Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 13, 1889, Image 3

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Lafokte, Pa. Skpt.wbku, 13th, 18S9.
Court next Monday.
The oyster is now in the soup.
Sullivan county fair—Oct. 2, 3
nnd 4th.
The potato crop is proving a fail
ure throughout this section.
One touch of frost makes the
summer resort landlords hot.
Mrs. Judge Ingham <\f LaPorte,
is visiting friends at ToWanda.
Miss Carrie Koeler is receiving
medical treatment in Williainsport.
Will our people submit John
Seouten, to be Sheriff of our coun
ty ?
Republican Convention, at La-
Porte, on Saturday Sept. 14th, at 2
p. m.
Born. —Sept. sth, to Mr. and
Mrs. John English, a bouncing baby
Henry WUHaras of Skunk, was
transacting business in town on
There are thirty-five teachers in
attendance at the Institute now in
session at Soiiestown.
The Sullivan county boys in blue,
took the train on Tuesday morning
—oft for Gettysburg.
Republican delegate election,
Friday SJept. 13th, between the hours
of 5 and 7 o'clock p. m.
The apple crop appears to be
short this year every where, and
generally of poor qu;i!it\\
A stove in the dining room with a I
bright cheerful lire, is an appreciated I
companion now days.
The new baptist church recently j
erected at Allegheny, will bo deli-!
cated to-day (Thursday).
Ol* the 16,000 post-master appoint-!
Ed since the Ith of March, over one
half are Fuioir Soldiers.
Editors Mewell and Streby wre
over on Tuesday taking notes at the
Democratic convention.
Our sportsmen spend their leisure
hours now days, on Lake Mokoma,
in persuit of wild ducks.
Court ,'uests will find good board
at reasonable terms, at Jlotel Ken
nedy. Slain St. LaPorte Pa.
Four hundred and one ears of
lumber and bark were shipped from
Lopez, during the month of August.
Court guests should take in the
liumerous lecture, by the llev. S. P.
Kelly, on Monday evening, Sept.
The wea'Xier on Tuesday, the day
of the Democratic convention, was
all that our Democratic friends
could ask.
Sept. court guests will find charges
reasonable and board good at the
Mountain House. Give the Moun
tain a call.
Prof. M. R. Black accompanied
by Richard Rogers, both of Forks"
ville, were calling on frinds in town,
on Sunday.
Wonder if our people at home who
were eclipsed by John Utz some
time since, will show the white
feather this fall?
Persons desiring entertainment
during court week can be accomoda
ted nt reasonable rates at the house
of Wm. Meylert.
Frank McDermott of LaPorte,
who has been employed as boss tan
ner in Reddington Maine, returned
home, on Friday last
The annual meeting ol the W. C.
T. U., of LaPorte. will be held at
the rooms over Meylert Co., store
Friday Sept. 13th, 3 p. m.
The Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.,
will run an excursion to New York
city on Monday, Sept. 16th. Fare
from Towanda round trip, $5,60.
Wm. Lawrence of LaPorte moved
to Dusliore, on Wednesday last.
"Will and family have many friends
here who regret to see them leave.
Those of Our subscribers knowing
themselves indebted to u> will do
lis a favor b\ calling and settling the
same while in attendance at court.
A liumerous lecture will be de
livered in the Court House ou Mou«
day evening. Sept. 16th, by the Rev.
si . P. Kcllc, to which all are invited.
Proc?eds for the benefit of Episcopal
The Democrats of Shrewsbury
township to run their own'
delegate elections, which wis
proven on Saturday last.
Work was commenced Monday at
the nail mill, and the damaged part
will be rebuilt as rapidly as possible.
John P. Kennedy proprietor of
the billard and pool room of this
place and barber, will remove bis
tables to Lopez on or about the Ist,
of October.
It is said thnt smoking after meals
is injurious. Ji has been establish
ed that smoking before meals is
harmful. The only refuge for the
sniokeV is to drop eating.
Frank Crossley one of the Demo
cratic candidates for the office of
Sheriff on Tuesday last, was as hap
py as a clam after the nominee
was chosen.
Sheriff Tripp came over from
Slnink 011 Tuesday to attend the
Democratic caucus. The Sheriff
was anxious to know who the fellow
might be.
Sup't. M. It. Black was 011 the ex
amination board at Mansfield last
week. During his absence Prof. F.
\V. Meylert took charge of the
Normal Institute at Soiiestown.
Mr. T. F. Carskadden merchant
tailor of Williainsport, will make
LaPortc a visit 011 Monday, Sept.
16th. For further particulars see i
ad els where in this issue.
It looks as if the Cleveland wing!
ol the Democratic party was swing- j
ing into position to try and run the!
Democracy of Pennsylvania thisj
Fall on a Free Trade platform.
Mrs. 11. J. Tnppen Mr. and Sirs, I
E.B Kierstcr and daughter all of
N. J., who were visiting Mr. Mc-;
Farlane at the LaPorte tannery last j
week left for their homes on Mori-!
day last.
Who did the Democrats nominate j
for-Sheriff, John Seouten or John)
Utz? Wo are positive there was aj
"John" to it and to the majority .!
"Scoutcr ' is believed to be the
Ii is generally believed that Forks
twp., will give John I tx a black eye
on the sth, of November, judging j
from the bad blood which existed in
that twp., at the Democratic dele,
gate election.
The death of John L. Sullivan's 1
mother on Aug. 30th, has caused a
change to pass over the slugger, j
When he has served out his sentence |
it is believed that he will be in j
shape to enter ns a feather weight, j
Divine service with preaching, at j
St. John's Episcopal church on j
Sunday next, Sept. ) f>th, morning at I
11:30, evening at 7:45. Holy com-|
munion at morning services. All;
are cordially invited.
Chicago is nothing if not original.'
The latest development in that place j
ia a Chinese divorce suit. The female
Celestial alleges cruelty and deser-j
tion and appeals to the laws of the j
heathen for protection.
James McFarlanc & Co., will re-j
model the Thornedale tannery in the
very near future and will put it in
operation as soon as the lease of
Hunt & Co., expires which will be
ou or about the first of next month.
Mrs. Dunham, mother of Atty. E. j
M. Dunham, has been confined |
to her bed with illnes for the past!
week. At this writing, however, she
is some better and hopes are enter
tained that she will recover in a few!
There are little frys in all com
munities who never tire of finding
fault with their own lot as well as
with the public at large. A\ e are
pleased to note that LaPorte has
but a few representations of this
There are thirty carpenters em
ployed on the new tannery which is
being erected at Jamison City. The
fiame work is about completed and
it is expected that the erection of
the building will take place next
The Democratic nomination for
Sheriff ma le oil Tuesday last lia.-
canst I much dUsalisfai tion in the
Democratic ranks and it-is «aid thai
not more than two thirds of tin-
Democrats will stand by the ticket.
They say that llz i-. nof a Democrat
and they are under no obligations to
vote the i.ominee. They al«o say
that he was not the choice of the
convention and that boodle made
the nomination.
Wo received a letter from State
CLairiiian. 'To; Wir.. 11. \lldrews,
on Tuesday, saving that he would j
present the Republican party of;
Sullivan county with the banner j
won in the Harrison campaign, in
It may be generally known that
from and after the third Tuesday <>f
February next the constables in all
the townships and boroughs of this
Commonwealth shall be elected for
a tei :n of three years. The same'
law applies to the election of town
ship and borough assessors.
Charles Lauer was on the sick
list last week, the result of being
thrown out of a wagon while break
ing a tfxas poncy on Sept. 4tli.
He has entirely recovered, however,
and still persists in throwing the
harness on the horse and has about
accomplished his undertaking.
Editor Streby arrived at the
Democratic convention on Tuesday
last, just in time to hear the bene
diction pronounced. Tljis surely
was an over sight of the bov —the
whole business might have gone to
splinters. Scouten will be called
upon to write up the convention as
he arranged it which will be in all
particulars correct.
A little daughter of John McAn
drew, of Scranton, was returning
from the butcher's with a package
of meat Monday, when a New
fund land dog scented it and tried to
pull it from her. She resisted and
in the struggle she had a finger bit
ten off. The dog was killed.
There will be a general foot race
in town next week, all arc invited
to take part. The point of starting
will be (material. The point in view
will be the KEH HLTCAN office to pay
up back subscription. Old and
young are cordially invited to join in
the exercise.
David 31. Crawford, of Bern ice,
Sullivan county, challenges any
marksman in Tioga, Bradford., Ly
coming, Luzerne and Wyoming
counties to shoot "go as you please,
seven best shots out of eleven, dis
tance 100 yards for SSO a side.—
Jinxdford IleptrMlran.
Master Johne} Beahau of the La-
Porte tannery w .le playing with
some of his companions oil Sunday
last fell and broke his 'gft arm
below the elbow. Pr. I'ill
was summoned and set the
broken bone and at this writ
ing the little lellow is improving as
rapidly as can be expected.
Atty. Meylert Brunei- ot Muncy
spent several days visiting friends
at LaPorte last week. Mr. Brunei
graduated in the law department of
the Penna. University in June last
and will practice his profession in
New Mexico. He will leave for said
place about the first of October.
We wish him abundant success.
Wilbur I. Clark, local editor of
the Montgomery Mirror, suddenly
decamped from the field of labor,
one day last week, without a word
of explanation as to the cause. The
publishers Fo.snot A Burr, have
taken charge of the Mirror and the
paper will continue to make its
regular weekly visits to all its
Work on the new baptist church
at Eagles Mere will be commenced
next month. The chapel will be
built this fall and the main building
will be completed next spring in
time to hold services f-t the opening
of the summer resort. Mr. Rowley'
of tho 'Mere is taking a very prom
inent part in the move and it is
claimed that when the building is
completed it will be one of the finest
at Eagles Mere.
The rainfall in Pennsylvania is
ahead of that of any other State,
this season. The State Weather
Service has calculated thal,ifgather
ed ill one place, the rainfall in the
State, this would form a hike 1,000
miles square and.'l 5 feet in depth.
At the time of the Johnstown flood
7.000,000,000 tons of water fell upon
the mountains and plateaus of North
ern Pennsylvania.
According to the ITarrisburg Call
the olil Pennsylvania eanal which
figured so extensively in the history
■>f the early days of 1 lie State Oov
ernnient, will semi be a thin" of the
past, abandoned and forgotten.
The late floods have given it its
death blow. What was once an
important and busy highway of com
merce through the State, is now but
the ghost of it * former greatness; a
-."••1 memorial of old time methods;
a relic of a time that was, but in
these days of steam and electricity
shall never be again.
Convention. \
Oil : ' • .Si lOtil at li )>. m., !
chairman Walsh called the Demo
cratic convention to order. .1. 11.
Kotlirock of Sonestown was made
President, and C. E. Jackson of
Rerntce and Win. Harrison of Forks
twp., were made Secretaries. The
list of delegates were read after
which the following nominations
( were made: For the oillee of
Prothonotary A. Walsh was nont
inated by acclamation, then followed
the nomination of Sheriff, .lames
Sweeney nominated John Utz, R.
\l. Stormont nominated F. M. Cros
sley and J. If. Rothrock, J. C. St«ck
Mr. Crossley and Steck declined tlie
nominations which left o clear field
for Utz. There being no opposition
to Utz his Domination was made
unanimous. For coroner W. B. HiII,
|of LaPorte. This finished tip the
important business of the conven
tion. James Connor of Bernice
was selected as delegate to the
state convention and Dr. Chaffee of
Forksville was made delegate to the
state central convention. Russel
Karns was made chairman of the
standing committee.
Then-heel had been carefully lub
ricated, and even on Saturday even
ing the result of Tuesdays convention
was positively known by the close
observers of the political thermome
ter. As the convention had but
little to do aside from going
through the motions, as directed by
the. bosses, the business was soon
finish,'d. The kickers were numer
ous and they were firm to the last.
It is true that an individual might
have his say, but that is all the good
it did himself or his friends. .Short
ly before the convention small
groups of threes and a half dozen
gathered in the court yard generally
represented by one of the Utz bosses
quoting what shall be done in the
Among the little folks wlio had a
linger in the pic were: John E.
Gallagher, John E. Finan, James
Sweeney and Thos. Mahati'ey. Those
who were permitt ed to put a whole
hand in and were the bosses; were
Johli <j. Scouten, Josh Lull, A. L
Grim and J. 11. Botliroek. .Mr. Utz
was not by any means the choice of
the convention and it was said time
and again by Democrats that his
boodle was what gave him the prom
The Democratic delegate election
on Saturday last, was bitter!} eon
tested in nearly every precinct in
the county. With the exception ot'
the two La Ported there were two
sets of delegates, termed the Crosslcy
and UU supporters. In On
shore the home of Mr. Utz, the. light
was fearfully contested, Utz only
winning by 7 majority which is not
a very good send olf for the boss
Democratic politician. Owing to
tin! delegate light l he out come of
the convention was known as soon
as the result of the delegate election
was telephoned over the county.
F. M. Crossley. as usual drove the
mail to Onshore on Monday and
while crossing the bridge in said
borough met John Scouten who in
sulted him in the meanest and most
contemptable manner, by saj-iug
i that he could "remain at home and
drive the old stasre wagon." We
imagine that the Crossley friends
will not hesitate to say on the nth of
November that John Utz can re
main at home and look after the
"rum shops," which for the past few
years has been his chief calling.
The moon light excursion from
llughesrille, Picture Rocks -and
Tivoli to Nordmont on Tuesday
veiling last was attended by about
500 people. The excursion was to
have taken place on Saturday last,
but owing to inclement weather it
was postponed until the above date, j
We in company with several young
gents of town visited the grounds
luring the evening and was surprised
to see how nicely they were
arranged for the occasion. The
centre of attraction, with the e\
•ept ion of the young ladies, was the
•roipiet lawn where a very interest
ug game was being played for the
•hampionship of Lycoming county.
Die lawn was inclosed by a railing
some six or eight feet high where
lapanese lanterns hung perniciously
L'iio band -land adjoined this de
i.artuient and the occasioned wa»
enlivened by the fine music rendered
by the llughesville band The ei
tire party seemed to enjoy the rec
reation beyond expi essiu!"
Lawkknck Bros, offer new furni-tnre of all Kind-;, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. IJ\Kf>\\oon si; its as cheap as softwood
suits, could formerly be bought at Dusliore. Everything manufae! um!
from the best material by skilled workmen.
A fall line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Fail alminc
when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) for attend
dance at funerals. We request a b hare of the patronage
—-Lawrence Bros. p "' b w« :
To the People of LaPorte,
have recently removed our stock- of hardware to
known as "Biddlc's Block." We have increased our stock immensely
and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our lino.
o— s - —"5 "6~cTc c> o o - £" "3
zjOKDEIES : ■ BT 0 M&.TL\z
Will receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of good."
kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job work
and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At
Cunningham & Cole,
T iie best and cheapest coal in :lie market. >' {
customers from-—■
Th r in'c. is red rod ' 4 the "nrcake l In
(po KffPi:i!
The State Line & Sullivan R, u. Co 1 O. Bmokt,
B R () Iff
■KWT -5- AXQ -i« SHOE -i- STOSf
J. S. HARRIGTON Proprietor.
Du shore, - - Pa
rf~tititttz; | l f~
lb will pay you before purchasing to oall and examine my lnrue stoc-r
of new and welt selected goods. Large sales enables nie to sell for smal
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buy ing goods of
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid
hand turned goods arc very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price and ih quality to be the best that any market, can afford.
BOOTS & SHOES mads to order
If you want a line sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing
done on short notice.
Mens' Youths Boys'and Ohil
drens Cltohing
Cronin's New Block, Dushoe, Fa
mxnuf icture all kinds of heavy and li-rht wagons at reasonable prices
T-Inveon hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom iirices All
work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock.
'n- - _aßli .. FREfcH HOPS, M2.JUCC* GOM *MW
Pine balsam gom&ined
J&rS Spread on white muslin. £' jf*' 'Wj
i? /* 3" ' S"* The Popular & Js
and Reliable
r / _ W P B * Born^hoVt,"'etitfiiueolßß. I'era&to
/ SOLD Ek K'S ¥ Palna. Crick. Bprolr.a, ot»>.
/ EvtBYWHERB a y Itcures every sort of Pain, Acbe. orWeakncss,
25 CTS. 112 and quickly, too.
sronsl.oC Look far *igna>urc of Hop PLASTER CO.
or mailed 101 price. gf < pROPRiETOns, BOSTOP4, " n the genuine (wotU.
| m "Mil- nil" »itM> IIW