Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 26, 1889, Image 4
Rye is the bread-grain of eastern and central Europe, and Russia alone produces many more bushels of this than the United States produces of wheat and rye together. Egypt employs 2500 convicts upon its public works at a very small cost to the country. When the plans of Dr. Crook shank, Director-General of Prisons, are completed, the time of 4000 other prison ers will be profitably employed. Everyone who takes the slightest in terest in natural history will be sorry to learn that the kangaroo is in danger of being extinguished. Its skin is so valuable that large numbers of young kangaroos are killed, and high authorities are of opinion thnt, unless the process is stopped, Australians will soon have seen the last specimen of this interesting animal. Bankruptcy in England ranks next to a high crime. If a member of Parliament lose his property and be adjudicated a bankrupt, he at once loses his seat in that august body. A mayor, alderman, coun cilor, guardian, overseer, member of school board, highway board, burial board, or select vestry, also forfeits his office if he prove so direlict in his busi ness affairs as to be unable to pay his debts. "Yankee talent is forging its way everywhere," boasts the Chicago Sun. "At the Paris Exposition it occupies a lofty place; yes, very lofty, especially in the shape of elevators on the Eilfel Tower. 1 he Parisians were unable to make an ele vator to mount the entire distance of this wonderful structure and were compelled to give the contract to an American firm with the stipulation that nothing but French material should be used in its construction." The Dixon (Cal.) Tribune does not be lieve the United States Fish Commis sioners have benefited California. It says they introduced the catfish, which have multiplied so fast and are so voracious that they have driven many other kinds of the best food fish out of the waters of the State. They intro duced carp, a species of fish that are a network of bones and tasteless and un palatable as sawdust, and these fish have multiplied until now the Sacramento and its tributaries and the adjacent marshes are literally alive with them. Some interesting statements regarding the extension of the area of cultivated lands in the United States are presented in a report of the statistician of the De partment of Agriculture. It appears that the area under the four principal arable crops—corn, wheat, oats and cotton— increased from 128,000,000 acres in 1879 to 159,000,000 acres in 1888. This rep resents an expansion in nine years of the area under those crops of 31,000,000 acres, or an extent of land more than equaling the entire area of the three northern New England States. According to the Washington Star General M. C. Meigs has suggested to the Commissioner of Pensions that 1 'the flags borne in battle by the soldiers of the United States and those captured by them in war be hung around the walls of the Pension Office building. He says also that the intent of all the acts of Congress regarding the captured flags is that they shall be displayed in some proper public place. Commissioner Tanner agrees with this suggestion, but is of the opinion that the roof of the Pension building, which leaks badly, should be mended before the battle flags are hung about the walls." The Rev. Dr. Agnew, of Philadelphia, was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Johnstown for ten years. He declares that danger has been apprehended from the bursting of the reservoir for twenty five years. About twenty years ago an alarm was given in the middle of the night, and - the inhabitants were all ready to fly to the mountains at a moment's no tice. The danger passed, however, and the town escaped. But it was a common thing for the streets to become filled with water from the river, and this fact helped maintain a fatal feeling of security, until the flood from above was actually heard roaring down the great gorge. At the recent Mormon conference George Q. Cannon read the statistics of the church. There are 12 apostles, 70 patriarchs, 3719 high priests, 11,805 elders, 2069 priests, 2292 teachers, 11,- 610 deacons, 81,899 families, 115,915 officers and members and 49,302 children under eight years of age; a total Mormon population of 153,911. The number of marriages for six months ending April 6, 1889, was 530; births, 3754; new members, 488; excommunications, 113. Many young men are leaving the Terri tory to take up land elsewhere. The saints, Cannon said, had been called to gether to build up Zion, and this scatter ing must be stop]>cd. An old actor, painting his face to look youthful, is '-making up" for lost time. THE NEXT CENSUS. MOMENTOUS TASK OF COi VTING THK PKOPIjE. It Will Require a Force of Over 40,- 000 Men and Cost $H,000,000 —Curious Facts In Rela tion to This Big Job. In a big room in the attic of the In terior Department at Washington is one of the most interesting collections in the possession of the Government, and yet there are not a hundred people in the city who know of its existence. In this room are thousands of leather bound books of all sizes, lettered on the backs, as the case may be, "First Census," "Second Census," etc. These books are the original returns made by the enume rators in taking every census from the year 1790, when the first census was takeu, down to 1880, the year of the last census. Prior to the year 1850 only the names of the heads of families were taken, but when the census of that year was col lected the namo of every individual in the United States was enumerated. This room consequently contains the name of every man, woman and child who has been born or who has lived in this coun try since the first day of June, 1850. I do not think many people know of this, and at some time it may be of the great est use to lawyers and others who are en gaged iu the search for missing heirs, and who want to ascertain whether a cer tain person was living at a particular time. Preparations are now well under way for the eleventh census, and the tre mendous amount of executive ability that is required of the Superintendent to start the machine cannot be appreciated by an outsider unless he has some practical knowledge of the task. The fact that there are to-day 15,000,- 000 more people in this country than there were in 1880 is in itself an assur ance that the work of the eleventh census will be much greater than was that of 1880. Another fact will also attest to the magnitude of tho eleventh census, and that is that it will be a centennial one,and therefore one of the greatest importance. It will also be the census of the greatest nation on earth, as neither in Russia nor in China, the most populous countries in the world, is a census of any importance ever taken. The first duties of the Superintendent arc to district the entire country, prepara tory to making a count, with a view of making a complete, satisfactory and ac curate enumeration of the population. Congress allows the Superintendent 175 supervisors, and besides these a good-sized army of assistants, numbering some 42,000 people all told, to assist him in the work. With the exception of the First Assistant Postmaster-General no officer of the Government has such a large force under his immediate direction as the Superintendent of the Census. This districting of the country is left entirely to the discretion of the Superin tendent, who may give an entire State— as, for instance, New York—to one supervisor, or he may divide one State among four, five or six supervisors, ac cording to the population, the territory to be covered and the general features of the country. Suitable men for the posi tion of supervisor have to be obtained, men who are thoroughly acquainted with the country for which they are to be held responsible. The duties of the supervisor are simi lar to those of the Superintendent, al though on a smaller scale, and are almost as multitudinous and varied. They have to redistrict their division and recom mend to the Superintendent for appoint ment suitable men, called enumerators, of which there will be about 40,000. In ISBO there were 32,000, and with an es timated increase of 15,000,000 in the population, it is very probable that fully 40,000 men will be required to take the rensus of 1890. These enumerators having been duly appointed by the supervisor receive a for midable book of instructions, consisting of thirty pages, and proceed to take the census. This book of instructions is pre pared by the office in Washington, and covers almost every case which is likely to arise when the enumerator is engaged in his arduous labors. Their duties com mence on June 1, 1890, and in cities have to end in fifteen days, and in the country within thirty days. Those who thiuk the duties of an enu" merator are easy, and who accept the place with that idea, will be doomed to disappointment. To give some idea of the various schedules which these enu merators have to carry around with them from house to house it is only necessary to tnention some of them: Schedule of population, schedule of agriculture, schedule of manufacturers, schedule of mortality and vital statistics, to say nothing of supplementary and special schedules relating to the deaf, blind, insane, criminals and indigent, manufacture*, bwks end every otheroou ceivable branch of business. An ad ditional schedule to those formulated ten years ago is a schedule relating to veteran soldies and sailors, their widows and children. Also as to the number of mulattoes, quadroons and octoroons to be found in the country. And in case Superintendent Porter decides not to col lect the statistics of recorded indebted ness of the country by special agents this information will also be collected by the enumerators. Should this not be done by the latter employes it will necessitate a personal visit by special agent to every county seat in the country. As there are nearly 3000 counties, this in itself will be an immense task. It is absolutely impossible to tell what the census will cost. An appropriation has been made of $6,400,000, but in all probability it will take fully $8,000,000 to complete the work. This is exclusive of printing, for which a special appro priation of $1,500,.000 is made, includ ing the printing of the volumes. The pay of enumerators consumes the largest' part of the appropriation. In 1880 it amounted to over $3,300,000, and this year it will probably reach over $4,000,- 000, especially as the population of the country will in 1890 be somewhere in the neighborhood of 05,000,000. — New York Press. Newspaper Men at Johnstown. A special despatch from Johnstown to the Washington Post gives an interesting description of the hardships of the news paper men who were sent to write up the flood. It says: "The correspondents were in a terrible condition. Some of them had started from their offices without a change of clothing, and had managed to buy a flan nel shirt or two and some footwear, in cluding the absolutely necessary rubber boots, on the way. Others had no extra coin, and were wearing the low cut shoes which they had in New York. One or two of them were so worn out that they turned dizzy and sick at the stomach when they attempted to write. But the work had to be done. Just south of the telegraph office stands a two-story frame building in a state of dilapidation. It is flanked on each side by a shed, and its lower story, with an earth floor, is used for the storage of fire bricks. The second story floor is full of great gaps, and the entire building is as draughty as a sieve and as dusty as a country road in a drought. The correspondents tooic pos session of the first floor, using the sheds as day outposts. Some old barrels were found inside. They were turned up on end, some boards were picked up out doors and laid on them, and seats were impro vised out of the fire bricks. Candles were borrowed from the telegraph men, who were hammering away at their in struments and turning pale at the pros pect, and the work of sending despatches began. "No man had assuaged his hunger. Not a man knew where he was to rest. All that the operators could take, and a great deal more, was filed, and the cor respondents began to think of themselves. Two tents, a colored cook and provisions had been sent up from Pittsburg for the operators. The tents were pitched on the side of the hill just over the telegraph "office," and the colored cook utilized the natural gas of a brick kliu just be hind them. The correspondents procured little or nothing to eat that night. Some of them plodded wearily across the Penn sylvania bridge and into the city, out of the Baltimore and Ohio tracks and into the car in which they had arrived. There tlicy slept, in all their clothing, in miser ably t ramped up positions on the seats. In the morning they had nothing to wash in but the polluted waters of the Cone maugh. Others, who had no claim on the car,moved to pity a night watchman who took them to a large barn in Cambria City. There they slept in the hayloft, to the tuneful piping of hundreds of mice, the snorting of horses and cattle, the nocturnal dancing of dissipated rats and the solemn rattle of cow chains. "In the morning all hands were out bright, and early sparring for food. The situation was desparate. There was no such thing in the place as a restaurant or a hotel; there was no such thing as a store. The few remaining houses were overcrowded with survivors who had lost all. They could get food by applying to the relief committee. The correspondents had no such privilege. They had plenty of money, but there was nothing for sale. They could not beg nor borrow, and they wouldn't steal. Finally they pre vailed upon a pretty Pennsylvania moun tain woman, with fair skin, gray eyes,and a delicious way of saying 'You 'un's,' to give them something to eat. She fried them some tough pork, gave them some bread, and made them some coffee with out milk and sugar. The first man that stayed his hunger was so glad that he gave her sl, and that become her upset price. It cost $1 togo in and look around after that." A "sandwich man,"in New York parlance, is a man who walks along the streets between two advertising signs, strapped mv his shoulder*. A Lucky Newspaper Man. Stories of the generosity of that most genial of Philadelphia philanthropists, Mr. George W. Childs, tho publisher of the ledger of that city, are so numerous that they are now, I must admit, rather lacking in novelty. The latest, however, which is a tale of how good fortune came through him to a Quaker City news paper man, is so charmingly character istic of the Ledger's owner that I am con strained to add it to the already long list. The young journalist upon whom the fates have smiled, Mr. Melville Phillips, one of the brightest of the bright writers on the Press, had been in dustriously at work for some time putting into shape the personal reminiscences of Mr. Childs, which appear in the current issue of LippincotVs Mtvjazine, and was thus called into close contact with the philanthropist on numerous occasions. Some time ago, it seems, Mr. Phillips bought at that beautiful Philadelphia suburb, Wayne, which was built by Mr. Childs, a model dwelling, paying S2OOO in cash therefor, and allowing the SSOOO balance togo on a mortgage. When he had finished his work on the article re ferred to he showed it to Mr. Childs, who thoroughly approved it, and asked him to take it to the editor of LippincotVs, who promptly accepted it, and pre sented him with a check for SIOOO in re turn. Highly elated, Mr. Phillips carried the news to the ledger office, and Mr. Childs, after rejoicing with him over his good fortune, remarked: "I have some thing else for you here!" Whereupon he opened a drawer of his desk and pre sented Mr. Phillips with a cancellation of the mortgage on his Wayne property.— Town Topics. An Apparatus for Burning Water. What may prove to be the most im portant invention of modern times, and one that will revolutionize the manu facturing industries and, in fact, all com merce, has been invented at Phillips, Wis., by Rev. M. Alley. Mr. Alley has studied thoroughly and exhaustively for the past ten years the subject of com bustion, in the attempt to invent an ap paratus to cause the consumption of smoke in large furnaces. Not succeed ing in that beyond a certain limit, he at last applied himself to the invention of a device to bring about the burning of water, which he has at last accomplished. The apparatus consists of a tank of water, which would be the boiler of a furnace, a pipe leading from the tank to the fire place, into the burner. The burner is very simple, being only a piece of gas pipe, varying in size according to the in tensity of the lire used and filled with scraps of iron or coils of wire. This burner lies over the lire, and steam pass ing through it is heated to such a high temperature that when it issues from the orifices in the pipe it is immediately trans formed into its component gases and burned, producing a heat many times greater than that of coal. The most im portant part of the invention is a valve which allows the water to enter the burner in quantities only sufficient to its needs. The fuel used is dimislied three fourths, and the heat produced increased many fold. One of these has been in use on a conomon cook stove in Phillips for several months, but not many outside of that locality have heard of it. A few days ago its operations were witnessed by Milwaukee capitalists, who were greatly excited about it, one remarking that it seems almost like witchcraft.— Chicago Herald. Queen Victoria's Genealogy. Sometimes we are puzzled to remember how tjueen Victoria came to inherit the throne of England. We remember that she was the daughter of the Duke of Kent, the niece of her immediate pre decessor on the throne. Here is a para graph for your scrap-book, giving the names of the lines of rulers through whom the simple-hearted daughter of the wise Duke and Duchess of Kent came to the English throne: "Queen Victoria is the niece of William IV., who was the brother of George IV., who was the son of George 111., who was the grandson of George 11., who was the son of George 1., who was the cousin of Anne, who was the sister in-law of William 111., who was the son in-law of James 11.. who was the brother of Charles 11., who was the son of Charles 1., who was the son of James 1., who was the cousin of Elizabeth, who was the sister of Mary, who was the sister of Edward VI., who was the son of Henry VIII., who was the son of Henry VII., who was the cousin of Richard 111., who was the uncle of Edward V., who was the son of Edward IV., who was the cousin of Henry VI., who was the son of Henry V., who was the son of Henry IV., who was the cousin of Richard 11., who was the grandson of Edward 111., who was the son of Richard 11., who was the son of Edward 1., who was tho son of Henry 111., who was the son of John, who was the brother of Richard 1., who was the son of Henry 11., who was the cousin of Stephen, who was the cousin of Henry 1., who was the brother of William Rufus, who was the son of William the Con queror, 800 years ago." Idaho shows evidence of rapid develop ment. In 1880 it cast 7000 votes for delegate, and in 1888 more than 16,000. In the same time it increased its annual expenditures for public schools from S9OOO to $140,000. Of its 55,000,000 acres of land 25,000,000 are grazing and 15,000,000 agricultural lands. Why They Lead. Dr. Plorce's medicines outsell all others, be cause of their possessing such superior cura tive properties as to warrant their manufac turers In supplying tbrm to the people (as they are doing through all druggists) on such condi tions a< no other medicines are sold under, vis: that they shall either benefit or cure the pa tient, or all money paid for them will b* re funded. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is specilic for catarrh iu the head and all bron chial, throat and lung diseases, if taken in I ttme and given a fair trial. Money will be re funded if it does not benefit or cure. Dr. Pierce's Pellets—gently laxative or ac tively cathartic according to dose. 25 cents. i THE Congressional Library contains 615.781 volumes and 200,000 pamphlets, and is the largest collection of books in the United States. ______________ Forced to Leave Home. Over 60 people were forced to leave their homes yesterday to call for a frtA trial pack age of Lane's Family Medicine. If your bloo i is bad, your liver and kidneys out of order. If you are constipated and have headache and an unsightly complexion, don't fall to call on any druggist to-day for a /re« sample of this grand remedy. The lodiua praise it. Everyone likes it. Large-size package 50 cents. s Thkhk are ninety-seven cotton mills in In dia, which consumed 283 million pounds of cotton last year. For 24 vcars Dobbins's Electric Soap ha been imitated by unscrupulous soap makers Wttyl Hecauselt is bent of all ami has an im mense sale. Bo sure and get DobMrw'* and Laic no other. Your grocer has it, or will get it. Theue are 96,O"0,000 acres in the two Dako tas. Only 7,000,000 are under cultivation. Orcg.ii, the Puradi.e .112 Farmers. Mild, equable climate, certain and abundant crops. Best fruit, grain, grass and stock coun try in the world. Full Information free. Ad dress Oregon lin'igrat'n Board, Portland, Ore. A 10c. smoke for sc—"Tansill's Punch." True Economy It Is true rcon >my to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla, for •100 Doses One Dollar" Is original with and true •only of this popular medicine. If you wish to prove this, buy a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and measure Its contents. You will find It to hold 100 teas poo u f uls. Now read the directions, and you will find that the average dose for persons of different ages Is less than a teaspoonful. This Is certainly con clusive evidence of the peculiar strength and econ omy of Hood's Sarsaparllla. ••I took Hood's Sarsaparllla for loss of appetite, - dyspepsia, and general languor. It did me a vast Amount of good, and I have no hesitancy in recom mending it."—J. W. Willekord, Qulncy, 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. |t; six for »5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar N Y N U—27 IF YOU WISH A , , _ uooo sm k msut REVOLVER 1 Vgi^>l purchase one of the cele brated SMITH & WESSON i J armp. The finest small arms /( / ever manufactured and the V\ 1/ )) ft rat choice of all experts. Manufactured in calibres 32,5 sand 44-100. Sin gle or double action. Safety Hamtnerleas and Target models. Constructed entirely of beat q a Ki lty wrnujiht HI cel. carefully inspected for work manship and stock, they are unrivaled for flnlnh* durability and accuracy. Do not be deceived by cheap malleable cuef-iron iruitntiona which are often sold for the genuine article and are not onlv unreliable, but dangerous. The SMITH fc WESSON Revolvers are ail stamprd upon the bar rels with firm's name, address and dates of patents and are aimrnnteed perfect in t very detaiL In sist upon having the genuine article, and if vour dealer cannit supply you an order n»nt to address below will reoeive prompt and careful attention. Deacrutivecatalojrue ani prices furnished upon ap plicHton. SMITH & WESSON, | tyMention this paper. Springfield, ftlaa*. # DUTCH ER'S FLY KILLER Makes a clean sweep. Every sheet will kill a quart of flies. Stops buzzing around ears, diving at eyes, tickling your nose, skips hard words and se cures peace at trifling expense. Send *23 cents for 5 sheets to F. DUTCHER, St. Albans, Vt. EEM7PH AXLE rllMl,ClicDc«oc BEST IN THE WORLD Wit tnWfc tJT Uet th® Genuine. Cold Everywhere. OM S IMjj gj|js out pain, Atlaa&a, Ua. OSAGO (JWi i Whitehall St tip toSSu day. Samples worth 9*1. 15 Free. Lines not under horses'feet. Write Brew* Vw ster Safety Rein Holder Co., Holly,Mich Large MARRIAGE PAPER MZ XV I j JLj and particulars of our association that pays ovt;r Si .000 AT MAKRIAUE. Ad dress THE CORRESPONDENT, Toledo, Ohio. I BHM C STUDY. Book-keeping, Business Forms pawMC Penmanship. Aritlimntic, Short-hand, etc HI thoroughly taught by MAIL. Circular* tree .Bryant*a College* 437 Main Bt.. Buffalo, K. Y BYES Sold »t Dauoaiani. • DR. KOK!) LEU'S FAVORITE COLIC MIXTURE for all domestic animals, will cure out of every 100 eases of colic, whether flat ulent or spasmodic. Rarely more than lor 2 doses necessary. It does not con stipate, rather acts as ala native and Is entirely harmless. After 20 years of trial In more than 8000 cases, our Kuarantee Is worth something. Colic mast »• treated promptly. Expend a few cents nnd you have a cure on hand, ready when needed, and perhaps save a valuable horse. If not at your druggist s, en close SO cents for sample bottle, sent prepaid. Address DR. KOEIILEIt & CO., Bethleliem, l'a. I use Dr. Koehlcr's "Favorite Colic I Wecheerfully recommend Dr. Koehlrra Mixture" right along with success. It is I "Favorite Colic Mixture." Would not be the best colic medicine I have ever seen. I without it as long as tc* have horses. ISAAC MOOG, Horse Dealer, ISAAC MOSES <£ BRO.. Brooklyn, New York. | Sale and Exchange Statues, Easton, Ftt. W. L. DOUGLAS A \ $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. ' <-MSR Beat In the world. Examine hi. ■JtSftst 85. OO GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. Mas' s«.oo HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. ftW 53.00 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE, MAST;..-»V I * EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. »?%--«"■ 'Ol 1 SB.SS WORKING MAN'S SHOE. Vlt; 5 - ' I 82.00 GOOD- WEAK SHOE. j 82.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. BK?". All ma le In Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS jm. ®3 & «a SHOES LADIES. \ Be.t Material. Rett Style. Be«t Flttinc. W. L. Dourla.' 53.09 Shoe, shown In cut below, to . . . made of line Calf, on lasts modelled for the foot: smooth c:*Ky. - / lnalde a> hand-bewed shoes, and no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet. Every pair warranted. « a ITimniT W. L. DOUGLAS' name and the price are stamped on A rO , £ p ft ll'S'lf IW the bottom of all Shoes adrerilsed by him before Icarln* his Vlk SJ i lull fac tory: this I'roterts the wearers acMyst I.l*l, prices and naHM inferior aoods If your dealer offers you shoes without .L. DOIGLAS name 1 and rrlcl iUroned on them, and says they arc his shoes, or just ui (rood, do not be I U9 decefred^ Dealers make more profit on unknown slioes that are not war- 112 Hxl ranted bv anvhody : therefore do not be Induced to buy shoes that have no reputa- >/Q "o. Buy Shlytios. that hare W. *--»°UaLAS'name ami the price «*£! stamped on the bottom, and you are sure to get full ror jour money. flffif uj m Thousands of are saved annually In this country by the wearers of S£E m/* vou'the kind or style you want, send your order JF direct to til» factory, with the Price enclose!. Md they he wot you l>y jr return mall, postage free: consequently, no matter where you lt\ e, you JT ew" ™wafs k?t W'L. DOUGLAS' Be sure and state si and width you wear; If not sure, send for an order blank mX giving full Instructions how to get a perfect fit. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. OH FOR STRAINS AND SPRAINS. . NEW AND STRONG CASES. A Surprise. Boitn, ■>•■., Jut it, KM. \ I with to latere r«« of w>»t I imiMct aost wee derfsj. Teeterdoyl eproljed my *b*loo*» mt •torn ul st night eoald omly eto, os »T bat wltk iruUrt pits, got • bottle of St.,J*eoto Oil u« applied It freely; to-loy I as sbost artanuu M s»»sl vltkost feoUaf say lneonTeslesje. I. A. OAYMID. , Strained Ankle. Cleveland, 0., JvaoM, WW. Wai la bod with stralaod anklo; uo4 completely cured by St. Jacobs Oil. Wo r»Hra of pain. L. HAHUET. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALER.'. THE CHARLEB A. VOGELEB CO.. ■dltlmdW, Ml I The BMt «oi» tain oaf. ■ Pain REMEDY In the warldi lnataatly atopa the most excrnciatinf patna, truly the fteat CON <tV KMK OF PAIlf, am< J Hat* dene mere I good then any J known remedy. For SPRAIWS, BKUIHES, BACKACHE, PAIN In the CHEST or IIDES. HEAB ACHE, TOOTHACHE, or any other EX TERNAL PAIN, at few "* like mafic, eaaalaf the PAIN to IM ITANTLYSTOP. For CONGESTIONS,INFLAMMATIONS, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COLD In the CHEST. RHEUMATISM, »EO RALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, FAIRS In the Small of the Back, etc., more ex tended, longer continue* and repeated applications are necessary to eeoct a "ah INTERNAL PAINS |ia the Bewols •r Stomach), CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOU* STOMACH. NAUSEA, VOMITI WO, HEARTBURN, DIARRHfEA, COLIC, FLATULENCY, FAINTING SPELLS, are relieved instantly and QUICKLY CURED by taking internally as dlreeV etl. Sold by Dragglsts. Price, 50c. DADWAY'O n PILLS o THE Great Liver & Stomacli Remedy For the cure of all disorders of the STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS, KID NEYS, BLADDER, NERVOUS DISEAS ES, LOSS of APPETITE. HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, COSTIVEWESS, INDI GESTION, BILIOUSNESS, FEVER, INFLAMMATION of the BOWELS,PILES and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Parely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or DELETER IOUS DRUGS. PERFECT DIGESTION will be ac complished by taking RAD WAV® PILLS. By so doing DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, FOUL. STOMACH, BILIOUSNESS, will lie sv«ld«d, »ni the food that is eaten contribate Itm nourishing properties for the support of the natural waste of the body. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price »Se. per box, or, on receipt of price, will ho sent by mall. 5 boxes for One Dollar. RAD WAY St CO., 33 Warren St.,W. Y, C7R TO &250 A MONTH can be made working V' w for us. Ageut* preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. } Spare m oinents may be profitably employed also. A few va eancles in towns and cities. B. F. JOHN RON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va. N. B.— I'lsate tin tc age find businr&t experience. Nevei mind nbou t fending stamp/or reply. B. F. J. <t Co. SBBEBEEEBHaIi CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. UfO Fsl In time. Sold by druggists. el P~ ENBIONSIMiMK Utssrter* rcers t.*. A. n. XeCORBICK A *O.T», Uaciaaali. A Wub!n;Ua, U. C. MsoUoa ibu P*pMW In i mnyiTi new ' 11l II 1 U TREATMENT. UlilluijuAßALTlO, «uKviwt»wMßaßPPMi Ah applied at the Hollnnd Medical and Cancer Institute, Buffalo, S. V., removes Cancer without pain or use of knife. Scores of patients speak in unqualified terms of praise of the success of this treatment. Write for circular. HOLLAND MKDK'INECO., Buffalo, N. Y. . u H After ALL others HR I IB rRll » consult Br. Lobb, 3 ™ 4 - Twenty years' continuous Dractlce In the treat ment and* cure of the uwful effects °f fsrly vice, destroying both mind and body. Medicine and treatment for one month. Five Dollars, sent securely sealed from observation to any address, llook on Special Diseases free. JR 1 prescribe asd fully en. dorse Big C* as the omly AKBr Qw specific for the certain enra JRjtSWI TO & daTS.Xsi Of this disease. sot m| O. H. LNiiKAHAM,M. D., ffiPa cams Strtstsw. Amsterdam, N. Y. «rtosir»T«*» h » ve « ol<l fc&hiu OnlNl 30 i -*,7, n "h?b." < 'o( U .su" xSgflX cinclanstlsHS* faction. D. K. DTCHF k CO.. M Cblcsce, lir. Sold by DrsrcUt^