Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, November 22, 1889, Image 3
LAPOBTE, PA. XOVEMBEH, 22nd, 1889. LOCAL DEPARTMENT Colds and coughs prevail. Thanksgiving next Thursday. Fresh oysters at Keeler's store. Court two weeks from nest Mon day. There are twenty cases }3iit down on the trial list for Dec. term. Like many a young niMi, nature begins her Fall by painting things reti. A. I?. Marr of Eagles Mere, was transacting business in town, on Tuesday. A movement is on foot to make all the county ollicers of the State salaried. Holiday goods of all descriptions nt bottom prices, at Me} lert & Co's., Main St., LaPorte. The fountain for wealth and for tune is good health, good habits, care industry and honesty. The W. C. T. U., of LaPorte will meet in the rooms over Meytert Co's., store on Friday Xov. 2?, at 3 p. n>. The turkey gobbler's gobble will soon be gobbled oft' and his body gobbled up by the hungry gobbling hordes. Scouten, editor of the Dushore Gazette , did considerable blowing last week. We consider the source and pass it by. The rain during the early part of this week can truthfully be compar ed to the rainy days of the Johns town flood. Miss Katie Kennedy of LaPorte, who has been visiting friends at Staton Island, for the past few weeks, returned home, on Monday evening. Since it has been discovered that there is no bar in the ice-Presi dent's new building in Washington the Democratic organs are denounc ing him a temperances crank. F. M. Ciossley of LaPorte, is on the sick list and was unable to at tend to business on Tuesday and Wednesday. Frank has been suf fering for some time with a severe cold. It is said that .lames Quitm ot LaPorte will be a candidate before the Democratic Convention for the otilce of Treasurer next fall. .James is a flue young man, pays a large ta'i and was born and raised in Sullivan county. Mosrs Lewis of Ilillsgrove, while transacting business in town on Friday called at our sanctum and renewed his subscription to the REPUBLICAN tor two years. Mr. L. soys the REPUBLICAN is by odds the best paper published in the county. By an act of the Inst legislature approved by the Governor, the 6th day of May last, each county in the state is entitled to a free scholar ship in the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, in Philadelphia. The appointment is to be made by the Governor. Morris Lauer of Chicago, former-j ly of LaPorte, will please decept our thanks for a copy of the Chicago Herald, sent us recently containing evidence of the (Jronin murder. Morris has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks and is just recovering from the shobk. Says the Philadelphia Odd Fel lows' Siftings : "There are (500,000 Odd Fellows' in the United States. Allowing two feet space for each person, they would form a line 227 miles in length. Allowing edfch membership the same ratio as voters, they would represent 3,000,000 people." Oliver Riekdld whom we made mention of last week as being ar rested and confined in the county Jail for obtaining a car load of iron ot Iloyt Bros, by faUe pretence, recently, was released from prison on Tuesday. The plaintiff's did not appear for a hearing, conse quently he was given his freedom. The McKean court lias declared that it is the duty of the constables of the county to return any physi cian who furnishes prescriptions for liquor to persons of intemperate liaoits, or any druggists who fills prescriptions of this character, deeming the practice a direct viola tion of the liquor law. The REPUBLICAN and Philadelphia Press $1.50 per year. Cash must accompany tlio order. The recent appearance of the Gazette and Jtulletin to an eight page paper and issuing both morn ing and evening edition at a re duced price of 25c, per month, will give it a wide circulation through out adjoining counties. The Gazette as we have oftiin remarked is an excellent reliable paper. There are business men who de cline to advertise in a paper because they say, it won't do their business any good, but when they have made an improvement will hasten to ask the newspaper man to give them "a notice" so that the attention of the public may be called to their way of doing business. R. I'. Woods Esq., rtf Philadel phia, was a guest of the LaPorte Hotel bn Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Woods was up in the interest of the W. &X. B. 1?. R. We un derstand that there are still hopes of the railroad being built to inter sect with the L. V. at Dohm's Sum mit. Sirs. E. P. Cheney of North Orwell, Bradford county, who has been ill for several years with that dreadftal disease consumption, died at her residence in said place on Saturday November 16th at 2 p. m., Several relatives of the deceased, of LaPorte took the train at Dushore on Monday morning and was in attendance at the funeral services on Tuesday Nov. 19th at 10 a. ni. It would be as well perhaps for the G"t:.ette to dry up its slush about liquor furnished by us at Lopez. The wet campaign made in that thrieving town by Streby, Scouten and Lull is too notorious there to lie denied, and the charge is put upon us to distrait attention from them selves. Josh Lull will have to knock Streby in the head or he will betray all the dark secrets of their campaign. That there is no real Ingham ring we have already stated, but what the Gazette is pleased to name the Ingham ring is the convention which nominated Lawrence and the nine hundred worthy citizens who supported him. We believe 1 these citizens feel better in the consciousners that they did their full duty in their efforts to redeem the count}' from the power of boodle than honest Democrats feel in the success of the boodle candidate for Sheriff. The Democrats finally give up everything but the Governorship in lowa, and everything but Governor and legislature in Ohio. They are also compelled to admit that In Ohio the personal unpopularity of Foraker, and in lowa the question of Prohibition, brought about the defeat of the candidates for .Gover nor. They tried hard to make it appear that the people of those two Slates had finally Adopted Free trade, but it would not go down. Lenders of the Democratic party of Sullivan county are making great calculations on a grand victory next'Fkll. They are frank to confess that they are anxious for the Prohibition party to putin nomination a full county ticket in which event they boldly say will give them an overwhelming majority. The Prohibition party has experienced much and will not be led astray by the man in lamb's clothing next Fall. Guss Smith of Fofksville, is al ready making a desperate light for the nomination of the Democratic party, for the otlice of Treasurer. Guss don't hesitate to write his friends to assist him in his under taking. It is rumored that this nom ination lias been promised many by the leaders. Of course all but one will he doomed to disappointment. Guss owing to his untireing work for the success of the leaders of the party thinks he deserves the honors of the office at their hands. It is a free fight boys, join hands and circle around. STRAY BULL.—A bull came to my place in June last, color light red, white on breast and hips also end Jof tail white. The owner is request ed to call and prove property pay costs and remove the same, other wise it, will be sold according to law. G. W. BIGGER. Shrewsbury twp., Nov. 19, 'B9. A valuable horse owned by J. 1 TTarvey King of LaPorte twp., was' kicked by a horse in Mr. King's pos session on the leg above the knee on Wednesday night Nov. 13 breaking one or more bones of the same. The horse is unable to stand on the leg and Mr. King is fearful that lie will Iw obliged to put him out of his misery. The horse is valued at $l5O. If the Gazette can be belief ed there is no longer a Democratic; or Republican party in Sullivan coun ty. it does not claim the defeat of Lawrence was a Republican defeat. ; It does not claim that the electing of Utz was a Democratic triumph. It says plainly that the defeat of Lawrence was only the defeat of the Ingham ring. The success of Utz was the success of the I?oodle ring. And if the Gazette is to be credited personal merits had nothing to do with it, for now that the election is over, that paper lands Wm. Law rence and Lawrence Brothers very highly. If Democratic principles had nothing to do with it, and per sonal merits had nothing to do with the result what is the infer ence? Capital and capital alone has triumphed over honest labor. Peter Gavitt of LaPorte twp., while hauling wood with a three year old span of steers on Saturday last meet with quite a serious ac cident. He was in the act of fasten ing a log-chain to the end of a log when the steers for some unknown cause started on a run, the chain in some manner swung around Mr. Gavilt's leg below the knee and fastened. The oxen ran to the barn a distance of one-fourth mile drag ging Mr. Gavitt on the ground* I lis clothes were torn from his back and his I'bdy fearfully bruised. Small pebble stones were sunk in his flesh and removed by assistance. The new Episcopal church which i>» being erected of stone at Eagles- Mere collapsed on Tuesday last, i The structure-was nearly inclosed. The tower which was 35 feet high and built of stone fell to the ground. Where once stood the frame of a beautiful church is now the scene of a huge pile of stone. Fortunately working men were not engaged on the building at the time owing to rain which came down in torrents We have heard of but one cause as signed for the misfortune—poorly constructed. Considerable ill-luck has overtaken the building contract or of said building. Only a short time ago we recorded a sad accident by au arch falling, resulting in break ing Aaron Bennett's leg and injur 'ing several other employees on the building. La Rue Munson Esq., of Williamsport was telephoned, re lative to the mishap and will visit the same at once. The letter written by Hugo of Elkland, published in the Gazette last week, commenting upon the letter written by us to said gcnle nien during the eve of election* plainly sets forth that he wishes the voters of Elkland to kiuw that he runs that township on election day. He says:l did my duty as I hope the returns ot Elkland will show." Voters of Elkland this is a compli ment to you and you will no doubt appreciate it. In this section of the county shou'd a man make an as sertion of this kind he would receive a cold shoulder from the independ ent voter at future elections. Mr Hugo may meet with like indepen dence in the future. 80 far as our letter to Hugo is concerned we do not deny one word ot it. The facts of the circumstance was—Hugo was absent from home and we took this plan of informing him of what we had learned and the result should he violate the election law. For the information of those who have not seen the letter we publish it below: COPY OF THE HUGO LETTER. Elkland, J'a., Nov. 1, 1880. ME. HUGO, SIR: —I have learned since my arrival in Elkland, that you have received money from a certain individual to further the election of John Ute. Should 1 hear of you using money in this event unlawfully, I will prosecute you to the extent of the law. W. 11. CHENEY; Chairman Rep. Stand. Com. Should you be arrested for this crime the otllce ot Commissioner would be much disgraced. The county is full of candidates asking for the nomination of the Democratic Convention for the of fice of Treasurer. We have already heard of seven asking for the honors of this office. A mong the number Georgie Streby ol Dushore who is slightly connected with tlie Gazette published at that place. He booms up with grinning counten ance and asks for a few complimen tary notice" n the Convention. It is aWI established fact, however, that Geor<rie lias risen as high as he ever will get to the eyes of the people of Sullivan county—the tool of John 0. Scouten. From the Montrose Sentinel-Prohibi The report that vice-President Morton had taken out it liquor license is authoritatively denied by his private secretary. Following is the denial taken from the above mention paper : Ellerslie, Ithinecliffe-On Hudson, Non. 2. To REV. JOHN B. SHAW, CHICARC I)KAR SIR: In reply to your letter of the 26th ultimo addressed to Mr. Morton 1 beg to say that there is no truth in the statement made in the telegram to the JMily JVcws which you inclose that there is a bar connected with the new building erected and owned by Mr. Morton in Washington. The building is conducted as a family apartmeut house, apartments being leased by the year, and Mi 1 . Morton has never entertained the idea of permitting any part of it to be used as a bar. Very Respectfully, R. S. CHILTON, Private Secretary. For some time pant the Lake Mo koma Land Company has be<Mt anxious to lower the water in Lake Mokoma in order that they might make some much needed improve ments at the head waters Ol the Lake—by cutting down trees brush iVc., which at present is to some ex text overflowed with water. To ac complish their undertaking, it was necessary to take the valve oil tlio main waste gate, which is made of large sewer pipe. Atty. Clinton Lloyed telegraphed Wm. .Mover general superintendent of the Lake property, some days past to remove the valve. Mr. Moyer endavored to comply with his request but found it impossible for some unac countable cause. '1 he valve is buried in water to the depth of 12 or 18 feet with a lever attached ex tending several feet out of water. Mr. Moyer notified Mr. Lloyd of his fruitless undertaking. Mr Lloyd at once sent word that he would send a "diver" up and that he would go down to the bottom of the lake and make light the difficulty. The day set apart for the arrival of this (unlike event to take place in the! wilds of Sullivan) was Monday last. Everybody was anxious to see the feat performed and many watched on the street crossing to see if the noon stage bore the man to our midst who would dive into the cold waters of Lake Mokoma at this season of the year for love or money. To their surprise the supposed man came and alighted from the vehicle at the Mountain House where he Registered for the day. After he had partaken of a hearty dinner he proceeded to the Lake. No sooner had the heavy weight (for he was a two hundred and twenty-five pound er) disappeared over the hill when several of our people, viz: Atty. E. M. Dunham, A. Walsh, Dr. Hill and Chas. Tiuklepaugh left in great haste for the> lake to see the feat performed. Dr. Hill was extremely anxidus and was the first man to answer present, on the ground, whether he thought there would be a coroner's inqilest held or not, can only be revealed by himself. After remaining on the shore for a time in the cold drizzling rain thej r by chance learned that the gentleman preseut was not the person whom they had took him to be but that lie was the proprietor of a GasFix'rs and Plumb establishment in William Sport Geo. Croll Esq., who had come up to make investigations. The boys on learning this remarked that they had business home that required the'r immediate attention. On their arrival to the city they were remind ed—Did you ever get left ? LATER. —President Lloyd has ordered that there be a coffer-dam built around the waste gate and the repairs made. Mr. ('roll wdl re main and oversee the construed >n | of the same. FURNITURE X UNDERTAKING. JACKSON'S BLOCK : : Dvshore, Pa. LAWREKCK I) ROS. offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will astonish the purchaser. HARDWOOD srrrs as cheap as soltwood suits, cav'.d formerly be bought at Onshore. Everything nianufaetuied from the best material by skilled workmen: IPf lIJSTJhE RTA KliVt? A full line of caskets and coffins! constantly in stock. Embalming when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend dor t funerals. We request a share of the patronage. .—Lawrence Bros. To the People of LaPorte. [FROM] CUNNINGHAM : : ' : COLE. have recently removed our stock of hardware to J The New known as "Biddle's Block." We have increased our stock immensely and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any thing in our line. jOBDEm 0 33Y o WILL receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of goods kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job wo'" and manufacturing of Tin a specialty, -at" . Cunningham & Cole, LOYAL SOCK COAL, tttttttt Tn E best and cheapest coal in the market. T* customers from — LAMrte and vicMfY T HE price is reduced at the breaker to' k n per. The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co I. O. BLIGHT, Fuj t. V- R O M THE RED SHOUT BOOT -!• AND •i- SKO£ STOHE. J. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor. Dushore, - - Pa q—Th-: h-: I | | :-TjT-: j | ~T]^l It will pay you before purchasing to c all and examine my large stocJ; of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables" me to sell for small profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford. ~ BOOTS & SHOES mads to order If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing Jone on short notice. °'ASII PAID FOK HIDES PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW &c„ AT J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUSHORE, PA. june*4,S7 F P THTCBETT BO"* Esgr- DEALER IN Mens' Youth Boy's and Chil-* drens Clohing Cronin's" New Block, Dushoe, Pa. lorah's hotel. T. 112. C ARS KADD F N< OKEMOWIY. MERCHANT TAILOR, DANIEL H. LOU AII PROP B. rn . . 1 IK Tit E OLD CITY HOTEL Ims is a large and commodious' , ... , . . Corner of Intra and Pine Hts. house, with large airy rooms, furn shed in first class style. A desira- "WILLIAMSPORT, PA. ble place for those who desire to cs For the ,at( ' st Bt J' ,e nncl a £ ood cape the heated term. Hunting and fit we w °uld refer our Sullivancoun fishing in their season. The bar is ty friends to Mr. Carskadden who is supplied with choice liquors & cigars, numbered among the best Tailors in Nov. 13 'BS. 'k e Lumber city. Sept. 13th, 'B9. A-* FRESH HOPS, HEMLOCK GUM *»# t Apply now for ■lk I n to Backache, Bldoacbe, EheumatJsii,, flf i \ J I I I I C Kidney Weakness, Tender Lansrn, T / * r ■r W ■W 112 Bore Chest, Slid Muscles, 112 emale / SOLO ■ k M B/ m Pains, Crick, Sprains, etc. 11 EVCHYWHCHE ■ W? 0 Itcnresevcry sortof Pain, Ache, or Weakness, 25 CTS. M 112 and quickly, too. 6 FOR SI.OO Look for signature qf HOP PLASTER CO.. or mailed for price. fr PnomitTQHa. BOSTON. "» the genuine good*.