Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, November 22, 1889, Image 2

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From the Daily Gazette and
Jivlletin, Dated Nov. 20th, 'B9.
Superintendent Westfall returned
from Montgomery about ten o'clock
last night. lie stated that two
spans of the temporary portion of
the bridge had gone out, and that
arrangements had been made with
the Reading Company, whereby tbi
passenger traffic would not be in
terrupted. Passengers will be
transferred at Sunbury to the Read
ing road, the tracks of that compan\
being used to Montgomery, and
from theie the company's own tracks
would be used. Superintendent
Westfall also stated that the indi
cations pointed to a twenty-two foot
flood by morning.
The trestle portions of the Market
street bridge withstood the heavy
strain until a quarter past eleven
o clock, when it toppled over into
the stream. A big hurrah went up
at the same time from the throats of
many persons on the South Side.
•Just why they should hurrah over a
nmttter of that kind puzzled manv
persons on this side of the river.
1 lie Oil 1 look For Htnllui Reform
The action 0/the County Demo
cracy organization of New York
City in declaring emphatically in \
favor of ballot reform is one of the i
most significant signs in the battle
for purer elections. It will strentgh-'
en the hands of the advocates of the
Australian system of voting and aid
greatly in the third effort which will
be made the coming Winter to se
cure a ballot reform law for New!
York, Mr. Charles T. Saxton, whoj
had charge of the bill which Gover
nor Hill vetoed this year, has al-'
ready announced his intention 01
again introducing his measure in
New York Senate, to which body j
the Republicans elected him last
Hut it is not in New York alone
that expressions in favor of the
Australian system are coming from
unexpected sources. The smooth
working of the method in Mas-!
sachusetts has convinced many
doubters of its practicability. The
chief objection the Democrats have
had to it was the fear that it might
reduce their party vote. Such an
objection is a manifest confession !
that the means that they have em
ployed to carry elections are not
above reproach. Rut they imagine;
that they see in the increased
Democratic vote in Massachusetts!
a proof that their fears are ground
less. Whether they judge rightly i
or not, every Republican will con-1
eider a removal of Democratic ob
struction to ballot reform a full
compensation for the reduced part} !
majority in Massachusetts lasti
With this brightened outlook, it j
it is to be regretted that owing to
biennial legislative sessions only a
comparatively few Legislatures will j
meet this Winter. Eleven Legisla-j
tures in the old states will be in!
session, six of which are Northern I
and five are Southern states. Two i
of these states, Massachusetts and'
Rhode Island, have ballot reform
laws already. The help of the
County Democracy in New York I
may bring enough assistance to the
Republicans to override Governor
Hill's opposition in that state.
Governor-elect Abbett, of New
Jersey was forced during the re
cent canvass to take an attitude fav
orable to some method of reform,
and the result may be an envelope
law something like that in force in 1
Connecticut. A bill was lost in
Ohio last. Winter but it is not im
probable that one will pass next
Winter, and in lowa the signs are
especially promising for si mi liar
The Southern states in which bal
lot reform laws are possible are ,
-Maryland Kentucky. The Balti- ,
more Sm, has begun already to urge
the adoption of the Australian
system in the first state, and the
success which has attended its np-L
plication in Loui»viile tnay lead to' <
its extension to flu; ~/iolc of tlieL
second state. There nro five states,
then, in which ballott reform laws
uiay be adopted the coming Winter.
There are nine states which have
idopted the Australian system al
ready, if Connecticut's law is to be
classed under that Lead. If five
states take favorable action on
ballot reform bills next year one
i hird of the states in the Union will
then have adopted the system.
Some a? the new states may also
arrange themselves 011 the side of
the same reform. The favorable
expressions heard from states in
which Australian bills were rejected
last Winter make it certain that
favorable action will be taken in
some of them in 1891, when nearly
all the Legislatures are in session.
If Sullivan an McCaffrey are in
doubt what place to choose for their
proposed encounter we do not see
why they should not select Missis
sippi. To be sure, there was a little
fuss made there about the Siillivan-
Kilrain affair, but then the pugibsts
were not prevented from lighting to
a finish and though Sullivan was
' found guilty of an offense against
the state by a Mississippi jury he is
still at large and free to enter into a
conspiracy to commit a like breach
of the peace in any jurisdiction that
seems unlikely to interfere with his
desire to pound and be pounded for
the sake of glory, prize money and
a belt.
The appointment by Governor
lieaver of Colonel William Livsey
to fill the unexpired .term of the
late State Treasurer Hart is an ex
cellent one. The appointment was
an unexpected one. No new duties
will be imposed upon Mr. Livsey
by the assumption o( the duties of
State Treasurer, for ever since the
illness of the late Captain Halt he
has been the responsible head of
this department. Colonel Livsey
is eminently fitted for the place, as
he has already demonstrated upon
two previous occasions, when he was
selected for State Treasurer once by j
the people and afterwards by the j
Executive, to fill the vacancy created ,
by the election of Mr, Quay to the ;
Ile Iftturni'd U lib ilir iirciivtd nuil
Then (lit- llit-uved 'loiinicil (or Iliiu.
ST. LOUIS. NOV. 14.—Detectives
to-day arrested the celebrated funer
al thief, who has been operating
here with great success for two
months. Duriug that time he has
i stolen SSOOO in cash aud jewelry
j from homes where funerals were in
j progress.
There has always been noticed
; among those who attended to mourn
with the brcaved, one whose suit
; was of a little more sombre black,
| whose grief was just a trifle more
i pronounced and whose melancholy
! countenance bore a look of deeper
woe than any of the other mouners
present. During the demonstra
i tions of grief and the solemn cei
| monies the man would receive but
; passing notice, and he was consider
ied as one well acquainted with tue
I deceased. Unlike most of the
mourners present, he always de-
I clined with thanks any invitation to
! follow the body to the
I grave, and would disappear at about
j the time the services were over and
I casket was being taken from the
I boupp.
| When the breavedfamily returned
to the house of mourning, however,
they invariably discovered that from
basement to garret drawers were
thrown open, closet doors ajar and
every article of value that had been
there was missing. Altogether
more thnn thirty robberies have
been reported, and in many cases
where detectives attended the fu
nerals the houses were robbed while
the officers were on the premises.
This morning the solemn thief
was captured in the house of Mrs.
Hare, on Mound Street, just after a
funeral. The officers had concealed
themselves in the house. Ile gave
his name as Paul Barton. He wore
diamonds and a gold watch and
carried a complete burglar's kit. lie
will now have a chance to attend
the funeral of his own freedom.
froliihitioii In lowa.
Few were prepared for so speed v
an overthrow of Prohibition in the
State of lowa as now seems inevit
able. A short time ago a large
majority of the people of that State
were in favor of giving Prohibition
a trial, and the Republican party,
ever willing to obey the behests of
the people, enacted all the legisla
tion that was necessary to carry out
popular sentiment 011 the subject.
The constantly declining Republi
can majorities was the uninigtake
able evidence that a re-actiou Lad
set in, and that the people were
rapidiy lending in an anti-Prohibi
tion direction. The crash came
sooner than was exj ected. The
Republicans had as their candidate
for Governor a man who was pro
nounced in favor of maintaining t'lf
Prohibition laws- the Democrats
had as their candidate for Governor
one who openlv advocated the re
peal of the Prohibition laws and
the substitution of high license.
The issue was squarely made and
110 other question was given prom
inence in the campaign. The anti-
Prohibition Democratic candidate
is elected Governor by 8,000 majori
ty, while some of the Kopublican
candidates for other State ollices are
elected by ten thousand majority.
That telle, very clearly, the story of
In the elections for members of
the legislature the same result fol
lowed. A!any pronounced Republi
can Prohibitionists were defeated in
districts which have heretofore been
strongly in favor of Prohibition.
Democratic candidates for Senator
and Representative, who were open
lj - against Prohibition were elected
m heretofore strong Republican
districts. A transition has occured
in Iowa; an anti-Prohibition Gover
nor and an anti-Prohibition majori
ty in the legislature is the result.
The Prohibition laws will be repeal
ed and high license will besub'titut-i
ed. The peoplo of lowa have so
decreed at the ballot-box, after
having given Prohibition a trial,
and the will of the majority must bo
respected. lowa has practically
ceased to be a Prohibition State.
Some smart frosts lately.
Mow is Ihe hunters opportunity.
E. A. Strong of Dushore, was a
I recent visitor to Lopez.
John Kinsley and wife are both
Dr. Wad dell of Dushore was in
• town on Thursday viewing his now
residence yet under construction.
A fearful accident happened
j last Tuesday 011 the job of
j Den Daniels, who is stocking the
i Jennings Bros. mill. llis most
j valuable team was killed by u falling
tree while standing to have the
! grabs pulled from the log they had
just drawn to the skid way. The
team-ster did not see the falling tree
until nearly upon them, and barely
escaped death himself. One horse
was instantly Killed and the other
survived in agony a few hours.
'lhe L. V. R. it. Co., contemplate
erecting a round house at this place.
Mr. John Lawrence, of Dusnore,
accompanied by his son Howard J
were among the arrivals in town on
Friday. Mr. Lawrence wus sur
prised in finding that one day was
unsuffieient togo through our town,
and will return to see the remainder
when the days grow longer.
Oh Gallagher! its deplorable, but
some of our young lads are ac
complishing what our "oldest in
habitance" can not achieve. Are we
justified in this statement "peaches?
13y the way, our town is blessed
with a rattle headed young man
Clias. Parks, a deaf mute, who bails
from the country about fowauda.
lie claims to be the most unique
figure that steps up to chalk the
cue and commands attention where
ever he can obtain it. But as vet
has not made any good impression.
He was dismissed from the link a
few days ago with but little cerc
monuy, an his presence in manv
of our business places is not greatly
desired. He carries an open jack
knife in his pocket for the boys and
takes clear liall—that's the kind of a
clothes pin he is.
Ou Thursday last all the mill
hands ol Kipps had a narrow es
cape from an accident while at work
in the mill. The governor stem by
some means went wrong and the
result of it was, the engine ran away
with all the machinery. Pieces of
pullics and strips of belting flow
promiscuously,through all parts of
the mill. And before the steam
could be controlled there WUB Uo t a
pulley in the mill. A shaft thirty
feet long measuring five hfches in
dimnuter was twisted in all shapes,
and timber Bxlo were shriveled in
atoms, but strange to say not a man
was injured in the least-*
Trial l.ikt For Itrrrinlirr Term, 'B9.
No. 1 ,T. W. Dunring vj» AlatMns Bofltian.
No. 61) Sept. term. 188(5, ug&uwpsit; Thomson
for Plff. Dunham 1«-r Dft*
N»'. 2 James Dunn v* William Dunn. No 49
Dec. 'I erm 1880. Eject* Thomson and Dunham
for P.fF. Cronin, Collins ami for
No. 3 Geo. . Crnft vs Win. Warn, et. al.
No. 32 Sept. T. 1887—Trespass—E. P. Ing
ham and Grim for pill'. Crawford and Downs for
N«». 4 John Craft et. al. vs Win. Warn, et.
ul. Nj.33 Sept. T. 1887—'iretyass—E. P. Ing
ham and Qriin for pill'. Downs and Crawford
tor deft* s
5 UP M'eveis vs Geo C Jackson No 87
December teiin 1887; assumpsit* Dunham lor
plniiitiH, Thomson and E P Ingham for deft.
No. 0 William Lorah vs F. N, Wilson and
Johu Appleinan, No. 6 May term 1888 112 framed
igsue. Dunham for plff lnt;hams for deft.
No. 7 Geo. W. Bigger vs Jeru.«ha M. Duller
Dubhr No. 81 .May term l Framed
issue, for plff Dunham and Thomson
for deft's.
No. 8 Geo. W. Bigger vs Jerusba M. Dubler
No. 82 May term 1888, Framed issue, Same
No* 9 Thomas H. Fuller vs Beward E. Fohn
and Chas Porter No. 90 May term 188*, Tres
pass. Scouten lor plff. Ingnam's for deft.
No. 10 J. S. lieffa vs 0. W. Welfeelm, No.
129, May term 1888, Assumpsit; Cronin for
plff. Thomson lor dft.
No. 11 Mary Ann Bahr vs A. H. Zaner
Admi'r. No. 55 Sept. term 18S8. FriUned issue,
Collins lor plff. Thomson for deft.
No 12 Mary Ann Bahr vs A. 11. Zaner,
Admi'r. No. 56, Sept. teim 1888 Flamed isfcue.
Same Atty's.
No. 13 John G* Scouten vs Ilenry Tripp
No. 61 Sept. 1888, Trespass. Williams and
Harding for plff. Ingham's and Dunham lor
No. 14 John G. Scouten vs A. E. Tripp, No.
62 Sept. term, 1888, Trespass. Same Atty's.
No. 15 Jno. Recbart (use.) The Pa. A N. Y*
Canal A K. K. Co., No. 107 September term
1888, Deft, appeal; Scouten for Plff. Streeter,
Davis and Hall tor Dft.
No. 10 John Fox vs if. C. Fuller and Malford
Williams, Trustees of the Evangelical church
of Shunk Pa. No, 39. Dec. term 188S, Dfts ap
j e »U Scouten for Plff* Ingham for Dft.
No. 17 Jacob L. Snyder vs Benjamin Lewis,
No. 84 May term 188?, Trespass. Dunham tor
plff. lrgham's for deft.
No 17 Mittheil Young A Co., vs A. J. Hack
by, No. 152 May term I*B9. Defond&ni Ap
peal Scouten for plff. Dunham for deft.
No. 19 F. Finkle vs Fred Kosback and F.
C. Schanabaeh. r, No. 156 May term, 18S .
Defendants Appeal. Scouten lor plff. Collins
and Grim for dtlt's.
No. 20 A. I'.. Mclntirevs Fred Rosba«»k and
F. C. Schanabvcher, No, 158 May term ISS9.
Defendants Appeal. Scouten for plff. Collins
and Grim for delt's.
A. WALSH. Protb'y•
Proth'y'B. Office. LaPorto, Pa., Oct. 2tith, 1889.
/ "i RPII AN'S COURT SAl.E.—Pursuant to
\ 1111 order of the Orphan'?? Oourt of Sullivan
county will be sold nt public pale on Frirday
December at 2 o'clock p. IH. at the ex*
change Hotel in Dn.-hore Boro Sullivan county,
the following real estate bounded and discribed
as follows, as the property ol Stephen *:ou.-e,
dee'd. viz :
lie .iiaiing at the we.-t corner of Andrew
PhilMi!, tbencc the liue of land n->w or
Int" John JorJan's t orfh 58 degrees and one
hulf west 85 perches to warrant line, thence
ah ng the same .'U decrees a>>d one—half cast
I' 4, thence along unsold lands of the
• parties of tho tirst |> *ri (Michael Mcylert) south
\b ß decrees and « ne-lialf east 65 perches to
Ic rner of Andrew Philbin lot, and thence along
his line 31 and one half degrees west 94
pet hes to the place «• t beginning containing
, 60 Ittni Strict luea.-ur- iMiQg tbl j-ame UOIf
or less being part of the h'dward Ollowell
i wa>rant. Ihe l.\nd is nearly all cleared with
| dwelling house and ban situated thereon good
water and orchard.
| TEKAIS--teu per cent of one-fourth of the
pinchtfse money to be paid at the striking
j down of the property, one-fourth legs 10 per
j cent at confiimation absolute and the remain
der one %e <r thereafter with iuterest from con
' lirmaiion Mi. Si.
| LAWUENCK LAV£LLE. Admlni«tre:or-
| Notice is hereby given that the following
1 accounts of Adui'rs. etc., have been filed in
the .Register's <-flicu of Sullivun county viz:
First at.d final account of .Martha S. Pardee
; Adrnr x.of the estate of John Kahni dee'd.
1 irst arid final recount of • . } V.ulb'.ri
Kx'or. of the lact »ill and testinent of F c.
album dee'd.
And the following Widows Appraisments
have been filed viz:
For the estate • 112 Karnibus Billian, dot' !.
For the estate of Thom-s E. tiriftiis, dee'd.
For the estate of John McOuire. dee'd.
And the same will be presented to the
Orptum's Court of said county on Wednesday
December the lltb, A. 1).. 1889 at 3 o'clock p.
m.for confirmation and allowance.
A. WALSII, Register.
[ Register's Office LaPorte Pa., Nov. 9th, 1889
Ik MEng Oil tint b'ne
Made Irom Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not smoke the chimney.
It will not char the wick.
It has a high fire test.
It will not explode.
It is without comparison as a
perfection Family Safety Oil.
It is manufactured from the finest
crude in the most perfectly equipped
refineries in the world.
Ask your dealer for
Trade orders filled by
Williamsport Pa.
ONE THOUSAND men wanted at once to take
orders for Nursery Stock. Experience not ro
rjuirod. We hire on Salary and pay expenses,
or «>n commission if preferred. Stock first
class and guarnteod truo to name. Apply at
once, Mating ai;e, to
Campbell <£-.Son.j
General merchants ol'Shuiik, wish i
lo call the attention oft lie manj
citizens tjf tli" Western portiou ol
the county tlie line selection ol
goods just received, 'consisting of:
Summer Prints. Dress Suitings,
Ginghams and all kind of Dry Goods
and Notions, Jerseys, Gloves and
Mitts, Ladies and Gents Furnishing
Good?, Men's Hoy's and Children's
clothing Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Straw Goods, (.'rockery and
Glassware, Hardware aiid 11a} ing
tools, and a Fresh line of Groceries,
Tobacco ar,d Cigars, and every thing
usually kept in a General Store, also
Agents lor
We have the finest and largest
assortment of goods ever offered to
the people of Skunk and vfcinity,
and sell as cheap as any firm in tiie
i county. Give us a trial and be con
vinced. Thanking our old custom
ers for their patronage in past, and
trusting that they may continue,
we remain yours etc.
J. H. Campbell & Son.
June, 18S9. Nhunk, Pa.
w. K. o. GREEN.
Jvlain Street, Towanria, Pa.,
Has just received a handsome line ol
Soring- Suitings
They arc handsome, stylish and the
very latest. Ladies arc requested to
call and examine and price them
whether they buy or not.
In his regular stock he has wanv
which will just suit bargain hunt
ers. A full line of
and in fact everything ki-pt in the
DRY GOODS line, at low prices.
My goods were all bought to sell: It
you don't believe it, price them and
see. We urge the people of Sullivan
to pay us a call and price our goods
while iu Towanda
F. M. CROSSLEY, Proprietor
Until kutiier not toe St a oik
Leave Laporte at 6:15 ». m. lor >Jor«Jinont
Arrive at Nordmorit 7:30 i». in.
Leave Kordinont at 11:16 a. in. fur La port e
Arrive at Lap. rte 1:00 p. in.
Leave Laporte at 6:00 p. oi. for Nordfnon*
Arrive at Nordniont H:3O p. m.
]>ave Nordniont at 7:00 p. m. lor Lap- rto
Arrive at Laporte 8:30 p. in.
Leave Laporte at 8 a. m for Dushore
Leave Dushore at 2 p. m.for LaPort
jto canvass for the sale of Nuipcrv
| Stock! Steady employment gnarn
•teed. Salary and expenses paid to
j .successfill men. Apply at once
j stating age. Mention this paper.
Rochester, N. Y.
Notice is hereby given (hat nn application
will be mode to the lion. John A. Sitt-er
President of the Court of Common
Pleas., of Sullivan count}-, on the 11th, day ot
i December A. D., 1889, fur the charter of a cor
poration. to be called, the "Union Church As
sociation of Shui.k." 'J he clunter end object
of which are to ] roUiOte ti e cause of Kcligious
Morality, and science, and to provide a suitable
house and room, for bidding Church, Sum -«v
School, Lecturers and other proj-er ente.tainV
meuts, at Shunk SuMivan county Pennsylvania,
E. M. u UWHAM, Solicitor.
Nov. 15th, 1889.
Auditors report of the Sullivan county Ag'l.
Society in accouni with A. (J. Little, Treasurer
of the same.
Dr. Cr.
To amt. in his ban Is as per
" Audit of ISNB $273.76
Am. reed, ft m Co. for 1888 100.00
'* of tickets sold 697.31
'• reed, from License 92.60
" Lit* Membership 10.00
" froui other sourcts 3.05
By Orders Redeemed • ~..006.02
" amt. in hands of Treasurer
" as per audit of ISB9 380.00
Aint. due fiom Co. lor '89..5100.00
Forksville, Pa.. Oct. 25th, 18S9.
We the undersigned Auditors of the Sullivan
County Ag'l. Society, having examined the
foregoing account? find them as above stated.
L. 13. SPEAKER, }
> Auditors.
.112 • K. Bird, See'v •
Thousands have been iH;riuauently cure<l by
"PHIL Al> RLPHI A, PA. Ka.>e at once, no operat tou
or loan of time from business. Cases pronounced in
curable by others wanted. Send for < Ircuiar.
Mb4MAUfe2MUKO.A,S€OTT,N<)wYorkCN. 1
To whom it may concern:
I a m not going to have you
arrested nor am J iroing to
call you Dumb Cattle. Hut
I do war t to Jell you what I
am doing, 1 nm putting in
my Fall and Winter Stock of
Staple and Fancy Goods
and they are immense, 112
can furnish yon with any
thing from a Gold Watch
and Chain, a Gold or Silver
Headed Cane, or a Diamond
Ring, down to a two-for-five
cent Collar Kutton or a 10c
Breast Pin. Arid I should
tie pleased to have you call
and look the goods over and
get my prices, and we will
tell you what the figures at
the top and bottom ol' this
adv. means.
Dushore, l'a., Oct. 1889.
L 1
__a a
T. J. Keeler,
Is adding every week to his well
Selected Stock of Merchandise con
sisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready
made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Bootu
iand Shoes, Groceries, Hardward,
Queenswarej Flour, Feed etc.,
[Prices as low as the lowest. Call
J and he convinced of good qualities
and low prices.
T. J. Kekleh,
Laporte, l*a., Aug. Bth, 1889.
* —fobksville —*
The undersigned has opened an
agricultural store at Forksvillc, and
carries in stock a lull line of Seed
ers. ('The celebrated '•Warner".)
l J lov>B, liar rotes,
Mowing Machines, Jiinacrs,
Reapers, I'arm Wagovs-
Sj rltKj Wagons, Jiuugies,
Sleighs, Cithers, & etc.
in fact all lines of farm utensils
and agricultural implements. Come
and examine my stock and prices.
Apr : ! 11th. I,^B.
| B. B. Wakbttktox* Prop'r.-
| This is a large and commodious
' house, with large niry rooms, and is
furnished in first class style. The
■ best of accommodations otlered tran
! sient or steady boarders. Forksville
| is situated along the Loyal Sock and
Jis a very pretty town and a favorite
summer resort for city guests.
R. 15. "Wakburtox, I'rop'r.
Forksville, Aug. Ist, ISBS.
B. HILL, M 1).
Physician * Surgeon,
Oft ice ori the corner of Main Beech S
An attractive, home-like hotel.
| Every effort made to entertain satis
factorily. Mks. M. C. Laikk,
Ex-Prothonotary, Register A Recorder of Sull.C
Office at. Pesicle rc e < r Wuney 6tree
T. J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Attorneys at Law,
nii»lmrc, I'm nit
Legal Business attended to in this
and adjoining Counties.
Telephone communication direct
with County Oflices at Laporte.„
January, 18SS.
j' KARNS, Proprietor.
A lurpr am 1 cnmuitklious hou-o,
sinj; nil i'ij uttrioutOH of it first-class liotei.
('!: : .veil BIIPPLIE-' TIIP J>UU"YI.A
ci liio public rtbL'Ootfulo* solicited*