Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 02, 1889, Image 3

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    LAPORTE, I'A. AUGUST, 2nd, 1889.
Choice cigars and tobacco at the
We placed eight 'new subscribers
on our list last week.
The apple crop will be sonic below
the average this year.
The riprappiug of the 'clam at
Lake Mokoma is about completed.
The Sonestown items were re
ceived to late for publication this
There is'no place like heme to the
man that can't get away for the
Attend the church festival on
Friday afHrnoon and evening,
August 9th.
Butter don't you know that you
make your readers tired v ;th your
'bosh' politics.
Philip Do: iter of Cherry twp., is
employed as blacksmith at the La
"Porte tannery.
The rain during the early part of
this week was not appreciated by
the haymakers.
A five hundred dollar team passed
'through town on Tuesday, euronte
for Eagles Mfore.
Hon. F. M. Dunham, Esq., of La-
Porte, Pa. was in town y'esterdity.—
Danville American.
John H. McGeeand wife ofM'uncy
Valley, wero callers at tli* county
seat on Friday last.
Laporte is represented by about
30 summer guests and many more
are expected this week.
Mountain huckleberries are
brought to La Porte in large quanti
fies and are delicious.
County Sup't. M. R. Black of j
Forksville, was registered at the
LaPorte Hotel, 0:1 Monday
James A. Gallagher of Merchant
grille N. J., Was visiting friends at
LaPorte, on Wednesday last.
Chas', Lanlon ofWaverly Recently
taoved to LaPorte and is occupying |
the Green licuse 011 Muncy St.
Two of our young gents are
quite frequently called to Du' hore.
The attraction there mug' be great.
A thunder shower passed over
this section on Tuesday at 6 a. ni
Tne streets were flooded with water.
Mi s. E. V. Ingham of Eagles Mere
spent several days at L'aporte visit
ing friends, the latter (part of last
F. W. Peale and Nelson Bennett"
both of Eagles Mere weie callers at
the REPUBLICAN office, on Wednes
Rev. Mr. Galloway wife and son
Willie, of Berwick, are spending a
few weeks of the heated season at
Mr. and Mrs. F. G Lauct and son
Roy of Rochester N. Y., and Miss
Maude Pealer of Muncy, are guests
of the Mountain House.
Williaifisport don't mean to he
hiore than a year behind the times*
Electric light will furiiish light for
pedestrians in that cit3 r shortly.
Gov. Beaver, of Pa., and Gov.
Hill, of N. Y., with their staff', will
be present at the Soldiers' Encamp
ment at Athens 011 Thursday, Ang.
A large percentage of the people
of LaPorte have taken boxes in the
new post office case and nearly all of
the business men have selected lock
Lawrence Lowry, constable of
lierniee was in town 011 Saturday
last transacting business. Mr. L.
is one of the best officials in the
Chas. Wing of LaPorte who has
teen visuing Buffalo and other
large*towns in N. Y. State for the
past, returned tome on Mon
day evening.
Tkere were six danqing parties in
the village of Dushore last
week. One each night during the
week. The young people of that
place evidently enjoy dancing.
The nsw P. O. caso at LaPorte
was put In use 011 Monday. It pre
sents a favorable appearance. The
old case which has been in service
at LaPorte ever sin<te 1847 will be
Sept as a relic.'
James and Reuben Wood of Ber
nice, were registered at the Loporte
Hotel, on Saturday. It is rumored
that Reuben will take to himself a
better half, in the very near future.
Enough ice wns secured to make
ice cream at the Stone Church in
Salem after the hail storm last week.
The hail stones were unusually
la'ge and did considerable damage
to crops.— Echo
Joseph Barrows of Philadelphia,
was visiting friends at this place last
week. He in company with his
wife who has been spending a few
weeks at Laporte, returned to the
city, on Monday last.
Mr. Underwood of New Albany,
we understand has sub-contracted
to carry the fciail from La Forte to
Eldredsville for the sum of $157.").
He will commence his new engage
ments to-day (Thursday) August,
The Williamaport <fc North Branch
railroad lias passed into the hands
of capitalists in the interest of the
Pennsylvania railroad. This will
insure the read a s'pfendid equip
ment—when it is put through.—
Canton Sentinel.
The Prohibitionists who think
that there will be a ''revolution" in
Pennsylvania this year, ought to'join
hards with the few Greenbackers
who are still sitting on their tomb
stone endeavoring to look cheerful
and feel hopefully.
The skating riiVk and a 1 ! the pr op
erty formerly owned by Capt. Myers
at Eagles Mere, will be sold by the
Sheritf on Saturday next as the prop
erty of W. H. Denslow. It is expect
ed that a large number of bidders
will be present.
Frrtrk Shaffer of Laporte township
while engaged in peeling baric on his
premises met with quite a severe ac
cident on Friday. He was trimming
a tree and caught his axe on a limb
bringing it down on hu head sever
ing a gash some two inches in length.
NofricE: —Those knowing them
selves indebted to the undersigned
are requested to call and settle the
same on or before tl'i'e Ist of Sept.
'B9, tl'us saving themselves cost and
trouble'.. DR. W. B. lint.
Cor. of Main and Beebhsts., Laporte.
We received two communications
from Shunk week too late for
publibation. We give the same this
week with dates corrected. The let
ters did not arrive here until Wed
nesday evening at which time oui
paper was made up and on the press.
One day earlier, if you please, boys.
STRAYED Cow; —Color red, three
or four years old. Came to my prem
ises on Wednesday July 24", 'B9. The
Owner can have the same by calling
on the undersigned and paying cost
of care and advertising!
, E. J. Stephens,
Davidson twp., July, 29, 'B9.
The "Garrigues Park" on the ex-
southerjily borders, of the
Borough of LaPorte, js being bid
I but in building lots. When complet
ed it will be one of Die .most at
tractive building plots in this vicini
ty i Mr. Garrigues will spare neither
time nor nwr.ey in making this a
beautiful plateau.
Some of the New York papers are
furious in their advocacy of holding
the great exposition of 1892 in that
city, and declare that their people
should raise two millions of dollars
to help the enterprise along. That's
[ the rub. New York always talks
| big, but fulls short when the money
is called for.
The political war in Berk's County
is still ragijig in the Democratic
camp over the nomination for Judge.
Ex-Congressman Ermentrout has
declared against the re-nomination
of Judge Hagenman in an open let
ter. Just now a Republican Evan
gelist might do good work in
The festival given by the ladies of
Laporte in thfc Odd Fellows Hall on
Saturday evening last for the benefit
ot the M. E. pastor, was a decided
success. The net proceeds of the
evening were $49. This amount,
owing to the short notice given to
the people of the affair, was much
better than was anticipated.
Mrs. Josephine wife of C. La Rue
Munson of Wiiliamsport, died in that
city on Friday evening last. Mrs.
MUnson was well known in the
fashionable circles of Eagles Mere,
having spent many summers at tliftt
resort. Mr. Munson has just erected
a handsome stone cottage at the
'Mere and expected to occupy the
■ same soon.
A. H. Marr of Eagles Mere will sell
his property at the 'Mere at publie
sale oil August Tth 'B9, which con
sists of a fine store building and sev
eral choice lo.ts on Eagles Mere ave.
The property is in a very desirable
location and will sell for a good price.
S. F. Colt, jr., of laporte has pur
chased a half interest in a job print
ing oflice of W. Y. Leader, of Phila
delphia, and took possess! of of the
same to-day (Thursday) Aug. Ist.
He will leave for the city on August
15th, where he will reside in the
; ' & s
fuiiurs. We wish Sam abundant suc
cess in his new investment.
The Democratic county Conven
tion will very likely be caned prev
ious to September Court in order to
give the candidates a 'chance to
work jp their ci-se with the voters
of the county in attendance at court-
Their work however will be fruitless
as will be proven by the result of
November election.
To build up a town people must
stick together l ; ke brick dust to a
bar of soap. There must be no
wrangling oi q.arreting or jealousies
among t hem. Property owners in
town must olfer inducements to
secure business, must advertise in
local papers, and above all things,
must not expect to make a fortune
in a year or two.
Atty. R. J. Thomson and Adam
Zano.r both of Bushore were in town
on Monday. They were on their
way to Muncy to transact business.
Mr. Z'iner was 1111 fortunately taken
sick while at the county seat
and tliey Vcre obliged to postpone
their trip farther than Lapcrte. They
returned to Dusho're during the af
ternoon of Monday.
We are pleased to announce that
the ftev. S. P. *velly, D. M., will
hold di vine services, in the new Epis
copal church at this place on Sunday
'evening, Aug. 4lh, 'BO, at '<:4s p. in.,
at which time it is expected to be
definitely known 011 what c'ate the
Bishop of the Piocese can be present
to consecrate this fine new bhurch.
Everybody should attend.
FESTIVAL ANT, D^NCK. —The ladies
and citizens of LaPorte will hold an
Ice Creahi Festival in th? rooms
beneath the Odd Fellow's Hall, on
Friday afiehioon and evening,
August 9th, 1889. Commencing at
3 o'clock. Dancing will commence
in the Hall, at 8 o'clock. Best of
will be in attendance. Pro
ceeds will be applied to the fund
of the New Episcopal church.
It in boldly rumored in many sec
tions of the coimty that John Utz
who is asking the nomination of the
Democrat ic party for the otticc of
Sheriff, is a Mugwump and is not
entitled to the nomination at their
hands. in the gift of the De-
However, wheie dog eat
dog and the result can net be pre
dicted. Go in Lemons.
Contractor Watrous expects to
complete that part of the grading
of the Lake Mokoma road in the
borouch of LaPo te this week. He
will then make the needed repair*
on the Mokoma side w'ien it will be
turned over to the town council and
the Directors of the Mokoma Land
Co., for completion. Mr. Watrous
has done an excellent job and their
is no doubt but that the proper
officials will accept the same without
a murmur.
Governor Fitz Hugh Lee, of Vir
ginia, expresses great confidence in
the ability of the Democrats to c.irry
the State in November, notwith
standing the signing of':he treaty o'
peace in the Republican party. Put
as the Democrats could only carry
it by 1,500 majority last year, at a
time when they were well organized,
and wiien the Republicans were car
rying on a family quarrel, it is not
easy to see the grounds on which
Governor Lee bases his confidence.
The truth is that ne and the other
Democratic leaders liuve been disap
pointed and alarmed by the disposi
tion of the Republican leaders to
come together, and they know that
if they are obliged to confront a
united Republican party this year
the chances will be against them.
At least this is the logic of the pres
ent situation when viewed in con
nection with the figures of the
tion of 1888, end Governor Lee
probably understands it as well as
BASE BALL, Bernice vs. Eagles Mere.
The base ball club visited
Eagles Mere and played the home
team a friendly game of ball on Sat
urday last. The game from the;
start was very entertaining and much
enthusiasm was shown by the by
standers for the success of both,
clubs. The guests of the 'Mere were,:
as in the past, very anxious for their;
boys to win and expressed their ap
preciation of a good piny by one of
the 'Mere boys, in a chorus that
would drownd the thunders of heav
en. We can perceive no weakness of
lung* in that neighborhood; invalids
there wc imagine are ailing about
their heads, and the chnnces pre they
never w : '' rscorer from 'ho attack,
the b-eezes of the 'Mere. .never can
restore that difficulty. Wo noticed
several .so called invalids tin tiie bail
ground who have bee n constant coin
ers to the Lake for the past years
and 110 change can be noticed in
their manners, thus proving that
they are beyonu relief.
The game was played between the
hours of 4 and P> o'clock and was a
continual wrangle from the coui
menceraent to the end. The Bernice
boys tcoV the lead from the first and
coiii inv \i so until the seventh inning
when the 'Mere boys scored seven
runs, three of which were scored on
a long hit bv Robert McCormick,
captain of the 'Mere team and a gen
tleman in every resneot. The result
of this inning put txie 'Merc boys one
score In the lead, 14 to 13. The
Her .'ce boys on the eighth inning
made o: - e score which made a tie but
owing to dis.-agreements between the
clubs refused to play out the game
which was as aIC uit decided 9. t0 0
by the Umpire in favor of tlje 'Mere.
John Em beck, Esq., of William
sport was selected as Umpire and
is entitled to much praise for the
honorable position he took in the
game. He tnay have made a few
errors but as a whole he was exceed
ingly lair.
It is possible that the Pennsylva
nia railroad company will abandon
its old route from Williainsport tp
Muncy, and by utilizing the bed ol
the canal for a tl'ack, avoid expen
sive bridging. This would give the
company a larger share of Muncy
business, us the canal route runs by
the town, whereas the present rail
road route i" nearly two miles dis
tant. A rumor has it that the Read
Ing railroad company, fearing that
this plan might lie putin operation
and there by injure its own business
at Muncy, engaged a party of sur
veyors to stake out a route flora
Williainsport to Elniira, with a view
of scaring the Pennsylvania. Wc
give both these rumors . for whai
they are worth. We are inclined to
the belief that tfce survey was made
with the serious intention of getting
an outlet to the lakes in Sullivan
co*inty.— Ex.
The owners of degs may read vita
profit the following synopsis of the
law in reference tc their animals :
If anybody is attacked ®n the high
way by a clog, thite person has a right
to kill the dog, and the owner can
be held accountable for any injury
by the animal. Even on ::c premi
ses of the owrer of the dog, should
a person be attacked and irj'.red af
ser endeavoring to protect himself,
the owner can be held responsible
for damagfes inflicted, providing it
can be shown tiiat the person so in
jured was in pursuit of business or
on a frier dly call. Tt a dog by bark
ing at passing horses or vehicles oc
casions any damage, its owner is lia
ble for the loss sustained.
Sealed proposals will be received
until August 7tli 'B9 at 2 o'clock p.
m., by the School Directors of La
porte borough for the building of a
School House in «-iifl Boro, accord
ing to pirns and specifications which
may .be seen at the oflice of James
McFarlane & Co. The proposals
should be directed to James McFar
lane, President of the Board.
By order of the School Directors.
July, 18, 'B9. W. C. MASON,
Secretary. 1
Millinery goods reduced below
cost. Miland straws 50e, each
formelv SIOO. Canton straws 25c.
formerly 75c.. Sun hats °5 25e.
.Misses 19c. At the millinery store
of Miss Ida J. Keeler, LaPorte Pa.
JACKSON'S BLOCK 1 : Dushore, Pa.
LAWKENCE BROS. offer new furni-ture of all kinds, at price which wi|l
astonish, the purchaser. HA KT) WOOD suits, as cheap as softwoof)
suits, could formerly be bought at Dushore. Everything manufactured
from tbe best; material bj r skilled workmen.
• A full line of caskets and coffins constantly in . stock. Embalming
when required. Elegant hearße (the finest in Sullivan county) ior attend
ance at funerals. We request a share of the patronage.
—Lawrence Bros.
To tlie People of LaPorte,
ieNiaiNiisAia;: :
have recently removed our stock of hardware to
Tjjgj IctUHB,
known as "Biddies Block. ' "We have increased our stock
and have reduced our price to bottom figures, and cordially in
vite our LaPorte friends to call when in need of any
thing in our line.
ooo o wo oo w cr» 0000 o o o o «wo o 'C*
receive our prompt ai Itntiuu. We carry in stock all kinds of gpoAa
kept in a first cl:v < hard .t are store. Roofing, Spouting, Job work
and manufacturing of lin a specialty. A',
Cunningham & Cole,
Ittt t t t t
TII E best and cheapest coal in the market. To
customers from—
THE price is reduced at tiebreaker to
iM' » * i.I 4 3 ( * \! •» .112
Tho State Line & Sullivan JR. R. Co I. 0. BLIGHT, Supi
'' ~ **™*u
r* r 'rr— '
J. S. HARRIGTdN Proprietor:
Dushore, - ~
- I : I: —: V | ='-= I =-:T:-: I I I I | :-= ) -
It will pay you before purchasing to call and.examine my large
of new and well selected goods. Large sales enables me to sell for
profits. Cash customers can save a good percentage by buying goods of
me. Everything new neat and first olass. My stock of French Ki<2
hand turned goods are very fine and low in price. All goods guaranteed
in price arid in quality to be the best that any market can afford.
BOOTS <S SHOES mads td onifeip
If you want a fine sewed boot or shoe try a sample pair. ltepairins
done on short notice.
•••>> ' '
9*2* t&~ OST DEALER IN
Mens' Youths Boys' and Ghil
drens Cltohing
Ciouiu's New Block. Dushoe, Pa.
I manufacture all ki ids of heavy n,nd light wagons at reasonable prices,
Have on hand several new wagons which I offer at bottom cr:'ces All
work guaranteed. Call and examine my stock.
. r . , ... • (-T »- 112,
Ik Bldeache, Hhenmrntlm,
t I'V N /■« 111 I Kidney Weakness, tutu lan,
r / ~ m ■ wm Bore Chest, stiff Muscles, tanks
/ SOLO ■ ■/ rn Pains, Crick. Sprains, etc.
EVIRVWHCSB ■ mr 0 Itcnreaertty sort of Pain, Ache, orWalMM^
5 ' 25 CTB. 112 and Quickly, too. r
S r P?.* l °° Look for lUmgurt of HOP PUABTCR Co.,* ,
I mailed for pnee. , J _t ■ PHQMIIITWW. BOSTON. S»l*gmuneg-*. J