LAPOBTS, PA. SEPTMBKR, 20th, IBS 9 10 SAIDEPARTMENT The picnic craze is going out. Jack Frost will soon putin an appearance* Now is the proper time to fill your coal bim Peaches art; not a drug in the market this year. Stenographer Cos ton was ott hand ready for business; on Monday. Editor NeWell Was shaking hands with friends in town on Monday. This week owing to rain, has been very disagreeable to court guests The roads dte W trifle damp this week, caused by the recent rains. Peter 1). Miller of Klmira, was trans acting business in town last week. BoftN.—Sept., 113 th, 'B9, to Mr. and Mrs. James (Mhsel of LaPorte twp., a brand new girl. Atty; A. L. Grim, of LaPorte, will start a branch law otlice, in the town of Forksville, in the near future. K. W. Tonkin of Cherry twp., while in toWn doing busiuess paid the RsPubLiCAN a call on Monday. The residence of Atty. A. L. Grim, on Muncy St., is receiving a coat of paint. Edwin Stanley is doing the Work. Mr. and Mrs. George Fiester of LaPorte township, are in receipt of (anew boy. It arrived on Friday Sept. 13th, 'B9. Harry King of Ilughesville four teen years of agej was accidently shot, by James Mowry ou Tuesday evening of last week. Send us the news items of your neighborhood and assist the £1 UULII- I.IOAN to give all the happenings of importance in the county. Avery Frink of Montrose and Mrs. Amanda Ward of NewMilford, are visiting their sister Mrs. John N. Messenger and other relatives of this place. Atty-. W. E. Crawford of Hughes- Ville, while in attendance at court this week-, called at our sanctum and renewed his subscription for the iIKI'UHL^AN. Darnel Sclioonovet of Hernittfe, took in the Gettysburg reunion last week. Mr. SehoonoVer is com taandcr of the Dushore (J. A. It., Post and WAS a brave soldier. A little boy- of Hiram Hitt of La- Porte twp., at the age of four years fell on Friday last and broke his arm between the wrist and elbow. The little fellow is doing as well as could lie expected. Mr. Michael Flynit of Deliruce, N. Y., formerly of LaPorte, arrived at the LaPorte tannery on Saturday evening last, Where he is spending a few days visiting his brothers John and Ell Flytthv There were many Democrats in attendance at the lVepublican con vention on Saturday last who wire free to confess that they would give the peojdes candidate, Wm. J. Law rence, their support ou election day. Since the campaign opened we have received mauy new subscrib ers. Those of our tax payers Who are not already subscribers to the REPUBLICAN should by all means have their name plafied on our list. This is not an ofT year for Coru in the west* or a correspondent of the! tlarrisburg Telegraph is a large liar. He reports having seen an ear giown in Ida county, lowa* that was Four feet long and weighed thirty-six pounds. The three arrests made in Dushore recently for the violation of the liquor law Which we gave a fullaccountofin our i»e indue time, and furthermore that such pro ceedings should be tolerated in any county in this Commonwealth is an insult to the banner that Qoats upon our public buildings, State and Na tional—the stars and stripes. It is a direct blow to the Declaration of Independence which gives to each individual equal rights, i. e., life> liberty* and the persuit of happiness and that any party or individual should be permitted to use there sur plus of illgotten gains to further there corrupt ends is a question which will confront the voters of this county on November sth. Such an individual should have ample time to reflect over his unjust actions and the duties of official life should not be allowed to trouble him. The present contest for Sheriff is one between industrial and moral worth, not Wealth and should receive a Verdict that it justly deserves. The Republican nominee is not uii- I der inditement for the use ol' rUm.j . Rum influence must yo. DEMOCRAT No. ' Judge Gansel of Muncy Valley ' made us a pleasant call, while in at ! tendance at court, on Monday. Judging from the speech of peo ple on our streets this week there is no question but that Win. J. Law rence will be elected Sheriff of this county in November. We were told to-day (Tuesday) by ail old time and an tttz Democrat that he verily be-- lieVed that Lawrence would be elected by a good majority. The gentleman admitted that Mr. iJtz had not been true to the Democratic principles during the past years and snid that it would teach him a good lesson should he be defeated. The Dushofc Gazette in last week's issue demands that Demo crats "stick" to the ticket and vote j for tldlninees regardless of the posi tion taken by one of them during i the past years. Democrats what j etttt you expect by by "sticking" to the ticket. We dare say that there is no better democrat in the county than F. M. Crosslcy. He lias taken an at'tive part in Democratic | circles and was one of the principal i workers in this section last fall, for the success of the entire Democratic ticket. What is his reward ? Why he was thrown overboard in the Democratic convention Sept. 10th, and an untrue Democrat taken in his stead. What has John Utz the nominee for sheritl ever done to further the success of the Democrat ic Party of Sullivan county? lie caine outasan IndependentCiuididate for SheritF in 1877 and won over the Democratic nominee. I)o you call this good Democratic principles? Is he a "kicker" or a "sticker" to the party?" Should a nominee ofi this kind attd one who received his nomination by the use of boodle,' receive your support? No, gentle-j men he lias placed himself in a posi-j tion where he should not receive the ; support of any true principled Demo crat or Republican. In 1886 Mr.j Utz bolted the ehtire ticket made by the Democratic convention and to hitll Russel Karns for Member and j .Trilin Yonkin 2d, for Associate, Judge owes their defeat. These arc facts which can not be disputed, j Would you not prefer to vote for ai man who has been true to the prin-j ciplcs which he advocates, even! though they are in opposition to your judgment, than for a man who has no principle ? If this is your conviction, we feel confident that you will fall in the tanks of the people's candidate, Wm. J. Law rence, and give hi in your welcome support in November next. The Republicans of Sullivan coun ty, through their delegates acted most wisely, and judiciously in nom inating Wm. J. Lawrence of Du shorc for Sheriff. Mr. Lawrence is a tlative of Sullivan county, and has passed all the years of his life among us. While he is a very modest and retiring gentleman, who has not made himself acquainted in portions of the county remote front his resi dence, yet by his honesty, integrity, and fair dealings with all, with whom he has had dealings, he has made himself hosts of friends. He has resided the greater portion of his life in Cherry and Dushore, but for oue or two years he resided at this place. And we only speak what we are entiiely sure of and know from personal association with the people, when we say that he will receive a most flattering vote where he is best known. Cherry, Colley, Dushore, LaPorte, Davidson and Shrewsburj 1 will give him a heavy vote, enough we feel assured to put his election beyond any doubt if the rest of the county, or the portion commonly known as the West will only give him the full party vote. Mr. Lawrence is a Republican Iroiu principle, espoused the cause ot Republicanism when a very young man from his oWn convictions, con trary to his family teacllihgs, and while he has not taken an active part in politics, and has been liberal in his local political views, he has | been an earnest consistent Republi can on State and National politics. We can conceive of no reason why every Republican in the county should not give him their honest and earnest support; alid if they will we nre willing to stake our word and reputation ns a political prophet, that he will be triumphantly elected 'in November. Dr. Herrmann, the Republican nominee for Coroner, has man}' friends in the county and is num bered among our best physicianß. Saturday Sept, 28th, will be a gala day for the Odd fellows of Sullivan county. Arrangements are being perfected for a grand picnic to be given by IjaPorte Lodge and invi tations have been issued to the sister lodges of the county to at tend. The picnic will be held in the grove on the Western shore of Lake Mokolua. It is hoped that all lodges of the county will be well represent ed as a general good time is expect ed. G. M., David Cralt of Wyalus" ing, will be present and deliver an address. Lecture on NeVada. A highly appreciated audience greeted the Rev. Samuel P. Kelley of Reading at the Court House, on Monday evening and listened with deep interest to his lecture on Ne« vada, which was highly instructive and exceedingly amUsing. RoUnds of appiailse greeted his new stories and the audience coiild have listened another hour, lie gave a description of the remarkable features of the State of Nevada, in mineral, find boiling springs, the resources of the section ttnd its peculiarities, with a vivid description of the processes of mining and mulling silver ore; intersperced with capital stories of stage drivers, gamblers, preachers, judges and noted characters. He also gave narratives founded on his acquaintance with Hank Monk the stage driver who took Horace (Jreely through on time, with the late tl udge Terry who was shot re cently by Deputy Marshall Xagle, with Judge Perley Who was one of the seconds in the BrodericK duel and others. His funeral story hi which the great Charley Brown figures, was perhaps the best, and better than Mark Twain Burk Fan shawe funeral. Ho touched on the Chinese and Indian questions at length and gave appropriate stories in illustration. The descriptions of Lake Tahoe, the rivers with no out lets, and sketches of pioneer life were new bright and Iresh. The lecture was exceedingly good and merited a much larger audience than was present. Those who were in attendance were delighted with the evenings entertainment and paid the IlcVerend gentleman many compli ments. A council was held in the new Baptist meeting house lately erected in Shrewsbury twp., on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 12th, to recognize the new church organized there. Rev. J. (}. Miles was moderator, and Bev. R. B. McDanel of Northumber land was clerk. Delegates from 19 churches in the Northumberland Baptist Association were present. After devotional exercises the state ments concerning the organization of the new church were made. A preaching station has been main tained at Allegheny school hoUse for a number of years. A*, a series of meetings held last winter - v num ber of additions were made to Mie LaPorte and Eagles Mere chute*, and the distance being so great, it was thought best to organize a new church there. The council declared itself satisfied with the statement, and voted to recognize the new in terest as a regular Baptist church. In the evening the recognition and dedication services Were held. Rev. S. 0. Reading of Williamsport., preached the sermon. Rev. 11. C. Munro of Muncy, offered the prayer of recognition. Itcv. J. T. Judd of LeWisburg, gave the hand of fellow ship. Bev. j. G. Miles of Allen wood, gave the charge to the church. Mr. James Culbcr of Muncy, ad dressed the trustees, and the dedi catory prayer was offered by Rev. R. B. McDanel of Northumberland. The services concluded with the benediction by Rev. A. B. Still of Danville. The new church is to be called the Rock Run Baptist church. Win. Hill and James llUzzey are deacons. Wm. Hill, Matthew Tay lor, and f\ M. Sullivan, are trustees. Mrs. Jane Taylor, clerk, and Wm. P. Taylof Treasurer. The meeting house is a neat little frame structure, 30x40, costing SI2OO, all paid for. Great credit is due the little band who have so nobly carried out their enterprise. B. M. MCDANEL, Clerk of Council. FURNITURE / UNDERTAKING. JACKSON'S BLOCK : : Dush^Pi. LaWuence BROS, offer new furhi-ture of all kinds, at price which will astonish the purchaser. HAKDWOOI) SUITS as cheap as softwood suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything mannfactnied ltom the best material by skilled workmen. IN tTWDEBT-'AKINa A full line of caskets afid coffins constantly in stock. Embalming when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan connfy) for attend* dance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage. Bros. To the People of LaPorte, [FROM]—— — CUNNINGHAM : : COLE. w have recently removed our stock of hardware to Tub New Ruildik, " IT i-. 1 ■' i~~infciT T ,il ■ known as "Biddle's Block." We have increased our stock immensely and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially'in vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any thing in our line. ~ <£ 0~0~ o~o o o' zjORDEEIS 0 BY t'jt MMLJr WILL receive our prompt attention. We carry In stock all kinds of goods kept ih a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job work and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At / Cunningham & Cole, LOYAL SOCK COAL. tttt t t t t Tu k best and cheapest coul in the market. To customers from— LAPCBTE AMD V!CI>JTY T HE price is reduced at the breaker to S2„3OTON. The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co I. O. BLIGHT, SupL FROM THE RED ffROSTT BOOT -j* AND SHOE STORE J. S. HARRINGTON Proprietor. Dushore, - - Pa rp=rn=:T =-: | :-= | | | j =-: ] - It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stock of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for small profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford. - | | | , | | | | j | BOOTS & SHOES aaade to osder If you wantaflne sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing done on short notice. U ASH PAID FOR HIDES PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW &c„ AT J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUSUOUE, PA. june*4,B7 F P TOtCEMT wr tor »&- DEALER IN Mens' Youths Boys' and Ghil drens Cltohing Cronin's New Blook, Dushoe, Fa. J. W. BALLARD $ BLACKS' JTHfc- LAPORTE PA " »:::):0:(it! a I'l'ifiature all kinds of heavy and light wagons at reasonable price# Have on hand several new Wagons which I offer at bottom Drices, Al work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock. • HORSE SHOEING A SI'ECIA LTY THC POPULAR B MB 'flW-y I fr Apply now fcr SiMkS SJU Ilk Blrteache, Rheumatism, t I'V \ A I I I I C Sidney Weakseaa. Tender Lanes, 1/ r * I tl Bore Chest, litltr Maeolee, Female Z *OU> Wf M Pains, Crick, Bpralne. etc. it ® W every tort of Pain, Ache, or WlfilmiM, i 28CTS. | 112 and quickly, too. 8 j?? Look for Mewj furtqr HOP PLABTEWCO^ or mailed foe prWe. J P»ow«irroß«. BOSTON, UtegtTMtnegoodt.