Alfred T. John son, Hampton, N. H., says: "Last fall I had 80 fine looking hens, which began to droop and die; I changed their food and began us ing Sheridan's Powder; in throe weeks they were nearly well, and had increased the eggs sixteen a day. I have just bought six cans of it. as a preventive of disease the coming win ter. It can't be l>eat, for that can saved mo S4O last year." I. S. Johnson & Co., Cus tom House Street, Boston. Mass. (the only makers of Sheridan's Condition I'owder), will send two :25 cent packs of Powder, and new Poultry Guide, for 00 cents; for SI.OO five {lacks and book; can and K>ok: six cans $5.00, express prepaid. Send stamps or cash. Testimonials free. For 5 cents a copy of the best Poultry paper sent. (iEOROK TAI.I. and by Ha Short wer- mar ried in 1 nllimoru recently. The Excitement Not Over. The rush on the druggists still continues rtnd daily scores of people call for a boltlo of Kemp's P>alsam for the Throat and bungs for the care of Cough Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the stan dard lumily remedy, is sold on a Rtiarantoo and never fails to Rive entire satisfaction. Price 500. and il. Trial size free. I)II. NAIJSKN, the Norwegian explorer, is or ganizing an expedition to the North Pole. A pocket cigar-case free to smokers of "Tan sill's Punch" sc. Ciiiar. Fort Payne, Alabama. Tile wonderful growth of this New Eng land city in the South has been such as to occasion exclamations of surpriso from all visitors. Surely, say many, the magician's art alone could have produced this great transformation in a few short months. To those who have studied the situation the growth seems the most natural thing imag inable and >ot at all to be wondered at, though phenomenal. Of all the flourishing towns and cities of the South this one has attracted most atten tion, perhaps, for here alone is to be worked out the result of the first organized move ment of the capital and brains from the North and East in the development of the vast resources of this region of country. Hero tho iron ore of the best quality is within a quarter of a mile of the furnace. Limestone for fluxing is yet nearer, on the opposite side, and the coke ovens are building on the lot adjoining the furnace. A like condition of fortuitous circumstances do not exist elsewhere in this or any other country to insure a cheap production of pig iron. Besides, this country abounds in clays that makes the finest quality of flre bricks, sewer pipe, terra cotta, etc.; in kaolin and haloy site, from which is made tho finest crockery and pottery; in sand for moulding and for glass making; in building stone of beautiful colors and shades; in forests of timber, both hard and soft woods; in a productive soil; in beautiful scenery; an abundance of pure spring water, and in healthful surroundings. Its location is in the Wills Valley, between Lookout and Sand Mountains, on the Queen & Crescent Route, fifty-one miles below Chattanooga and ninety-two miles above Birmingham, in north-eastern Aalabama. The Fort Payne Coal & Iron Company, having 1800 stockholders, nearly all from New England, with Col. J. W. Spauld ing, as President, and C. O. Godfrey (Mayor of the city), as General Manager, located here in February last and purchased many thousand acres of laud. At that time the population numbered 631; now it is a city of over 3000 population, with electric lights, water works, and rapidly growing. In that time there has been erected and in process of erection over five hundred dwellings, two large hotels, furnace, rolling mill, lime kiln, nsphaltuui block pavement factory, ice factory, stove works, very ex tensive lire clay works, five brick yards, carriage factory, two saw mills, planing mill, two banks, many stores, school houses, churches, opera house, etc. The officers of the company are busy day ami night ar ranging for new industries, answering scores of letters daily received, entertaining visit ors and pushing the building operations of the new industries under way. The Fort Payne Herald, of August 'JSth, issued a six teen page illustrated paper which gives a complete resume of the wonderful growth of tho city up to that date. Denmark now grows more oats than any other cereal, as much barley as wheal and rye together, and five times more rye than wheat. Twenty-nine per cent, of the acreage of this country is devoted to cereals, twenty percent, to pasture and ten per cent, to meadow. This year's harvest is considerably below the average. STATE OP OHIO, CITY or TOLEDO, I „ LUCAS COUNTY, S FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CBKVKY & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDKKD DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CIIENKV. Sworn to before jne and subscribed in mv presence, this Oth day of December, A. D., 1886. I A. \V. (tLi.ASON. - HEAL - Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure \< taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces o. the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A- Co., Toledo, O. VST Sold by Druggists, 7"c. MANY Chinamen are being smuggled into the Northwest by way of British Columbia. 'O to be dead and done with trouble That tills each day with a dreary pain." This is the moan of many a woman Who thinks she can never be well again. "It were better for me and better for others If 1 were dead," and their tears fall fast. Not so, not so, O wives and mothers. There's a bow of hope in the sky at last, and it tells you that the storm of disease which has spread its shadow over you will give way to the sunshine of renewed health, if you nre wise, and try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It can and will effectually cure all fe male weakness sand derangements, and no woman who has nt tried it need despair, for a trial will convince her that it is the very thing she needs to restore her 10 the health s ;e rears forever lost. To clea ise the stomach, liver and system generally, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. 35 cents. GAMBLING at Seattle, Washington, is fast and furious. Fifty-two games are running openly. If you have ever used Dobbins's Electric dur ing the -4 years it hits been sold, you know that it is the best and pun st family soap made. If you haven't tried it, ask your grocer for it note. Don't take imitation. There are lots of them. THF. world's output of tobacco is said to be increasing more rapidly than either wheat or coin. A Weekly [Hnga/lnr is really what THE YOUTH'S COMPANION is. It publishes each year as much matter as the four-dollar monthlies, and is illustrated by the same artists. It is an educator in every home, and always an entertaining and wholesome companion. It has a unique place in Ameri can family life, if you do not know it, you will be surprised to see how much can be given lor the small sum of $1.75 a year. The price pent now will entitle you to the paper to Janu ary, ISO!. Address, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. 35H00 lor n Wile. One of the greatest stories (founded on fact) ever published, commences in the December (X-mas) number of (JODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, published at Philadelphia. Kvery woman should read it. Ready N<>\. ]"». All Newsdealer!! Oregon, (lie Paradise of Farmer*. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops. H*;st fruit, grain, grass and stock, coun try in the world. Full information free. Ad dress Oregon Im'lgrat'n Board, Portland, Ore. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomn >oil's Kye-water. Druggists sell at2sc.per bottle Gaiarrh in ihe Head Originates in scrofulous taint lu the blool. Honea the proper method by which lo euro catarrh is t > purify the hlood . Its many disagreeable symptoms and the danger of developing into bronchitis <> • i iat terribly fatal disease, consumption, arc entirely re moved by Hood's Sarsaparllla, which cure* oat.irra by purifying the blood; it also touc* up the system aud greatly improves the general health. Try the • peculiar medicine." i "I have used Hood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh with ; very satisfactory results. I received more perma nent benefit from It than from any other remedy*. I ever tried."—M. E. of A. Head x .Soa j Wauseon, Ohio. I Hood's Sarsaparilla . ! Sold by all druggists. $1; alxfor$ r >. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD .v. CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*. 100 Doses One Dollar nCCADC PUfiIQTIfIAQ Every Boy and Girl CttrUnE. unrilOSlNAd sending nv 2.*) cents In stamps* for sample, can mnke SIR, or money ri>- funded. C. A. HULTGREN, Darlen, Conn. 5 7 JACOBS OIL For Sciatica. ■:To diy cured / Yrttn- lay Crippled 112 At DnronisT* *vn Hf w.er«. THE CHARLEB A. VOGELER CO.. Biltlmar*. Md. Ely's Cream Balm OIVES RELIEF AT OKCF, FOR COLD IN HEAD MRKH EL yf 112 A CATARRH. Apply Bulm into each nostril. SLY PROS., r,6 Warren St., K. Y.HK- T E A IVFST E RS.~ You work ?n ail weather. You want an " all weather" coat. In fact, the waterproof coat in the word. No frail rubber alTair that will rip before the week is out. Rubber costs more, and lasts but a flvrt tim«v Four teamsters out of five wear the " Fish l'rand" waterproof clothing. Thev are the only teamsters' waterproof coats that are light, strong, durable, and cheap. They cost very little, and last a long time. They never pet sticky or peel off. The buttons are wire-fastened, and nevrr corr.e oIT. They are absolutely water proof anu wind-proof. Until you own one rou will never know the comfort of a rainy day. lieware of worth'e-.* imitations, every garment stamped with the " Ki>h Krand" Trade Mark. Don't areept any inferior coat when vou can have the " Ji«h l'.iand Slicker " delivered without extra coat. Par ticulars* and illustrated catalogue free. A. ,1 Mass. 8 isiS JO rOR A COPY OF Mrait'spispine T!t«s 3f2 cA an J Cheapest si the lafij's-Saoks. It is without a rival In tho of Its stories ■ml novelets, the beauty of Its Illustration*, the completeness of Its fashion ami work-table depart ments, and the helpfulness of It-* many mfseefla neous article.*' It number* among its contributor* tome of our best-Knot™ author*. I Ight novelet*, nearly on" hundrerl short stories, sketches of travel history, biography, etc.. articles en home dressmaking, the care of the sick, and household management, numerous designs for nee dlework, embroidery, knitting, painting, etc., will be given during l*'M\ making a volume of nearly I'jpO pages. TERM- TWO Hollars per year, with great reduc tion* to clubhand line premiums for getting up clubs. Sample copy free, to get up a club with. Address Peterson's Magazine, PHILADELPHIA, PA. nniinil IIA HIT. Only (rrinln nnrf B 1B" 88 I l <-■>"> 'I UK"' »"' Worltl. I>r. \J I lUIV* J. I„ K.NS, u AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT OIL LOBB North Fifteenth M., Philadelphia, Pa., for the treatment of Blood Polaous, skill Eruptions, .Nitvous t'omr-lulnts, Bright'* Ldsease, strictures, Impotency and Kindred disease*, no matter of how long daii ln: or irom what cause originating, it""Ten diy.»" medicine* furnished by mail COCC iv i. rntt. «... . Mii.tHi ana fully en. /jSjr ITO1TO ft'v AT*. oV'tlJlsdWease. Cr narmwd not wV n. LNHHAIIAM. M.!>., K£W oooM6iriat«*«. • Amsterdam, N. Y. yfdenlybjlh* We ha\ e sold Big O for fegjftu. at" \tj\ Ciuclnn&tf.WßjßH faction. WV Ohio. 23 I). n. DYCHJ. 4 CO. Chicago. 11F. t. *. finld by Druggistr CM I CHEST CH'S ENGLISH PENNYRSYAL PILLS jfc-S. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND ami »lt»Ti reliable. l.adlc*. A £. A( K%k Drtif (i*t f«»r IHammn J fraud, in L» red, metallic w»i«i with blue /BfV\ ft**"*. T»kf .thor. All pill. \V&7 >■ ps*t*bomnl boie-. pint wrappfn. are J 7 /* 4anKcrann camitorfrlU, R«inl 4f. * 1 / W Ditmixi for |'er>lcalam, testimonial* and I fp "Itellcf for Ladles,** in Utter, by retara - r «?* hUtrSHimVlZ'., ■ sdtson Rq., fklla., V* OK. KOEIIIjKK'M FAVOIITK T'OLU MIXTUITK M- TFA FFI "if lf°j ST® AkX.iLE i «t*\. for all domestic animals, w lii euro a'* *ui of every 100 cast's of colic, whether flat- Kg txi fit i' ra SVX tr^.rmLlkshi /' ulent or spasmodic, ltarely more lh«ji lor i doaes naces? ary. It does not con. rt - Rfi OAt ii 6Hj AAf DPT /'■; ttlpate, rather acts as a laxative and J« e»tlrelj harmless. After Jo years of trial Rl DW STi« -Us® Bki Q a yi KrM \ h ft 111 more than aOOo eases, our RuaranWr Is worth aomethlntr. Collr must lio jh;j*t IV THE WOlti.D VI llbHUI»' ' A-.lyhl- VTOHif, i rented promptly, txpend a few eevtsanct you have a cure on band, ready {2r-(!■ I? g K SfifiJ JTScurtd at home with. V ' rffifflwwi iiMc nr. Koehler'* "favorite CoUv H'e cheerfully recommend Dr. hoehttr * m HDr II IBVI out pain. Hook of par. \iip*7 ;t> : v' : ™«7 Wr/ Kirlvrt" right along with ruceett. Ith "Favorite Colic Mixture. H'ouldnotbe Iffl £. *S|PFB ilcnlar# sent FREE Njil.r er •>*' a the bent colic medicine 1 have ever seen, without Uon tony as in nave horse*. Ml Sai 11 ■» *wtr B1 ■ ■ woOLLEY M I>* JSAAV MOOti. Horse Dealer, ISAAC MOSES* URO.. tjfflca G3K WUtaWl «• Brotfkli/n, \etr l nrV. Sale and F.xctianjt' .stuhir*, Faston, In ATLAUTA, Oa, UillCi t. \ Dlteua Simple homes made bright* with Sa.polio are better than tawdry palace s. is a solid cake of scouing soap.Try ib-^~ Do you live In grease? As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself by using the best inventions of , the day for removing such a charge. To live in grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPQ4-IQ is sold by all Grocers and abolishes srrease and dtofc. £-%. JONES Jlgtw. Ty A Tun \\ upon Scnlm, JMWt/r Iron Lexers Steel JJeariuijp, Brass Tore Ho* for flaflnV\SHpy. V Krerv H!ZC Scale. For free pr„ e list TBljf mrntion this pane* and addrofp fX JONES OF BINGHAIWTON, _ BlN'CJH amtov. N . T. NTH 0-«« OPIUM HABIT. A Valuable Treatise Olvlnff full Information of an Easy and Speedy cilre frer to the afflicted. DR. J. C. H<>Y KM A v.Jefferson, W Isconslfl. D i 017 DAI T Chadwick's Manual. nAnii DALL'i"- x 3ln - jopnirc* UiIMJJ IJIXUtJ ||| Mll)lllßtr d Cover, CTIIT pprf on application enclosing ono OJljJv X JC xvjLiXi (2c.)Ktamp, by addressing THEODORE HOLLAND, P. O. Box 120. Phi la., Pa. IIAIIC HTUDY. Book-keeping, Business Forms ■bUItIC Penmanship, Arithmetic, Short-hand,etc. ■ ■ thoroughly taught l>y MAIL. Circulars free. Rryant'A ( •liege, lay Main St., Buffalo, N. \ sK:®l:e:33 / ' 1 IJ y s P ccial Arrangement with Demo rest's Family I IThrill Mngazine, the Greatest of all Family Magazines, we 1 I vil 3 IwJ are enabled to make every one of our laily readers a \ ft w;j g:' J handsome present. \ Al \i Cut out this slip and enclose it (with a two-cent \ Iu \ 3 f[/\ \ stamp for return postage and your name and address/ \ Y/ / ii\\x I t 1 W. Jennings Dcinorest, 15 East 14tli Street, \ Xy/ 'jVu I New York, and you will receive l>y return mail « *«\ \\ '"4 A/ / / full-size pattern, illustrated and fully described, ol (T M$L tliis Basque (worth 25 cents). \\ A J Cross out with pencil the size desired. Bust »3li \ Each copy of "DrmorWV# -Family Magazine" uv contains a Coupon Owikp. entitling the bolder to the lUrrctmirr Jinm/ur. selection of Any FattuhS illustrated in any numbe* of the Magazine, and in any of the sizes manufactured, making during the year Twelve Patterns, valued at from 20 cents to 30 cents each. This is a most liberal offer; and ladies are learning that, besides having the best Literary and Household Magazine that is published, they can save between ! £.'1.00 and *4.00 per year by subscribing for Demorest's Family Magazine, which is acknowledged to be the best Family Magazine in the world. Many suppose Demorcst's to be a fashion magazine. This is a great mistake. It undoubtedly contains the tlnest Fashion Dkiwiitment of any magazine published, but this is the case from the fact that great enterprise and experience are shown, so that each department is equal to a magazine in itself. By subscribing for Demorest's Family ! Magazine you really get a dozen magazines in one, and secure amusement and instruction for the whole family. It contains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attractions, including Artistic, Scientific ami Household matters, and is illustrated with original Steel Engravings, Photogravures, Oil Pictures and tine Woodcuts, making it the Model Magazine of America. Yearly subscriptions *2.00; or if you prefer, you can send 50 cents for a tiireo months' trial; for a trial is only needed to convince you that you can get ten times the value of the money paid. Single copies (containing Pattern Coupon) -0 cents. 112. JENNINGS DEMOREBT, Publisher, 16 East l Ith Street, S. Y. JOSEPH H. HUNTER, figaaHßH! : A B UTiAUB Sthe'4"m" L^ H ah^ e^ve^ rt S 3?!^ CAUTSOre K y rwa" , wh 1 M j rice with order. » romjit deliver) and .attraction guaranteed. | vs n v ocklon Maaa. ew. L. DOUGLAS 33 SHOEcsn^m.N. i (till- claims tor thin *l.oe over i>H all other I elioe* advertised are* , !i I?iiioieMi'y link* bener' tin intr and durable. 1 It given better generul !' du" to merit. It cannot be duplicated by any oilier inann -Itu 'Vic l!c»l hi lh>- " ' $5,000 Ihe above stateincuts to lx; untrue. The following line uf shoes^wi be found to be or tne |i:So I'll I»IC' II AN 1 r.\K >1 ./ iiliio U\; N KA iVV II °•v. 92.uonudM.yd M HO( L hiioes. i w m ffll ""i • All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W l DOUGLAS $3 AND $2 SH3ES FOR LADIES. If. L. UUUULnW VW , ' hair sizes, an 1 11. V, i>. . and HE widths. Both Ladles' Shoes nro made In sizes from 1 to .. lucmamg na" ■' ■ • • O o"c A I A l" »3 -9 ILVtnWARE >^>oF V^ALOGU^Of^OOOUIu^WoNS Quafp St C0.iE5.20 Usehty^^ewYork.