Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 30, 1889, Image 3

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LAPOBTE, I'A. AUGUST, 30th, 1889.
To Our Patron*.
We need money. Our expenses
have to be met :uid we can only 'ex
pect relief from those who owe 'tis.
We aencl out statements of indebted
ness this W6ek to ft given dMe,
amounting in the aggregate one hun
dred dollars. If you receive a
'slip showing your indebtedness be
kind enough to consider the claim
and if you cannot pay the entire
amount we shall be glatf to place to
your credit such sum as yon may
"remit. Generally the claims ate
small, scattered over a wide terri
tory, and it will not pay us to send
out a collector, so please remit
promptly by r»kil, or'cafl at our of
fice, and help as far as you can.
Court Sept. l(>th.
Picnic! 1 are quite fashionable no*v
The school Vacations, are drawing
'to a close.
Dr. W. 13. Hill of LaPorte, is of
the sick list.
Will the coming campaign be a
smooth one ?
Republican delegate election, Fri
'day September 13th.
Republican County Convention
Saturday Sept. 14th.
Prothy'y. Walsh spefct Sftnday
with friends in Dnshore.
. i , I
Now is the proper time to lay in
•your VriOTer's supply of coal.
Sheriff Tripp, removed his house
hold goods to ShuAk, lust week.
Miss Lulu Crawf6rd of Hughes-
Ville, is visiting friends in town.
The best quality of cigars and to-1
bacco in town, at the post office. '
The guests of Eagles.Mere will
soon depart for their city homes.
Our streets neveV were known to '
be so dusty as they are at present.
Miss Aniuv McGeeof Stuncy Valley
Was visiting in town, on Sat
Att'y. P. M. Don lla ill waS called
to Forksvillo, ort legal business, j
A party bf Sonestown and vicinity
enjoyed a picnic at Lake Mokoma
on Saturday.
Ex-county commissioner, J. J. |
Low, of LaPorte twpv, was in town j
on Sunday.
Next Sunday is Childrens' Day
'and the little folks are anticipating
H nice quiet time.
Read, call for the Republican dele
gate election and county fconveiition,
elsewhere ii ( this issiie.
James Connor and wife, of Beruice
passed through town on Sunday en
route for Eagles Mere.
Mr. Walter Spencer is having his
residence painted, on Muncy St.
Edwin Stailley is doing the work. I
Quite a large delegation of people
from LaPorte, witnessed the scull
race at the 'Mere on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker of Muficy
were in town on Monday and were
entertained by Mi's. Michael Meylert.
The Towtindsi ball clul) are play,
ing good ball tiiis season, having
lost but one game since they organ
The Hotel EaglesMefb orchestra,
which by the way is extra fine, will
leave for Lewisburg, there home, oil
Saturday next.
It is said that the Pcnna. R. R.
Co.. has purchased the W. & N. 8.,
and will take possession of the si/nc
next month.
Mr. Thenr* " ->(fn' er of Will-
Sullivan county and Benton, Col
umbia county, fairs will occur on
the same dates Oct. 2, 3 and 4th-
The Benton, however, will continue
on the sth.
Miss Dora Clark, daughter of
Jasper Clark, of Elmira, formerly of
LaPorte, who has been visiting old
ac(plaintances in town, left for her
home, on Tuesday.
The little daughter, Annie of Mr.
aid Mrs. S. F. Colt ,Vr., of LaPorte,,
■who has been seriously ill for the
past week, is reported much better,
at this writing.
John H. Green of LaPorte will
leave for Washington, 1). C., the last
of this week or 'the fore part of next.
He will remaiii at the Capital for
several months.
The Lake Mokoma Land Comtaany
have a large force of men at work
making improvements on their prop
erty. Work will continue on the
same until snow interrupts.
Editor Streby of'the Gazette called
at our sanctum ort Monday. We
unfortunately were absent from
town and did not enjoy a hand shake
with our brother publisher.
The most successful Advertisers
are using Remington Br6s.' Cou'ity
Seat Lists, issued at Pittsburg.
They cover the ground the n v ost
thoroughly with the least expense.
Republican candidates for the of
fice of Sheriff, aVe booking up ii'. all
parts of the county. They consider ,
5t an easy matter to knock Utz out.,
should he gel the Democratic nom-,
The people of Columbia county
do not elect any county ofliccd this
tall, consequently there will be no
county conventions held in said
county. 'Quite a rare eircuhistance
>n any locality.
John V. Hill Esq., of Hughes ville
who has been visiting his son P K.!
Hill, dentist, of Rochester, returned
by the way of LaPorte, and is now j
the guest of his sou, Dr. W. B. Hill,
of this place.
A large number of our citizens
witnessed the bllrnicg of debris on
Brady's Point, Lake Mokoma, from
Clilf View, Tuesday evening. It was
a beautiful scene. The Reflection oil
llie water made it grand.
•tames P. Walsh, liveryman, and
j. W. Ballai'd,blacksmith and wagoii |
niaker, both of LaPorte, have recent
ly advertised there business with
handsome signs. The/, were lettered
by a traveling artist.
We have a resident in our tdwn
who is very loving lo his family,
lir said the other day that he wished
lie could "pack them in a band-box,
arid send them up to heaven for a
shoi-t vacation.''
Republican voters 111 the several
districts of this county will do well
tb rbtiieinber that September sth, is
the last day for being registered;
Evehy votet should give this matter |
his pei'sofial attention without delhy.
Grant Avery and Miss Fiesler
daughter of Michael Fioster, of t<a-
Porte twp., will join in bonds of]
matrimony soon. Licenses liave
been granted which is a pretty good \
sign that the event will take place:
Janles Cannody and Miss Emma
Deegan both of Lopez," were calling
on Prothy. Walsh, on important
business, on Saturday. A marriage
license we recon. Jilst when the
happy event will take place we are
unable to say.
The P. O. S. of A., festival given
by Washington Cainp' No. 344 of
Sonestown at said place on Saturday
evening last, was attended by a large
delegation of people and was finan
cially, a success. A number of peo
ple of LaPorte, were present at the
The building in which the Govern
ment printing office at Washington
city is located is said to be in very
bad condition, aria even to lie posi
tively unsafe for occupancy. This
ill not, however, interfere with the
h to secure solt places in it.
'le Democrats are making extra
a'ry efforts to have all their
assessed. Let our Vigilance
'tees see that every Republi
• is properly registered aiu'
taxes .Ire paid. But let
pay his own Uix. The
voting,,should not be
v aiioth'ef. tb'ting is
gest privilege.4" of citi
• that you are registcr
-sth, of September.
Read Sheriff Sales, elsewhere in
this issue.
We are unable to publish all the
news we have in typethis week. Our
space will not permit it.
The Phantom party which was
gn en by Mrs. Chas. Wrede at her
residence 011 Thursday evening last
was enjoyed imuiensly by those who
joined in the evenings entertain*
mVnt. Delicious refreshments were
served at 12 m.
Why are not the blinds to the
windows of the Presbyterian church
re-placed ? It is true, it was neces
sary to remove them from the build
ing to paint tlicm, but now that the
work has been done, why not re
place Ihem? It would add very
milch to the appearance of tlie build
The Pennsylvania State League of
Republican Clubs will hold a con
vention at Ilarrisburg on the 25th
of Septeihber. This is an organiza
tion which has done i'nucli to bring
the young men of the party into
campaign work ol' a useful character,
and the convention will have a good
effect on them In various ways.
011 Monday we sent tweii'ty-two of
our subscribers bills of there indebt
edness to us for subscription, which
aggregated $113,00. Those who do
not respond at once will hear frorii
us again. \Ve Must haVe that which
belongs to us', in order to pay our
honest debts'. We request that you
give this matthr yoilr prompt at
We acknowledge the receipt of a
coinp., to tli'e Sullivan county Fair
2, 3 ami 4tli, of Oct. This presenta
tion strikes us a little unusual as
we have not heretofore been in tlie
habit ot receiving the like. We
believe this is the second one re
ceived by us. Editor Newell, the
presenter, will please accept our
The road between this pla':e and
Dushore is condemned by all. It
is expected that supervisors in both
Lal'oVte and Cherry twps., will be
returiifeil at next term of court.
Judge Sittser will be compelled to
pass over this substitute of a road
011 his way to the county seat to
attend couH and will he a good J
witness for the prosecutors.
The boiler in Oodcharles t'o's!
nail Factory, Towanda, Pa., explod
ed 011 Tuesday afternoon and killed
live men and fatally injured two
others who will probably die. Four
otheis were.injured but not fatally.
Those killed were : Richard .ickley,
Sanford Smith, John Boeutwiek,
Isaac Bantl'ord and Guy Hceuian.
J. Ryder and Geoi Seebick will prob
ably die. T|ie cause of the explosion
'is supposed to have beeil low water
in the boiler.
The yoting and old people of La-
Porte, will give a basket picnic in the
park by the Meylert Mansion on
this (Tursitay) afternoon; and in the
evening will enjdy a dance ?i* the
brick Mansion. Judge Ingham,
owner of the building has kindly
given his consent Of the use t the
house and the party of the season
is contemplated by all. Tie lawn
and verandas will be lighted by
Japanese lanterns. Prof. It. J. Me-
Ilenrv of Dushore will furnish
music for the occasion.
T. J. Keeler, contractor for build
ing the scho'bl house at this place,
has Begun the excavation lor the
foundation. Owing to a scarcity of
dry lumber at the LaPorte saw mill
the erection of the building has been
postponed until next spring. The
foundation will be laid several feet l
high , similar to that of tlie new coun
ty building and will require some
time to complete it. We are Mi omised
that when the building is co. dieted
it will be by far the handsonleSv •ncl
best equipped school building in the
A 8 post master we draw the line
on "licking" everVbodys stamps.
The Government never intended that
one man in a community should be
forced to such unkindly and unlim
ited treatment. During the Demo
cratic administration it might have
worked in some localities as it is re
peat. :!y said that Democrats have
more tongue to the square inch than
any other denomination in existence.
This we imagine would strike im
post master, Rutter, of Hughesville,
' right square in the mouth. No of
fense to home ex-oltteials.
The guests of the Mountain House j
drove Over to 'Fiester View' between '■
this place and Sonestown in a lum
ber \vagon on Friday and enjoyed a
picnic. They complained of the
jolt of the wagon being a trifle tire
soiiie. The city guests of LaPorte
are not as strong and health} - as
those who visit the 'Mere. It is a
common occurrence to see driving
into town a whole grist of Eagles-
Merc guests in lumber wagons that
would rattle the bones of a Sullivftn
county man so profusely that a phy
sician would necessarially have to be
called to replace them. Those 'Mere
guests evidently are 'dyed' young
but wc are willing to wager our hat
that tliey will not die young.
Labor Day Approaches.
The last session of the Legisla
ture set apart September the 2d as a
legal holiday, to be dedicated to
lalior, under the name of Labor Day.
Labor Day being a legal holiday in
this State, the banks will not open
for business, and consequently all
notes, drafts, bills, acceptances and
similar obligations maturing and
payable at banks on that day will be
clue on the previous business day.
As the holiday falls on Monday,
September 2d, the previous business
day will be Saturday, August 31st.
Descriptions of the hew postal
cards, which are soon to be issued
by the department, show that the
cards themselves will be beauties.
There will be three sizes when the
contracts have been filled. The
lirst of these will be much larger
than the one now in use and will be
the one used mainly by business
men. Its size will be sufficient to ad
mit of the printing of a business
card at the top and st ill allow plenty
of room for the message below. The
second Will be for brief notices and
the like. I'or the ladies, who arc
beginning to look much more favor
ably upon these mediums of com
munication, there will be a still
smaller one, liner in quality and
♦hore abthetic in appearance. The
old bull color gives way in the three
sizes to a whiter shade, which every
body w ill welcome.
TIIK Scm vi.KII.I. NAVY. —The cham
pionship of the Schuylkill Navy
which was so extensively advertised
in tliis section v! as decided 011 the
laki at KaglesMere Monday after
noon! The contestants were John
J. Parke, of the Vesper boat club,
Philadelphia, and Paul E.' flunekci,
of the 1011 a boat club, Philadelphia,
ituneker won by a boat length, tliis
t&ing the second race won by him.
The race Monday was to decide
the claim to the championship .of the
Schuylkill >avy. The libels at
Eagles Mere also put up a silver cup
foi the winner.
They appeared od the lake at 7
minutes of 4 o'clock, and the start
was made at 4 o'clock. The course
wa? to the end of the lake and re
turli, distance one and three-six
teenths of a mile. Parke took the
lead at first and forged ahead a lit
tle. Huneker slipped up and both
went up the like at great speed,
rowing thirty-two strokes per min
ute, Huneker taking Parke's water.
I'arke was compelled to sheer off a
little, but both reached the upper
flag together. Parke turned first,
Huneker taking a long turn to the
East. Coining back Parke took a
drop stroke, and Huneker forged
ahead and carte down the lake sever
al boat lengths ahead of him.
Parke spurted, but Ilunekcr's lerid
was too great anil he won by two
boat lengths. Time, 8 minutes and
39 2-5 seconds.
Tho race was viewed by a large
crowd of residents and Summer visi
tors, and the day was all that Could
be dfesired. 111 the evening a hop
was given at Hotel Eagles Mere
and the cup was presented to Hune
ker, by Prof. F. A. Soper of the
city College, Baltimore. The Judge
of the race was F. A. Soper; referee,
William Young; time keeper, Rob
ert McCormick.
S. S* Simmons Post, G. A. R.
Tab notice: Members of this Post
are requested and urged to be pres
ent at next Post meeting at La-
Porte, 011 Aug. 31st. 188' J.
Nordmont, Aug. 18th, 188' J.
JACKSON'S BLOCK : : Duskorc, Pa
LAWRENCE BROS. offer new furni-ture of .-ill kinds, at price which will
astonish the purchaser. HARDWOOD SCIT,S as cheap as softwood
suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything manufactured
from the best material by skilled workmen.
A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Embalming
when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend*
dance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage.
To the People of LaPorte,
have recently removed our stock of hardware to
TW ftuiJLDia,
known as "Biddle's block." We have increased our stock immensely
and have reduced our price to bottom,figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
~c cc"c o e S ocs c ooososocs cT~£r - '
z<oaoias o by o muljz,
WILL receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of good;;
kept in a first class hardware store. Rooting, Spouting, Job work
and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At
Cunningham & Cole, B "" h iTA2
tttt t t t t
Tu k best and cheapest coal in the market. T?
customers from—
T li E price is reduced at the breaker to
Q ve > KAI'KR
qi/uiccJ'VJ / 'ro\.
The State Lino & Sullivan R. R. Co 1. O. BLIGHT, Supt
J. S. HARRIGTON Proprietor:
Dushore, - - Pa
-1 u I :-= 1 EEtr
It will pay you before purchasing to call and examine my large stocij
of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me, to sell for small
profits. Cash customers Cab save a good percentage by buying goods of
me. Everything new neat and first class. My stock of French Kid
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price and in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
BOOTS &SESO3SS made to brdes?
If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing
jone on short notice.
t&* feaT DEALER IN'. "
Mens' Youths Boys' and Ohil
drens Cltohing
Cronin's New Block, Dushoe, Pa.
manufacture all kind-* of heavy and liorht Wagons at reasonable prices,
Have on hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom trices All
work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock.
iftvyn/r>rv. a ' FIUIH HOPS, HZMLOCK CUM anp
/TfirTslrX PINE BALSAM comainco
Spread on white muslin. 0 In
m AND RIUaBLC . jr m W
jJJMh-? I J Apply one no*
111 pßMkache, Slf.eacha, RheumatlMn,
f!' V N W j II II C KJdney Waaknaaa, Tender Lungm,
1/ _ ~ M ■ W M Sore Chest. Btur Kuaclea, flunk
/ SOLD IL X ■/ M . Pains, Crick. Bpralna, eto.
ft W I Itcmtsevesy sort of Pain, Ache, or Weakness
i 25 CT3. 112 and quickly, 100. ,
5 r??,* 1 - O0 LK\}<» fiffnature qf HOP PLASTER C 0.."
or mailed for price. 112 PnomirroAA. BOSTON. <"» Ute fmuine good*.