SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. W. M. CHENEY, Publisher. VOL. VII. | THE HUSKIN' BEE. The huskin' bee wuz over, ez the sun was go in' down In a yaller blaze o' glory jist behind the ma ples brown, The gals wuz gittin' ready 'n the boys wuz standin' by, To hitch 011 whar they wanted to, or know the reason why. Of all the gals what set aroun' the pile of corn thet day, A-twistin' off the rustlin' husks ez ef t'was only play, The peartest one of all the lot—'n they wuz pooty, too— Wuz Zury Hess, whose laffin' eyes cud look ye through and through. Now it happened little Zui'3 - found a red ear in the pile, Afore we finished huskin', 'n ye orter seen her smile, Fur, o' course, she hed the privilege, ef she wud onlj' dare. To choose the fellow she liked best 'n kiss him then 'n there. ■My! how we puckered up our lips 'n tried to look our best, Each fellow wished he'd be the one picked out from all the rest. Till Zury, after hangin' back a leetlo spell or so, Got up 'll walked right over to the last one in the row. She jist reached down 'a touched her lips onto the ol' white head O' Peter Sims, who's eighty year ef he's a day, 'tis said; She looked so sweet ol' Peter tho't an angel cum to stay, As how his harp wuz ready in the land o' tarnal day. Mad? Wall I should say I was; 'll I tol' her goin' hum, As how the way she slighted uie hed made me sorter glum, 'N that I didn't think she'd shake mo right afore the crowd— I wuzu't goin' ter stand it—'ll I said so pooty i loud. Then Zury drappedher laffin' eyes 'n whis pered to me low, "I didn't kiss yo 'fore the crowd—'cause — I 'cause—l love ye so, "N I thought ye wudn't mind it ef I kissed ol'' Pete instead, Because the grave is closin' jist above his j poor ol' head." Well —wiuimin's ways is queer, sometimes, and we don't alius know Jist what's a-tUrohbin' in their hearts when they act thus u so— All 1 know is, that when I bid good-night to Zury Hess, 1 loved her more 'n over, 'u I'll never love her loss. —T. V. Ryder , in Courier-Journal, j TOOLE JED AND JANIE. : He was neither n tramp, a drunkard, nor a pauper, though a stranger encount ering Uncle Jed might, at a casual glance, have easily mistaken for cither the grizzled, slouching figure in garments much the worse for wear, frayed and ragged liat-brim, and broken shoes often bound about and held together with twine and withes of bark. But a closer inspection would have noted that the lines on his face were not those which dissipation leaves, and that despite his unkempt appearance there was about him an air of sturdy independence, as of one who felt a right to his own place in the world, while the small troop of children that, mixed with :< shaggy dog or two, unusually followed close at his heels, chubby and robust as to face and form, though somewhat disheveled and dilapi dated as to garments and hats, showed that, whatever his circumstances, he was decidedly a man of family. In fact, Uncle Jed, or more correctly speaking, Jeduthan Cranston, was both a householder and a land-owner, and his excursions, so frequent as to almost seem continuous, along the quiet country road, through the bit of woodland, over the long hill, and between the rolling fields were in the nature of a progress from the weather-beaten, little old house that formed his residence to his "other place," something like a mile distant. To be sure, neither estate was of great extent, vet sufficient in the hands of an energetic, thrifty man to have rendered him in farmer phrase "free-handed." Hut Uncle Jed's industry was never of the violent kind. In a desultory sort of way he managed to raise enough to fill the mouths of the flock who filled the old house till it seemed in danger of bursting. For the rest if a pane of glass chanced to get. broken there were plenty of hats lying about with which to replace it and if the barn door threatened to part from its hinges a rail propped against it could keep it in position, all of which seemed to trouble the plump, placid wife of his bosom as little as it did I'ncle Jed himself. Perhaps had his farms been ad jacent his working hours might have been less intermittent, but his jaunts from one to the other were apt to be broken by periods of repose, if the weather invited, under the shade of a roadside tree or a perch on the rail £«nce that enticingly LAPORTE, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1889. bordered the way and .a long colloquy with whoever chanced to be working within conversation range or would spare the time for discussions that ranged in subject from national politics to local gossip. Withal lie was a good citizen and neigh bor—honorable, honest, kindly, prover bially slow in the payment of his own debts, but always ready to become se curity on the note of a friend. Children and dogs gravitated to him naturally, and his horses and cattle, never any of them lean from overwork, rubbed around him unafraid, lie was supposed to hold some nebulous theories as to paternal govern ment, fragmentary memories of the stern rule of a grim old lather. He had even been known to exhort a neighbor with cause of complaint against his numerous youngsters to"( Jet a good gad and sock it right to'em," but under no circum stances was he himself ever known to prac tice Solomon's advice. And having lived a lifetime in one locality the people, most of whom had known him as boy and man, were so accustomed to his easy-going ways, liismany oddities and eccentric ities that they regarded him hardly more of criticism than a natural feature of the landscape. With years the sturdy boys and girls grew into sturdy men and women and from sheer force of necessity swarmed out from the old home-liive. Hut Uncle Jed, a little more stooped and grizzled and slower of step than of old, and with garments thai seemed never to wax older, yet gave no sign of renewal, still took his leisurely way between his farms and held still more extended con versations across the fences, as one who was relaxing the cares and anxieties of life. Returning to tlie neighborhood after an absence of some years I chanced one June afternoon upon my old friend halted under a roadside beech in the cool shadow of the little stretch of wood, i one of his favorite resting places, and with his old-time companions, a dog and a child, beside him. Stopping for a lit tle chat I casually inquired if it were one of his grandchildren. "No," he an swered, in his slow, soft drawl. "David an' Luke an' Sary an' Lijc an' Mary Jane an' Carline all hev children more or less, : but this is none o' theirs. You sec ours j an all grown up now and gone but just ! Keubon an' Elias an' Nathaniel an' Jim, an' they're only oil an' on as it happens. An' mother an' me we'd had little shavers around the house .so long that it seemed real lonesome without any, it just did, and little Janie here, her ma's dead, an' her pa—well, he's sort o' onsiiddy like," with an expressive wink to me, "so she's come to live with us, she just lies, an' we like her, an', well, I guess she likes us." And with a smile that softened and illumined his grizzled old face he looked down to meet an answering smile of con fiding affection in the blue child eyes raised to his. When at last I had started on I heard Uncle Jed say: "Come, Janie, the sun is almost down; you and I must be going on for the cows." At a little distance 1 paused and looked back through the green wood vista at the two figures. The old man with the child's little hand clasped in his, his frayed liat brim bent toward her, and her diminutive pink calicosunbonnet turned and lifted aslant as to him. So with the shaggy dog close beside them and the sound of their voices floating back in a gentle murmur they went their way along the quiet country road between the ripening meadows toward the sunset. "That child never should have been allowed to there," was the comment of Mrs. Klnathan Sharp, before whom I chanced to refer to the little circum stance a few days later. "They ain't lit j to bring up a child." "They certainly have had experience in that line," I observed. "Experience, I should think so!" in a j tone of the severest scorn; "their own came up absolutely hap hazard and with out any kind of discipline, and this child will come up in the same way and never be taught the first principle of order or neatness or regular habits of industry. 1 did think of taking her myself, but be fore I had fully decided they had her and T suppose are letting her run wild as they did their own." I glanced around Mrs. Sharp's faultless room and could but contrast her im maculate housekeeping with that which had held sway in Uncle Jed's domicile and mentally confess the prospect of Janie's learning aught of orcier or system there was scant, indeed. I hope Ido not underrate the worth <>f systematic train ing, the lifelong value of early formed right habits; still us 1 looked at Mrs. Sharp'* cold face and caught the faint acidity of her tone there came to my mind a memory of the smile that had flashed like a ripple of heart sunshine betwixt Uncle Jed and his little charge; and with a vision of Janie's delicate face, her soft blue eyes and sweet, sensitive mouth I could but wonder—l hope I was not heterodox—if of the two an atmos phere of kindly, warm affection might not be as conductive to the growth of the little human plant as the most perfect system of precepts and rules without it. The same September Uncle .led sick ened with a fever. On his first visit the doctor looked grave, and as the days passed his face grew no more hopeful. In his delirium the old man was still going over the familiar round of his life. Sometimes on his way to the "other place" dragging his weary feet over the heavy and burning sand, sometimes stop ping to rest under the old roadside beach, and wherever in his fantasy he wandered little .lanie, the companion of his latter days, was beside him. And net only in fancy but in reality, for through those weariful days the child clung closely to her old friend, stroking his hand with her light touch, pressing her soft cheek against his, so scarred and furrowed and parched, answering when 111 unconsciousness he called her name,and watching him with a dismal pain i:i her soft blue eyes. Hut there eume a ilny when little Jmiie lay stricken with the same fever, ami when the doctor fell the swift but weak pulse throbbing in the small, white wrist he shook his head again. It maybe that the sanitary condition of the old house was bad, though it had never before af fected those beneath its roof; possibly, as Mrs. Sharp intimated, their nursing might have been improved, but it was the best that those who tendered it knew how to give, and who of us can do more? And it might have been in that conflie with disease that the most skilled nurse would with the doctor have had to own defeat. Her fever was not of the violent type of Uncle Jed's. For the most part she lay quiet; sometimes crooning frag ments of hymns that she had learned in Sunday-school or Scripture text.-. TV-t ever with it all the tide of life ebbed lower and weaker. And at lust one day, one sunny antumn day, clad with the glow and ripeness of the year, an unwonted hush seemed to rest over the weather-worn old house. The doctor made his usual visit, but it was a brief one, and his medicine-case remained unopened. Now and then a neighbor ran in with a quiet, step, speaking iu half whispers, and the group of big, broad-shouldered sons made no pretense of work, but hung about the house with a strange dejection apparent in their attitude and faces. Slowly, so slowly to they who sat under the impending shadow the day wore away till late afternoon. Uncle Jed had fretted for Janie and they had lifted her from her little cot and laid her beside him. Soothed by her presence he sank into a half-doze, half-stupor. Presently he roused himself. "Come, Janie," he said, "the sun is almost down, it is time we were going to the other place for the cows. Bruno! Bruno!" And the old dog lying inside the bed roused tip ami beat his tail loudly on the floor, respon sive to the call of the master he would never follow again. Then lie dozed away again for a little while and when he woke the same fancy was still in his mind. "How long the way is,"' he murmured; "let us rest a little. I never used to get so tired. It must be lam getting old. Yes, I'd had little shavers around me so long I missed 'em, and 'twas lonesome going about alone, but you like togo with me, don't you, Janie?" Shi- nestled closer to him anil slipped her arm about his neck. "Yes, I'ncle .led," she whispered, "I liko'to go with you." (11 n few moments he spoke again— very faintly this time. '"Come, little •Tanic, we must lie going. llow late it grows; the sun is almost down." He put out his hand so thin and wast ed and with all the sunburn faded from it now—and she slipped hers—small, white and chill—into it as if for the starting. A long, long followed, the eloek in an outer room ticked loudly, the sunset rays crept long and level across the unenrpeted floor; with bowed heads the sturdy sons went out one by one, tread ing 011 the toes of their clumsy boots; a little knot of neighbors gathered around the doorstep; the wife of many years swayed back and forth in the chair wherein she li id once rocked her babies, sobbing softly. And by a way in old as th« world, yet strauaeiv unfamiliar —traveled hy generations, but still as unknown way—the two friends, on< whose years had covered so long and th« other so brief a span, had gone beyond th»- sunset .—Chicago Timet. The Indians of Alaska. The Indian of Alaska is a different person, and the Indian problem in Alaska is quite unlike that which presents itsell in the case of the aborigines known as the North American Indians. Whethei they had the same origin is immaterial. Environment has created a marked dis tinction. Laziness is wholly unknown tc both native men and women in Alaska. They are noted for their desire to accu mulate, and there is one Indian Princess, so-called, in the village here who is really worth 810,000 in silver, in furs, and in blankets. They are all shrewd and cun ning in their pecuniary dealings with each other and with the whites. They are notorious liars when it comes to pro tecting any one of their own race from any apprehended harm, but they will neither steal from each other nor from the whites. About 1500 of these people wintered at Sitka during 1888, and there is a permanent population of about 50(1 in the village this summer, and while no j white person yet thinks of locking a door, day or night, in the past eleven months I have not heard of a single in stance of larceny. Families of natives go | off in their canoes 150 miles to remain j and work all summer at the salmon ean ! ueries, leaving a great deal of stuff be hind in their huts and houses, and when they return in the fall, find everything as safe as when they left them. No tribal relations exist among them. What are called chiefs are simply patri archs or heads of families, and hence, the iirst important problem in the task of civilizing them, by breaking up their tribal relations, does not exist to vex the authorities. Not only that, they arc eager to adopt the white man's ways, good as well as bad. They have totally aban doned their native dress, except on fes tive occasions, when they sometimes, not often, appear in it. Mr. Duncan, at .M' tluklmtla, ou Amelia Island, has es tablished a saw-mill and a planing-mill, where he manufactures thousands of packing cases which are sold to the sal mon canneries. This is an industry that is available for these people, and while giving thousands of dollars every year, under the plea of industrial training, as I have already pointed out, the Govern ment so far, has profited nothing from the methods which have been success fully pursued at Amelia Island.— Neic York Times. Big Birds in the Transvaal. Most of the larger birds that I have seen iu the Transvaal, Africa, are evident ly of great bodily powers, which their ample wings sufficiently indicate. These are half vulturine in form as well as in habit. My companion and 1 wounded a bird of this description one day with the gun (with which he had full liberty here), i don't know its name, but here is a de scription: Body and neck pure white, wings black, flat bill 7 1-2 inches long, legs 21 inches and 5 1-2 feet from tip to , tip of the wings. We brought him home and had him going about the green for days. One day we discovered him ''bolt ing'' a snake about two feet long (by de scription the African cerastes, a rather evilly disposed species, one of the cobras) and three days afterward we found him dead. Next in size to this bird is the Kaffi: crane, which is dark-blue in plumage. ■ This is much of the build of the forinei bird with this exception—its bill is more .if a beak, short and strong. Next conies the vulture, truly of the fowl-feeding race, for he is not long in picking the bones of any oxen that die. It used to j be a fine of twenty pounds for shooting this bird in the Free States, they were considered so valuable in removing putre- | scent animal remains, and I believe their I services are essential yet. We have half a dozen different kinds of hawks, some resembling our English birds of prey in j size and habits, but of much finer plum- j age. — Neicc/utle Gh ron iclc. A Watchmaker's Rare Task. A Boston watchmaker recently had a rare task. It was the putting in order | of two watches, each of which had cost ; 32500. The case of each of these watches is of pure gold and its works number fully 400 pieces. On the larger j dial there arc four smaller dials; one showing by a diagram of the sky the changes of the moon, a second dial each month, a third dial the day of the month, and a fourth dial the day of the week.— Neu> York Tribune. Terms—sl.2s in Advance; 81.50 after Three Months. CURIOUS FACTS. Indiana has a double-headed baby girl. Damson" originally came from Damas j cus. The number of writers of the Bible is fifty. James McCosli, the metaphysician, is seventy-seven. German student life differs very ma terially from the student life of all other nations. A white kangaroo, the first ever j known, is on exhibition at the London | Aquarium. In France the doctor's claim on the cs ' tate of a deceased patient has precedence of all others. The total number of bodies registered ! as buried in cemeteries used by London I is 1,276,875. A letter can now be sent round the 1 world in sixty-nine days, via Vancouver, . British Columbia. A Londoner advertises that ho is | "Porous Plaster Manufacturer to Iler Majesty the Queen." A new and expensive whim in jewelry is to have diamonds bored and strung upon a cL..;.. like pearls for a necklace. One of the wonders of Paris is a well ' 21)50 feet in depth. Hot water rushes | out of this well in a stream 11 1 feet high. A Kanawha (W. Ya.) fisherman caught a jack-salmon that had swallowed one bass and had another half way down its throat. John Bright said that he owed his quick imagination to his life-long habit of reading poetry every night before go ing to bed. A murderer was convicted at Welling ton, New Zealand, by bits of newspaper used by him as wadding and found iuthc wounds of his victim, t S. Landman, of AVaynestown, lud., has a calf without tailor eyes and Rob ert Jones has another that has the skin of an elephant and no hair on its body. The most northern electric light in the world is at llernosand, Sweden, on the Gulf of Bothna, above the (52d degree of i latitude. Light is needed there at 2:30 I r. M. The Berlin newspapers chronicle the fact that the heat of the present season has been greater than ever recorded since 1710, the year when regular observations were first taken. The great bell of Ilung-wu, which has long lain half buried in the ground, has at length been lifted by foreign machin ery and hung in a pagoda built of iron by a foreign firm. According to proph ecy, this bell was never to be lifted until China had entered upon a new ca reer of prosperity. In the Town Library (Stadt Bibliothek) of Nuremberg is preserved an interesting globe, made by John Sclioner, professor of mathematics in the gymnasium there A. I). 1520. It is very remarkable that the passage through the Isthmus of Pan ama, so much sought after in later times, is on this old globe carefully diliueated. On the sides of the Jesen Fiord, on the west coast of Norway, mountains rise perpendicularly to a height of several thousand feet. Recently stones and rocks, some of which are said to have been as large as a house, began to fall on one side of the fiord. The avalanche continued for more than two hours, and the crash was heard ten miles away. How He Got the Taxes. A man named Frye, who lived on Tinker's Island, used to be the town col lector of Mount Desert. If he didn't get > his money the first time lie called, he had an original way of helping the delinquent to remember that he would come again. Taking apiece of chalk from his pocket, he would write the word "Tax" on the woodwork of tin; room in large letters, and the authority of the official is said to have been acknowledged so well that the chalk was allowed to remain theie till time or the payment of the tax had rubbed it off.— Leicislon (Me.) Journal. Electricity on the Dinner Table. A Brazilian inventor to whom a patent has just been issued proposes to remedy the ! annoyance suffered from the shaking of dishes upon the table on shipboard by means of an electrical contrivance, llis idea is to use an electro-magnetic device. To the underside of the dishes will be at tached small pieces of iron, and on the table will be laid long strips of soft iron ' to which wires leading to a battery will be connected. The use of this electro magnetic appliance will not mar th ■ ap pearance of tables, and certainly it should prove effective Timet-Dtmocral. i NO. 50. FUN. The chambermaid of an apartment hotel is a suite thing. Wall decorations are not proud if most of them are stuck up. The potato is said to be deteriorating, but it made many a masli in its better | days. There are those who like the English sparrows. We refer to the cats.— Boston i llerald. AVisdom does not always come in the yellow leaf, but you'll generally find it in the seer. Everybody dislikes the dentist—at least they (how their teeth whenever they go into his office.— Burlington Free : Press. Upson Downcs—"l've come to you Ba - : ker, after a little advice." Barker Or ! per—"Well, here's some: never ask for : any." 1 Omaha Teacher—"l would like some ' one of the class to define the meaning of \ vice versa." Bright Boy—"lts sleeping i with your feet toward the head of the I bed."— Omaha World. "Mary," said her mother, severely, "if I am not mistaken I saw your head on George's shoulder. What sort of an at titude is that for a young lady?" Mary i (ecstatically) —"Beatitude!" Philadel \ ph ia Press. She—"Do you think of me daily?" He—"l should snicker, my dear little j sugar-coated angel. Think of you daily ? I You bet; and now tlia' the days are longer, I sometimes thinu of you twice i a day."— Terns Sifting*. A city child, wandering over a farin ' yard with his father, was greatly fright ened at the sight of a good-sized gobbler. "Why, my boy, you don't mean to say that you're afraid of a turkey when you ate one only yesterday." "Yes, pa, but this one isn't cooked." Personal Earnings. The newspapers are recording the fact that .Mr. 11. M. Flagler gave Dr. George | Shelton, of New York, 637,000 volun tarily as a fee for medical services to his daughter. Forty years ago this would ! have made a large fortune for any mau, one that lie would have felt justified in l retiring from business on. But the value of personal services and fees has grown with everything else in | recent years. It is interesting to note what vast sums professional people have earned simply by their personal labors, without counting business investments of : any kind. Patti, the only Patti, has undoubtedly cleared a couple of millions by that wondrous bird warbling of hers. No ! body who ever lived has ever earned so much. Bernhardt, Booth and Joseph Jefferson have each rounded up a million dollars during their professional careers. ISo probably has Henry Irving. It is said that Henry Ward Beecher earned a j million in his lifetime from preaching, j lecturing and writing. Among doctors and lawyers, too, the S sums earned by those in the first rank ! are enormous. General Butler's law practice amounts to from $150,000 to 6200,000 every year. In oue single case he received a fee of .SIOO,OOO. The earnings of one law firm in New York, Butler, Stillmau fc Hubbard, foot up 6950,000. The head of this firm is William Allen Butler, who wrote the poem of "Flora McFlimsy." He dropped into poetry in his youth, but wisely dropped out again end into something that paid vastly better. Helping people quarrel is a far more paying investment than rhyme stringing. The business of this law firm is chiefly the reorganization of railroads. They sometimes receive 650,000 for one fee. Among doctors the figures arc not so high, but still there are millionaires among them,too. Dr. William A. Ham mond had for many years in New York an annual practice worth $45,000. He will still retain much of it, now that he has gone to reside in Washington, "as a matter of sentiment." In business the sums earned are equally large. The President of the New York l-ii'e Insurance Company has a salary of 650,000. The Equitable Life Insurance Company pays its President SIOO,OOO a year. Several railroad Presidents get :<50,000. A New York house that makes specialty of the sale of roasted coffee pays its buyer 650,000 a year. He saves that much to them. The general man ager of a varnish house in Brooklyn also receives {350,000 a year. So that it pays better in the long run to have a success ful private business than iy b« President.