Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, December 06, 1889, Image 3

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Did you give thanks.
Court next Monday.
It froze solid On Tuesday night.
We shall eoort ha ve a week vaca
Local items in this section are
scarce, this week.
Sunday the Ist day of December,
was a beautiful day.
Nine iftore days and the time for
legally hunting deer expires.
A.M. Mints of Eagles Mere, was
transacting business in town, on
The eartW in this vicinity, was
covered with the beautiful, on Wed
nesday morning.
Miss Ida Eeeler *sf LaPorte, is
visftAng her sister MiSsMollie Eeeler
of Philadelphia.
Atty. E. P. Ingham, of Phila
delphia will not be in attendance at
this term ot court.
The Jtevieto and Gazette '.ire still
in war. A stove pipe hat seems to
be the bull's eye.
While attending Court call and ex
amine the stock of holiday goods at
Meylert & Oo's. store.
W. B. Jennings, J. P. of Lopez,
was transacting business at the
county seat, on Monday.
Mrs. James Wftlsh of LaPortd,
and her three little children, are all
ill with the whooping cough.
Lake Moleoma is frozen over and
a number of the young people 'en
joyed a skate on Wednesday.
Who of our hunters will be the
first to surprise the neigborhood by
killing a deer? We guess, A. B.
The W. C. T. U., of LaPorte will
meet at the bouse of Mrs. Win. C.
Mason, Friday December the 6th, at
3 p. m.
WILL EXCHANGE: —A two seated
platform wagon for sucking colt.
For further infomution call at the
Prof. F. W. Meylert principal of
the ForksviHe graded school, spent i
the latter part. Of 4fist <veek visiting
friends in LaPorte.
Several of our young gentlemen
attended tin*. Thanksgiving ball at
Dushore on Thursday evening last.
They rq>Ort a good time.
Edward Nolan of LaPorte tw'p.,
was granted a pension lsst week of
four dollars per ntonth with ar
rearge amounting to $2lO.
A shooting match for turkeys will
take place at LaPorte, during the
week of Christmas. The date ot
which will be given later.
In the event of the railroad being
built to this plaea we shall enlarge
'our paper, otherwise the business
of the town will not warrant the in
Persons desiring a place to stop,
during court week, can be entertain
ed by Mr. Win. Meylert at reason
able rates. Call at the store ot
Meylert <fc Co.
Thos. 6. Rfced ot Maine, was
chosen speaker of the Fifty-first
Congress on Monday last. The
oath of ofVice was administered by
Judge Eelly, of Pennsylvania.
Newell of the Hevieio issued a
seven colutnn paper last week. It
appeared very heat and attractive.
Newell will continue the enlarge
ment until the holiday Season Closes.
The town or station along the W.
N. 8., called Pennsvil'e Vas
christened "Pennsdale" on the Ist
of Dec., to avoid errors from station
called Pennsville, in Fayette conftty
Morris J. Lauer of LaPorte, Who
has been following his trade as
molder in the city of Chicago, for
the past year, returned home on
Monday, where he will spend the
holiday season.
Dr. Robert S. Sinitigton associate
Judge of Montour county, died very
suddenly of theuniatism about the
heart on Saturday morning Nov.
23d. He arose early on the morn
ing above mentioned dressed himself
and descended to his study where
he was found shibrtly afterwards dead.
The Governor will fill the vacancy by
Appointment. There are many ap
(plicants in the field.
Our night mail by the way of the
W. & N. 8., has been a complete
failure for the past ten days. What
is the cause ?
"Nothing new" is what the re
porter is told when he enquires for
HCWS, and yet the readers expect
lots of news when nothing is happen
llussel Earns of L&Porte, visited
Williamsport on Saturday and was
treated for rheumatism by I)r.
Hunt of that eity. The treatment
proved beneficial to Mr. Earns.
J. H. Thomas of LaPorte, g!iVe a
shooting match for turkeys on
Thursday Nov. 28. Five turkeys
were shot for. The winners were :
Atty. E. M. Dunham 2; Chas. Mead
1; W M. Cheney 2.
It is reported that the Jennings
Bros, of Lopez have purchased a
two-thirds interest in the kindleing
wood factory at Lopez. The Jen
nings Bros, are exceedingly good
business men and are reaping a
grand harvest financially.
Col. John Sohieski, of Missouri
delivered a good templars address
in the M. E. church at. this place on
Saturday evening. His object was
to organize a lodge of Good Tem
plars but failed to get the desired
number of signers. His lecture was
pronounced excellent by all present.
The law extending the term of
constables from one to three years
applies to such constables as are
elected at the coming February
election and hot to those elected a
year ago. Assessors elected last
February Vrill hold office three
With the opening of the shooting
season the death roll has begun to
lengthen. The number of men and
boys who have either maimed or
killed themselves since the beginning
of the present open season is appal
ling. It was to have been expected.
Gunning and accidents are insejJar
it is reported according to the
VVilkes-Barre Rectfird tlint the pals*
'of Red Nosed Mike have becti con-
Victed and sentenced in the Italian
ccuits, one to life imprisonment, and
the other to twenty years. It is not
known positively that this report is
true, luit District Attorney Dart «)f
Lnzer'ne county, lorwarded to the
Italian authorities all the evidence
at his disposal, and it is probable
that they have been convicted as
Already combinations nre being
formed for the Presidential catt'i
paign of 1892. Grovter Cleveland
has approached Governor-elect
Campbell of Ohio to have him ac
cept the nomination frtr Vice-Fresl
deut, and he is willing. It is said
Governor Hill of New York, is very
angry with Cleveland for doing so.
"Cleveland and Campbell" ought to
make a harmonious ticket if there is
anything in a name.
Gus Smith of Forksville, is a
liberal hearted man. We were told
on Wednesday that he has donated
morC clean cash to the overseers of
the poor of Forksville borothan any
other person residing therein, for
the year 1889. He made them a
present of a small wager at their re
guest, shortly after the recent elec
tion. Guss will no doubt use this
as an electioneering scheme next
Fall. Nothing like assisting the
poor with a sincere heart.
Lopez, the new lumber city in
Sullivan county, is commanding a
a great deal or' newspaper comment
just now, and many persons are
making big investments in lumber
and other trades. Three years ago
where the town now stands it was
a howling wilderness, nftw it con
tains over 1000 inhabitants and has
bright prospects for future prosperi
ty. The Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company is about erecting a round
house there.— Muncy Luminary.
Vfrill Not be Arrestee*.
The case of Edward Callaghan
against T. V. Powderly, J. R. Byrne
and Peter Wise, all prominent
Knights of Labor, for conspiracy,
came Hp belore Justice Merritt at
Scottdale, Pa., on Nov. 30th. After
hearing Callaghan's evidence Justice
Merritt decided that it was not suf
ficient to hold the defendants for
court and the case was dismissed:
There will be no necessity now for the
arrest of Mr. Powderly.
The horse owned by J. Harvey
King of LaPorte twp., which we re
cently mentioned had been kicked
by Mr. Pardoe's horse of Elkland
| and its leg broken, was killed by
Mr. King last week. The horse
while in the act of laying down
j broke the fractured limb so that it
i hung loose 011 its body proving it
| worthless. The horse was a valu-
I able beast and Mr. King feels the
ldss very much.
A short time ago the W. C. T. IT.,
organization of Tulikhannock re
solved to arrest barbers of said place
who followed their profession on
Sunday. They made oue arrest last
week aud the barber pled guilty.
The Democrat in commenting on the
same says: "If the W. C. T. U.,
would look after and suppress other
evils in our borough more injurious
to the morals of the place they
would confer a much greater benefit
upon the community. The bottling
of lager beer and the sale of intoxi
cating liquors 011 the Sabbath, as
well as gambling, are more serious
obstacles in the way of morality and
good citizenship than the shaving of
dead men, or even liVe men, on Sun
A prominent temperance gentle
man in town gives it as his opinion
that the proper way to handle the
liquor question would be as follows:
"Let the United States Government
dissolve partnership with the liquor
business by repealing the internal
revenue laws. Then give every man
the right to manufacture and sell
liquor that wants to. Rut if a man
is found drunk on the streets, then
imprison him untill he tells who
Bold him liquor to make him intoxi
cated* Then, he says, there should
be a law passed making a heavy tine
and imprisonment lor the person or
persons selling any one enough
liquor to make them intoxicated.
In this way the gentleman says lie
feels satisfied that not many drunken
men would be seen on the streets as
the liquor sellers would be very care
ful not to sell a person enough
liqUor to put any one under its
influence.—F: e.
STIIAY BL'I-L.. —A bull caineto my
pitiue iu J linn last, color light red,
white oil breast and hips also end
of tail White. The owner is re
quested to call and prove property
pay costs and remove the same,
otherwise it will be sold according to
law. G. W. BIOOEK.
Shrewsbury twp., Nov. I'J, 18S0.
Under a recent law of this Com
monwealth, passed to prevent a de
terioration of stock by animals run
ning at large, it was enacted that no
stallion, bull, ram, jack ot boar shall
be permitted to run at large on the
public highway of the State. Any
person who finds such animals run
ning at large may impound them,
advertise them within a period of
ten days in one weekly newspaper
for two weeks, and if the animal is
not redeemed within twenty days
after such public notice and
all damages and costs paid, besides
one dollar to the impounder, it shall
l»e sold at public sale and the amount
realized, less costs and charges, be
paid to the treasurer of the School
district Where the animal was taken
The young folks of LaPorte, gave
a party in the Hall on Thursday
evening Nov. 28th. The party was
represented by a goodly number of
our young people who were enjoy
ing a good time when their fun at
About 11 p. m.was somewhat inter--
fdred with by the presence of sev
eral intruders who had to some
extent been indulging in "fire
water." The new comers seated
themselves at the west end of the
Hall and were only present a short
time when they became very restless
and were exceedingly anxious to show
their strength. The manager ot the
Hall requested them to keep quiet
but they refused, when they were
picked up body and britches and
removed from the dancing depart
ment to the entrance way like a
flash of lightning. Here a free-for
all combat was indulged in ami
several black eyes were the result.
Such work is a disgrace to our to«vn
and should not IMJ tolerated by the
proper officials. People who in
such a state crowd themselves into
private circles should be taught to
act the part of a gentleman or be re
moved by the proper officials to the
place provided by the county u
The terrible condition of oitt
roads every fall and spring causing
great inconvenience and in many
cases entire cessation of travel and
much loss should arouse the people
into devising and procuring some
method of road making that will iit
least give some return for the money '
expended in this direction. The <
present systems of road working and '
road taxing are alike, defective and
expensive, for where roads are made
by digging useless ditches and
throwing the surplus dirt into the ,
centre of the road, where it makes (
when rain comes an unfathomable
mass of mud and in dry weather a
cloud of choking dust, both of which
are to say the least inconvenient,
disagreeable and destructive to
horse, wagon and harness, your road
is wretched and jour money wasted.
Good roads can be and should be
hud, especially in this country
which abounds in good material for i
making roads. There is only one
efllcient way to make good and
durable country roads, and that is
by breaking stone into small pieces
and filling in with the chips and
stoue dust that accumulate while
breaking the stone. A bed made in
this manner and topped oir with red
shell or a light covering of a hard
blue clay will last for years and al
ways be m good shape with very
little repairing. Some steps should
be taken in this direction at once, .
and it does seem that the amount
of money expended in our township
every year, should entitle the tax
payers to better roads as above de
scribed. It tte cannot build but a
mile or two a year we would- be
making some progress and in time
would get the whole completed.
While at the same time the taxpay
ers would see some result for the
annual amount he expends for this
Pronounced Insane.
John Harris who was hold for
trial at the December term of court,
on the charge of stealing a horse, of
Mrs. Wildrick, of New Albany
township, an account of which ap
peared in the Republican , has been
Cutting up all sorts of pranks in the
county jail here, and the first of the
week was pronounced insane by two
physicians who examined him. On
Tuesday he was taken to the Coun
try 1 House, at Burlington, where he '
will be kept for a short time and if
his condition is not improved, will
be removed to the insane asylum, at
Danville.— Bradford Republican.
Unclaimed Letiera in Post office. 1
The following letters remain un- '
claimed in the La Porte Post Ollice j
for the week ending Saturday Nov.
30 1889.
John Burrell; Michael Lowe;
Lincoln Mover; John \V. llussert;
\\\ b. Gardner; J. J. Schooley;
Lizzie Shoemaker; John Snider;
O. A, Wilkinson; Norman Young;
Ward Cooper. <3
Persons calling for any of these v
letters will please state that they
have been "advertised."
The Chapel near the Allegheny j
hcuse is so far completed that it is
now used for Sabbath Schools aud
other religious meetings. Prayer
meetings on each Sabbath and Wed
nesday evening and preaching 011
each alternate Sunday morning.
The house is well calculated to meet
the wants of the place for winter .
use. The Baptist church at a busi
ness meeting held on Saturday last
voted to place subscription books in
the hands of .Mr. Miles of Philadel
phia and Mr. E. A. Rawley of Willi- '
amsport, to solicit subscriptions for !
the building of u suitable edifice to '
accommodate the Church and visitors (
who desire to worship with them *
during the summer season. It is 6
found that a very large number of
those who come to this place for a
summer resort are church going
people. The owners of cottages
being nearly all active church work
ers, and zealous in this work at
Eagles Mere. The Baptists who un
til the recent buildinig up of this
village struggled for many yea rs
almost alone in sustaining the cause
greatly appreciate the timely help
this transient population have given
them in aiding to erect a Chapel
and hope in the near future to be
able to occupy a home large enough
to accommodate their full share of
summer visitors* ** * \
JACKSON'S BLOCK I : Duslwre, Pa.
LAWKKJ*CE BROS, offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. HAUDWOOD SUITS as cheap as soltword
suits, could formerly be bought at J)ushore. Everything manufnclined
from Ike best material by skilled workmen.
A full line of caskets afid coffins constantly in stock. Embalming
when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend
dance at funerals. We request a s,hare of the patronage.
:SE==Lawrence Bros.
To the People of La Ports/
have recently removed our stock of hardware to |
known as "Biddle's Block." Wfe
aud have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
KT c o Q-Q-O o OQ-ooooooooccoc 0~0 oso oo'
BORDERS t'jt BY t'jt MJLJX'r
WILL receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of goods
kept, in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, J oh wo r
J and manufacturing of Tin a specialty, .at
Cunningham &Cole.
tttt t t t t
Tll K best and cheapest coal in the market To
customers from—
T 11 e price is reduced at the breaker to
Q vt "» KOPER
The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co 'J. 0. BLK.IIT, Supt.
J, S. HARRINGTON Proprietor*
Dushore, - pa
|-j-: 1 |~ | j -V TL
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stock
of new aud well selected goods. Laige sales enables^me to sell for small
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price and 111 quality to be the best that any market can afford, j
BOOTS & SHOES mads to order
If you wantafine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing
done on short notice.
as* us- in
Mens' Youth Boy's and Ghil
drens Clohing
New Block, Dushoe, Pa.
Tnia is A largti „„it commodious , IN THE OLD CLTY HOTEL
house, with large airy rooms, furn- or,,cr °J Ihird and Pine A'/s.]
shed in first class style. A desira- WILLIA MS PORT, PA.
ble place for those who desire toes- F° r the latest style and a good
cape the heated term. Hunting and w ould refer our Sullivancoun
fishing in their season. The bar is l Y Mends to Mr. Carskadden who is
supplied with choice liquors & cigars. "Umbered among the best Tailors in
Nov. 13 'BS. ('be Lumber city. Sept. 13th, 'B9.
Ilk p Bicktobi, Bftdeache, feheumattSb*,
X y 1 w M M rn M Kidney Weakness. Tender Lungs,
tA, n ■( m ■W M Bore Chest, RttfT Mujcloa. Female
R IVtHYWHtUt IvX |r # Pains, Orick, Sprains, etc.
I __ _ ■ Jr * ft Cures e?ery sort of Pain, Ache, or Weaknea.
p £5 CTS. 112 and quickly, too.
T ■ ' ' Tl miKJT I I ■ mil