Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 06, 1889, Image 3

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Laporte, Pa. Sept.mber, Gth, 18S9.
The days continue to shorten.
You can now lejrallv kill squirrel.
County fairs will soon be in
Democratic Convention, Septem
ber 10th.
Republican Convention, Septem
ber, 14 th.
To-day (Thursday) is the last day
for registering.
Fifty-four guests left Eagles- 1
Mere, on Monday last.
Dept. Sheriff, R. M. Stormoilt, is '
kept pictty busy these days.
Mark Smith ot Cherry Mills-, was
doing business at the County seat on
E. S. Picree of LaPorte, is visi
ting friends in North Orwell, Brad
ford county.
The plainnei' attached to the La-
Porte saw mill, was putin oppera
tion on Monday.
The forest is turning a shade of j
scarlet. Cold weather will soon be 1
an unwelcome visitor.
Flour and feed at the lowest pos
sible price at the store of Mrs. M.
C. Lauer, LaPorte, Pa.
The W. C. T. U., will meet at the >
room over Meylert & Co., store,.
Friday, Sept. <>th at 8 i>. in.
With the exception of delinquent;.
subscribers everything is a little:,
earlier than usual this year.
James H. Kilpatrick and Robert j
McCoy, jr., of Bridgeport, Pa., arei:
Bummer guests of the Laporte Hotel. |
Dr. W. B. Hill lias sulliciently 1 ,
recovered from his recent illness as ,
to he out and attend to his calls.
Sept. court guests will find charges i
reasonable and board good at the
Mountain House. Give the Mouti-i
tain a call.
A weekly paper, to be run by ]
colored men, in the interest, of the I
colored race, is to be established in j
John Clark of LaPorte twp., re
inoved to this place on Monday last,'
and now occupies the stone house I
on Thorne St.
Persons desiring entertainment |
during court week can be accomoda
ted at reasonable rates at the house,
of Win, Meylert.
J. C. Steek of Davidson, Demo
cratic candidate for Sheriff, passed j
through town on Saturday, en-route
for Sonestown.
While the weather is delightful
in the clear skies and agreeable at- 1
mosphei'e, the amount of dust on the
highways is anything but agreeable, j
Atty. F. H. Ingham of LaPorte, i
left for Philadelphia on Friday!
last, where he will remain several
weeks with his brother, E. P. Ing
Mr. Adam Zaner, of Dusliore, was
a visitor to town this week. Mr. j
Zaner is one of Sullivan county's j
most substantial business men.—
Muncy Luminary.
Mrs. Dr. Murrelle of Athens, who
is visiting Mrs. E. S, Chase of
Eagles Mere, fell from a hammock
and was quite seriously injured i
on Wednesday of last week.
John Yonkin 2d, of Dushore, was'
registered at the LaPorte Hotel, on ;
Sunday. Mr. Yonkin has many I
friends in this section of the county j
who are always pleased to see him. |
li. H. Guy and wife, Jus. A. Ross i
and wife, F. M. Bonfev and wife, I
A. Wilmot and wife, all of Bernice |
were guests of the LaPorte Hotel
on Sunday. While at the county
seat they enjoyed a boat ride on
Lake Mokoma.
The old soldiers are going to have
ii big time at Gettysburg on Sept.
11, and 12. and it is right that they
chould. The regimental organiza
tions will meet, there will be many
monuments dedicated, the old stories
..ill Tie retold, and it is possible that
the boys may take an occasional
drink from the same canteen.
Prol. F. W. Meylert of LaPorte
j has in his possession a pet. It re
'senibles, so we are told, the many
that Job fathered. We have no
proof of tlu; location of those en
dured by Job and Frank thinks had
even one of the torments lighted up
on his nose he would have been cross
irritable and used profane langu
Mrs. Secliler and son of Danville,
are guests oft lie LaPorte Hotel.
Miss Lizzie Lanbach, and Miss
Sallie Laubach, of Danville, are vis
iting Mr. Karns and family of this
Married. —At LaPorte by W. C.
Mason Esq., Aug. 2(>th, 1889.
George Avery and Miss Carrie Fies
tcr, both of LaPorte township.
A large number of city guests
registered at the Mountain House
and Maplewood Cottage, left; for
their homes, in the city, on Satur
day last.
An I. O. 0. F. Encampment was
organized at Unityville, Lycoming
county, on Tuesday, Sent. 3d. A
few members of the Sullivan En
campment witnessed the ceremonies.
Mr. Howard Lyon of Lyon's Lum
bering company and Miss Hood of
Philadelphia, a guest of Eagles-
More, were calling on friends at
L\Porto and viewing the scenery
at Lake Mokoma, on Monday.
Court guests can procure board
at the Eagle Hotel, Henry Kohen
sparger, proprietor, for CO cents per
day. The Eagle Hotel is situated
on the Muncy road about one-half
mile from the borough limits.
The State and the York fairs will
be a joint exhibition this year, and !
will be held on the grounds of the I
latter. The time for holding the ]
same has not been settled upon as j
The Tunkhannock papers are j
anxious that a new depot shall be
erected at that place. The building
was promised them not long ago but
the promise seems to have been for
goten by the R. R. Co.
W. L. Storniont of New York I
citj', arrived in town on Saturday '
evening last and will visit his pa
rents and friends at LaPorte, for
several days. Will has improved
in health very much since his last
visit to LaPorte.
Supervisor, James Murray, with
a large force of men are at work on I
the road in LaPorte twp., between !
this place and Ring's and promises j
the people a good job when they
have completed the same. This is j
The many friends of S. F. Colt, !
jr., will be glad to learn that be j
lis well pleased with his new print-
I ing business in Philadelphia, and
;is doing a much larger business
| than was represented to him by his
partner before his investment.
The new road machine purchased j
j by the supervisors of LaPorte twp.,
is now being used on the Nord
-1 mont road. There is a good oppor
tunity to use the machine to a good
' advantage on this road and the
good resulting therefrom will be
j appreciated by the public.
j An Italian scissor grinder passed j
j through town on Monday and aided !
us quite materially in doing quick
work in the way of writing locals,
&c. lie sharpened our scissors and
j did a first rate job. The tlesh bruis-j
en around our lingers caused by dull j
sicssors will now gtow less.
It is Governor now that Matt Quay
is said to contemplate running for |
as a step in the campaign he is sup- j
posed to have undertaken for cap-
{ tilling the Presidency. The people i
j who are originating all these stories
j about the quiet junior Senator, evi.- j
dently realize that he may reasonab
;ly count upon getting almost any
j position, whether State or national,
i that he may think proper to ask for. ;
jln the meantime, Senator Quay, as
usual, is keeping his own counsel, j
I and will only disclose his wishes j
I • '
I when it suits him to do so, and j
when, in his opinion, the time is
ripe for such step as he may decide
upon taking.
Five texas ponies were brought
to town on Tuesday. The owner
of the heard claimed that one of the
horses was ridden by a texas law
breaker who blew open a safe and
stole over one hundred thousand
dollars. The horse successfully car
ried him to his den with several
police in his persuit. The animal
weighs in the neighborhood of nine
hundred pounds and is well built.
The above spoken of horse was
purchased by Deputy Slierill It. 51.
Stormoilt on Wednesday and is
I claimed by Rob, to be the fastest
• runner in town, for money.
The Democratic candidates for
the nomination of Sheriff, are un
usually busy these days. Democrats
in this section say that Crossley
takes the lead and will make the
nomination easy. It matters not
to the Republican party who the
lucky man may be, if such he is
called, as we will knock him out in
The K. of L. ball given by the
Dushore lodge at that place on
Monday evening, was largely- -at
tended. The receipts of the even
ing were considerably over one huu-,
died dollars. The occasion was
represented by a goodly number of
LaPorters who express themselves
pleased with the evenings entertain
A piciiic will be held at Tivoli on!
this (Thursday ) by the P. O. S. of;
A., composed of the entire district. I
The Sonestown P. (). S. of A.» will
take part. It is said that there will j
be at least two thonsan,d participants.
Prominent speakers will be in at
tendance and will address the meet-!
ing. Excursion rates from Nord
mont 25c. All are cordially invited, j
The figure "9" in our dates is
with us and has Come to stay. No
man or woman now living will ever
date a document without using a 9.
It now stands on the extreme right
—IBB9. Next year it will be in the
second place—lß9o, where it will
remain for ten years. It will then 1
move up to the third place—l9(lo.
and there it will rest on3 hundred
Will it be consistent for the La-
Porte Democratic politicans who have
taken a prominent stand to secure the
Democratic nomination for John Utz,
to vote for the Crossley delegates ?j
It looks to us as if they were held!
to the bull's ring by their brother
Democrats and that they don't have j
much to say about the wire pulling
about home. This sort ot things,
must be humiliating to the little!
side. Some people would use the j
word "mum."
Children** Day (Sunday last) was'
duly observed at LaPorte. The!
teachers of the many Sunday School j
classes spared no pains to make the!
day enjoyable to their pupils. The
cjhurch was very nicely festooned
and the event was generally attend-)
ed by all. Among those who re-j
cited were: Miss Clara Mallard,!
Miss Mamie Uallard, Miss Uerthaj
Crossley, Miss Eva Lawrence. Miss j
Grace Lawrence. Miss Emma Tinkle-!
paugh and Miss Mable Spencer. j
"V\'e acknowledge the receipt of a
complimentary ticket to the Money;
Valley Fair to take place at Huglics
ville on Sept. 25th,, 27th and,
28th, 1889. This fair will be noted,
for fast horse racing as those inter-,
estcd in the project are devoting!
[ especial attention to this matter of*
amusement. The Ilughesville lair!
is the only representation of agricul-j
| tural industry in Lycoming county, j
Fanners and sight-seers ot adjoin-!
ing counties arc cordially invited to
i attend.
The following members of S. S.
j Simmons Post No. 477, of LaPorte
i will visit Gettysburg on Sept. lOtli,
j and will refnain on the battlefield
j during the dedication of the various
| monuments, Sept. lltli and 12th vis:
j D. M. Speary } of Co., K. 141st, Reg.,
Jos. C. Pennington, Co., K.. 111st,
• Reg't., T. S. Simmons, Co., B. 84
Reg't., Benj. M. Speary, of Co., B.
1 84 lleg't., Ceo. \V. Simmons, of sth
Reserves, A. A. linker, of Co., A.
141st, llcg't., and I). W. Darling, of
| Co., li. 141st, Reg't. The old veter
jans anticipate a good time and
| there many friends in this vicinity
j trust that they will not be disap
The following to Jos. C. Pen
nington, Com. of S. S. Simmons
Post No. 477, from the undersigned
will be ot interest to many old
! Veterans who anticipate going to
I Gettysburg to the dedications of
j monuments on Sept. I ltli, and 12th.
Huffhesvillc Aug., Mth, 1889.
.1. C. Pennington, Esq.
Dear sir:- "1 have a reply from
Adjutant General Hastings and I
j find that by having notice, say a
! week in advance, I can procure
tickets through to Gettysburg tor
Veterans who have transportation
orders." BENJ. G. \Y AI.SU.
General Manager. W. A: N. B. R. 11.
Of the many social events that
have enlivened the season at La-
Porte, by far the most unique was
the party*given by Hon. T. .J. Ing
ham and wife at the brick Mansion
on Thursday of last week. The
spacious rooms and halls had been
tastefully decorated with flowers
and evergreens and the broad ver
andas and extensive lawn were
brilliantly illumiratod with a profu
sion of •Taj janese lanterns. About i
seven o'clock and elegant supper
provided by the ladies was partaken
of by the large company, in genuine
picnic style, after which all repaired
to the large parlors on the first floor
and with the enlivening strains of
music the merry dahce began. At
midnight lunch was served after
which dancing was resumed and
continued until about 1 o'clock
when the company, having bidden
the host and hostess and each other
"good-night" returned to their
homes delighted with the enjoyment
of the occasion. Music was furnished
by F. C. Lusch of Onshore.
There were three arrests made in
1 inshore 011 Friday last for the vio
lation of the whiskey law. The
parties were John Carroll, Michael
Carmody and John Utz. The af
fidavit, of the prosecutor sets forth
that the above mentioned parties
furnished stirnnlance to parties un
der 21 years of age. The prosecu
tor, C'has. lloffa, was arrested lust
winter for selling liquor without
a license and it is well known that
Mr. Hofla is clerk for Mr. Pomeroy
who owns a drugstore in Dushore. The
arrest w is believed by all to be spite
work. In fact the entire list as above
quoted may be brought about by
petty grievances and they should
one and all be? mutually settled he
fore Sept. court. The tax payers
of Sullivan count}" have enough
legitimate expenses to settle with
out thrusting upon them a large
amount of cost which is the result
iof "revenge." It is true, however
that one should not escape unless
all are acquitted, and we verilly be
lieve that should the people of Du
shore come together and be neigh
borly and not harbor the jealous
feeling which now exists in that
I town, they would live a much liap
j pier life.
I At/'arte, August, 30th, 1889,
! It is scarcely worth while to j
j make us appear to the outside world
1 any worse off than we are. .Al
though there may not be any lum
! her at the "LaPorte Sawmill," there
is enough m the i?oro to erect sever
al school houses, and Mr. Keeler had
ino difficulty in finding it,. You
; must remember the Boro is larger
! than it once was, and we would sug
j gest that you add another story to
! the "Flynn Stoi - e" before you paint
j it, as the view of your surroundings
i may become enlarged.
| The arrangement made between
the builder and the school trustees
j for the completion of the work was
I satisfactory to both parties, and it
is to be hoped that the architecture
of the building when it is completed
may be more acceptable to the tax
payers than that of the one you
I mention. Respectfully Yours,
We take it for granted that the
above article refers to a local notice
appearing in the REPUBLICAN last
| week.
Mr. "In'erested Party" speaks of
be-littling our town by a scarcity of
dry lumber. We must confess he
takes a very different view of ap
pearances than that entertained by us.
A sear'-'t'y of lumber in a community
whe* sawmills are plenty is con
clusive evidence that our people are
utilizing the same by erecting build
ings which is a credit to our town
and must be acknowledged so by
all. We concede that there is ample
lumber in the Borough for the erec
tion of several buildings outside of
that in stock at the LaPorte saw
mill, but we were told by one of the
School Directors that this was the
cause" of the delay and so informed
our readers. In reference to the school
building being more acceptable
to the people of LaPorte, when com
pleted than the one we mentioned,
will, we arc positive, afford good
news to the tax payeis of LaPorte
• Borough. [En.]
JACKSON'S BLOCK : : Bushore, Pa k
LAWRENCE BROS, offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. H AUDWOOD SLITS as cheap as soil wood
suits, could formerly be bought at Onshore. Everything manufactured
ti-om the best material by skilled workmen.
A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Embalhsiing
when required. Flegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend
ance at funerals. \Ve request a share of the patronage.
• - Lawrence Bros.
To the People of LaPorte,
have recently removed our stock of hardware to
Tin N ew ]V iKim "
known as "Riddle's Block." We have increased our stock immensely
and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
WILL receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of goods
kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job work
and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At
Cunningham & Cole,
TII E best and cheapest coal in the market. I'd
customers from —
T H E price is reduced at the breaker to
qiC-ic\3U TON'.
The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co I. 0. BLIGHT, Supt
H Ik O I>l
j. S. HARRIGTON Proprietor,
Dushore, - - Pa
- 1 :-= 1 I :-= I :-= I =-= | =-: ] | ■
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stocft
of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for small
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
BOOTS & SHOES made to order
If you want a fine sowed boot or shoe try 112 sample pair. Repairing
done on short notice.
Mens' Youths Boys' and Chil-«
drens Cltoliing
Crouin's New Block, Dushoe, Pa.
LAPORTE - - - - - PA
m-i'vifiotnrc all kinds of heavy and light wagons at reasonable prices
Have on hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom uriccs All
work guaranteed. Call and examine mv stock.
fS''l Stdearbe, Rheuiuatlsn!,
/"V A m SKI C Kidney Weakness, Tender iAinfrn,
H / _ r |R B IJF I Bore Cheat, Stiff Muscles, Femai*
/ SOLO B Pains, Crick, Sprains, etc.
#Y EVERYWHERE ny Q Itcnrcs every sort of Pain, Ache, or Weakaesf,
25 CTS. / and quickly, too.
5 FOR SI.OO Lnoljarttgnatvre of HOP PLASTERCO.,*
or mailed for price. J PROPRIETORS BOSTON, <"• the pcnuiue voodi.