ÜBS RSPOBMJPO 1 LA PORTS, I'A. AUGUST, 10th, 18S9. LOCAL DEPARTMENT ' Sunday was a beautiful day. Blackberries are selling for five cents per quart. Protli. Walsh made Dushore a visit on Sunday last. September 15th, is the opening day for squirrel hunting. There arc ten city guests register ed at the Meylcrt cottage. Business is dull in this section, consequently news is scarce. I. Lamoreaux Esq., of LaPorte, is repairing his dwelling, on Main St. j Lake Mokoma is visited by from 10 to 50 guests, of Eagles Mere, daily. Mi 1 . J as. MeFarlane was transacting business in New York city, this! week. I Mrs. Sheriff Tripp and danghtei Fannie, arc vi'iting friends in J ami- j son Oily. The guests of the Mountain Ilouse enjoyed a picnic at Lewis' Lake on Tuesday. The Democratic State, convention will meet in Harrisburg on Wednes day September 4th. A state convention of Sunday school's will be held in Williamsportj on Oct. Bth and 9th and 10ih. Howard Lyon of Muncy, in com pany with a party of friends, were guests of the LaPorte Hotel, on Sun day. Mrs. B. F. Hill of Mansfield is a guest of her brother, John 11. Green of this place. Spontaneous combust ion is burn ing many barns throughout the country districts. Farmers look out for him. Miss May Watkins of Towanda and Mrs. Fowler of Monroeton, are visiting Judge Ingham and family, o 112 'LaPorte. Atty. 11. T. Down? accompanied by Wm. Kennedy a' di Jerry Ken nedy, all of LaPorte, made Jami son City a visit, on Tuesday. .Miss Clara Ballard of LaPorte, who has li' : ' ti attending school in 'Philadelphia for the past year, re turned homo on Saturday evening last. A pocket book maie of rattle snake hide, which is so repulsive to ladies that they won't touch i% is! 'having a large sale among married men. Robt. M Storinont and Miss Cora Karns and S. B. Karns and Miss Carrie Keeler, all of LaporCe were registered at Highland Lake on Suu-; day last. | Don't forget our special oifcr for; the REPUBLICAN and Philadelphia! \V eekly J J rcaa. We send the two papers for one year, to any address, for cii'y $1.50. ... A little child of A. Strom of La-j Porte, died of liooping cough on; Wednesday last, and was interred in Mountain Ash cemetery at thi ß place, on Ft i'lay. A full turn out of the Democratic ! Standing committee is expected to 1 be present at the meeting of the' same, on Saturday next, in the court House, LaPorte, Pa. A. A. Baker of LaPorte township' recently received an increase of pension from $4. per month, to sl2 a month. Tie also received back pay to the tune of $513.00. The work of painting the Presby terian church at this place, is pro- 1 gressing nicely. Mr. Aunniiller the | contractor expects to have it com- i pleted, in a few days. George Coolcy of LaPorte moved to LaPorte twp., in the vicinity of Nordmont, on Tuesday. He has been employed by \V. B. Snider to assist him in stocking logs, etc. The Sonestown P. O. S. of A., will hold an ice cream festival in the grove opposite the new school house in Sonestown on Saturday evening A ug. 24th, to which all arc cordially invited. The citizens 6f LaPorte are cordi ally invited to join with the com mittee on Friday Aug. 16tb 'B9 and assist in grading o!T the yard in front of the M E. church, at LaPorte. This is a worthy cause and all who coil should lend a helping hand. Guy M. Watkins, of this place, has been appointed to a collector ship in the Custom House at Phila delphia, under Collector Cooper.— 7'ij-wamla Republican. E. F. rubach and J. H. "Tonk in have purchased tiie interest of Philip and P. J. Tubach in the furniture business of Philip Tubach A* Sons, of Dushore.— Dushore lie view. The proprietors of the several hotels and cottages of our town should hand in for publication the names of new arrivals of summer guests registered at their respective quarters. The interest in ecal lands ol Geoi'ge A. Jessup, Cashier of the Defunct Seranton City Jiank, was sold on .Monday to the Delaware anil Hudson Canal Co. for the sum ot $109,000. The following are summer guests \ of Fairview Cottage, Chas. Tinkle-; pa ugh proprietor: Mr. F. P. Hans sens. Mr. Harry Foster, Miss Anna i Foster and Miss Emma Foster, all ] of Philadelphia. Dr. W. H. Bradley, who has for the past three years been business manager of the Weekly Philadelphia J'ress, was arrested last week for embezzlement of funds belonging to | the Pris Co., limited, lie is held: in SIO,OOO bail. The guests of the Mountain House enjoyed a quadrille in open air on Saturday evening. They oc cupied the large and commodious veranda of the Mountain House. They evidently enjoyed the pas:,time very much On Monday Aug. 19th, F. M. Crossley, proprietor of the stage route between Lal'oite and Nord mont will make two trips daily. He is employed by the Government, consequently the trip will continue for the future. A humorous and higly entertain ing lecture will be given in the Court Room, on Monday evening Sept. Kith, at 8 o'clock, by .Mr ; fully announced in these columns. The select school which was com menced in LaPorte on Monday morning under the supervision of Miss Watrous, is attended by 20 scholars. This number it is export will be increased at the roll call on Monday morning next. The following are new city arri vals of Maplewood Cottage, Mr. Win. Moylert proprietor: Mrs. L. 1> Carhcart Miss McDullee, Miss Laura Boice, Miss Frances Boice, Miss Jean Hutchinson, Miss Helen Aus tioe and Miss llockwood. The Massachusetts Prohibitionists will make no nominations this year. They have entire confidence iu the ability of the Republican party to deal with the restriction ofthe liquor traffic, and their action displays their good judgment. John Wananialcer says : ,l I spend £5,000 a week in advertising, and 1 pay a skillful man SI,OOO a month to do it for me. I make money b3 r it. Advertising is tlie leverage with which this store has been raised up. I do not see how any large and suc cessful retail business can Be done without liberal advertising. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stearns of \\ illiamsport who arc guests of the 'Mere, were among the numerous sight-seers to Lake Mokoma on Tuesday. Mr. Stevens was very much taken with the lake and pro nounced it very beautiful and at tractive. lie says he wiil purchase! a lot'and erect a cottage and occupy the same next summer. The people along the line of the W. & X. 1!., railroad will enjoy an excursion to Nordmont on Friday August 17th. It is said that many towns along the Reading will join in the pleasure trip and swell tue num-i ber very materially. The train will I start from Allenwood. The party will picnic in the Nordmont grove and in the afternoon all who can lind minus of transportation will visit Lake Mokoma. Murder nt Tunkhanriook. In a fight at Tunkhannock on tlie evening of Monday ug. 12th, .Joseph Phelps, of that place, killed William Rott, ot' I'll vans Falls, by striking him on the head with a monkey wrench. Both were intoxi- I caied. Phelps was arretted and [sent to Wyoming County prison. Our statement last week, thatj LaPorte twp., received two thou sand dollars taxes for the year 18S! 1 was not correct. This amount was paid said officials in 1888. Our inform ant was mistaken, and thus led us to error in the report. The L. V., engineer corps who have been engaged running lines in the vicinity of Lopez, for the past two weeks, returned to LaPorte on Monday last and will complete their survey up Elk Run. When this line is run it will complete their survey for the present in Sul-1 livan. The object of their sur vey is to procure a topographical map of this section of the country. An exchange says that the custom of publishing a 'card of thanks" for kindness shown to a family upon the death of a member is 110 longer con | sidered in good taste, and for ex- I cellent reasons. Persons assisting! I 111 caring for sick or deceased neigh-1 | bors are only doing what common | j humanity demands of them, and there reward will come when they 1 are obliged to accept like scrvi es. A boil 11 o'clock on Monday morn ing as a freight train 011 the Phila delphia and Erie Railroad was cros. j sing the river bridge at the lowcrend jof Williamsport, the span recently erected gave way and about eigh teen cars loaded with anthracite coal were precipitated nto the river.! Tiieengine succeeded in getting across safely. No one was seriously injur-, ed, although some of the trainmen Were reported to have been scratch ed and uised. Ex-Judge Cummin of William sport who was taken ill while per; forming the duties involved upon 1 j him as a number of tho State Com" I mission to look ait< 1 the interests of jihose who were alllicted in the j Johnstown flood, died 011 Sunday at 8:20 a. 111. lie was stationed at Cresson at the time of his death/ Deceased had been suffering l or j sonic weeks past with kidney troub-' , Its and it was that which called him jto hi- eternal rest. Interment took ' 1 j place on Tuesday at 4p. in.in the city of Williaif sport. A party of young and old people of Dushore ai)d LaPorte assembled! at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Colt, Jr., of LaPorfe 011 Monday evening Aug l.'itn. On this date falls the birth day of both Mr. and Mrs. Colt, and their friends adopted this plan by which to pay their re spects to the highly esteemed couple. , All kinds of amusements were par ticipated in, including dancing. Among the guests present were: (Jeo. (J. .1 acksoii, Mis-, Winnie Jack son, Miss Dexter, Tlios. Ervin anil wife, 11. .J. Mclienry, Dr. llerrinann and wife, Atty. .J. 11. Cronin, .Miss Mary Cronin, all of Dushore. Jlon. T. J. Ingliam and wife, Prof. P. W. Meylert, Miss Ettie O. Lauer, Miss Alma 1 auer, Dr. Murrclle and wile, Mrs. Ann Meylert, Mrs. J.L. Smyth, and Mr. Thos. K. Kennedy, all of LaPortc. Miss May A'at kins of Towanda and Mrs. Fowler of Mon-I roeton. The evening was highly enjoyed by ail present. The puzzel which was given by our Sonestown correspondent last week, has not been siflved to our knowledge, although "UIN of our blooded piol'essional citizens have given it a trial. We re-print the puzzel below and insist that a La l'orter be successful in giving its solution. Our correspondeiit will present three like puzzels to our readers and I lie one who succeeds tirst in obtaining the correct an swers to the same will bo presented with a silver drinking cup. l'l /.ZLK. 1 am composed of only twelve let-1 ters. My 10-11-4-5, grows from the! ground. My 2-1-4-9 is found about man! or beast. My t>-7-i-8 is of ufie to us all. My 12-3-4-4 is of value before it is mixed. My whole stands abovu all in the land we now live. Judge Terrell of Purvis Miss. | open the special term o( circuit court oil Monday morning and will, try the puglist-, Sullivan and Kil-j rain this week for fighting a puze; figiit on the s(»il of the.state ofi Mississippi. The case looks a*| though the puglists might be com-! polled to take a rest of a few months. ! ' The graded road to Lake Mokouni ' was completed on Saturday, and cai now be driven by the pleasure seek ers. The executive committee of St. John's church, beg to tender tlleir thanks to the ladies and citizens of LaPorte and vicinity, for their generosity and kindness in contribut ing to the festival lust 1- riday, also t< all friends who purchased tickets for the dance, and who in such man ner bestowed their kind contribu i tions to a worthy purpose. The total net proceeds above all ex penses, amounts to $83.00, which fund will be judiciously' expended for necessities required for the new church. «■*•- -# »■> —— Township and borough auditors in Pennsylvania are required by the law of 187 i to print, in a newspaper published in their respective locati -1 Lies, annual statements of tlio re j ceipts and expenditures ot the bor | ough councils, road commissioners, I supervisors, overseers, of the poor, 1 Mid school directors. 'J hoy :;iv also ! required .0 publish by "posting , hand-bills, either printed or written, in at least five public places within their respective townships or bor ! oughs, an itemized annual statement of the receipts and expenditures ol borough councils, road commission* i ers, sujervisois, overseers of the poor, and school directors for the year preceding the annual settle -1 incut of their respective districts." Episcopal Festival. The Episcopal fe tival which was given by the people of Li.l'orte on Friday evening !:>>t was without ex ceptions one of the most enjoyable ; occasions that liaj taken place at the . county seat for many a day. The ; invitation during the afternoon was attended by a large concourse of people ii'oiu many sections of the 1 county. Ihe tables were loaded with good things and ;,il partook of an enjoyable as well as a hearty meal. 111 the evening young and old assembled in the Hall for a good time. The Dushore Orchestra put in ;iii appearance at about S p. m., and at *:3O the giaiul march took place which was the commencement of the evening's exercise. The party was attended by over one hundred and fifty pleasure seekers; in short the Hall was filled to its utmost capacity. Among those present from abroad we notice 1 : E. V. Ingham and wife of Hotel Eagles Mere, Mrs. (J. K. Donahoe and wife of the Exchange Hotel, Duahore, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. j Spencer and tho Maben brothers all of riiorudale, John E. Gallagher, i Miss Seanlin and Miss Monk, all of! Dushore. Mrs. i». F. Ilill, of Mans-j lleld, Mrs. J. T. Brewster, of Wash j iiigten L). C. Miss Mclfee of Muncy \ alley ami tin- many city guests of; the several cottages )f oi.r town. The doings was a success both s«>» i ally and financially. H«-w a Do j aiii.l Cow VVoro Thrown Togeth* tr Near XA^illianispoPi.* A wonderful story of the recent Hood is related by a Willianisport lumberman. The other day a gang of men were at work on Burrows Island removing the logs an ' boa -ds. As they cleared away the debris they came upon a pile of logs in tlie Shape of a cone at least a dozen feet high. The logs were in such a symmetrical shape that it looked as though they well put together by human hand ;. The-eouo was hollow and as the men proceeded with their work of deinoiition they detected a siiuil which suggested that there was a dead animal close at hand Log after log was removed, when to their amazement they beheld a mas tiif dog. The animal wagged his tail and whined w hen he saw the men, and seemed gladened at the prospect of being liberated from prison. In another portion of the cone-shaped celi was the carcass of a cow. I'y some freak of the rushing waters the dog and cow \vt re caught in this pen on June 2, the cow beiiu crushed in the jam of logs. The canine was sleek and fat when liberated and looked none the worse for his two months imprisonment, lie has become greatly attached U the men on the island, and occasion ally takes a meal on the dead cov, Where the animal caiue f'oui is not known, and there will be no special ellort made to ascertain its forniei owner.- Ex. FURNITURE / UNDERTAKING. JACKSON'S BLOCK : Dushore, Pa. ____________________ L.YWRKNCE BROS. offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which will astonish the purchaser. HARDWOOD si;its as cheap as soitwooci suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. EVerything manufacturea from the best material by skilled workmen. I W IDM* EHTA KIIV €f A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in stock. Embalming when required. Elegant hearse (the finest in Sullivan county) lor attend dance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage. -Lawrence Bros. To the People of LaPorte, [FROM] Is atl &'!§ #i IVa I zjlz a Is yife ; ' V liaVe rocellt reiuovC( i olir stock of hardware to '"fail-) l)Hj. known as "Middle's Block." We have increased our stock immensely and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cmlially in vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need o r any thing in 0111 line. j: - - ~ ~ ~ [ORDERS t'j ST AEJU&]= wil l, receive our prompt attention. We carry in stock all kinds of goods kept in a first class hardware store. Roofing, Spouting, Job work and manufacturing of Tin a specialty. At •* 7 Cunningham & Cole, LOYAL SOCK COAL.® tttttttt 'I 11 k best and cheapest coal 31 the market. customers from— LAPORTE yscftln T 11 u price is reduced at the breaker to q v O KAPKII U TO?,'. 11.e State Line & Sullivan R. 11. Co I. (). Isi igut, Supt. J.T J) Q TT THE RED ffROHT BOOT ANJ SHOE STORE J. S. HARRIGTON Proprietor. Dushore, - - p a It will pay you before purchasing to v all and examine mv large of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell l'or small profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of me. E\erytliing new neat and first class. stock of Freuch hand turned goods are very fino and low in price. All good.-? guaranteed in price and in quality to be the best thatnny market can afford. BOOTS caSHQKS madq to order If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. Repairing done 011 short notice. "ASH PA1I) FOli HIDES PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW &c„ A# J. S. HARRINGTONS, DUSHORE, PA. june*4,S7 3? P TI'iNt'CEMT . kJ" tW DEALER IN \ • \ Mens' Youths Boys' and Chil drens Cltohing Uroniu's iTew Block, Dashoc, Pa. J. W. BALLARD" • : BLALKSMiTfe LAPOIiIE - _____ p A 112 manufacture all kinds of heavy and lirht wagons at. reasonable j.r»ces Have on hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom urices. All work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock. 11(JliSESHOEING A SPECIALTY 2&L n*. r _ FRESH HO*S, HEMLOCK GUM A*f> Vv* v V ;V V /T— PINE BALSAM COMBINED Spread on wlule mmOiu. Sldeacho, Rheumatism, tJ* k >| jg) fi [1 \ fl V Kidney Weakness, Tender laing-n, 9CLD W H K Bore Chost, Btlff Muscie», feuitkla EVE. R V VW H E N e £ It Crimea cvtxy not of Pain, Ache, or Weakness, p 25 CTS. 112 ' and quickl), too. SfOi-ISi.OO Isnk/OT ripnature HOP PLASTER CO., * or mailid lor price. PRornitTORS, B OSTON, <"»