Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 27, 1889, Image 1

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W. M. CHENEY, Publisher.
Though I am king I have no throne
Save this rough wooden siege alone;
I have no empire, yet my sway
Extends a myriad leagues away!
No servile vassal bends his knee
In groveling reverence to me—
Yet, at my word, all hearts beat high
And there is fire in every eye.
And love and gratitude they bring
As tribute unto me, a king!
The folks that throng the busy street
Know not it is a king they meet,
And I am glad there is not seen
The monarch in my face and mien;
I should not chooso to ho the cause
Of fawning or of coarse applause—
I am content to know the arts
Wherewith to lord it o'er their hearts;
For, when unto their hearts I sing,
I am a king, I am a king!
My scepter—see, it is a pea!
Wherewith I rule these hearts of men;
Sometimes itpleaseth to beguile
Its monarch fancy with a smile-
Sometimes it i3 athirst for tears
And so adown the laureled years
I walk, the noblest lord on earth,
Dispensing sympathy and mirth—
Aha, it is a magic thing
That makes me what I am—a king!
Let empires crumble as they may.
Proudly I hold imperial sway!
The sunshine and the rain of years
Are human smiles and human tears
That come or vanish at my call—
I am the monarch of them all!
Mindful alone of this am I:
The songs I sing shall never die-
Not even envious death can wring
His glory from so great a king!
Come, brother, be a king with mo
And rule mankind eternally;
Lift up the weak and cheer the strong,
Defend the truth, combat the wrong!
You'll find no scepter like the pen
To hold and sway the hearts of meu;
Its edicts flow in blood and tears
That will out wash the flood of years—
So, brother, sing the songs, oh, sing,
And be with me a king—a king;
Captured by Comanches.
I had been scouting from Fort Eascom.
on the Canadian River, and carrying de
spatches between that point and Fort
Stanton, on the Rio Pecos, for six
months, before the Comanches called the
turn on me. It is agreed that an Apache
is a fiend incarnate, but in the old days
there wasn't much choice between the
tribes. All were bloodthirsty and re- '
lentless, and it mattered little into whose
hands a prisoner might •fall. Every tor- i
ture which ingenuity could suggest was '
certain to be applied, anil 110 ransom, i
however great, could effect the release of
a prisoner. It was while engaged in such
an effort that my first capture came '
A party of citizens from Santa Fe had
come out Fort Basconi for a hunt along
the Canadian River to the cast. They j
were all well-known men, and were out- ;
fitted in the finest style, having the best
of firearms, and being accompanied by
four hunters and guides of long exper- j
ience. The Indians were bitterly hostile j
at this time, and although seldom seen j
near the fort, they were ever on the I
watch for any one leaving its shelter. !
This party numbered twenty, all told,and j
was strong enough togo anywhere, pro- j
viding it was well handled. It left the j
post, one Sunday morning and was gone j
three weeks, and, up to two days before j
reaching the post, all went well. Then '
a Dr. Albertson, of Albuquerque, tarried
behind one morning as the party broke :
camp, and three Comanches dashed in
and cut him off. They mounted him on
his own horse and had a start of half a
mile before the mishap was discovered,
and, although pursuit was made, it was
useless. The Doctor was a man of :
prominence, holding some position under
the Government, and having many
friends, and the party no sooner reached
the post than it was determined to make
every effort to secure his release. It was
idle to think of sending out au armed
force, and it was finally decided that I
should go out as au emissary to treat for
his ransom. It was agreed that I should
promise the Indians as high as 810,000
in cash for his release, and all were hope
ful that this large sum would induce the
redskins to give him up. i had been
told time and agaiu that the Comanches
had never been known to give a prisoner,
and I was therefore in a state of doubt
as I rode away on my errand. I had got
to put myself in their hands in order to
negotiate, and if they refused to give up
the Doctor it was probable that they
would hang onto me.
I rode away to the east, knowing that
the prisoner had been conveyed to some
camp in the Wichita range. I left the
post in the morning and rode hard all day
without sighting au Indian. At dark I
went into camp and had no alarm during
ftie night, and at sunrise was again hold-
Mg for the mountains. At about 11
o'clock, while riding over broken ground,
I caught sight of an Indian taking cover,
and halting my horse I made the peace
signs with my blanket. Ten minutes
later I was surrounded by a dozen war
riors, who were evidently astonished at
my foolhardiness, I could speak their
lingo fairly well, and I told them what I
had come for, and asked to be taken to
the nearest village. This request was
sulkily complied with, and at the end of
two hours I found myself in the village of
Red Moon, Chief of all the Comanches.
The village was scattered along the river
for a mile or more, and numbered at least
a thousand souls. My advent was hailed
with whoops and yells and other tokens
of satisfaction, and even when it was
known that I had voluntarily come into
camp 011 an errand of mercy it was hard
to restrain some of the young bucks from
doing me injury. I was taken directly to
Red Moon's tent, and my reception there
was anything but cordial. He was any
thing but noble in speech and look. He
was dirty, unkempt and out of sorts, and
I had no sooner set eyes ou him than I
knew my mission would be a failure.
"Why does the dog of a white man
como to my camp?" was his salutation.
"Pour days ago some of your warriors j
captured a white hunter a sun's journey j
ot the west," I replied.
"They did, and to-morrow lie shall'
"I have come from his friends to buy
his liberty. They will give Red Moon
more silver than he ever had before."
"I spit upon the white man's money!"
he retorted. "The white man has killed
my young men. built his forts on my
land, and would drive us away if he were
strong enough. I would not take food
from his hand if I was starving!"
I named the price which we would pay |
for the Doctor, and tried to make him un- I
dcrstand how many guns and blankets i
and other things the amount would pur- i
chase, but he grew more and more ex- !
cited, and finally shouted:
"Does the white man regard the Co
manches ns squaws that their heads can
be turned by soft talk? Only the Dog- j
Indian begs for mercy from a foe or takes |
presents from an enemy. Were you to j
oiler all you had I would not give him
up. lie shall die. I have said it!"
Finding him so obstinate and deter- j
mined, I mentioned that I had come j
alone and placed myself in his power, j
trusting to his honor to be permitted to
return in safety.
"Did Task you to corae?" he thundered.
"Are you not here to insult me? You
shall see the other prisoner die, and then
you shall suffer the same fate!"
I began to protest, but was hurried ;
away to a lodge, disarmed, searched, and j
very roughly used. Before being left
alone, my hands and feet were
tied, and the buck who did j
this gave me a good-day in the shape of
a slap in the face which made my teeth
rattle. I was left alone until just at dark,
when a boy brought me a gourd of water,
and helped it to my lips while I drank. I
thanked him, and inquired where the
Doctor was. He replied that he was con
fined in a lodge about two hundred feet 1
away, and that he would be put to the '
torture next day. All the tribe within
call had been notified to be present. I
asked him about my own fate, and he
said it was understood that I was to die
the day after. If there was any doubt
about this it was soon dispelled. The
boy had scarcely disappeared when old
Red Moon appeared. He was now fully
dressed as a chief, and had on all his
dignity. I was lying on my back, and
he stood over me far a moment, glower
ing down upon me with savage expression
before he said:
"Does the white man think the Co
rnauehe a dog that he can come into his
village and insult him?"
"On the contrary, the white man
knows the Comanches to be brave," I re
plied, "and no chief is greater or braver
than Red .Moon."
"But you come to buy ns off."
"The white man captured by your
brave warrior is neither a soldier, hunter
' nor scout. He is a man of peace, living
I far away. He has never harmed you.
He is u threat medicine man among his
i people. For these reasons his friends
i hoped'the great chief would spare his
! life. AVe wished to make you a pres-
I ent."
"White dog, you lie!" shouted the
| Chief. "You wish to get us in a trap!"
I argued and protested, and again ap
! penled to his honor in my own case. He
| heard me through, and then gave me
j several hearty kicks in the side, and ex
i claimed:
"You shall die! You were«ta fool to<
The kicksimade me mad, aid feeling*
that I had no hope of release I opened
on Red Moon in the choicest Billings
gate of the West. I called him a cow
ardly paltroon, squaw, buzzard, and.
everything else mean I could think of. I,
offered to fight him in any way he
wanted, and boasted that I had on one
occasion charged five of his briwest. war
riors and killed two and run the others
into the woods. I gaveiit to hinnstrsught
from the shoulder for ten minutes with
out a break, and he did not interrupt me
by word or gesture. When I finally
paused for want of breath he said:
"The white scout is not a dog, as I
thought for. He is a brave man. lie
will not cry and beg for his life when
the fire is lighted at his feet. My young
meu shall let it be known at the fort
that be died without being a woman."
"And that's more than you can say for
any of your warriorsi!" I flung back at
him. "The Comanche whines like a dog
when he is hurt. He cannot stand fire.
When his feet get a little warm he be
comes a child."
He pulled his knife from his belt,
thinking to end my life tlneii aud there,
but on the second thought he replaced it
I and walked out. Directly he had gone
; two warriors came in with a liberal sup-
I ply of food, and my arms wss untied and
I was given a chance to eat. They ap
peared good natured, and as the thongs
(were being replaced one of them said:
"The white man is very brave. He will
hold out a long time."
At last two guards were placed outside
my tent, and knowing that I had no
show for escape, I made myself as com
fotable as possible and soon fell asleep. It,
may be thought curious that a person.
| could sleep soundly under such circum-.
| stances, but as a matter of fact I did not.
open my eyes until long after daylight,
i There was considerable bustle in the
I camp, aud in a few minutes my break
j fast was brought, in. Arms and legs were
j now untied, and one of the three bucks
who came into the tent informed me that
preparations were being made to torture
! the Doctor. It was an hour later before
| I was sent for. Then my arms were left
free and my legs were bobbed just below
I the knees. While I could walk it was only ]
j with short steps, and the idea of my try )
i ing to escape from such a crowd was too
| absurd to be entertained. I found the
inhabitants of the village drawn up in
two long lines extendiug out on the plains.
Even children five or six years old, were
in line, each one armed with stick or
switch. 1 was led to the head of the line
between two warriors, and in four or five
minutes the Doctor was brought out Red
Moon had arranged this as a mental tor
' ture to both of us. He signified to us
that we might speak, and I at once in
formed the Doctor of my errand and its
! failure. He expressed his pleasure that
\ '.lis friends thought so well of him, aud
| his sorrow that 1 had brought misfortune
j upon myself, and he seemed to have made
| ii]> his mind to die like a man. I knew
! the Indians thoroughly, and 1 told him
; what the programme would be. After
running the gauntlet, he would be tied to
1 a post and "jbmitted to the powder tor
! ture, w! 1 consists in shooting charges
of pow ,-r into the flesh, with the muzzle
!of the gun only a foot, or two away.
After that would come cutting and inu
i tilatiug, and he would not be tied to the
tire stake until pretty thoroughly ex
hausted. I advised him to do as I in
! tended to do-—leap upon some warrior as
he ran down the lines, grab his knife or
I tomahawk, if possible, and then fight, un
til they would have to kill him then and
j there. He calmly replied that he should
! adopt the plan, shook me by the hand,
! and all was ready.
As we talked I had been getting the
| lay of the village. It was only a quarter
of a mile to the foothills. I had made
up my mind to make a break for liberty,
( and I hud my plans all laid before the
1 Doctor started. Red Moon commanded
I me to tell him that, he was to run straight
down the lane aud back, and that if he
made a good run he would not be much
hurt. I gave him the information, and
advised him to make his break about
j two-thirds of the way down, as he came
to the last of the warriors. When I
stepped back my elbows touched a guard
on either side and I saw that they were
deeply interested in the scene before
| them. When I dropped my left hand
i down it was close to the hilt of the war
rior's knife, and then I was ss ready as I
could he. The Doctor was a powerful
big tellow and was entirely naked. He
i was to start at the report of a rifle tired
■ in the air, and when the signal came he
j bounded away like a deer. The lines
closed up and eveiy»oiw 'tried to strike
at him, but the climax 'came when he
made his bolt. With &, leap to one side
he seized a tomahawk*, and at that, mo
ment I got hold of the knife without
being detected. A great cry arose and
one of my goards str/rted forward I bent
down and cut my thongs at a single
sweep, and then I,y a back hand blow,
drove the knife sr» far into the body of
the other guard, who had given me no
attention, that it/was wrenched from my
grasp as he fell. Then I bounded away
down the xiver,. and I believe I had a
start of twimty rods before pursuit began.
It is not bn.igadocio to assert that in
those days I'!h) id the speed aud bottom of
a thoroughbito 1. I hadn't the least fear
of being overtaken after I got that start
by anyone 011 foot, and as I at once made
for the brokf n ground their ponies had
no advantage I looked back only once,
and that was .as I got clear of the village.
At least fifty Indians were pursuing me
on foot, and .l few minutes later a score
of others lind raorunted. The pursuers
were so strung out that no one dared
shoot, and -when I got settled down to
the pace I mn, for my life. In five or six
minutes I wns 'in the foothills, and in ten
I had gained tine shelter of the scrub pine.
At that momet it twenty rifles turned loose
on me, but none of the bullets came near
enough to make me dodge, and I con
trived to putin my best licks. They
followed me for about four miles, losing
ground all the time, and then drew ofl
to return to the Doctor. It was
five days before I gut back to
the fort, my clothes in tatters,
and my strength almost gone, aud
it was two years before I learned
the particulars of the Doctor's fate. He
made a gallant fight when he got posses
sion of the (tomahawk, killing a warrior
and a boy and wounding another warrior
and'an old man, but he was overpowered
and-disarnuil, and then the devils glutted
their vengeance. Some idea of his suf
ferings can be imagined from the fact
that .he wast under some sort of tort ure
for three days and nights, and
and there was still life left in him
when he was given up to the fangs of
the village (logs. The Comanche who
gave mo the particulars was then "a
ward of the Government," drawing his
rations, ammunition, and blankets from
the very men whose scalps he hungered
for, and he could not be punished. He
identified himself as the warior who was
guarding me on the right when I made
my break, and for his carelessness on
that occasion the chief stripped him of
all his worldly possessions and gave the
goods to the widow of the warrior I had
slain.— x New York Sun.
A Snake Steals a Boat
Captain A. B. Couldwell had an inter
esting and unusual experience for this
latitude with a snake at Wigton's Point
the other day. He was fishing in the
creek, and had occasion togo ashore,and.
after tying his small string of perch to
the stern of the boat, the Nellie C., he
pulled her upon the beach. Half an hour
later he returned, but just in time to see
his prized boat moving slowly toward the
center of the stream. Without a second
thought he rushed into the water,through
the wild rice, and leaped into the boat.
The mystery which had shrouded the
affair was dissolved when he discovered
that a monstrous snake had swallowed
one of the perch and had towed the boat
out. Couldwell got a little excited. He
seized an unwieldy punt pole, and. with
a well-directed aim, struck the snake
across the back, which had the effect of
breaking the stringer but enraged the
snake. "It whirled and started for the
occuj>ants of the boat with an open
mouth," said Cauldwell, "that would take
in a forty-five-cent watermelon."
The other occupant of the boat, his
young daughter, became frightened, and
thought of all the wonderful pictures seen
in show bills where oxen are represented
as being devoured by these enormous rep
tiles. Couldwell took to the oars; this
gave the snake new courage, and he was
soon alongside and forced an anchorage.
Couldwell's good nature vanished, aud
with the strength of a Hercules he struck
the snake upon the head, following up
this advantage with well-aimed blows
until he beheld his adversary slain before
him. It measured seven and a half feet,
and was of a swamp species; a dark,
narrow streak down the back from head
to tail, and yellow and red stripes around
the body. This species is seldom seen in
this climate. Toledo (Ohio) Commercial.
The French Government, when it takes
possession of the telephones in France,
proposes furnishing the service to the
public at coat.
Terms—sl.2s in Advance; $1.50 after Three Months,
Coal cutting machines are now run bj
The civerage depth of all the oceans is
from 2000 to 2500 fathoms.
At the next military manoeuvres in
Prance a new application of telegraphy
will be made, which innovation it is
thought will be of the greatest utility in
time of war.
Electric lighting is said to be one of
the hardest kinds of work for a steam
engine, the continuous running and the
•work being thrown on and off instantane
ously, causing immense strain.
An Easton (Penn.) paper says Charles
Zinc has au umorphopliallus plant, the
only-one of the kind in that section.
The odor of the flower is that of stale
raw meat, but its color is beautiful.
Concerning the great British naval re
view—every armor plate in that fleet is
fastened with the late Sir William Pallis
er's patent screw bolts, and the Govern
ment has never paid for one of them yet.
Discussions on the economic size of
line wire brings out the fact that the di
ameter of the wire depends on the price
of copper, cost of power and quantity of
current, and is entirely independent of
the length of the»current.
Ten men with drills operated by elec
tricity can take out as much ore and tun
nel as far as 100 men with picks, shovels
and blasting material, besides which the
buildings can be lighted aud a great sav
ing on insurance and oil made thereby.
One papermiill in England, in Setting
bourne, manufactures enough paper every
year to put a belt around the world some
100 inches in width. One of the constituents
of this paper is esparto grass, which is
brought in great bales from Algeria.
A test has I een made in France to see
whether the color of a horse had any
thing to do with his characteristics. It
has been demonstrated that any sucix
idea is all nonsense. Pedigree and early
training have all to do with it, and color
nothing whatever.
At the sham battle fough at Spandaut
by the German troops for the amusement
of Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
one division used a new "smokeless"'
powder, the effect being that no smoke
was visible at a distance of 300 yards,
and no sound was heard beyond a slight
From a recent study of the bones of
anthropoid apes it appears that the goril
la and chimpanzee approach nearest to
man, but in different degrees, the orang
outang holding the third place. But
great differences exist between the pro
portions of the human frame and those of
all the apes.
Dr. Nansen estimates that the ice of
Greenland's interior must be 0000 feet
thick in places, even the tops of the
mountains probably being covered with
hundreds of feet of glaciers. He believes
that the wind has much to do with main
taining the ice level, and that the quanti
ty of snow does not vary much from year
to year.
There are in Nevada several deposits
of mineral soap, one of which has been
worked for some years, the soap being
formed by natural combinations of soda,
borax and mineral oils, the process in
some localities being assisted by hot
springs; some of these natural soaps are
cut up and sold as found, but they arc of
tener used in combination with other
The latest use of photography is to
make a cannon ball take a picture of its
own wabblings. An arrangement some
thing like a camera is to be placed in the
forward end of the projectile, and when
it is fired directly at the sun the light
traces lines upon the plate, from the di
rection of which it can be told whether
the projectile has kept in one position or
has wavefed to and fro during its flight.
Oriental Vigor.
Tliere has just died at Mian Mir an old
Mussulman woman named Bhuorie, who,
says the Lahore paper, is credited with
having reached the advanced age of 150
vears. She was brought from near Mont
gomery lately by road to the house of her
grandson at Mian Mir. and this person is
in old man of some eighty years, with
married grown-up children aud grand
Padang, says the Straits Times, cau
boast something out of the way in the
ihape of a Nias womau. who, by two
ausbands, has had no less than thirty-two
children, all girls. The number of he
jranchildren is so great that she cannot
ell how many they muster. She is »til!
ictive, strong and in good health.
NO. 51.
Net weight—The mossbunker catch.
After young Parkford, the grocer, hail
hugged his girl he called her strained
The man who registers at a hotel at
night, is soon on the "retired list."—
New York News.
No wonder the spoon looks so hollow
and long-faced. What in the world is
oftener in the soup?
Mrs. A.—"Do you play theorgan, Mr.
Smith?" Smith—"Yes, if the handle is
not broken."— Upoeh.
Fashion item from the Columbus (Ohio)
Dispatch: Treasurers' accounts are being
worn very short this season.
The first man who discovered the
elixir of life died at the age of twenty
, nine.— Commercial Advertiser.
Wisdom does not always come in the
yellow leaf, but you'll generally find it in
the seer.— Glenn Falls Republican.
At a concert in Wilkesbarre, Penu.,
while every one was applauding, a little
child exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, see all
j the big men pattycaking.''— Chicago
Do you think it is grammatical to say,
"He summers in the country?" Low
tone—"Why not? You can say 'He falls
in the mud'or'He springs in the water.'
Chicago America.
"I guess I'll take my vacation over
again, if you have no objection," said a
flashy young clerk to his employer. "Not
the slightest, sir. You can make it per
manent."—Hartford Post.
Miss Cutely—"May I marry Mr, Rich
ley, mamma?'' Mrs. Cutely (decidedly)
j —"Not on auy account!" Miss Cutely
(toying with her mother's hand) —"Not
! even on his bank account, mamma!"—
i Lawrence American.
Mr. Import (to applicant for position)
! —"You say you are able to distinguish
I a genuine diamond. What are its prin
j cipal features?" Arthur Smart— "A
j grand stand, a home plate and whitewash
| lines between the bases.— Jewelers' Weekly.
A Hor3e Swam Eight Miles.
A horse belonging to a ferryman was
on the boat recently at Irvine and was in
the act of drinking, when he plunged for
-1 ward from some cause and fell into the
water up to his nose. With remarkable
! instinct he turned round and swam to the
( boat, and made several efforts to crawl
back into it, but it only served to push it
further away. By this time he had drifted
below the ferry, and ae then made efforts
Ito get out upon either bank. In this he
also failed, as the bank was too steep.
He then turned aside and swam down
' the middle of the river. The ferryman,
Mr. White, made vain efforts to rescue
his horse, and, watching him until he
j was out of sight, gave up all hopes of
; ever seeing him again. Next morning
■ the passengers on the Irvine stage were
| amused at the manner in which the ferry -
' man was fondly caressing a horse which
had just arrived, and later learned that
the steamboat from Ford had picked up
the swimming animal eight miles below.
When dragged upon the boat he sank
i down, too completely exhausted to stand.
When this became known the sympathiz
| ing passengers joined with Mr. White in
i his exuberance over the recovery of his
noble steed.— Richmond (Ky.) Register.
Gum in Felt Hats.
Of late some complaint has been heard
as to the wearing quality of these hats.
It is stated that they are over stiffened
and over finished, and that the gum soon
appears upon the surface and the struc
ture is easily broken. This is a fault
which in years past dogged the steps of
the American hatter and wearied the
retailer. A hat when sold would seem
to be perfect, with no trace of gum on the
surface. In a few days it would be
brought back looking as if a glue pot had
been upset upon the brim. Sometimes
even the crown would be disfigured. It
was difficult to convince some customers
that the retailer was not aware before
hand that such a condition would en
The reasons why the gum showed
itself first upon the brim was that the
brim was more heavily stiffened than the
crown and was handled more in use. The
discovery and the application of the wire
edge for brims enabled hatters to dispense
with much of the stiffening, and crowns
as well as brims were gummed lighter,
and thus the whole lmt became flexible.
Freedom from the gum nuisance and
ease of adjustment to the head were both
secured by this improvement,— Mtn's Out