Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 06, 1889, Image 2
fs© P^FaELICi^I}. W.M. CHENE? - - - Editor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, Bth, 18 9. ENTEIiED AT POST-OFFU 'E. r.A PORTE l»\., A 8 SECOND-CLASS MATTER. J. V. RETPENEURY, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, DUSHORE, PA. IteimMiran Priinarj- Urftinil, The Republican Vigilance com mittee aie hereby directed to hold a primary election in each of the sever al boroughs and townships of the county on Friday Sept., 13th, 1880 at the place of the general elections, between the hours of o and 7 p. in., for the purpose of electing delegates from each district to a county con vention, which will convene the fol lowing Saturday Sept. 14th, at 2 p. m., in the Court House, LaPorte Pa., at which said convention nornina ntions will be made for the following olliees: Prothonotary an 1 Sheriff. [We are obliged lo call the con vention on the above mentioned date owing to the fact that court commences on the 16th. of Sept. and will continue in session for two weeks thus preventing us the use of the Court House during said time. We make this explanation for the I benefit of those who are curious to know why we call the convention on Saturday. We trust that each precinct will be well represented.] The Vigilance committee are as follows: Bernice —Wm. Phillips, Joel j Sack son, Harry Hamson. Volley —M. W. Reeser, Charles Schock, John Housewert. Cherry —Nelson Cox, Henry Stall 1, .'os. Sick. • Dushore —F. P. Vincent, Charles j Croll, Charles lIofT. Davidson —Charles Cox, Peter Whitacre, D. 11. Lorah. Flkland- —Jos. Grange, J. J. Tec van, R. \V. Wright. Forks twp. —Wm. Bird, E. R. Warburton, David Molyneux. Forksoille —E. J. Stuidevant, J. Fleming, I). T. Huckell .Fox —J. P. Kilmer, Tlios. McKay, | Wm. Kilmer. Ilillsgrove —Homer Peck, Geo. Darby, Chas. Sadler. lopcz —W. R. Jennings, Jos. Walburn, C. W. Wilhelm. TAl Porte twp. —Chas. Mead, Geo. Fiester, Z. E. Botsford. LaPorte boro. —J. 11. Thomas Frank Meylert, A. J. Hackley. Shrewsbury —John A un milcr, Geo. B. Danlej-, E. V. Ingham. Wm. CHENEY, Chairman 11cp.., Standing Com. LaPorte, Aug. x'Gtli. 18S9. OVER THE NIAGARA FALLS- It is Claimed that Graham Made the ' Leap in His Barrel. NIAGARA FAI,I,H, Sept. Ist.—Last Sunday afternoon Carlisle I). Gra ham made a successful trip through the whirpool rapids, the Maelstrom Foster's flats, before an assembled multitude of 15,000 people, that was preparatory to his effort to-day to pass over the falls, which according to Graham himself and a few other witnesses, was accomplished in safety. The same barrel was used. At 6 o'clock this morning it was towed out into the river by Andy Home and Garret Cahill,and at 0:45 a. m. it was let go at the point opposite the Chippewa Creek. Down the current it swept, plunging over reefs, then out of sight, till at 7:10 it ap proached the brink and dropped 200 feet into the abyss IKIIOW. The bar rel soon reappeared intact and was i espied in an eddy. Elmer Jones swam out from the Canadian shore, caught hold of the rope fastened to the barrel and towed it in shorei where just at 7:25 a. m. Graham was lifted out by Jones and Cahill. Graham was quickly brought out more dead than alive to Home's saloon, on this side. Graham him self says the first 1 knew was when someone struck the barrel and said: "Graham are you alive?" He com plained of terrible pains in the back and head from the rocking he had received, and could talk but inco herently. About a dozen people verify the statement that Graham was in the barrel and many more will say that they saw the barrel go over. Graham was probably led to h'-< exploit In the appearance here of Steve Brodie villi the avowed in tention ol jumping the falls. I SHORT lIISTOK Y OF EVI S rrici S AND it AIM ED ll* SUM.IVAN roi -vrv. il< r t urn IIIHI l'n«i l.iltt-l.ivm for n Time n) Brrnlet mjil 4'ainiva.t<-« Waller I'iirsotK., the ninn EI.MII: A, Dushore, Sullivan county, Pa., to the Advertiser, Kays that Mrs. Rob ert. May Hamilton, who is implicated in the stabbing affair at Atlantic City, is an okl resident of this place. She is the daughter of William Steel and was born in Wilmot twp., sonic thirty years ago. Her maiden name was Eva Steel. About 1870, at the time of the opening of the Bernice coalmine in Sullivan couti ty, the family removed to that place. Ilere Eva developed into woman hood, and about 1876 with her beamy, added to a perfectly deve loped figure, she captivated Walter Parsons, son of a prominent gentle man from Boston, who was then superintendent of tLe mines. TIIK NEXT TWO YEARS. During the next two 3'ears they passed as man and wife in this vic inity, Parsons saying she was his wife at the hotels where they stop ped. In 1878 Parsons became tired of the fair but frail Eva, and re turned to Boston, leaving Miss Eva behind. For several years she drifted between Towanda, Elmiraaiul Waverly. About 1881 she left this vicinity going to New York. The last time she visited this town was during the holidays last year. She was accompanied by a man who gave his name as J. Mann, who claimed to be her husband. Those who knew her at the time of her liason with Walter Parsons said her beauty was much faded and she showed unmistakable evidence of her <ast life. How SHE AND HER COMRADK LIVED IN ELM IUA LAST FALL AT A IIOTKL. The Advertiser of yesterday says: It is now generally known and eon ceded that about six or eight years ago Mrs. Hamilton was a resident of Elmira, but a few people in fact, not more than a half dozen, is it known that she lived there less than a year ago. The woman arrived iu Elmira early last fall, ac companied by a man, who proceed ed with her to one of the most fash ionable of the city hotels and there they registered as Mr. and Mrs. J. Mann. They engaged sumptuous apartments in the hotel, spent money lavishly, and in short rolled high. She attracted much atten tion by her rich attire, and seldom appeared twice in the same custume. SILKS AND DIAMONDS. Her robes were all of si'k, and diamonds always ornamented her ears, hair and neck. Their apart, ments were the scenes of nightly revelries, and Dr. Morse was upon several occasions called into ad minister to the woman when suffer ing from the effects ol the previous evening's dissipation. Such pro ceedings soon attracted the atten tion of the other guests of the house and also of the proprietor, who im mediately caused their removal from the house. They then engaged apartments in a dwelling on West Third street. Here their hilarity continued, and the same lavish ex penditure of money was kept up. WHAT MR. MANN WANTED. Dr. Morse was several times summond to their new residence, and one day received a call from Mr. Mann, requesting the doctor to accompany him to one ot the city banks to identify them that they might get the money on a check for $-200, made payable to Mrs. Mann. He did so, but the cashier thought more than a mere introduct ion was necessary and requested Dr. Morse to put his name upon the check, lie was of course too good a business man to do this, but gave the man a loan of which was repaid the next day. Subsequently Mrs. Mann opened an account with the bank and frequently deposited checks for large amounts drawn by Robert Hay Hamilton, of New York. LEFT ELMIRA. They remained but a short time when they went to Towanda, Pa., where Eva's brother was in trouble cl.aiged with some state prison of tense. By a liberal expenditure ofi money they succeeded in clearing the brother at the trial and returned to this city, when Mrs. Mann drew out the balance remaining to her credit in the bank, amounting to some st<oo or §BOO, and the two re turned to New York. UNFORTUX.VTE ALL AKOrXJ). NEW YORK, Aug. 30th.—During tho past year Robert Ray Hamilton has been dealing largely in re:J es tate in this city and Brooklyn. None of the deeds recorded make any mention of Mrs. Hamilton, and in several the granter, Robert Bay Hamilton,, is especially declared to be unmarried. The law provides that a married man cannot sell pron erty in real estate without inserting his wife's name in the deed of con veyance, because every married woman has an inchoate right of dow er in her husband's estate, which upon his death she can claim as her own. The absence from which an indenture of the name of the wile cf the granter, if his wife is living at the time, impairs the title to the property and the purchaser or gran tee has cause for damages in legal proceedings. It is believed Mr. Hamilton was married at this time last year. The exact date of his marriage will he a matter of impor tance to persons who have purchased estate from him. Mr. Hamilton was one of the pro moters of the Metropolitan Land Improvement Company, which bought extensive tracts in the Twenty-fifth Ward aud sold small parcels to persons in poor circum stances who built their homes there on. If the sales were made after Hamilton's marriage all tho gran tees will find themselves liable to expensive litigation in the event of Mrs. Hamilton surviving her hus band. The sales of Brooklyn prop erty amounted to more than !?30,- 000. A MAN 118 YEARS OLD. He Has » Good Appetite and Is Par ticularly Fond ofTobaeeo. Ottaw v, Ont., Aug. I'i. —The town of Winchester, forty miles from tliis city, claims the oldest in habitant of the Dominion, llis name is John Page, a native of Sus sex, England, where he was born in July, 1771, or five years before the Declaration of Independence. At an early age he ran away to sea, but was subsequently recovered and bound as a ship's apprentice to a Captain Harvey, in the merchant service, and while still in his ap prenticeship he was pressed into the British Navy, where he served un der Lord Nelson at the Castle of Trafalgar. liis intellect is clear, and he en joys talking over bis boyhood days of over a century ago. He distinct ly remembers Napoleon and his first Empress. Although 118 years uld, he can still walk, has a good ap petite and his relish for tobacco is strong. W. C. T. (i. Convention. The annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Sullivan county, will con vene at Forksville Pa. Sept. 25th, 1889. IT.OfiltAM ME, Afternoon session, 2 p. m.—De votional exercises—Singing—Head ing minutes—Address of welcome, .Mrs. A. F. Ney—Response, Mrs. A. Hoffman—Singing—Reports ot Superintendents of departments— Miscellaneous business—Adjourn ment—Benediction—Evening ses sion, 7p. m.—Devotional exercises Rev. H. Lounsbuiy—Singing— Reading minutes—President's an nuiil address—An address, Kev. I*. It. Pittman—-The present phases of temperances work Mrs. A. A. Rath burn—Women's franchise, Mrs. M. E. Farrell—Adjournment singing— Benediction. It is earnestly desired that the local unions be as largely represen ted as possible. Let all interested in the temperance worK, make an effort to attend both sessions Mrs. A. A. Rathiiurn, Pres. Miss 11. M. Little, Sec'v. As the days go by the prospects of a Republican sheriff for Lycoming County grow brighter. The latest outcome of the Democratic embrog lio is the announcement that R. W, Lcbo, who was defeat ed for the nomination for sheriff, will run on an independent Demo cratic ticket. It is neadless to add that the chances of Lewis Homer Martin are proportionately increas ed thereby. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to Hon. Judge A. Sittser Presi dent Judge of tho Court of C< mmon Pleas of Sullivan county, on the 18th, day of Sept 1880. at 2 o'clock p. in., ior the Charter of a corporation to be called "The Mokoma Heights Improvement Association " The charter and object of which arc the improve, ment and beautifying of .'Mokoma Heights" in'orte Ilnro, Sullivan county Pennsy Ivania. t. M. DUNHAM, Solicitor. LaPorte Pa. August 20th, l^Sil. Ol» Kit 1 l-'F'S SA m.—By virtue of a writ of k Fi. Fa is-tird out of the court of common plen> of Sullivan county, Pa., and to me directed .ittil delivered, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in LaPo-te, on Tueg d.'V, Sept. lnber 17th, 188!), at 1:30 p. m. All that ce ai:i lot 112 i'ee or ptr-'el of land situated in town-hip of Colley, county of Sullivan ard stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and d-seribed as follows: Beginning at the east corner of Chas. .Vnrmngstar's lot; thence south 7S des grc s, e:nt -HI live-tenth petchcs to a corner on •'otley Mill lot. thence abinj* said lot south 4 degrees wes\ 211! 7-10 parches to the Rawlo line to a corner, thence north 87 degrees w st flll perches to of lot sold Morningttp.r; thence by the sama north II degrees en«t 230 perches to lh'- plnoj of beirinnin?, cont tinit g \*7 acres and 17 perches of land more or le ff s. Together with the right of way 30 feet wide from said lot to the public road as follows: Beginning at a corner of the lot above des cribed on the Coltey Mill lot and land gold M--ser j nilli or Weniall; thence S"ttth >t> de grees cast 1(1 1-10 perches to public road down the e-eck, thence down the 112 üblia road 30 feet thence in a line parallel with the first line north 87 decrees west aboilt Ifij} pirelies to the lino of the Cclley Mill lot; thence north I decrees east, 30 fi'Ct to the place ot beginning. Having cr-'Oted therooij one large two story frame bouse, granery and other outbuildings, the land being about ore— thirl improved and in a state of cultivation with a number of fruit trees thereon and the bind being well w-utered. Seize! and taken into execution and to be soldantbe properly of W, E. Hun'injer at the suit of John Utz. HENRY TRfPP, Sheriff. SherilTs Office, LaPorte. Pa., Aug. !l, 'IBBSI. OHERIFFS' SALE.-By virtue of a writ of O Ft. Fa. issued out the court of Common Pleas of Sullivan coun'y. Pa , arid to tne dfreet cd and delivered there will be exposed to pub liu sale nt the Coutt House in LaPorte, on Tuesday the 17th day of September, A. D., 18811, at 1:30 p. m. vl 11 that certain lot jiiece or parcel of land situate I lying and !>eing in the township of Forks. County of and State of Pcnn sylvHtiia, bounded and described as 112 -11 -»ws, viz: Hesjinning at a post and stone corner made by 'Jco. WnlUer f>r the north corner of the Ceo. KtMi ~ warrant thence al ni* the line Chnrlrs Pleasant*, warrant, north 57 decrees west 125 ju rchi'j* to a I'ee, h corner: thence ill'-nLi lands of bowman >t north ;!2 <le prces iihout 100 perches to the Little I.oval S. i; cr"ek. thcncc bv the middle of sa ; I Mr am Iv the several ther < fabo-it Lit) j.rle* to the line of the land* of Christian Tayl«»r, th-nee silong to-* said line south .'MA d, _r es west nb ut c «» perches more or less to the place of heginninr, containing about 70 acres in re «»r lean. Having erected thereon a one story plank house, one small barn and other out buiblngs. About .V» acres being in a good state of cultivation, and having a small fruit orchard thereon, Seized and taken into execution as the prop crfv of Williba J!. Kinebold at the suit of Chas. I'.ir 1. HLNRY TRIPP. Sher ff. Sheriff's Office, LaPorte. Pa., Aug. 20th, ISS9. Triiil Keplomber Term, ISSJK (H ETC UN DAY S KPT KM HEP., 16 1859.) FIRST WKEK. No. 1 J. IV, Punning vs Mathias Postian, No Sept. term 18Sfi, assumpsit; Thomson for PlfT. Dunham for Dft* 2 11 P Me vers vs <»eo C Jackson No 87 December teim l s< *7; assumpsit- Dunham for plaintiff, Thorn >n and K P Ingham for deft. No. C. !>• ElJred vs Milton Oilman and N 1 M. Oilman. No. 7-1 Feby. term ' KjrCtment. Dunham for plft*. Ing natn f»r dl't. N-. t. J. S TfoflTa vs C. W. Welhelm, No. 129, May'erin isss, Assumpsit; Cronin for piPT T1 omson tor dft. No. f> Richard Corcoran vs Margaret Cor coran Kxtx Nfc» 17 September ISSB, Downs and Sc »ut n for Plft Tngham f«>r Dft. No. C. Mary Ann Hah»* vs A. 11. Zaner Admi's. No. 55 Sept. term lsss. Framed issue, Collin* tor pltT. Th»imon for deft. No 7. Slav Ann Ruhr vs A. 11. Zaner, Admi's. No. 50, Sept. teim ISSS Frnm*-d issue. Same Atty's. No. Juo. Tiechart (use.) The Pa. S N. Y. Canal \ I». R. Co., No. 107 September term Issn, Deft, appeal: Scouten fur Plft*. Streeter, Daus and Hall for Pft. No «.t O'Neill\s Meduirea?»d Rouse No » December term ISSN, Dft -. appeal- Cronin for PIT. Collins tor I)ft* No 10 John Fox v< 11. C. Fuller and Malford Williams, Trustees of the Evangelical ehurcth ofS .uok Pa. No. 39. Dec. term ISBS. Djts ap* peal, Seouien for I'ltT* In rham for Dft. No, 11 11. M Mullen vs F.lise Staub No. 1 F by. terra ISSs. Assumpsit; Scouten for plft', Jughams for dft. SECOND WEEK. No. 12. Thomas King vs Forks twp No. 25 Dee, term 1>"72 Tresja> on the case, Scouten for plft*. Ingham and Smith for dft. No. HI James D.inn vs William Dunn. No 19 Dec Term l s *(>. Eject. Thomson and Dunham for Creuin, Collins and Ingham a for Deft. No. 14 Geo. »V. Craft vs Win. Warn, at. al. No. 32 Sept. T. I^B7—Trespass —E. P. Ing ham and Grim for plff. Crawford and Downs for dclt/S. No. 15 John Craft et. al. vs Wm. Warn, ct. al. N).32 Sept. T. ISs7 —Lrespass-*-E. P. Ing hain and Grim for pltf. Downs and Crawford for deft's. No. It). The Susquehanna Mutual Tip' Irsorince Company of Marri.-burir Pa. vs Thomas J. Keeler No. 07 Sept. Term ISS7. pltl's appeal T. J. Ingham for plff, Dunham for deft. 17. Same ts F. M. Crossley, 6S Sept. term 18S7; pill's appeal. Same Attorney's. No 13 J. M. Osier vs Ario Pardee No . r »l Deo. term ISH7; Dfts appeal, Dunham for Plft. E. P. Ingham for Deft. No. 19 W. C. tlarey vs F. P. Vincent No 90 Dec. term ISS7. Defts. appeal; Dunham for Plff. Ingham for Dft. No. 20. Mary Whitely, Executrix Ac* vs Jno. W. Whitley Adr. et al. No. 68 Feby. term 1888. Sci Fa. Dunham T. J. and F. 11. Inir- | ham for riff. E. P. Ingham and Crawford for j dft f T o 21 W. C. <Urcy vs F. P, Vincent, No. | 111 May term 1888, Dfts appeal: Dunham fori Plft'. Ingham for Dft. No. 22 Frontz vs Henry Williams et al No. 91 Feb. term 1888, assumpsit,* E. P. lughain lor Plft". Dunham for Deft. A. WALSH. Protl \v Proth'y's. Office. LaPorto, Pa.. Aug. .'ld, 18S9. _ ■I 't" o -V**, ' f.lte.j b> SHHW M'HILADKI.ritI A. PA. ta-eat once, no operation or io.-s < 112 tii-iefrom business. Cases i»rono'.ii»ee»l in curable by otueib wanted. Wen it tor < ireutar. CURE GUARANTEED. '■ Al OIUK jiUT!■.],. 1 kj It. KARNS, Prnjiripiot. I A largo nut 1 cuuuioub'us house. poss» b- ( siti£ till th«» attribute «if it fir t-clafw iiotoi I The Bar is well The I Vf tlio public rcsouctt'uliy SHERIFF'S SALE by virtue of n writ of Fi. j Pa. ismjed out «>f tbe court of Common pleas of Sailivnn county Pennsylvania, find to ni« Hirectofl and delivered iherc wi'l !>e ex posed to publin sale ut th« Court House in Laporlo, on Fri'lnv the 20th ilav of bentemher A. I). 18S0, at 1:110 |> 111. All that certain lot, piece or p&rcel pf land fit tinted lying and in in th»- twp., ofFox, C<»i:nty of Sullivan and State < 112 Pennpvlvania, hounded and de scribed nsj follow* vi/: Bepiuning at a post in the road opposite the cemetery on the weßt ride of the creek, thence 1-y lands of Kveret Shadduck, north sft § perches to a .stake and i tones, thence west by said Shaddock and If. D. Pickers.>n. 73* perches to a post in road, thence north 62$ /perches to a p«.st, or point, thence by land of (Jno. I'.. Dickc-son east 180 parches to stone : heap which stone heap is 10 perches east of 1 crick and whi-h 10 perches is bounded by land I of Peter Hozier thence by land of Pet<-r il«»zier ■ and Win. lioziers uth 24 1-4 decrees ea-t I 8(i perches to a post and stones thence by land !( i Jno. Campbell north 82 degrees west 14 porches to a post and stones it being 4 porches west of the creek thence by land of said Camp bell fouth 5 degrees west 42 peaches to a post ; or* point in road, ihence along said road by the ! following several courses that is north (»9 de crees west l.*» perches north 87 degrees west 5 I | erchOs north 88 degrees west 22 ]><rches north ; t 2 degrees west 18 perebor to the place of be ginning containing 00 acr» sin the samcinorcor |le s. 'lh" lan I being mo-tjv improved, well watered, fruit orchar I ami having erected there on two large two story housed one laree frame i bank barn, also one lingo hors • b un, one I small ore story dwelling house ai»d other out f buildii gs. j ALSO one other lot piece or parcel of land situated in Fox township. County of Sullivan ■and .-tate oi Pennsylvania, aforesaid bounded I and described as follows, viz: J Beginning at a po-t corner of iand conveyed Ito Mortimer Williams by Henry tYiiliaius on line of la id of Richard Swingle, thence South about v»7A perches to corner of latd !■ rmely of Win. Hosier. thence along sai l laud j 09 perches to center of a creek, thonoe up said ■ creek itsseveral course* and distinces about i>7i ! ]»erohes to land sold Mortimer Williams by | Henry Williams thence along said land east j about sO perches to the place of beginning ; containing 25 acres more or 1.-ss. bjing nearly i all timber land with the hemlock timber re . moved about 4 aces improved- Seized and takeu into execution and to be j sold as the property of Henry Williams. | ALSO one other lot, piece or parcel of land j situated in the twp., County ot Sullivan, and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid bounded and I described as tt lluws viz: Beginning at a pot in the center of a creek ' known as the HoaJand Branch, thence east ;by landa of Potter (or Pattoti) ti'j perches to a post corner of lands of tiide-n Wibox, theme south by lands of Kichird Swingle 115 perches to a P"St. thence west by I t nils of grantor about 80 perches t« the center «.t aforesaid creek thence up said creek its several courses 115 perches to the pi too of beginning, con -1 tainiuing 50 acres bo the same more or less being a part of the (Jcnrgo Latatuer warrant and c mveyed to the grantor by deed of Peter Hosier and fifi which deed it ret ord< 1 in La• poru i i Deed liook So. V 102 About 1;> acres improved will watered, lruit orchard and hiving erected ther-'on one good two story frame dwelling house small barn and other out buildings. ALSO another lot. of land beginning at the north w st corner of land of John P. Kilmer thence south twenty four and one forth de ! greca cast eight-six perches to a post and stones thence north S5 degrees west by lands of Is me Williams K. S. Fanning and Jessie McCorinick fourteen perches t » a post and , stones thence north by public highway to line of \\ m. Albert* thence east to pla-e ot begin j ing containing ab>ut twenty acres more or j less and having thereon a steam saw mill. Seiz«'d and taken in execution and to be ! sold as the pr »p..rtv of Henry and Mortimer t Williams at the suit of Chas. E. Bullock. 11 EN RY TK t PP, Sheriff , Sheriffs Office. LaPorte, Pa.. August 27th, '^9. T REGISTER'S NOTICE. M i ! Notice is hereby given that the following aceounts etc., of etc., have been filed in the office of the Register of Wills , etc., in an I tor the county of Sullivan, viz: j Final a count of John Wright Adm'r. of Martin Ralph dee'd. j Kinal account of W. H. I). (Jrecn, Ex'or of | John S. (Ireen dee'd. ! Firs?, and Final account of It. T. Battin and j A brain Fardoe Admr' of tieo. Pardoe dee'd. j F pal nccunt of Matthew J. Burns Ex'or i of J. hn D uke, dee'd. I And the following widows Appraisements I have been filed: I In the Estate of Daniel. William® dee'd. ' | In the Estate o tieo. (lower, dec'l. j In the Estate of August Oeehsley, dee'd. j And that the sain will be presentol to the i Orphans' Court oi said County on Wednesday the 18th day oi' September, ISSQ, at o'clock j p. m.for confirmation and allowance. A. WALSH, Register, j Registers Office, LaPorte. Pa., Aug. 17th, 1889. Noi SEPTEMBER TERM, I - —ln the Orphan's Court of Sullivan county Penna Estate of tJeorge Pardo»« dee'd. To the heirs of tieo. Pardoe dee'd, and nil others interested. Mary E. Bly. wife of Win. ltly, Delilah S. Pardoe, Hattie Louden wife of John Louden MarrieM. Battin, wife of Reuben T. Battin, Alvin Pardoe, Emma Everett wi'e j of Cbas. I>. Everett, anil A brain 1.. Pardoe. I You are hereby notified that the Orpans court of said county awarded an inquest to make (partition and valuation ofeeitain real estate, of the said tieo. Pardoe dce.d, consisting of a me pitage and tract of about one hundred and I six acrep of land situated in Elklan 1 iwp.» in , >aia county and that said i» ue>t will be held | (>ri sai l premises on Monday ihe 2nd day of Si i*« mber A. D. 1880 At. 2 o'clock p. m. at which time and pi e • you are requested to at tend if)on think pr per HENRY TRIPP, She iIT. Sheriff's Office. Laporte Pa., Aug. sth, 1889* |Campb3ll <&Son. | General merchants of Shunk, wish ! 'to call the attention of the many I ! citizens of the 'Western portion of j ithe county to tho fine selection ofi poods just received, consisting of : Summer Prints, l>re»s Suitings. Ginghams and all kind ofDry Goods and Notions, Jerseys, Gloves and [Mit's, Ladies and (Jents Furnishing Goods, Men'B Boy's and Children's | clothing Hats and Caps, Boots and ' Shoes, Straw Goods, Crockery and I Glassware, Hardware and Haying tools, and a Fresh line of Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars, and every thing usually kept in a General Store, also Agents tot BOWSER'S FERTILIZERS We have the finest and largest assortment of goods ever oll'ered to the people of Shunk and vicinity, and soil as cheap as any firm in the county. Give n-.a trial and In; con vinced. Thanking our old custom ers for their patronage in past, and j trusting that they may continue, we remain yours etc. j. H. CAM L'UKLI, «V Sox. June. LSS'.i. Shunt, l'a JGON'T QVERLOOK JHAT T. J. Keeler, Is adding every week to his well Selected Stock of Merchandise con sisting of Dry (ioods, Motions, Ready made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Hardward Queens ware, Flour, Feed etc. i Prices as low as the lowest. Call : and be convinced of good qualities jnnd low prices. T. J. KEELER, | Laporte, Pa., Aug. Bth, 1889. MEW HOTEL JUST OPENED, . R. P.. \7ARB';RTOX j Prop'r. FO]4KSYII.LT:, PA. This is a large and commodious j house, with large airy rooms, and ia 'furnished in first class style. The ! host of accommodations oflercd tran jsient or steady boarders. Forksville : is situated along the Loyal Sock and . is a very pretty town and a favorite !summer resort for citv iruosts. R. P>. W ARBURTOX, Prop'r. Forksville, Aug. Ist, 1883. LORAH'S HOTEL. DANIEL 11. LOB AH PROP'R. Tnis is a large and commodiotiu j house, with large airy rooms, furn-> shed in first cluss style. A desira* ! ble place for those who desire toes : cape the heated term. Hunting and fishing in their season. The bar is supplied wit h choice liquors & cigars. Nov. 13 'BS. A NEW STORE AT * —FOIIKSVILLE- —* I+• ■ + j The undersigned has opened an I agricultural store at Forksville, and carries in stock a full line of Seed ers. (The celebrated '•Warner".) Plows, Harrows, Mowing Machine*, Hinders, JReapers, Farm 'Wagons f i Hiring Wagons, Jinggies, ' Sleighs, Cutters, k etc. | lti fact all lino- of farm utensils? and agricultural implements. Come ! and examine my stock and prices. F. 0. SCIJANBACKER. April llt.h..lSSß. \W~ B - HILL,MD PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Office on the cornor of Main <& Feeeh S LAFORTE. PA. I F;/5 JJ>IX AI N HJY H£■ LA.PORTE, IVV. j An attractive, home-like hotel, j Every effort made to entertain satis |faetorily. MRS. M. C. LAUEK, Proprietor. I ________ GGENRY L. DOWNS, ATTO R N* ET-A T-LA W Ex-Prothonotary, Register Recorder of Sull.C Office at Residence'on M uney street LA PORTE, PA. T. J. & F. H. INGHAM, Attorneys at Law, Legal Business attended to in this 'and adjoining Counties. I Telephone communication direct | with County Olfices at Laporte. I January, 1888. OU&\ OitelOilsl Or own *lf' tnc., TKFIK EST BURNING CILMAGE I THE CROWNING GLORY 1 of the times for illuminating puposes, or a family light—family safety oil CROWN A ( ME, TIIE CREAM OF PETROLEUM. IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE. You can pin your faith to it as a FAMILY SAFETY OIL. If you value light and safety in your homes, ask for Crows Acme. For sale to ilie trade by Yours Truly, ELMIIIA CIL CO., ELMIIJA, N. Y. §ALES £1 A H WANTED' to canvass for the sale of Nursery Sio:"!i! Steady employment guarn te« 1. Salary and . spenses paid to successful men. Apply at once stating age- Mention this paper. CIIASK DBOTIIKKS COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y.